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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Links - 17th May 2023 (1 - Trans Mania [including Nashville School Shooting])

Bernie Sanders on Twitter - "Let’s be clear. The terrible shooting in Colorado Springs this weekend is a direct result of the hateful and violent rhetoric that has been allowed to grow in this country. We must stand united with the LGBTQ+ community and speak out against bigotry everywhere we find it."
The cope is "look what you made us do?" Of course, that never applies to white straight cis men

Why the Nashville Christian School Shooting Is About to Disappear From the News Cycle - "Julio has been covering the tragedy in Nashville, Tennessee. Six people, three children, and three adult staffers, were shot and killed at the Covenant School, a private Christian learning institution... You can already hear the anti-gun Left licking their lips—now they had a chance to score some points. Except they can’t, Audrey Hale was identified as the shooter, and this person was transgender. Hale was shot and killed by police during the assault... As Julio wrote, there is a manifesto and maps of potential targets. This shooter planned this attack, and given the setting; a hate crime cannot be ruled out. The lingering question will remain unresolved since a transgender mass shooter is one story the media will avoid like the plague... The shooters at MSU and East High School were black. This one was transgender. The shelf life of this heinous school shooting isn’t going to last past the week for reasons you already know: the past string of mass shootings does not fit the liberal media narrative. When the weapon of choice isn’t an AR-15 rifle, the clock to expiration starts ticking. When members of a community the media loathes to expound upon when they’re the prime suspects in crimes, especially violent ones, the timeline to move on to the next subject is accelerated immensely"

Meme - UsoSirius @SiriusUso: "I hope it was Republicans that lost their lives. One good thing about Gun Violence is occasionally wipes out full Republican families in one fell swoop. I would like to thank congressional Republicans and the NRA."
What can men do against such reckless hate?

Meme - Willow Wulf transfem @wyulf: "Fuck this. Oppressed minorities strike back, and if you don't want it to happen, stop oppressing them. People with nothing left to lose will sometimes not kts, but instead become martyrs. See: all of history. I won't pretend like this wasn't caused by the recent legislation in TN"
pudding person @JUNIPER: "15 years ago anytime there was any shooting they would blame it on muslims and if it were a muslim they would go hog wild trying to indict all muslims. they're doing that right now with the nashville sc..."
T @tk5068: ""Striking back" isn't killing 3 9 year old students"
Willow Wulf transfem @wyulf: "Agreed, it absolutely shouldn't be! I abhor what that person did, I am only trying to explain why it happened, and what can be done to prevent it."
Grievance mongering has very real, and tragic outcomes. Of course this won't stop it. Liberals will continue to beat the drum for political benefit

Meme - Lady Emily @GreatCheshire: "It's wild that our rights are being taken away in plain site and the world is just... going? No prominent help from leading politicians, no protests from or even acknowledgement from many cis people, no hard hitting coverage in the papers. It's exhausting! It's disheartening!"
Lily Hodges @LilyEbbsYT: "This sort of thing makes me wonder what exactly the point of even doing anything is"
Godslayer Abyss: "It's going to take unilateral violence the likes of which has never been seen"
Lily Hodges @LilyEbbsYT: "How long until we go to war. How long"
Violent extremism is only bad when it comes from right wing cis white straight men

