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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Links - 18th May 2023 (1 - General Wokeness)

Maker of Dove Soap Will Drop the Word ‘Normal’ From Beauty Products - The New York Times - "The beauty and personal-care company Unilever said on Tuesday that it would no longer use the word “normal” on its products or in its advertising, after a study revealed that it makes most people feel excluded... Seventy-four percent of participants said they wanted the beauty industry to make them feel better, not just look better... “Saying the word ‘normal’ has been used to set you apart,” Ms. Jewel said. “I am normal. My dark skin is normal. My juicy West African curvy body is normal. Everything about me is normal.” Editors’ Picks The Weekend-Only Exercise Plan Readers’ Picks: 12 Motivating Workout Songs The Lagerfeld Looks That Defined a Career (and Remade Fashion) Products using the term “normal” could make a person feel anything but, she said, adding that its use could be dangerous for a person’s self-esteem and mental health."
If everyone is normal, no one is
These are the people who bitch about "white fragility"

‘By far the most dangerous situation I’ve ever been in’: Customer films entire restaurant standing for ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ in the middle of their meals - "A TikToker's video of a restaurant playing the national anthem is sparking debate on the popular social media platform. Paulina (@paulinappa_0) took the video at Rainbow Oaks Country Market in Fallbrook, California, which shows several diners standing up out of respect for the song. She found the situation to be "dangerous" and several other TikTok users also shared similar experiences they had at other restaurants, which they too found to be unnerving... A caption for the post reads: "By far the most dangerous situation I’ve ever been in," followed by the "#getout #illegal #whitepeoplethings" hashtags... This isn't the first time a restaurant has gone viral after footage of employees and customers standing up out of respect for the National anthem was posted online. Mission BBQ purportedly does on daily at 12pm. A redditor also uploaded a video of a Mission BBQ National Anthem session, which had one commenter remarking, "As an American, this makes me incredibly uncomfortable.""
We are still told that liberals don't hate their countries

James Madison University Debate Team Comes Out Against Debate - " The group condemned an upcoming speech on "transgenderism" by conservative commentator Liz Wheeler, arguing that she is "attempting to antagonize and harass highly at-risk groups like transgender students" and calling on the student group sponsoring the event to revoke their support. While there is a lot to criticize about Wheeler's position on transgender people, it's nonetheless troubling that a student group devoted to debate and "free speech" would so fiercely call for the cancellation of an event based purely on a speaker's political beliefs... The JMU debate team's own statement condemning the event, which it released on Wednesday, is a confusing one. The group says it "stands for free speech, open dialogue, and argument between different perspectives on campus," adding that "no person should be prohibited from expressing their viewpoints in the public sphere." However, the group also wrote that "a general climate of free speech should not extend to requiring us to platform or amplify ideas that are exclusionary, discriminatory, or hostile." It's unclear how this applies to Wheeler's speech... The statement was quickly met with criticism online, with many pointing out the inherent contradictions in a debate club arguing that some political issues shouldn't be debated. "This is pretty ironic. From the debate team at a public university named after Federalist Papers author and architect of the US Constitution James Madison," tweeted local journalist Dan McDermott."
How to "win" a debate - declare your opponents' views to be "harmful" and prevent them from saying anything

Woman Who Allegedly Led Woke Editing Of Roald Dahl’s Books A ‘Non-Binary, Asexual, Polyamorous Relationship Anarchist' - "The massive woke re-editing of Dahl’s books was largely perpetrated by an English group called Inclusive Minds. Jo Ross-Barrett, a former project manager at Inclusive Minds who headed the project, wrote on LinkedIn in 2022 that she was working on a secretive project involving “delivering a large-scale, comprehensive review of inclusion issues and potential solutions for copyright holders and publishers of one of the most famous classic children’s book collections in the world (specifics under NDA until publication),” National Review reported. A profile of Barrett on the Inclusive Minds sight described her as “they/them” and a “writer and editor with a passion for championing inclusive content and policies. … Jo is an autistic, non-binary, asexual, polyamorous relationship anarchist. They work with Inclusive Minds to help authors and publishers make their books more authentically representative of marginalized groups, and have provided workshops and talks at A Place at the Table 2020 and the UK Asexuality Conference 2019,” The Daily Mail noted. Inclusive Minds used “sensitivity readers” and “inclusion ambassadors” to edit children’s stories; the “ambassadors” could be as young as 8 years old. Some “ambassadors” included a trans-identifying poet and a queer, trans-identifying, and intersex person."

