When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Links - 16th May 2023 (2 - Women)

Meme - Hannah
"Start the chat with Hannah"
"You look like a pansy"
"That's how you start conversations with people ?"
"I just call it how I see it. Pansy. U can still probably hit tho"
"By insulting me?"
"How about you kiss me about it. We can do art projects together. Paint my body with your juices"

Meme - "Thanks for fixing my mental health"
"I literally just let you suck my titties"

Meme - "Alcoholic test: If you noticed the wine first you have a serious drinking problem."

Meme - "guys I've fucked"
"*** created this group. You're friends with 4 people in this group"
"I've fucked you all *laughs*"
"If theres one thing i regret in life, its fucking you. Not only did you smell fucking awful down there you gave me herpes and the clap. You could have warned me so I could have used a condom or run far fucking away. Honestly absolutely fowl"

Meme - "Salma Hayek photographed 23 years apart."

Meme - "Denise, 22
Our relationship should be like Nintendo 64 classic fun to spend hours with, and every issue easily fixed by blowing on it then shoving it back in"

Woman Responds to Creepy Unsolicited Pic with Brilliant Message Back - ""This is an automated message generated by the Twitter team. Your image has been found to be a violation of 42 U.S.C. § 1283 (2020).  "An image you sent has been scanned by our AI Bot and was flagged as an unsolicited picture. Your account is scheduled to be reported to the police. Our bot is currently in BETA testing; sometimes it makes mistakes. If you believe this message was in error, reply 'HELP.' Otherwise, you will be contacted by your local authorities within 24hrs.""

Meme - "I almost died! I found my mom's new "USB hub" sitting on her desk. *anal beads*"

Meme - "When your girlfriend says "Who are you texting, one of your other bitches!?" but you're actually texting your wife."

A tweet has gone viral for praising a woman for dressing modestly - "A viral tweet has unearthed an awful reality that women are still facing.  Elijah Schaffer, a white male podcaster, tweeted a video of a beautiful woman walking down the street wearing a long sleeve dress and added the caption: “Modest clothing, yet every guy looks. Is there something attractive to being classy that society has lost?”  Firstly, of course, a white male podcaster would tweet that. Secondly, this tweet got over 150k likes; thirdly, Schaffer has over 500,000 followers... The tweet has gotten under my skin because there is truth in it.  Society does still define women by what they wear... I’ve never heard anyone applaud a man for wearing board shorts that hang below the knee... “All the women I have been the most attracted to have dressed modestly. Especially my wife.”  Ew.  Another added: “Beautiful, classy, in good shape, modest, no tattoos, and well dressed. That’s how all women should look like.”  No... Every day when I get dressed, I think about what I wear and what message that will send people; by people, I mean men."
Racism and sexism aside, this is telling:
We're always told that women dress up for other women. So much for that.
Men get slammed for dressing like slobs (ironic that she doesn't get the point - men get criticised but not praised, but women get both)
The fact that she finds it unacceptable to praise a woman for being classy proves Schaffer's point - Lizzo gets praised all the time

Carissa Spark lives on $180 but buys her baby Louis Vuitton: Blinging Up Baby in England - "A mum who lives on just $180 a week spends her money on designer clothes and 'bling' for her seven-month-old daughter instead of paying rent.  Carissa Spark, from Dorset in South West England, admitted that her priorities lie in dressing her daughter, Lavinia, to the nines rather than buying groceries for herself.  The single mum is living off government financial support and is studying part-time to be a hairdresser. She spends half of her income on baby designer clothes and survives off of canned soup and instant noodles in order to provide the 'best' for her child.

Meme - "When you want to skip the gym but remember you're 31, newly single & in the dating pool with a bunch of hot 20yr olds"

Is anyone else addicted to the app? Can anyone help me get off? : whisper - "I installed the app when I was 13, in middle school. I wish I never did it! I'm a college student now, and I can't get off! It's quite a toxic environment especially for a highly insecure and lonely young girl. My self esteem is better, but a couple years ago, I was so reliant on the attention the app guaranteed me. Since it's been so long, getting chats on the app is sort of a learned coping behavior. I do it for everything, whenever I need support. I will skip talking to my friends about things just for whisper chats. And since I'm a girl the responses are always just men who pretend to care for a bit then curse me out when I won't talk dirty with them. I'll have people guilt me, tell me I don't care about them because I don't want to give out my personal social medias. It's just not healthy. I stay up so late using it that I'm exhausted at work the next day. I delete the app, but I just put it right back. It all ends up making my anxiety worse when someone wants my location or tells me they're committing suicide because I won't be their friend in the way they want me to be.  Does anyone else have a similar experience to make me feel less alone? Can anyone help me get off? Thanks."