Meme - Steven Shaviro: "So here is what I think about free speech on campus. Although I do not advocate violating federal and state criminal codes, I think it is far more admirable to kill racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down. When right-wing groups invite such speakers to campus, it is precisely because they want to provoke an incident that discredits the left, and gives more publicity and validation to these reprehensible views than they could otherwise attain. The protesters get blamed instead of the bigoted speaker; the university administration finds a perfect excuse to side publicly with the racists or phobes; the national and international press has a field day saying that bigots are the ones being oppressed, rather than the people those bigots actually hate being the victims of oppression. In short, every time protestors shout down a racist or transphobic speaker, they are indulging their own moral sense of validity at the expense of actually strengthening the very bigots against whom they are protesting. The exemplary historical figure in this regard is Sholem Schwarzbard, who assassinated the anti-Semitic butcher Symon Petliura, rather than trying to shout him down. Remember that Schwarzbard was acquitted by a jury, which found his action justified."
WSU suspends professor over killing comments; lawyer calls it ‘tempest in a teacup’ - "Wayne State University suspended an English professor with pay Monday for posting on his Facebook page that people would be "more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker" rather than "shout them down."  The professor wasn't identified by the university but was named by his attorney and officials at the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) as Steven Shaviro, a professor in the WSU English department. He describes himself in his Twitter profile as a "Stealth assassin from the clouds," a "Kitsch Marxist" and "Sex negative."... The post began with Shaviro declaring that these were his thoughts on free speech on campus before arguing that it would be better to kill certain people rather than "shout them down.""
Clearly just speech. But equally clearly, Trump was inciting violence by calling for peaceful protest

No, Professor. Violence Against Campus Speakers is Never Justified - "As we mourn another mass shooting, one possibly driven by resentment, we now have a university professor suspended for a vile post in which he endorses killing (yes… killing!) any campus speaker deemed to be “racist, homophobic or transphobic.”... It’s promising this professor was suspended. It’s abhorrent and shameful that this professor made such a post in the first place.  And it’s alarming that he undoubtedly speaks for a growing number of people in America whose anger and hatred have long since poisoned their souls."

Meme - Conscious-Corgi-5423: "That's funny because I have seen literally no one make any excuses for the shooter whatsoever."
suflaj: "You are clearly not looking at the right places or isolating yourself within a bubble. Anti-woke Twitter accounts have done fairly well documenting it: *5 links* There has also been a fairly rational instance of the criticism straight up being censored by reddit mods *link* There are many more posts, some even worse, and many more accounts documenting this. The truth is that no matter the background of this event it will inevitably end up being political, deeply veiled in severe mental illness and lack of repercussion for essentially appeals to violence on the internet. And they are not one-sided. This does not justify any kind of generalization over a group of people, but you must understand that at this point it's not longer a black and white issue people in general are so deluded they will support killings of their ideological opponents. This is no longer a time where you get to support either side, this is a time where all you get to do is offer your condolences. So if it seems like the response is one-sided: you are definitely not seeing the full picture for whatever reason. In this case, the truth is that there are people that were cheering for the murder of innocent children, as well as murder of trans people. You just have too look deep enough in the hell pits of social media to find both."

Watch: Joe Biden jokes about ice cream in first statement on US school shooting

Transgenderism's Obsession With Victimhood Breeds Violence - "As Nashville families grapple with the loss of their friends and young children, the media have managed to make the murderer a martyr.   The perpetrator responsible for the school shooting in Nashville last week apparently identified as a man despite being a woman, and this feature of identity has earned her victim status — even though she executed six people in a premeditated attack. The radical left and corporate media’s attempt to frame the attack as anything other than evil reveals that identity politics now establishes the ultimate standard by which an individual’s behavior is judged. In the aftermath of the atrocity, some on the left have portrayed the killer, and trans-identifying Americans, as victims. “Our hearts go out to the trans community, as they are under attack right now,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said at a briefing Thursday, three days after the attack. Media outlets, too, have opted for the jarring narrative that shifts blame from the transgender-identifying murderer to external institutions and influences that, it’s implied, might excuse a mass shooting.   This pivot from murderer to martyr reflects a deliberate strategy the transgender movement has long employed. Instead of condemning a grotesque act of violence, the trans lobby and its mouthpieces are using the deaths of children as a platform to elevate their own victimhood, feigning immunity from blame or culpability.   Identity politics requires Americans to give a pass to members of a group according to their rank on the victim totem pole. It requires others to affirm the absurd, including the denial of the biological reality of sex differences. And it outlaws criticism of the group’s preferred policies, including the butchering and dismembering of healthy body parts and the promotion of regular drug injections targeted at children.  The problem goes well beyond the hypocritical treatment of those identifying as transgender, given their incessant calls for violence against those who refuse to pander to their radical ideology. Leftists have also taken the opportunity to redefine the meaning of violence. They push the idea that a person’s thoughts about someone can pose an existential threat to his life, and the media have been active accomplices in amplifying the trans lobby’s fever dream that legislation barring child mutilation amounts to genocide.  This incendiary rhetoric is designed to convince vulnerable people, some of whom are mentally ill, that they are at risk of extermination. Unwelcome opinions, faiths, and ideas are considered violence against someone. In the minds of people who buy into such twisted logic, this helps to excuse why a transgender-identifying psychopath, who felt invalidated or offended by traditional religious values, shot up a school... Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs’ press secretary came under fire when she tweeted a meme of a woman holding a gun with the caption “Us when we see transphobes” hours after the shooting took place, insinuating violence against those who disagree with trans ideology.   The past week of protests and violence was planned to end with a “Trans Day of Vengeance” in Washington D.C. on Saturday. It was announced Friday that the demonstration had been called off — not because such an event only encourages further division and incites ancillary terror, but rather because the trans activists claimed victimhood once again. Organizers of the event literally threatening “vengeance” claimed it was canceled due to “credible threats” of violence against them.   They are always the victims, never the problem."

