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Monday, May 15, 2023

Links - 15th May 2023 (1 - Trans Mania [including Drag])

Meme - "Hill: The reason "Jazz" is having trouble with being trans, is because the validation the community receives from most, is the same validation a 3 yr gets when they show their parents their terrible drawing. People will encourage the that they are doing amazing, but in reality, they just rolled their eyes and chuckled when they leave the room."

Meme - Mia Moore @StopTweetingMia: "Trans girls travelling back in time to talk to their lonely awkward depressed pre-transition selves *Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, 500 Days of Summer, The Matrix*"

Meme - "Twitter post from Jamie Lee Curtis's transcel son. Ruby Greymane @killerki...: "During the media blow up my account had a friend of mine who made this image and started putting it under a lot of hate comments. I love it. I am proud of it. If people hate on you for being trans feel free to use this image. Yes it's supposed to be me. pride ##hatersgonnahate *Bigger dick than you, bigger tits than your wife*"
Not auto erotic gynephilia at all, no

Meme - "Being transfem in STEM
Hey girls! I study in biological science and was wondering how yall do to feel feminine while working in a lab all day with a labcoat on? I have to work in lab and have the feeling to be in boymode all day. Without clothes or jewels, I don't feel as much feminine and my dysphoria kicks in. How do y'all keep up with that?"
"Do you have any female colleagues? What do they do wear in the lab?"
"I do! In fact, there are pretty much any man in my field. They all wear pants/jeans as is required for safety reasons. Even during days where they don't go in labs, they dress in pants and shirt. I've not yet came out in my place of and if I did, I'd the person who dresses the more femininely."

2017 - HE/HIM
2018 - HE/THEY
2019 - THEY/THEM
2020 - SHE/THEY
2021 - SHE/HER
2022 - WAS/WERE. "(BIRTH NAME) -> RIP""

Meme - "I'm non-binary. Didn't you hear me? I said I'm non-binary. It means I don't identify as male or fe-"
"I didn't ask."
"You're a Transphobe."

Indian non-binary activist stars on the cover of bridal magazine - "Brides Today, which is an English-speaking magazine, shared three digital covers featuring non-binary trans activist and comedian Alok Vaid-Menon posing in different gowns on Instagram... While many readers were supportive of Alok's covers, others accused them of invading women's spaces and called Brides Today 'ridiculous.'"
Gay marriage isn't even legal in India, so leapfrogging is a bold strategy
Cultural imperialism is good when it's liberal

NPR: ‘Limited Scientific Evidence’ Men Have ‘Physical Advantage’ over Women in Sports | National Review - "National Public Radio (NPR) claimed that “there is limited scientific research” supporting the idea that biological males have a “physical advantage” over biological females in competitive sports. The media organization made the claim after the World Athletics Council, the governing sports body regulating international competitions such as cross county as well as track field, ruled that transgender athletes would be barred from competing against biological women.  The publicly-funded media company cited a 2020 report by Human Rights Watch claiming that transgender women have no competitive edge over biological women when it comes to physical performance and insisted that the World Athletic Council’s ruling relied on flawed evidence... NPR pointed to the World Athletics Council’s decision as part of a growing trend of “moving away from trans inclusion” in sports citing the governing bodies for international swimming and rugby announcing similar moves in recent years... The news was welcomed by Karen Long, an Australian runner that competes in 100, 200, and 400-meter races.  “It was a relief to hear that transgender athletes will be banned from competing in the women’s category in athletics. I believe the governing bodies received lots of pressure in the form of complaints from female and male athletes on this issue and it forced them to reconsider,” Long to National Review.  Cynthia Monteleone, a fellow runner who is competing in a World Masters Athletics competition in Poland this weekend, recounted an earlier experience when she realized that at a 2018 track meet one of the contestants was born male.  “Nobody would answer my questions. The officials were very concerned about it, the European officials, but when I brought it up to Team USA management, they just swept it under the rug and later down the line even went as far as to say that for my own safety, I should keep my mouth shut, which I didn’t,” the reigning 400-meter race champion said."
Trust the Science!

Meme - "TFW someone says "You're filled with hate!" for not wanting grown men dancing upfront of children in lingerie"

Wilfred X. Reilly, Californian on Twitter - "Drag performance with pride colors at tonight’s country music awards"
"I really don't care about drag qua drag, for adults - but the extent to which EVERY "respectable" organization is expected to virtue signal is pretty remarkable. Is anyone even trying to argue this had some kind of ROI for the national country-western music awards?"