Love and Break-ups: Too late - FML - "Today, I broke up with my boyfriend whom I love dearly because he doesn't share his feelings and won't commit. Yesterday, he wrote me a long love letter telling me he wanted to marry me. One of my kids had shoved it under my printer and I didn't find it until after he had moved out. FML"

Sex, Awkward and Intimacy: No way - FML - "Today, while I was in the middle of making love with my boyfriend, I mentioned bringing another woman in the picture to spice it up. He looked at me and said, "Let's ask your sister." He then got dressed and called her. FML"

Meme - "When you find that perfect guy that goes on walks with you and opens car door for you: *arrested woman and police*"

Meme - "Babe: where you at??!!
Him: at my grandmas
Babe: send me a picture *Snapchat filter on sexy woman so she looks old*"

I Dated This Lady For 4 Years And Paid Her Rent For 3 Years, But Yesterday I Caught Her With Someone - "I Dated this girl for 4 years, paid her rent for 3 years. Yesterday I went to the house and caught her kissing another guy, I became angry and left. This morning she sent me the guy’s number and said I should call him and tell him there’s nothing between us"

Meme - "Me and the boys celebrating women's day
Jordan Peterson, David Goggins, ?, Chris Evans?, Andrew Tate, Donald Trump, Ben Shapiro, ?, Joe Rogan"

Meme - Queen Minajos: "Thank you doctor Pheli for fixing my Pussy. back to normal #kele Virgin Now"
By: DR Pheli
We Renew Customs Trust
This to certify that Lonia Makua "Queen Minaj" has been found to be a virgin on 16 MARCH 2023"

Meme - "Her: don't know what that was you was doing but nobody ever made me feel like that
Me: *rose sex toy in mouth*"

Meme - "My perception of step sisters at the beginning of the decade *Cinderella*
My perception of step sisters at the end of the decade *Porn*"

Madonna hailed ‘hottest woman ever’ as she crawls on floor in corset and fishnet tights
Meme - Moral sinventory @moralsinventory: "me immediately after smoking meth in a walmart bathroom"
Madonna @Madonna: "The world is threatened by my power and my stamina. My intelligence and my will to survive. But they will never break me. this is all the test."
When Andrew Tate says shit like this, this is taken to be proof he's crazy

The Female Lead on Twitter - ""A man who fears being seen as feminine - is a man who fears being treated the way he treats women" @Farida_d_author"
So presumably women never fear being seen as masculine. But more likely there's some sort of adhoc logic about how this is still men's fault

Meme - Onika Nou: "Females are no prize, be realistic . Half us ran through at a young age. Half y'all want a man to pay allll if your bills and expenses (hair, nails, outside food) etc . Half y'all messy as fuck to the point you can't see the floor in y'all's bedrooms, can't clean at all, dishes be in the sink for days- weeks . Half y'all abusive as hell and think it's soooo cute . Half y'all hop in a new relationships or "situationships" quick as hell and be insecure the entire time about the relationship and start acting controlling . Half y'all dont feel anything but LUST for your man. Half y'all will cut off a man for taking advice from his own mama . Half y'all don't know wtf you need and want and don't trust them the entire time bc of your own insecurities and you treat a man the like he's the one that played you in the past when he could in fact change your life and be a mf blessing . Half y'all don't let them have their own peace (sleep for hours, drink a little , be on the game for hours after work, go out w his friends). Don't even let a man hold the door for a lady without getting mad calling him friendly . Go out and ask these men out, pay for their gas, pay for their meal, open the door for them once in awhile, be the driver instead of passenger sometimes, give him random gifts , y'all get rejected by a man once and start calling them names Imao . Taught these men that NO means NO , can't be mad they starting to learn their worth"

Meme - "women be like "all men lie!" bro have u ever seen a fat girls comment section"

Meme - "When you ask your girl what she mad about
Things that were... things that are... And some things... that have not yet come to pass."

