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Friday, March 24, 2023

Links - 24th March 2023 (1)

Meme - ARuFa @ARuFa_FARu: "Though I've never played Monster Hunter, but I've heard from friends that you'll get to carve the monsters and use their bodyparts to make weapons. Thought it's kinda interesting, so I gave it a try with the KFC I've ordered for lunch."

Halo Star Pablo Schreiber Defends Series' Awful Writing: “I Think That Subverting Expectations Is What Makes It Interesting” - "If it weren’t already clear from simply watching any amount of or reading any of our coverage on what may be one of the greatest insults in the history of video game adaptations, Master Chief actor Pablo Schreiber has revealed that the production team behind the Halo television series cared so little for the actual source material that they approached the beloved military sci-fi franchise with the intention of “subverting expectations.”"
Why modern US media is shit
When you subvert expectations of a good show

Watch | Facebook - "Dancing parrot"
It's a cockatoo

Skirt wearing builders back in shorts after bosses lift long trousers-only rule - "The skirt-wearing builders dubbed 'men at twerk' were back in shorts yesterday after bosses lifted the long trousers-only rule.  The Sun told yesterday how the brickies slipped into dresses, citing gender equality, to swerve the order... Bellway Homes relented and allowed them to don shorts again in the sweltering 75 degree heat... "We can now crack on with the job in our proper gear without getting wolf whistles, which were intimidating to say the least.  "Mind, wearing dresses for a couple of days has given some of the lads ideas for the weekend.""
24 degrees is sweltering?!

Surprising Research Reveals Religion Is Not the Main Reason for Rejection of Evolution in Schools - "Religion influences secondary school students’ understanding and acceptance of evolutionary theory, but social and cultural factors such as nationality, perceptions of science, and household income are more influential, according to a study involving 5,500 Brazilian and Italian students aged 14-16... In contrast, previous research including large-scale surveys of more than 6,000 European students found religion to be the key reason for rejection of evolution by secondary school students. The contrast may reflect methodological differences"

Meme - "The placement is so cool...unless I'm wearing socks
*putting racism in trash can*
*doing Hitler salute to racism*"

Parental income might influence the probability of homosexuality and bisexuality in adult children - "“There appears to be a biological influence on same-sex attraction through exposure to testosterone prenatally (low testosterone in gay men and high in lesbians). Prenatal testosterone levels are probably influenced by genes and homosexuality tends to reduce offspring number,” said study author John T. Manning, a professor and honorary research fellow at Swansea University, and author of “The Finger Book: Sex, Behaviour and Disease Revealed in the Fingers.”  “We have recently shown that a marker for prenatal testosterone (the 2D:4D) varies in children across the income groups of their parents. Children from parents with low income show evidence of low prenatal testosterone and those from high income parents have high fetal testosterone.”... The researchers found a curvilinear relationship between parental income and self-identified sexual orientation of their adult children.  The highest frequencies of homosexuality and bisexuality for both women and men occurred among those who described their parent’s income as “much lower than others.” The lowest frequency of homosexuality occurred among those who described their parent’s income as “slightly higher than others,” while intermediate frequencies of homosexuality occurred among women and men who described their parent’s income as “much higher than others.”... “It appears that very low prenatal testosterone and very high prenatal testosterone may both be linked to same-sex attraction,” Manning explained. “The former may be associated with submissive sexual roles in gay men and femme identity in lesbians and the latter may be linked to assertive roles in gay men and a butch identity in lesbians.”"
Developed countries having more sexual minorities thus is not somehow a sign that they're all closeted in the developing world.
This also has interesting implications for "late capitalism" and First World Problems

Meme - Soledad O'Brien @soledadobrien: "Lavon Longstreet is a 2nd grader and the star of our next black in america doc! Love this kid!"
"Lavon Longstreet: 17-year-old arrested with mom for Mall of America shooting that left teenager dead"

