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Friday, February 10, 2023

Links - 10th February 2023 (2 - General Wokeness)

Facebook - "I’d still maintain that the dumbest people - the ones that should make any Singaporean feel a sense of shame for our society - are the ones who were so offended by a rap video that they decided to make a police report. So far, I still would... but man, is it getting harder to hold on to that position. If anything, this interview demonstrates that Subhas is a self-entitled brat (yo, what bro? You want to imply that the vast majority of singaporean musicians are sellouts and shills because they didn’t express their support for your cause? Gtfo. Some of them have their own battles to fight, which they’ve been fighting for some time, and none of them, not a single one, owe you shit) who is so mired in the pseudo-righteousness of his own saviour complex that he seems to have surrendered any semblance of coherent thought. Jesus, fuck."
On the VICE article on Preeti Nair/Preetipls, and Subhas Nair. But of course liberals defended them

Crayola unveils a range of 'racially inclusive' crayons, pencils and markers - "Crayola has released a 24-pack of crayons, pencils and markers with shades that represent a diverse range of skin tones. The 'Colors of the World' packs include newly-formulated drawing tools that represent 40 global skin tones to ensure children can draw themselves accurately"
This is brilliant. Where before you only needed 1 generic colour to represent human skin tone, now you force people to buy 24-40 crayons instead, and they are likely never going to finish all of them

Lockdown has put wokeness on steroids - "It is hard to imagine that the outlandish ideas of the Black Lives Matter movement would have been embraced by the English Football Association if there had been no lockdown. The ritual of ‘taking the knee’ began last September at the start of the 2020 season, when games were played in empty stadiums. When the fans were allowed to return in December, FA officials were shocked by sustained boos... Finger-wagging commentators in the Guardian leapt to the wrong conclusion, claiming the booing was ‘an act of violent disrespect, a handshake met by a punch’. Yet the booing grew louder throughout the season, quickly spreading to other clubs, as fans voiced their displeasure at the ostentatious displays of virtue from players paid to entertain... the English football establishment appears blind to the contradictory message it is sending. Instead, it grows ever more disdainful of its fans. ‘Taking the knee’ purports to establish harmony, but it has instead provoked disunity, widening the UK’s post-Brexit cultural divide. The British experience is not unique. Over the past year and a half, the professional elites all over the world have spent less time in the company of their fellow citizens and more time online, networking with sophisticates like themselves. Wacky ideas that would fail the pub test, if the pubs were open, have become truths few dare to question for fear of being labelled as a denier or a phobic. The radical race-based agenda has taken a different but no less perplexing turn in New Zealand, where the campaign for Maori sovereignty has gained speed under the cover of the pandemic. The argument for a separate Maori parliament with equal authority to the assembly New Zealanders currently elect is hardly strong. Maoris are already well represented in parliament. Winston Peters, whose father is of Maori descent, recently served as deputy prime minister. Public demand for these changes, however, is tame at best. The movement for Maori separatism marches on without a roadblock in sight. To be an English-speaking nation was once seen as a blessing. Today the English language is looked upon with shame in New Zealand, or Aotearoa as we are now expected to call it. The 2013 census found that Maori was spoken by approximately 125,000 New Zealanders, some three per cent of the population. Most fluent Maori speakers were over 65 years old. In the past year, however, Maori has challenged English as the language of preference for government agencies. Earlier this year, a 180-page draft report by the government-funded He Pou a Rangi – or the Climate Change Commission, as some ageing dinosaurs insist on calling it – advocated the adoption of tikanga, or Maori values, to tackle the existential challenge of a warming planet. Manaakitanga (‘a deep ethic of care towards people and the whenua [land]’), Whanaungatanga (the awareness of the relationship between all things), and kotahitanga (the art of working collaboratively) are advocated as the framework for climate action. The Maori economy will be treated as an entity separate from the rest of the economy for carbon-accounting purposes to ensure Maoris maintain mana motuhake, or control and autonomy, over their own data. Writing official documents in a language incomprehensible to most might seem anathema in a liberal democracy. Yet like the draconian powers the Ardern administration granted the police to enforce Covid-19 restrictions, there has been next-to-no pushback from the opposition or the mainstream media. Up to now, the creation of racially based wards to elect Maori representatives to local government was a step too far for voters, who repeatedly rejected such proposals when they were put to a referendum. Yet the Ardern government, pumped up with hubris, is so determined to press ahead that it has abolished the right of citizens to vote on the matter. Maori wards can be created by decree. The pandemic has taught us that the removal of fundamental liberties can be easily justified in a crisis. Declarations of emergency have always been part of the modus operandi of illiberal regimes. The catastrophisation of race relations is implicit in BLM and present in a more passive form in the movement for Maori rights. Like the catastrophisation of the climate debate, it is used to justify extreme and untested solutions. Don Brash, former governor of the NZ Reserve Bank and former leader of the National Party, is one of the few people in public life prepared to risk the false charge of Maori-phobia by decrying the push for indigenous sovereignty"
From 2021

