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Friday, February 10, 2023

Links - 10th February 2023 (1 - Guns)

Tougher Gun Laws, Fewer Gun Deaths - "in recent decades, "as states' strictness [on gun ownership] increased, their suicide and homicide rates decreased," lead author John Gunn said in a Rutgers University news release. He's a postdoctoral researcher at the Rutgers School of Public Health and New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center.  To assess the association between gun laws and suicide and homicide rates, the researchers analyzed data gathered nationwide from 1991 to 2017.  After accounting for gun ownership rates and other factors, the study found that the number of gun laws in a state was a significant predictor of suicide and murder rates."
Pro-gun people love to claim that gun control laws don't reduce gun deaths

States with the most gun violence share one trait - "All of those states with the highest gun death rates are among the ones with the highest gun ownership rates.    
Mississippi -- 50% of adults live in a household with a gun.
    Louisiana -- 48%.
    Wyoming -- 59%.
    Missouri -- 48%.
    Alabama -- 50%.
    Alaska -- 59%
Where there are fewer guns, there are fewer gun deaths...  with the exception of Louisiana, the states with the highest gun death rates and highest gun ownership rates are among the states Everytown says have the most lax gun laws."

frontline: hot guns: "How Criminals Get Guns" - "most guns used in crimes are not stolen out of private gun owners' homes and cars. "Stolen guns account for only about 10% to 15% of guns used in crimes," Wachtel said. Because when they want guns they want them immediately the wait is usually too long for a weapon to be stolen and find its way to a criminal.  In fact, there are a number of sources that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands, with gun thefts at the bottom of the list. Wachtel says one of the most common ways criminals get guns is through straw purchase sales. A straw purchase occurs when someone who may not legally acquire a firearm, or who wants to do so anonymously, has a companion buy it on their behalf... The next biggest source of illegal gun transactions where criminals get guns are sales made by legally licensed but corrupt at-home and commercial gun dealers"

California animal shelter to require those adopting pets to support gun restrictions - "The Shelter Hope Pet Shop in Thousand Oaks, Calif., announced at the end of May that it had added the question, “Where do you stand on gun control?” to its standard adoption interview for potential pet owners. “We believe that if we can make our voices heard on how we feel we can make an impact. We do not support those who believe that the 2nd amendment gives them the right to buy assault weapons,” Shelter Hope Pet Shop owner Kim Sill wrote on the organization’s website. “If your beliefs are not in line with ours, we will not adopt a pet to you.”... “If you lie about being a [National Rifle Association] supporter, make no mistake, we will sue you for fraud,” Sill wrote.  The owner told NBC News that a number of the shelter’s donors are Republicans and have threatened that they will cut off financial support if she doesn’t remove the interview question about gun control. "
Clearly anyone who disagrees with liberal gospel is not a decent human being and is definitely an animal abuser
Too bad for all the animals who will be put down because they can't be adopted due to this

Georgia woman fires gun at McDonald's after getting cold fries: reports - "the woman involved with the incident is 27-year-old Lillian Shantel Tarver"
Clearly they need more guns, so other people could have shot her

How Often Do Police Stop Active Shooters? - The New York Times - "  Most attacks captured in the data were already over before law enforcement arrived. People at the scene did intervene, sometimes shooting the attackers, but typically physically subduing them. But in about half of all cases, the attackers commited suicide or simply stopped shooting and fled.  “It’s direct, indisputable, empirical evidence that this kind of common claim that ‘the only thing that stops a bad guy with the gun is a good guy with the gun’ is wrong,” said Adam Lankford, a professor at the University of Alabama, who has studied mass shootings for more than a decade. “It’s demonstrably false, because often they are stopping themselves.”...   “There’s not a lot that can be done to stop someone in the opening seconds of harming a significant number of people”... In the wake of deadly shootings, gun rights advocates often push to arm more people, citing prominent examples where a “good guy with a gun” stopped a “bad guy.”...   But armed bystanders shooting attackers was not common in the data — 22 cases out of 433. In 10 of those, the “good guy” was a security guard or an off-duty police officer.  “The actual data show that some of these kind of heroic, Hollywood moments of armed citizens taking out active shooters are just extraordinarily rare,” Mr. Lankford said.  In fact, having more than one armed person at the scene who is not a member of law enforcement can create confusion and carry dire risks. An armed bystander who shot and killed an attacker in 2021 in Arvada, Colo., was himself shot and killed by the police, who mistook him for the gunman.  It was twice as common for bystanders to physically subdue the attackers, often by tackling or striking them... In more than a quarter of episodes, the attackers ended the shootings by turning the guns on themselves."
Gun nuts will just claim that this is proof even more guns are needed, so the "bad guys" can be shot by "good guys"
Presumably the gun nut logic is when attackers see someone else's gun they kill themselves

