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Thursday, March 23, 2023

Links - 23rd March 2023 (2 - Feminism)

Singapore needs more female IT graduates. Here’s why and how to achieve this - "Even as the Government redoubles its current efforts to build a strong Singapore ICT core, the domestic supply of ICT graduates is unlikely to meet the economy’s needs.  This means that Singapore will need to supplement the ICT workforce with foreigners, a policy option that is practical but often unpopular among citizens.  Increasing the number of local women in the ICT field could mitigate this problem."
This sort of static analysis assumes that the new women who will go into ICT didn't use to be doing anything useful. Ironically, feminists' obsession with parity (in certain circumstances only, of course) just devalues women's work - which they then bitch about Of course, there's no mention about discrimination against men at all, even though that has been proven

Gender Discrimination in Hiring: Evidence from a Cross-National Harmonized Field Experiment - "Gender discrimination is often regarded as an important driver of women’s disadvantage in the labour market, yet earlier studies show mixed results. However, because different studies employ different research designs, the estimates of discrimination cannot be compared across countries. By utilizing data from the first harmonized comparative field experiment on gender discrimination in hiring in six countries, we can directly compare employers’ callbacks to fictitious male and female applicants. The countries included vary in a number of key institutional, economic, and cultural dimensions, yet we found no sign of discrimination against women. This cross-national finding constitutes an important and robust piece of evidence. Second, we found discrimination against men in Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and the UK, and no discrimination against men in Norway and the United States. However, in the pooled data the gender gradient hardly differs across countries. Our findings suggest that although employers operate in quite different institutional contexts, they regard female applicants as more suitable for jobs in female-dominated occupations, ceteris paribus, while we find no evidence that they regard male applicants as more suitable anywhere."
Keywords: preferred jobs, traditionally male jobs, traditionally female jobs, men, women

Gender discrimination in hiring: An experimental reexamination of the Swedish case - "We estimated the degree of gender discrimination in Sweden across occupations using a correspondence study design. Our analysis of employer responses to more than 3,200 fictitious job applications across 15 occupations revealed that overall positive employer response rates were higher for women than men by almost 5 percentage points. We found that this gap was driven by employer responses in female-dominated occupations. Male applicants were about half as likely as female applicants to receive a positive employer response in female-dominated occupations. For male-dominated and mixed occupations we found no significant differences in positive employer responses between male and female applicants."

Uneven Patterns of Inequality: An Audit Analysis of Hiring-Related Practices by Gendered and Classed Contexts - "Despite women’s uneven entrances into male-dominated occupations, limited scholarship has examined whether and how employers in different occupational classes unevenly discriminate against women during early hiring practices. This article argues that intersecting gendered and classed features of occupations simultaneously shape hiring-related practices and generate uneven patterns of inequality. Using data derived from comparative white-collar (N = 3,044 résumés) and working-class (N = 3,258 résumés) correspondence audits and content-coded analyses of more than 3,000 job advertisements, the author analyzes early hiring practices among employers across two gendered occupational dimensions: (1) sex composition (male- or female-dominated jobs) and (2) gender stereotyping (masculinized or feminized jobs, based on the attributes that employers emphasize in job advertisements). Broadly, findings suggest a polarization of early sorting mechanisms in which discrimination against female applicants is concentrated in male-dominated and masculinized working-class jobs, whereas discrimination against male applicants at early job-access points is more widespread, occurring in female-dominated and feminized jobs in both white-collar and working-class contexts. Interestingly, discrimination further compounds for male and female applicants—depending on the classed context—when these occupational dimensions align in the same gendered direction (e.g., male-dominated jobs that also have masculinized job advertisements). These findings have implications for the study of gender and work inequality and indicate the importance of a multidimensional approach to hiring-related inequality."

cam on Twitter - "Women complaining about the pay gap in sports is like men complaining about the pay gap in Onlyfans."

