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Thursday, February 09, 2023

Links - 9th February 2023 (2 - Meghan & Harry)

Prince Harry anticipated to deliver more broadsides at U.K. royals in TV interviews - "So far, there has been no comment from Buckingham Palace or anyone who speaks for the royal family, a stance that has been lauded by much of the British media as a dignified silence... Royal commentator Emily Andrews said that given Britain’s current cost of living crisis, there could be limited support for the complaints of a privileged prince residing in a mansion in California... “I think this is overkill, it becomes saturation point and people think ‘I don’t want to hear anymore: shut up, go away’.”"

Prince Harry attacks royal 'silence' after Jeremy Clarkson's Meghan column - "Prince Harry has accused the Royal Family of failing to defend his wife Meghan in the controversy over a Jeremy Clarkson newspaper column.  In an ITV interview, the Duke of Sussex said the "silence is deafening" about the "horrific" Sun article last month... Cooper asked the duke about comments he made in his memoir suggesting that Camilla would be "less dangerous" if she was happy.  Prince Harry said Camilla's need to "rehabilitate her image" and her "willingness" to forge relationships with the British press made her dangerous.  "And with a family built on hierarchy, and her on the way to being Queen Consort, there was going to be people or bodies left in the street because of that."... Cooper asked Prince Harry about claims he made in his memoir that unspecified members of the Royal Family were uneasy towards Meghan when she was first introduced to them.  Asked what that "mistrust" was based on, Prince Harry said: "The fact that she was American, an actress, divorced, black, bi-racial, with a black mother."
He knows that they have cottoned on to his game, so he needs to provoke them to help him continue his scam. Just because he has sold his dignity doesn't mean his family will do the same with theirs
Meghan has done so much to refute "stereotypes"

Prince Harry's 'direct strike' on Camilla has 'sealed his fate as a Royal Family outsider' - "Nile Gardiner, a Washington-based foreign policy expert and royal enthusiast, has been left shocked by the "direct strike" towards Camilla.  He warned these attacks will seal the Duke's fate as an "outsider" from the Royal Family while all but destroying the relationship between Harry, King Charles and the Queen Consort.  Mr Gardiner told Express.co.uk: "I was really taken aback by the level of vitriol put on paper towards Camilla.  "Clearly, there is a deep-seated resentment that he has towards Camilla but this is the first time he has publicly and directly attacked her."

King Charles is waiting for Harry and Meghan to 'destroy themselves', claims David Starkey - "Harry accused King Charles of saying untrue things when the late Queen gathered them together at Sandringham in January 2020 in a last-ditch attempt to solve the "Megxit crisis".  The Prince also claimed Prince William's office traded negative stories about him, despite promising never to do so... “With every passing day, I think with every desperate attempt at taking a little molehill of grievance and trying to turn it into a vast, vast Himalayas of resentment, they become less relevant." He claimed: “What I think Charles is doing is actually playing a rather clever long game. What I would guess he is doing is waiting for them to destroy themselves. So he doesn't actually need to do anything very dramatic. He's just letting events take their course, which I think is a very wise thing to do.”"

Piers Morgan slams Prince Harry after Duke defends royal family - "During the interview, Prince Harry admitted that the British royal family was not racist. Morgan, who had lost his job for criticizing Meghan Markle after her Oprah interview, said, "Never seen an unhappier ‘happy man’ in my life."  He said, "Prince Harry’s a bitter, delusional, paranoid, family-trashing halfwit exposing & exploiting the Royals’ most personal secrets for gazillions whilst wanging on with jaw-dropping hypocrisy about media intrusion. He’s pathetic.""