All Active Attacks - ALERRT Active Attack Data - "The attacker’s race roughly follows the racial distribution of the United States population. There were 236 Caucasian attackers (51%). This is followed by 129 African American attackers (28%)."

Giving a Firearm as a Gift? Some Reminders from NSSF - "There’s no law that prohibits a gift of a firearm to a relative or friend who lives in your home state" Some gun nut claimed that 93% of criminals that commit crimes with guns didn't get them legally, and I've seen this claim many times before. It seems to come from a misinterpretation of 2016 DOJ statistics that "Among prisoners who possessed a firearm during the offense for which they were imprisoned, 7% of state... prisoners serving a sentence in 2016 bought or traded for the firearm from a gun shop or gun store". It's weird how so many gun nuts don't know about gun laws

Study Finds Link Between Antidepressants, Violent Crime - "For the study, researchers used data from the Swedish Prescribed Drug Register and the Swedish national crime register. This allowed them to track 856,493 people (10.9% of the Swedish population) who were prescribed SSRIs between 2006 and 2009...  One percent of people prescribed SSRIs were convicted of a violent crime during the study period. This figure, researchers say, is a 19% increase in the risk of violent crime compared to people not currently taking SSRIs...   Researchers did not look for a causal link between SSRIs and violence. Correlation does not always mean causation. The study’s authors point out that people who are willing to take SSRIs may be more likely to behave impulsively or that taking an SSRI may increase the odds of a criminal conviction, but not of criminal behavior. The study’s authors did not control for factors such as substance abuse or severity of symptoms. This might mean that people take SSRIs when their symptoms are the most severe, or that providers more frequently prescribe SSRIs to people with substance abuse issues."
So much for the gun nut claim that SSRIs explain mass shootings. Besides which, this assumes that without SSRIs they wouldn't have committed violent crimes - for all we know they would've committed even more, so SSRIs actually reduce violent crime

 City Dashboard: Murder and Gun Homicide - "2020 gun homicides. Rate per 100,000 people
1. Jackson, MS
2. Gary, IN
3. St Louis, MO
4. New Orleans, LA
5. Memphis, TN
6. Baltimore, MD
7. Detroit, MI
8. Baton Rouge, LA
9. Flint, MI
10. Wilmington, DE
11. Trenton, NJ
12. Cleveland, OH
13. North Charleston, SC
14. Shreveport, LA
15. Pittsburgh, PA
16. Milwaukee, WI"
This won't stop the gun nuts from going on about how the cities with the most gun crime are the ones with strict gun control. But we know many Americans don't understand the difference between per capita rates and totals

Mom: Daughter mistaken for intruder by father, fatally shot - "A man fatally shot his 16-year-old daughter in the family's Columbus home after he mistook her for an intruder... the father had shot at someone he thought was breaking into the house after the security system was activated... the father asks his daughter what she was doing, and both parents beg for the girl, Janae Hairston, to wake up."
Gun nuts complain that examples of defensive gun use are ignored, but they always ignore this kind of fuckup. Since they love to "defend themselves"...