Meme - I'm a Celt myself. Irish specifically. My ancestry is from Munster county."
"Munster isn't a county. Its a province."
"You're gonna mansplain Ireland to me when i'm Irish? A man with an unwashed ass has an opinion again"
"I'm Irish. You're American. I'm pretty confident I know my country better than you ya absolute gowl."
Once again, mansplaining is when a man says something a woman disagrees with
Given how often feminists use that tag group, they have some weird fascination with sniffing men's asses

Meme - "Fight the Patriarchy
ktkins @voldemortsbicep: my favorite game is to act like i can't understand something very simple when a man is explaining it to me to see how dumb he thinks i am"
Feminism is about women pretending to be dumb, then mocking men for thinking women are dumb

Meme - Saara-Elina Kaukiainen in Mansplain me harder, Daddy
My other half just accidentally splained me the microwave oven. H3 was wondering why the plate was burning hot but the food was still cold. I jokingly said that maybe the oven just like to heat up plates? And h3 went all; microwave heats up the water in food. I looked at h1m and asked if he really just splained me the microwave oven. There was a moment of silence before I heard the tiniest m4nly "oops." from the kitchen. Gotta love that hairy moron."

Meme - "I'm a transgender man. Ever since I've transitioned, I've found when someone doesn't like something I say, they'll shut me down saying I'm 'mansplaining'. I haven't changed the way I explain things since transitioning, and it's really getting to me."

Meme - Jamie @spacej_me: "A guy just tried to MANSPLAIN to me what a sawhorse is but I SHUT HIM DOWN bc am WELL AWARE that it's the past tense of seahorse, THANKS"

Meme - Women's Rights News: "Amen"
Tanzeela @ThatRebelLady: "Women can do anything men can do
Men are not the standard of greatness or righteousness that women should be expected to live up to. Women can do anything and everything THEY WANT TO"
Ironically, feminists always use men as the standard of greatness or righteousness that women should be expected to live up to, and any failure to live up to this standard is the fault of "misogyny" and "patriarchy". Also, I guess women can break physical laws if they want to because girl power

Meme - Al Jazeera English @AJEnglish: ""(We] reread the Quran with a focus on gender equality. Religious institutions are patriarchal, so we try and challenge the structure from within." The Mariam Mosque in Copenhagen is one of the first in Europe to be led by women"
Meme - @huzaaifah: "May Allah destroy feminism and all liberals"
Nauman Ali @Metal_falconn: "Mosque will be closed for few days because imam sahiba is on her periods."
Canadian SAUDI: ""We Re-read Canadian the Quran". No, You invented your own Religion. Islam is the same for 1400+ years and has not & will not change. People wonder why Islamic countries don't have religious freedom? To prevent whack jobs like this. Its not a Mosque. Its a cult room where murtads gather"
Abubakar @kademy_jr: "The most confused set of Muslims are followers of LGBT"
@youngtragedi: "Feminism is a disease"
Negrito @WhatinZaWarudo_: "Idk who's better at destabilizing and ruining things from within, white women, the CIA or zionists"
"This is an Innovation, there is no Sunna on Record where a women-led Salat with a room full of man I am not saying women can't lead women or give a Lecture but in the Mos. when there are men present a man can only lead Prayer This is AngloZionist Plot again undermine Real islam"
Imanie miss_imanie: "Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raajiun. We should not change the teachings of Islam according to our Whims and Desires. Women in Islam are treated as Queens and have honorable roles in the We should not be blinded by the Western Idea of Gender Equality."
Meme - AHMAD @el_ahmadyy: "First of all... Where's her hijab"
Bello Adamu Usman @A_U_Bello...: "Even the US could not let a woman be president, why? Coz they are meant to follow."
Amara Baby @suumaraa: "tbt when I made a whole presentation about the downfall of Islam (without khilafat) and used this lady as my intro Imfaoooooo
"Master @Ahmadudu_: "Feminism will just lead you astray"
Abdullah @unoriginalting: "i bet western governments are the source for this degeneracy in order to spread fitna within the ummah" Talha A. @talhayranci: "Have kufr gone that far?"
Zaid Al Attas @ZaidAttas: "Women can't lead, if this was permissible companions would have prayed behind Aisha RA after Prophet PBUH, because she was mother of Believers."
ibn Al Ajuraan @ibnAjuraan: "Al-Bukhaari (4425) narrated that Abu Bakrah (r) said: The Messenger of Allaah (s) said: "No people will ever succeed who appoint a woman as their leader."
Meme - Asma (#StayHome): "Islam is NOT about EQUALITY its ABOUT JUSTICE. They both have or given equal share in this world in the name of justice not EQUALITY"
"Which woman would feel comfortable in kneeling down to Allah while being in front of men? Tbh, I am more than happy to be in the last row."
Abu Samira @nass8er: "Masjid dhiraran wakufran sponsored by non muslims in order to change Islam from within. O Allah make the believers in Kopenhagen hate that mosque of kufr"
Julde @Julde86443097: "Please tell them to Better stop it because Qur'an was revealed by Allah and translated by the prophet so tempering with it will cause nothing more than more #pandemics in the #world. There is #nothing like gender #equality in #islam"
Food for thought @Shovesta2: "Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand"
"Oh, boy, people tried this before, it's not a good idea... do you know most women are more comfortable being in the back row istead of the front, as it is? Because we won't have to feel eyes staring at our behinds, okay. Frankly speaking."
Raihan Mahmud @DaccanMullah: "She seems confused. May Allah heal her intellect."
Ibrahim Akif @overdoinz: "I have no clue why brothers and sisters are arguing with nonbelievers? These are the same people that advocate homosexual marriages!! These people are evil and you should not waste your words or energy going back and forth with them!!!"
The most feminist religion strikes again

