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Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Links - 7th February 2023 (1 - General Wokeness: 'Whiteness')

Nurse sues NHS for ‘forcing racist ideology’ on students - "Amy Gallagher, 33, is suing the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust alleging discrimination on the basis of race, religion and philosophical belief, as well as victimisation and harassment.  The mental health nurse, who is in the final stages of a two-year course in forensic psychology at the trust, objected to a lecture titled “whiteness – a problem of our time” in Oct 2020, where attendees were forced to confront “the reality of white privilege”.  In another race lecture the following month, Ms Gallagher claimed she was told that “Christianity is racist because it is European” by a talk leader.   The case escalated in March this year when an external speaker at the trust complained to the Nursing and Midwifery Council, alleging that Ms Gallagher could not work with “diverse populations" and had "inflicted race-based harm"... Dr Anna Loutfi, a barrister and head of legal at the Bad Law Project, said: “The ‘lack of belief’ draws attention to something that people are not talking about in the free speech world in the West, which I think is covered by the Equality Act under lack of belief, which is you have the right not to be forced to sign up a set of values or ideology with which you do not agree.  “It’s quite one thing to censor somebody for wanting to say things that people find objectionable or offensive, but it’s really another thing substantively to force somebody to articulate a view that they do not hold, as if they hold it. That is what has happened to Amy.”" Norway funds research to find out if white paint is racist - "Is white paint racist? Norway’s University of Bergen is exploring that question, asking how the aesthetic of white paint helped the nation contribute to white supremacy and helped “[make] the world whiter.”  “Whiteness is not only a cultural and societal condition tied to skin color, privileges, and systematic exclusion, but materialize everywhere around us,” a rundown of the study read.   “Although Norway is not a conventional colonial power, this project will show how the country has played a globally leading role in establishing white as a superior color,” it said. “Until now, however, this story has been lesser known to scholars and the public.”  The study on whiteness and paint, dubbed NorWhite, observes the Norwegian-developed paint pigment titanium white through “historical, aesthetic, and critical” lenses to determine how the development of the color contributed to “social transformation” as well as how the innovation led to “planetary consequences.”... The Research Council of Norway, a government agency, is funding the study by University of Bergen associate professor and historian Ingrid Halland through a grant of 12 million Norwegian Krone (about $1.2 million US) to explore the paint color’s historical legacy, its origins in Norway, and features images of several of the nation’s buildings plastered in the color...   The University of Bergen study is only the latest example of higher education making “whiteness” a focus.  In the United States last year, Los Angeles Public Schools enforced the idea that “merit” and “individualism” were concepts originating from “whiteness” and must be questioned.  Fox News Digital obtained documents from government watchdog group Judicial Watch last year indicating the United States Military Academy at West Point was also among the institutions taking hits at “whiteness” last year with its critical race theory-based curriculum." No wonder taxes are so high there CNN blasted for article claiming 'Whiteness' will expand to be 'tan' in a more diverse America - "CNN faced scrutiny over the weekend after it published an analysis article claiming it was a "myth" that White supremacy would fade away as America became more diverse.   In the Saturday article, CNN Enterprise writer John Blake argued that "Whiteness" was elastic and that as the population became more diverse, as seen in the 2020 U.S. census report, White supremacy would adapt because being White could expand to incorporate new members, "if they have the right look." " Anything that stands in the way of the liberal agenda is "whiteness" and "white supremacy" The John Blake article is "White supremacy, with a tan" Bishop Talbert Swan on Twitter - "Whiteness is an unrelenting, demonic, force of evil." To understand China you need to understand whiteness, yet it's missing from the conversation - "In some ways, Xi's China may represent the end of whiteness. Except that the Chinese Communist Party itself mirrors whiteness... The Chinese Communist Party has a deep racial consciousness. It is there in the reminder to its people never to forget the hundred years of humiliation at the hands of foreign powers — of white powers.  Yes, that humiliation was at the hands of the Japanese, too, but the Japanese themselves cannot be separated from the project of whiteness." Whiteness = success Meme - "No one castigates an entire group of people for immutable traits - basically renders them with sin that can't be washed away - unless they're prepping people for violence. Listen to the anger when people speak of "whiteness." Mistake not to take it seriously."

