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Monday, July 17, 2023

Links - 17th July 2023 (1 - General Wokeness)

Thread by @MrAndyNgo on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "HATE HOAX EXPOSED: #Antifa, leftists & media have been spreading claims that a gay San Diego man was set on fire by homophobes. Scott Rowin says he was called a fa—ot by two men before being set aflame in Hillcrest, San Diego's gay neighborhood... Scott Rowin spoke to San Diego media about being the victim of a gay bashing where he was set it fire. It was a hoax. CCTV captured him beating a pregnant woman until she was bloody. She set him on fire & he fled. Nevertheless, many on social media fell for the hoax & said it was evidence of fascism & white supremacy."

Jonathan Kay on Twitter - "If you're a progressive who thinks that the government should be making content-based lists of protests citizens are allowed to have, and not allowed to have, ask yourself how you think a conservative government would use that power Here. Let me help you out. "Oh no, our economy is in trouble! Clearly, we need a law against protests that undermine our capitalist system and market-based commercial freedoms... within 500 m of a business." How does that sound, folks?
"What's this? Indigenous groups protesting the existence of Canada, which they call an illegitimate genocide state? They're trying to stage a coup, just like the nasty convoy people! That's illegal now too. Oh, and let's freeze their bank accounts." Sound good? Shd we keep going?
I mean, what are "civil liberties" anyway? They've only been around for a few hundred years. It's far more important to stop a few dozen people in Ottawa from saying they don't like drag queen storytime hour. Let's not bother to think about what happens next.
The most charitable interpretation of this short-sighted progressive approach to shutting their enemies up is that it's a COVID hangover: A certain type of sanctimonious progressive got addicted to telling everybody what they were allowed to do & how they were allowed to do it...
The thing is, I approved of a lot of severe public health restrictions during that period. But there's a difference between saving people from a global pandemic, & protecting middle-aged men dressed in drag outfits from being criticized for doing story time sessions for 8-yr-olds"

Catch Up on Twitter - "White guy sobs for getting a black man arrested. The black man was threatening to stab his family to death."

KanekoaTheGreat on Twitter - "Joe Rogan and Matt Taibbi talk about the public smear campaign against Elon Musk for reinstalling freedom of speech on Twitter:
ROGAN: "I don't think anybody ever anticipated that Twitter would get sold to an eccentric billionaire who is intent on letting all the information get released."
TAIBBI: "Elon Musk essentially spent $44 billion to become a whistleblower of his own company... I think he's got a pretty developed sense of humor. He gets a kick out of seeing all this stuff come out on Twitter."
ROGAN: "He truly believes that censored social media is a threat to democracy... And I believe it too. I just don't have $44 billion, and even if I did, I would be like, ahh, I don't want that heat."
TAIBBI: "He also believes the credibility of these companies can only be restored by telling people what they have been talking about in private with the government."
ROGAN: "The publicity campaign against him has been fascinating to watch people go from thinking Elon Musk is this savior that's bringing us these amazing electric cars and engineering new renewable rockets to he's an alt-right piece of sh*t."
TAIBBI: "The speed with which they can sort of shuffle somebody into the Hitler of the month club routine, right? ...He went from being the guy who made electric cars sexy to something to the right of Viktor Orbán in ten seconds. It's amazing.""

People vow to boycott Ben & Jerry's after ice cream company marks Canada Day by tweeting about 'stolen land' : canada - "I'm gay and have been tired of people using me to virtue signal for about 10 years now.  People are disgusting.  Before I came out of the closet, my friends girlfriend told him I was hitting on her at a party(he was one of the only people who knew I was gay). All because I was excited she was from Kenora, Ontario, and knew a lot about it. She thought I must've stalked her Instagram or some shit and looked up Kenora to "impress" her.  She treated me like shit till I came out, then all of a sudden she wanted selfies of me with my boyfriend at parties, and guess what? They ended up on Instagram, she wanted to show people she was friends with homos.  People that virtue signal, I am convinced, are actually horrible people."

