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Sunday, July 16, 2023

Links - 16th July 2023 (1 - Trans Mania)

Meme - "I was born into the wrong body because souls exist and souls have magical genders that need to be assigned to the proper physical genders and sometimes there are mistakes"

Four kids found at a drag party with a dead trans woman's body, drugs and sex toys in 'hoarder' home - "Four kids aged five to 10 have been taken into care after first responders found them hidden in a squalid Boston apartment surrounded by sex toys and drugs where a black trans woman was dead on the floor.  Emergency services found the unidentified woman's body after an unconscious person report was made at 11am on Saturday morning. They reportedly found six adults who appeared to be men dressed as women inside, who were uncooperative and denied having children at the home.  The children were found jammed together in a cramped room, surrounded by filth and a stench permeating the air, hidden by an adult man reportedly wearing a wig. City Councilor Erin Murphy told NBC the partygoers attempted to stop a responding firefighter from finding the kids."

How drag degrades women - "A man dressing up as a woman and performing a lap-dance and simulated sex acts at a fundraiser for homeless youth is particularly distasteful as homeless women are recognised as incredibly vulnerable to sexual exploitation and being recruited into the sex trade... Drag at its core is misogynistic; it is men portraying women as sexually objectified caricatures. Drag performers frequently reduce women to hyper sexualised, big breasted, big haired bimbos. Celebrated men in drag have names that objectify, sexualise or make light of women’s issues. The SNP MP Mhairi Black “accompanied Nathan Mullen, a drag queen who performs under the name ‘FlowJob’, to Glencoats primary school” to read to children. “Anna Bortion” was listed as one of the funniest drag queen names by Pride alongside “Malestia Child”. Ginger Minj finished as a runner up on Ru Paul’s Drag Race.  Or maybe you wish to hire “Felicity Suxwell” who we are informed “is a 23 year old Drag queen, she looks 12 and has the energy of a 3 year old … ready to steal your man, grandad, dad and all the D’s in your life”. For £250 you can enjoy the company of “miss Annie Rexic”.  The language of drag is often no better as it is a highly sexualised genre of entertainment in which women are often the butt of the joke. The British Library promoted an event with children’s drag entertainer Alyssa Van Delle, calling Van Delle a “hot” performer who will “have you on the edge of your seat and gagging for more”. “Charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent” is a phrase repeated by RuPaul, simply because the words spell out C.U.N.T. Or how about the drag term “fish”, which is used to describe a very feminine drag queen or man that “passes”. It is a reference to the supposed smell of women’s genitals.  In what other circumstance is it acceptable to woop and clap when a member of the privileged group uses ridicule against an oppressed group? To rub salt in the wounds, these men build their careers off of the tools of female oppression — gender stereotypes and sexual objectification — and re-entrench them in performances where they are portrayed as just a laugh and a lark.   Lap dancing, a form of sexual exploitation of women, is a case in point: “Academic research has linked lap-dancing to trafficking, prostitution and an increase in male sexual violence against both the women who work in the clubs and those who live and work in their vicinity”. Speaking of her time working in a strip club, Elena described how “I was seen as an object, not a person”.  Making a joke out women forced by poverty to sexually service men and objectify themselves is cruel and anything but challenging the status quo. Aren’t we supposed to have agreed as a society that sexist banter wasn’t going to be getting a pass and that male sexual exploitation of women wasn’t funny? So why is male chauvinism ok just because it’s wearing drag?"

Mom supports drag queen 10-year-old son's photo with nude man - "A mother is receiving harsh criticism for allowing her 10-year-old son to appear in Huck Magazine posing next to a naked drag queen.  The boy, Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden,  as dressed in drag for the recent photo shoot.  The Huck piece highlighted Nemis’ life as a “baby drag queen” named “Queen Lactacia.” Nemis is considered to be the most prominent child drag star in Canada.  The photo shoot also included an unpublished photo of the child posing next to “RuPaul’s Drag Race” winner Violet Chachki. Chacki is pictured embracing the 10-year-old while wearing nothing but a wig, high heels and a piece of cloth to cover his genitals... Jessica acknowledges that drag does have a sexual aspect but says she wants her son to “feel beautiful.”"