Meme - Canada: AMELIA TU
Great Britain: NOKY SIMBANI
Netherlands: ONA MOODY
If white people make up 90% of the population of a country and 80% of the candidates from that country are white, liberals cry racism. It's racist that there are no blacks on the Argentine football team even though only 0.37% of the country identify as black). But here white people make up an overwhelming proportion of the population of those countries (85% in France - more if you include North Africans who are white passing, 82% in England and Wales [I can't find primary documentation for the whole UK but it would be even higher based on secondary accounts], the Netherlands is 81% white Dutch alone and Italy is 92% ethnically Italian alone) but all the candidates from those countries are not white.

Opinion: National Gallery mess shows what happens when decolonization goes awry - The Globe and Mail - "The messy and rancorous upheaval at the National Gallery of Canada is the result of efforts to “decolonize” the institution at the pinnacle of the country’s museum hierarchy. But it is hardly an isolated case. Similar battles are playing out at museums across Canada and the West as institutions conceived as repositories of the collective memory are morphing into agents of social change and redefining themselves in the name of reconciliation. What could go wrong? Plenty. The saga unfolding at the NGC shows what happens when good intentions are undermined by a mixture of naiveté, overzealousness and political score-settling. And make no mistake, the decolonization exercise – aimed at correcting curatorial errors of the past by placing an obsessive emphasis on inclusiveness and Indigenous perspectives – is steeped in politics. We have entered an age of curatorial activism. Indigenous and minority artists are being co-opted into this exercise to satisfy the agendas of museum directors and, in some cases, their political masters... The new approach was evident in the NGC’s Rembrandt in Amsterdam exhibition that ended in 2021, which juxtaposed the 17th-century Dutch master’s work against the crimes of colonialism committed in his era. The museum “took a new curatorial approach by integrating newly commissioned and acquired works from Indigenous and Black artists, bringing multiple voices to contextualize the period in which Rembrandt lived and the devastating impact of colonialism then and now for Indigenous and Black people... There would be something wrong if major cultural institutions did not seek to question their practices in the face of evolving societal expectations. Things start to go awry, however, when decolonization takes the form of erasure and leads to the purging of those who question its methods, pace and consequences. That, along with an archetypal power struggle among those leading the decolonization effort, is what now appears to be happening at the NGC. “It is literally a coup d’état. It resembles the Russian Revolution; the methods are the same,” former NGC director Marc Mayer told La Presse... Seven former high-level NGC staffers wrote to Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez to denounce the recent dismissal of four senior museum employees by interim director Angela Cassie, as well as the departures of at least half a dozen others during Ms. Suda’s three-year tenure. They warned the NGC risks falling into “irrelevance” as it neglects core aspects of its mandate. “The message conveyed to Canadian and international audiences in recent years has been sadly devoid of celebrating art, the Gallery’s collections, and its artists, without which there is no National Gallery of Canada,” they wrote. “The newest dismissals of senior staff will impact the security of the artworks, the development of knowledge of the collections and future acquisitions, and the delivery of a world-class exhibition programme.”... The decolonization of museums is a culture war for the highbrow set. The International Committee for Museology last year devoted a virtual symposium to the topic, hosted by the Université du Québec à Montréal. The academic papers presented at the event highlighted the tensions within the museum world that decolonization has unleashed.”

