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Friday, January 20, 2023

Links - 20th January 2023 (2 - Women)

Meme - T. Becket Adams @BecketAdams: "women will literally draw dozens of passive aggressive cartoons seething at their husbands instead of going to couples therapy."

Meme - Powerline.co.ke: "I am every man's weakness. I can snatch every woman's husband."

Meme - "Destini, 25
Credit score must be 800 or better"

Fiercely Virgo on Twitter - "90% of Sisterhood & female friendships are fake because you can never criticize a woman with super honesty & also be friends with her no matter how well the criticism serves for her in long term. Women just cannot prioritize harshness of the truth, it's just how most of them are. Only the outlier women who prioritize truth and stand honesty or women who can risk their friendships for honesty can form long term friendships with each other otherwise most female friendships go downhill in few years due to the resentment that their fakeness breeds."

Planet Sex: Cara Delevingne suggests men lack ‘right tools’ to pleasure women - "Speaking in the first episode of her BBC documentary Planet Sex with Cara Delevingne, which premiered yesterday (1 December), the supermodel discussed “the orgasm gap”, where 95 per cent of straight men orgasm during intercourse, but only 65 per cent of straight women achieve orgasm.  “I do feel that generally men are not equipped with the right tools to be able to handle women, especially sexually,” said Delevingne in the six-part documentary."
Lesbian Bed Death says hi

Explaining the gender gap in sickness absence - "In many western countries, women have a much higher rate of sickness absence than men. To what degree the gender differences in sickness absence are caused by gender differences in health is largely unknown... Despite adjusting for a large number of factors, including both previously well-studied factors (e.g. health, job control/demands) and lesser-studied factors (parent–child conflict and sexual assault), this study found that most of the gender gap in sickness absence remains unexplained. Gender differences in health and stressors account for only part of the differences in sickness absence. Other factors must, therefore, exist outside the domains of health, work and family stressors... In many countries, including Norway, women’s sickness absence is about 50% higher than men’s. These gender differences in sickness absence may lead to negative long-term outcomes for women such as reduced income and career opportunities, stigmatization and long-term labour market exclusion"
So much for mocking the "man flu". The cope will be that women really are more sick due to sexism (despite the study ruling that out), or that men irresponsibly go to work when sick. But the doublethink that men are simultaneously babies pretending they are sick will still exist
Another factor explaining the gender wage gap

Meme - Theheauxmentor: "Exactly one year ago, my sugar daddy Brad passed away. He was 47 and died because of a heart attack and untreated diabetes. We had an incredibly toxic relationship and ultimately I wish I never met him. As horrible as he was, I am sitting here and trying to dig up a good memory to remember him on this day. So here it is: Brad, you bought me my first pair of Louboutins, my first Birkin and my first and only race horse. You understood the value of my time and for that, I honor you with my time today by making this post for you. I still don’t forgive you for taking me out of the will after you attacked me while you were on whippets. However, you knew i would always be okay and yes....l’ve been living a double life this whole time with the guy you thought was my gay bodyguard and I’m also an author and serial entrepreneur. So, let's call it even. i will finally visit you one of these days, Rest In Peace, PS please don't haunt me again. -Demanda"

Sheriff’s office: Texas woman burns down boyfriend’s house in Atascosa - "The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office arrested a woman they alleged burned down her boyfriend’s house after another woman answered his phone.  Senaida Soto, 23, was arrested Monday on charges of burglary and arson...   Soto was reportedly in a romantic relationship with a family member of the homeowner, the post stated.  According to the Sheriff’s Office, Soto FaceTimed her boyfriend and a woman answered the call — the woman turned out to be a relative of the boyfriend."

Meme - "Strong independent women when I start sprinting towards them at night"

Meme - "On a 23 hour drive with 3 kids. Venmo @Sarah-Barton-I for coffee"

Meme - "Recevoir une photo de ton penis, c'est comme quand mon chat m'apporte une souris morte: je peux comprendre que t'es ben fier, mais ca veut pas dire que je vais y toucher"

