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Thursday, July 20, 2023

Links - 20th July 2023 (2 - Migrants [including the effect on wages])

Sweden court revokes deportation order of Majd Shhada, a criminal from Syria because the woman he trafficked and assaulted is pregnant: Details - "A district court in Sweden has revoked the deportation sentence of a Syrian refugee Majd Shhada, who has been convicted multiple times for offences such as rape, assault, theft and drug abuse. While revoking his deportation, the Court of Appeal for Lower Norrland contended that the accused might be at risk of military service in his home country, Syria.  Another factor given by the court to defend the ruling was Majd Shhada’s ‘possibility of becoming a parent soon.’ Notably, the woman who was trafficked from Syria by the accused and assaulted multiple times is pregnant and expecting a child with Majd Shhada.   On January 9, popular Twitter user Ashwini Shrivastava shared a thread of Tweets where he gave out information about the aforementioned case. “Sweden: A Syrian refugee Majd Shhada with 8 convictions, who savagely beaten, raped & impregnated a young woman, to avoid deportation Court ruled him, He will not be deported because his homeland is ‘too dangerous’ & he risks military service"... Majd Shhada arrived in Sweden as a refugee from Syria in 2018. He is accused of raping and assaulting a woman he trafficked from Syria to Sweden and has been living in the same house with her since. In addition, he has been convicted in Sweden of multiple thefts, threats, and petty drug offences... Majd Shhada’s neighbours routinely informed the police about conflicts and noises coming from the accused’s home. Majd, who routinely abused his partner, has previously been arrested for assaulting the woman. The woman had been to the hospital multiple times and her injuries had been documented. However, because the wife used to come to his defence, the accused was often saved from prison... Majd Shhada use to beat her up so violently that she feared for her life on multiple occasions. Among other things, he once also tried to strangulate her with a shoelace...  the Ångermanland district court sentenced Majd Shhada for gross violation of women’s rights, a crime the court believes has been going on since 2021. He was sentenced to nine months in jail and asked to pay compensation of SEK 120,000 to the victim."
Staying in Sweden, he will make it more dangerous, which will reduce the inequality of danger in the world. Bravo!

TRUMP's KIDS IN CAGES *Kids in cage*

Forced marriage: Officer asked if Iraqi man could date a 12-year-old | News | The Times - "A police officer phoned a charity to ask whether it was “culturally acceptable” for an Iraqi paedophile to have a 12-year-old girlfriend. The detective had arrested the 26-year-old man but wanted to be “culturally sensitive” after the suspect said the relationship was acceptable in his community. Karma Nirvana, the charity that took the call, told the officer to deal with the man as he would any other suspected child abuser. The charity, which works with victims of forced marriage, said that the case showed the danger of officers whose professional judgment was clouded by fear of being called racist... Jasvinder Sanghera, the charity’s founder, said there was an attitude of “turning a blind eye because of culture” within the police and councils."

Forced marriage: Police ‘turn a blind eye’ to child brides | News | The Times - "Jasvinder Sanghera, the founder of Karma Nirvana, which supports victims of forced marriage, said: “We’ve got a number of professionals who are turning a blind eye. They don’t want to rock the multicultural boat.”"

Forced marriage: Woman with mental age of seven forced into marriage three times | News | The Times - "The forced marriage took place in 2012 after her stepfather was allegedly paid £20,000 by the family of a Pakistani man who was having trouble getting a visa. A registrar reported serious concerns about the woman’s welfare after the wedding day, including that her mother had slapped her in the face to get her to smile for a photograph. It later emerged that the authorities were already aware of the case and police had allowed the marriage to go ahead as officers believed that “no crime had been committed”. Council officials also permitted it as they were “concerned about being seen not to have taken into account the cultural background”, according to court documents... She was raped by her Pakistani husband and they had a child, who was taken into care after the birth. When the case was heard at the High Court in 2013, Mrs Justice Parker declared: “She does not have the capacity to consent to marriage. To inflict pregnancy and childbearing on a person who cannot consent is about as gross a physical interference as can be imagined.”... In November 2011, when PM was 35, she was married for a third time in a Muslim ceremony in the UK to a Pakistani aged 33 who was in the country on a student visa that had expired two months earlier. She was raped and impregnated and her family started the process of having her married in a register office. The abuse occurred despite social services having been involved for ten years... A doctor assessed her and found she could not consent to marriage. However, a superintendent registrar later intervened, saying that she “was concerned about being seen not to have taken into account the cultural background and PM’s right to marry”. The authorities then appear to have been duped after the family had got a note “from a local paediatrician who may have had some connection with the family”, claiming the woman understood the concept of marriage... Mrs Justice Parker found PM did not have capacity to consent to marriage or sex and should not live with the man she was forced to marry. She said the woman was still “being used” by the Pakistani man to stay in the UK, as he argues that being made to live abroad would breach his right to family life with his wife and child."