Toronto mom shocked to find 'disrespectful' toy resembling an Inuk inside Kinder Egg - "A Toronto mother is outraged after finding a toy that resembles an Inuk inside an igloo in her daughter's Kinder Surprise egg. Teresa Miller bought her daughter a Kinder Surprise egg as a treat while out grocery shopping around early February. Once her daughter devoured the chocolate and unveiled the toy, Miller was shocked. "It's just disrespectful and unnecessary," she says. "I don't think there's any part of this that is remotely close to being something appropriate for a child or a toy that should be manufactured at all." Suited in an orange parka, the figurine sits inside the igloo waiting to be launched on to what looks like a curling target. Miller, who is not Indigenous, says she used the opportunity as a teaching moment. "We immediately had a conversation about how it's not appropriate. We don't use people's cultures as toys," she says. "I think it's important that more than Indigenous people start standing up for things that have happened that are not ideal and it shouldn't always be on their shoulders to have to defend everything."... When CBC Toronto reached out to Ferrero Rocher for comment, a company spokesperson said,"We're sorry that this toy caused offence. It is part of a general toy collection that is available globally, and is not designed to portray any specific culture.""
Weird. I thought representation was good. But grievance mongers are never satisfied. That is why representation and pandering to the woke in general are a losing game

“Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski”: Clarence Thomas Delivers Decisive Win for Religious Free Speech | National Review - "What could be more American than a religious-free-speech lawsuit with the name Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski? At issue in the case is state-funded Georgia Gwinnett College’s “free speech zone” policy, which Stanley Kurtz has aptly summarized elsewhere on this site: Georgia Gwinnett’s two tiny speech zones occupy less than 0.0015 percent of the campus, and are open only 18 hours a week. If you want to speak in public or leaflet about politics or religion anywhere on campus on a Friday, for example, it had better be in those tiny zones between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. or you’re out of luck — and even then you’ll have to get authorization three business days in advance.
Student Chike Uzuegbunam, an Evangelical Christian, was told that if he wanted to evangelize his faith to his fellow students, he would have to apply three days in advance for a permit, and then confine his activities to one of the two free-speech zones. After receiving the permit, he was told by campus cops that he could not share his faith even in one of the speech zones, because doing so violated a campus ban on “disturb[ing] the peace and/or comfort of person(s).” (Of course, these days, almost any opinion, especially on matters of faith, will make someone on campus uncomfortable.) So he sued, represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom and supported by Jeff Sessions and the Trump Justice Department. In response, the college changed the policy and tried to get the lawsuit dismissed as moot. Eventually, the issue reached the Supreme Court. And today, Justice Clarence Thomas delivered a clear victory for the plaintiffs."

Meme - "Why Do So Many White People Speak Non-White Languages? Cultural appropriation is a real issue, okay? One of the worst cases of this is in the realm of second languages. Caucasians love to appropriate cultures through language as a way to intrude on the lives of those who might not speak their language. It's seen as "fun" or "interesting". Spanish is another issue and tumblr has had this debate before. You see so many white kids at high school or college who are proud to be able to speak Spanish. Why not speak a European language like German instead of appropriating the culture of minorities?"