Deranged Trans Extremist Attacks Nashville Christian School - "Their violent threats have surged in recent weeks, threatening to injure or kill lawmakers in Tennessee as revenge for the state banning the medical transitioning of minors...  They accuse concerned parents of being domestic terrorists for having the audacity to oppose pornography in public schools. When the gay community creates an organization to prevent amputating the healthy body parts of minors, they are seen as hateful extremists and genocidal maniacs. They manipulate the public into complying with child abuse. And they use the progress that gay people fought decades to achieve as an excuse for their demented behavior. Society is in an abusive relationship with transgender terrorists. There is a reason why any legislative pushback or dissent against their demands are described as “Anti-Trans Laws.” Unlike the gay community, which has always consisted of gay and lesbian adults, the majority of people identifying as TQ+ are children. The transgender community has become a bloodthirsty death cult that targets the youth. It is a child sexual autonomy movement dressed up as “civil rights” for a self-proclaimed “oppressed minority” that have more rights than any other demographic of people in The United States.  When they are questioned, they claim that they want to “Protect Trans Kids.” That is a lie. Protecting kids does not entail actively destroying the lives of minors who do not abide by sexist stereotypes of how boys and girls ought to act. Every single one of these children are victims of medical abuse by doctors who hate them.  No demographic has the civil right to castrate other people’s children. Standing against these lunatics is not a political issue – it’s a moral issue."

Meme - RAW EGG NATIONALIST: "Phew. For a second there I thought you were going to say, "please please PLEASE don't go through with it.""
Miss Peppermint. BLACK TRANS LI... @Peppermint247: "If you trans and going to commit a heinous crime, please please PLEASE do the rest of us a favor and clear your social media. Pronouns, LGBTQ, everything. We don't need this kind of blowback."

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - "Just last month, Minnesota @LtGovFlanagan, a Democrat, wore a shirt with a threatening message in celebration of @GovTimWalz signing an executive order protecting the medical transitioning of minors. The "Protect Trans Kids" shirt featuring a combat knife is popular with far-left #trans militants, along with the "Trans Rights...or Else" weapons shirt."

Scarlett Johnson on Twitter - "Six Christians, including three children, were just gunned down by a radicalized transgender woman in a Nashville Christian elementary school. Days later... Drag queens join @KelseaBallerini to belt out a tribute to the trans community on the @CMT Awards stage.   "If you go down, I'm going down too" they sang."

Audrey Hale Manifesto Release Raises Major Concerns From LGBTQ+ Groups - "Calls for police to release the "manifesto" that authorities say was written ahead of Monday's Nashville school shooting has prompted concern among LGBTQ+ groups, who caution against the publication of such a document... "It should not be published," Jordan Budd, the executive director of Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE), told Newsweek. "The focus should be on how this was able to happen in the first place. There should not be such easy access to deadly weaponry.""
"Look what you made us do?" - TRAs
The narrative cannot be challenged. If it were a white Christian male the media would be going berserk about the danger this group poses to the country
Of course, a group liberals hate striking back would be evidence they need to be eradicated

Gad Saad on Twitter - "I think that the 99.99% of humans who throughout history have been "cisgendered" need to accept, celebrate, and adhere to the demands of the 0.01%. This is why I will no longer identify as a biological male. This marginalizes other people who are uncomfortable with my label."