Commentary: Being a 'sell-out' was the best decision I made for my career - "As an executive in the corporate communications department of a polytechnic, I’d gone from penning fashion, beauty and travel stories for a women’s lifestyle magazine to writing annual reports and prospectuses.  This job of a public servant was unsexy, tedious, bureaucratic work — and I didn’t expect to thoroughly enjoy all of it.   But I made more, and tasted the freedom of not having to worry about whether going out for dinner with friends and blowing S$30 on a single meal meant I had to pack my own meals the following week... after a lifetime of wearing our stubborn idealism like a badge of honour, we became our own worst critics when we seemingly ditched it for a more mundane reality.   Part of this self-judgement also came from tying a core part of our identity to having a certain job in a certain industry... I’d learnt that this narrative of selling out was grounded in extremes. It takes a narrow-minded, black-and-white view of career, implying you can’t backtrack or change your mind once you make a certain decision.   This, unfortunately, is also what makes the concept attractive to people who believe in going all in, no matter what they do... according to research by scholars at the University of Southern California who studied career patterns, linear careers, where you steadily ascend one ladder, is not the only way to build an occupation.  In an article for The Atlantic, American social scientist Arthur C Brooks noted that there are three more career models according to their research.   “Steady-state careers involve staying at one job and growing in expertise. Transitory careers are ones in which people jump from job to job or even field to field, looking for new challenges,” he wrote.  “And spiral careers are more like a series of mini careers — people spend many years developing in a profession, then shift fields seeking not just for novelty, but for work that builds on the skills of their previous mini careers.” Deciding which to pick depends on your personality, your tastes and your goals, added Brooks... In reality, the ability not to sell out isn’t about purity. It’s about privilege — a concept that people who can afford to pursue their dreams at all costs uphold to make others feel bad about their more practical, cookie-cutter decisions...  Four years after, I’m more certain than ever that being a public servant made me a better journalist."

Meme - "All Cops Are Beautiful. BUNDESPOLIZEI. Bundespolizei Karriere"

Meme - "Travel is not a matter of money but of courage"
"Hi, please give me a list of hotels and airlines that accept courage as payment"

ELODIEUNDERGLASS on Tumblr - "one thing I’ve noticed while running an online shop is that Americans never include their country when writing their address.  I don’t mean when filling in online forms, bc that’s obviously a required element. but when emailing me for address changes for orders, they never include a country in the updated address. but I always know the country is the United States of America because literally nobody else around the world would do that."
"Seriously? Why would you include it though? It’s extraneous information like ofc its the us"
"there are 195 countries in the world"
"You see this kind of bias all over and I think it’s a more deeply ingrained problem than people understand. I asked my students to analyze a Guinness commercial last term, and more than one of them asked why Guinness was trying to promote an Irish Holiday in the United States. But it was a YouTube commercial, with no indication that it would even be shown on American TV. They just assumed they were the ones being addressed... Assuming that everything is about you, and that everything is for you, is a huge wall to progress of any kind. It makes it really hard to put yourself in other people’s shoes or imagine different audiences. And it’s very, very hard to unlearn it in a country that makes you pledge your soul to its flag when you’re just a kid."

Meme - "Yang 2020" "Landlords raising rent by $1000"
"How many #YangGangers are landlords I wonder..."
If you mock subsidies / tax credits because they will cause prices to rise as sellers know buyers are now richer, the corollary is that you should praise tax hikes because they will cause prices to fall as sellers know buyers are now poorer
Normally libertarians are very good at economics 101. But when it clashes with their cherished beliefs they're not such great fans anymore
If the housing market is really so uncompetitive, such that the elasticity of rent is 1.0, that calls for intervention. So much for libertarian fantasies about how the free market will be our savior

Meme - "The Death of Socrates with Soyjaks"

Meme - "Dad shaves his daughter's hair for bullying a girl with cancer"
"thank god she didn't make fun of a pregnant girl"

Overweight police officer dubbed ‘Blue Moon’ loses discrimination case - "Detective Constable Rebecca Tiffin said she felt "over-scrutinised" by Surrey Police and launched legal action against the force claiming disability and sex discrimination after failing to complete the mandatory “bleep” test... The detective, nicknamed "Blue Moon" by colleagues due to frequent periods of absence due to health problems, tried to move her tests on a number of occasions due to a sinus infection or child care issues. Ms Tiffin, of Tolworth, Surrey, lost her case after a tribunal in Reading, Berks, found she was not suffering a disadvantage in the test because of her gender but because of her lack of fitness. The hearing was told how her boss, Det Insp Rebecca Molyneux, allowed Ms Tiffin use to the gym at Staines Police Station and encouraged her to use the facilities during lunch breaks.  She also invited her to join a staff running club and even did the bleep test with her as support. In relation to the claims alleging disability discrimination, employment tribunal judge Stephen Vowles concluded in a written judgement she had been subject to the same performance procedures as any other officer in the force... "The requirement to pass the Annual Fitness Assessment applied to all operational officers within Surrey Police and eventually nationally and was a necessary requirement for safety and operational reasons"