Meme - "How to Get Overwhelmed as a Woman on Tinder *box of eggplants*"

Meme - "When guys in the friendzone catch the boyfriend cheating *guy pinned down by 3 other guys*"

Meme - "Carmen
'Hi, I had a really nice time but we didn't really click... im sorry.'
'What is bet?
I just googled it. Seems like a weird response to what I said but ok have a good day
Not even going to say have a good day back you're an asshole just because I rejected you? Lol get over yourself this is college shit happens not everything works out

Meme - "When you told him ur a squirter but ur just peeing on him cause ur too lazy to go to the bathroom"

Japanese man, 37, takes revenge on wife, 41, by playing sex video of her affair at stepdaughter's wedding - "On the day of her marriage, Momoka, a 20-year-old Japanese woman, received a “special wedding gift” from her stepfather, Yuta.  During the ceremony, the emcee announced that Yuta, 37, had prepared a surprise for her and asked the guests to look at the screen in the wedding hall.  However, Momoka’s elation quickly became shock and despair when it became clear that the video on-screen was of her mother, Hiroko, having sex with another man... the man in the video was Hiroko’s ex-husband Satoshi, who was also Momoko’s biological father. He was at the wedding and fled when he saw the video.  Momoka broke down in tears and wailed, ”My mother ruined my wedding!” Hiroko recounted her tale to the Japanese magazine An An.  She said it all started when her daughter decided to get married.  “We wanted to invite my ex-husband to attend her wedding as her biological father, and we met at my house. It had been years since we last talked, and memories of our past happiness flooded my mind,” Hiroko said.  She recalled they left each other in tears when they had to divorce due to the debts they were riddled with when his business failed. “We didn’t break up because I didn’t like him. Now that he has become a successful man again, my love for him reignited, and I initiated the affair,” Hiroko confessed... She felt they could continue their affair as long as they were more careful about it, but her ex-husband disagreed.  Her ex-husband thought it was “the right time” to end their affair, as their daughter’s marriage was happening soon.  “He pushed me away coldly and reminded me that I had a husband and what happened was a mere distraction from our lives,” Hiroko lamented.      "He said that since we were divorced, he would never love me again"... “My daughter disowned me. My husband kicked me out of the house and made me pay alimony after our divorce. Every day I have to move from hotel to hotel, and it’s difficult to find a job in such times.” Hiroko said with regret. “You reap what you sow.”"
Of course, we're told that women initiate the majority of divorces because men are assholes, and that men losing their jobs makes women divorce them because they become assholes (not because women like men who can provide for them)

Meme - "What women have done to comics and video games, men should do to Lifetime movies. Be like "all my life I've been a fan of Lifetime movies. Directing one has always been my dream" and then make a movie about women with giant tits fighting aliens in Napoleonic Europe"

Meme - "This makeup style is the female equivalent of a fedora to me idc"
"You could tell me all 7 of these women were the same person and I'd believe you"

Meme - "The snoring of men is the karma of women. Women don't shut up all day and men don't shut up all night"

Meme - "bella 21
if there's a shirtless mirror selfie on your profile just swipe left i probably got the ick ig @***
*shirtless bikini photo*"

Meme - ">friend is going to the movies with a girl and invites me to go with them and sit next to the girls friend
>on the way out of the theater, the hall is packed with people leaving
>hoodlum teenagers are rushing through the crowd
>one of them literally smacks the ass of the girl im walking out with and runs away
>she gasps and says "was that you?" to me
>im drunk and dont want to fight the kid who has already fled, but also dont want to seem like a pussy to her so i just smile at her and wink
>its dark in the hall but I can tell she blushes
>we have sex a couple hours later and that kid basically did the first move for me
I want to thank that little ass-grabbing rascal if i ever see him again"

Meme - "Annie, 25
6 miles away
Active 1 day ago
I can fit 34 Pringles up my vagina"

Meme - "Eve: that's it?
Adam: this is literally the biggest penis on earth."

'My husband wants to quit his well-paid career. How can I change his mind?' - "My husband had a lockdown epiphany and wants to quit his well-paid job in finance and retrain as a landscape gardener. Worse, he told me he wants to do this part-time, and seek a better ‘life balance’. He’s only 44.   Our twins are on the list for a private school but, no matter how hard I work (I’m a solicitor), we’ll struggle to afford the fees – and it will significantly change our lifestyle. It’s his career but he is failing to see the wider impact it will have on us all. On one hand, I know I should support him. On the other, I’m secretly furious."
Only women are allowed to seek self-actualisation

Meme - "When you find out she's single *Asian girl with pink and blue-green hair*
When you find out WHY she's single *Asian girl with blue and purple hair, white face makeup with blue streaks, tongue out and studded straps*"

Meme - "Me and our dog and my wife and our cat *happy man and dog, sullen woman and cat*"

Meme - "-Mommy how can you live without eating?
-What do you mean? I eat everyday.
-I heard Daddy tell his friend you haven't swallowed since college."

