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Monday, October 02, 2023

Links - 2nd October 2023 (1 - General Wokeness)

What they really mean when they say ‘dog whistle’ - "Not for the first time, the government is being accused of engaging in racist ‘dog whistle’ politics. And also not for the first time, the charge is complete nonsense and reveals far more about the fetid imaginations of the government’s critics than it does about the government itself.  You might remember that, in December, MPs and commentators were up in arms after a government source said Angela Merkel would rather make the UK ‘crawl across broken glass’ than give concessions in the Brexit negotiations. This, they screeched, was a clear invocation of Kristallnacht, which it quite clearly wasn’t.  Now, in the seemingly never-ending row over knee-taking in football, we might just have an even more absurd example. This is the idea that Boris Johnson, in failing to condemn those fans who booed footballers taking the knee, and Priti Patel, who criticised the BLM-inspired pose as ‘gesture politics’ at the start of the European Championship, are responsible for the racist online abuse suffered by black players in the wake of England’s loss in the final on Sunday... There is a lot of nonsense to unpack here. First on the agenda is this idea that Priti Patel, our Indian-heritage home secretary, is beloved by the nation’s racists, that the feeling is apparently mutual, and that she is always on the lookout for opportunities to nod and wink at them. Once again Patel seems to have been denied her ethnic-minority identity because she happens to dissent from the identitarian view of things.  Then there’s the suggestion that criticising a particular ‘anti-racist’ stunt or tactic equates to siding with racism – as if there is no debate to be had about how best to stand up to prejudice, and no possibility that some methods are more meaningful and less divisive than others. This is a particularly slippery argument given much of what passes for ‘anti-racist’ activism today is actually just racial identity politics, pushing a bleak, racialised agenda.  But let’s dwell for a moment on that phrase ‘dog whistle’, because it reminds us of the most acceptable prejudice in elite circles today – that is, hatred of the working class"

Meme - "COLORADO SCHOOLS: Gadsden Flag *No*
COLORADO SCHOOLS: Full Body Furry Suits *Yes*"
Liberals will still pretend that furries in schools is fake news despite proof it's happening

*Sees backpack with Based, Gadsden Flag, Doge, Bitcoin badges*
For reference, since liberals will definitely try to gaslight and pretend this never happened

Dean of Chicago school says students shown dildos, butt plugs while teaching about queer sex - "The dean of an elite school in Chicago has been caught on video openly discussing how students as young as 14 were handed dildos and butt plugs during 'comprehensive' sex education classes.    In the video, Joseph Bruno, 41, told an undercover reporter from the conservative news website Project Veritas that the school aims to teach students at the Francis W. Parker School all about queer sexual intercourse.   'During Pride — we do a Pride Week every year – I had like our LGBTQ+ Health Center come in. They were passing around butt-plugs and dildos to my students — talking about queer sex, using lube versus using spit,' Bruno says. He also disclosed that a drag queen had been invited into the classroom, who took photos with the children and handed out cookies... 'The kids are just playing with 'em, looking at 'em… They're like, 'How does this butt-plug work? How do we do – like, how does this work?' That's a really cool part of my job,' he says.   When the man filming asks if everyone is 'cool' with that and if he has received any complaints, Bruno simply responds no.   And when the Project Veritas reporter goes on to ask if parents - who pay fees of $40,000 to send their children to the school - might be worried if they found out, he says: 'No, it's queer sex.'... The Project Veritas member follows up by saying: 'You have so much freedom, so much wiggle room - to which Bruno responds: 'So much freedom. So much money to do stuff.'   When asked if the trustees were okay with it, Bruno claimed he hadn't told other school administrators about the sexual objects being shown to the students.   'They don't know,' Bruno states. 'I wouldn't even like run it by them. Like, why would I run it by them? They would be like, "Oh my God, that's wonderful,"' he continues.   In a statement, Francis W. Parker officials told DailyMail.com they are committed to providing high school students with a comprehensive and 'LGBTQ+ affirming' education... They continued, stating that Project Veritas had tricked Bruno into speaking.   Officials said Bruno believed he was describing the school's approach to sex education with another educator... 'Veritas deceptively edited the video with malicious intent'"
Private school defends dean who introduced class to sex toys and 'queer sex' (ABC 4 News mirror, since liberals believe if the Daily Mail says the earth is round, that means it's flat)
Of course, the liberal response is to celebrate it, then shoot the messenger and blame Project Veritas for publishing the video, and pretend that "deceptive editing" could amount to this. Literally "this is not happening, and it's good that it is"