Opinion: The police who killed Tyre Nichols were Black. But they might still have been driven by racism - "From the King beating to the murder nearly three years ago of George Floyd, American society has often focused on the race of the officers — so often White — as a factor in their deplorable acts of violence. But the narrative “White cop kills unarmed Black man” should never have been the sole lens through which we attempted to understand police abuse and misconduct. It’s time to move to a more nuanced discussion of the way police violence endangers Black lives. One of the sad facts about anti-Black racism is that Black people ourselves are not immune to its pernicious effects. Society’s message that Black people are inferior, unworthy and dangerous is pervasive. Over many decades, numerous experiments have shown that these ideas can infiltrate Black minds as well as White. Self-hatred is a real thing. That’s why a Black store owner might regard customers of his same race with suspicion, while treating his White patrons with deference. Black people can harbor anti-Black sentiments and can act on those feelings in harmful ways."
When the only tool you have is a hammer...
The "numerous" experiments just links to the blue eyes/brown eyes experiment - which didn't even involve black people. But of course the fact checkers don't care Of course the article doesn't mention cops killed by black people

Meme - "NO ONE IS "FORCING, YOU TO AGREE WITH MY IDEOLOGY. We just have set rules everywhere saying if you disagree with us we'll compel you to agree or be quiet under threat of punishment or exile. It's not like we're fining and jailing you like my allies do in the EU/CAN yet"

Are We Seeing the Rise of Anti-Police Sentiment in Singapore? - "Where cooperation with investigations would have meant that the officers culpable of incompetence or dereliction of duty would have been taken to task, Khan’s refusal to provide additional information on the pretence of ‘confidentiality’ ironically prolonged the agony of the victim she claimed to be advocating for. Especially so, since proper closure can only be achieved when justice is served. Yet, in a strange twist of reality, for the Woke brigade, it is Ms Khan who is the victim of the PAP’s ‘politics of intimidation’ even though she was given ample time (inside and outside Parliament) to provide details of the alleged police carelessness. Quite apart from the issue of sexual assault, this episode is symptomatic of an insidious trend of anti-police sentiment. This is evident from the snarky comments some of Khan’s supporters made against the police whenever they tried to seek her cooperation... despite the SPF’s impeccable record, netizens like Lim Jialiang deem it appropriate to conjure the organs of state as horrifying ‘demons’ so they, the woke liberationists can step forward in self-important role of public ‘exorcists’. But more explicitly, there are segments of Khan’s supporters who parrot American-made rhetoric concerning police brutality. The slogans unthinkingly spewn by them are unique to those of the Black Lives Matter movement. While it is disingenuous for them to draw parallels between the SPF and American police institutions, such comparisons continue to be promulgated by Singapore’s anti-establishment ‘Twitterati’... Sadly, it seems that some of these SJWs are intent on sowing strife between Singaporeans and the SPF. The adept purveyors of anti-police resentment are no strangers to the public. Figures like Subhas have in the past posted anti-police remarks on their social media pages. For instance, Subhas posted ‘ACAB’ (ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS) on his Instagram, deleting the post soon afterwards. The acronym is mostly unique to the anti-police movement in the US. One thing is for sure, the careless use of this slogan shows Subhas’ state of mind and perhaps reveals an impoverished understanding of Singapore society. Subhas is not the only peddler of malice against the SPF. The slogan, ‘ACAB’ has unnervingly made inroads into the psyche of many SJWs and millennials who are generally considered political fence-sitters... An IPS study published in March 2021, found that public confidence in the SPF had been rising markedly over the past 8 years. The study revealed that ‘in 2020, 87 per cent were confident, markedly higher than 79.1 per cent in 2012’."

