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Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Links - 18th January 2023 (2)

A Man Injected Himself With His Own Semen to 'Cure Back Pain' - "Once a month, a 33-year-old Irish man would fill a syringe with his own semen and squirt it into the veins and muscles of his right arm, hoping it would make his chronic lower back pain go away... For the previous year and a half, he'd been giving himself a monthly shot of his own self-made tonic. In the wake of his most recent bout of back pain, he had even upped his dose to several injections. The case study is outlined in an Irish Medical Journal article playfully titled "Semenly" Harmless Back Pain: An Unusual Presentation of a Subcutaneous Abscess. Its authors dug into the literature – both clinical and alternative – for some kind of explanation, but came up empty-handed... "Although there is a report of the effects of subcutaneous semen injection into rats and rabbits [in 1945], there were no cases of intravenous semen injection into humans found across the literature." Alleged health benefits of semen have been debated in the literature. It's occasionally injected just under the skin in minuscule amounts to test for allergic reactions and has been contested as a way to treat semen-sensitivities... The patient was diagnosed with cellulitis — a bacterial infection of the skin — and the doctors gave him intravenous antimicrobial drugs; but before they could administer further treatment, he discharged himself."

A Woman Was Accidentally Prescribed Erectile Dysfunction Cream for Dry Eye - "A woman had to be treated in the ER after she was mistakenly prescribed erectile dysfunction cream for a dry eye. The unnamed patient from Glasgow suffered chemical injuries after receiving Vitaros cream instead of the similarly named ocular lubricant VitA-POS... The use of block capitals in handwritten prescriptions was suggested to avoid similar situations... "it is unusual in this case that no individual (including the patient, general practitioner or dispensing pharmacist) questioned erectile dysfunction cream being prescribed to a female patient, with ocular application instructions""

Thread by @SixBrownChicks on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Q1. We’ve lived together for 12 years, so we’re technically married. Two kids. He’s extremely proud of his 🍆, and he should be. He posted a vid doing the “self-blowj*b” challenge. Imagine a middle-aged man sprawled on the bathroom floor giving himself oral. WTF. Advice. #SBCCHAT
Q2. Things were good in our relationship until her 6 y-o son came to live with us. (His father kicked him out). He’s disrespectful and destructive. He stabbed ALL my shoes. Found in his search history on his laptop: “How to kill a fat man.” I am a fat man  Advice. #SBCCHAT
Q3. We were married for 7 years. I had an affair and she divorced me. She’s my soulmate, mother of my son. I’ve sabotaged her relationships w/ other men, but this new guy isn’t going anywhere. I even threatened him-then he proposed. In my mind, she’s still my wife. Help. #SBCCHAT
Q4. Boyfriend (of 4 years) is a momma’s boy. He’s always fixing her house while our house falls apart. His mom rented a room to a pregnant 19-year-old. I stopped by; he was watching TV w/her, without pants. BIG FIGHT. His mom: “She better not hurt MY grandchild.” Advice. #SBCCHAT
Q5. We’re married (3 years), but we do everything separately. We work different shifts, so we take separate vacations. We don’t eat together or hang out. Recently, my wife suggested we get a second mattress, cuz she wants to sleep alone. I felt slighted. What’s going on? #SBCCHAT
Q6. A teen boy hit my teen daughter at school. We had a parent’s conference; I saw the boy’s dad, it was love. We had sex. I convinced my daughter not to press charges (her face will heal). Dad 👻 me. His son teased my daughter: “He fk your momma to drop charges.” Help. #SBCCHAT"