Opinion: Royal BC Museum has no real plan and needs to pause exhibit closures - "World-class museums rarely disassemble their galleries without releasing a plan, budget, or timeline for what will replace them. However, that is exactly what the Royal BC Museum (RBCM) in Victoria is doing as it rushes to shut down its human history galleries, including the acclaimed Old Town exhibition, in the name of modernization and decolonization... RBCM has taken heat for offering euphemisms over transparency and accountability. Its website says: “Closing and disassembling the third-floor galleries is an important first step on a journey to broaden historical narratives and foster inclusivity.” While these are both praiseworthy aims, especially in light of the museum’s June 29 apology for internal anti-Indigenous racism, the logical first step is to plan how best to put them into practice. RBCM’s “destroy first and figure it out later” approach is ill-considered. Right now, no one knows how many years the third floor will be closed, what the replacement galleries will look like, or how much this will all cost."
In the end they closed the whole museum

Meme - "Yes, I support LGBT
Trolling women and minorities"

Meme - Misa on Wheels: "Opposers to wheelchair-accessible dungeons in "Dungeons aren't supposed to have ramps! This isn't realistic at all!" Also opposers to wheelchair-accessible dungeons in "My character is an undead wizard warlord who can literally cast magic and FLY.""
In-universe logic, coherence and immersion are not as important as pushing the liberal agenda. If you think those are important, you're a bigot. Fiction means you can write anything you want even if it's illogical
Comments: "I can 100% fucking guarentee you that anyone making a character in a wheelchair has no fucking disability whatsoever. No actual wheelchair bound person would want to fucking be in one as their fantasy character that is supposed to be a fun escape for themselves."
"Who the fuck is adventuring in a wheelchair though? If your magic fantasy campaign world can do wheelchairs it can do spiderlike golem chairs, or how about a belt of levitation or something? Fucking seriously, they come across like someone who'd burn down their own house and the forest it was in just because they dropped a piece of pasta on the floor"
"So it’s also a world where you can get someone to cast greater restoration on your character so they can FUCKING WALK"
"What can you expect from people who cant separate real life from fantasy with gender dysphoria"

Sha'Carri Richardson is EJECTED from American Airlines' flight after fight over using her phone - "American track and field star Sha'Carri Richardson was kicked off a flight following an altercation with a flight attendant Saturday. Richardson, 22, shared a video to her Instagram profile and story in which she claimed the American Airlines flight attendant, who she identifies as 'John', was disrespecting her. In the clip, Richardson spoke to the camera, alleging that the flight attendant had 'disrespected' her while she was speaking on her phone before takeoff. She explained in her Instagram post that she did not like the tone he had used when asking her to get off the phone, before claiming that he then proceeded to stand over her and demand to look at the mobile to check it was in Airplane Mode... 'I'm recording me but you jumped in my video, so I caught you, because you jumped in my video,' Richardson told the flight attendant. 'You're harassing me at this point, so I think you should stop. I think you should stop.' Other passengers could then be heard telling her to stop arguing with the attendant, getting aggravated. Richardson got into a heated exchange with one passenger, telling her to stop yelling at her. 'Y'all see him right? Y'all see him right? Y'all see him right? I'm sorry, it's not me,' Richardson responded. 'Talk to him. No ma'am. Do no talk to me like that. I'm an adult. Do not talk to me like that. Do not talk to me like that. Tell him to stop. If you do not know what's going on, do not yell at me.' Richardson was then escorted off the plane to applause as she continued to exchange shouts with passengers and flight attendants. 'Tell me if I'll be wrong to pursue legal actions against the airline @americanair not only did the man threaten me but also an innocent bystander who simply just wanted a picture with me. In the beginning of the video you can hear a Caucasian male state that he doesn't give a f as a man that male flight attendant is intimidating a woman,' Richardson later posted. 'Also the captain not doing anything to help the situation and this flight attendant has the applause when I exited the plane when I'm pretty serious the disrespect I received would not have happened if I was a one of them.' It is not the first time Richardson has made headlines for controversy after she tested positive for marijuana in 2021... Richardson said she used marijuana in an 'emotional panic', leading to the failed drug test that was revealed after her 100-meter win."
Of course, she blamed sexism. I'm surprised she didn't blame racism