Civil Service ‘wokers’ are more interested in activism than serving the public - "Every so often, it becomes apparent that ministers are as perplexed as anyone about the operations of government. Most civil service work, after all, takes place entirely without political supervision. By and large, this is acceptable – except when the Civil Service goes wildly off track and starts devoting manpower to tasks that are irrelevant or contrary to the Government’s programme or beliefs.  One such example from the Coalition era was the existence of “pilgrims” – trade union officers paid a full Civil Service salary to work mostly on union work instead of government business... some departments allow civil servants to devote an entire day of the week to workplace activism. For some wokers, however, this may be a minimum... She joined the Foreign Office LGBT+ staff network just as it was “prioritising trans awareness”. She soon gained a leading role at the network and its activities began to take up more and more of her time until, she said: “I come to the office virtually or actually and really I’m motivated by doing that trans inclusion work and the actual proper job title is my excuse for being able to do all that stuff, so I’ve turned everything in my mind anyway on its head. I hope I just about earn my pay check every week.”  If she really was only just earning her pay check, what was she doing instead? Well, outside of work, she was in 2019 campaigning to be elected as a councillor for the Green Party.  At work, she was busy celebrating the flying of the “transgender flag” over the Foreign Office. (Incidentally flying that flag would have been unlawful if the department didn’t secure planning permission, and is either way a clear breach of the civil service code on impartiality. From what I can see online, it has been flown on at least three occasions since 2017 and when I asked whether the FCDO had permission, it wouldn’t answer).  The FCDO official was also developing “inclusion policies” and lobbying for civil service managers to be forced to “embrace that culture”. The good thing about doing this sort of activism in the civil service, she said, is “we’re a big employer… it’s a Soviet model that you can kind of command and control a bit, saying you know these are our people policies and these are our inclusion policies and we expect senior leaders to model those behaviours”.  What sorts of behaviours? The official indicated that she thinks a worker’s trans identity should be a factor in considering them for promotion... “Our UK diplomatic service should reflect modern, diverse UK society,” she said, “so the obvious lesson you draw from that is we should have trans people representing us around the world.” Well, fair enough – except perhaps in countries where to do so could be illegal, dangerous or damaging to UK diplomacy. Some people in the FCDO had argued that this might not be a great idea, she said, but she wasn’t worried: “I suspect dinosaurs of that sort won’t get very far.” As of this year, however, it seems that this particular official no longer works at the FCDO. The Government says it wants to cut 90,000 from the Civil Service payroll. Perhaps it could start with an audit of who is actually engaged in delivering public services and who is using taxpayer-funded time to pursue other interests.""

Eminent Intellectual on Twitter - "Reservation system means poor people from Upper Caste give up seats for the benefit of rich people from Lower Caste."

Supreme Court affirmative action case showed ‘astonishing’ racial gaps - "Underpinning the Supreme Court’s landmark Thursday decision striking down affirmative action in college admissions was stunning data highlighting the vast racial disparities in qualified and admitted applicants to both Harvard University and the University of North Carolina. Both institutions had markedly lower acceptance rates for Asian and white applicants than black and Hispanic candidates who fell into the same academic decile... At Harvard, an Asian candidate in the eighth highest academic decile had 5.1% chance of admittance, compared to 7.5% for white, 22.9% for Hispanic, and 44.5% for black applicants, per the brief...   To achieve its racial objectives, SFFA alleged that Harvard used a special ratings system that adversely affected Asian applicants. The “personal rating” is one of four “profile” scores Harvard assigned applicants, along with academic, extracurricular, and athletic... Asian applicants consistently performed the worst on Harvard’s “personal rating” system relative to other races, while black and Hispanic applicants generally performed better... “Year after year, Harvard’s personal ratings reflect a clear racial hierarchy, where African Americans receive the best personal ratings, followed by Hispanics, followed by whites, with Asian Americans in last place,” the brief argued.  “Harvard has never been willing to say that Asian American applicants deserve lower personal scores— that this group is actually less likely to exhibit ‘leadership,’ ‘self-confidence,’ ‘likeability,’ or ‘kindness.,'” the brief said. “It repeatedly disavowed that.”... Multiple simulations were developed to study UNC’s admissions, but an expert was unable to find any race-neutral method of achieving UNC’s exact racial makeup...   In tandem with the data cited, the petitioners also dug up online chats from admissions officers, in which they occasionally opined on an applicant’s race... an unnamed school official flagrantly instructed someone to move a minority candidate to a scholarship section if their SAT score was above 1300."
Liberals love literal structural racism

Meme - "My democrat aunt (a doctor) just had a meltdown over the supreme court decision. Saying that if blacks have to go by merit they'll never get anywhere. She then compared being black to being mentally disadvantaged. After her rant she said "oh god, I didn't mean that"
Her argument is that they have much lower IQs in general but still deserve a shot because they're still equal as human beings. So if we don't prop them up, they'll fil and live like they do in Africa. I's our duty as Christians to help those born without the right tools to...
My aunt is apparently a good hearted eugenicist... her most recent text to me.
'I'm not trying to be racist but there is obviously a difference between White's/Asians and African Americans. They are good people and still God's children but they are not biologically adapted to this kind of environment. You talk about the black crime rate, yes I agree it's huge but this is how we lower it. We don't need to completely lower our standards but if we want them to be functional and peaceful members of society we need to give them an advantage and priority. Otherwise you'll see kid's who could have, if given a leg up be thriving members of society turn to crime and murder. White's and Asians are more than intelligent enough to go over any barrier put in place against them. There's no reason to hold one group back because they're born disadvantaged, they're still equal beings, they're just not adapted for this particular economy.'"