Forced marriage: Sajid Javid launches urgent inquiry | News | The Times - "Some families in Asian communities have disabled children married abroad and then bring over the spouses in the belief that this ensures they will have a carer for life. Campaigners accuse the Home Office of failing to block these visas because it is “worried about being perceived as racist or culturally insensitive”... officials dealt with 88 cases involving “reluctant sponsors”, a category used to describe those victims who actively try to block a visa or are suspected by officials to be in forced marriages involving a visa application. In 42 of the cases visas were issued anyway...  One hearing at the court of protection in 2012 was told how a victim’s husband was allowed into Britain, resulting in him being “physically very rough and abusive, smacking her head, shaking her, and yanking her eyelid”. The judge said: “I watched the wedding video and [the victim] was slumped in a chair almost comatose.” In a similar case the following year, Mr Justice Holman said: “I have been told there are a number of incapacitated adults who have been the subject of arranged or forced marriages and that it is important to send a strong signal to the Muslim and Sikh communities that arranged marriages, where one party is mentally incapacitated, simply will not be tolerated.”"

Cotton: NY's Homeless Veterans Ineligible for $15.6K Payments to Illegals - "Homeless veterans in New York are not eligible for the $15,600 one-time payments that nearly 200,000 illegal aliens will soon receive, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) notes.  As Breitbart News has reported, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) and state Democrats have struck a budget deal that includes $2.1 billion in taxpayer funding to provide unemployment benefits and stimulus checks to about 187,000 illegal aliens... The payments are also one of the largest funded programs in the New York budget. For example, the emergency rental assistance program is receiving just $300 million more than the illegal alien fund while homeowner assistance is being funded to the tune of $600 million, about $1.5 billion less than the illegal alien fund."

NYC won't drop sanctuary status despite mayor saying 'no more room' for migrants - "New York City Mayor Eric Adams said he would not consider suspending or stopping the Big Apple's sanctuary city policies amid the influx of migrants from the southern border."
New York Mayor says "no room" in his city for migrants - "The mayor of New York traveled to the Mexican border city of El Paso on Sunday and declared that "there is no room in New York" for busloads of migrants being sent to America's most populous city."
NYC Mayor Adams says 'right to shelter' doesn't cover migrants - "“There’s no more room at the inn, and the reason there’s no more room at the inn is because the federal government is not doing their job”... The city’s “right to shelter” law is one of the strongest sanctuary city laws in the country, requiring the government to make a roof available to anyone without a home on any given night."
Mayor Eric Adams suspends NYC's right to shelter rules for asylum seekers

Ticket to ride: NYC mayor gives free bus tickets to Canada for asylum-seekers - "The hustle and bustle of New York City are just too much for some illegal aliens, so they are taking advantage of free tickets to Canada. Free to them, of course, but no one is saying exactly where the money is coming from for the tickets. Mayor Adams and Governor Hochul are keeping quiet on how this move is being financed...   You really can’t make this stuff up. The illegal aliens taking part in this program are moving on from New York because they think Canada will be more welcoming than the United States. Migrants have been housed, fed, and provided whatever services are needed … yet they don’t feel welcomed. They cross into this country illegally, are provided with what they need in the border state, then are provided transportation to a sanctuary city or state of their choice. Now they have the option to seek greener pastures in Canada.  The migrants complain of homelessness and drug use in the United States... Former New York Gov. David Paterson has noticed and called out officials for treating illegal aliens better than homeless Americans."