Keith Olbermann on Twitter - "It has become necessary to dissolve the Supreme Court of the United States. The first step is for a state the "court" has now forced guns upon, to ignore this ruling. Great. You're a court? Why and how do think you can enforce your rulings? #IgnoreTheCourt"
Clearly courts only exist to push the liberal agenda. When liberals say no one is above the law, they mean the law must be used to push liberal ends

Meme - Anajah Carter: "This a major step in the right direction for this country! Now we need to impeach some of these Supreme Court justices!"
"House approves gun bill, which heads to Biden for his signature The measure is the biggest breakthrough in gun violence legislation in 30 years, despite its modest nature"
Issuing a ruling liberals don't like is an impeachable offence

If you need a laugh, watch these gun-control activists who've "done their research" explain what an "assault weapon" is 😂 - "Something that's automatic. To where you can just put in a clip and it just runs and runs and runs and runs"

Lavern Spicer🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 onTwitter - "How did Shinzo Abe get assassinated when guns are banned in Japan? Liberals, care to explain?"
PoliticOhMyGawd on Twitter - "The Too Early To Politicize A Gun Death Lady has joined the chat."
Adam on Twitter - "Let's get rid of turn signals, stop slights, airbags, seatbelts, and blind spot monitors because they don't stop every traffic fatality."
This all or nothing fallacy is beloved by extremists. Making murder illegal doesn't result in 0 murders, since criminals will always murder. So we should legalise murder

Guns, Crime and Brazil’s Tumbling Murder Rate - WSJ - "In “More Legal Guns Reduced Crime in Brazil” (op-ed, June 27), John Lott Jr. suggests that loosening gun restrictions in Brazil has led to a precipitous drop in the murder rate. This headline and story imply a causative relationship between the Bolsonaro policy changes and the drop in homicides.  Reforms made prior to President Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency (such as better law-enforcement coordination) are much more likely to be the cause of the decline in the past 20 years. In fact, the biggest declines in the murder rate occurred before Mr. Bolsonaro reached office.  Research in Population Health Metrics persuasively finds that much of the decline before 2017 can be attributed to weapons-collections programs begun in 2003. The parts of the country that removed guns from the streets in these collection programs actually saw fewer firearms deaths. To suggest that dropping homicide rates from the past few years can be attributed to Mr. Bolsonaro’s gun policies belies nearly 20 years of evidence to the contrary"
"According to various press reports, some of the Brazilian states have instituted a comprehensive program of police reforms including better data collection, crime mapping, police training and coordination of military and civil forces. Policy focuses on violent criminal gangs. Also, restrictions on late-night sales of alcohol are being used.  In short, Brazil is using policies known to work."

Why the anti-tyranny case for the 2nd Amendment shouldn't be dismissed so quickly - "When the proposed Constitution was before the people for ratification, many anti-Federalists worried that the new government would be too powerful, and could become tyrannical. In Federalist No. 46, James Madison reassured the public that the many checks and balances in the Constitution — the separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, for example — made it very unlikely that a tyrant could seize power. If a tyrant did, he would speedily be deposed by the state governments, who would lead the armed people in the militias... Madison was following a long tradition in Western Christian thought that the best leaders of resistance to tyranny were "intermediate magistrates" — such as local governments and their officials.  The founders rejected the notion that individuals or some group could use armed force just because they did not like a particular law. In fact, they believed quite the opposite: The Constitution specifically empowers Congress "[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions."... In the 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller, all nine Justices agreed that the amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms for service in the militia. (The justices disagreed about whether the right includes other purposes, such as personal self-defense or hunting.)...   Democratic Vice President and Minnesota Sen. Hubert Humphrey, the congressional leader of the civil rights movement, expressed a similar sentiment nearly two centuries later. For three decades after World War II, he was the embodiment of a liberal Democrat...   In the summer of 1965 about 20 black army veterans in Jonesboro, Louisiana, founded an armed community defense patrol, "Deacons for Defense and Justice." Inspired by visible public presence of boldly armed men, black attitudes in Jonesboro began to change. Black housekeepers stopped accepting racial taunts, and quit if the taunts continued. "Armed Negroes Make Jonesboro Unusual Town," was the headline of a New York Times article on Jonesboro, on February 21, 1965. The Deacons model spread to other Klan heartlands, and was able to overturn Klan power with scarcely a shot fired.  In June 1966, after the attempted murder of civil rights leader James Meredith, major civil rights organizations banded together to continue the "Meredith March against Fear," from Memphis, Tennessee, to Jackson, Mississippi. With Martin Luther King’s consent, armed security was provided the entire way by the Deacons for Defense. As the Deacons example demonstrates, resistance to tyranny does not have to rise to the level of state militias attempting to oust a national dictator. Sometimes, the simple, lawful of carrying firearms for defense of self and others may be all that is needed to safeguard the exercise of other rights, such as free speech.   But hotheads who try to make political statements by armed displays often do not help their cause. Such was the case of the American Indian Movement’s takeover of the Wounded Knee, South Dakota, reservation in 1973, or the 2016 takeover of an unoccupied building at a federal wildlife reserve in eastern Oregon. Arms should be a last resort, not a publicity tactic."
So much for the delusion that any government passing laws that one doesn't like is tyrannical
Ironically, gun nuts' claims are self defeating. They claim that they need guns to overthrow a tyrannical government, but they also claim all gun laws are unconstitutional, i.e. they're imposed by a tyrannical government. Yet they haven't tried to overthrow their government yet
Maybe for the US Civil War, the South should've attacked the North to overthrow its tyrannical government instead of seceding
Liberals tell us that if black people have guns, suddenly white people will support disarming the population. Weird how that didn't happen even in 1965 Louisiana
Some pro-gun people claim that well-regulated had a different meaning in the 18th century. Yet they ignore the context of their Second Amendment to pretend that randos larping as a militia meet it. And they also refuse to understand what their founders meant by "Democracy" and insist their country isn't a Democracy but a Republic