Has Prince Harry’s ‘Spare’ Changed Public Opinion of Him? - The New York Times - "In their prolonged campaign to tell their story — and to present themselves as victims of the British royal family, the tabloid press and critics and haters everywhere — Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, have in the last two years revealed their secrets to Oprah Winfrey, revealed them again to various sympathetic television interviewers, produced and starred in a six-part Netflix series and, in the case of Harry, appeared on the actor Dax Shepard’s podcast, “Armchair Expert.”  Now comes the prince’s multimillion-dollar ghostwritten memoir, “Spare.” Set for release Tuesday, it has been leaking out over the last few days, one eye-popping detail after the next... Harry and Meghan still have many sympathizers, particularly those who see the couple’s grievances through the lens of the racism Meghan encountered in Britain and who say that she — and Harry, once he married her — never stood a chance in such a stultified, reactionary institution as the monarchy.  But something has changed, judging from the response so far. Even in the United States, which has a soft spot for royals in exile and a generally higher tolerance than Britain does for redemptive stories about overcoming trauma and family dysfunction, there is a sense that there are only so many revelations the public can stomach. “Look, everyone has a family,” the television host Don Lemon declared on “CNN This Morning” last week. “I have arguments in my family. Am I going to put that out there for the whole world to see? I don’t understand why on earth he would want to put that out there. I know he’s selling a book, but to me it’s just …” (“Gauche,” he added later.)  Was it gauche, for instance, for Harry to accuse Prince William of pushing him to the floor while the two argued about Meghan, ripping Harry’s necklace and shattering a dog’s bowl whose shards then gouged his back? Or to describe how the brothers squabbled in front of their father after Prince Philip’s funeral? (“Please, boys, don’t make my final years a misery,” Charles is quoted as saying.) How about Harry’s account of how, high on mushrooms, he believed a garbage can was talking to him, or the passage about how Meghan offended Kate, the Princess of Wales, by boldly asking if she could borrow her lip gloss? It’s one thing to be criticized; it’s another to be openly ridiculed. It can’t be a great sign, for instance, that the Jimmy Kimmel show last week staged a re-enactment of the supposed argument in the kitchen that it called “Two Princes.” Set to a voice-over of an actor reading the passage in a plummy English accent, the skit featured two actors who were, bizarrely, each dressed as the musician Prince. On the other side of the Atlantic, four media personalities on the couch of the British show “This Morning” could barely keep it together last week as they discussed another revelation in the book, Harry’s account of the first time he had sex. “An older woman took his virginity and then, when the act of darkness had been completed, he lay on his front and she smacked his bottom,” said one, the writer and broadcaster Gyles Brandreth, to peals of laughter... Once they have exhausted the topic of themselves, what is left for them to talk about?  “It’s overload,” Schneider said. “There’s been a lot about them, and now there’s a lot more. While people’s fascination has always been pretty high, maybe there is a natural limit to that.” If he had been advising Harry and Meghan, said Howard Bragman, the chairman of the crisis-management firm La Brea Media, he would have impressed on them that there is only so much mileage you can get out of a finite amount of material.  “You have to realize that you can really only tell your story once,” Bragman said.  There is also the question of timing. Harry’s book is being published shortly after the death of his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth. Whatever you think of the monarchy, Elizabeth’s funeral gave the royal family the chance to showcase qualities like discretion, fortitude, an adherence to duty and tradition, and an aptitude for remaining publicly stoic in the face of private grief.  But Harry embodies the opposite of all that. With his revelations about private family conversations, his accounts of his anguish and unhappiness at the behavior of his father, stepmother and brother, especially in the wake of his mother’s death, and his eagerness to divulge un-regal details about topics like Meghan and Kate’s high-drama altercation over the bridesmaids’ dresses at his and Meghan’s wedding, he presents a stark contrast to William and, especially, to Kate, who in public have said exactly nothing about any of this. “It feels a little reality-television-y to me,” Bragman said of the Harry-and-Meghan media offensive. The couple, he added, “feel a little Trumpian, in that they seem like they can’t let a grudge go.”  Alas, even one of the queens of reality television, the former “Real Housewives of New York City” star Bethenny Frankel, believes that Harry and Meghan have finally said too much... “We’ve all just fallen down some wormhole where we will never be free of hearing every single detail of Prince Harry’s life and why he believes no one has ever had a worse life than his,” the former “View” co-host Meghan McCain said on Twitter. “This is never going to end. He’s never going to let us live!”"
When even Don Lemon is getting tired of the grievance mongering