Police Remove Journalist From “All Ages” Drag Show After Recording Drag Performers Spreading Legs In Front of Children - "A pro-child safeguarding journalist was removed from a kid-friendly drag show in Alamo, Texas after being accused of filming a drag performer flashing his genitals at the crowd of young children.  On February 19, Taylor Cramer, an independent journalist filming with RGVTruth, attended a drag show fundraiser at The Landmark on Tower in Alamo, Texas. The fundraiser was organized by the South Texas Equality Project (STEP), and was billed as an event to fundraise for “LGBTQ+ Youth Scholarships.”   The listing explicitly stated the event was open to “everyone of all ages,” and featured adult drag performers Aeon Mavis York, Aaliyah Royale Ja’Mean, Gardenia Gaea, and Jayden Holland. The name of the event was “Amor Es Amor,” which translates from Spanish to “Love is Love.” In Cramer’s footage, several very young children appear at the event and flank the drag “runway” with their parents. The children were encouraged to give the drag performers cash tips, which the performers take directly from them.   Some of the performers were dressed in lingerie-style outfits, and writhed around with their legs spread or bottom showing while children were in close proximity.  Throughout the video, which he originally uploaded to Rumble, Cramer remains silent and does not directly interact with the children or the performers. But, after filming some disturbing incidents that occur throughout the course of the evening, the show organizers sought to have Cramer removed. An Alamo Police officer was at the event in uniform, and was approached by the organizers to tell Cramer to leave. He did so despite being off-duty...   Cramer continues to film throughout the discussion with police, during which he is told that organizers had reported him with complaints he had been “recording people’s genitals.”...   Cramer was removed from the premises on the basis of “trespassing,” but continued to question Alamo Police after he was escorted into the parking lot.  “Are you guys going to investigate the genitals that were exposed in front of kids,” Cramer is heard asking, to which an officer responds: “Nothing to investigate.”...   Following the disastrous evening, Cramer, along with non-partisan local group Citizens Against The Sexualization of Children, continued to bring attention to what had happened at the event, but were met with backlash from STEP and trans activists.   On March 15, STEP published a statement on their Facebook condemning Cramer’s recounting of the events as “misinformation,” and sent advocates to the Alamo City Council to “counter their damaging misrepresentation.” During a March 20 City Council meeting, STEP and other LGBT activist groups aggressively defended the drag event. The president of STEP accused Cramer of being “creepy” and claimed that nothing at the show had been “sexually suggestive.”  Speaking to The Publica, Cramer says that STEP suggested they would launch lawsuits against those who opposed their activities in the community...   “Child-friendly” drag shows in the state of Texas have been ramping up in opposition to SB-12, which came into effect in Texas in September. The bill is intended to prevent sexual performances in front of children in Texas and has been sent to Governor Abbott’s desk and is awaiting signature.  Under SB-12, business owners could face a $10,000 fine for hosting sexually explicit performances in which someone is nude or appeals to the “prurient interest in sex.” Performers caught violating the proposed restriction could be slapped with a Class A misdemeanor, which carries a maximum penalty of a year in jail and a $4,000 fine.   Despite claims by some pro-drag activists, the bill does not prohibit drag shows, but limits their audience to adults."
It is wrong to record people's genitals. But it is right to show people's genitals to children, and if you object you're a homophobic bigot

Paedophile drag queen Robert Clothier who arranged to have sex with children, 8 and 11, caught in police sting - "A paedophile drag queen who arranged to have sex with a father and his two young children has been jailed today.  Robert Clothier, 37, who also goes by the name Lady James, turned up for a liaison with ‘Mark’ and his eight and 11-year-olds, but it was a police sting.  Clothier was arrested at Wimbledon train station in south-west London with a box of chocolate flavoured glow-in-the-dark condoms and pink children’s underwear from Primark.  He also had an Easter egg for each child, heart-shaped hairbands and a Lego toy, Southwark Crown Court heard.  MailOnline can also be revealed the entertainer, who is based in Brighton, was filmed at the 2011 Pride Festival making jokes about being a sex offender.  'I'm sweating like a paedophile in Mothercare it's so hot in here', he told the crowd during his drag gig."
From 2013. Liberals keep going on about how drag queens never appeared on 'To Catch A Predator'. Quite apart from how they need not have revealed their identities and modern grooming wasn't a thing at the time, that show ended in 2007

Meme - Drag Queen: "Read books to old people in nursing homes? Why would I do that? I'm not even attracted to them."