Nick Freitas on Twitter - "The notion of “freedom” was historically and remains intertwined with Whiteness, as historian Tyler Stovall has argued. The belief that one is entitled to freedom is a key component of white supremacy."
"I’ve said it before and I'll say it again. “Democracy Dies In Darkness” isn’t a warning from the Washington Post, it’s their mission statement" There’s some truth in those bizarre charts about ‘whiteness’ - "valuing “the nuclear family,” or “objective, rational, linear thinking,” were both dangerous symptoms of “Whiteness.”... The New York Times reports on one anti-racist seminar where the instructor “expounded that white culture is obsessed with ‘mechanical time’ — clock time — and punishes students for lateness.” So being on time is white now.  It’s reasonable to laugh and also to be startled by what these claims imply about black and Hispanic children. But it’s also worth trying to understand these arguments on their own terms because they have grains of truth.  For one thing, we should understand that cultural values are a real thing and that in a multicultural society, you’ll end up with at least subtly clashing values.   There is no doubt that different cultures have different ideas of what’s “on time.” After years of being told we can’t generalize about culture or ethnicity, you’re probably afraid to admit it, but that’s the way it is. My wife and I once attended my cousin’s wedding in Puerto Rico, and cognizant of “Island Time,” we didn’t show up our standard 15 minutes early, as we would have for a once-in-a-lifetime event such as a wedding or a funeral. We showed up about five minutes early. Everyone who arrived at the scheduled time was an off-islander. The wedding started about 45 minutes late, and most of the guests seemed totally unfazed by that.  In fact, a surprising number of formal studies have shown how much culture determines one’s perception of time... All white people are too centered in the nuclear family? JD Vance in Hillbilly Elegy writes of how his family’s life in rural Kentucky was hardly about nuclear families isolated in a home — in-laws, siblings, grandparents, nieces, and nephews were a constant presence.  The Smithsonian poster asserts that white people value two to three kids and believe every child should have their own room? Have they heard of Irish Catholics? Or Mormons? It wasn’t even a decade ago that the Washington Post’s religion columnist was blasting very white Republicans such as Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum for the uncouthness of their “family photos, with members of their respective broods spilling out to the margin…”   One problem with these supposedly anti-racist definitions of whiteness is that they seem to confuse the attitudes of Swiss Bankers (very timely, do not share their emotions) with those of all white people. They also ignore that black Americans come from vastly different backgrounds (African Americans from the rural South, African Americans from northern cities, West African immigrants, Kenyan immigrants, immigrants from the West Indies, and many more).  Despite all these failings, we shouldn’t blow off the suggestion that different cultures have different understandings and expectations when it comes to work ethics, timeliness, manners, family size, and makeup. We just shouldn’t try to draw too many conclusions from those differences." The same people who claim punctuality is is "whiteness" also mock the idea that white culture exists. Ironic An Immigrant's Plea: "Don’t Convert to Whiteness" - The Atlantic - "“It was when some scholars on the academic left decided that the primary story to tell about America … was ‘whiteness’ that I first started feeling myself unbecoming American,” he lamented in his Hedgehog Review essay. “Overcoming racism requires recognizing the capacity of all people to share in the nation’s common life. But there can be no common life of the nation when, from the perspective of scholars of whiteness, that common life is the property of white people.” Those scholarly ideas began to negatively affect his day-to-day interactions in recent years as they spread into the common culture... he expounds on the necessity of fighting racism, the flaws in the left’s anti-racist approach, and why that approach makes him feel as though his own identity is at risk of being erased... I’m more likely to run into progressives who read works like White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo, and then have a kind of conversion experience. They may have had white skin but they weren’t necessarily “white”—they were just people who believed in equality and opposed racism. But after reading books like White Fragility, they convert to being white for the first time in their lives. They think of themselves as embodying whiteness. They talk about needing to do work on themselves. And then they bear whiteness before others. They’re so aware of their whiteness that there’s a wall between us that wasn’t there before. Sometimes they’ll attribute something to whiteness and I’ll think, I’m not white and I believe that or do that. That’s just American. I’ve noticed a lot of the things they now think of as “white” are things we used to share. A lot of white people are overly sensitive to questions of race in such a way that race is constantly being imposed into conversation, creating boundaries... It’s a constant redrawing and minding of racial borders, making it more difficult for immigrants like me to be part of the nation... I imagined my kids going to school and being socialized with other Americans of all kinds of backgrounds and having some things in common and differences too, and not always worrying that anything they could enjoy or share is partial or offensive. Today everything belongs to specific groups. When I was younger, neighbors and friends welcomed my family into all these holiday traditions, and they were something you looked forward to as a kid. For immigrants, being invited to participate in national traditions is a sign that you are welcome. These days, at my kids’ school, it isn’t just Christmas that is seen as a problem. Every holiday seems to have a problem. Halloween was offensive to some people of certain faiths. Thanksgiving was offensive because some people think it’s genocidal. Then they canceled Valentine’s Day. At first, that was a relief. I can’t stand cutting out valentines all night with my kids. It’s a chore! But then I thought, Wow, this is an anodyne corporate holiday, you know? And even it got canceled. When I asked why, the answer was that it wasn’t inclusive enough. The conclusion seems to be that we are so diverse that it is offensive to presume that we have—or should have—things in common. All these things I considered part of growing up American are now seen by school officials as belonging to a group, not to all of us... What surprised me was how some on the left responded as if one was not truly anti-racist if you raised questions about some of “The 1619 Project”’s conclusions—as if it was the story of America. If that were the case––it is not the case, but if it were the case––then there would be nothing to celebrate, or even salvage, from America’s founding. I think of all the immigrants who have come and made a claim to religious liberty, to being equal. Who have sought opportunities to make a better life for themselves and their families. They, too, express Jefferson’s spirit. That is part of the legacy of the United States shared by all Americans." Observing whiteness in introductory physics: A case study - "Within whiteness, the organization of social life is in terms of a center and margins that are based on dominance, control, and a transcendent figure that is consistently and structurally ascribed value over and above other figures. In this paper, we synthesize literature from Critical Whiteness Studies and Critical Race Theory to articulate analytic markers for whiteness, and use the markers to identify and analyze whiteness as it shows up in an introductory physics classroom interaction. We name mechanisms that facilitate the reproduction of whiteness in this local context, including a particular representation of energy, physics values, whiteboards, gendered social norms, and the structure of schooling. In naming whiteness and offering a set of analytic markers, our aim is to provide instructors and researchers with a tool for identifying whiteness in their own contexts. Alongside our discussion, which imagines new possibilities for physics teaching and learning, we hope our work contributes to Critical Whiteness Studies’ goal of dismantling whiteness." To think that people thought STEM would be immune Climate Anxiety Is an Overwhelmingly White Phenomenon - Scientific American - "The white response to climate change is literally suffocating to people of color. Climate anxiety can operate like white fragility, sucking up all the oxygen in the room and devoting resources toward appeasing the dominant group...   It is a surprisingly short step from “chronic fear of environmental doom,” as the American Psychological Association defines ecoanxiety, to xenophobia and fascism" So since "whiteness" is bad, climate change hysteria is bad Anastasia Higginbotham and I Agreed to Disagree - The Atlantic - "Higginbotham: Whiteness is the reason these killings by police happen—the white cultural mindset that tells us white is good and innocent, while Black is bad and dangerous. Whiteness is the reason cops make split-second decisions to fire their weapons into the body of an unarmed person who is Black, while not even reaching for their weapon during interactions with armed and violent criminals who are white... You call my assertion that violent white supremacy is embedded into all of our systems too “complex” for children to evaluate. But racism is not complex; the human beings who perpetuate it are. I have perpetuated racism without believing in it—that is complicated. Racism itself is ridiculous. Elevating a people’s worthiness, morality, intelligence, cleanliness, aptitude, and dignity based on skin tone—that is a terrible idea, it was not my idea, and I will spend my life revealing and unlearning that nonsense and making sure kids can, too, as young as possible... Friedersdorf: You claim, “Whiteness is the reason these killings by police happen.” When I suggested that 6 may be too young to teach kids about police killings, you countered, “You mean white children.” I didn’t. And white children are affected by police killings. Since 2015, U.S. police officers have shot and killed roughly 2,894 white people and 1,516 Black people. I worry that children reading your book will come away with a false impression: that police kill only Black people and that a typical killing sees an unarmed Black man with hands raised in the air who is summarily murdered by a racist. That stylized fact pattern in your book is highly atypical. The large majority of police killings involve armed individuals––many of whom appear to threaten others before they are shot––not unambiguous murders of unarmed men. To level with kids about the hard truths of the world, we need to tell them all the reasons police killings occur, attuned to racism, but not to the exclusion of all other factors... Higginbotham: Nobody wants white kids to feel bad about being white... Nobody wants white kids to feel bad about their race, but a bunch of them already do. In the absence of an actual history education, white kids grow up with shame and self-doubt about why they are safe from racism and someone else is not."... Friedersdorf:  On one page near the end of Not My Idea, there’s a picture of a devil holding a contract “binding you to whiteness” for kids to sign or reject. “You get stolen land, stolen riches, special favors (land, riches and favors may be revoked at any time for any reason),” it states. “Whiteness gets to mess endlessly with the lives of your friends, neighbors, loved ones, and all fellow humans of color for the purpose of profit.”" What would happen if "blackness" were blamed for something? As if blaming white people all the time won't make white kids feel bad about being white