Meme - Melissa Chen: ""Stop AAPI Hate" claims that over 70% of Asians support affirmative action. Their data is way off. Mined to support the conclusion they want. Meanwhile, the article they cite (beyond the headline) says 76% of Asians are against affirmative action for college admissions."
Stop AAPI Hate @StopAAPIHate: "Research from @AAPIData show ~70% of Asian Americans support #AffirmativeAction."
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "76 percent of Asian Americans overall said they did not think colleges should consider race or ethnicity as a factor in admissions decisions."

Joe Biden Says He Wants To Crack Down on 'Privilege' in Education. He Once Called UPenn's President To Get His Granddaughter In.

Richard Hanania on Twitter - "As soon as Jews were legally allowed to compete with their neighbors, they immediately started to dominate in scientific achievement. After our Civil Rights Act, we've had now six decades of demands for quotas and talk about how much work we have to do, with no end in sight."

Tom Cotton - "Affirmative action is systemic racism. Good riddance!"
Of course, the liberals (e.g. on the NPR Facebook) were very upset over systemic racism being abolished, because they support systemic racism which "benefits" "minorities"

Jonathan Kay on Twitter - "A majority of Americans, including a large majority of Democrats, agree with the US Supreme Court decision to strike down affirmative action in university admissions"
They're all white supremacists

Opinion | On Race and Academia - The New York Times - "I grew up upper-middle-class in Philadelphia in the 1980s. As early as high school, I picked up — from remarks of my mother’s, who taught at a university, as well as comments in the air at my school — that Black kids didn’t have to achieve perfect grades and test scores in order to be accepted at top colleges. As a direct result, I satisfied myself with being an A- or B+ student, pursuing my nerdy hobbies instead of seeking the academic mountaintop. I was pretty sure it wouldn’t affect my future in the way that it might for my white peers... In grad school, I was told by a mentor, a Black man, that race had been the reason I wound up in the top-20 pile of applicants in linguistics in the department where I got my Ph.D... It became increasingly clear to me that my skin color was not just one more thing taken into account but the main reason for my hire... I was brought on to represent a subfield within linguistics — sociolinguistics — that has never been my actual specialty... Around this time I gave some really good talks and some just OK ones; I always knew the difference. But I couldn’t help noticing that I would get high praise even for the mediocre ones, by white people who were clearly gratified to acknowledge a Black academic. And in the meantime, I was hopelessly undercooked for the position I had been hired for. I was not utterly clueless, but I simply didn’t know enough yet — and especially not enough to be in a position to counsel graduate students... With undergrads, I could coast on stage presence, but grad students know the real thing when they see it and when they don’t. I looked like a fool... I recall two Black applicants we admitted who, in retrospect, puzzle me a bit. One had, like me, grown up middle-class rather than disadvantaged in any salient way. The other, also relatively well-off, had grown up in a different country, entirely separate from the Black American experience. Neither of them expressed interest in studying a race-related subject, and neither went on to do so. I had a hard time detecting how either of them would teach a meaningful lesson in diversity to their peers in the graduate program.  Perhaps all of this can be seen as collateral damage in view of a larger goal of Black people being included, acknowledged, given a chance — in academia and elsewhere. In the grand scheme of things, my feeling uncomfortable on a graduate admissions committee for a few years during the Clinton administration hardly qualifies as a national tragedy. But I will never shake the sentiment I felt on those committees, an unintended byproduct of what we could call academia’s racial preference culture: that it is somehow ungracious to expect as much of Black students — and future teachers — as we do of others.  That kind of assumption has been institutionalized within academic culture for a long time. It is, in my view, improper."
Damn Uncle Tom pulling up the ladder behind him!
Liberals are skeptical of tests and rankings and don't believe anyone is better than anyone else, which is one reason they hate meritocracy and believe that equality means equal results