Army veterans criticise Prince Harry’s claim he killed 25 Taliban in Afghanistan - "High-profile British veterans have criticised the Duke of Sussex’s claim he had killed 25 Taliban soldiers while serving with the British army in Afghanistan and warned the high-profile admission could increase the risk to his personal security.  The retired army veteran Col Tim Collins, best known for delivering a rousing speech before the start of the Iraq war in 2003, said the prince’s kill-count talk was crass and “we don’t do notches on the rifle butt”.  Others said Harry had appeared wrongly to dehumanise the insurgents by describing them as “chess pieces removed from the board”, while the Taliban accused the prince of committing war crimes on his tour a decade ago... The former soldier accused Harry of engaging in “a tragic moneymaking scam to fund the lifestyle he can’t afford” that, in a barely concealed sideswipe at his wife, Meghan, was something “someone else has chosen”. Other Afghanistan veterans questioned how far Harry could be sure of how many people he had killed. A former para said: “I’ve never heard anyone talk about kill counts, it’s crass and frankly cringeworthy. Taking a life is the most serious thing you can ever do on ops, serious people don’t talk it up as a game to shift a few books.”  While it is not uncommon for soldiers to watch back gun-cam footage to analyse how the mission had unfolded, the Afghan veteran added, “You can’t always tell who has been killed or injured. No one is going into a flattened building to check.”  A former British army commander in Afghanistan, retired Col Richard Kemp, said the comments may put the prince’s security at greater risk. Extremists who support the Taliban may now be “motivated to kill Harry” because of memories that have been “resurrected” by his comments... Harry is suing the UK government over a decision to withdraw taxpayer-funded royal protection for him and his family after he stepped back from royal duties in 2020. At one point in the legal battle, his lawyers said the prince “does not feel safe” when he is visiting the UK, after a string of threats and incidents, including from far-right extremists. There was unease at the comments from some British Muslims, including from those who have publicly supported Harry and Meghan in the past, but continued their support, at least for her."
Obviously all the veterans are lying
If he is killed by extremists, it'll all be the fault of the press and his family

Prince Harry erupts at 'disturbing lie' over Taliban killing 'boast' on primetime US TV - "Royal commentator Phil Dampier said: “Prince Harry has said in the past one of his major aims is to protect his family. Is it really wise for him to admit killing 25 Taliban in Afghanistan?  “Surely this is not the best way of doing that? It must make him more of a target. I have never known any other servicemen talk in such detail about these things in a theatre of war before.”... the royal defended himself by saying that his “words are not dangerous” but the spin on them is "very dangerous".  The Duke of Sussex added that "the last few days have been very hurtful and challenging"... The Duke of Sussex continued his attack on the press by accusing it of taking his comments out of context and publicising a “lie”... The father-of-two added that he decided to share such sensitive information in his book due to his experiences over nearly 20 years of working with veterans.  He concluded: “I think the most important thing is to be honest and to give space to others, to be able to share their experiences without any shame.  “My whole goal and attempt with sharing that detail is to reduce the number of suicides.”"

Harry has turned against military, says ex-commander - "A retired commanding officer has accused Prince Harry of "turning against" his military family after "having trashed his birth family"... Ex-colonel Tim Collins said that was "not how you behave in the army"... The ex-colonel, who gained worldwide fame for an eve-of battle speech to troops in Iraq, said: "Harry has now turned against the other family, the military, that once embraced him having trashed his birth family.  He accused Prince Harry of choosing an "alien" path and of "pursuing riches he does not need".  "In the end, I see only disappointment and misery in his pursuit of riches he does not need and his rejection of family and comradely love that he badly needs."... On referring to killed Taliban insurgents as chess pieces, Col Kemp said such comments could give "propaganda to the enemy"... Ben McBean, who lost an arm and a leg serving with the Royal Marines in Afghanistan and was described by Prince Harry as a hero after the pair met at several events, said the royal needed to "shut up".  He wrote on Twitter: "Love you #PrinceHarry but you need to shut up! Makes you wonder the people he's hanging around with.  "If it was good people somebody by now would have told him to stop."  Another serviceman still serving told the BBC Harry's comments were "very unsoldier-like".  And like many military personnel he said he had no interest in keeping count. More often it is those who write books who seem to take more of an interest in their kill statistics... Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he would not comment on the appropriateness of the prince's 25 kills claim"