Meme - Toronto Star @TorontoStar: "#Opinion: When school boards permit opting- out of human rights education, such as drag story time, it sends a message that these rights are debatable."
Jonathan Kay @jonkay: "This is a fantastic point. Because of course it's impossible to conduct "human rights education" in elementary schools without the involvement of several middle-aged men dressed like a parody of a cocktail waitress from a low rent casino in 1975."
Not letting drag queens perform for kids literally violates their right to exist

Meme - *Ara Ara Chase* "Genital preferences are transphobic
This is literally genocide! *holding gun and chasing boy*"

New Spider-Man movie PULLED in Muslim-majority countries because of 'Protect Trans Kids' poster

Madonna Slammed For Announcing Trans Rights Concert "For Our Most Vulnerable Citizens" In Nashville One Day After School Shooting - "The tragic Nashville school shooting left six innocent people dead: three 9-year-old children and three adults. The attack took place at The Covenant School, a private Christian school in Green Hills, an affluent area of Nashville that is generally known to be safe for families. On Monday morning, 28-year-old Audrey Hale broke into the school and opened fire inside the building... The school shooting took place on Monday, and one day later, Madonna posted a picture to her Instagram of herself playing the guitar with a caption in support of trans individuals. She announced that The Celebration Tour was adding eight more cities to its route, and she was "especially happy" to say that she is going to Nashville "to celebrate Drag and the Trans community."... Nowhere in the post does it mention the six lives lost from the school shooting. Madonna doesn't even acknowledge the tragedy that took place, let alone give condolences to the families that lost loved ones just one day prior. The comments on the posts were limited, and the very few comments that were allowed were in support of her trans rights efforts.  Many users online expressed rage and anger at the fact that Madonna is hosting a concert to donate all the benefits to trans rights groups—without any care at all for the families of the murdered victims. "Madonna is doing a concert In Nashville, but the proceeds will go to 'trans rights' groups and NOT the families of the murdered victims? Wow, just when I think leftist entertainers can’t disgust me any further, they manage to scrape an even deeper bottom," James Bradley tweeted. Many others chimed in to call her actions Satanic and unforgivable."

Meme - "I feel bad for parents nowadays. You have to explain the birds & the bees. The bees & the bees. The birds & the birds. The birds that used to be bees. The bees that used to be birds. The birds that look like bees and the bees that look like birds but still got a stinger."

Meme - "r/gaytransguys
Does anyone else miss the privilege of dating as a straight woman?
Obviously I'm grateful that I'm being 100% read and treated as a guy by other guys but I can't stop feeling at least a little depressed by the loss of my privilege as a conventionally attractive straight woman that every guy wanted. I literally had guys lined up by the dozens it felt like to ask me out all the time. I just loved that feeling of being desirable to such a vast amount of guys and having such a vast amount of options before me. I lowkey resent the fact that I have a much smaller dating pool now :/ Even though it IS of course validating that thus smaller dating pool consists of gay/bi guys who aren't obsessing over my tits and everything else feminine about me."

Trans woman, 35, 'first in world' to get vagina made out of fish skin - "A woman has become the first transgender person in the world to undergo successful vaginal reconstructive surgery using the skin of tilapia fish. The 35-year-old, who prefers to be identified only as Maju, underwent the procedure as her vagina began to shrink and close up following botched sex reassignment surgery. A medical team led by gynaecologist Professor Leonardo Bezerra, of the Federal University of Ceara (UFC) in Fortaleza, north east Brazil, revealed that the pioneering operation has given her the chance of having a sex life again...   The tilapia membrane attached to and re-coated the walls of the vaginal canal acting like stem cells.  These were absorbed into the body, transforming into cellular tissue similar to that of an actual vagina, reports say... vaginal tract closure is common in transgender women who have undergone a sex change...   Research reportedly shows that tilapia skin is disease resistant with little chance of rejection as there is an absence of cross-infection between aquatic animals and humans, unlike with other animals.  Before it can be used, the tilapia skin is subjected to an extensive and rigorous process of sterilisation and irradiation at the Nucleus of Research and Development of Medicines (NPDM) part of the UFC.  The end result is an odour-less light coloured product which is vacuum packed and stored for up to two years in refrigerators at the first tilapia skin bank inaugurated in 2017.  The procedure means the material can be safely distributed to treatment centres across Latin America and exported abroad."

