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Monday, July 17, 2023

Links - 17th July 2023 (2 - Women)

Meme - "Kirsten 25
High School
less than 4 miles away
About Me: No games! Where are all the good men? I'm a single mom to a baby boy, who is my world. The father is out of our life. I'm ready to settle down with a nice hard working man with a good job. You must be White or hispanic and not be racist. No druggies! I am now a good Christian girl and looking to be a good wife.
*Meme of crying white woman and black baby (not meme of crying, angry white woman with bloodshot eyes and black baby)*"

Men Are Stupid . . . And They Like Big Boobs Audiobook by Joan Rivers
The cover is funny

Meme - "Husband: "I saw someone at the store who looked just like you
Wife: "Was she hot?""

Spider-Woman Horrifies the Internet With Her Special Talent - YouTube - "The Spiderman-clad TikToker @wizqueifa_ complained in a video posted to her second account that she couldn't post a simple thirst trap without being asked to queef. After that, she puts on a whole performance and caters to the crowd's needs. Currently, the video has 4 million likes and 27 million views."

Meme - "69 is garbage because a woman can't focus on sucking the Dick if u eating the pussy good. Dick just be sitting in her mouth like a thermometer"

Meme - Liberal: "You're just mad because women won't date you"
Normal person: "I'm literally married"

Meme - "*Soyjak pointing*
>Women do NOT look like this
>Women have NEVER worn suggestive clothing
>Women have NEVER been thin
>Women have NEVER had large breasts
>Women have NEVER been attractive
*Chun Li, Lara Croft, Samus Aran etc*"

Meme - Vanessa @irishlovemonkey: "Women in their twenties lack the ability to consent sexual activity with men in their thirties. It can't be genuinely consensual because men in their thirties, especially their forties, have all the power. It is there a highly dubious almost pedophilic relationship."
HERF Destroyer @TomoVagooo: "What about sex workers in their twenties? Can they consent?"
Vanessa: "They're different."

Meme - Woman: "I started an OnlyFans at 18"
Woman 2: "Aww, an empowered woman.
Leonardo diCaprio: "I'm dating a 19yo!"
Woman 2: "Hello, Child Protective Services!?"


Meme - "Ever pluck a guy's eye brows and realize that they are absolutely not the superior gender and are weak as shit"
"My partner thought this until she got a uppercut, she wasn't very superior after that"

Born-again Christian sparks outrage after quitting strict Bible group to join OnlyFans - "Andressa Urach took to Instagram earlier this week to tell her 2.9 million followers: "Brazil, I've arrived on OnlyFans, I'm waiting for you there."  She is charging subscribers £41 per month on the adult content platform.   The tattooed former Miss Bumbum contestant has previously worked in the sex industry but gave up her antics to devote herself to her religion.  Back in 2016, the 35-year-old revealed she had joined the controversial Universal Church of the Kingdom of God."

Meme - "The importance of saving money for your old age *old man and young woman*"

Caroline Flack 'hit boyfriend over cheating fears', inquest hears - "Caroline Flack struck her boyfriend while he slept because she suspected he was cheating, an inquest has heard.  The ex-Love Island host was found "covered in blood" while Lewis Burton had a head wound in December 2019.  A senior officer said a decision to bring an assault charge - after prosecutors initially pursued a caution - was not "motivated" by celebrity.  But Ms Flack's mother Chris said if "it was an ordinary person, you wouldn't have been bothered".  Ms Flack was found dead at her home in Stoke Newington, London in February, while she was facing trial accused of assaulting Mr Burton - a charge she denied. The inquest at Poplar Coroner's Court previously heard the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) had sought a caution, but withdrew it after the Met Police said it believed it was in the public interest to charge Ms Flack with assault."
Apparently you shouldn't charge women for violence against men because they might kill themselves


Woman in India tries to divorce husband for not arguing with her & forgiving her easily - "A woman has requested to divorce her husband in a Sharia court in India 18 months after her marriage... the woman was seeking divorce from her husband for a bizarre reason -- for loving her too much and being perfect.  Complaining that her husband "doesn't fight" with her, the unnamed woman claimed that she "could not digest" her husband's love, according to local news reports.  "Neither does he ever shout at me, nor has he ever disappointed me over any issue. I am feeling suffocated in such an environment. Sometimes he cooks for me, and also helps me in performing household chores," she said.  "Whenever I make a mistake, he always forgives me for that. I wanted to argue with him."  "I do not need a life where the husband agrees to anything," the woman argued in her appeal for divorce... After her plea for divorce was rejected, the woman appealed to the local governing body, which also expressed its inability to handle the case."
Women like drama

Meme - "So I asked an old man for a financial advice and he showed me this picture. I have been trying to understand it since since. *man crossing street to avoid woman*"

Meme - Bumper sticker: "Don't worry I suck dick better than I can park."

