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Monday, March 20, 2023

Links - 20th March 2023 (2 - Capitol Riot)

Greg Price on Twitter - "🚹BREAKING: Never before seen video of January 6 shows Jacob Chansley, the QAnon Shaman, being led through the Capitol by police the entire time that he was in the building."
Elon Musk on Twitter - "Chansley got 4 years in prison for a non-violent, police-escorted tour!? Dave Chapelle was violently assaulted on stage by a guy with a knife. That guy got a $3000 fine & no prison time."

Tucker Carlson Exposes January 6 Committee’s Lies - YouTube - "more than forty thousand hours or surveillance footage from in and around the capitol have been withheld from the public and once you see the video you'll understand why. taken as a whole the video record does not support the claim that January 6 was an Insurrection. In fact it demolishes that claim and that's exactly why the Democratic party and its allies in the media prevented you from seeing it by controlling the images you were allowed to view from January 6th. They controlled how the public understood that day. They could lie about what happened and you would never know the difference.  Those lies had a purpose they created a pretext for a federal crackdown on opponents...  watch what Tucker has to say reviewing the full video record of January 6th is just how many people entered the Capitol building that day. Hundreds and hundreds of people, possibly thousands over the course of about two hours. The crowd was enormous wow. A small percentage of them were hooligans...  but the overwhelming majority weren't, they were peaceful. They were orderly and meek. These were not insurrectionists, they were sightseers. Footage from inside the capitol overturns the story you've heard about January 6th. Protesters queue up in neat little lines, they give each other tours outside the speaker's office, they take cheerful selfies and they smile. They're not destroying the capitol, they obviously revere the capitol...  we're not allowed to say that on YouTube. We're not saying that that the 2020 election was in any way anything but above board and perfect, but the 2016 election you could say it was stolen and anytime, any with nefarious thing you want to say about it, it's okay because Donald Trump won so you can say that all day long. In fact they've been saying, they still say it, that it was a coup by the Russian government...  the Q Anon Shaman...  Chansley was sentenced to nearly four years in prison, far more time than many violent criminals now receive...  to this day there is dispute over how Chansley got into the Capitol building but according to our review of the internal surveillance video it is very clear what happened once he got inside. Virtually every moment of his time inside the capitol was caught on tape. The tape show that Capitol Police never stopped Jacob Chansley, they helped him, they acted as his tour guides...  Capitol police officers take him to multiple entrances and even try to open locked doors for him. We counted at least nine officers who were within touching distance of unarmed Jacob Chansley. Not one of them even tried to slow him down"


