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Friday, July 21, 2023

What's wrong with being submissive to your husband?

SGWhispers | Whispers SG

#10588: What's wrong with being submissive to your husband? 

Feminism has really made lots of woman to believe that if a woman is being submissive to her man, she's being secretly abused or something. Like the first typical general picture they imagined is an aggressive man that yells at them and force them to do things for him all the time.

First of, if you marry a good man, you ought to do whatever for him that makes him happy, and he doesn't need to tell you. Even if it's not out of duty, you married him, should've been at bare minimum out of love. Like a good man will do everything for you out of love. Like if you actually marry a good man, he's supposedly not one of those aggressive for no reason type. He's a good man doing his part of the marriage. So why couldn't you?

Second of all, if your man is exactly those negative things mentioned, like yelling at you, ordering you around, being lazy, being abusive, then guess what, it's your fault for staying with him. Yes, he's wrong, but you have every reason to leave. But nope. You chose to stay. If you knew he's like that, why be with him in the first place only to complain of being a victim later? Start taking accountability for your own choice. Whether you like it or not, woman are the ones in full control on who to be with, not the man. If you saw obvious huge red flags, and choose to stay, then stop crying. Sheesh.

I don't care how much hate I'll get from this. I'm just sick and tired of woman saying toxic things about man and not appreciating them. Like the other day, I brought my friends over for a quick dinner, and just happens that my husband came back from a long day from work, and I made him a drink and a simple meal he likes. My friends immediately assumed that I'm being abused secretly. Like...???

I do that for my loving husband because I love him. He has been working real hard to provide for me, to fulfill the things I've always wanted, to make me happy. I've been married to him for 15 years and never once he abused me in any way. So what is wrong with me being submissive to such a loving man like that? You woman be complain about guys giving their "bare minimum", but you woman don't even give any sort of bare minimum to them. How is it fair?

Yeah yeah yeah, I know what you typical feminist will say things like "just cause you have it great, doesn't mean everyone else does". You're right, but guess what? I'll say it again, you choose who you want to be with. I chose my husband because he's a great guy, thus automatically I'll do things that'll make him happy, the same way he does things that'll make me happy. You chose those abusive kind, and that's your own fault for still staying. Idiots. That's what you are.

I saw this powerful saying from some other OP in a different post long ago, and I'll copy paste it here :

Men are not trash.
Your taste in men are.

Grow up.

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