Media, liberals attack Asian Americans as pawns, de facto White supremacists after affirmative action defeat - "Former CNN host Soledad O'Brien told Asian Wave Alliance President Yiatin Chu, who celebrated the overturning of affirmative action, "Congrats on screwing over other people of color, ma’am! (Particularly those whose efforts in civil rights paved the way for your family to come to America!)." The Atlantic's Jemele Hill, another far-left personality, wrote to Chu, "Can’t wait until [your daughter] reads that you gladly carried the water for White supremacy and stabbed the folks in the back whose people fought diligently for Asian American rights in America."  An NPR article Sunday that was panned by conservatives as an "embarrassment" framed Asians as instruments of a White conservative master plan to bring down affirmative action. In a piece not labeled opinion, the author referred to Asians representing the "model minority myth" and quoted liberal voices calling Asians a "mask for White privilege." Another voice said the "myth" of affirmative action harming Asian Americans was "rooted in anti-blackness." "Asians against Affirmative Action are not hard [to] find. You’d think they’d ask at least one to weigh in before proclaiming them dupes," podcast host Katie Herzog wryly tweeted. NBC News also came out with an article last week right on the heels of the decision, quoting a left-wing Asian-American advocacy group that described the plaintiffs as "pawns" of the "White supremacist agendas behind these lawsuits." The Supreme Court ruled that admissions policies at Harvard and the University of North Carolina violated the 14th Amendment, and Kenny Xu is a board member for Students for Fair Admissions, the plaintiff in the cases. Addressing the personal attacks against Asian-Americans who successfully argued affirmative action violated the Constitution, Xu assailed progressives as race-fixated.  "The left in general does not value merit," he told Fox News Digital. "So when you see a group that is successful, you have to explain it. And the left has created this explanation that, well, because Asian-Americans are successful in our country disproportionately, including higher than average education rates and income, they must be somehow aligned with White supremacy, right? Because the left's paradigm is White supremacy, so if you're successful, that means you have to be somehow associated with the rich, White, privileged elite." The NPR article quoted extensively from liberal viewpoints to attack Blum, a conservative activist whose organization led the successful litigation in the cases against Harvard and North Carolina. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) told NPR that Blum had a "long history of crafting attacks on civil rights." Blum, meanwhile, is celebrating a landmark legal victory over what he says was state-sanctioned racial discrimination... "Our country isn't primarily Black and White anymore," he said, citing the country's diverse population and the polls showing large percentages of ethnic groups like Hispanics opposed affirmative action as well. "So in an increasingly diverse society in which you can't easily label people under privilege and oppressed groups, what's the best way forward? The best way forward is to treat people on the basis of merit, not their skin color.""

Aaron Sibarium on Twitter - "A lawyer in Big Law told me today that the firm’s corporate clients are all reaching out in the wake of Students For Fair Admissions to ask if their diversity policies are legal. In most cases, even liberal attorneys are telling them no."

Meme - JoshFessel: "In case I've not said this recently: If you find yourself on a committee discussing the needs of a particular group of people, but you look around the room & don't see anyone from that group, you should be HIGHLY skeptical of any "conclusions" reached."
"Right, for example infants or preschoolers. You need them on the committee or else how do you know their needs without there input? We are not capable of reason or rational thought. People aren't People but everything is genetic and you cant have similar experiences if you dont look like me. Right?"

Different level of population differentiation among human genes - "Here, we study the level of population differentiation among different populations of human genes. Intriguingly, genes involved in osteoblast development were identified as being enriched with higher FST SNPs, a result consistent with the proposed role of the skeletal system in accounting for variation among human populations. Genes involved in the development of hair follicles, where hair is produced, were also found to have higher levels of population differentiation, consistent with hair morphology being a distinctive trait among human populations. Other genes that showed higher levels of population differentiation include those involved in pigmentation, spermatid, nervous system and organ development, and some metabolic pathways, but few involved with the immune system. Disease-related genes demonstrate excessive SNPs with lower levels of population differentiation, probably due to purifying selection. Surprisingly, we find that Mendelian-disease genes appear to have a significant excessive of SNPs with high levels of population differentiation, possibly because the incidence and susceptibility of these diseases show differences among populations. As expected, microRNA regulated genes show lower levels of population differentiation due to purifying selection."
Meme - "The most significant genetic differences between human races are neurological, impacting thoughts, feelings, and behaviors"
Damn skin deep race!

