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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Links - 21st March 2023 (2 - Covid-19)

How Bad Will Flu Season Be This Winter? We Have a Choice - The Atlantic - "Perhaps the oddest consolation prize of America’s crushing, protracted battle with the coronavirus is the knowledge that flu season, as we’ve long known it, does not have to exist."
From 2021. How incredibly naive, given immunity debt. Apparently life can never go back to normal, just to stop the flu

Glenn Greenwald on Twitter - "One of the most bizarre and still-unexplained episodes in the COVID pandemic was the group of scientists who told Fauci in late January they concluded COVID came from a lab. Within days, they publicly recanted, then received millions in grants from NIAID, controlled by Fauci."

How COVID-19 led to devastating rises in malaria - "Lockdowns and supply chain issues disrupted routine immunisation and cases of infectious diseases such as malaria, HIV/AIDS and TB have gone up significantly... Ultimately, to resurrect the fight against malaria in lower-income countries, COVID-19 also needs to be quelled."
From 2021. Given that Africa avoiding covid disaster is a "mystery", it's clear that the "experts" are clueless

Eric Widera, MD on Twitter - "You can disagree with @DrLeanaWen on her stances on opening schools or mask mandates, but connecting her to eugenics in an effort to get her cancelled from the @PublicHealth annual meeting is morally reprehensible. I cant believe people signed this."
The usual liberal playbook

Meme - "Vaxxed waxed and ready to climax"

People with hybrid immunity are the most protected against severe COVID-19 and reinfection - "A University of Calgary research group - which includes several Bachelor of Health Sciences alumni joined forces with members of the World Health Organization (WHO) to tackle a global health question. What is the best protection against COVID-19? Analyzing data from controlled studies throughout the world, researchers discovered people with hybrid immunity are the most protected against severe illness and reinfection. Hybrid immunity occurs when someone has had at least the full series of vaccines and has a prior infection, in any order."
Obviously we must force everyone to get 5 shots or they shouldn't be able to work because they are plague rats

Meme - Taylor Lorenz @TaylorLorenz: "Spending NYE alone is lowkey goated when complete and utter exhaustion is the vibe"
Taylor Lorenz @TaylorLorenz: "Wild to see people posting endless videos of their packed NYE parties while ERs are packed and doctors are rationing care"
Imagine being a covid hystericist in 2023

Meme - Thomas IATSE STRIKE @t_NYC: "Those of us considered COVID alarmists have been right about everything. And there isn't a single shred of satisfaction or joy or achievement or accomplishment or anything but sorrow in being right about all of this and feeling helpless to stop it"
How long can they stay in fantasyland?

Meme - Thomas IATSE STRIKE: "Having watched Encanto about thirty times in the past three weeks: Bruno = all of us telling people COVID is real and everyone else not wanting to hear it"

Covid 19 booster shots, how much is too much . : SingaporeRaw - "MOH just sms me take a booster shot, this will be my 5th Covid injection, just wandering if any of you guys have taken more that 5 injections…."
"Meh Meh pak, meh Meh pak! keep boosting to protect your loved ones and the people around you. Gahmen say one, cannot be wrong. Buying pfizer+ moderna stocks naow."
"“Protect your loved ones” when even Pfizer and Bill Gates admit vaccine has no significant effect on transmission, yet government still chooses this message."
"I remember those radio ads where they were saying that getting a vaccine is like becoming a brick in the wall of Singapore’s defense against covid."
"Better jab before they reset your vaccination-bubble-tea stamp card and you become the nation most hated unvax. Remember how they say unvax more likely to spread the virus, setting the vax against the unvax ?"
"Because you went for the 3rd and 4th, they know that you are a sheep and will also take the 5th and 10th. Hahaha"
"It’s funny how it took him 5 injections to start thinking that maybe it doesn’t really make sense."
"Fun fact: in the UK, they will no longer offer boosters (3rd shot) to healthy adults under 50, as its been shown that you need to boost approximately 978k of healthy adults under 50 to avoid one Covid hospitalisation.  In the meantime we have this dude who is asking if he should take 6th shot."