White narrators on nature programmes could stop ‘ethnic minorities’ from watching - "Nature documentaries presented by “white, male voices” could put off ethnic minority views, according to a report funded by Britain’s major environmental agency. Last year, the Environment Agency financially supported the study by an international climate change group which said the use of white narrators could make the sector feel “inaccessible to people from ethnic minorities”. The research was uncovered by Conservative Way Forward, a Thatcherite pressure group, which found that Natural England and the Environment Agency - which have a combined annual budget of £1.3 billion - have been increasingly focused on issues of equality, diversity and inclusivity. Last year, Natural England commissioned a report to examine the “Diversity in images of England’s green and natural spaces”, which suggested photographs of the countryside were not inclusive enough... the quango’s chief executive Sir James Bevan expressed guilt over the low number of ethnic minority staff working for the agency and vowed to “do something about it”. He said he felt “angry that people of colour still experience racism in this country on a daily basis” and that the proportion of ethnic minority staff in the agency is “only 4.4 per cent when if we were truly representative of modern Britain it would be 14 per cent”."
For all the talk of "white fragility", it seems "minorities" are a lot more sensitive
Often the narrator never shows his face. So this is just an attempt to shoehorn affirmative action in

Rebel Wilson has been called out for attending Beyoncé's concert in Dubai - "Kendall Jenner, Liam Payne, Ellen Pompeo, Sonia Kruger, Jules Robinson and Natalie Bassingthwaighte were also in attendance, according to the outlet. During their stay, the hotel reportedly paid around $34 million for the legendary singer to perform. However, as homosexuality is illegal in Dubai, the actor has been labeled a ‘hypocrite’ over her trip."

Kris Van Cleave on Twitter - "LA County Sheriff says 10 dead and at least 10 more wounded in a mass shooting at a Lunar New Year event in Monterey Park, CA. Suspect is on the loose. Initial description of shooter is very limited—Asian Male."
jimtreacher.substack.com on Twitter - "White supremacy is so insidious that now Asians are shooting each other.""
I saw someone claim it might be internalised racism. Of course, racism is never a factor when white people get shot

Meme - "ARTIFACTS iN BRITISH MUSEUMS *crowded and people seeing them*

Meme - Andrew Trask @iamtrask: "If you were dropped 2000 years back in time with nothing but the knowledge you have now - what would you do?"
Tim @TimothySnediker: "Easy, I would find and assassinate Jesus of Nazareth. FYI, anti-Semitic replies will be blocked and reported."
From a professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara

Berbère Télévision - Posts | Facebook - "Nordin Amrabat : « J'ai grandi dans une famille stricte. À la maison, le néerlandais, c'était interdit. Pour communiquer, c'était le tmazight et rien d'autre. »"
Les échecs de l'intégration, c'est la faute des sociétés occidentales !

Meme - Angela Belcamino @AngelaB...: "Was having the best date last night... everything was going perfect until I got up after dinner to use the bathroom and noticed he took me to a restaurant without gender-neutral bathrooms. I went out the back door and left.
To all those asking: yes, I peed in alley."

George Takei - Posts | Facebook - "Ballroom Dancer Sparks Debate After Showing Just How Dark She Makes Her Skin For Competitions "
"This tradition needs some serious reconsideration."
Comments: "So much for people who don't understand theater. Stop thinking everything is a racist act."
"I thought dancers darkened their skin for the same reason Broadway actors use dramatic, dark makeup: because the spotlights wash you right out…? Shouldn’t an actor know this…?"
"1) That level of tan is normal for ballroom competitions
2) It categorically did not "contain...a Black woman"."
"I’m pretty sure this woman doesn’t really care about the opinions of people who don’t understand the nuances of the sport. I don’t even know why this is news-worthy."
"Stage Actors, Dancers, beauty contestants, news anchors ALL darken their skin with makeup so they don't shine or washout under the bright lights. It has NOTHING to do with race."
"What saturated mop-head wrote this gobbledegook. Tan skin shows up on screens better and shows muscle/curvature with more definition. George needs to think about hiring adults if he’d like to be taken seriously."
"This is what you post when you run out of things to be offended about."
"In competitive ballroom dancing the judges can tell if you're using proper technique if they see your muscles engaging. If you're familiar with what Cuban motion if you know it's works every dang muscle in your core. Short answer they can tell if your phoning it in. That's why being able to see the muscles matter."
Of course, there were idiots too:
"So instead of allowing dancers of color to keep their natural advantage in this 1 arena they mandate light skin competitors to improve their skin. Interesting..."