Get the troops out of DC - "Just consider how extraordinary these measures are. This is the first-ever DHS terrorism bulletin that targets domestic American citizens. The Biden administration is saying that the attack on the Capital was not simply a riot but an act of terrorism. For the first time, they are publicly announcing that far-right organisations and Trump supporters should be labelled terrorists on a par with al-Qaeda or the Islamic State.  The militarisation of the nation’s capital is also remarkable – and worrying. Federal call-ups of the National Guard are rare, having been used only 16 times since the founding. Such deployments have typically sought to quell specific, ongoing riots, such as those in Detroit in 1967 or the riots that followed the Rodney King beating in Los Angeles in 1992. But there is no such violence in DC at the moment, nor any imminent threat of it. Some 26,000 National Guard were deployed in advance of Joe Biden’s inauguration last week, based on hyped-up reports of a ‘heightened threat environment’ in DC and state capitals. But in the event nothing much happened (the only notable attack was Antifa smashing up windows of the Democratic Party offices in Portland). To go to such lengths – to issue a warning to the public about terrorism in its midst, and to maintain thousands of troops in the nation’s capital – would seem to require a compelling rationale, like a significant and impending threat of violence. But not now. The DHS’s bulletin admits they lack evidence of a ‘specific, credible plot’. Likewise, deploying the National Guard in DC has not been explained by reference to any immediate danger...  â€˜potential unrest’ during an impeachment trial and internet ‘chatter’ are hardly the basis for having thousands of military patrol the streets. What we’re witnessing in DC now is highly unusual: the use of the National Guard on a pre-emptive basis, for an unspecified length of time... In a democracy, the deployment of the military in domestic affairs should be a last resort, used against an immediate and major threat. That’s not the case here in DC or across the country now. Biden and the Democrats’ double standards when it comes to rioting and the use of federal force is head-spinning. Many of the summer’s Black Lives Matter protests descended into violence, with some dozens killed and billions of dollars of damage, often to minority neighborhoods and shops. Democrats did not describe this as ‘terrorism’. In fact, they pretended it wasn’t happening: attendees at the Democratic Party National Convention in August did not mention the arson and looting, never mind condemn it.   When Trump sent federal officers to Portland in July to defend a federal courthouse under attack from Antifa and others, it was denounced as fascism. Democrat mayors called the use of federal forces an ‘abuse of power’. ‘Unilaterally deploying these paramilitary-type forces into our cities is wholly inconsistent with our system of democracy and our most basic values’, they said. Back in June, a big media storm broke out over Republican Senator Tom Cotton’s op-ed for the New York Times, which argued for the deployment of federal troops to restore order after the riots. This led to a meltdown among outraged Times staffers and the dismissal of an editor for running the piece. But now this is all forgotten, as the National Guard is simply part of Biden’s desire to bring ‘unity’. Apparently, there are ‘good’ rioters who don’t deserve the National Guard treatment, and ‘bad’ rioters (Trump supporters) who do.   The militarisation of the Capitol comes complete with tall fences, razor wire and gun-toting troops, and has been given the name ‘Green Zone’, harkening back to the Iraq War. Along with publishing terror warnings, this is more of a propaganda exercise than it is about providing security protection... After just a week in the White House, it is becoming clear that the Biden team is whipping fear and panic in the name of starting a new war on terror – this time on ‘domestic terrorism’. That’s the new buzzword. In his inauguration speech, Biden warned of the ‘rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism’, which he said ‘we must confront and we will defeat’. Biden plans to introduce a new a law against domestic terrorism, and has been ‘urged to create a White House post overseeing the fight against ideologically inspired violent extremists’. Some are explicitly calling for the type of expanded powers given to government agencies following the 9/11 attack, such as the Patriot Act, but now applied to American citizens. House speaker Nancy Pelosi has called for a ‘9/11-type commission’, and Democrat senator Chuck Schumer has said the Capitol rioters should be placed on a no-fly list. This new war on domestic terror, if pursued, is likely to be as abusive of civil liberties as the foreign one... there are already plenty of severe legal offences that rioters can be charged with. These calls for a new domestic-terrorism law are really an attempt to grab new powers, such as surveillance without a warrant.  Such new powers would be a serious risk to civil liberties, including freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. Already, zealots who want to make war on ‘domestic terrorism’ are making clear that they want to cast a net over a wide swathe of the population. In a recent interview, former CIA director John Brennan said Biden officials are ‘moving in a laser-like fashion’ to combat an ‘unholy alliance’ of ‘religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians’. As former Democrat representative Tulsi Gabbard put it, this approach would represent ‘a targeting of almost half the country’. By Brennan’s criteria, mass surveillance could include ‘anyone who loves freedom, liberty, maybe has an American flag outside their house, or people who attended a Trump rally’... Ryan and his fellow Democrats now view Americans as akin to a foreign threat, as a population that needs to be controlled... We have specific and credible evidence that the new administration has been emboldened by the 6 January Capitol riots"
From 2021. Antifa attacking Democratic Party offices shows how much of a threat the "far right" is, so it means even more troops need to be deployed

REVEALED: Top Obama Propaganda Flunky Caught Attempting to Pay for Jan 6 TikTok Disinfo Campaign. - "The “Good Information Foundation” – a project led by a top Obama aide – appears to have been caught offering social media influencers money to post false claims about President Donald Trump and January 6th on the Chinese Communist-owned platform TikTok. The attempted election disinformation campaign including outright falsehoods about the Trump campaign “paying millions” for the 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol."
It's only "misinformation" when it hurts the liberal agenda

Kyle Cheney on Twitter - "JUST IN: Proud Boy Ethan Nordean’s attorney reveals that prosecutors filed a sealed motion last night asking the judge to restrict defense questions about FBI confidential sources and their involvement w the group ahead of Jan. 6"

Meme - *BLM Riot with fire and property destruction*
Liberal: "Riots are the voice of the unheard, chud."
*Old lady posing with US flag in Capitol*
Liberal: "OMG this is literally insurrection!"

josie on Twitter - "I've had sex that was more violent than Jan. 6"
In 2023, I still see lots of liberals spouting fake news about the capitol riot, including that the "insurrectionists" killed police officers

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "The Washington Post covers what the January 6th committee chose not to include in their report — the failures of Capitol security that was managed by Congressional leadership."