Meme - "The new remake of An Officer And A Gentleman looks terrible. *Sam Brinton and Rachel Levine*"

Snapchat Adds New Limits on Adults Seeking to Connect with Minors in the App
Someone claimed there was nothing wrong with the Trevor Project letting sexual content be exchanged between over- and under-18s because it happened on Snap too. Clearly having no limits is the same as having some. And having to know someone's username to add him is clearly the same as a free for all on a forum.

geo sustento on Twitter - "So, you infiltrated a platform, risking a safe space forum's safety and integrity, just to win an argument. You simply can't help it. Your hands were forced. Oh poor poor baby"
Amazing. After claiming there was no proof of what critics was saying, when presented with screenshots he claimed someone on Twitter highlighting these problems was endangering children since it made bad actors aware of how to groom them. He then bait and switched and claimed (at the same time as claiming that whistleblowing was harmful) that no one had any proof of kids coming to harm. "You have no proof something bad happened" and "if something bad happens, it's your fault for spotting the problem".

geo sustento on Twitter - "There weren't any alligators there until you fucking let them loose, you asshat."
There is no proof of kids being harmed so it's not a problem, but though there is no proof a 9 month old NY Post article or Twitter nobodies highlighting the issue resulted in something bad happening, it's still wrong to highlight the problem. Heads you win, tails you lose.
White hat hackers are unethical because by highlighting problems they're telling black hat hackers how to exploit systems

PSA: TrevorSpace does not care about teen privacy and safety : ainbow - "I am an InfoSec enthusiast, and I have been trying to get in touch with TrevorSpace regarding the vulnerability I recently discovered in their forum software. I've been trying to responsively report the flaw for more than a month now, with lack of any communication or feedback from The Trevor Project. I have sent a total of more than 5 messages and didn't receive any replies. No progress towards resolving the issue was made on The Trevor Project's side."
Damn homophobe endangering queer kids to push his own homophobic agenda!

James Esses on Twitter - "Yesterday, after posting a Tweet saying that I reject the word ‘cis’ and don’t wish to be called it, I receive a slew of messages from trans activists calling me “cissy” and telling me that I am ‘cis’ “whether or not I like it”. Just imagine if the roles were reversed."

Meme - Brianna Wu: "After I came out to my parents, they left me homeless. No child should have to go through that. As congresswoman, I'll fight for those kids."
Brianna Wu: "When I was 20, my parents handed me $200,000 to start an animation business. I learned more from that experience than anything in college."

Meme - "If we are being honest...
I identify as a narcissist.
My pronouns are nar and narself.
You need to affirm me and my beliefs otherwise you are a bigot.
I have no other defining qualities to make me feel special.
My existence depends on your affirmation because I am that fragile.
It is none of your business but I will make it your kids business."