Will weapon detectors at Salt Lake high schools disproportionally affect students of color? - "Salt Lake City high schools will begin staffing weapon detectors after fall break. But some parents and a few Salt Lake City School Board members worry the technology may have an outsized impact on students of color... "The only reason that a student will be stopped is if the machine beeps — that is independent of what the student looks like, who they are, what gender, what race or ethnicity. In terms of students being targeted more from a particular demographic over another, that won't happen because it's an objective beep machine that'll be the cause for a stop of any student," she said.  "The goal is to make sure that we're using every tool in our arsenal to keep students safe, but can't come at the cost of making them feel unsafe in other ways, of course. So we're we're taking that into account."... "I oppose it because the data shows that this type of hardening offers virtually zero protection against school-based violence," Anderson said during a meeting approving the contract. "But what I'm even more worried about is the body of public health and police deescalation research that shows unsworn officers — like those in the contract with PalAmerica — risk the escalation of violence, specifically for people of color."  PalAmerican declined to answer questions about how its security officers are trained and whether that training includes topics like implicit bias. However, the firm's website claims its security training is typically two to three times longer and more extensive than competitors and that officers receive education- and minor-specific training.  "Our students are already under so much stress," Baayd said. "Walking through a weapon detector is emotionally exhausting. I am speaking from my own experiences. I walk through TSA and I have to prepare myself two days in advance and worry if that weapon detector or that scanner goes off. ... And also I'm thinking about the minority kids who come from the refugee world, from places of war and then they would have to walk in through this and if it beeps, it's a nightmare. I don't know how to explain it to you.""
Those convicted for murder are disproportionately people of colour. Therefore making murder illegal is racist. Murder should be decriminalised

We're Not the Thought Police - "The audio records the visit by a couple of British police officers to the home of a British subject who had apparently been reported to the authorities for posting anti-Islam comments on social media. The householder in question greeted the cops with surprising – perhaps nervous? – cheeriness, and for a half hour he earnestly, willingly, and good-humoredly answered their indefensibly intrusive and insulting questions about his opinions. Among them: What were his political beliefs? What did he think of Islam? Did he hate Muslims? Was he a racist? Was he a Nazi?  It quickly became clear that this man – whose name we never learn, unless I missed something – is anything but a racist or Nazi or hater of any kind. On the contrary, he is a thoughtful citizen who, after considerable study, has come to some sensible conclusions about Islam... even as he spelled out these indisputable truths about Islam, the police officers responded as if he was imagining it all. They suggested that he might want to sit down for a conversation with an Islamic scholar, who could clear up what they seemed determined to view as his misunderstandings. They insisted, moreover, that they were not the Thought Police – even though there is no other word for police officers who show up at the home of an innocent citizen to interrogate him about his personal opinions.  A couple of reader comments on the Jihad Watch audio suggested it was fake, on the grounds that police officers in a free country would surely never do such a thing. Wrong. For me, the audio brought back vivid memories – for I’ve had my own very similar encounter with European policemen. My experience was slightly different in that instead of being visited at home, I was summoned to a local police station in Norway, where I live. But the encounter itself, which took place in January 2014, was strikingly similar to the one recorded on the Jihad Watch audio. My interrogators even assured me, as their British colleagues assured the fellow in the audio, that they were not the Thought Police. When I heard that statement on the audio, I couldn’t help wondering: are cops around Europe, even in different countries, working off of the same script?    Immediately after returning home from my visit to the police station back in January 2014, I sat down and typed up everything I could remember about the exchange I’d had with my new uniformed friends. The conversation had been in Norwegian, and I wrote it out in Norwegian. I sent copies to a few friends of mine, including Hans Rustad, editor of the vitally important Norwegian website document.no, who, in response, told me that he had heard similar, and equally disturbing, accounts from other people living in Norway. He actually took a copy of my testimony with him to a meeting at the Norwegian Ministry of Justice, where he confronted officials with this example of thoroughly inappropriate police conduct...   In a slightly irritated tone, one of the two men reminded me that during the first hours after the government buildings in Oslo were bombed, that is before Breivik was identified and before his motives were known, many people in Oslo had assumed that the city was under attack by Muslim terrorists, and that this had resulted in people assaulting Muslims in the streets. [Note: I have never seen any documentation of this claim.] One of PST’s concerns, he said, was that if a Norwegian Muslim committed a murder like the horrible killing of Lee Rigby in London, there would be a violent anti-Muslim reaction. [They always worry more about the anti-Muslim “backlash” that virtually never happens than about the actual Islam-motivated atrocity.]   My interlocutors had read Breivik’s “manifesto.” They talked about his patchwork of plagiarized historical essays and information about weapons in a way that suggested that, in their eyes, it was a key document for the understanding of the counterjihad movement.  “Have you read the Koran?” I asked.  “No,” both of them said. They were not at all embarrassed about it.  “Well, you should,” I said. “If you want to understand the mentality that underlies Islamic terrorism, you’ll find its origin there.“  One of them answered quickly. “We know that radical Muslims have misinterpreted the Koran.“... they seemed to find it distasteful to talk about the Koran in this way... bobbies in Britain (apparently Lancashire), like my PST buddies in Norway, have been trained to view Islam as essentially benign and criticism of Islam as a danger. Both sets of cops manifestly consider it part of their job to hunt down critics of Islam and try to intimidate them into silence. And none of them have the slightest regard whatsoever for freedom of speech. They don’t even seem to grasp the concept.  They’ve also apparently been taught – and this is the creepiest part – to emphasize that they’re not Thought Police. This is obviously a result of training, because it would never occur independently to such people – who have plainly never read a word of Orwell – to make such a declaration in the first place. This, then, is what we are up against in today’s western Europe: police departments that are producing Thought Police – and, as part of that production process, are instructing them to reassure the proles that, no, of course they’re not Thought Police.  Sure. And war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength."