Meme - "Hi kids, I hope you're as excited as l am for drag story hour with your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Queen!" *The hips on the Drag Queen go swish, swish, swish*
"But Spider-Queen, you're an adult, why are you so excited to be around kids?"
"I'm a groo-, I mean, *Trans* rights are human rights."

Meme - Nazgul (Drag Queens at your local library): "Give up the halfling, she elf."
Good Decent Mother: "If you want him, come and claim him."

Paul Ratchford on Twitter - "“Drag Camp” for kids as young as 7, at Carousel Theatre. What do you think, are the camp activities likely to warrant criminal child abuse charges for those involved and/or the organizers?"
Clearly, the immense power of socialisation does not include drag

London, Ont., bar in hot water after making drag shows age 19+ events - "A London, Ont., bar known as the city's only gay nightclub is facing backlash from across North America after cancelling an all-ages Western University event because it was set to feature drag performers.   Lavish was booked to host an annual Western student Pride dance on Thursday, but pulled out after learning drag queens would be performing. It has caused an uproar in London's LGBTQ2+ community and beyond, with the bar getting what it calls hate comments... Bar manager John Banks said they backed out of the event because Lavish doesn't want to put underage students into situations "where something sexual or inappropriate could happen.""
Weird. We are told that it's the "far right" that's full of hate. But consistently, liberals are upset when they can't expose kids to drag. Of course, they pretend that conservatives hate all drag and point to alleged hypocrisy since in the past conservatives were fine with drag. Which is a wilful misunderstanding of the differences between old drag and new

antifa: Intense stand-off witnessed between armed Antifa members, Proud Boys in Texas. - "A group of heavily armed and masked Antifa protestors, on August 27, showed up at a Texas "drag brunch," which was open to children. The group was holding AR-15-style rifles. The event occurred at Roanoke's Anderson Distillery and Grill. The group showed up at the site to defend those who were in attendance after a group belonging to right-wing extremists arrived at the spot. The second group was also armed with semiautomatic rifles.  Video footage of the incident showed that at least 20 children and several self-proclaimed teachers were attending the event. The video also showed drag queens performing in skimpy outfits. Earlier, Jay Anderson, the distillery owner, had vouched that the event would not feature sexual content, foul language or erotic behaviour."

Meme - The Other 98%: Skeletor - "If you think a guy in drag reading to kids is sexualizing them; it means you find men in drag sexy. Until we meet again"
"Nice strawman logic. If you find child *porn* sexualizing, you're secretly attracted to children. FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation please check these people out"

WPLG Local 10 News on Twitter - "CANCELED: Officials in a Florida city have canceled a gay pride parade and restricted other pride events to people 21 years and older in anticipation of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signing a bill meant to keep children out of drag shows."
Auron MacIntyre on Twitter - "Strange how many of these events are being canceled after being denied an audience of minors"

'Drag Kids' documentary explores theatrical world of pre-teen drag queens - "The dance music is thumping, the audience is giddy and 10-year-old drag artist Queen Lactatia is sashaying up and down a makeshift catwalk in a shimmering metallic dress."
Weird. I thought preteen beauty pageants were creepy and sexual. But if it's drag it's good and only bigots oppose them

Judge with ties to drag queen story hour arrested - "Brett Blomme, a county children’s court judge in Milwaukee, has been arrested and charged with seven counts of child pornography possession.  Blomme, former president of an LGBTQ organization that sponsored drag queen story hour events, is accused of uploading 27 videos and pictures of child sexual abuse to the messaging app Kik."
I still see liberals sharing the meme that "to catch a predator" never featured a drag queen
This liberal claimed if I could find 2 examples of convicted child sex offenders reading in drag to kids, he would join me in protest. I posted 2 examples and he kept quiet.