Kotaku Blames Pelosi Assault on Gamergate - "'Gamergate personalities were also key in organizing the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol building'"
Wait, since when did Gamergate cause January 6th? : KotakuInAction - "You have been permanently banned from participating in r/offmychest"
BlueAnon strikes again!

Thaddeus Russell on Twitter - "Quick question for the left: Is the United States government an instrument of white supremacy, imperialism, and capitalist oppression or is it a sacred institution that must be defended against traitors?"
Clearly that depends on who is "attacking" it

Internal police docs: 'No good reason for shooting' Ashli Babbitt | The Post Millennial - "After obtaining over 500 pages of internal documents from the DC Metropolitan Police, Judicial Watch has found that they believe the shooting of Ashli Babbitt, who inside the Capitol during the riot on January 6, was unjustified."

Trumpists have become the enemy within - "The Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans have tried to paint the riot as an ‘insurrection’ and an act of ‘domestic terror’. As despicable as it was for a gaggle of Trump supporters to assault key democratic institutions, the actual events were not as violent as is often claimed. Contrary to widespread claims at the time, only one person was actively killed in the Capitol riot – a Trump supporter who was shot dead by police. A hysterical story involving a policeman being beaten to death with a fire extinguisher turned out to be false (he died the next day, of natural causes). And there is no evidence that any Trump supporter wielded a gun in the building, despite the riot being dubbed an ‘armed insurrection’ by numerous commentators... now that the dust has settled, it’s clear the riot wasn’t as big a deal as it seemed. In truth, it was tragicomic. But Democrats are not going to dial down their claims anytime soon. Their proposed commission will be modelled on the 9/11 Commission. 9/11 was a catastrophic act of mass murder which killed thousands of Americans. The comparison to the Capitol riot is deranged. Nevertheless, like 9/11, the Capitol riot has been used to promote a narrative that the US is beset by dangerous enemies. This time it’s Trumpists rather than Islamists. The language used to describe the Capitol riot has at times been McCarthyite. It has been called a ‘coup attempt’, ‘treason’ and ‘sedition’. Democrat House leader Nancy Pelosi and former presidential candiate Hillary Clinton have both tried to link the riot to Russia. Clinton wanted to know if Trump had been on the phone to Vladimir Putin on 6 January, while Pelosi said that those who stormed the Capitol were ‘Putin puppets’.  This narrative of internal threats, as Glenn Greenwald has pointed out, is being used to justify all kinds of authoritarian measures... Already they are turning the Capitol riot from an almost freak event into an example of a permanent far-right revolution that needs to be put down with force.  There is little hope of this commission telling the truth about the riot when so much political energy has been invested in exaggerating its violence."

BrooklynDad_Defiant! on Twitter - "Raise your hand if you've never done any domestic terrorism after an election result you didn't like.đŸ–ïž"
Inauguration protests: Police injured, more than 200 arrested ef="https://twitter.com/sethabramson/status/1348151375277027330?lang=en">Seth Abramson on Twitter - "I can't help but feel that 1/6 changed America even more than 9/11 did."
He's not necessarily wrong. Ramping up the hysterical Trump moral panic and entrenching leftist overreach is significant


Pam Keith, Esq. on Twitter - "On 1/6/2021, 9/11/2001 ceased being the worst thing that happened to America in my lifetime. It’s really weird and painful to process and say that. But it’s the truth. And quite frankly
 it’s not even close."