Couple leaves baby at airport check-in to avoid paying more to board flight - "Airline staff at an Israeli airport were shocked when a couple decided to leave their baby at a check-in desk, after a disagreement over having to buy a separate ticket for their child.  The incident happened at the Ryanair desk of Tel Aviv’s Ben-Gurion Airport... a 62-year-old grandfather was arrested in Florida after it was discovered he had left a nearly two-year-old child in the back of locked rental car at Daytona Airport.... a Saudia Arabian flight had to turn back to its departure point after a mother left her baby at the airport."

地獄ケーキ(Hokusaist)⛩️⚡👹🇺🇸 on Twitter - "It's interesting how Taoism and Buddhism have very similar concepts, but come to completely different conclusions.
Buddhism: "being reborn is suffering. We must escape this endless cycle of death and rebirth"
Taoism: "idk it might be fun being a bird or a monkey.""

John Smillie on Twitter - "Imagine it's Sunday morning. You've been allowed to sleep in as long as you want, and you have no chores or responsibilities all day. There's fresh fallen snow on the ground. Your mom makes Cinnamon rolls and serves you breakfast. But you're almost 3, so you are blind with rage."

Meme - "Very insensitive!!! NTUC FairPrice. Look at the ingredients... why named Arab...? Be very careful my Muslims family..."
"FairPrice Arabiki SAUSAGE. Ingredients: Pork"
Meme - Nadia.hanim.ar: "Awards Winning Babi Wooden Arab Audio Sound Music Arabic Puzzle...
See the word 'babi'. It means pig in Malay. But it means my door or segment in Arabic. Languages and linguistic are interesting mashaAllah"
Meme - NTUC Fairprice: "We are aware of an image of a Facebook post circulating online containing a photo of FairPrice Arabiki Sausage. This image was first reported to us in July 2020, and has been seen recirculating periodically; the packaging in the photo also shows "2020" as the year of its expiry date. Arabiki sausages are a type of Japanese-style sausage commonly found in supermarkets, grocers and restaurants. The term "Arabiki" is Japanese for "coarsely ground". Since the post first surfaced back in 2020, we have also changed our packaging to avoid any further misunderstanding. We hope this helps clarify any concerns on this matter."
New packaging since April 2022: "Japanese Style Pork Sausage""
NTUC needs to stop selling root beer and hot dogs so as to stop confusing people

Meme - "HI THERE!"

Facebook fires worker who refused to do 'negative testing': 'awsuit - "Facebook can secretly drain its users’ cellphone batteries, a former employee contends in a lawsuit.  The practice, known as “negative testing,” allows tech companies to “surreptitiously” run down someone’s mobile juice in the name of testing features or issues such as how fast their app runs or how an image might load, according to data scientist George Hayward... “Any data scientist worth his or her salt will know, ‘Don’t hurt people,'” he told The Post.    Killing someone’s cellphone battery puts people at risk, especially “in circumstances where they need to communicate with others, including but not limited to police or other rescue workers,” according to the litigation filed against Facebook’s parent company, Meta Platforms. “I refused to do this test,” he said, adding, “It turns out if you tell your boss, ‘No, that’s illegal,’ it doesn’t go over very well.”... he was given an internal training document titled, “How to run thoughtful negative tests,” which included examples of such experiments being carried out.  “I have never seen a more horrible document in my career,” he said... Meta did not respond to a message"