Daily update Whether gun laws are an infringement | Facebook
One of many examples of the gun nuts who claim all gun laws are unconstitutional

Meme - Liberal woman: "Nobody needs an AR-15!!"
Man: "THIS oNE Looks FERTILE! I'LL CHoose YoU!"
Handmaid: "I wish I had an AR-15"
If even gun nuts don't rise up against their tyrannical governments, why would liberals?

There is no constitutional reason to oppose gun laws (no matter what Republicans say) - "Like virtually every right and prohibition in the Constitution, the Second Amendment is subject to legislation that defines and regulates its application.  In 1939’s U.S. v. Miller, the Supreme Court decided that the “obvious purpose” of the Second Amendment was to “assure the continuation and render possible the effectiveness of” state militias and “must be interpreted and applied” narrowly in that context. This was effectively nullified by a 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which held that the Second Amendment confers on an individual the right to possess firearms unrelated to service in a state militia. Even so, a subsequent ruling in 2010, McDonald v. Chicago, kept the door open to commonsense gun laws, including state and federal laws prohibiting felons and the mentally ill from possessing firearms and regulations prohibiting firearms inside public schools.  In effect, the current Supreme Court position is that while the Second Amendment confers a foundational right, that right is not absolute... We need especially to examine our widespread misunderstanding of freedom as an individual “privilege” rather than a collective right and responsibility. My right to own a gun must not be purchased with your life, your child’s life or the life of your child’s grandparent.  For me, the Constitution is sacred. But I also believe in a much older text, and what comes to my mind in the aftermath of the slaughter of the innocent lives in a small Texas town is this Bible verse from 2 Corinthians: “the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” We must stop weaponizing the letter of the Second Amendment and instead embrace its spirit, which is one of protection and defense, not just of the self but of the community and the nation. "
Many gun nuts claim all gun control is unconstitutional. Clearly the constitution gives unconditional rights and the First Amendment means defamation suits are unconstitutional so Johnny Depp better not rejoice since clearly Amber Heard can argue that she can't be sued for defamation

Arlene Alvarez: Grand jury declines to indict man accused of killing 9-year-old girl while shooting at armed robber - "A grand jury in Harris County, Texas, on Tuesday declined to indict a man who allegedly killed 9-year-old Arlene Alvarez while shooting at an armed robber... Tony Earls and his wife drove to a drive-thru ATM to deposit some cash and a check, according to the district attorney's office. A man then ran up and put a gun in the wife's face and demanded their money, car keys and her wallet, the prosecutor's office said.  The couple initially complied with the robber, handing over the check, cash and wallet, before the robber started to run away, the office said. Earls, who stepped out of the vehicle, said he heard gunshots and believed he was being shot at, so he shot at the robber... However, he ended up striking a truck that happened to be driving by at the same time, killing 9-year-old Arlene Alvarez in the backseat"
I didn't see any gun lovers talking about this at all, only gushing about Elisjsha Dicken's killing of Douglas Sapirman (which happened at around the same time) - after he had already killed 2 and wounded 2 others - since they need to pretend that "good guys with guns" are THE solution to the US's gun problem