Prince Harry’s ‘backpedalling’ over Taliban killcount claim shows Duke has ‘lost the plot’ - "he accused British journalists of "dangerous” misrepresentation of controversial remarks contained in his book, Spare, including comparing the people he shot to “chess pieces”.  Harry insisted: “Without a doubt, the most dangerous lie that they have told, is that I somehow boasted about the number of people I killed in Afghanistan.”... "The military community is pretty unanimous in its condemnation of his detailing of Taliban deaths, and it does come across as boasting I'm afraid.  “The chess pieces analogy just compounds his error.”  Mr Crawford explained: “You shouldn't disrespect your enemy, and you should certainly never disrespect the enemy's dead.  “It's just not what military people do. He's lost the plot.”"

Veterans question motive behind Prince Harry's 'healing' Taliban kill count admission - "the Prince claimed he killed 25 Taliban fighters while serving with the British Armed Forces, adding he disclosed the figures “for my own healing journey”. But high-profile serving and former soldiers have questioned his motives, raising concerns over what goal his disclosure hopes to serve... former soldier and SAS member Phil Campion, also known as 'Big Phil', wondered who the kill count was meant to help.  He asked whether the figure was included to "sell books" or as a "cry for help" from the Prince.  Mr Campion, a prominent campaigner for veteran mental health, said he couldn't see the need for the royal to shout it "at the top of his voice" and promote "his book with it".  He branded the moves "unedifying", adding he had never met anyone who has "known or talked about their number of kills”... Tobias Ellwood, the chairman of the Commons Defence Committee, raised concerns about the Invictus Games... Royal Navy chief Admiral Lord West shared the senior backbencher's worries.  He told the Sunday Mirror the Duke was "very stupid" for detailing his role in the Afghanistan war.  Admiral Lord West said there could be "serious security issues" at the games, due to take place in Dusseldorf this year, given their direct ties to the Prince."
So much for claiming that he spoke out to help veteran suicide

You can see why Harry dislikes the tabloid press – but they didn’t cause Diana’s death - "Harry was just wrong to tell Bradby that his mother’s death after a car crash in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in 1997 was caused directly by the paparazzi. They were indeed following the Mercedes limousine in which Diana, Princess of Wales and her companion Dodi Fayed were travelling at speed, but they were on motor scooters some way behind. The main reason for her death was that the chauffeur Henri Paul was high on drink and drugs, not having been expecting to work that day until his employer, Dodi’s father Mohamed Al Fayed, ordered him to take the couple across Paris in a powerful car which he had no experience of driving. Diana might have survived if she had worn her seat belt.  I was the Guardian’s European affairs editor in Brussels at the time and was ordered to Paris on the first train that morning to help the paper’s coverage. As I took a taxi from the Gare du Nord to the French capital’s Guardian office, the driver told me: “Only an idiot drives into that tunnel at that speed. It has a bend and a difficult camber. He must have been mad.” Five hours after the accident, a Parisian cabbie knew what a decade later it would take eight months for a British inquest (which I also covered) to decide. If Harry’s remarks in the ITV interview set a fresh wave of conspiracy theories going he will not have done a service to his mother’s memory. Does Buckingham Palace leak damaging stories? Well, there was a brief period 20 years ago when Harry’s beloved father allowed his adviser Mark Bolland aggressively to campaign for Camilla’s rehabilitation, but generally it’s hard to get any but the most anodyne information out of palace sources. You can’t just ring up King Charles or Prince William for a candid chat, on or off the record.  The tabloids do indeed cover the royals intensely and, actually, they mostly get their reporting right. They were the ones who first noticed the rift between Charles and Diana and indeed between the two brothers after Harry’s wedding to Meghan Markle – both of which were important stories and furthermore true. Would Harry rather return to the deference of the press in the 1930s, when it failed to report Edward VIII’s burgeoning love affair with Wallis Simpson until it was all but a fait accompli?... Harry seems unable to distinguish these nuances as he backs into the limelight. He appears to want public apologies and reconciliation while going about obtaining it in the way it is least likely to happen. Presumably until then he will be able to play victim. But how many more times will he be able to do it?"
When even the Guardian criticises you, you know you've jumped the shark