Midwest teachers trade tips on 'subversively and quietly' transitioning kids without telling parents - "an online session hosted by the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP), which is funded by the Department of Education, attended by some 30 teachers from Michigan, Iowa, Ohio, Illinois and beyond... Some teachers said they followed the rules, but others discussed being 'subversive,' how their personal 'code of ethics' trumped laws, and how to 'hide' a trans student's new name and gender from their parents...  Poll  Should kids be able to transition at school without their parents knowing? Yes No Not sure  'We're working with our record-keeping system so that certain screens can't be seen by the parents … if there's a nickname in there we're trying to hide,' Martin told the online gathering.  Jennifer Haglund, counselor for Ames Community Schools, which serves 5,000 K-12 Iowa students, complained about Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds in March signing a law that bars biological males from competing on female sports teams.  She bragged about her 'own activism' and of taking part in protest marches.  'I know that I have my own right code of ethics, and that doesn't always go along with the law,' Haglund said. Shea Martin, an Ohio-based trans educator, who writes a 'socialist, feminist, and anti-racist' blog called Radical Teacher, said she worked against 'laws that prohibit or restrict trans advocacy.'  'The stakes are very high for trans youth,' Martin said.  'I think that requires working subversively and quietly sometimes to make sure that trans kids have what they need.' Martin did not describe any subversive acts, but, later spoke about teachers addressing 'sexuality' with elementary students, who are aged between five and 10.  When talking about men, women, playground crushes, love, and marriage with youngsters, teachers should be wary of treating 'reinforced heterosexuality as the norm,' Martin said... At no point in the session did any teacher say parents might know what's best for their own kids, nor question whether affirmation-on-demand was the only way to help a trans-identified student. "
Proof that talk of grooming, indoctrination and biased teachers is just a far right conspiracy theory

Ezra Miller: Iceland Choking Victim Speaks, German Woman Alleges Abuse - "after a friendly interaction, Miller’s mood sharply turned when she told them that they couldn’t smoke inside her home.  “That just set them off,” Nadia said. “I asked them to leave about 20 times, maybe more. They started insulting me. I’m a ‘transphobic piece of shit.’ I’m a ‘Nazi.’ It became so, so stressful for me. They were going around my house, looking at everything, touching everything, spreading tobacco leaves on the floor. It felt disgusting and very intrusive.”  After roughly a half-hour of pleading, Nadia said she finally convinced Miller to leave once she called the police...   Miller entered Nadia’s bedroom, and when she told them to leave, “they started to shout that they were a rape survivor and I was triggering them,” she said. “They started to say I had assaulted them. I had beat them up. I had hurt them.”"
Damn transphobia! Believe survivors!

Children can't be experts on themselves - "the traditional concept of “building character” is out the window.  Once upon a time, a fully realised person was something one became. Entailing education, observation, experimentation, and sometimes humiliation, “coming of age” was hard work... These days, discussion of “character” is largely relegated to fiction workshops and film reviews. Instead, we relentlessly address “identity”, a hollowed-out concept now reduced to membership of the groups into which we were involuntarily born — thereby removing all choice about who we are. Rejecting the passé “character building” paradigm, we now inform children that their selves emerge from the womb fully formed. Their sole mission is to tell us what those selves already are. Self is a prefabricated house to which only its owner has a key.  This is not an essay about transgenderism per se... throwing kids who just got here on their own investigative devices — refusing to be of any assistance aside from “affirming” whatever they whimsically claim to be; folding our arms and charging, “So who are you? Only you know” — is child abuse.  The idea that your psyche is set from birth is intrinsically deterministic and therefore grim. The vision it conjures is fatalistic and mechanical: all these traits are hardwired, and life involves winding up the clockwork toy and watching it totter across the floor until it runs into the wainscotting. If a newly emerged self already exists in its entirety, there’s nothing to do. In contrast to becoming, being is an inert affair. We haven’t given these young people a job. Contemporary education strenuously seeks to assure students they’re already wonderful. Teachers are increasingly terrified of imposing any standards that all their wards will not readily meet, so everyone gets a gold star. The Virginia school district of the once-renowned Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology now aims for “equal outcomes for every student, without exception”. A pedagogical emphasis on student “self-esteem” became dislocated from “esteem for doing something” decades ago. Why should any of these kids get out of bed? No wonder they’re depressed.   Minors don’t know anything, which is not their fault. We didn’t know anything at their age, either (and may not still), though we thought we did — and being disabused of callow, hastily conceived views and coming to appreciate the extent of our ignorance is a prerequisite for proper education. Yet we now encourage young people to look inward for their answers and to trust that their marvellous natures will extemporaneously reveal themselves. With no experience to speak of and no guidance from adults, all that many kids will find when gawking at their navels is pyjama fluff. Where is this mysterious entity to whose nature I alone am privy?...   Adults have an obligation to advise, comfort, and inform — to provide the social context that children have none of the resources to infer and to help form expectations of what comes next.  Instead, we’re throwing kids helplessly on their primitive imaginations. The first time I remember being asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I clearly remember answering, “a bear”. I wasn’t trying to be a wiseass. I just wasn’t up to speed on the ambitions to which I was expected to aspire. Little wonder that kids are now “identifying” as cats. Next, they will be identifying as electric lawnmowers, and we will have asked for it. This notion of the pre-made self is asocial, if not anti-social. It separates personhood from lineage, heritage, culture, history, and even family. You are already everything you were ever meant to be, never mind where, what and whom you come from. But seeing selfhood as floating in a vacuum is a recipe for loneliness, vagueness, insecurity and anxiety... Transgenderism may have grown so alluring to contemporary minors not only because it promises a new “identity”, but because it promises a process. Transforming from caterpillar to butterfly entails a complex sequence of social interventions and medical procedures that must be terribly engrossing. Transitioning is a project. Everyone needs a project. Embracing the trans label gifts the self with direction, with a task to accomplish. Ironically, the contagion expresses an inchoate yearning for the cast-off paradigm whereby character is built."