Meme - BLACK COMIC LORDS @blac...: "These visuals [smdh]... blonde haired, blue eyed, super-soldier, wrapped in the American flag, putting the African icon of Black Excellence in his place. There are no words of how seeing this affects fans of this character. Particularly Black fans. When does this end @Marvel?" FallingOutsideNormalMoralCons... @FConstraints: "Fragile blackulinity"
Black fragility strikes again

Meme - FischerKing @FischerKing64: "It's popular now for people to elevate themselves by saying 'my ancestors did such and such, I'm ashamed.' This costs a person nothing. They are throwing their own ancestors under the bus to gain points in this depraved race towards false morality. Discount anyone who does this."

Meme - "Some reminders for you racists:
- 67% of black men have never been convicted of a felony
- 52% of black women don't have genital herpes
- 51% of black men aged 23 have never been arrested
- 23% of black children are born to married parents
- 58% of blacks are not on welfare"

Meme - "NY Times Best Seller: All Whites Are Racist"
*Brown man imagines white woman dominating him*
*Match with white woman on Tinder*
White woman crying: "PLEASE FoRGivE ME FoR BEING WHITE"

Social Justice Begins with Me (Equity and Women's Services) | ETFO Voice - "Social Justice Begins with Me (formerly We’re Erasing Prejudice for Good) is a new literature-based curriculum resource released at ETFO’s fall leadership conference... The resource also promotes the teaching of critical thinking and advocacy skills"
For elementary school, from 2011. We're still told that indoctrination is a right wing conspiracy. I wonder how much critical thinking that goes against social justice gospel will be allowed

Race, Gender and Liberal Fallacies: The Black Scholar: Vol 22, No 1-2 - "Implicit in these hearings was an overdue questioning of the legalistic, neo-Puritan and elitist model of gender relations promoted by the dominant school of American feminists. We must face certain stark sociological realities: in our increasingly female, work- centered world, most of our relationships, including intimate ones, are initiated in the workplace; gender relations especially new ones, are complex and invariably ambiguous; in our heterogeneous society, the perception of what constitutes proper and effective male- female relations varies across gender, class, ethnicity and region; and in keeping with our egalitarian ideals, we take pride in the fact that the WASP boss may legitimately desire or want to marry his or her Puerto Rican aide or chauffer. One revealing feature of these hearings is the startling realization that Judge Clarence Thomas might well have said what Prof. Anita Hill alleges and yet be the extraordinar- ily sensitive man his persuasive female defenders claimed. American feminists have no way of explaining this. They have correctly demanded a rigorously enforced protocol of gender relations in the workplace. But they have also demanded that same intimate bonding that men of power traditionally share, the exclusion from which has kept them below the glass ceiling. There is a seri- ous lacuna in the discourse, for we have failed to ask one fundamental question: how is non-erotic intimacy between men and women possible? Clarence Thomas emerged in the hearings as one of those rare men who, with one or two exceptions, has achieved both: in general, he rigorously enforced the formal rules of gender relations, and he had an admirable set of intimate, nonerotic relations with his female associates. And yet, tragically, there is his alleged failing with Professor Hill. How is this possible? While middle-class neo-Puritans ponder this question, the mass of the white working class and nearly all African Americans except their intellectually exhausted leaders have already come up with the answer. He may well have said what he is alleged to have said, but he did so as a man not unreasonably attracted to an aloof woman who is esthetically and socially very similar to himself, who had made no secret of her own deep admiration for him. Now to most American feminists, and to politicians manipulating the nations' lingering Puritan ideals, an obscenity is always an obscenity, an absolute offense against God and the moral order; to everyone else, including all professional social linguists and qualitative sociologists, an obscene expression whether in Chaucerian Britain or the American South, has to be understood in context, I am convinced that Professor Hill perfectly understood the psycho-cultural context in which Judge Thomas allegedly regaled her with his Rabelaisian humor (possibly as a way of affirming their common origins), which is precisely why she never filed a complaint against him. Raising the issue 10 years later was unfair and disingenuous: unfair because, while she may well have been offended by his coarseness, there is no evidence that she suffered any emotional or career damage, and the punishment she belatedly sought was in no way commensurate with the offense; and disingenuous because she has lifted a verbal style that carries only minor sanction in one subcultural context and thrown it in the overheated cultural arena of mainstream, neo-Puritan America, where it incurs professional extinction... The great achievement of these hearings, then, has been, first, to bring us to a greater awareness of the progress in racial and gender relations already achieved by this country. Second, superficial liberal stereotypes of blacks as victims or bootstrap heroes are seen for what they are: a new form of racism that finds it hard to imagine African Americans not asa monolithic group but, as several of the African American panelists on TV correctly informed the nation, a diverse aggregate of perhaps 30 million individuals, with all the class differences, subcultural and regional resources, strength, flaws and ideologies we find in other large populations. Finally, the hearings have also highlighted the need to go beyond mere legalistic protocol in gender relations at the workplace. If women are to break through the glass ceiling, they must escape the trap of neo-Puritan feminism with its reactionary sacralizaton of women's bodies, and along with men develop at the workplace something that America still conspicuously lacks: a civilized culture of intimate social intercourse between men and women that recognizes, and contains, the frailties of male and female passions"
From 1992, on the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill hearings.Sadly, over 30 years later, liberals have not resolved the problems with anti-racism and feminism the author pointed out