Drag queen story hour for 1st graders at Philadelphia public school outrages parents - "Fox News obtained an email sent to parents of a first-grade class at the Albert M. Greenfield School near Rittenhouse Square, telling them their child's classroom will be participating in Drag Queen Story Hour"
A liberal claimed that "nobody is forcing kids to watch drag shows"
He also claimed gay and trans people were two different things. Yet those who champion LGB cutting off the T, are told they are bigots and the T is inseparable from the LGB

Libs of TikTok on Twitter - "A 13-year-old drag queen performs at an event as adults cheer him on"
WATCH: 13-year-old drag queen performs for adults - "In Calgary, a 100 metre perimeter has been established, preventing protesters, who councillors have labelled as haters, from getting too close to drag shows attended by children.  A major hotel in Miami recently lost its liquor licence for supplying alcohol for sale at a drag show that children attended... “(Recently), a bill banning children from attending drag shows in Montana passed its second reading in the House. Now, this is something you'd think everyone would be on board with. But it's 2023, so of course it's not”... “Representative Zooey Zephyr had a strong opinion on this bill. It's important to note that Zephyr is a beautiful and brave transperson. According to Zephyr, it's actually vital to sexual minority culture that children attend drag shows. Apparently, drag is ‘art’ that children must be repeatedly exposed to.” “Seriously, what do you even say to this?” asks Brodigan, speculating on the origins of “a 13-year-old boy dressed like a slutty 13-year-old girl like they would if they were at an adult strip club.”"
Protests are only allowed when it's liberals protesting

Tess Hall on Twitter - "A fireside reflection on fanning the flames of hate. 🔈🆙 #JKRowling #TransRights #LGBTQIA #lovewins 🏳️‍⚧️❤️🏳️‍🌈✌️ © Tess Hall 2023 - All Rights Reserved"
Burning books is good when they're "hateful", like JK Rowling's books

James Esses on Twitter - "“Transwomen are women” But “Cis women are…cis women” How on earth have we ended up in a world where a biological man is considered to be more of a woman…than a woman?!?"
Frankie Newton on Twitter - "The late great Norm MacDonald accurately observed, well ahead of his time, that the term ‘cis’ is designed to marginalize normal people. Very profound!"

Commentary: The Signal and the Noise—questioning the benefits of puberty blockers for youth with gender dysphoria—a commentary on Rew et al. (2021) - "This commentary is a critique of a recent systematic review of the evidence for the use of puberty blockers for youth with gender dysphoria (GD) by Rew et al. (2021). In our view, the review suffers from several methodological oversights including the omission of relevant studies and suboptimal analysis of the quality of the included studies. This has resulted in an incomplete and incorrect assessment of the evidence base for the use of puberty blockers. We find that Rew et al.’s conclusions and clinician recommendations are problematic, especially when discussing suicidality. A key message of the review’s abstract appears to be that puberty blockers administered in childhood reduce adult suicidality. However, the study used for the basis of this conclusion (Turban et al., 2020) did not make a causal claim between puberty blockers and decreased adult suicidality. Rather, it reported a negative association between using puberty blockers and lifetime suicidal ideation. The study design did not allow for determination of causation. Our commentary concludes by demonstrating how the GD medical literature, as it moves from one publication to the next, can overstate the evidence underpinning clinical practice recommendations for youth with GD."

Review: Puberty blockers for transgender and gender diverse youth-a critical review of the literature - "Studies reviewed had samples ranging from 1 to 192 (N = 543). The majority (71%) of participants in these studies required a diagnosis of gender dysphoria to qualify for puberty suppression and were administered medication during Tanner stages 2 through 4. Positive outcomes were decreased suicidality in adulthood, improved affect and psychological functioning, and improved social life. Adverse factors associated with use were changes in body composition, slow growth, decreased height velocity, decreased bone turnover, cost of drugs, and lack of insurance coverage. One study met all quality criteria and was judged 'excellent', five studies met the majority of quality criteria resulting in 'good' ratings, whereas three studies were judged fair and had serious risks of bias."
A TRA claimed puberty blockers were harmless. When I quoted this article, it claimed that this showed that puberty blockers reduced suicidality and were thus a good thing. Yet,
Cohen-Kettenis et al. (2011) has a sample size of 1 and does not assess suicidality
De Vries et al. (2011) does not assess suicidality
Khatchadourian et al. (2014) notes that "our numbers are quite small" and "We did have a short follow-up time". The problem is clear. If you see a 17 year old (the median age in the study) for 2 years (median followup time), there is less time for the patient to kill itself during the followup time than before the start of "treatment". So it is inevitable that a "fall" in suicide attempts would be found. Indeed, a short follow up time is a common element in pro-train studies. That is why the Amsterdam followup study I also linked for the TRA (showing that transition doesn't reduce suicide risk) is so valuable.
Klaver et al. (2018), Nahata et al. (2017) and Schagen et al. (2016) do not assess suicidality
Schneider et al. (2017) has a sample size of 1 and does not assess suicidality
Turban et al. (2020) is a "self-reported history of pubertal suppression during adolescence" and reports that "After controlling for demographic variables from Table 1, pubertal suppression was associated with decreased odds of lifetime suicidal ideation." There was no reduction in past 12 month suicide ideation or past-month severe psychological distress. Note that if we look at Table 3, reporting raw frequencies, more of those who had pubertal suppression had a suicide attempt resulting in inpatient care than those who hadn't received it. Also note that among those who had received pubertal suppression, the mean age was 21.7 and the mean age of hormone therapy was 15.7. After the thrill of the first few years, many will sour on their "treatment" - we can see many detransitioners starting to detransition in their 20s. Also note the flaws with the study - it used the 2015 US Transgender Survey (USTS) by the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE). Participants were recruited through LGBT organizations, so there is selection bias in respondents. Those who do not subscribe to trans gospel (i.e. that puberty blockers reduce suicide risk) will not be included here
Vlot et al. (2017) does not assess suicidality