Rantz: Radical WA trans youth law legalized state-sanctioned kidnapping - "Democrats have effectively legalized state-sanctioned kidnapping while pretending to save children from abusive families. With one single trans youth law, Democrats usurped parental rights, and they intend to break up families that don’t parent the way they would. This is the most dangerous and extremist bill that Democrats have ever passed.  SB 5599, sponsored by far-left state senator Marko Liias (D-Everett), permits shelters and host homes to provide housing for runaway minors. Though the current law requires parental notification of the whereabouts of runaway children, this would consider merely seeking so-called “gender-affirming care” a “compelling reason” not to notify parents of the child’s whereabouts. Under the state’s care, the child can undergo surgical interventions, like mastectomy and facial feminization, without parental consent... the trans youth law does not require minors to show they’re escaping abuse. In fact, the teen may not even allege abuse... Democrats rejected an amendment adding language to the bill that says the intent is to address kids who are being harmed by (or could be reasonably harmed by) their parents. Rep. Jamila Taylor (D-Federal Way) said the amendment gets in the way of “keeping children safe” and that “parental rights are not infinite.” Her response did not make sense. When Republicans forwarded an amendment noting that it’s important for parents or guardians to know about their children’s mental and physical health so that they can keep them safe, Democrats said no. Rep. Nicole Macri (D-Seattle) inexplicably claimed the amendment would “alienate” the kids she pretends she wants to protect. She did not explain how it would alienate them. Her response made no sense.  Democrats repeatedly said this bill is actually about reunifying families, but it’s not. The parents have no legal recourse to reunite with their runaway child because the state will not inform them of their whereabouts. Only the child can trigger reunification under this law.   Democrats even claimed this law is necessary to keep runaways from living on the street... Without this new law, a child — any child — has access to youth shelters. She’s arguing for something that already exists, but doesn’t think you know that...   It is not far-fetched for a teen to be convinced that his or her parents aren’t affirming enough. Democrat lawmakers spent their debate on this issue arguing just that. And when you see what’s happening in classrooms across the state, the danger to children and families is real.  Educators actively keep gender identity issues from their students’ parents. Manipulative educators, informed by their fringe ideological agenda and hero complex, can very easily convince vulnerable teens that their parents don’t want what’s best for them. Imagine them pitching the virtues of running away for hormone replacement and electrolysis. If you think this is even slightly possible, know the bill offers zero protection for the kid in this situation.  Washington Democrats view it as abusive when a parent shows any reluctance to immediately and unconditionally accept a young child’s claim of holding one of the 17,000 different genders Democrats told them to pick from. Though Democrats say a teen murderer one day shy of an 18th birthday should avoid life in jail because they do not have developed-enough brains to understand the crime they committed, apparently a 13-year-old girl who claims to be a boy, at her teacher’s nudging, is worthy of hormone therapy without parental consent, while living in what Democrats pretend is a “safe house.” Want to know where concerns over “grooming” come from? Look at this bill. When Republicans pursued an amendment noting that “lack of adequate affirmation” shouldn’t be grounds for claims of neglecting a child, Democrats again voted no"

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