Meme - "Graphic Designer
Lives in ***
11 miles away
If you are a MAN trying to fuck women or people with vaginas on Tinder, what have YOU done to personally fight for a woman's right to her body autonomy today? I want the donation screenshots, the protest pics, the ballot selfie. the call log and the emails to policy makers. Or, fuck off"

Danielle Kubes: Universal daycare bad for women, children and the economy - "universal daycare is good for no one — not our economy, not our children and certainly not our women.  Advocates argue that universal daycare is ultimately good for the economy because the government can collect taxes from the now-working woman, plus the taxes of the daycare worker. But when economists Michael Baker, Jonathan Gruber and Kevin Milligan examined the Quebec program in the Journal of Political Economy in 2008 they concluded that the increased tax revenue only offset the cost of the $2.6 billion program by 40 per cent.  A 2015 study in the journal Labour Economics on Quebec’s program by Catherine Haeck, Pierre Lefebvre and Philip Merrigan states that “even in the best case scenario, the costs were larger than the benefits”. Only one study, by Pierre Fortin, Luc Godbout and Suzie St-Cerny claims the program “pays for itself” and they engage in a labyrinth of assumptions to arrive at their conclusions... Nor is there much evidence that universal daycare is good for children. Despite the budget lavishing praise on the Quebec system, two long-term studies on its childcare system, also by Baker, Gruber and Milligan, tell a dark tale. These scholars talk of consistent and robust evidence for negative effects on child outcomes, especially for boys. Think more hyperactivity, inattention, aggressiveness, issues with motor and social skills plus a reduction of the child-parent relationship. “Most strikingly,” they report, “We find a sharp and contemporaneous increase in criminal behaviour among the cohorts exposed to the Quebec program, relative to their peers in other provinces.”... when we actually bother asking mothers what they want instead of regurgitating the handbook of The Feminist Cause, we find that what they really want, the world over, is to work part-time. Astonishingly, mothers with young children don’t want to put work at the centre of their lives... Even advocacy group, the Working Mother Institute, found in a 2015 survey of employed mothers that 70 per cent of respondents would choose to work part-time if they could still have a meaningful and productive career. And if low-cost daycare was the only barrier preventing mothers from working full-time then we would expect to see closer to equal labour participation rates between the sexes in countries which have implemented it. But we don’t. Not even close... if we’re going to spend billions of dollars in public money to purportedly support women’s preferences should we not let her decide those preferences for herself?  We could, for example, send mothers a bigger CCB cheque so that the ones who want, or need, to work full-time can further offset the cost of private daycare, and others who want to use it to replace a lost wage or pay for in-house help can have more financial support to do so. We can also experiment with ways to reduce the high cost of private daycare, such as reducing red tape and regulations to increase supply.  But certainly the last thing we should do is impose a top-down, inefficient program driven by an ideology without hard evidence of the advantages."