Meme - Dave Koch @David_J_Koch Replying to @Liz Cheney: "That was an astonishingly beautiful tribute to the America I know. The three most traumatic events in my life were:
1. January 6, 2021
2. September 11, 2001
3. My Dad died when I was eleven."
One of these things is not like the other two. And two of these things are not like the last

Can Trump be charged with inciting a riot? Legal bar is high - "The legal issue is whether Trump or any of the speakers at Wednesday’s rally near the White House that preceded the assault on the Capitol incited violence and whether they knew their words would have that effect.  That’s the standard the Supreme Court laid out in its 1969 decision in Brandenburg v. Ohio, which overturned the conviction of a Ku Klux Klan leader... Andrew Koppelman, a constitutional law professor at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, said it would be difficult to prove Trump intended for violence to ensue at the Capitol. “It looks to me like Trump was culpably reckless. But it seems to me the Brandenburg standard requires intention,” Koppleman said.  He said Giuliani’s exhortation sounded more like a metaphor than an incitement to violence. “It’s like the word fight. It’s often used as a metaphor. ‘Senator X is a fighter. He will fight for you,’” Koppelman said... Federal judges have taken a hard line against the federal anti-riot law and its speech restrictions that prosecutors have tried to use in recent years. The federal appeals court in Virginia last year narrowed the Anti-Riot Act, with a maximum prison term of five years, because it swept up constitutionally protected speech. The court found that invalid parts of the law that encompassed speech tending to “encourage” or “promote” a riot, as well as speech “urging” others to riot or involving mere advocacy of violence... In 2019, a federal trial judge in California struck down the entire anti-riot law, enacted in 1968"

Biden speech viewers rage ‘what about 9/11?’ after he calls Capitol riot ‘worst attack on our democracy since Civil War’ - "The examples included the September 11 terrorist attacks, presidential assassinations, the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Oklahoma City bombing...   Greenwald, dubbing Biden a "drama queen" then added: "How about the War on Drugs, mass incarceration and Jim Crow? Were those worse "attacks on democracy" than the 3-hour Capitol riot on Jan. 6?   "The assassination of JFK? The interference in domestic politics by the CIA? The list of worse attacks than Jan. 6 is endless.""
When you hate the "enemy" within more than outside threats

Biden erroneously claims that people who breached U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 killed a police officer

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "While all eyes were on a House bill to create a commission examining the Capitol riot, the Senate was quietly working on a bipartisan investigation of the events and they found major problems that need to be addressed.  The Capitol Police, Homeland Security, and the FBI all had intelligence regarding plans to invade the Capitol on the day the electoral votes were to be counted. These plans predated the decision for Trump to hold a rally that day. Trump was also not involved in telling the Army to stand down the National Guard as many critics had suspected."

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait Wait a minute..... A group of rioters stormed the state Capitol building in Oklahoma, because they are upset that that the state Government wants to set up riot laws? Now hold up......isn't that literally insurrection? I was told quite loudly that it was...I mean, this is essentially identical to 6 Jan?  Shouldn't these mobs be charged with insurrection then? It is the law after all, as with the 6 Jan ones too. Or is this going to be skirted around, because its not the political enemies doing it?"

Meme - "Manda Posthumously @ShutUpAmanda: Fuck The Police
FUCK THE POLICE. Yes, ALL of them.
I'm done having this conversation. Ashli Babbitt was a terrorist. Michael Byrd is a hero. This country is better off without her."

Jeff Tiedrich on Twitter - "fascists sure do love the police, and the police sure do love fascists. weird how that works out"
Jeff Tiedrich on Twitter - "holy fucking shit, the U.S. Capitol police are fucking heroes"
"Anti-fascists" are fascist after all

Cassandra on Twitter - "When President Trump was inaugurated, over 100 radical leftists were arrested for rioting, looting and violence. Democrats and the media didn't condemn that."

1/1024th Liberty Memes - Posts | Facebook - "In The Hunger Games, those in power were perfectly content to let their citizens violently fight each other, and in fact they encouraged it, but if you directed your anger against the Capitol, then it became a problem. Sound familiar? Those in power are perfectly fine with political violence as long as we're assaulting each other and burning each other's businesses down. But the second their "sanctuary" is invaded, all hell breaks loose. Like it was said in Animal Farm: "All are equal, but some are more equal than others". I'm of the mind that NONE of the violence is ok, but that's not what *they* think."