Thread by @SixBrownChicks on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Q1. I left my home, (that I built) to move hours away w/who I thought was “The One.” It was pure hell. After a few weeks, he told me to leave and tried to change the locks so I couldn’t get my things. I’m moving back home but my trust in everything is gone. How to heal? #SBCCHAT
Q1. (More) We asked Q1. for more details, and she linked this video. She says she was also lured away from her home, from Texas to Michigan, by a man she met on TIkTok. When she arrived, he turned cold, put her out and kept her belongings. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE. #SBCCHAT
Q2. Dated Troy for a year & got engaged. I told my cousin I was moving out. Cousin: “Troy tried to rape me.” He denied it. I broke up w/him, & called him a rapist. He just got engaged. Cousin confessed she LIED cuz she couldn’t afford rent alone. I miss him. What to do? #SBCCHAT
Q3. My boyfriend babysits while I’m at work. My 2-year-old fell and my 3-year-old says Ms. Keisha helped. WHO? Boyfriend always has his ex Keisha over his house. Keisha says she’s MOVING IN w/him to babysit while he “looks for work.” He says she’s just a roommate. Help. #SBCCHAT
Q4. I like cocaine sometimes but I can quit when I want. My wife says we need to watch the budget (since I lost my job) and she begged me to leave coke alone. But I NEED to be high to tolerate her. She NAGS. And now I’m out of coke & money. I think she may leave. Advice. #SBCCHAT
Q5. During the lockdown, my sidechick missed me & showed up at our house. She fought my wife; wife lost. I apologized. A year later, wife was sitting next to me when she changed her FB status to: “In a relationship w/KEVIN.” Then she walked out. I’m dead inside. Advice. #SBCCHAT
Q6. Ladies I found a good man. He cares for me, helps me out, and has welcomed my kids in his home. At 3am, his car alarm sounded. We caught my babydaddy 🤡stealing gas out of his car. He says “I can’t be with someone who would have kids by a guy like that.” 😔Advice. #SBCCHAT"

Facebook - "It's still crazy to me that the first thing everyone does when they buy a new phone is get a protective case for it, so we never see its body during its entire life, and we just accept it as fact rather than a design flaw."

🇦🇺 Pink Heretic on Twitter - "Asking "If there is no God, what is the purpose of life?" is like asking "If there is no master whose slave will I be?" #atheist" (Dan Barker, ex-pastor)

German tourist rescued from self-dug hole on Spanish beach - "The young man had apparently planned to connect two holes more than two metres deep with a tunnel, but the sand collapsed around him, trapping him up to his neck for almost two hours... a 12-year-old Swiss boy died after a tunnel he dug in sand dunes with his two brothers at a beach at Castello d’Empuries in northwestern Spain collapsed around him"

Why cows may be hiding something but AI can spot it - "His firm's technology automatically detects early signs of lameness in cattle... "We've actually calculated, that if you can reduce lameness levels by 10% on a farm, there's a saving of half a tonne of carbon per cow per year," he explains.  Lameness is caused by injuries or infections and can be very painful. Lame cows produce less milk and if it goes untreated it can mean that they end up being culled... lameness is something that cows naturally try to hide because they have evolved as prey animals... not all interventions have to be high tech. Simply adding grooves to the concrete on which cows walk to and from the milking shed, can improve their stability and reduce their chance of becoming lame"

40 Times People Share Evil Buildings They Came Across

Labour scarcity, not unemployment, is the more pressing economic challenge - The Hub - "the labour shortages that have been plaguing the economy have been in the works for some time. Yet, it was always more fashionable to argue that we were headed to a world of excess supply of labour as technology and robots displaced workers. The media was rife with warnings about automation, technological change, artificial intelligence, and machine learning leading to dramatic changes in the labour markets of developed countries that would generate massive unemployment. This was despite the historical evidence of the last 150 years showing that while technology displaced workers, it also created new jobs."