YG – Meet the Flockers Lyrics - "(First) You find a house and scope it out
Find a Chinese neighborhood
'Cause they don't believe in bank accounts
(Second) You find a crew and a driver
Someone to ring the doorbell
And someone that ain't scared to do what it do
(Third) You pull up at the spot, park, watch
Ring the doorbell and knock (*Ding-dong*)
(Four) Make sure nobody's home (*Knock-knock-knock-knock*)
They gone—okay, it's on
"Don't be scared, nigga, you in now
If the police come, you gon' find out who your friends now"
That ain't me talking, that's your mind playing tricks on you
You conscious 'cause you know you got nines with two clips on you
But fuck that, motherfuck that plasma
And fuck that laptop, go and get that jewelry box
You tryna get paid? Go take that jewelry box to the Slauson
They'll give you cash back in the same day"
If you criticise this, it's racist anti-blackness
Damn internalised white supremacy!

School Offering AP Courses for Only Black, Latinx Students Sparks Backlash - "An Advanced Placement Calculus course definition at an Illinois High School is eliciting accusations of segregation... some people accused Evanston Township High School (ETHS) of segregation when a Twitter user posted a screenshot of the school's AP Calculus AB course description on social media. However, shortly after the claims surfaced, the course description changed... "This code for the course is restricted to students who identify as Black, all genders," one description said. The second said the course was restricted to students who identify as "Latinx, all genders." "Neo-segregation is the absurdity of identitarianism taken to its logical end," Twitter user Dan Proft tweeted on Sunday with the screenshots... The archive page showed the descriptions identified the courses as only being for Black and Latinx students respectively on Sunday. But a spokesperson for the school says otherwise."

Quebec rights body opens investigation after young girl's clitoris allegedly removed - "a daycare worker in the Quebec City region discovered while changing a girl’s diaper that her clitoris had been removed — a practice that since 1997 has been recognized in Canada’s Criminal Code as a form of aggravated assault. The worker alerted Quebec’s youth protection services, which reportedly replied that the case was too delicate for the agency to handle."?
Weird. I thought they were racist there

Racial and ethnic differences in response to medicines: towards individualized pharmaceutical treatment. - "It is now well documented that substantial disparities exist in the quality and quantity of medical care received by minority Americans, especially those of African, Asian and Hispanic heritage. In addition, the special needs and responses to pharmaceutical treatment of these groups have been undervalued or ignored. This article reviews the genetic factors that underlie varying responses to medicines observed among different ethnic and racial groups. Pharmacogenetic research in the past few decades has uncovered significant differences among racial and ethnic groups in the metabolism, clinical effectiveness, and side-effect profiles of many clinically important drugs. These differences must be taken into account in the design of cost management policies such as formulary implementation, therapeutic substitution and step-care protocols. These programs should be broad and flexible enough to enable rational choices and individualized treatment for all patients, regardless of race or ethnic origin."
Weird. It's almost as if race is not a social construct but a biological reality

Meme - "A user was suspended from r/lawschool for saying people who shout down those they disagree with politically are bad. Mods claim this take makes him a "culture warrior""
"You have been temporarily banned from participating in r/LawSchool. This ban will last for 180 days. You can still view and subscribe to to post or comment. If you have a question regarding your ban, you can Contact the moderator team for by replying to this message. Reminder from the Reddit staff: if you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole."
"What poiicy did I violate? I posted an article and said that people who shout down people they disagree with are in the wrong. I didn't even argue with anyone. That hardly seems like a ban worthy offense."
"Just following up. Again, curious as to which policy I violated and which part of my post and/or single reply on that post necessitated a ban."
LawSchool: "Go be a culture warrior somewhere else You have been temporarily muted from r/LawSchool. You will not be able to message the moderators of r/LawSchool for 7 days."
"You have been temporarily muted from r/LawSchool. You will not be able to message the moderators of r/LawSchool for 28 days."
Probably about the Stanford Law Judge Duncan incident. This is why liberals keep claiming conservatives are starting culture wars - they see liberal pushing as being a decent human being, i.e. a neutral, non-political position, so any pushback or even desire for the status quo must be ideological by default