Universal Covid jabs to be wound down as under-50s given just weeks to get boosters - "The universal Covid jabs programme is being wound down as healthy under-50s are told they have only weeks left to get their booster... the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), which advises the Government, also said boosters for people aged 16 to 49-years-old who are not at risk should come to an end... The JCVI said the move comes "as the transition continues away from a pandemic emergency response towards pandemic recovery"."
How dare they challenge The Science?
Doctor friend: "That panic about falling antibody levels is completely ludicrous. If course they fall. Just like with any other vaccination. Or any other natural infection. The reason you get almost perfect protection for say measles is because that has a long incubation period, so the immune system has enough time to ramp up antibody and cellular defenses so you never get symptoms when exposed to the virus after vaccination. In diseases with short incubation periods that is just not possible. Especially when infection takes places on the mucous membranes. Nothing here is news. Vaccinology has known this for decades. This idea to keep boosting people hust to keep antibody levels at a very high level is very radical stuff. Please show me this is safe and effective in a controlled trial before you recommend this as a policy."

Class switch toward noninflammatory, spike-specific IgG4 antibodies after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination - "RNA vaccines are efficient preventive measures to combat the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic. High levels of neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 antibodies are an important component of vaccine-induced immunity. Shortly after the initial two mRNA vaccine doses, the immunoglobulin G (IgG) response mainly consists of the proinflammatory subclasses IgG1 and IgG3. Here, we report that several months after the second vaccination, SARS-CoV-2–specific antibodies were increasingly composed of noninflammatory IgG4, which were further boosted by a third mRNA vaccination and/or SARS-CoV-2 variant breakthrough infections. IgG4 antibodies among all spike-specific IgG antibodies rose, on average, from 0.04% shortly after the second vaccination to 19.27% late after the third vaccination. This induction of IgG4 antibodies was not observed after homologous or heterologous SARS-CoV-2 vaccination with adenoviral vectors. Single-cell sequencing and flow cytometry revealed substantial frequencies of IgG4-switched B cells within the spike-binding memory B cell population [median of 14.4%; interquartile range (IQR) of 6.7 to 18.1%] compared with the overall memory B cell repertoire (median of 1.3%; IQR of 0.9 to 2.2%) after three immunizations. This class switch was associated with a reduced capacity of the spike-specific antibodies to mediate antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis and complement deposition. Because Fc-mediated effector functions are critical for antiviral immunity, these findings may have consequences for the choice and timing of vaccination regimens using mRNA vaccines, including future booster immunizations against SARS-CoV-2."
This suggests that boosters weaken immunity (since boosters were foisted on people based on falling antibodies, the reverse argument can be made)

The Meme Policeman - Posts | Facebook - "This viral headline leaves the impression that many infectious disease experts are condoning the protests. In reality, this was a Google doc written mostly by non-infectious disease experts. It’s highly contradictory and not based on science... The Google doc was written by 4 professors, only one of whom seems to be a credible medical expert, a professor of internal medicine. One is a director for the Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice & Health. Another an Assistant Professor whose research and practice are focused on the socio-political roots of health and the intersecting relationships between health and politics... Another is an RN who teaches at a nursing school, but whose research entails structural racism and health, social determinants of health, health equity, diabetes prevention and “research-based theatre interventions.”
The letter was singed “by 1,288 public health professionals, infectious disease professionals and community stakeholders.” Which, looking through the signees, really means it’s mostly college students, activists and professors of undisclosed fields... The letter begins by pointing out that recently “heavily armed and predominantly white protesters entered the State Capitol building in Lansing, Michigan.” Which they said should be condemned by health experts due to COVID-19. But with the latest protests and riots, it says “A public health response to these demonstrations is also warranted, but this message must be wholly different from the response to white protesters resisting stay-home orders.” Why, you ask? “Infectious disease and public health narratives adjacent to demonstrations against racism must be consciously anti-racist, and infectious disease experts must be clear and consistent in prioritizing an anti-racist message.” The letter begins by pointing out that recently “heavily armed and predominantly white protesters entered the State Capitol building in Lansing, Michigan.” Which they said should be condemned by health experts due to COVID-19. But with the latest protests and riots, it says “A public health response to these demonstrations is also warranted, but this message must be wholly different from the response to white protesters resisting stay-home orders.” Why, you ask? “Infectious disease and public health narratives adjacent to demonstrations against racism must be consciously anti-racist, and infectious disease experts must be clear and consistent in prioritizing an anti-racist message.”... The letter continues with weak, and almost laughable suggestions to support the health of protesters. Including providing chalk or rope to mark 6 ft intervals and distance 6 ft. They know these will not be followed, and here will be significant close contact between thousands. They also suggest donating to bail out those arrested (making no distinction for which crimes) as something to protect public health. Nowehere in the letter did it mention any riots, destruction, or damage these demonstrations have caused. Nor acknowledge that it could prevent people from obtaining food, medicine or medical care, not to mention the several deaths that have already resulted from them."
From 2020, on covid being a woke virus
They get around this by declaring racism a public health crisis