Coronavirus: Government accused of using ‘racist policy’ to drive black people back to work during pandemic - "Ms Thewliss told the Commons that Bame people were being denied the chance to stay home to protect their health during the pandemic because of the government’s “no recourse to public funds” policy, which bars many migrants from receiving welfare benefits... Ms Badenoch – who is herself of Nigerian background, but was born in the UK – retorted: “It is wrong to conflate all black people with recent migrants… I’m a black woman who is out at work.”  To an angry response from the opposition benches, she accused the SNP MP of inflaming racial tensions for the sake of publicity.  “It is wrong to conflate different issues and merge them into one just so you can get traction in the press,” said Ms Badenoch. “It’s not right for us to use confected outrage. We need courage to say the right things and we need to be courageous to calm down racial tensions, not enflame them just so we have something to put on social media.”"
From 2020

Who bears the cost of integrating refugees? - "The cost for processing and accommodating asylum seekers is estimated around €10 000 per application for the first year but can be significantly higher if integration support is provided during the asylum phase. The annual costs decline considerably in the following years."

Can Games Prepare Us for Catastrophes? (Part 2) - Freakonomics - "MCGONIGAL: If there is extreme climate change, how open are people going to be to refugees, to migrants? Are they going to behave the way we saw Poland behave with admitting refugees from Ukraine during this war? Or are they going to be like Americans trying to keep people out at the border with Mexico?"
As usual we have the conflation of refugees and economic migrants

Along Mexican border, US ranchers say they live in fear - "While walking along a dirt road bordering his property, a South Texas farmer complained about living in fear of Mexican traffickers smuggling drugs and illegal immigrants across his land. He would later ask his visitor not to reveal his identity, for his safety and that of his family... The farmer said a federal law enforcement agent told him to buy a bulletproof vest to use while working in his fields... "One of the basic points of the federal government is to protect the people of this nation to secure the border, and they're not doing that"... A report recently released by the Texas commissioner of agriculture said cross-border violence was escalating... Among ranchers, farmers and law enforcement agents working at the ground level, however, there is considerable agreement that large-scale drug smuggling from Mexico into the United States has been increasing in recent years and that the traffickers are becoming more aggressive."
From 2011

Mark Steyn Agrees with Bryan Caplan on Immigration - "  Here’s one of co-blogger Bryan Caplan’s many posts arguing that ethnic diversity undercuts support for the welfare state. The usual argument, and the one Bryan normally makes, is that the existing population that were here before the immigrants will be less supportive of the welfare state when immigrants who are not like them arrive. But Steyn is arguing that those very immigrants, who tend to be young, will not be very supportive of welfare for the elderly who were here before the immigrants. Both claims could be true. Indeed, I think both claims are likely to be true."

Manhunt after four men kidnap pregnant woman, 25, and rape her in hours-long ordeal in Greece - "Police in Greece have launched a manhunt after a 25-year-old pregnant woman was raped before being abducted and gang-raped by three other men who she went to for help.   The woman, who is three months pregnant, had travelled to the Omonia neighbourhood of Athens to get her phone fixed.  She was approached by an Afghan man who took her into a darkened area and raped her, local reports said. The expectant mother then asked three Pakistani men for help. They called a cab and took her to an underground flat in the nearby Agios Panteleimon area where they gang-raped her."

'We have space, but not for Germans' – Protests against elderly residents being evicted to accommodate migrants labeled 'far-right' - "Germany is increasingly evicting its elderly residents to make room for refugees as the country deals with an extreme housing crisis brought on to a great extent by mass immigration. However, those protesting this trend are being labeled far-right and xenophobic by government officials. At the same time, they are complaining they can no longer partake in such evictions “silently,” as public outrage grows over a practice that has long been used in the past without as much scrutiny.  As Remix News has previously reported, the city’s municipal housing association evicted dozens of long-term residents in the German city of Lörrach, many of them senior citizens, to accommodate migrants. In Berlin, a Christian organization forced out over 100 seniors to make room for migrants there. It is a well-known secret in Germany that even non-profits now prefer to house migrants rather than the elderly, as they can earn more money doing so, which can also be a motivating factor for cash-strapped non-profits... Polling shows that the majority of Germans believe too many migrants are arriving in Germany; meanwhile, the federal government is making a push to legalize millions of migrants and attract millions more over the coming years.  Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD), who has claimed right-wing extremists are the biggest threat to Germany, is calling for more acceptance of such eviction practices to make room for migrants, saying “that war refugees should not be misused as a reason for long-standing problems on the housing market. This is wrong and irresponsible because that poisons the discussion and leads to agitation against refugees or against political decision-makers — and in the worst case, to violence.”"