The Genuine Shock of That Prince Harry Frostbite Story | Vanity Fair - "the most genuinely jarring bits have been the corporeal candor that Prince Harry took in writing the book. Like when he addressed one rumor that I don’t recall ever reading—that Princess Diana did not want the boys to be circumcised. Turns out they are. So there’s another little fact to shout at the overworked orderly in the years hence. It’s a pretty stark diversion from the Windsor clan’s usually steadfast commitment to decorum... “I looked at Willy, really looked at him, perhaps for the first time since we were little, taking in every detail: his familiar scowl, which had always been the norm in his dealings with me.” William was balding, Harry noted, and it was more “advanced than mine.” That’s a great burn to levy between brothers. But then this: Harry noted that with the balding, William’s resemblance to their late mother had “faded.”  Harry’s brother was, in a way, unrecognizable to him. And what’s more horrifying than that? The person who is perhaps the only one who has access to what you went through—the struggles of the monarchy, having that father and those expectations, the tragedy of losing their mother—fading into something different, something more bald. William had aged out of the thing—his hair, and thus the resemblance—that had made him a bridge to what came before, and what’s worse, he’s Harry’s big brother.  These moments, first with the frostbite and then with the hairline, make it seem as though Harry’s masculinity, and more so his humanity, is at stake in the writing of Spare... Whether this is the intention or not, the duke has blanketed the internet, the television, the published word with his own stories about every single bit of himself, down to the most personal, physical matters."

Prince Harry says Diana would be 'heartbroken' over Royal Family rift - "Prince Harry said there had to be "accountability" before reconciliation... Prince Harry speaks about the traumatic legacy of his mother's death in a car accident in 1997 - but says Diana would now be sad to see the dispute between her sons, with Prince Harry seeing William as his "arch nemesis" as well as "beloved brother" and describing a physical altercation between them... He rejected that he had accused members of the Royal Family of racism in the Oprah interview, saying the "British press had said that".  Prince Harry made repeated criticisms of the tabloid press - saying that it was his "life's work" to change the media landscape."
Shame on him, making his mother heartbroken. Maybe he can be accountable once Meghan dumps him

Prince Harry claims he and Meghan Markle never alleged royals were racist on Oprah – here’s what Sussexes actually said - "Following the interview’s broadcast, the remarks about Archie’s skin colour were widely interpreted as allegations of racism by outlets on both sides of the Atlantic, including Vanity Fair, TIME Magazine, TMZ and The Guardian amongst others"
They must be the most misunderstood people in the world

Prince Harry discusses royal family in '60 Minutes,' ITV interviews - The Washington Post - "Harry said he is often asked in America, his new home, “How could you ever forgive your family for what they’ve done?” In Britain, the royal family may ask the same about Harry, who has broken the fourth wall of the royal soap opera and named the names of those he says have leaked against him, including his father, King Charles III and his wife Camilla, and his brother Prince William and his wife Catherine — and their PR teams... Bradby, who said he has been friends with Harry for 20 years, said on camera that Harry was burning his bridges and had deployed a flamethrower against the royal family."