You're Doing It Wrong: 3 Bad Habits That Are Ruining Your Phone's Battery - "Bad Habit #1: Overnight Charging...
when you use your phone while charging, it becomes quite hot. The same occurs while topping off overnight. Heat is lithium-ion batteries' kryptonite — it stresses the battery, causing it to reduce the maximum amount of energy it can store (known as its battery capacity) and compromises its integrity, which can lead to exploding devices... Additionally, batteries experience stress while maintaining a 100% charge... I'd like to touch on wireless charging. Standards such as Qi or PMA allow you to charge your phone on a mat without plugging it in, but the process of wireless charging in general isn't as energy efficient as wired charging. Loss of energy translates to heat, which has the same effect that the "topping off" feature has during overnight charging. Therefore, it's best to avoid wireless charging if you can, but at the very least, don't keep your phone on the charging pad long after it hits 100 percent.
Bad Habit #2: Running Your Battery Dry...
"Memory effect" affects nickel-cadmium batteries, a different type of battery that is found in older laptops. Lithium-ion doesn't benefit from the practice of fully discharging the battery but rather is hindered because of this action. Each time you discharge a battery completely, you increase the chance of mechanical degradation of the cathode. If this occurs, its ability to store energy becomes compromised and results in much lower battery life for your device.  Additionally, when you drain the battery to zero, you're also increasing the depth of discharge. The depth of discharge is the difference between the starting battery percentage and ending battery percentage, which determines the number of discharge cycles your battery has. Each battery has a finite number of discharge cycles — after that number, the battery will no longer accept a charge...
Bad Habit #3: Using Knockoff Chargers...
I learned about how sophisticated OEM chargers can be. Especially after the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 debacle, many smartphone manufacturers went out of their way to ensure the same failure wouldn't occur with their devices... when you use a knockoff charger, you lose this communication and coordination with the phone. Since failure can occur at the charger, you hinder the system's ability to detect and thwart it. Instead, the system is forced to rely solely on mandatory protection without any backup.  With fast charging, communication is even more important between the phone and the charger. Voltage and current need to be set and regulated throughout charging. OEMs design their devices to work best with their equipment and test the safety using their chargers. Therefore, using knockoff chargers raises your risk level of a failure occurring...
Use Fast Charging... use its benefits to combat battery stress by reducing total charging times.  When you wake up in the morning, plug your phone in. Most of us have at least 30 minutes to spare while getting ready, and by that time, fast charging should have your battery up to at least 50 percent. Depending on the battery percentage when you began charging, 30 minutes could give you an all-day charge.
Hover in the Sweet Zone...
25–85% battery level. At this range, you receive the best balance of depth of discharge and runtime...
Keep Your Phone Cool
Avoid Third-Party Chargers"

80 Percent of Americans Prefer Single-Family Homeownership - "Detached, single-family homes are the end goal for the majority of Americans. While 80 percent of the population would prefer to live in a single-family home, seven in ten Americans (70 percent) actually do. Apartment and condo living is only preferred by 8 percent of the population, yet two in 10 Americans (17 percent) live in an apartment or condo.  But not just any single-family home will do....Americans also show consensus on certain community factors. 53 percent would like to live in an area that is "away from it all," versus "in the center of it all (34 percent).""
Millennials Prefer Single-Family Homes in the Suburbs - WSJ - "The survey, based on responses from 1,506 people born since 1977, found that most want to live in single-family homes outside of the urban center, even if they now reside in the city... 66% want to live in the suburbs, 24% want to live in rural areas and 10% want to live in a city center. One of the main reasons people want to relocate from the city center, she said, is that they “want to live in more space than they have now.” The survey showed 81% want three or more bedrooms in their home. The preferences of millennials are important to nearly every U.S. industry because of their size, which is estimated at between 70 and 80 million.  Not since the baby boomers, a generation that counts roughly 76 million people, has there been such a big population bulge."
More in U.S. now prefer big houses, even if amenities are farther away - "six-in-ten U.S. adults say they would prefer to live in a community with larger homes with greater distances to retail stores and schools (up 7 percentage points since 2019), while 39% say they prefer a community with smaller houses that are closer together with schools, stores and restaurants within walking distance (down 8 points since 2019)."
People don't know what they want. Or they want the impossible - a significant number want single family homes at the same time as smaller homes with close-by amenities
Even in 2019 (pre-covid) Pew found that a majority preferred larger houses that had amenities you needed to drive to

Meme - "Why Are Girls Such Teases? I've had a crush on my friend Tammy since we were 9, so almost 20 years. She's told me that she doesn't see me that way but loves me as a friend. Like a girl can love a guy only as a friend! She has always made me so horny. I admit I I took a pair of her panties out of her hamper a few years ago. Not cool I guess, but the smell got me so hard. Last week I told her again how much I love her and that I think about her all the time when I jerk off. She freaked! I put my hands on her waist and went to kiss her and she fucking kneed me in the nuts! I was lying there and she kicked me again! She told me she never wanted to see or talk to me again. Like what the fuk was the big deal? Why was she not flattered when I told her I jerk off thinking about her? I texted her and she told me if I really cared about her I should cut off my wiener. What should I do? How can I get her to love me?"