The Irish rally against immigration wave: More battles in a larger culture war - "no one ever asked the people of Ireland whether they consent to the new plantation or colonisation of Ireland. We had it before in the 17th century and it didn’t work out so well for the natives.   Over the last two months, rallies against uncontrolled, unvetted immigration have been increasing in frequency and size. Those who participate are mainly working-class people and concerned parents worried about whether their children will be able in the future to rent an apartment or even walk around their community in safety. In contrast to the government-financed NGO worker-heavy, middle-class, open-borders protesters, the #MakeIrelandSafeAgain rally participants are often young women with buggies and kids in tow. Indeed, a popular meme symbolising the rallies is a woman pushing a buggy. The rallies against uncontrolled immigration have been fastidiously peaceful and good-humoured so far. There has been violence, but solely from far-left counter-protesters who have on three occasions in three weeks driven their cars into rally participants. One Marxist fanatic has already been charged with running his car into a peaceful protester and endangering life during a rally in East Wall, central Dublin, last week...   It was revealed during the Prime Time programme on state broadcaster RTE on Thursday, for instance, that over 60 percent of those who fly into Dublin airport to claim asylum say that they have lost their passport between getting on the plane and arriving at the customs kiosk in Dublin. An additional group also presented false papers. So it’s pretty clear that the International Protection procedure is being utterly scammed in Ireland.   The same holds true for the 70,000 or so Ukrainians who get immediate refugee status in Ireland. Whereas the state told the Irish people it would be all women and children, instead, 39 percent of those Ukrainians coming to Ireland are young males — certainly decades under 60 years of age and many with accents and “sun tans” suggesting they are not from Ukraine at all. Many people feel the political class are allowing the country to be taken for a ride, and it is making neighbourhoods far more dangerous. There have been a rash of stabbings, murders, and rapes over the last two years.   The government’s open borders immigration policy is egged on by the left-wing opposition of Sinn Fein, Labour, and People before Profit, whose mantra could easily be: “Brits out, everybody else in.” They are dripping with cultural self-hatred and Hibernophobia, dressed up as pathological altruism for foreigners."

Nursing shortage? There’s a solution right in front of us | The Star (2022) - "The Ontario Nurses’ Association says our province is short more than 22,000 nurses and has the worst RN-to-population ratio in the country... Right now, in Ontario, some 15,000 IENs — who trained, qualified, and practiced in other countries, and came to Canada wanting to practice nursing — are working their way through an agonizingly complex qualification process of courses, document-gathering, competency testing, and examinations. Some have been in that pipeline for years. No doubt others have given up or taken their talents elsewhere... One of my colleagues, with 20 years’ experience practicing and teaching nursing — and a PhD in nursing — has been trying for three years to get her licence to practice in Ontario. It’s taken that long, after many rounds of providing documentation, testimonials from her university, and waiting for answers, just to be scheduled to sit the registration exam. And that’s not even the final step, since there’s another exam to be taken before she can practice her profession in Ontario.  Qualifying isn’t the only barrier. A group of 26 IENs has taken to social media to tell their story: despite earning their Ontario qualifications, they cannot practice in Ontario — because the federal government hasn’t approved their immigration status. The backlog is so large that some of these nurses have been waiting years for approval — working as nannies, caregivers, and whatever other job they can get, with no indication of when they can expect to be approved to do the job they came here to do. No one is suggesting that nursing standards should be relaxed or quality of care compromised to help IENs qualify. Yet we seem to accept the idea that hospitals can run short-staffed or double the number of ICU patients assigned to a nurse, or ask nurses to work 16-hour shifts, without compromising the quality of care they deliver... I’m furious that in the midst of this crisis, Ontario has thousands of IENs working as nannies, clerks, factory workers and Uber drivers."
Thousands of foreign-trained nurses can now practise in Canada as provinces change licensing rules - The Globe and Mail - "More internationally trained nurses come from the Philippines than any other country. It’s estimated there are around 2,000 foreign-trained nurses in Alberta alone who couldn’t work in the province because the old licensing system was too complicated and didn’t recognize foreign credentials, Ms. Reyes said. These changes are long overdue, she said."
On reddit people were complaining about foreign-trained nurses buying their diplomas - as if there was no certification process, interview or supervision period. Apparently it's better to not have a nurse than to run a small risk of having a bad one. Others complained about wages going down (as if if wages were increased there would suddenly be a flood of nurses popping out of thin air - ironically, the leftists at other times complain that private healthcare won't improve healthcare since there won't be any new staff: apparently labour supply responds to higher wages in the public system but not the private one)

Bill Melugin on Twitter - "NEW: Stunning footage from our drone team shows an enormous amount of clothing & trash dumped by migrants at the edge of the river after they cross illegally into Brownsville in this spot. Mixed in, you will find IDs/paperwork from around the world, & Mexican humanitarian visas."