The Not-So-Empowering Lies Women Have Been Sold About Happiness - "By almost every social, political, and economic metric, women in Western nations currently enjoy an unprecedented amount of freedom and equality. The past century's fights over suffrage, equal access to education, and acceptance in the workplace have, thankfully, allowed women to take control over their destinies in ways that would have been impossible for previous generations. And yet, despite these gains for women's rights, it doesn't seem like any of that progress has made us happier. In fact, if the numbers are to be believed, it's actually the opposite: women are more unhappy now than ever. Depression rates are growing steadily in the developed world, with women consistently exhibiting greater rates than men. And similarly, the self-reported happiness of females has been on the decline since the 1970s. In fact, one 2011 study of the American workforce found that the "profile" of the most unhappy person was a 42-year old woman who was unmarried, had no children, and was a professional (doctor, lawyer, etc.)... married people tend to be happier than singles, not just during newlywed bliss, but at every stage of their lives...  If marriage is indeed tied to happiness, perhaps it's not such a good thing that we, as a culture and as individuals, continue to push it aside... while the stability of marriage has been on the decline, hook-up culture, which promotes casual sex outside of long-term relationships, has conversely become normalized...   Another part of our lives that may be contributing to rates of unhappiness is - unfortunately, but not surprisingly - our frequent use of social media... the concept of self-promotion that much of the popularity on social media depends upon has, quite predictably, contributed to an increasingly narcissistic society. And though confidence is generally a good thing, "self-love" to the point of narcissism is tied to depression and, quite paradoxically, low self-esteem... Although women on average work fewer hours than men, they are statistically more likely to report work-related stress, anxiety, or depression. And when working more than 40 hours a week, women are also less likely than men to report that they're satisfied with their work-life balance."
The feminist cope is that feminism has made women realise how shitty their lives really are, so knowing reality makes them miserable. Of course, women without feminism are stupid and not qualified to understand their own happiness
The 2011 study was about those who work, so feminists can claim women who don't work are even unhappier, though we know from elsewhere that's not true
Feminism encourages narcissism, so it's no surprise it would make women unhappy

Meet the Least Happy People in America - "most successful women believe that they should be able to do it all. As Christine Hassler writes in The Myth of Having It All, "Somewhere along the path of the women's liberation movement, we began to buy into the belief that to be an empowered woman means we have to do everything that both men and women do. So instead of making choices, we have tried to fulfill both gender roles at the same time."  She adds, "Instead of giving us a tremendous amount of freedom and opportunity, this concept of having it all has morphed into something that excuses putting so much on our plates that we are stressed out, burned out, and running out of time for ourselves (and our loved ones) every single day."... If the pursuit of "having it all" causes you to be so tired and unhappy—or exhausted and miserable—then what's the point?"