Here's what we know about the armed bystander who killed the shooter at an Indiana mall - "Making Dicken's heroism perhaps even more remarkable is the fact cases of an armed bystander attacking an active shooter are rare, according to data from the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training at Texas State University.  There were at least 434 active shooter attacks in the U.S. from 2000 to 2021, according to ALERRT data. Active shooter attacks were defined as those in which one or more shooters killed or attempted to kill multiple unrelated people in a populated place.  Of those 434 active shooter cases, an armed bystander shot the attacker in 22 of the incidents. In 10 of those, the "good guy" was a security guard or an off-duty police officer, ALERRT data showed.  Having armed people at the scene who are not law enforcement members can create confusion and carry dire risks, according to a data analysis published by The New York Times. An armed bystander who shot and killed an attacker in 2021 in Arvada, Colorado, for example, was himself shot and killed by the police who mistook him for the gunman"
Of course gun lovers cite the bogus defensive gun use numbers to claim that "good guys with guns" are way more effective than this, since just seeing someone else's gun terrifies criminals who then don't commit crimes even if the guns are never fired. Maybe the solution is to give everyone a realistic-looking fake gun to deter all these criminals

Oregon Shooting: The Myth of the Good Guy With the Gun - "The FBI tells us that active-shooter scenarios occur in all sorts of environments where guns are allowed—homes, businesses, outdoor spaces... Umpqua Community College itself wasn’t a gun-free zone. Oregon is one of seven states that allow guns on college campuses...   John Parker Jr., an Umpqua student and Air Force veteran, told multiple media outlets that he was armed and on campus at the time of the attack last week. Parker and other student veterans (perhaps also armed) thought about intervening. “Luckily we made the choice not to get involved,” Parker told MSNBC. “We were quite a distance away from the actual building where it was happening, which could have opened us up to being potential targets ourselves.”... Parker is just one of many armed civilians who have been present or proximal to a mass shooting but was unable to stop it. The canard of the armed civilian mass-shooting hero is perpetuated by exaggerations and half-truths.  There’s the story of Joel Myrick, an assistant principal who “stopped” a shooting at Pearl High School—but only after it was already over and the shooter was leaving.  There’s the story of James Strand, the armed banquet-hall proprietor who “stopped” a shooting at a school dance he was hosting—but only after the student gunman had exhausted all of his ammunition.  There’s Nick Meli, a shopper who drew his weapon in self-defense during an attack at Clackamas Mall—but Meli’s story has changed repeatedly, and local police say that his role in causing the shooter’s suicide is “inconclusive” and “speculation.”  There’s Mark Kram, who shot a gunman fleeing on a bicycle from the scene of a shooting. Kram also ran down the gunman with a car. There’s Joe Zamudio, who came running to help when he heard the gunfire that injured Gabby Giffords and killed six others in Tucson. But by the time Zamudio was on the scene, unarmed civilians had already tackled and disarmed the perpetrator. Zamudio later said that, in his confusion, he was within seconds of shooting the wrong person.  There’s Joseph Robert Wilcox, who drew his concealed handgun in a Las Vegas Walmart to confront gunmen who had executed police officers nearby. Wilcox was himself killed by one of the two assailants, both of whom then engaged police in a firefight... The NRA points to phone surveys from the 1990s that suggest Americans might use their guns defensively millions of times every year, though even the most charitable efforts to actually document such incidents come up with fewer than 2,000 per year. We’re told that defensive gun use is difficult to document, because guns are such an effective deterrent that—without firing a shot—the mere presence of a weapon can prevent a crime.   I asked Dr. Peter Langman, a clinical psychologist and author of the book School Shooters: Understanding High School, College, and Adult Perpetrators, whether the presence of guns is a factor rampage shooters consider when they plan their attacks.  “I don’t think it is. Many of these shooters intend to die, either by their own hand or by suicide by cop. There was an armed guard at Columbine. There were armed campus police at Virginia Tech. The presence of armed security does not seem to be a deterrent,” Langman said. “Because they’re not trying to get away with it. They’re going in essentially on a suicide mission.”  Langman points out another reason shooters might attack places like schools, theaters and churches. It’s not the absence of guns, but rather the abundance of victims. “If you’re going to do an act like this, you need a certain number of people in one space.”... who knows? Maybe it will work. Just because no armed civilian has ever actually stopped a school shooting doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. If you put enough guns in the hands of enough students and professors and teachers and administrators and groundskeepers and janitors, one of them is bound to bag a bad guy eventually. Here’s the problem, though: You’re more likely to get shot by an ordinary gun owner who loses his temper than by a mass murderer. And when you arm everybody, you surround yourself with a lot more ordinary gun owners, each in possession of an immediately accessible weapon and a full range of human emotions... the most common known circumstance for gun homicide is “arguments.” The number of people shot to death last year in arguments not during the commission of a felony (1,759) dwarfs the number shot to death in gang violence (667) and the number shot to death in drug trafficking (298)—combined. These are arguments over things like radio-controlled-car races, candy, inheritance of a tractor and road rage. What do you suppose will happen when we add to that milieu armed confrontations over grades, hazing and college breakups?... Sheriff John Hanlin also posted a video on Facebook that called the Newtown shootings a hoax. (In a sick irony, he is now contending with conspiracy theorists that call his own local tragedy a hoax.)... The hospital that treated the Umpqua victims received an unexpected gift from Louisiana—ten pizzas ordered by a hospital in Lafayette, where victims of another mass shooting had been treated over the summer. This is apparently a new tradition among American hospitals, welcoming each other to the mass shooting club."