Meme - *Cow eating eggs and chicken eating burger*

Meme - "Son, if you do what you love you'll never work a day in your life"
"Wow! I want to beatbox!"
Sign: *Anything helps*
"I was technically right, son. I was technically riiiight!!"

Since bat wings are just skin stretched between elongated finger bones, bats fly through the power of jazz hands. : Showerthoughts

PM Lee forgets to mention at gala dinner how DBS attempted to acquire POSB unconstitutionally - "  “Even in my last year as president, I was still not being informed about some ministerial procedures. For example, in April last year (1999), the government said it would allow the sale of the Post Office Savings Bank POSB to DBS Bank. In the past, when there was no elected president, they could just proceed with this kind of thing. But when there is an elected president you cannot, because the POSB is a statutory board whose reserves are to be protected by the president. You cannot just announce this without informing him,” Mr Ong revealed.  In fact, the late President was “informed” through the newspaper.  “I came to know of it from the newspaper. That is not quite right. Not only that, but they were even going to submit a bill to parliament for this sale and to dissolve the POSB without first informing me,” Mr Ong added.  The late President’s office then went to tell the PAP government that it was the wrong procedure – that the government could not simply attempt to “merge” a government statutory board with a company without the consent of the President, which he was entitled to under the Singapore Constitution."

Meme - "Please don't Care react selfies. I see it as passive-aggressive and disrespectful. It's like a slur when used on positive posts.
Sorry I compared repeated disrespect to a slur. They are not the same. I still think Care reacts on selfies are disrespectful. Cyber bullying IS oppression though because it's prolonged cruel or unjust treatment. No, it's not the same as racism, but it's still not okay."

Meme - Marsi Em: "Laugh reacting to my pics? Lol what's so funny? Maybe you're so miserable cuz you were adopted? Or maybe foster care because no one wanted you??? I assume u laugh cuz I'm a bigger girl. no worries hunny I can fix that but you'll never be able to fix the shape of your head. Before laugh reacting at someone's pictures you realllly gotta make sure they at least aren't prettier than you Imaoo"

Meme - Destiny Renee Bryant: "I don't. I'm asexual. I don't perform sex. But I do have two boyfriends"
Cat Clark: "what's funny about this comment?"
Rhian Maree: "admin mod modmin can we find out why the laughers are here please?"

Meme - "Love the look! Super cute. Can the individuals laugh reacting get banned from the group please, admin?"
"i recommend submitting a feedback to facebook to let them know how this emoji is being abused by using it in hurtful ways and suggesting an option to allow the OP/Group Admins to disable it. Also with sharing"

Meme - "FOLLOW traffic rules. SOMEONE is waiting for you at HOME for you. Obey Traffic Rules"

Meme - "Stop eating junkfood and go outside"
"Fuck you, mom and dad!"
Le Roman Statue: "Stop eating junkfood and go outside"

*Black guy*

Meme - "This dog knows nobody's taking him out for a walk"

Knife-wielding roosters kill 2 men in cockfighting events in India - "To mark the three-day celebration of the Hindu Makar Sankrati festival, people gathered to hold cockfights in the Kakinada and East Godavari districts... During the incident in Kakinada, Gande Suryapraksha Rao, the 43-year-old owner of one of the fighting roosters, bled to death after being slashed by his prized cock.  Rao reportedly tied blades to his rooster before it became intimidated by the crowd. The bird then flew up and landed on Rao, causing the blades to severely slash his leg... In a separate incident in the East Godavari district, a spectator identified as K. Padmaraju also bled to death after he was slashed in the hand.  Padmaraju, who was a resident of Ananthapalli, was reportedly standing too close to a cockfight when one of the bladed roosters sliced a key nerve in his hand."

Meme - "There's a pyramid in Alaska but no one talks about it lol"
"Anywhere there are pyramids, there were black ppl. We wasn't brought from Africa in no ships. We were already here."

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