Puberty Blockers for Children: Can They Consent? - "Puberty blockers have known serious side effects, with uncertainty about their long-term use. They do not improve mental health. Without medication, most will desist from the dysphoria in time. Yet over 90% of those treated with puberty blockers progress to cross-sex hormones and often surgery, with irreversible consequences. The brain is biologically and socially immature in childhood and unlikely to understand the long-term consequences of treatment. The prevailing culture to affirm the dysphoria is critically reviewed. It is concluded that children are unable to consent to the use of puberty blockers...
'We found no evidence of change in psychological function with GnRHa treatment as indicated by parent report (CBCL) or self-report (YSR) of overall problems, internalis- ing or externalising problems or self-harm'... Turban (2020) in a paper on the risk of suicidal ideation in young people given PBs concluded that suicidal ideation was reduced in those who had PBs. There are however serious weaknesses in their methodology: they derived the information from a voluntary survey of transgender adults in the U.S. Excluded from this sample of 89 respondents were people who had PBs and then de-transitioned. Any who had committed suicide were of course omitted. Most had started taking PBs after the age of 17 (when puberty would have been well advanced). Since PBs are generally given only to those who are aged 12–16, this means the respondents did not represent the group which is the focus of this review, and is therefore of limited relevance to consent in under 16s. Biggs (2022) analysed the prevalence of suicide from Tavistock clinic data, showing the small percentage of suicides (0.03%) among individual patients. He concluded that it is irresponsible to exaggerate the prevalence of suicide. The data on psychological well-being is mixed and incomplete. At the very least we can say that a significant number of those who go on PBs have worse mental health. This ought to be conveyed clearly to any child who is being considered for PBs, along with the parents, and certainly there should be no implied threat of suicidality if a child is not given the PBs."

Transgender athlete research rejected after professor called trans women ‘males’ - "Transgender athlete research has been shut down after a professor called trans women "males".  Dr John Armstrong, a scholar at King's College London (KCL), applied to carry out a survey of elite athletes and volunteers on whether trans women, who are born male, should compete in women's track and field categories and whether they felt they could express their views.  However, the university's ethics panel rejected his application last week citing equality and diversity concerns, in what has been labelled an attack on academic freedom.  In a rejection letter, the university said: "The language is not sensitive and the misgendering of athletes is not appropriate... there is obvious bias in the language and there is very little scientific reasoning underpinning the hypothesis."  KCL took issue with how Dr Armstrong had referred to trans women as "males" in his research proposal."
Weird. We keep getting told that gender and sex are different and that anyone who thinks they're the same is ignorant
The agenda cannot be opposed or even questioned

Foos on Twitter - "ATTENTION
Pedophiles are using these terms in their bios to identify each other:
He/him - Prefers little boys
She/her - Prefers little girls
They/them - Likes all children
ACAB - All Children Are Beautiful
BLM - Boys Loving Men
F12 - Fucks 12-year-olds RT FOR AWARENESS"
F12 means fuck the police apparently

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