When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, February 11, 2023

Western men turn to Asian beauties

Western men turn to Asian beauties

l am a 25—year-old British woman, who came to work in Hong Kong about six months ago. I secured a job in an office with about 20 Western, good looking young males from the United States, Canada, Britain and Australia, and looked forward to a full social life in Hong Kong.

After six months, not even one man has asked me to go out for a date, nor taken any notice of me at all. All of them have Filippina, Thai or Chinese girlfriends.

When I look at these naturally beautiful Asian women, who don't even have to wear make-up or do any exercise to achieve their good looks and perfect bodies, it makes me feel so depressed and inadequate, I'm afraid the time has come for me to face facts and go back to Britain where the majority of men have never been exposed to the Asian experience and are still content to have a relationship with a pale-skinned plain Jane like myself. I shall never complain about sexual harassment again.

Tsim Sha Tsui"


"Asian woman are stunning but come with their own issues too. The amount of crazy stories I've heard from friends dating Asian woman is wild. The foreign guy always loses so there is also that.

The foreign woman who date/ marry Asian guys tend to last and the crazy stories are far and few."

"the most boring and/or cray-cray Asians I've seen, and imo statistically as a group, would be Filipinas. Ooh boy, can they be "off"!! Perhaps it's the combo of extreme Catholicism and their ancestral island heritage... not sure, but my advice there is "avoid"."

"I feel like a masculine man in Asia. Where as in my country Australia the woke brigade has taken the spot light"
"M8, your women @ downunder make Mussolini look like a girl."

"I worked with an American woman in Bangkok who basically said almost exactly the same thing."

"Sounds like the salty western women I meet in Bangkok and Pattaya... then when you try to hook up with them they say they won’t do the things that Thai girls will do…so I don’t even bother with them"

"Almost certainly written in the 90s by a bored male sub on the South China Morning Post."
"Wrong typeface"
"Eastern Express?"

"Western anglo women are way too confrontational for most Asian men."

"I drive a cab in England, when an English girl asks what I see in thai women I always respond with go look in the mirror."

"Just like she never saw a single Hong Kong guy attractive, not a single western guy saw her attractive
Strange how the world works eh 🤷🏽‍♂️"

"it’s so nice when western girls face this here in asia as they usually behave as a queen in europe… 🤣🤣"

"I've witnessed this first hand. I've literally seen the attitudes change as the girls realised the guys weren't interested in them. Bloody hilarious!...."

"And in the end, she realized she just wanted to be able to buy pants her size in the shops 🥲"

"Ive been with my Thai wife for 13 years, she gives me money! Just don’t marry the first bar girl you take back to your hotel!"

"I hear white women go to Africa for men"

"Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to see a western woman living in Asia all alone. Now they know exactly what it’s like for men in the west."

"Western women are just men with vaginas"

Related, from 2012 (full article):

"Theme: Dinner with Foreigners
Date: 5th May (Sat) 8-10pm
Places Available: Total: 20
Price: Ladies: 4800. Men: Free for foreigners. Dinner included
Venue: Mandarin Oriental Hotel, HK
Eligibility: Men: 35-48, professionals and Foreigners only.
Ladies: Single Professionals
Details: If you don’t meet anyone that you are interested in, we will follow up and arrange a complimentary date based on your preference.
Details and sign up: www.hkspeeddating.com"

Apparently, an earlier version said:

"Free for foreigners is because we have a 39 years old German banker meet his wife from our event and sponsor few quota for foreigners and hope they are as lucky as like him."

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