Why Women Don’t Apply for Jobs Unless They’re 100% Qualified - "You’ve probably heard the following statistic: Men apply for a job when they meet only 60% of the qualifications, but women apply only if they meet 100% of them.  The finding comes from a Hewlett Packard internal report... Men and women also gave the same most common reason for not applying, and it was by far the most popular, twice as common as any of the others, with 41% of women and 46% of men indicating it was their top reason: “I didn’t think they would hire me since I didn’t meet the qualifications, and I didn’t want to waste my time and energy.”  In other words, people who weren’t applying believed they needed the qualifications not to do the job well, but to be hired in the first place. They thought that the required qualifications were…well, required qualifications. They didn’t see the hiring process as one where advocacy, relationships, or a creative approach to framing one’s expertise could overcome not having the skills and experiences outlined in the job qualifications.  What held them back from applying was not a mistaken perception about themselves, but a mistaken perception about the hiring process.  This is critical, because it suggests that if the HP finding speaks to a larger trend, women don’t need to try and find that elusive quality, “confidence,” they just need better information about how hiring processes really work... Another 22% of women indicated their top reason was, “I didn’t think they would hire me since I didn’t meet the qualifications and I didn’t want to put myself out there if I was likely to fail.” These women also believed the on-paper “rules” about who the job was for, but for them, the cost of applying was the risk of failure – rather than the wasted time and energy. Notably, only 13% of men cited not wanting to try and fail as their top reason."
Another explanation for the gender wage gap. Too bad the author doesn't talk about women's risk aversion as a reason for why they don't apply

"Vulva Spaceship" aims to counter prevalence of phallic spacecraft - "A German feminist art group has revealed a vulva-shaped spaceship concept, which it is encouraging the European Space Agency to help realise in order to better represent humanity in space and "restore gender equality to the cosmos."  The group Wer Braucht Feminismus? (WBF?), which translates to "Who Needs Feminism?", created the Vulva Spaceship concept to challenge the convention of phallic spacecraft design."

Meme - "Don't hate me if: I Tell you I'm a die hard feminist but still expect you to hold the door."

Thread by @AnechoicMedia_ on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "What an incredible rabbit hole. Margaret Hamilton, awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for "[leading] the team that created the on-board flight software" for the Apollo missions, wasn't even hired until after the completed software had already flown to the moon in Apollo 8! A team of 400 men worked for years to create the software for the two Apollo AGCs. Sometime around the release date, Hamilton is hired and promoted *by her husband* from a beginner role to be in charge of command module software, on which her name does not appear until 1969. The exact date of Hamilton's '68 entry level hire, and hasty promotion to software lead (both times by the man she married in '69) I haven't seen, but we know the first revision with her name is March 1969, months after the delivered product had gone to the moon. Below is a contemporary source of Apollo computer hardware and software development personnel over the course of the program.  The software is finalized and delivered in 1968, and flies to the moon in Apollo 8. The first release with Margaret Hamilton in charge is at the end. What incredible "courage" of this guy to hand Apollo CM software leadership over to the junior programmer Margaret Hamilton, the only woman on the entire team of 400, whom he would completely coincidentally end up marrying the very next year! (Correction: Hamilton was probably first employed at entry level in 1965, then after the CM software delivery date, she was given control of it for the bug-fix phase sometime at the end of 68 or early 69. Sources often highly vague about exact dates.)...  The article completes the picture. 1968: Apollo software is done, transitions to bug fix mode, shrinks headcount, and is no longer a prestige project. The boss, Dan Likely, hires his soon-to-be wife, Margaret Hamilton, to take his place as he quits to start his own company. Not only did Hamilton not lead Apollo software as implied, but her entire tenure in the program is suspect because 100% of it was arranged by her husband, who hired her, mentored her as she was given a small team, then promoted her immediately before their marriage... Both LM and CM software were completed and flew to the moon before Hamilton was put in charge of them. There are no grounds to say that she lead the development (Obama admin), or that it was "her code" (Vox article, various tweets)."
stevemur on Twitter - "If true, wouldn’t actual team members who created v1.0 have spoken up earlier?"
AnechoicMedia on Twitter - "To follow up with you, at least one recent memoir has been written in which someone laments that Hamilton overstated her tenure as leadership, and cost the true architect an opportunity for recognition."
AnechoicMedia on Twitter - "The mythology of Hamilton's leadership doesn't really explode until the mid-2010s internet feminism and search to dig up women tech pioneers. By that point how many people are even still alive? Hamilton herself was one of the younger team members on the project, and is 86 now. How many old guys in their 70s and 80s are aware that myths about a job they had 50 years ago are being spread on Reddit and Twitter? History is rewritten all the time."
Akki the Messiah on Twitter - "At the cost of their careers and reputation? Doubtful."
Noble Red on Twitter - "Reminds me of when I saw two feminist academics arguing on Twitter. Gist of it was “Yes I know it’s ridiculous to say Ada Lovelace was ‘the world’s first computer programmer’, but there are so few famous women in science history, we need to big her up!”"
jayaram on Twitter - "Same with the woman who is credited with the blackhole photo. She was a team lead of the programming section, not the project director. Entire world was made to believe that she was the leader of the project."
Admiral Monke on Twitter - "This stuffs all over. A few years ago they tried to say that the REAL discoverer of DNA was some chick who ran the machines in a lab. You know, the machines that produced images that didn't even make sense until Crick deduced they were looking at a double helix."