Meme - "When you meet her parents and her mom says ”So you're the one dropping her off late at night in the black car." But you ride a bike"

Meme - "When I was 13 my teacher gave me an F so l made a catfish account that had a relationship with him and then sent it to his wife and got him divorced"

Meme - "Elena 20
I'm saving myself for marriage but you can put it in my ass
Single mother of 2!

Meme - "Single moms on facebook be like:
"my kids are my world and always come first" *shakes exposed ass*"

Meme - Christopher Meneses Sanchez: "Are you a single mom? Leave a comment if you're a single mom"
"Right here!"
*raises hand*
Christopher Meneses Sanchez: "Thanks I deleted you all. I don't date single moms"

Meme - "Mentally unstable, financially dependant and high drama Single Moms on Dating apps:
You can be part of this"
"Let me educate you a bit here as to why people take offence to this sort of *meme" 1. There still exists an inequality in society between and In work. In pay. In childcare. In raising children. When it's equal and bear their fair share of the childcare and responsibility, then this may be funny. 2. There's a good chance that the effects of the above may make some single mothers look "mentally unstable". But in my experience, those described as such by their ex partners are only that way because their BD don't step up and share the 50% of the responsibility like they should. Also the term "mentally unstable" is often used by narcissistic abusers who want to make look crazy to distract from their shortcomings. In other words it's ot buzz word used by abusers to deflect responsibility. And lastly... 3. Using Greta Thunberg as the image for this "funny meme" is just not it. Period. What the hell."
Hoes mad

Meme - "Why real men avoid single mothers
1: never available
2: you are not a priority
3: thinks the world revolves around her and her only
4: emotionally unavailable
5: the daddy is always there
6: the kids are working against you
7: those kids will hate you
8: entitled attitude
9: distorted self-image
10: always the victim
11: Jekyll & Hyde personality
12: Drama queen
13: in most cases she's dating to make her baby daddy jealous
14: dishonest - a single mother is a liar
15: carries baggage, baggage, and more baggage"

Meme - "Why couldn't I wait until I was married, or at least in a relationship, to have children? Its like I'm a brainless animal incapable of being responsible for my own decisions. Well...I guess can always pretend that I was forced to become a single mother."

Three female guards from same prison locked up for inmates affairs - "In 2019, Gunn was jailed for one year after having a fling with ‘dangerous’ inmate Khuram Razaq, 29.  The 27-year-old criminology and psychology graduate made numerous sexual phone calls to him while he was serving a 12-year sentence for conspiracy to rob.  She also smuggled in a pair of her knickers for him."

18 female staff have relationships with prisoners at HMP Berwyn - "Eighteen female staff at a jail which has pioneered a liberal approach have had relationships with prisoners since it opened, data obtained under Freedom of Information laws has revealed.  The 18 women including full-time officers and contract staff at HMP Berwyn in north Wales have been sacked or resigned after their affairs were exposed during its first six years of operation. Three have been jailed for misconduct in a public office.  The prison which opened in 2017 as Britain’s second biggest with space for 2,000 offenders pioneered a liberal approach to create a more “domestic” environment to aid rehabilitation with cells rebranded as rooms, prison blocks known as “communities” and inmates provided with laptops when they arrive.  However, the Prison Officers’ Association (POA) said inexperienced officers had been exploited by “very experienced” offenders amid flaws in recruitment which meant that governors were not able to have face-to-face interviews to select their own staff. Instead, they were recruited centrally through assessment tests and Zoom interviews.  It comes as figures show a record 36 female prison officers have been sacked over relationships in the past three years, nearly double the 19 in the previous four years. The Ministry of Justice has attributed the surge to a crackdown by a revamped counter-corruption unit which is now working with 20 dedicated police officers from regional organised crime units to root out corrupt prison officers.   They have targeted prisoners and staff enticed into affairs by them in order to get them to bring in drugs, phones and weapons, and even help run their criminal empires from behind bars... He said high staff turnover had resulted in increasing numbers of young new recruits being placed in frontline roles. Over the past five years, the number of female prison staff has risen by 27 per cent to 15,000 and now account for 42 per cent of all staff as part of a diversity drive."
Prison guards are in a position of power. Yet they are somehow still victims. Looks like women are always victims

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