Warner Bros. on X - "We celebrate LGBTQ+ artists, employees & fans and are proud of our stories that represent the LGBTQ+ experience, but acknowledge we have more to do. We are committing to tell more, authentic LGBTQ+ stories, nurture queer talent & harness our resources to advocate for equality."
Fantastic Beasts 3 Gay Dialogue Removed in China, Warner Bros Explains - "References to a gay relationship in “Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore” were edited out of the movie by Warner Bros. for the film’s release in China"
LGBT Groups And Warner Bros. Silent After Sexual Content Stripped From ‘Friends’ In China - "The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to Warner Bros. concerning the details of its licensing agreement with PRC streaming platforms, but the company did not respond to request for comment. DCNF also contacted LGBT activist groups GLAAD and Human Rights Campaign, however they too did not make themselves available for comment...   As the series took as its premise the interlocking love lives of six people, the censorship of the PRC’s episodes of “Friends” has drastically altered the show, as topics such as strip clubs and orgasms have been harmonized, and several LGBT scenes and whole plot lines have been erased."

Threat of Animal Rights Violence Influenced Decision to Cancel Anthrax Project - "a commotion erupted over a canceled anthrax project at Oklahoma State University (OSU), Stillwater. The National Institutes of Health had agreed to fund the study, which involved creating an animal model of anthrax infection in baboons, and the university's animal use and care committee had given it the green light. But OSU President Burns Hargis decided that the project would not be allowed on campus, for reasons that weren't immediately clear... attacks by animal rights extremists have been on the rise in the United States in recent years."
Damn far right!

Can we ever be on the right side of history? - "Lincoln understood slavery “must” exist as a result of the Providence of God. This idea seems incomprehensible to a contemporary tourist. But it was such a central tenant of Lincoln’s thought that it found its way into the very Inaugural Address featured inside the Memorial itself...   If there is one force in nineteenth-century American Protestantism that shaped the nation’s response to the ills of slavery, it is the idea of God’s Providence. The thinking goes that because an event happens, God must have allowed it, and therefore, in a subtle way, approves it... If Providence is the great blindness of the nineteenth century, then our view of “history” may be the twenty-first’s. “History” is that mysterious force to which we keep referring, in so far as we want to be on the “right” side of it. We view history as a dividing line between heroes and villains, people to be revered or “cancelled.” History is the composite of our collective actions, looming over us ready to make a verdict.   Our relationship to “history,” like that of our forbears’ to Providence, corrupts our sense of personal agency. For Lincoln and Lee, inaction in the face of oppression; for us, a swing to the other side entirely, with many Americans, especially those in the Antifa and woke camps, believing that the present moment is the vantage point from which they can view history with accuracy. Not just history, but the present, too.  But anyone who believes it is possible to make an appropriate judgment from the present is suffering from a form of blindness, an inability to accept the fact that we are embedded in the narrative of history at this very moment, incapable of stepping outside of it enough to see things entirely.  Because the problem with history is that it is not linear. It is a tangled interplay of contemporary discoveries with objects, events and personalities of the past."