Thread by @ImWatson91 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " The hardest part about being a public detransitioner is having to pretend you're okay so younger detransitioners have hope.  I try.  I want detransitioners to have hope. But I can't pretend transition didn't destroy me.  I'm so sad all the time. But I persevere for my loved ones. You try and accept your scars. The changes that irreversible cross-sex hormones brought. You try.  But it's permanent. You live with it every single day - due to a decision you made as a young, fucked up mess.  I hate it. Every day. I hate it all so much."

Watson on Twitter - "I shit on Christians for years, yet they send me love and support now. I was trans for years, medical transition and all, yet the community hates my guts. "Tolerant" lol. Look in the fucking mirror."

Jonathan Kay on Twitter - "After asking golf fans to join in celebrating a biological male winning a women’s golf tournament, @WPGATour has become the first major sports organization (to my knowledge) to protect its Twitter account"

MMcConnell on Twitter - "Gotcha. Trans people aren't asking fuck all from you. Trans people organized stonewall. But your strategy of loading trans people onto boxcars hoping you enjoy "one of the good ones" status is super smart."
Mike Harlow on Twitter - "Trans people aren’t asking fuck all from you… Except change the meanings of words, altar the foundation of biology, use their pronouns & invent new ones, allow men into women’s sports & locker rooms, indoctrinate 100% of children something that has historically impacted 0.3% of the population — before you put the kids on hormones and cut apart their healthy bodies, of course.  Other than that though, naw they’re not asking for much. 😂😂😂"
Only liberals get to make ridiculous Holocaust comparisons

Wilfred X. Reilly, Californian on Twitter - "What, exactly, is the argument that the argument that "Butt Plug Play" or the oral sex issue of "Gender Queer" should be in a 5th grade library? I don't think I was at 'French kissing then. Who is the audience?"
If you're against grooming/indoctrination, you're a homophobe/transphobe/reactionary who is against (sex) education

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on Twitter - "The question is not "why are parents fighting so hard to ban pornography in elementary schools." The question is "why are left-wing teachers fighting so hard to include it."
Many of them are definitely appealing to a prurient interest, teaching kids how to use sex apps, demonstrating strap-on dildos, etc. Hard to justify them as simply teaching the biology."
Joseph Jones on Twitter - "This is the question I have as a gay man with no kids: is there material that is specifically heterosexual with a similar approach - showing how to use dildos, access sex apps, etc? That wouldn't be appropriate, either, so why is the gay stuff appropriate? It's not."
Jennifer Roberts on Twitter - "This week at EDU conference in TEXAS 'Why Porn Literacy Belongs in Sex Education', 'Featured Session: Drag Story Hour: Fight for Queer Herstories'"

Communist Party ☭ on Twitter - "The Gender Recognition Bill and Equality Law. Communist Party executive committee STATEMENT (March 2023)"
J.K. Rowling on Twitter - "Can't wait for the Guardian columns denouncing the British Communist Party as far-right."

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - "Despite bipartisan & expert warnings over huge data security risks for #TikTok users (China has laws that require companies to hand over personal data & information to the government if requested), #trans social media influencer/misinfo peddler Erin Reed says this is actually about attacking trans people. TikTok has previously admitted it used its data to spy on journalists."
There is no narcissism like trans narcissism

Why Can't My Famous Gender Nonconforming Friends Get Laid? - "Jacob Tobia and Alok Vaid-Menon are femme nonbinary icons. But that won't get them dates, and the reasons why speak volumes about our discomfort with those who exist between genders."
Narcissism leads to entitlement