How the ‘good guy with a gun’ became a deadly American fantasy - "“the good guy with the gun” archetype dates to long before LaPierre’s 2012 press conference.  There’s a reason his words resonated so deeply. He had tapped into a uniquely American archetype, one whose origins I trace back to American pulp crime fiction in my book “Hard-Boiled Crime Fiction and the Decline of Moral Authority.”... In pulp fiction, the detectives never miss. Their timing is precise and their motives are irreproachable. They never accidentally shoot themselves or an innocent bystander. Rarely are they mentally unstable or blinded by rage. When they clash with the police, it’s often because they’re doing the police’s job better than the police can...   Most gun enthusiasts don’t measure up to the fictional ideal of the steady, righteous and sure shot.  In fact, research has shown that gun-toting independence unleashes much more chaos and carnage than heroism. A 2017 National Bureau of Economic Research study revealed that right-to-carry laws increase, rather than decrease, violent crime. Higher rates of gun ownership is correlated with higher homicide rates. Gun possession is correlated with increased road rage.  There have been times when a civilian with a gun successfully intervened in a shooting, but these instances are rare. Those who carry guns often have their own guns used against them. And a civilian with a gun is more likely to be killed than to kill an attacker.  Even in instances where a person is paid to stand guard with a gun, there’s no guarantee that he’ll fulfill this duty."

Father arrested after ordering son, 4, to shoot at officers in McDonald's drive-thru, police say - "A man was arrested Monday after ordering his 4-year-old son to shoot at Utah police officers in a McDonald's drive-thru during an incident that began over an incorrect order"
Obviously the solution is to arm McDonald's staff so they can shoot back

Florida Burger King employee Shateasha Hicks shoots customer who threw mayo at her - "Shateasha Hicks, 30, was arrested Thursday and charged with discharging a firearm in public after the incident at the Miami Gardens fast-food joint... Hicks’ aunt claimed her niece was defending herself."

What Do Most Mass Shooters Have in Common? They Bought Their Guns Legally. - The New York Times - "From 1966 to 2019, 77 percent of mass shooters obtained the weapons they used in their crimes through legal purchases"
Gun nuts claim that criminals will always be able to get guns. Weird how the majority of mass shooters prefer to get their guns legally, then. Apparently regulation and bureaucracy are not significant barriers. So much for the free market. Then again, some of the gun nuts claim the mass shooters are all FBI false flags, so presumably that's why the latter want to discredit the legal market

Local man runs in-home gun store
Some gun nuts claimed that people can't sell guns from their houses when there're shelves and cases and a man standing behind the counter. Yet here is a photo from a home-based gun seller with guns on shelves in a case. In the background you can see guns mounted on the wall on a rack. You can get a better picture of his guns in a rack. And in this photo you can see that there is a lot of space behind the case, and more goods to the side and rear of the space behind the case, meaning that the case serves as a counter

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