Meme - "Nobody:
Suburban white women with multiple degrees, a $750,000 home, and an $80,000 SUV: *Handmaid's Tale*"

Male lions do help with the hunting after all - "Most nature documentaries depict male African lions as layabouts who prefer to let the females do all the hunting. But a new study using pioneering new tools shows that the king of beasts could be doing his share after all.  The bad rap of male lions comes from a lack of data on what the males are really up to in the habitats where most African lions live -- not on the open plains of the Serengeti, but in the bushier lands of Africa... They are solitary predators who leap out of thick vegetation to ambush their prey. That's in contrast to the well known social hunting behaviors of lionesses."
I remember when the feminists were mocking men as useless

All-male headliners at Glastonbury due to ‘lack of female artists’ - "The headliners Arctic Monkeys, Guns N’ Roses and Sir Elton John mean an all-male lineup of starring acts on the main stage, with organiser Emily Eavis saying that in future a 50:50 gender split was needed."
Music quality isn't important - just equity

Meme -"Sunglasses are a tool of the patriarchy. They're used to hide ogling eyes and sinister looks. They make women feel uncomfortable and they are not a necessity. Please stop wearing sunglasses, as a sign of respect and support for women, Thank you allies"

Titania McGrath on Twitter - "NOTE TO MOTHERS! On #InternationalWomensDay it is your responsibility to remind your daughters that no matter what they do in life, and no matter how much they achieve, they will *always* be oppressed. Understanding this is the key to their empowerment."

Christina Ricci threatened with lawsuit for refusing to do sex scene - "Elaborating on how boundaries were violated, Ricci revealed she was once threatened with legal action for refusing to film a sex scene. “I remember once on a movie saying I wasn’t comfortable with something and they threatened to sue me if I didn’t do it,” she said of the incident in an interview last year, per Variety. “That would never happen now. I didn’t do it anyway. And they didn’t sue me.”"
If she didn't read the script or notice the sex scene, she is still a victim
"Do your job or get fired" only applies when liberals are forcing you to do something

Oscars 2023: Wonder Woman director says 'I give up' after no female directors nominated - "Director Patty Jenkins is giving up after no female directors were nominated for best director at this year's Academy Awards."
2020 and 2021 were won by women, but sure. Clearly without grit and perseverance (i.e. giving up when one year has no women nominees despite the previous years), it is possible to achieve great things

Meme - Feminist Memes: "indyamoore: All white people are racist, all cis people have trans bias, all men are sexist. All thin people are fatphobic, all able bodied people are ableist all light skin people are colorist and are navigating some degree of anti blackness."
indyamoore: "And please for God sakes, before you comment please read up on WHITE FRAGILITY and not by white authors who profit from anti racist"
We'll still be told that feminists don't hate men. But of course like other liberals they also hate a lot of other groups. But criticise them and despite talk of "white fragility" or "male fragility"...

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