Phoebe Waller-Bridge's approach to writing Lara Croft doesn't make any sense : KotakuInAction - ""She’s a tomb raider, so she’s incredibly fit," Waller-Bridge said. "She has to squeeze through tiny rock crevices all the time. It is a different experience squeezing through a small rock crevice when you have larger boobs than if you have smaller boobs."
The original game developer listed Lara as a 34-D, but journalists and Paramount estimated her to be a 36-DD (a 41-inch chest).  Angelina Jolie was a 36C, but when she played Lara, she wore a padded bra that made her a 36D (a 40-inch chest).  The average man has a 41-inch chest.  Harrison Ford has a 42-inch chest.  Dr. Zahi Hawass, the famous Egyptologist, who squeezes in and out of pyramids all the time in real life, is a rather large, heavy-set man with a belly much bigger than his chest.  So, why does Phoebe Waller-Bridge want to change Lara again? She can't fit in tombs? Can Indiana Jones no longer explore tombs either? How about real archeologists? Or any average-size men?  Just for context, Waller-Bridge is a 34A."
Comments: "Says the woman who spent half of the latest Indy flick eye-fucking potential male sex targets in a manner that would cause feminists' heads to explode if the sexes were reversed."
"They never campaign to have male comic book/video game characters with ridiculously buff physiques played by James Corden or Rick Moranis lookalikes, do they? You know - for realism?"

Man seriously injured, suspect outstanding after stabbing onboard Toronto subway train - "Police said the suspect is a male, around five-foot-10 to six-feet tall, who is bald and was wearing a green hoodie, black pants, and black and gold sunglasses."
Toronto Police Operations on Twitter - "STABBING: TTC Eglinton Subway station 12:23 pm - suspect described as male, black, 5'11-6'0, bald, wearing a green hoodie, black pants and black/gold sunglasses - trains are still stopped - consider alternate routes at this time - anyone with info, call police #GO1567469 ^se"
Bruno Martins on Twitter - "Why dont you guys never show the pic of the suspect?"
pigstag on Twitter - "They only do that if he's white."
Clearly removing important information but keeping in the colour of his sunglases will help find him

Call of Duty renames controversial MW2 Operative - "The one that got the most attention was the ‘Izanami’ skin due to its flashy anime aesthetic. As a result, members of the community claimed the design was out of place in comparison to the usual military theme of CoD   Players soon discovered a problem with the cosmetic that involved its name, which is extremely offensive when spelt backwards. In response to the backlash, the devs have changed the skin’s name ahead of its upcoming release...   Despite the backwards spelling of the name, it is important to note that ‘Izanami’ is the deity of creation and death in Japanese mythology, so this is likely where the devs got the inspiration for the name.   The anime-inspired ‘Izanami’ bundle has since been renamed to Izzy."

Miss America contestants complain that former FOX host Gretchen Carlson made the pageant too woke - "'It was essentially a Ted Talk,' Caressa Cameron - who won Miss America in 2010 - told DailyMail.com while discussing her appearance in the documentary series. 'The pageant is unrecognizable at this point, they wanted to make it so progressive that's it's not even worth having it on TV anymore,' Betty Maxwell, Miss America 2016, says in the show.  A botched rebranding of the contest in 2019 known as 'Miss America 2.0' led to all-time low ratings as it attempted to stay relevant to a new generation of Americans whose views on beauty and sexual politics have changed drastically over the past few decades... Cara Mund (Miss America 2018) came forward with a five page open letter alleging abuse and bullying from the Carlson, and CEO Regina Hopper.  The 24-year-old North Dakota native blasted Carlson’s team for having 'silenced me, reduced me, marginalized me, and essentially erased me in my role as Miss America.'  An online petition garnered more than 23,000 signatures called for Carlson’s resignation. In retaliation, the Miss America Organization revoked the license agreements of seven states.  'We never thought that would happen at the hands of another Miss America,' said Betty Maxwell. 'It was just tyrannical, like a dictatorship.'  The irony is in an organization that prides itself on promoting women, the job of Miss America itself leaves you with little freedom."

the hype on Twitter - "stop complaining. if you don't like this country, leave. got a broken tail light? abandon your car by the side of the road. toilet not flushing? move out of your house. never try to solve any problems, just give up"
Classic liberal delusion. Their complaints are numerous and dramatic - if my car needs to be sent to the mechanic week I absolutely should scrap it. Then again, maybe this is a subtle admission that liberals' complaints are minor or even trivial

TMeme - Sara Wren @sarawrencomedy: "I don't like the 68,000,000 racists."
the hype @TheHyyyype: "they should leave. to the bottom of the sea"
Liberal tolerance and love strikes again

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