Meme - "Having to break up with my ex boyfriend bc he was Mexican & can't taint his beautiful POC genes with my evil whiteness"

Anti-racist SJW Saira Rao informs white people that nonwhite friends who don’t ‘regularly [challenge] your whiteness’ probably ‘don’t trust you’ - "We need to have a national conversation … about how annoying Saira Rao is.  She literally appears to serve no purpose other than to complain that everyone is racist, which is a lot of projection because she’s the one who’s always saying racist things. Especially about white people.  See, in Saira’s mind, white people who are friends with non-white people who don’t regularly challenge their whiteness are actually not really friends with non-white people at all. Did you get all that? If not, it’s OK. Her tweet about it is just as insane:
If you are white and your Black and brown friends are not regularly challenging your whiteness, chances are they don't trust you and are absolutely talking about your whiteness.      Just not to you.
Honest question: who would be friends with Saira Rao? We feel like people of every skin color should be able to unite in their being fed up with Saira Rao’s schtick."
How depressing to imagine that all black and brown people are as twisted as her

Thread by @meilixzn - "Until white supremacy is dismantled pretty much every transracial adoption results in a non white child having to be raised by racist white people (whether they acknowledge it or not). This situation is especially worse for Black children. Adoption (in a US context) has historically resulted in non white kids being taken away from their, often unwilling, bio family. You can't ignore this fact when discussing adoption. This is a big reason why I have mixed feelings over seeing white people adopt non white kids because unless you're willing to do seriously self-reflection on your white-centered worldview, you're likely going to raise your kid with views that result in internalized self-hatred wrt to their non whiteness"
Of course, to liberals, "white supremacy" will never be dismantled. How odd that "white supremacists" agree with "anti-racist" conclusions
This person has/had a hammer and sickle next to its name, so

☭✡ on Twitter - "When people say "white people cannot be revolutionary" you as a white person's reaction should not be to stop trying to be revolutionary, you should strive to stop being white."
Liberals claim that hating whiteness doesn't mean you hate white people, but the conflation is part of a sneaky motte and bailey tactic. Besides which, they are against "anti-blackness", claiming it's racist When Bigotry Comes From Unexpected Places - The Dispatch - "Black people are less likely than white people to be self-reliant.   Black people are less likely to emphasize “rational linear” and “quantitative” thinking.   They are less likely to think that “hard work is the key to success.”   They believe in punctuality less, and instant gratification more, than white people. Black people aren’t as likely to believe in a Christian god and are more inclined to be tolerant of pagan or multi-god religions.   Given that we are living in the age of “cancel culture,” I’d better explain what I’m doing lest anyone think I believe this nonsense.   All of this stuff—the bigotry, the stereotypes and the outright falsehoods—isn’t my view. Nor did I get it from some white supremacist website.   Nope, it comes from a graphic sourced and linked to by the National Museum of African American History and Culture. The museum’s website has a whole “Talking About Race” section. An article on “whiteness” cites a graphic titled “Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness and White Culture in the United States.” Much of the stuff from the graphic can be read as an insult to black people...   I’m pretty sure I’d be called a racist if I were to take my cues from this list and say, “Unlike white people, black people don’t believe that hard work is the key to success.”  Some of the other race-based assertions from 30-year-old research by Judith Katz, a white diversity consultant, aren’t merely bigoted by implication, they’re just wrong, or at least misleading. Sure, “Christianity is the norm” for white Americans (though less so every year). But do you know who it’s even more of a norm for? Black Americans. And Hispanic Americans...   There’s a lot in this that makes me angry, but the worst thing is that this garbage is almost designed to make race relations worse. For instance, Katz’s cheat sheet informs us that a defining norm of white communication is the notion that one should “be polite.”"