Oakland City Council declares racism a public health crisis
Calling racism a 'public health crisis' is nothing more than a progressive power grab - "the New York City Department of Health joined over 200 other cities and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in proclaiming racism to be a public health crisis. The proclamation and the actions it outlines for the agency are deeply flawed for two main reasons. First the very premise that racism is a public health crisis is dubious, second it opens the door to a parade of dangerous and illiberal actions by the city government.  The notion that racism is a public health crisis, or in fact that it has any affect on public health at all, is entirely subjective and quite controversial. The claim is not that racist doctors are giving inferior care to patients of color, or refusing to treat them, it's that a vast, historical structural racism pervades medical care—and every other aspect of American life.  For progressives, including those at the New York City Department of Health, any disparate outcomes along racial lines are in and of themselves evidence of racism. Yet, they don't apply this principle consistently. For example, New York's vaccine mandate to enter restaurants or gyms disproportionately bars black patrons who have lower vaccination rates, but nobody on the left is calling that racism. The actions laid out by this proclamation don't so much as provide an aspirin to any person, of color or otherwise. Rather it calls for DOH to "participate in a truth and reconciliation process with communities," and to "make recommendations on anti-racism, health-related NYC Charter revisions to the newly established Mayoral Racial Justice Commission."  None of this has the slightest thing to do with actually providing people health care. So what exactly is going on here? To answer that question we need look no further than the Covid pandemic. All over the country, governments have made decisions that would be blatantly unconstitutional were it not for that public health crisis... There are very real and important challenges facing health care for minorities and other marginalized Americans. In San Francisco, for example, pharmacies like Walgreens are closing because police won't stop people from stealing from them. This causes pharmacy deserts that limit access."

Low immunity, overwhelmed hospitals fuel Covid-19 deaths in ageing Japan - "Low immunity against Covid-19 and a growing population of frail elderly is driving a surge in coronavirus deaths in Japan which had, for a long time, upheld some of the strictest pandemic restrictions.  Japan once boasted one of the lowest Covid mortality rates, but the figure has been trending upwards since the end of 2022.  It hit an all-time high on 20 January this year, surpassing the UK, US and South Korea... Japan was largely closed to foreign visitors from 2020 till mid-June last year. It opened its borders cautiously - at first, travellers had to be part of a package tour, buy medical insurance, and be masked in all public places.  Some schoolchildren had meals in silence for over two years as schools imposed bans on lunchtime conversations.  As restrictions are eased, however, the population's low Covid immunity may be causing infections to spike... Most of the latest Covid fatalities are elderly people with underlying medical conditions, experts said. This contrasts with the initial spate of deaths that were due to pneumonia and were often treated in intensive care.  "It is also difficult to prevent these deaths by treatment," says Hitoshi Oshitani, one of Japan's leading virologists, adding that Covid was only the trigger. "Due to the emergence of immune-escaping variants and sub-variants and the waning of immunity, it is getting more difficult to prevent infections"... epidemiologist Kenji Shibuya, a director at the Foundation for Tokyo Policy Research... Dr Shibuya has called for Covid to be downgraded and treated as a form of influenza, allowing all clinics and hospitals to treat patients who have the virus... Dr Oshitani and Dr Shibuya also say that the death rate could have been inflated by under-reporting of Covid cases due to asymptomatic infections and tweaks to physicians' reporting requirements last year. That said, Japan is one of few countries still providing daily Covid tallies.  Yasuharu Tokuda, a physician at the Health and Global Policy Institute, noted that the Japanese population's natural immunity - acquired through infection - had been low before the middle of last year.  He says natural immunity is stronger than that obtained from vaccination - and so low infection rates have led to low immunity in Japan, which in turn is causing more deaths. Dr Oshitani pointed to a similar phenomenon in Australia, where the Covid death rate has been creeping up since it reopened borders early in 2022 after keeping them shut for two years."
Covid "success" is really just kicking the can down the road and prolonging the pain
Weird how one of Japan's leading virologists, an epidemiologist and a physician at the Health and Global Policy Institute are covid deniers. The BBC is so irresponsible in interviewing only covid deniers. Just like climate change, they need to deplatform them and only interview trusted experts