Prince Harry discusses royal family in '60 Minutes,' ITV interviews - The Washington Post - "The latest polling, conducted by YouGov on Thursday and Friday, continues to find public support for the Sussexes shrinking. Just 23 percent of the British public have a positive view of Meghan, down from 49 percent in 2017, the year of their engagement. Support for Harry is at 26 percent, down from 81 percent in 2017."
Clearly, this is racist backlash from the public against them telling their truth

In memoir, Prince Harry said to claim infamous Nazi costume was William's idea - "“I phoned Willy and Kate, asked what they thought. Nazi uniform, they said,” Harry wrote, adding that when he went home and tried it on for them, “They both howled. Worse than Willy’s leotard outfit! Way more ridiculous! Which, again, was the point.” Page Six, citing Royal historian Robert Lacey, said that the incident marked a turning point for Harry’s relationship with William and the Royal family...   Harry’s decision to blame William for his Nazi costume was widely derided on the internet, with one commentator noting the irony of his “just following orders” defense."
When you can never take responsibility

Prince Harry's claim Wills and Kate involved in Nazi outfit branded 'bull****' - "a former royal aide, who helped to handle the fallout and spoke to Harry at length at the time, said: "I was there in the middle of all of that, at no point did Harry ever say that to me".  They added: "There was no mention to any advisers at the time that it was William and Kate’s idea or they thought it was hilariously funny.  "That recollection did not exist at the time, contemporaneously.” Another person, who attended the same party as Harry, has deemed Harry's claim as "bull****"."

Meghan, a woman who married a prince, carping on social injustice sums up 2022 - "the subjects of these films aren’t all universally loved paragons of virtue; Jacinda Ardern and Greta Thunberg, for example, are both politicians with very specific social and economic aims not necessarily shared by all. Here, they’re presented as sort of modern day saints and untouchable saviours of humanity. And while many like their ideologies and beliefs, many don’t. But "Live to Lead" won’t enlighten viewers much in relation to any of that.  Documentaries which present unquestioning, slushy versions of people’s lives have a limited appeal. The kitsch background music and trite quotations that make up these sorts of films are the hallmarks of the "documentary lite" genre that we see more and more of in today’s media marketplace — many thanks to Archewell productions.  That genre has more in common with propaganda films than with the layered, educational documentaries many love to watch on Netflix. The freedom of the streaming services is that they don’t have to pander to advertisers, so they can challenge holy cows. They’re free to ask difficult questions and highlight complex dilemmas. They can let their work sprawl over multiple episodes, leaving no question unasked. It’s disappointing, then, when they instead produce extended adverts for individuals, however worthy.  On the one hand, H and Megs are a weird choice to read the opening lines about how the series focuses on leaders following in Nelson Mandela’s inspirational footsteps to lead social change. Neither of them has done that. They’re famous for being rich and privileged, and facing no real societal problems of note. Sure, Meghan was upset by an advert for washing up liquid once as a child, but it isn’t quite the same thing as 20 years in prison... For Harry and Meghan it marks the moment they moved on, for now at least, from selling royal gossip.  But instead of being a positive step, it feels like a new career low: reading out the one sentence episode descriptions to the subjects of a plodding kids’ style documentary series is hardly thought leadership."

Almost half of Brits want Prince Harry stripped of title after Netflix show with Meghan - "44 percent of respondents say the Duke of Sussex should lose his title, compared to 32 percent who disagree. Some 24 percent did not know. Meanwhile, 44 percent said they had more sympathy with Prince William and Kate following the bombshell six-part series earlier this month, compared to just 17 percent for Harry and Meghan. And 23 percent of respondents to the survey of 1,672 adults carried out from December 20 to 21 said it had made them think worse of the Sussexes.  Only seven percent said it made them think better of the couple... “I’m not at all surprised that people have more sympathy for the Prince and Princess of Wales because they are doing the classic thing of being stoical.  "They are not complaining about Harry. “I think it is unlikely that the King will strip the Duke of Sussex of his title because then it looks like he and Prince William are doing the kind of things Harry and Meghan do. Their modus operandi is to be quiet and calm and not lash out.”  The polling also found 65 percent think Harry and Meghan chose to leave the Royal Family, compared to 11 percent who said they were forced out.  A majority - 53 percent - said the couple do not deserve an apology from the royals, while 19 percent said they did."