Meme - "How Io Get Your Girlfriends
"Hey, what was that show your Dad was telling us about
The time travel one"
"my ex stopped by my work today"
"What did she want?"
"She wanted to know what that show your dad was telling us about was called"

How She ‘Manifested’ Marrying Her Secret Crush - The New York Times - "Allison Alyssa Flynn had a secret crush on Jeffrey Charles Hood from the moment she met him — a secret from Mr. Hood, that is... “The first time I saw Jeff, I was immediately drawn to him, and within 24 hours I was fully obsessed, like, ‘I’m going to marry this man’ obsessed,” Ms. Flynn said.  But Mr. Hood had a girlfriend then.  Ms. Flynn told her family, friends and co-workers about her crush. “I call it manifestation,” she said. “We stayed connected and I kept telling people, ‘I’m going to marry him.’”  “Everyone knew about her crush except for me,” said Mr. Hood, who had interacted frequently with Ms. Flynn during work."
Imagine if it had been a man crushing on a woman

I'm a liberal — hard to find progressive masculine men to date - "A single woman has made waves for lamenting on TikTok that all the chivalrous, masculine men in her dating orbit are conservative.   “As a liberal woman, it is really hard to find a man who is willing to play the more traditional masculine role in the relationship in today’s day and age who is not a conservative,” said the TikToker with the username @Ms_Petch.  “A man who wants to pay on the first date; who wants to open your door; who has that want and desire to take care of you and provide — who is not a conservative.”   The Los Angeles woman said that men she’s dated who do have those quality traits don’t align with her political ideologies. And she clarified that just because she wants an old-fashioned gentleman, doesn’t mean she plans to subscribe to a traditional housewife role...   The TikTok set off a firestorm of comments.   “That’s like saying, ‘I want to invest in something without having to do anything but get all benefits from it,’” one commenter scoffed.   Another chimed in: “All I heard is I want someone to take care of me but I don’t want to take care of them.”  Others had a bipartisan solution: “Your morals and beliefs don’t have to be in sync with your husband’s. what matters is you are able to both compromise and work together.” The TikToker did, however, receive some support, with one responding: “Annnd this is why so many women my age are still single.”   Another, meanwhile, suggested she change her zip code if she wants luck finding a man who meets her criteria."
Addendum: Also titled: "I’m a liberal — it’s hard to find masculine men to date who aren’t conservative"

All-boys netball team dominate girls team 46-12 in under-18s state final - sparking backlash - "Furious parents have hurled abuse from the stands as they watched an all-boys netball team trounce a girls team 46-12 in a state grand final - after they were controversially allowed into the competition by organisers.   The 46-12 victory by the Queensland Suns male team in the state's under-18 titles against the all-female Bond University Bull Sharks at Brisbane's Nissan Arena drew an angry response from some of the crowd who were appalled at the mismatch."
Time for equal pay!
Clearly, as some feminists claim, sport is segregated by sex because women were beating men

Meme - "How many times do I have to assure you, Jim? There is "No Other Man". *busty woman on rotary dial phone having breasts stroked by other busty woman in black with crucifix*"

Forget Wearables! Japan Invents UnWearables - A Bra That Only Pops Open for True Love - "the True Love Tester is a bra with a latch that will only open if the lady is truly in love... Tokyo-based lingerie company Ravijour created the bra as part of a publicity campaign for its 10th anniversary. The True Love Tester is a high-tech bra that has sensors built-in and is linked to a mobile device that analyzes the wearer’s heartbeat – as the news report puts it – “in the heat of the moment.”... The manufacturer swears that the bra can distinguish between a heart rate elevated by, for example, jogging or exercise…or a rate elevated by simple flirting “where a woman’s requirements of her bra are quite distinct.” And of course, both of these are contrasted with a heart rate elevated by…true love.  And when the bra detects true love, it doesn’t just unlatch for the lucky young man…it pops open with some force…essentially taking the whole bra off in the process. This is all demonstrated quite convincingly in the company’s published video."

Meme - "But I called you an incel!"
"And this gives you power over me?"

Meme - juliebeans @jellybeanz1: "My husband killed himself last week. It feels weird and fucked up to post this on twitter but please, if you're struggling with addiction and mental illness, please don't choose this. Please seek help. All the hugs" The Julie Subscri... @jellybeanjulie2: "This is the last video I made before my husband died. It's me masturbating on the couch in the yellow dress. In case you wanna see love you guys xoxo"

Meme - "I was shaving my "privates" last night using my phone light. then I heard notifications to see I was "on live" on tiktok!!! Thanks for ur kind gifts!!!"