‘Covid is not going to go away’: Australia will require public health measures for foreseeable future, say experts (July 2022)
Deaths from Covid in Australian aged care pass 5,000 after monthly fatalities double in January
When you kick the can down the road...

Meme - Benjamin Dixon @BenjaminPDixon: "Good morning to everyone who didn't actually think they'd get away with laundering white supremacy through ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine into leftist circles."
When you're stuck in the liberal echo chamber

Meme - CNBC @CNBC: "Pfizer CEO says people who spread misinformation on Covid vaccines are 'criminals'"
"Alexa, who paid the largest criminal fine in United States history?"

Meme - "When the year of the rat starts with a plague

Reply to MOH’s announcement – Healing The Divide - "For the record, we are not Anti-Vaxxers. We have many people who are vaccinated who are in our group. They are in our group because they have either suffered from injuries after taking the vaccines, or have loved ones who died after taking the vaccine. Some are even Super-Vaxxers! They are Doctors and medical professionals who are not only vaccinated themselves but have vaccinated others! Some others are in our group because they are worried that they may also be fired if they do not take the booster shots, or their children cannot graduate if they are not vaccinated."
From 2021. Of course, if you're against vaccine mandates, you're an "anti-vaxxer"
Ironically, "falsehoods and misleading information about COVID-19 and vaccines" is what vaxholes keep promoting. I still see some today pretending that Covid-19 is very deadly and that vaccines reduce or even prevent transmission

Meme - Spencer Bonzo: "Scooter Ward, 50, anti vaxxer and long time covid denier. Dead from covid."
Spencer Bonzo: *not replying to any comments* "Something funny, Emily Snowden ? How about Rocky Gaitan, 45, anti vaxx, covid denier, dead from covid. Is this one funny too? This one was just as smug as you."
Spencer Bonzo: *not replying to any comments* "Steph Amson funny? How about Clay Clark, 50, downplayed covid and was an adamant opponent to vaccines. DEAD of covid. This one is sad, his wife still posts on his account. But you can see covid posts right up until a month ago when he died."
Branch Covidians are deranged

Chris Whitty: Smoking likely to have killed more than Covid last year - "Smoking has probably killed more people than Covid in the same time period and places a severe strain on hospital services, Prof Chris Whitty has said.  In a lecture on the future of health trends, the chief medical officer said "a small number of companies" were killing people for profit. Prof Whitty said almost no progress was being made in fighting lung cancer, and that smoking-related diseases killed around 90,000 people each year –  more than the pandemic. He said most of those deaths were avoidable... Prof Whitty's  comments came as the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) called for smokers to be given treatment to quit their habit unless they actively opt out."
Time to deny smokers healthcare

Meme - BrooklynDad_Defiant! @mmpadellan: "Raise your hand if you would NEVER trust a vaccine pushed by a bleach- injection, snake-oil selling conman."
BrooklynDad_Defiant! @mmpadellan: "When they say "I'm doing my research," they're not sitting there looking through microscopes and reviewing scientific studies. They're looking at Facebook. Astounding stupidity."
The liberal memory hole churns on

Meme - "Ex-FDA Chief Warns: Hidden Infections Among Vaccinated Causing 'Vast' Underestimate of Covid Spread"
"Twitter to Penalize Users Who Claim Vaccinated People Can Spread Covid-19"