Chicago community where 97% voted Biden react furiously after finding out 500 migrants are coming - "Furious Chicago residents who overwhelmingly voted for President Biden during the last election have angrily spoken out against the hundreds of migrants being brought to the area that are knocking long-time residents off housing wait lists.   The former South Shore High School is to act as a temporary holding space for up to 500 migrants and officials have not yet clarified for how long.   Residents of the strongly Democratic South Shore suburb are speaking out after a lawsuit was filed claiming the school had not been zoned for residential use and that residents were not properly consulted of the plans. 'All of these resources that have not come to us now you want to overly compensate for people that have never lived here before. We need to be taken care of first and foremost before anything else happens!' one woman demanded.   'Many of these migrants have been dumped without a plan in place to monitor and house them long term,' explained another. Residents are particularly upset over plans to house the migrants in the school, complaining about safety and a lack of consultation.  'Why would any leader put our black communities, already riddled with crime, at further risk by placing unvetted non-taxpayers steps away from our seniors, our children and our homes that we have worked so hard to secure?' another furious resident asked at a press conference.  'Our communities are at war. They are violating our communities. We are asking and demanding to deal with issues like this,' stated one woman.  'Politically, to have over 500 people in our community would completely wipe out any interest we have,' explained another.  In the 2020 election 97 percent of South Shore residents in Chicago voted for Biden many of whom are now vehemently protesting the overwhelming influx of migrants after the expiration of Title 42... 'Build the wall. Make a border,' shouted another... The lawsuit came just days after Mayor Lori Lightfoot declared a state of emergency over the arrival migrants to Chicago, which she said had reached 'breaking point'.  'We don't have any more space. I cannot emphasize that enough,' said Lightfoot.  Lightfoot, who made history as the first black woman and first gay person to the lead city, served her last day in office on Friday... Natasha Dunn, J. Darnell Jones and 'South Shore neighbors' are plaintiffs to the lawsuit filed in the county court against the city and Chicago Public Schools... 'If we're talking about migrants and asylum seekers that came from violent nations, that came from war, that came from poverty, why are we putting them in an area where they can be further traumatized?'... In recent weeks migrants have overwhelmed police station lobbies faster than the city has been able to open shelters."
In the Progressive stack, who is more important? Black people or illegal immigrants? It goes without saying that residents as a generic group are not important
Isn't it racist to call some areas traumatising?

Wedding guests scramble after hotel taking NYC migrants cancels rooms - "A Florida couple has had their wedding upended after an Orange County hotel — set to take in migrants from New York City — abruptly canceled the rooms she booked for her guests...   A Queens couple claimed the 37 rooms they booked months in advance at the Crossroads Hotel for guests of their May 20 wedding were also suddenly canceled."

Germany to ditch Angela Merkel’s open-door migrant policy - "Berlin’s left-wing government is preparing to ditch the liberal refugee policies that marked the Merkel era and crack down on asylum seekers  Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, announced a plan on Wednesday that will see Germany introduce tighter controls on all nine of its borders while pushing for asylum centres on the edge of the EU... For months, local governments have been complaining that they have been left in the cold by the federal government as they struggle with housing refugees and providing schooling for their children. Arrivals have risen sharply since the start of the year, with over 100,000 asylum applications made so far, a number not seen since 2015 when Angela Merkel famously opened Germany’s doors to Syrians fleeing their country’s devastating civil war... Human rights groups have described the proposal as “shocking” and a “human rights disaster”, claiming that the proposed centres would in effect be prisons.  But, whereas NGOs could once count on the backing of the Green party, even they have diluted their once staunch support of refugee rights... The German public appears to have little appetite for another year of mass refugee arrivals.  Last year, Germany welcomed roughly a million Ukrainians fleeing the war, adding to the already acute pressure on the country’s housing market.  Meanwhile, the goodwill that swept the country in 2015 was followed by an uptick in terrorism and violent crime."
Can they still be called racist when the Ukrainian refugees are white?