Attack of the Alphabet People - "The most powerful effect a work of art can have is to elicit the sensation of recognition within its audience, to verbalize or visualize or put into music those innermost emotions you thought were yours alone, and by doing so chip away at the barriers we have constructed between us—as man and woman, Black and white, Jew and gentile, heterosexual and homosexual. Think of the stand-up comedian who can make a room filled with people of different races, political views, and ages roar with laughter, or the musician who brings a concert hall to its feet in shared ecstasy. That a movie targeted at teenagers about a gay kid, based upon a work written by a heterosexual woman, could touch a 34-year-old gay man so deeply was, to me at least, one reason for optimism in this otherwise dreadful period of human history... Albertalli was being accused of “writing shitty queer books for the straights, profiting off of communities I had no connection to” and being “the quintessential example of allocishet inauthenticity,” a term I had to look up... “This doesn’t feel good or empowering, or even particularly safe. Honestly, I’m doing this because I’ve been scrutinized, subtweeted, mocked, lectured, and invalidated just about every single day for years, and I’m exhausted.” The whole essay reads like a hostage note.  If Albertalli’s literary work had me crying tears of joy, this missive left me feeling physically ill. For here was a critical mass of LGBTQ people, who should know the effects of bullying better than most, persecuting a woman whose “allyship” with our “community,” such as it is, has been compelling, compassionate, and deeply meaningful... The fact that a straight woman could produce a literary work with which so many gay people identified makes it laudable in its own right... An entire genre of writing composed by straight women envisioning homosexual relationships between male characters from popular cinema and television franchises—“Slash fiction”—has existed ever since some imaginative female Star Trek fans began creating homoerotic fantasies involving Captain Kirk and Spock. I have absolutely no interest in reading any of it, but if it makes the people who create and consume it even slightly more empathetic toward gay men, which I can’t help but imagine it does, why on earth would I demand that they relinquish “ownership” of “my” story? Rather than embrace the totalitarian logic of #ownvoices—an internet-based campaign devoted to the noxious catechism that only writers from marginalized groups may “represent” characters from said groups in their work, and which by interrogating people over their sexual orientation has brought the tactics of J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI to the realm of young adult fiction—we should be encouraging straight writers to create gay characters, gentile writers to create Jewish characters, Jewish writers to create Black characters, and so on through each and every imaginable permutation of human identity. To insist otherwise would usher in nothing less than a system of literary apartheid.  Yet the campaign of vilification directed toward Becky Albertalli is just the latest example of how authoritarian attitudes and tactics have become commonplace within LGBTQ spaces, itself a stark departure from the American gay tradition which had always emphasized individual autonomy... Now that it has achieved those freedoms and a cultural influence once thought impossible, much of what passes for gay activism today is driven by an impulse which is the very opposite of freedom: control. Gay people fought for a tolerant and open society. Now, many of us pour our energy and organizational resources into getting people who disagree with us fired, suing wedding photographers who decline their services on religious conscience grounds, and assailing heterosexual young adult novelists who have the gall to create relatable gay characters... A group which can proudly boast Oscar Wilde, Fran Lebowitz, Camille Paglia, James Baldwin, Gore Vidal, and Lily Tomlin as cultural icons is increasingly characterized by the hectoring “post-comedy” of Hannah Gadsby, the abstruse theories of the parodical Judith Butler, and the vengeful social media hordes who tsk-tsk Caitlyn Jenner for claiming “Dude looks like a lady” as her “theme song” and condemn RuPaul—who has done more to challenge and subvert gender norms than possibly any human being alive—for making the simple, and true, observation that drag performance “loses its sense of danger and its sense of irony once it’s not men doing it.”... one such icon, John Waters, gave a little-noticed interview to a local Washington, D.C., gay magazine. “Liberals are as big fascists as the Republicans,” the self-described “Filth Elder” said. “Because they never think that anybody wouldn’t agree with them. And I’m a bleeding heart liberal.”... “I thought you went to college to have your values challenged,” he added. “I thought that was the point of education.” Waters also confesses to reading The Wall Street Journal editorial page every day because “I want to read how smart people I don’t agree with think.”... If gay people wish to secure and enjoy the freedoms we’ve achieved for ourselves, we must take care to extend them to others."
The woke keep claiming that wokeness is about empathy, but besides not having any empathy with the "privileged", they also believe empathy is impossible, so identity is paramount (e.g. in going on about "representation). Ironic
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again. Gay marriage being rammed through did not just result in trans mania - it also resulted in the weaponisation of homosexuality