A Wake-Up Call From Stanford Law School - WSJ - "it was also a necessary wake-up call. Not only for Stanford, I hope, but for U.S. universities in general. It is no longer possible to ignore the rise of ideological intolerance among a segment of the student body. Most students—left as well as center and right—want to engage in serious discussion of controversial issues, which is impossible when particular ideologies seize control of the conversation and shut down alternatives. That is why it is so important for groups like the Federalist Society to bring a diversity of voices, and for law schools to welcome and protect them. Nor is it possible to ignore the damage that university diversity bureaucracies can do to the scholarly values of liberal education. Diversity and inclusion are of course good things, but neither value is advanced by partisanship and censorship. The good news is that the institutions charged with defending liberal education have taken note. The Stanford administration is exploring ways to strengthen academic freedom and clarify the substance and enforcement of rules of student conduct. Faculty are discussing long-term ways to improve the climate of discourse at the law school. And I have heard that students on both sides of the divide are thinking of ways to draw back from the abyss. It is too soon to be sure, but on the rubble of this disaster some good things may grow."
"As a graduate of Stanford Law School, I am appalled by the treatment of Judge Duncan. In my day, SLS was hardly a level playing field for conservative views. But there was an atmosphere of collegiality, and I can’t imagine this humiliation (of the law school, not Judge Duncan) taking place then. If this kind of behavior is condoned or let slide at an institution like Stanford Law School, then God save us all, because the American legal system will no longer be equipped to do so." "No school of civil engineering would be taken seriously if it designed and built buildings that fell down. Likewise, no law school can be taken seriously if it fails to follow its own rules. Allowing law students to learn bad law (that shouting down a speaker is “free speech”) is only the logical follow on."

Fish-Mouth Syndrome | Know Your Meme - "shoe0nhead, known for her political commentary videos where she often takes anti-SJW stances, posted, "alright let's address the elephant in the room why do a good portion of sjw types have 'fishmouth' syndrome" offering images of feminists, including Big Red, as examples of the "syndrome" (shown below). The three feminists in the images have similar mouths with raised upper lips, flat lower lips and agape mouths showing their front teeth... Some theorize that a lack of testosterone could cause the face shape."

Meme - "White people on May 4th: BUILD THE WALL White people on May 5th: *Cinco de Mayo celebration*"
Liberals keep equating all Mexicans to illegal immigrants, showing how racist they are
NEA on Twitter - "Educators love their students and know better than anyone what they need to learn and to thrive."
Betsy DeVos on Twitter - "You misspelled parents."
Corey A. DeAngelis, school choice evangelist on Twitter - ""Socialists regard your property as their property, but even more nefariously regard your children as their property." - @michaelmalice"
Of course it's a myth that some teachers want to replace parents

Parliament doesn’t need quotas to represent women and minorities - "It is suggested Parliament needs more female members to properly represent the voices of Canadian women. That is untrue. Last week’s Angus Reid poll showed Justin Trudeau’s approval rating is 43 per cent among women compared to only 32 per cent among men. It seems his government represents the political preferences of women better than those of men. Similarly, opposition leader Pierre Poilevre’s significantly higher approval rating among men than women suggests that despite men holding 70 per cent of seats in the House of Commons the government’s policies are generally opposite to what a plurality of men would prefer... As author Jason Riley and others, including Walter Williams, have argued, blacks in the United States made significant economic progress in the 1940’s and 1950’s when they had little political power. Their incomes grew faster than those of the white population and their poverty rate plummeted. In the 1960’s, however, the idea that increasing black political clout would accelerate black economic advancement gathered force, with deleterious results. Black political power increased tremendously, but bad government programs and self-serving politicians have done little to help the black community. There may not be a causal link, but as Riley points out, under black political leadership the black poor became poorer. The inverse relationship — or at best, lack of relationship — between political power and socioeconomic success, as Riley and Williams have argued, applies not only to the black population but to others, as well. In the United States, Japanese and Chinese Americans are at or near the top socioeconomically, but as Riley asks, “how many prominent Asian politicians can you name?” It is the same in Canada... One essay calls for new ways of doing politics that “challenge settler colonialism and patriarchal values” and insists parliament must address the “overrepresentation of white, heterosexual, cis-gendered, older men.” Who exactly would benefit from this, apart from university-based advocates of terminological and cultural revolution? Challenging government overspending and the overrepresentation of politicians eager to launch regulatory initiatives — now that really would improve Parliament."