Body image and the foreign female in Japan: survey shows frustration with one-size-fits-all thinking | The Japan Times - "Mari Suzuki from the Japan Association for Eating Disorders (JAED) says that the percentage of underweight women in the 30-50 age range is rising...  Half the women responded that their confidence in how they look has worsened since coming to Japan and that “living in Japan has been a major contributing factor to this situation.” On the other hand, 21 percent said the opposite was true, and that life here has contributed significantly to improving their body image. When asked to respond to a number of statements to reflect their experiences and opinions, 85 percent agreed that Japanese media tends to promote the idea that “skinny is healthy”, and that heavier/curvier women are rarely seen. When they are, it is normally in a comedic or derogatory context... For some foreign women, Japan can seem like a paradise. Take Claire, who is in her 40s: “I’m already naturally tiny at 162 centimeters tall and 46 kilograms, so living in Japan was actually a godsend for me! I could get clothes to fit me well, unlike back home in the U.K., and I felt great for the most part”... Claire’s problem, however, was having large breasts for her slight frame, which drew unwanted attention and comments from both men and women. “I tried to hide my shape with slouching but it caused a lot of neck, back and shoulder pain,” she recalled. The issue became so bad that she eventually took her physiotherapist’s advice and got a breast reduction. Claire reports that her self-confidence has soared as a result. More than 75 percent of the women have put up with unsolicited comments from people they know about their body or weight... only 10 percent of Japanese women in their 20s and 30s engage in regular exercise (at least twice a week for 30 minutes). This was the lowest among all age groups for women.  Among participants who said their body image had generally improved since coming to Japan, some women mentioned Japanese eating habits, including smaller portions, a wider range of vegetables and less fat, as one factor that may help in maintaining a healthy weight... Japan’s “foodie culture” doesn’t win points with everyone. “The hypocrisy of body obsession and food obsession in the media here is sickening,” said one North American in her 40s. “There are foods and supplements ads on TV to curb appetites, while there are variety shows promoting all-you-can-eat buffets, super-sized menus and eating contest winners.”... As for those rail-thin Japanese women, JAED’s Suzuki predicts they may be paying the price down the line, with an increased risk of musculoskeletal disease known as “locomotive syndrome,” which may lead to osteoporosis and mobility issues in old age. “Along with metabolic syndrome and dementia, this will be a serious issue for elderly Japanese of the future”"

Even Men Born Blind Prefer a Low Waist to Hip Ratio in Women - "Previous research suggests that the majority of men prefer a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7 – meaning that the circumference of the waist is 70% of the circumference of the hips.  According to a study published in Evolution and Human Behavior in 2010, even blind men appear to prefer low waist-to-hip ratios.   The study was conducted by Johan C. Karremans, Willem E. Frankenhuis, and Sander Arons.  Although a large number of international studies have confirmed men’s preference for low waist-to-hip ratios, the majority of these studies have been conducted on consumers of Western media. This has lead to questions of whether this preference for a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7 exists independently of visual input from Western culture, particularly images of “attractive” women as portrayed by the media."
The power of patriarchy!

Judge orders woman to turn over album containing nudes to ex-husband | Toronto Sun - "There was a caveat that Marsh should go back to the photographer and edit the body of Lindsay Marsh, but the photographer refused.  The judge then ruled, in August this year, that Marsh must hand the album to a third party, who would edit the images... Chris Marsh told the Tribune the books were full of memories, inscriptions and photos, stressing they were not “inappropriate-type books.”"

Kim Kardashian widens 'vagina area' of Skims bodysuit for Khloé - "After complaining the crotch area of sister Kim Kardashian’s Skims brand bodysuits barely covered her “bigger vagina,” it sounds like Khloé Kardashian is getting her way... Khloé, 37 — who famously named her camel toe “Camille” — told Kim, 41, she had “a bone to pick” about the bodysuits.  “You know you guys make fun of me for having a bigger vagina than most,” the Good American Founder said to her sisters as they were seated at a restaurant."

Meme - "My senior year of high school *sweet girl*
Dropping out my 1st year of college *pink and green mullet, white face, leopard print top, looking like a clown*"

elayna on Twitter - "Why I like hanging out w/ guys more than girls: I was with a group of guys last night, and instead of talking about other people and gossiping, we had an hour long conversation about how if someone rear-ends your car and you shit yourself, you get paid twice the amount of money."
elayna on Twitter - "For every girl quoting this saying I need new friends, I simply was just saying guys are less drama and talk ab random af things. I still love my girl friends. Y’all feeling the need to reply to this is exactly my point saying lots of females like to create drama over nothing.🤦🏼‍♀️"