What does immigration do to wages? - "There is quite a lot of evidence that immigration affects low-waged workers the most negatively, and not just in construction... The available research also shows that any declines in wages are likely to be greatest for resident workers who are themselves migrants"

The impact of EU and Non-EU immigration on British wages - "The static results suggest that the statistically significant negative effects of immigration on wages are concentrated among skilled production workers, and semi/unskilled service workers. In the latter cases, the coefficients indicates that a 10 percentage point rise in the proportion of immigrants working in semi/unskilled services — that is, in care homes, bars, shops, restaurants, cleaning, for example — leads to a 2.6 percent reduction in pay."

A Comparative Analysis of the Labor Market Impact of International Migration: Canada, Mexico, and the United States - "Using data drawn from the Canadian, Mexican, and U.S. Censuses, we find a numerically comparable and statistically significant inverse relation between immigrant-induced shifts in labor supply and wages in each of the three countries: A 10 percent labor supply shift is associated with a 3 to 4 percent opposite-signed change in wages. Despite the similarity in the wage response, the impact of migration on the wage structure differs significantly across countries. International migration narrowed wage inequality in Canada; increased it in the United States; and reduced the relative wage of workers at the bottom of the skill distribution in Mexico... Despite the common-sense intuition behind this theoretical prediction, the economics literature has—at least until recently—found it difficult to document the inverse relation between immigrant-induced supply shifts and wages. Because immigrants typically cluster in a small number of cities in most receiving countries, much of the literature estimates the labor market impact of immigration by comparing conditions across localities in the country. These studies typically calculate the correlation between measures of immigrant penetration in local labor markets and measures of economic outcomes, such as wages (see Altonji and Card, 1991, Borjas, 1987, Card, 1991, 2001, and Grossman, 1982, for the United States; and Roy, 1997, for Canada). The sign of this “spatial correlation” is interpreted as indicating the direction in which immigrant supply shifts affect wages; a negative correlation would suggest that immigrant-induced increases in labor supply lower wages. Although there is a lot of dispersion across studies, there is a tendency towards finding a near-zero spatial correlation. This weak correlation leads to the inference that immigration has little impact on wages in the receiving country. Borjas, Freeman, and Katz (1997) challenged this interpretation by arguing that the spatial correlation may not capture the economic impact of immigration if native workers respond by moving their labor or capital to localities seemingly less affected by the immigrant supply shock. Borjas (2003) used the insight that the labor market impact of immigration may be measurable only at the national level to examine how the wages of U.S. workers in particular skill groups—defined in terms of educational attainment and years of work experience—were related to the immigrant supply shocks affecting those groups. The national labor market evidence indicated that wage growth was strongly and inversely related to immigrant-induced supply increases. This evidence, based on the study of wage trends in the United States over four decades, is consistent with the implications of the textbook model of a competitive market... We find that there is a numerically sizable and statistically significant inverse relation between labor supply shifts and wages in all three countries"
On methodological issues that may explain the findings that immigration has minimal effects on wages

The Effect of Immigration on Wages: Exploiting Exogenous Variation at the National Level - "endogeneity bias may arise in OLS estimation as immigrants are not randomly allocated across skill cells. The strategy I propose uses the heterogeneous role played by distance in mitigating a push factor across different types of workers as a source of exogenous variation...  Sub-Sample 2SLS estimated wage elasticities to immigration average − 1, which more than doubles OLS counterparts. This result is very stable across alternative push factors, definitions of distance, and fixed effects specifications, suggesting that treatment effects could be homogeneous, and the resulting wage elasticity, an average treatment effect. All in all, the main conclusion is that, even when the national-level cross-skill-cell approach is used, endogenous allocation of immigrants across labor markets creates a substantial bias in the estimation of wage effects of immigration"

Does Immigration Affect Wages? A Meta-Analysis - "Does immigration affect wages? No decisive answer has been provided until now. We propose an up-to-date meta-analysis of the literature investigating this question, based on 2,146 es- timates from 64 studies published between 1972 and 2019. We find that, on average, the literature reports a negative and close to zero effect of immigration on native wages. This result holds for both low/medium-skilled and high-skilled native individuals. This average effect, however, hides a large heterogeneity across studies. Variation across estimates can be explained by the presence of structural heterogeneity such as the country of analysis or the use of micro-level data, as well as to heterogeneity in research designs such as the use of difference-in-differences. Finally, we estimate a significant and negative effect of publishing in leading academic journals and propose a discussion on the potential publication bias in the literature"

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