Jonathan Kay on Twitter - "One defence u hear of the CBC, is that, yeah, okay, the Toronto HQ is a bunch of insufferable pronoun junkies bickering about the weekly anti-racist potluck, but that the *regional* reporting is great. But it's not. Mostly, it's the same Toronto style crap
This story is a great example. It's a press release for the creation of a bunch of new positions to employ DEI grifters. There's no specific evidence of any kind of racism presented. Any decent journalism outlet would ask questions about why all this $ is being wasted like this"
Mark F. Proudman on Twitter - "I wish they were grifters. They would be less effective if they were. They are ideologues, which is worse. A good point that decent journalists would ask for evidence."

HonestReporting Canada on Twitter - "Following our complaint to @mcgillu about The @mcgilltribune's rejection of a Pro-Israel student's column being published, with the editors citing their opposition to Zionism as the main reason, the administration expressed its deep concerns with the Tribune’s actions saying that such efforts sow division among students, rather than foster tolerance and mutual respect on campus."
Jonathan Kay on Twitter - "McGill University seems to be one of the few Canadian schools that's grappling in good faith with progressive political radicalism on campus. (Notably, its law school dean pointedly denounced the actions of violent gender cultists who invaded the law school a few months ago)"

ZUBY: on Twitter - "So many people have just filled their 'religion hole' with political ideology and they don't realise it."

Steve Sailer on Twitter - "Jack Merritt, RIP The Masters' thesis of the poor bastard who was stabbed to death by a released Muslim terrorist: "A Critical Analysis of Over-Representation of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Males Aged 18-21 in the British Prison System."

UK academic sues university after losing role in critical race theory row - "An academic is suing Leeds Beckett University after she was dropped from her advisory role over tweets calling a mixed-race man a “house negro”, alleging the decision was discriminatory because of her belief in critical race theory and Black radicalism.  The university ended its association with the academic adviser Aysha Khanom after accusing her of “racist language” in relation to tweets using the terms “house negro” and “coconut” – the former in a question. In what is believed to be the first case of its kind, Khanom is arguing that critical race theory and Black radicalism are protected beliefs under the Equality Act. Critical race theory says race is a social construct used to oppress people of colour and which begets systemic racism. The legal claim has been supported by many antiracist organisations and academics in an open letter. It was penned by Kehinde Andrews, a professor of Black studies at Birmingham City University, and accuses Leeds Beckett of censoring “central concepts in Black intellectual thought”... The first tweet was sent in February after the conservative political commentator Calvin Robinson said on BBC One’s The Big Questions that he had been attacked for being Black and rightwing: “For example I have been called Bounty, Uncle Tom, house negro for not having the right opinion.”... After a barrage of critical responses, which she says were fomented by rightwing trolls, she personally used the term “coconut” when responding to someone about the earlier tweet... Khanom told the Guardian the terms were “meant to be offensive, because they’re antiracist terms... Khanom said the university’s actions had affected her professionally and personally, in terms of her mental health.  “Leeds Beckett condemned me to be a racist,” she said. “I still get trolled on Twitter all the time and they [the trolls] post Leeds Beckett’s tweet. It’s always going to be there, that’s my main worry, especially as the work that I do is antiracist.”"
mirax on Twitter - "Radical "anti-racism" allows a pakistani origin woman to call a black man a "house negro" and race grifters support her right to do so. So even black people can be unblacked by a sufficiently vicious zealot."
It is racist and/or telling that a central concept in Black intellectual thought (and presumably also anti-racism) is racist language used against those who disagree
Calling out liberal racism makes one a "rightwing troll"

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