After backlash, the Smithsonian removes that chart breaking down ‘whiteness and white culture’ in the US - "the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History & Culture had posted on its website a chart called, “Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness & White Culture in the United States.”... The chart’s been taken down, but there’s still plenty of material up at the “Talking About Race” portal that’s essentially the same thing, so it’s a start."

Seattle held 'segregated' training session on 'undoing whiteness,' encouraged staffers to forfeit 'guaranteed physical safety' - "The City of Seattle held a racially segregated employee training session aimed at White staffers and instructing them on "undoing your own whiteness" in order to be held accountable by people of color, according to documents obtained by a public records request... One handout distributed in the session declared how “racism is not our fault but we are responsible." Another said White staffers must give up “the land” and their “guaranteed physical safety” in order to be an “accomplice” for racial justice... In order to be considered “accomplices,” White employees must give up “comfort,” “guaranteed physical safety,” “expectations or presumptions of emotional safety,” “control over other people and over the land,” and “relationships with some other white people.”  White employees were also urged to give up “niceties from neighbors and colleagues,” “the certainty of your job,” and “accepting jobs and promotions when we are not qualified, including racial equity jobs.”"

University of Minnesota Lecture Features 12 Step Recovery Program for Whiteness - "The University of Minnesota’s School of Social Work hosted a virtual lecture recently that aimed to teach white people about their white supremacy and how to counteract it by using a “12 step” program mirrored after the one used by people in Alcoholics Anonymous.The two-hour “Recovery from White Conditioning” lecture, hosted through the school’s Center for Practice Transformation, featured therapist Cristina Combs... The university’s website indicates the lecture can earn viewers continuing education units."

Kenny Xu on Twitter - "The success of Asian Americans is now being categorized as “embracing whiteness” - and this is starting to be applied to other races too. How can you push for antiracism and minority empowerment when as soon as they become successful, you call them whitewashed?"

Facebook - "Often, in black polyamory spaces, the question is asked “Would you date someone who has a non-black partner?” And many of the responses to this question are “no”. There are many black polyamorous folks who will not date people with non-black partners. And some folks go so far as to even assert that if a partner of theirs became involved with a non-black or white person, that they would terminate the relationship because of that.  Of course, folks with non-black partners and open to non-black partners respond with surprise and become unsettled by this. As a person who often has non-black partners and is open to having non-black partners, I already knew this was a “thing” so it doesn’t faze me. My response to this is: Black folks who date white and non-black people (and I’m talking to me, too): it is not the job of black people to make you feel comfortable in your choice to do so.  Black folks can feel how they wish to feel about my choice to date non-black people. I understand why some black people would choose to avoid me because of that even if that isn’t how I see things.  Many black people that entertain intimate relationships with non-black people have a lot of internalized Anti-blackness and also commit social violence to other black folks to gain social capital with white folks. While this isn’t true in every case of a black person with a non-black partner, it happens often enough for other black people to be wary of this.  Additionally, because of the intimacy of their relationships, black folks with non-black partners will bring those often unsafe non-black partners into black safe spaces, i.e. bringing your white girlfriend to the cookout and she makes a stupid comment about a black girl’s “weave”. When I had white partners who weren’t “safe” (and I knew they weren’t which is why we are no longer together), I deliberately would not bring them to certain spaces and if I was expressly told they weren’t welcome, I didn’t get offended by that.  Everyone has their own tolerance level for the trauma of whiteness and anti-blackness and I’m not going to begrudge black people whose tolerance is lower than mine even if that means it alienates them from ME. It’s about self-preservation and I’m all for black folks feeling SAFE before me feeling like someone wants to date me. If my close proximity to whiteness via my intimate relationships causes some black folks to avoid me, I understand and support that.  Also, argue with ya mama about this. I don’t often talk about the black polyam experience but please don’t forget, before I was polyam, I was BLACK. And that is the polyam experience that is nearest to my heart."
Of course, if you're not black and you refuse to date black people, you're racist