Meme - "Random dude telling me I have big boobs and no ass"
"Me pointing out he also has big boobs and no ass"

Meme - "when she sets her relationship to single and starts posting stories *snake charmer but with sausages*"

Meme - Gandalf: "What can you see?"
The Ring of Power: "Live Love Laugh"
Me: "It's some form of basic white girl"

CDC: Nearly 50% of Black Women Ages 14 to 49 Have Genital Herpes - "Almost one in every two African-American women ages 14 to 49 has genital herpes, as does two out of every five blacks in that age group, according to data presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at an STD Prevention Conference last week and reported on by the Los Angeles Times. In addition, one out of six Americans in general is living with the virus.  Genital herpes, also known as herpes simplex virus type 2 or HSV-2, is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States...The high rate of genital herpes in the black community might be partially responsible for the high incidence of HIV among African Americans, explained Kevin Fenton, MD, director of the CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention. Research shows that people with genital herpes are two to three more times likely to contract HIV. In addition, HIV-positive people with HSV-2 are more likely to transmit HIV to their partners. About 80 percent of people with the herpes virus are not aware that they have it."
Damn racism!

Meme - "Seeks hostile woman for unfulfilling sex future divorce and co-dependency. Looking for a whiny, crazy lady with misplaced sense of entitlement and lots of expectations. Bonus points if you just finished dating every guy in town but now want to take it slow with me. I would be open to an unsatisfying fling but prefer a long term, soul crushing descent into booze and pills"

Meme - T-shirt: "NO BRA, NO PANTIES"
Xavier: "don't share your financial problems here"

Meme - "I'm looking to meet some over weight single mothers that are in their late to their late 40's that always say in their profile "my kids are my world" I mean seeing that statement over and over and over again never gets bored. I seek a women who is a 5 maybe 6 but thinks she's a 10 I hear Tinder has great deal of this type of mindset on here. Oh yea she has got to be at Min 20 pounds over weight and have some excuse to back up why she's heavy. The excuse is key for me please have one."

Woman Are Using Cheating to Save Their Marriages According to Researcher - "Over the last 30 years, Barash has observed that more women are choosing to come clean about their infidelity to their husbands, driven by a desire to reignite passion in their marriages.  "What's changing is that the women are much more willing to own it," Barash said while sharing insights from her research on a recent episode of the podcast "Sex & Psychology," which is hosted by sex researcher Justin Lehmiller... Barash said the married women she interviewed said they never planned to have affairs, but when they did, they became masters at hiding them from their children, husbands, and communities.  She said that the only time she really heard women come clean is when they wanted to use their affairs as "renegotiating tools" for their marriages, Barash told Lehmiller.  Multiple women told Barash that they told their husbands that cheating showed them to enjoy what their marriage lacked, but also that they want to have those things within their marriage. For these women, coming clean was a way to say, "Here's what I need that I'm not getting," Barash said.  She said that this can be a "wake-up call" for husbands. She's noticed that men today are "more willing to listen" and consider adapting than in the past, when an affair likely meant the end of a marriage, no questions asked."
"Women cheat because it's their partners' faults". But of course, if men cheat...

Can I trust the man I’m having an affair with? - "Aside from him lying to his wife about his whereabouts when we are together, do you think he is lying to me too?"

Dee 😈 on Twitter - "Ladies what’s harder for y’all to do STFU or parallel park 🤔🤣"

Teacher fundraising after getting fired over racy OnlyFans content raises just £16 - "Sarah Juree lost her job as a science teacher when her employer discovered that she was also charging for racy content on OnlyFans but a GoFundMe to challenge her dismissal isn't going well"

Meme - Shania Liangg: "at my funeral pull my panties to the side so my man can slide it in one more time"

Meme - Josh Von Gent: "Men have to pay by societal rules to earn the paycheck that pays for the goth attire you wear."
Trinity Redwine: "yeah that's cute because I'm pretty sure my own paycheck buys my clothes and everything else I own, weird!"
Luis Camacho: "dis u ???"
Trinity Redwine: "When you go with your boyfriend to the store and he buys everything you want"


Meme - "The wall remains undeveated.
Remembering being chased by men in my 20's, when I wanted to be single, only to be 43 with a kid, 2 cats and never chased again"

Meme - "When your girlfriend sees a picture of your ex
You came in that thing?"