Marriage and children kill creativity in men - "Men do their best work in their younger years, but getting married and having children stalls their creativity...   "Scientific productivity indeed fades with age," Kanazawa said. "Two-thirds [of all scientists] will have made their most significant contributions before their mid-30s."  But, regardless of age, the great minds who married virtually kissed goodbye to making any further glorious additions to their CV. Within five years of making their nuptial vows, nearly a quarter of married scientists had made their last significant contribution to knowledge.   "Scientists rather quickly desist [from their careers] after their marriage, while unmarried scientists continue to make great scientific contributions later in their lives," said Kanazawa.   The energy of youth and the dampening effect of marriage, he added, are also remarkably similar among geniuses in music, painting and writing - and even among criminals.  Previous studies have documented that delinquents are overwhelmingly male, and usually start out on the road to crime in their teens. But those who marry will subsequently stop committing crime, whereas criminals at the same age who remain unmarried tend to continue their unlawful careers.   Kanazawa suggests "a single psychological mechanism" is responsible for this: the competitive edge among young men to fight for glory and gain the attention of women. That craving drives the all-important male hormone, testosterone.  After a man settles down, the testosterone level falls, as does his creative output, Kanazawa theorises."

Helen Skelton 'devastated' by ex-husband's 'insensitive' holiday snap with new flame - "Presenter Helen Skelton has reportedly been left "devastated" after ex-husband Richie Myler shared pictures of his romantic getaway with his new girlfriend online... "She feels like this is rubbing it in her face, and it's a knife to the heart. It just seems a bit insensitive.""
We're reaching levels of entitlement that shouldn't be possible

Halle Berry Compares Paying Child Support to Her Ex Gabriel Aubry to “Extortion” - "Halle Berry may be dutifully paying $16,000 a month in child support to her ex Gabriel Aubry to help with the costs of raising their 12-year-old daughter, Nahla, but the actor made it very clear on Instagram that she’s not at all happy about the situation.  Berry posted a quote to her Instagram account on Saturday that read “Women don’t owe you shit,” sparking a heated debate in the comment section about traditional gender roles and expectations. The actor reportedly replied in a since-deleted comment, writing, “it takes great strength eryday [sic] to pay it. And BTW it’s wrong and it’s extortion!”"
Silly guy. Doesn't he know that child support is something men pay women, not the reverse?

Woman brands men 'disgusting' after bloke only buys her one drink during two hour date - "The woman, whose first name is Shekinah, has said she is "done with men" and expected far more effort from her potential love match.  Shekinah was filmed complaining about her date by her pal Tasia Taderera, who posted the now-viral clip online."

Meme - "Bryce Dallas Howard: I Was Pressured to Lose Weight for latest 'Jurassic World'"
*Buff Chris Evans, Buff Chris Hemsworth, Buff Chris Pratt, Buff Paul Rudd*
Then she can go on to bitch about the "gender wage gap"

'I'm a female warehouse worker - men hit on me constantly but I love how easy the job is' - "A woman has claimed that she's always chatted up in the workplace, but continues to adore her job despite the flirtatious comments. Natasha Lauren Hutton raved about her warehouse job in a TikTok video, which has now surpassed a whopping 1.8 million views since posting.  Gushing about her job on the popular video-streaming platform, Natasha discussed the benefits of working in a warehouse. The female worker claims that she earns a good wage while dressing how she wants, and also choosing the hours that she wants to work.  Reaching out to women viewers, she encouraged girls to follow in her footsteps if they're "feeling down"... "You don't need experience, choose your hours, you'll make bank and can dress like a bum everyday and still get hit on."... "I used to work in warehouses and in shops. Comparing those two, prefer warehouse. You don't need to deal with customers.""

Meme - "previous owners: 2
miles: 2
year: 2001
condition: used
make: italian
model: brunette bad bch
stickers: 4
not available to buy but open for test drives!***"