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "Another reminder that what we are witnessing and have been witnessing over the last 5 years is an attempted creation of a new national mythology saying America was founded in slavery in 1619, not freedom in 1776, and that culminates in defeating "Nazi white supremacists" in 2021. It is in every free person in the world's best interests to fight like hell against this narrative and to keep setting the record straight while calling out this horrific distortion for what it is. New story, new way of life, and you see who its cruel masters will be... America was not created in slavery in 1619. It was created on the ideal of freedom in 1776. Trump was not a Nazi, whatever his flaws, and nothing like that was happening in our country. These things are poisonous distortions. The United States was not perfect when it was created, and it isn't perfect now, but it was created on a belief that the rights of human beings precede the state and are safeguarded by a state that operates with the consent of the governed. That's the core of Americanism. The new metanarrative holds something different. It holds that the United States was evil when it was created and remains so until the dialectical process of history can overthrow the system and install a perfected State that determines people's rights. It's exactly backwards. Anyone at all who understands where these ideas come from and what they have led to every time they've been implemented (Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Khrushchev, Mao, Pol Pot, and we could go on) will understand that they are inimical to human flourishing and utopian. The problem with these ideas isn't their vision; it's that they don't work. They're wrong. Human beings are born free, and systems in which the consent of the governed is required for governance promote flourishing and prosperity, though imperfectly, to the benefit of most. For five years, we've heard that everyone to the right of pretty far left is a "Nazi," with Trump as "Nazi" in chief, which no evidence whatsoever can possibly support. It's a complete fabrication, half phantasm, half paranoia, willed into existence and "defeated" by magic. The ideas upon which this new American mythology is based are literally rooted in alchemy--making something from what it isn't, or from nothing at all. Their original proponents (Hegel) said so, their modern proponents (Soros) say so. Alchemy isn't real. It'll kill you. The way it works is that they create a magic narrative and push it until they all fully believe it, distorting little facts here and there and weaving a mythology that's mad as a hatter. Then, they can "defeat" the evil in it just by writing the next chapter of the narrative. Compared to things that have happened in the past at the Capitol, the 6th was significant but not "unprecedented," and it hardly represented a serious attempt at a coup. Fuck, they held the vote in the same building a few hours later. Think, people. The narrative alchemists whipped themselves into a frenzy, and within hours, it was the most insane thing that ever happened since 1812 (not even close to true), an attempted Nazi coup (way too uncoordinated to qualify), and reason to change the whole direction of the country. Within hours, Pelosi was going bonkers (probably because her laptop got stolen) saying Trump is going to launch nukes, and everything has to be shut down around him and his enablers and supporters, and everyone who's been drinking cinnabar was like, YES! OMG! YES! CENSOR! The trait of media alchemists is constantly whipping UP panic around a narrative, rather than ever trying to offer sober analysis or ratchet anything down. It constantly self-affirms a worldview that doesn't even make sense and requires tortured analysis to even comprehend. Again, you're watching the production of a new national mythology that is using the events at the Capitol, both shameful and preposterous, as the basis for its victory over 401 years of evil and the beginning of a new, glorious (Statist) regime. Based on lies."

Meme - "These are images from February 2011 when 100,000 democrats stormed the Wisconsin State Capital and occupied it for two weeks. Democrat leaders told us "this is what democracy looks like". When Trump supporters do it democrats call it 'insurrection, sedition and a coup'."

NYT reporter suggests declaring Trump supporters 'enemies of the state' to combat 'national security threats' - "New York Times reporter Katie Benner suggested on Tuesday that in order to tackle America's current national security "dilemma," Trump supporters should be considered "enemies of the state."... "Absolutely amazing: the New York Times' Justice Department reporter says the US faces an ‘essential natsec dilemma’: namely, that Trump supporters are ‘enemies of the state’ and all of the GOP is a threat to the State. This is a reporter -- not an op-ed writer -- saying this," journalist Glenn Greenwald reacted. "Hearing anyone describe a traumatic and violent experience provoke emotions: even for police officers. That's what today is for. But the fixation on 1/6 is about exactly this: classifying Trump supporters as Enemies of the State for political gain & Security State power."... Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., who was initially set to serve on the Jan. 6 committee but was rejected by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., appeared to be taken aback by Benner's tweets.  "That’s the best summary of the Biden Admin’s domestic national security strategy I’ve ever read""
"Unity" means everyone bowing to the Democratic agenda

Joe Shikhman on Twitter - "Pretty crazy how inflation’s skyrocketing, there’s no longer a southern border, and cities are the most unsafe they’ve been in decades
 But one party is obsessed with the January 6 riot coup shaman, and the other is busy liberating Cuba."