A Lab Leak in China Most Likely Origin of Covid Pandemic, Energy Department Says - WSJ - "The shift by the Energy Department, which previously was undecided on how the virus emerged, is noted in an update to a 2021 document by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’s office.  The new report highlights how different parts of the intelligence community have arrived at disparate judgments about the pandemic’s origin. The Energy Department now joins the Federal Bureau of Investigation in saying the virus likely spread via a mishap at a Chinese laboratory... The Energy Department’s conclusion is the result of new intelligence and is significant because the agency has considerable scientific expertise and oversees a network of U.S. national laboratories, some of which conduct advanced biological research.  The Energy Department made its judgment with “low confidence,” according to people who have read the classified report.  The FBI previously came to the conclusion that the pandemic was likely the result of a lab leak in 2021 with “moderate confidence” and still holds to this view... The National Intelligence Council, which conducts long-term strategic analysis, and four agencies, which officials declined to identify, still assess with “low confidence” that the virus came about through natural transmission from an infected animal... Despite the agencies’ differing analyses, the update reaffirmed an existing consensus between them that Covid-19 wasn’t the result of a Chinese biological-weapons program... David Relman, a Stanford University microbiologist who has argued for a dispassionate investigation into the pandemic’s beginnings, welcomed word of the updated findings.  “Kudos to those who are willing to set aside their preconceptions and objectively re-examine what we know and don’t know about Covid origins,” said Dr. Relman, who has served on several federal scientific-advisory boards. “My plea is that we not accept an incomplete answer or give up because of political expediency.”"
There're still going to be liberals who will claim that deplatforming this as "misinformation" was the right thing to do. They've doubled down all along, why not again?

Chinese airlines left at the gate as international travel takes off | Financial Times - "Despite Beijing abandoning its strict zero-Covid policies at the end of last year, flights in and out of mainland China are limited, airfares remain elevated and Beijing has been reluctant to grant new tourist visas to foreigners. Covid tests for travellers from China to countries around the world are still common and acting as a deterrent to flying. While North America and Europe are expected to recover to pre-pandemic levels of travel this year, China is facing a longer timescale"

Joseph on Twitter - "The overriding lesson of COVID is the power of peer pressure. What we witnessed was horrifying. The peace and stability you thought you enjoyed in this country was an illusion. Your neighbors will move against you at any moment if the TV tells them to."
We learnt that from Rwanda too

Shouldn’t we ‘expose’ the government rather than its critics? - "So there’s this Tory MP I hope you’ve never heard of, who’s delighting the Twitterati-Stasi by exposing ‘lockdown sceptics’ who’ve been stupid enough to believe that they’re living in a democracy, can say what they think, and get away with it. Neil O’Brien is so pro-lockdown he thinks 100,000 people have died of a lack of lockdown, so he’s trying to threaten anyone who has criticised lockdowns in the past, by pointing out all the mistakes they’ve made. It’s true ‘lockdown sceptics’ have made mistakes. But the government’s survival depends on none of us ever understanding that lockdown sceptics are not in charge – it is.   We all know if the broadband went down, lockdown would be over in 10 seconds flat because everyone on Twitter would be utterly unable to cope with the reality of what their lives have become. But that’s not going to happen, so they’re gunning for people like Sunetra Gupta, the professor of theoretical epidemiology at Oxford University, who might give hope to any ‘fringe crank’ imagining that someone – somewhere – gives a damn about them.   As GQ’s interview with Neil O’Brien explains: ‘His worry, more than anything, is that giving credence to Covid cranks is a slippery slope.’ ‘That is a very foolish thing to do, to give a voice and amplify people who we really don’t want as a society to be amplified’, he says. ‘It’s not something that happens overnight, but if you keep going down that route you grow and grow this thing. That’s how the US got to where [it] got to.’  So in tribute to O’Brien’s efforts to cow anyone out of saying Je Suis Sunetra – leave her alone, she’s had enough – I’m now going to trawl through everything his health secretary has said in the past 12 months, in case he wants to extend his McCarthyite stance to someone who is actually running this shitshow...   ‘Beware of men who cry’, Nora Ephron once wrote. ‘It’s true that men who cry are sensitive to and in touch with feelings, but the only feelings they tend to be sensitive to and in touch with are their own.’... Maybe anyone who shares Gupta’s fears are ‘fringe cranks’, but ‘fringe cranks’ have as much right to say what they think as anyone else. And especially when the government has stripped us of all our rights to do pretty much anything else, while refusing to reveal when – if ever – our rights will be returned. This isn’t China. It’s Britain. And we do things differently here. Or at least we used to – in those halcyon days when none of us had a clue who Matt Hancock was – never mind Neil O’Brien"
From 2021. Criticising the government and the establishment means you're a dangerous extremist and must be censored