Is It O.K. to Press Your Spouse to Have a Vasectomy Before You Ditch Him? - The New York Times - "Some time ago, a friend told me that she was planning to leave her husband but was waiting for him to get a vasectomy. She said she knew she’d have to hold his hand through it to make sure it happened. Once the procedure was done, she planned to break the news that she was going to end the marriage... She later reported that when she told her husband of her decision to end the marriage for good, he told her that he was upset to learn this after having had the vasectomy and that he believed it would hurt his chances of finding a new partner. Her response was that she was pretty sure that women weren’t going to be interested in having children with someone his age anyway (he’s middle-aged).  This woman is employed by an organization dedicated to reproductive choice and plans to work as a counselor" "there’s a significant body of research in social psychology suggesting that our conduct in one type of situation often doesn’t generalize to others. You can be an honest broker and a dishonest husband. That someone has done something awful in the context of a difficult marriage, then, doesn’t prove her to be an awful person in every other respect; and it certainly doesn’t establish that she’d be unable to discharge her professional obligations. Thinking that you can manipulate your about-to-be-ex-husband’s choices doesn’t entail thinking that it’s O.K. to do the same with a client."
Only women get reproductive choice
Weird. Liberals tell us that someone's private behavior can show that they can't do their job, e.g. a judge who uses racial slurs at burglars must resign because she's showed she's racist and can't be racially neutral at work

Meme - "My girlfriend got raped and beaten. I broke up with her right after she told me. This is what happened:
>Dating girlfriend for 7 months.
>She wants to go to this sleazy club with her friend.
>l told her I didn‘t want her to go.
>Had an argument about it. She was like "You don‘t own me and I can do what I want." and that bullshit.
>Told her if she went then I'm breaking up with her.
>She said she wouldn't go and dropped it.
>Saturday came.
>Hadn't heard from her all day.
>At 4AM on Sunday she calls me crying.
>She says she got raped and beat up.
>She went to the club anyway. Apparently she left alone with some guy and his friend to go to a party. They took her somewhere and beat her up and raped her.
>Had many feelings about this, none of them pleasant.
>l told her if she went to the club that l'd leave her and I told her we were over.
>She started freaking out and saying she needs me right now and that she was sorry.
>Told her never to call me again.
>Have been getting rabid hate from her friends and my friends think I was way too cold.
>She broke my trust, went somewhere I said not to, was probably going to end up cheating on me anyway and got raped and beaten over it and I'm suppose to feel sorry for her.
I saw her like yesterday and she was pretty beat up, she had bruises and a black eye and stuff. So I do believe she was raped but this wouldn't of happened if she had just listened to me. Everybody thinks I'm evil. My ex-girlfriend has been trying to talk to me but I have no desire to speak to her. You guys think I was too harsh? I just have a hard time feeling bad when I feel so right....."

S. Korean Twitch streamer calls for action after being harassed while livestreaming in India - "A South Korean Twitch streamer known online as Mhyochi is calling for Mumbai Police to take action after she was harassed by two men while livestreaming in Khar, India... One Twitch follower clipped the encounter from her stream and pointed out that Mhyochi was surrounded by “1000+ people.”... Another Twitter user was slammed for victim blaming after telling tourists to do some research before they roam the streets of the country they’re visiting."
How racist. As we know, men in third world countries behave no worse than those in the first world

Meme - "Anakin is the father, isn't he?"
"What do you mean "the father"? I'm not pregnant. "Are you saying I look FAT?!"
"Oh, shit."

Mia Khalifa blasts men who date 'undeveloped' 18-year-old girls as 'predators'
Mia Khalifa And Emily Ratajkowski Blast Men Who Date Younger Women
Time to raise the age of consent for women, as well as the age of voting for them

La Madre de Los Gatos 🇵🇷 on Twitter - "Women only get less attractive as they get older if you’re a pedophile"

Meme - elephant yam @suprnturl: "Wanting petite women is rooted in pedophilia but ok"

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "Eh. A lot of this seems to be virtue signaling, in reality. Women almost invariably cheer "Demi Moore" style sex symbols with much younger lovers, and seem to be as into MILF x hot young guy porn as the fellas are. What women seem to object to is men with young women."

Meme - "Megan 20
18 miles away
I'll make your whole week & you'll make my hole weak. I shoplift from yardales, I do not shave my armpits, no need to pull out im involved in an MMA fight ring and no fetus can reside within my womb, I am banned from all federal buildings, aldis, walmart, and I have outstanding warrants in Ohio, Minnesota, and California"

Woman blames herself for her husband's affair... because she only had sex once every two years - "I’d lost count of the times I’d rebuffed his sexual advances, closed my bedroom door on him and shut down any conversation around our love life.  Graham and I were having sex only once every two years, if that, and we’d made love maybe five times over the previous decade... If my daughter ever decides to get married I will be brutally honest with her about the physical side of married life.  I cannot understate how important this aspect is. Because if you aren’t having sex with your husband, there are plenty of women out there who will."