Transgender woman is found guilty of raping two women when she was a man - "Isla Bryson was a shaven-headed Adam Graham with a Mike Tyson-style face tattoo when they carried out the violent sex attacks in 2016 and 2019 after abusing the victims they originally met online.  Bryson, who claimed to have had gender issues since the age of four, began transitioning from a man to a woman in 2020 after being charged with the rapes...  'This rapist decided that he was no longer a man only after appearing in court on a rape charge.  'We now have the utterly perverse situation where a Scottish court refers to someone who says he identifies as female using "her penis" to rape two vulnerable women.  'We warned of the inevitability of this happening if the SNP's gender self-ID law passed, but for it to have become reality is deeply worrying and an affront to the victims.'... Rishi Sunak blocked Ms Sturgeon's controversial gender reforms after receiving clear legal advice that they would undermine women's rights in the UK. The Scottish law would allow people to seek a gender recognition certificate after living in their new gender for just three months, and without the need for medical evidence."

Over 60 per cent of transgender prisoners in Scotland only start transition AFTER remand

Transgender paedophile caught duping staff for 71-day stay at domestic violence refuge - "A paedophile duped staff into letting her stay at a Domestic Violence refuge for women and children for 71 days.   Katie Dolatowski, 22, who was born male, got into Leeds Women's Aid refuge under an alias.  Her past was uncovered ten weeks later in September and managers are thought to have contacted the police straight away."

Meme - Men: "He/Him"
Women and Everyone Else: "She/Her
Good illustration that's it's women who suffer due to trans mania (e.g. all events for women are also open to "non binary" and "other gendered" people

Trans flight attendant Kayleigh Scott dies by suicide - "Transgender flight attendant Kayleigh Scott — who gained fame after appearing in a United Airlines commercial — was found dead Monday in her Colorado home. She was 25.  Scott, who shared her transition story for a 2020 Trans Day of Visibility video produced by United, declared in a 2:30 a.m. Instagram post that she was planning to end her life...   Scott made headlines in 2020 when United featured her as a part of its diversity campaign.  “There was so much pain behind that sweet boy’s eyes … This is a story that I know is so important for me to continue sharing,” said Scott in the video documenting her struggles to fit into the cis community. “Not for me, but for those out there who are still fighting social norms, the boundaries set upon them, fighting themselves. Gay, lesbian, bi, trans, pan, whatever, whoever you identify as, come out to be counted.”   Scott said she credited United for helping her transition.  “My life changed for the better when I came to United as a flight attendant. With the support from the company, our business resource group for LGBTQ+ employees, and all of my loving co-workers,” Scott said at the time. “I was able to break free from the chains that helped me and to this day, I’m living confidently. It’s my true self.”... "I came to realize I work a meaningless job for a company that doesn’t value me as an employee”"
No amount of accommodation and virtue signalling will ever be enough, because it doesn't tackle the root cause

Thread by @LeorSapir on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Two groups representing LGBTQ+ medical professionals (@GLADDUK and @prism_surgery) submitted a letter of complaint to the prestigious British Medical Journal (@bmj_latest). The BMJ’s crime: pointing out problems in the “gender affirming care is science-based” narrative. GAC is consensus-based (that is, if you ignore doctors, medical groups, and European health authorities who disagree), but not evidence-based.  Since “the science is settled” on this issue and any questioning of that science is clear evidence of bigotry, the letter demanded an apology. The two groups also demanded that the BMJ disclose whether the author or the editor harbor “gender critical” beliefs (read: beliefs that question the activist-approved narrative on pediatric gender medicine). “Gender critical” beliefs, you see, are strictly verboten and those who adhere to them must confess and atone. BMJ’s editor in chief politely declined the requests, telling the two orgs to fu… I mean, to rediscover their commitment to the scientific process.  Let’s hope American medical journals get inspired."

Wilfred X. Reilly, Californian on Twitter - "Even if you're pro-gender ideology, why not just say "woman" and "trans woman?" Why would an additional modifier ("cis," etc) for 99.5% of the population ever be necessary? We don't use the label "hearing man" every time we describe someone who is not deaf."

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