Woman who went on three dates a week goes celibate – and finds benefit - "A woman went from bedding a bloke every week to giving up sex - and it's transformed her life.  Brenda Osorno, 30, used to go on three dates a week, and was a regular bonker before she gave it all up for a year to focus on herself.  She also had two or three so-called "special friends" at the time who she'd hook up with once a week.  But, following a tough break-up, she dived into celibacy and spent her time learning new skills such as boxing and pole dancing.  When she managed to keep it up for 30 days, she realised it was doing a lot of good for her, so she let her "Mother Theresa stint" continue.  Even though it was tough at times, it actually led to her confidence and sense of self growing in the long-run...   She started filling her diary with activities as opposed to dates was a form of "self-therapy"...   "I realized that I used to go on dates to validate myself.  "When I’m in a relationship, I have a tendency to let myself go and become completely wrapped up in the other person.  "But going celibate made me feel like no one could hold me back.  "Now I don’t have to answer to anyone other than myself and my mom.""

Woman mortified to realise 'cancer scare' was actually leftover from saucy romp - "A woman confessed she thought she had a "cancer scare" after finding a lump – but it turned out to be a love bite.  Annabel Fisher, from the Limestone Coast, South Australia, splurged around $400 (£225) on tests but doctors soon confirmed her "weird" lump wasn't cancer, as it was actually a collection of dead cells that formed following "trauma".  She headed to the doctors after discovering a "rock-solid" bruised mass on her body that was around the size of a 50p coin. At the time she was waiting to get the results, Annabel remembered a "friend" had given her a "love bite" in the same place as little as two months earlier.  When she realised it may be linked, she had to confess the saucy truth to giggling specialists who told her the love bite had led to a bruise forming.  It also caused a circle of breast tissue to turn "necrotic" or dead... she was advised not to get a love bite on the same spot again as the skin cells around the area were so badly damaged."

'I was kicked out of the gym for staring at woman working out – but I'm blind' - "A blind man was asked by gym staff to leave the building after a woman accused him of staring at her.  Footballer Toby Addison was born sighted but, from the age of 11, started to dramatically lose his vision and by his early teens had lost 80% of his sight.  The 21-year-old now has around 4% of his eyesight remaining – and it's led to him being in some awkward situations...   Toby added that there is now a culture of trying to catch gym creeps in the act of staring and recording other people during their workouts.  So he suspects that the woman thought the cane was a prop as part of his disguise to creep on women."

Meme - "When I finally get me a jet ski *Man posing on it like a woman*"

Meme - SixBrownChicks @SixBrownChicks: "In 2020, my marriage was going thru a bad time so I got cosmetic surgery to permanently change my eye color. My brown eyes are now green, but I got nerve damage and one eye closes slower than the other. My slow eye can't be corrected and my husband knows I'm sensitive about this. What I didn't know is that his momma calls me "MORTGAGE EYES" (one fixed; one variable) and he joins her in talking shit about me. She washes his clothes, cooks for him (only cooks enough food for one person), and cleans only his things in our house. She's convincing him to leave me (because our newborn isn't his daughter). He forgave me for cheating already. How can I I stop his momma from disrespecting me/ ruining my marriage? I'm to fighting her. #SBCCHAT"

I divorced my dying husband — he wallowed in self-pity and killed my vibe - "Fry subsequently filed for divorce from her husband, leaving him stunned.  “His main focus was more and more so about him,” she stated.  “At the beginning of his treatment, he was still checking on me. [But] He felt even more pity for himself because of the divorce.”   “I can’t say that he was hugely supportive,” she further admitted of her decision to end their union.  “But what was even harder was the reaction of society, which I didn’t expect.”  Fry says people sent her “horrible messages” and that her husband’s family was “disappointed.”... He ended up re-marrying before he passed away two years later.  “I actually found out on Facebook that he passed away. There was a picture of him from a common friend, and it said, ‘Rest in Peace.'”  “My first reaction was, ‘You must be joking. Someone would have called me and told me.’ But no one did,” she mournfully added.  Fry has since moved to Singapore and works as a life coach.  She has also remarried.  She says she has no regrets about leaving her dying husband — but admits she spent years in therapy trying to work through her complicated emotions.  “I feel we, especially women, are just usually brought up is the mentality to serve others, but when you go against it, you learn a lot about resilience and self-awareness,” Fry declared. “I had to have years of therapy to learn that I am not a horrible person for making the decision that I did.”"
Good luck to her clients
This is the same woman who claimed Singapore was the least judgmental place in the world. Oddly, while she mentioned her ex-husband previously, she didn't reveal that she divorced him

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