Meme - "Yeah... I am pregnant i missed my period"
"You gotta be kidding right?"
"No babe how can i joke about something like this?"
"Let me correct you... You're not pregnant, WE are pregnant... We're both responsrble for the baby. I will support you and our baby <3 <3 <3"
"It's not yours"

Meme - "Fun fact— The guy who wrote the song "gold digger" now pays $200k a month in child support"
Children are so expensive

Meme - "_____ , 25
Anesthesia Technician
7 miles away
'94 model
Small dual front airbags
Spotless interior
Suitable rear cargo
High mileage but works perfectly
No major accidents
Fantastic handling and performance
But don't just take it from me, here's a few statements from previous drivers:
-"Great cost to performance ratio!"
"Loud when revved up. Can fit large fuel nozzles. Smaller and better in every way, compared to the much older, original version."

Meme - "Wassup"
"Did you nut in me"
"No why"
"Ok & nothing just asked"
"You pregnant?
"Yea but if you said you didn't do it then I know who did it"

Meme - "Sur le marché de Noël de Toulouse
'Fourrez moi comme la Dinde de Noël. Sara'"

Meme - "These men six rows away on the train had the audacity to laugh for an hour. Hearing men in this country laugh was enough to make me cry on the train for 20 mins. Must be nice to be able to laugh these days. I seriously never want to hear a man laugh ever again."
I'm sure she goes on about white fragility"

TIL the American artist Sarah Goodridge painted a miniature self-portrait of her breasts which she gave to her secret lover Daniel Webster in 1828, not long after his wife's death. : todayilearned

Meme - "LOOKING4HUSBND 44 I have gay friends and I know what grindr notifications sound like. Heard them coming from my husbands phone so I am looking for him on here"

Meme - Bhumika @thisisbhumika: "Men apply water on face and call it skincare routine."
Reshma Khan: "And We girls apply lots of makeup and call it natural beauty"

Meme - "allison 32
88 kilometres away

Meme - "Guy at a party told me he got divorced during the pandemic and tried to organize his building, only to realize everyone living there was also a recently divorced guy. Thought he was exaggerating until I saw the building. *No curtains in any unit*"

D1 Women Gymnasts Try Men's Gymnastics - YouTube

Woman fakes her own WEDDING in an attempt to get ex's attention - only for him to ignore her - "A woman has admitted that she faked her own wedding - complete with a professional photoshoot and stand-in groom - in an attempt to get her ex-boyfriend's attention, only for him to see it and ignore her in the end. The Germany-based woman, who is named Jacqueline and goes by the username @dieschaklin online, revealed on TikTok that she pretended to get married in an attempt to get her ex to text her - but it didn't work... It appears that Jacqueline even rented out a venue to take the photos, had her hair done professionally, and paid to have a wedding cake made.   The pictures, which were taken by Alessandro Valeriani, certainly looked convincing, but unfortunately, the stunt was unsuccessful in the end... Some even revealed that they went through similar situations, and it worked for them.  'I did this, and he actually reached out and "stopped the wedding" and asked me to marry him,' one viewer said. 'All it takes is just the right amount of crazy, ladies.'  Another wrote, 'My sister-in-law told me that when she posted her wedding pictures, exes she hadn't talked to in years reached out regretting not picking her lol.'"

Coronation Street's Katie McGlynn pleads for help as she shares her 'big boobs struggle' - "Katie McGlynn has begged fans for their help after sharing her struggle with "big boobs".  The former Coronation Street actress, best known for playing Sinead Tinker in the ITV soap, took to Instagram on Wednesday to ask fans for clothing advice after saying she couldn't find dresses which fitted her."

Sex-mad bloke with eight wives admits 'bills are the worst thing about it' - "A sex-mad bigamist with eight wives and an intercouse schedule says his weekends with his partners are "a lot of fun," but joked the worst thing about having several spouses is the bills.  OnlyFans star Arthur O Urso, from Brazil, hit headlines last year after he married his nine wives in a joint ceremony... "The best thing is the sexual freedom and companionship we have together. Our weekends are a lot of fun."...   Arthur, who said his wives "all demand attention, affection and sex to be part of our everyday life", added that he still works on a sex schedule. "I still have a sex schedule so I can please everyone. We take turns in the room, as they don't always sleep together. We have a very complete agenda and we follow it rigidly," he added.  He added further that the wives never get jealous of each other because they're all friends."

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