Ian Miles Cheong @ stillgray.substack.com on Twitter - "Asian kids officially kicked out of "students of color" category by a WA school district."
"Hello my fellow Whites."
"Whiteness" = success. Liberals don't love minorities - they fetishise failure Facebook - "Annnddd... Asians are no longer considered persons of colour because they make the stats look bad. Now they get the experience of being victim when convenient, and oppressor when not. Told those Asians who bent the knee to critical race hypothesis* that it won't save them. *Not a theory. Theories, like gravity, are not scams."

1/1024th Liberty Memes - Posts | Facebook - "Asians can't be a minority because they are too successful? So... according to the left, minorities by definition can't do well in school or be successful. Who are the racists?"
More proof that to liberals, whiteness = success and that they fetishise failure

Ex-Patriot Eugene Chung, looking to be an NFL head coach, says he was told, ‘You are not the right minority’ - The Boston Globe - "When former Patriots offensive tackle Eugene Chung was pursuing an NFL coaching job this offseason, a comment made by one of his interviewers struck a chord. As Chung sold himself, running through his accolades, experience, and everything he could bring to the organization’s staff, the interviewer interjected.  “It was said to me, ‘Well, you’re really not a minority’”... The interviewer responded, “You are not the right minority we’re looking for.”... The remark was shocking and heartbreaking to Chung, who has multiple years of NFL coaching experience and is working to become the league’s first Asian-American head coach."
Asians are "white adjacent" and have "whiteness", so

Melissa Chen on Twitter - "The irony is that the people who decry the "centering of whiteness" are precisely the ones centering whiteness because they see white supremacy/privilege as the motivating reason for every single thing in life." Meme - "Shay-Akil McLean, Ph.D. (@/hood_biologist): "'I *think* I see what y'all are trying to do with the whole "pro-Black isn't anti-white" thing... but I'm sorry to break it to you, the abolition of whiteness is central to the liberation of people racialized as "Black"." "When someone tells you who they are, believe them." Marya Hay on Twitter - "Educators engage in deconstructing Whiteness in our beliefs, practices and policies with a deep dive into historical precedents shaping our current story and outcomes in schools. Examining Whiteness Day 1." Proof that teachers aren't trying to brainwash children! Utah teacher wants students to accept 'non-white' classroom - "A fourth-grade teacher in Utah took to social media earlier this month, questioning how the parents and students in a majority-white school would react to her classroom, which she said was “built for non-White students.”  “For the first time in my life, I’m going to be teaching at a majority-White school, and I’m kind of interested to see how students and parents react to my classroom, or if they even notice anything about it, because it’s built for non-White students,” said a teacher at William Penn Elementary near Salt Lake City, Utah.  The teacher explained that this was her first year teaching in a majority-white school, and said there are “no White kids represented” in many of the elements of her classroom, including the coloring pages she offers to students.   The teacher went on to say that while some of her classroom library includes “straight, cis White men,” who she says dominate literature, it is “overpowered” by books depicting “diverse peoples,” including characters of color and different gender identities and sexual orientations.... The principal of William Penn Elementary issued a statement late Sunday saying it was her “personal commitment … to ensure every student feels safe and welcome,” and it is “inappropriate for any employee to make students feel unwelcome in any way, shape or form.”" Oregon 'BIPOC' teachers claims eye-rolling is an example of a 'harmful practice rooted in White supremacy' - "Oregon teachers at the Errol Hassell Elementary School sent school administrators an email claiming that eye-rolling directed at a principal, among other alleged actions they observed, is an example of a "harmful practice rooted in White supremacy" that is happening in the workplace.  The educators from the Beaverton School District said in an email on May 27 that they had become of aware of a "rumor" that Principal Cynthia Lam Moffett was on the chopping block. "We believe that much of the resistance to Principal Moffett’s work… is a result of bias and targeted aggression. As BIPOC educators we have observed, experienced,and witnessed similar micro and macro aggressions," the email said. BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, and people of color."