Lawyer for Black girls 'ignored' by Rosita at Sesame Place demands park pay their mental health bills - "After a video of a costumed figure at Sesame Place refusing to high-five two black children went viral, many stepped in to hold the representatives of the children's theme park accountable... The theme park responded by saying that the park stands for "inclusivity and equality in all forms," and that it does not tolerate any behavior in the parks that is contrary to that commitment. The statement read, "Our brand, our park and our employees stand for inclusivity and equality in all forms. We do not tolerate any behavior in our parks that is contrary to that commitment. Regarding the incident yesterday, the costumes our performers wear sometimes make it difficult to see at lower levels and sometimes our performers miss hug requests from our guests."... "The only acceptable action is for this performer to be terminated. No other kid should go through what these kids went through.""
These are the people who go on about "white fragility"

Lawyer: Only explanation of Sesame snubbing girls is racism
When the only tool you have is a hammer...

Theme parks were not meant for Black families: why racism at Sesame Place is part of a shameful tradition
Liberals always dig up ancient history, then get upset when you point out the Democratic Party was the party of slavery and Jim Crow (they also mock those who point out the wrongs that covid hysteria led to, claiming they're idiots because all that is over - though they keep going on about slavery themselves)

ELDER: Don't confuse Sesame Place with Jim Crow | Toronto Sun - "There’s a lot we don’t know. Who was in the costumes? Were Black kids intentionally mistreated? But let’s assume that these Black kids were, in fact, snubbed because of their race. How these kids deal with this slight will be entirely dictated by their parents.  Does Rosita reflect “systemic racism,” a microcosm of Blacks’ second-class status? Or do the parents teach their children to put this incident in perspective by instructing their kids that not everybody behaves properly, and that people like that win if you become bitter and view life through race-tinted glasses?...   Meanwhile, in 2021 Philadelphia had a record number of homicides, and this year is on track to exceed last year’s number. Most of the perps and victims are Black. While nationwide about 10% of American families have their kids in private school, a 2004 study by the Fordham Institute found that 44% of Philadelphia government schoolteachers with school-age kids put them in private schools.   Recent videos show a Black toddler attempting to strike Black Minneapolis police officers, with one little kid calling a Black cop an “Oreo.” A Black 16-year-old with a criminal record who fought violently with an NYPD officer in a subway station was released in less than 24 hours. He asked the judge whether he could press charges against the cops. As for Baltimore, the hometown of the family that filed the lawsuit, 2017 tests show 13 public high schools in Baltimore where 0% of students were math proficient and another half-dozen where only 1% were math proficient.  Has Jesse Jackson said a word about any of this?"
Looks like Philadelphia public teachers know something about their schools that other liberals don't

People React to Disney World Video of Woody Making Sure Jessie Shows Love to Young Black Fans
When you know people throw lawsuits at the drop of a hat

Inconvenient Fact About Mass Killings: White Males Are 'Underrepresented' While Blacks and Asians Are 'Overrepresented', by Larry Elder - "Lowery implies that "right-wing rhetoric" turns white males into mass killers. But there's a problem with this narrative — the facts. When it comes to mass murderers, almost all of which are men, white men are actually underrepresented and black men overrepresented when compared to their percentages of the American male population...   UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh noted that blacks and Asians, from 1982 to 2021, committed 17.4% (12.3 % of the population) and 6.6% (3.6 %of the population) of mass shootings, respectively. Volokh wrote, "Non-Hispanic whites don't seem to commit mass shootings at greater than their share of the population. The groups that appear overrepresented are blacks and Asians."  An opinion piece last year in The Washington Post called "The Numbers Undercut Myths About Mass Shootings and White Men" found: "So it appears that the number of white men committing these crimes is close to what we'd expect from pure chance, maybe even slightly lower — the opposite of what we'd see if white supremacy culture were at fault."... The left-wing media hyperventilate about "underrepresentation" or "overrepresentation" when it comes to poverty, prison population, admission to elite colleges and universities, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, NFL head coaches or Academy Award winners. But when it comes to mass shooters, suddenly "over-representation" becomes irrelevant."