Don’t you dare call us ‘Covid deniers’ - "our ability fully to understand and reflect on this crisis, to subject it to frank discussion, open-ended analysis and constant questioning, has been thrown into disarray by one of the ugliest political trends of the Covid era so far – the witch-hunting of lockdown sceptics. We probably shouldn’t be surprised. Crises often generate fear and hysteria and a tendency among the elites to lash out, to look for someone or something to blame for the calamity that has befallen the nation. This is what is happening in the UK right now. The hunt is on for the demonic forces, the sinful mis-speakers, whose toxic ideologies might be held at least partially responsible for our misfortunes... It has become increasingly nasty. Critics of lockdown have been branded ‘agents of disinformation’. They are said to have ‘blood on their hands’. That is, your words kill; your ideas have been the handmaidens of infection and death. The most common defamation thrown at experts and commentators who have criticised blanket lockdowns is that they are ‘Covid sceptics’ or ‘Covid deniers’. Even though the vast majority of these alleged death-spreaders fully acknowledge the existence of Covid-19 and its virulence, especially among older and more vulnerable groups of people, still they are diabolised as ‘Covid deniers’. This deeply dishonest brand is designed to push these people beyond the pale; to lump them in with deniers of the Holocaust or deniers of the reality of gravity; to depict their political questions as the evil squeals of disease-doubters. This cynical conflation of criticism of the lockdown with denial of the threat posed by Covid-19 is most clearly expressed by the self-styled guardians of correct thought who have set up a website called Anti-Virus, designed to tackle ‘misinformation’ about Covid. This site has the feel of a McCarthyite blacklist masquerading as a scientific project. How else to explain its partisan singling out of certain academics and journalists, including Sunetra Gupta, Julia Hartley-Brewer, Toby Young, Peter Hitchens and Ross Clark, who are branded as ‘not reliable people to listen to’? Naturally, as the founders of Anti-Virus will have anticipated, this has given rise to deafening cries for these people to be deprived of their public platforms, to be cast out of public life for all the blood they have spilt with their ‘disinformation’.   But what is even more striking about Anti-Virus is its casual but sinister conflation of lockdown criticism with Covid denialism... questioning whether lockdown is the best approach to Covid-19 is on a par with irrationally denying that the virus kills people. This is a conscious slur explicitly designed to depict criticism of government policy as suspect and dangerous. Of course, authoritarians always use these tactics. When they really want to stifle certain ideas, they insist that the ideas aren’t only wrong or misleading but dangerous... What is most bizarre about this censorious culture war against the critics of lockdown is that these critics are not the ones who have shaped public policy. Their arguments and their suggestions have not been acted on. It is the supporters of lockdown who, every step of the way, have got what they wanted: the shutting down of everyday life, the freezing of economic activity, vast reams of legislation governing what the citizens may and may not do, and long periods of house arrest for most of the population.  That these policymakers and policy supporters have used the occasion of the latest wave of Covid or the grim toll of 100,000 deaths to rage against critics of lockdown is perverse. The country we currently live in is one that has been solely designed – sadly, in my view – by the supporters of lockdown. Its faults are on them. The fury against the sceptics is so transparently a displacement activity, a project of deflection led by people whose own policy has failed to prevent new waves of disease, failed to protect the elderly in care homes, and failed to factor in the predictable – and predicted – costs of lockdown, from the health impacts to the missed medical treatments to the astonishing economic harm. You made this strange, cruel society, not us... To defame these good people as dangerous deniers of disease is out of order.  We are asking political questions. We are questioning the apocalypticism of the discussion around Covid-19. We are questioning the government’s use of the politics of fear, even of terror, to force compliance with its lockdown measures. We are asking why the entire population had to be locked down, decommissioned, for almost a whole year instead of being galvanised to the dual task of keeping society going and assisting in looking after social groups that do require shielding. We are asking for a breakdown of the health and economic costs of the lockdown. We are asking why the state hasn’t found a way to continue educating children. We are asking when our liberties will be returned. We are asking if there might have been another way. We sceptics have nothing to be ashamed of. The shame belongs to those who have tried to crush dissent and who have defamed critics of lockdown, because they are killing something that is absolutely central to every free society – the right to ask if what we are doing is wrong."
From 2021

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