Harry told 'don't hold breath' over Coronation as 'betrayal backfires' - "royal biographer Angela Levin has warned the Duke that he shouldn’t “hold breath” for an invite after his recent comments that he wants to reconcile with his family but only if the royals accept “accountability”.  In her article, Ms Levin, who has met and interviewed Prince Harry, also claims that Harry’s betrayal has “backfired”. The royal expert added: “There are probably fewer people than he wanted feeling sorry for him”."

Harry not set for Coronation invite amid fears private talks will 'end up on paperback' - "Insiders previously said the King was warned to stop taking phone calls from his youngest son and to instead ask him to email his assistant any requests amid fears of recording devices for the Netflix series.  The concerns were proven to be rightly placed after the 38-year-old published the private text messages between Meghan Markle and the Princess of Wales about the row over bridesmaid’s dresses.  Harry's Megxit memoir 'Spare' also makes public a number of conversations between the Prince and his aunt, the Princess Royal, his father, and his brother... he prints the transcript of a telephone conversation with Charles, who had been informed that Queen Elizabeth was close to death... It has also been reported that Harry has “crossed Charles’ red line” after he attacked the Queen Consort, Camilla, by calling her a “villain” who was “in bed with the devil”, which is what he calls the press.  The Prince claimed that Camilla leaked stories to the press in order to improve her own image."
There goes the material for his next "memoir"

Harry may be suffering from 'second child syndrome' as expert speaks out on condition - "A friend of Prince William yesterday said he "could have a f****** field day" with the "s***" he has on the Duke of Sussex. A close friend of William branded Harry "outrageously disloyal" after William was "always there to pick up the pieces".  The friend said: "There’s so much stuff over the years that Harry has rung friends up about and said, ‘throw away that photo, promise you won’t speak about this’. You could have a f****** field day with s*** on Harry. So could William, who (in comparison) is as clean as a whistle. I can’t believe he’d stoop so low."  Another friend warned there is "so much we could say" about Prince Harry. He told the Times: “It’s strategically not clever. Harry is good at getting his narrative out there but we know so much, we’ve cleaned up so many messes over the years." Meanwhile, a close friend of the pair told the Sunday Times William will not retaliate because he is "dignified and incredibly loyal". He said: "It's cruel, cowardly and so sad for William to keep taking the punches. He's keeping quiet for the good of his family and the country."  The same friend adds that William is "burning" on the inside while another friend told the same publication that William is thinking strategically by following the example of his grandmother, Elizabeth II."

Meghan Markle stories saw Prince Harry so addicted to fixing narrative - "Prince Harry admitted he would look up stories written about wife Meghan Markle at the start of their relationship... he attributed his wife's miscarriage to an article written by the Daily Mail."
Early miscarriage: Is stress a factor? - Mayo Clinic - "While excessive stress isn't good for your overall health, there's no evidence that stress results in miscarriage."

Prince Harry's truth campaign backfires in US: 'Queen must be spinning in her grave' - "Up until now, polls have suggested Americans have been more sympathetic towards Meghan and Harry than their UK counterparts... she was less popular in America than her husband, Harry, as well as Prince William and Kate Middleton, the YouGov poll found. Kate Middleton was liked by 52 percent and disliked by nine percent, giving her a net approval of +43, 20 points higher than Meghan's.  Some royal commentators believe this gap has widened in the wake of Harry and Meghan's recent media ventures.  It is "striking" how tepid the US reaction has been to Meghan and Harry's six-part documentary Netflix series, foreign policy expert Nile Gardiner told Express.co.uk.  The Washington-based commentator said: "It is striking Meghan has had very little support from the woke liberal elites who haven't come out in force to defend her... "Americans have no time for her complaints against the British monarchy or complaints of being a victim."  He added the Royal Family remains hugely loved by Americans - a feeling that has steadily grown since the death of Queen Elizabeth II in September."

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