The Cynical and Dangerous Weaponization of the "White Supremacist" Label - "that Rittenhouse was a "white supremacist” was deemed so unquestionably true that questioning it was cast as evidence of one's own racist inclinations (defending a white supremacist).  Yet all along, there was never any substantial evidence, let alone convincing proof, that it was true. This fact is, or at least should be, an extraordinary, even scandalous, event: a 17-year-old was widely vilified as being a white supremacist by a union of national media and major politicians despite there being no evidence to support the accusation. Yet it took his acquittal by a jury who heard all the evidence and testimony for parts of the corporate press to finally summon the courage to point out that what had been Gospel about Rittenhouse for the last fifteen months was, in fact, utterly baseless. A Washington Post news article was published late last week that was designed to chide "both sides” for exploiting the Rittenhouse case for their own purposes while failing to adhere carefully to actual facts... four days after this admission by The Post's newsroom, their opinion editors published an op-ed by Robert Jones that flatly asserted the very same accusation which The Post itself says is bereft of evidence... It continues to be staggering how media outlets which purport to explain the Rittenhouse case get caught over and over spreading utter falsehoods about the most basic facts of the case, proving they did not watch the trial or learn much about what happened beyond what they heard in passing from like-minded liberals on Twitter... we find that the same news outlets which love to accuse others of “disinformation” — and want the internet censored in the name of stopping it — frequently pontificate on topics about which they know nothing, without the slightest concern for whether or not it is true... this episode vividly demonstrates how cheapened and emptied and cynically wielded this "white supremacist" slogan has become. The oft-implicit but sometimes-explicit premise in liberal discourse is that everyone who deviates in any way from liberal dogma is a white supremacist by definition.  Within this rubric, perhaps the most decisive "evidence" that one is a white supremacist is that one supports the Republican Party and former President Trump — i.e., that half of the voting electorate in the U.S. at least are white supremacists. A subsidiary assumption is that anyone who views the police as a necessary, positive force in U.S. society is inherently guilty of racism (it is fine to revere federal policing agencies such as the FBI and other federal security forces such as the CIA, as most Democrats do; the hallmark of a white supremacist is someone who believes that the local police — the ones who show up when citizens call 911 — is a generally positive rather than negative force in society). An illustration of how casually and recklessly this accusation is tossed around occurred last year, shortly after the George Floyd killing, when my long-time friend and colleague, Intercept journalist Lee Fang, was widely vilified as a racist and white supremacist, first by his own Intercept colleague, journalist Akela Lacy, and then — in one of the most stunningly mindless acts of herd behavior — by literally hundreds if not thousands of members of the national press, including many who barely knew who Lee was but nonetheless were content to echo the accusation (that Lee is himself not white is, of course, not an impediment, not even a speed bump, on the road to castigating him as a modern-day KKK adherent)... What was the evidence justifying Lee Fang's conviction by mob justice of these charges? He (like Rittenhouse) has expressed the view that police, despite needing reforms, are largely a positive presence in protecting innocent people from violent crime; he suggested that resorting to violence harms rather than helps social justice causes; and he published a video interview he conducted with a young BLM supporter, who complained that many liberals only care when white police officers kill black people but not when black people in his neighborhood are killed by anyone who is not white... polls continually and reliably show that the pro-police sentiments of the type that caused Rittenhouse, Fang, and so many others to be vilified by liberal elites as "white supremacists” are held not only by a majority of Americans, but by a majority of black and brown Americans, the very people on whose behalf these elite accusers purport to speak... What all of this demonstrates is that insult terms like "white supremacist” and "racist” and "white nationalist” have lost any fixed meaning. They are instead being trivialized and degraded into little more than discourse toys to be tossed around for fun and reputation-destruction by liberals, who believe they have ascended to a place of such elevated racial enlightenment that they are now the sole and exclusive owners of these terms and thus free to hurl them in whatever manner they please. It is not an overstatement to observe that in elite liberal discourse, there are literally no evidentiary requirements that must be fulfilled before one is free to malign political adversaries with those accusatory terms"
Despite the acquittal and extensive trial, lots of liberals are still spewing misinformation about Rittenhouse

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