Meme - "Tammy Duckworth Don't believe the gaslighting. This is what the so-called "tourist visit" did to my office"
"@ Common Sense Extremists I was told by the left all last summer that property damage isn't violence and that riots are the language of the unheard."

Facebook - "Insurrection, attempted coup, pah. Balderdash. Show up with actual tanks and military forces, like what they did in the failed coup in the Soviet Union back in 1991. That's what an attempted coup looks like, with a serious threat of overthrowing a standing government. Not just a bunch of amateurs with bear spray, zipties, families in tow, and a dude in fur and shaman hat - easily cleared out with a few flashbangs and tear gas.  What happened was a riot. The breaking of things and hurting of people. That happened. But there was absolutely no realistic chance of power overthrow, even if hostages were taken.  Anyone who claims otherwise is an idiot with zero knowledge on what it takes to secure and hold a partially-open-to-public structure like the Capitol against the inevitable loyalist military clearing team armed with actual military hardware. It was no worse than the time BLM stormed courthouses etc. US liberals (and those who ape them) sound just as histrionic as those jokers who try to claim words are violence. Not convincing anyone except for themselves, and the continued pearl clutching just makes it damn obvious things are just being sexed up."
Plus there was a real coup in Burma at the same time, so no excuses

Based On LEGO Evidence, FBI Believes Capitol Rioter Was Also Planning Attack On Hogwarts Castle | The Babylon Bee - "The FBI released disturbing new details today regarding alleged January 6th rioter Robert Morss, who had a fully-constructed LEGO Capitol building in his home. Agents say Morss was also building several LEGO Harry Potter sets, leading authorities to believe he was planning a similar attack on Hogwarts Castle"

Rod Dreher on Twitter - "NEW: Reporters who survived the deadly Capitol riot are still struggling. Some won’t go back into the building. Several have sought therapy to deal with trauma. Many still aren’t sleeping well."
"Good grief. Reporters have covered war. Some of us were present when the Twin Towers fell. This is embarrassing."
A "survivor" is anyone who has experienced something a liberal doesn't like
This is what happens when you terrorise yourself with phantoms

Meme - "Matthew Yglesias @matiyglesias Clearly the answer to yesterday's failures is to defund the Capitol Police and instead hire a squad of social service providers to tackle the real root causes of the violence."

Dr. Kali D. Cyrus on Twitter - "White privilege is not being shot or tear gassed while storming the Capitol."
Imagine being this deluded

Lo-fi Republican on Twitter - "Right or wrong the march on the Capitol was literally the closest this country has ever come to a working class revolution but most leftists don't realize that since there weren't any black trans women and it wasn't sponsored by JPMorgan"

K Shanmugam Sc - Posts | Facebook - "Many have seen the chaotic scenes and violence in Washington yesterday as protestors stormed the U.S. Capitol. One woman has been shot and killed. There are reports of other casualties as well. Many, including many in the media, have condemned the thuggish actions of the protestors.  In Hong Kong, protestors took over the Legislative Council Building in 2019, vandalised it. They were lauded by some as freedom fighters, democracy heroes. Those lauding them include the very same media which now condemns the actions of the Washington protesters. What explains the different perspectives ?"
Make hay while the (political) sun shines. If he had wanted to point out hypocrisy, the BLM riots would've been a better comparison
Comments: "Compare what? On the left, UK condemn violence at US capitol. On the right, Jeremy Hunt back HK citizens’ right to protest. “UK support for Hong Kong and its freedoms is unwavering on this anniversary day,” Hunt said. “No violence is acceptable but Hong Kong people must preserve the right to peaceful protest exercised within the law, as hundreds of thousands of brave people showed today.” Anyone support violence? Both statement are the same! ‘No violence!’"

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