Cult Programming in Seattle - "the City of Seattle’s Office of Civil Rights sent an email inviting “white City employees” to attend a training session on “Interrupting Internalized Racial Superiority and Whiteness,” a program designed to help white workers examine their “complicity in the system of white supremacy” and “interrupt racism in ways that are accountable to Black, Indigenous and People of Color.” Hoping to learn more, I submitted a public records request for all documentation related to the training. The results are disturbing.  At the beginning of the session, the trainers explain that white people have internalized a sense of racial superiority, which has made them unable to access their “humanity” and caused “harm and violence” to people of color. The trainers claim that “individualism,” “perfectionism,” “intellectualization,” and “objectivity” are all vestiges of this internalized racial oppression and must be abandoned in favor of social-justice principles. In conceptual terms, the city frames the discussion around the idea that black Americans are reducible to the essential quality of “blackness” and white Americans are reducible to the essential quality of “whiteness”—that is, the new metaphysics of good and evil... this “interrupting whiteness” training is not an anomaly. In recent years, nearly every department of Seattle city government has been recruited into the ideological fight against “white supremacy.” As I have documented, the city’s homelessness agency hosted a conference on how to “decolonize [their] collective work”; the school system released a curriculum explaining that “math is a tool for oppression”; and the city-owned power company hired a team of bureaucrats to fight “structural racism” within their organization. Dozens of private companies now offer diversity training to public agencies. The idea that all whites have unconscious, “implicit bias” that they must vigilantly program themselves to overcome has become an article of faith across corporate boardrooms, academia, and law-enforcement agencies, even though the premise is unscientific and impossible to verify.  The endgame is to make Seattle’s municipal government the arbiter of the new orthodoxy, and then work outward. At the end of the session on “internalized racial superiority,” the diversity trainers outline strategies for converting outsiders and recommend specific “practices for interrupting others’ whiteness.” In effect, the activists have organized an ideological pyramid scheme—using public dollars to establish their authority within the government, then using that authority to recruit others into the program. As Lindsay writes, “the goal is no longer to indoctrinate on what is ‘rightthink’ and ‘wrongthink.’ It is to make the [subject’s] thinking be completely in line with the view of the world described by the cult doctrine.” How far can this racial-justice shakedown extend itself? The new racial orthodoxy has seen exponential growth in the past few years and has proved extremely difficult for local governments and elite institutions to resist. The movement’s key rhetorical premise is designed as a trap: if you are not an “antiracist,” then you are a “racist”—and must be held to account. Skeptics might dismiss Seattle’s “interrupting whiteness” training as a West Coast oddity, but it is part of a nationwide movement to make this kind of identity politics the foundation of our public discourse. It may be coming soon to a city or town near you."
No wonder they got CHAZ/CHOP 𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙲𝙰𝙿𝙸𝚃𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙰 - Posts | Facebook - ""Whiteness is both an ideology & a proprietary object. People can hold one, both or neither. Someone may never physically pass for white but still subscribe to ideological whiteness. Someone may experience the benefits of being racially white but reject ideological whiteness." @BreeNewsome" Jesse Singal on Twitter - "White Gaze:   In the late 90’s, the late Toni Morrison spoke of her refusal to write to appease the white gaze of America. Instead of writing to the expectations or lens of a dominating white society, her writings centered Black experiences and realities. Morrison refused to write (and live) by standards imposed by whiteness.   These imposed standards of whiteness are the white gaze. The white gaze frames how we are supposed to behave, how to think, and what to value. It tells us what is normal, right, proper. And, when people think, act, or be outside of the gaze, they are seen as abnormal and broke." "How does this "white gaze" theory account for the fact that different whites in the U.S. have entirely different cultures and values, to the point where there are major, major fights over just about everything?"

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