Meme - APStylebook @APStylebook: "We recommend avoiding general and often dehumaniging "the" labels such as the poor, the mentally ill, the French, the disabled, the college-educated. Instead, use wording such as people with mental illnesses. And use these descriptions only when clearly relevant."

US news agency AP backtracks after advising that writing 'the French' is 'dehumanizing' - "Science reporter Dan Robitszky asked the nagging question: "Man, what did people with French ever do to you?" Nothing, absolutely nothing, as confirmed by email by Lauren Easton, vice president of AP corporate communications. "The reference to 'the French,' as well as the reference to 'the college-educated,' is an effort to show that 'the' labels shouldn't be used for anyone, whether they are traditionally or stereotypically viewed as positive, negative or neutral"... Why did AP choose the French as an example? Let's reflect on this. Finding a nationality that offends nobody is not seem so easy. It could not have been a non-Western country, to avoid any suspicion of racism or colonialism; nor former enemies like the Germans, which would have been awkward; and the Poles or the Italians are too numerous in the United States. The French are perfect: they are official allies since Lafayette, under Louis XVI's France, and helped George Washington conquer American independence, but also eternal unconscious enemies, for multiple reasons detailed in Slate's 2011 article "Why Americans hate the French" (in French)"

Meme - French Embassy U.S. @franceintheus: "I guess this is us now..."
"Embassy of Frenchness"

Ivan Provorov Jersey Sells Out After Media Crucifies Him For Not Wearing A Pride-Themed Jersey - "Just a few short days after most in the mainstream media crucified Ivan Provorov, his Philadelphia Flyers’ jersey has officially sold out online at both the NHL Shop and Fanatics. Both websites are advertising their Provorov jerseys as ‘almost gone’ as the only men’s jerseys lefts are size extra-small. Provorov has dominated headlines throughout the week after deciding not to wear a Pride-themed jersey during warm-ups ahead of Philadelphia’s game against the Anaheim Ducks... ESPN’s Greg Wyshynski expressed his anger by pointing out that Provorov had worn military appreciation jerseys in the past, which he believes is a bad thing. He also labeled anyone not up in arms about Provorov choosing not to wear a jersey as “homophobes.”... Canadian news anchor Sid Seixeiro said the Flyers should be fined $1 million for Provorov’s decision and then went on to attack all religious people... NHL Network’s E.J. Hradek went on a patently absurd rant and suggested Provorov “get on a plane,” return to his home country of Russia, and “get involved” in the war with Ukraine."
When inclusion becomes compulsory. So much for the "myth" of the slippery slope. Maybe in the future, men who have never tried gay sex will be "homophobes"

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