'I was hired to film a billionaire's wedding in Capri, and it was the worst five days of my life' - "It quickly became clear that this high-rolling, spend-happy pair required a 24/7 documentary crew to cover their every move, as well as those of their guests, across multiple locations across the island, over five days and nights of festivities. They wanted a Hollywood blockbuster of a wedding video... it became clear that even the expansive organised schedule of non-stop events wasn’t enough. Once the happy couple had landed, a steady trickle of increasingly frantic demands started almost immediately, which seemed to correlate with how much vodka had been consumed... Working with luxury clients, no demand is too outrageous - it’s something you come to expect. Money was no object. Nor, we swiftly realised, was a second of shut-eye... I hit the pillow at 3am ahead of an agreed 7am start time.  No such luck; one hour later I received a call to my room that the bride needed us back at the villa within the next hour. The reason? She wanted to be captured asleep so that we would catch the blessed moment she awoke, Disney princess-like, from slumber on the morning of her big day. The language she used when we tried to reason with her was far from Sleeping Beauty.   I also had to turn my hand to tasks more usually found on a wedding planner’s list rather than those of a video producer; if we wanted the shots to look a million dollars, we would have to get the various venues set up and ready ourselves. On the day of the nuptials, the flowers began wilting in the baking midday sun as the bride’s arrival crept ever later; cue frantic spraying to keep the petals buoyant... Appropriately, the five days of theatrics on the island were nothing compared to the drama that unfolded in sending the various video edits to the couple.  Perhaps influenced by the manipulations of social media, we were asked to make the bride’s mother "look less tired", the sea "more blue" and the champagne "more gold""

NYT: Swiss Billionaire Behind 'Hub Project' to Influence U.S. Media, Politics; Bids for Tribune Co. - "Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss, who emerged Tuesday as a top bidder for the Tribune Media Company, has also created a group called the Hub Project to influence U.S. elections, primarily through favorable media coverage for Democrats... The libertarian Koch brothers considered a bid for the Tribune Company in 2013, but were met with strident protest from the media, which feared they might use the Tribune’s media properties to promote conservative ideas."
Foreigners influencing elections is only bad if it helps "the right"

Meme - "Pouring popping candy under my foreskin was the biggest mistake of my life... But for oddball thrill-seeker Garenth Pemberton, the carbonated treat - which produces an effervescent sensation on the tongue - looked like a gateway to sexual bliss"

That time a wrestler died trying to rip a tree in half - "During the time of the ancient Olympiads one name above all others was treated with the utmost reverence by wrestlers hoping to take the Olympic crown. Milo of fucking Croton. A man of immense size and prodigious strength, Milo spent his entire life showing off how buff he was until he was inexplicably killed by wolves while trying to apply a sick wrestling hold to a tree... Milo found that his fingers had become trapped, at which point dozens of wolves emerged from the forest to nibble on his dickhole. Amazingly, if the legends are to be believed, Milo was able to actually fend off the wolves for a time using his wrestling skills and an unholy amount of foot slaps"


Rob Henderson on Twitter - "A former CIA officer reveals that the most attractive incentive you can give to someone to get them to betray their country and become an informant: Give their children admission to an elite U.S. college"

Meme - Ines helene @inihelene: "Drake makes music for people who follow "Billionaire Mindset" accounts on here"
"You tweeted this at 5 in the morning. He certainly has a hold over you."
ines helene @inihelene: "I'm in the U.K."
"5AM is 5AM. Don't embarrass yourself any further. He still lives rent free in your mind."

Meme - Batman: "1939 DETECTIVE COMICS #27
1966 60's TV SHOW

"I've been spelling Erica wrong my whole life..."

Woman ‘shot dead’ after dressing as a ghost to scare her neighbors - "The unidentified victim, said to be aged between 20 and 25 years old, was roaming the streets in Naucalpan de Juarez, Mexico, wearing a white gown and veil.  She donned the scary get up in a bid to frighten residents in the neighborhood of San Miguel Doram on October 15. The woman had dressed up as the Weeping Woman, known as ‘La Llorona’ in Latin America, a ghost who is said to walk the streets mourning her dead children.  According to folklore, the terrifying figure walks the earth in despair after drowning her two children in a river in a fit of rage after seeing her husband with another woman"

Parents beware: Halloween candy found running 1993 MS-DOS game Doom - "The folks at Adafruit Industries crafted one such candy bar as part of a very short, very goofy video which shows Doom running on a small screen inside a (seemingly plastic) Milky Way bar. The video ends with the warning "do not eat if it's Turing complete."... Milky Way bars are sold as Mars bars outside the United States? That means Doom, the game about demons invading Mars, is now running on (a) Mars (bar)"

Meme - Cecil Ross, Catboy Supreme @a_small_bat_: "the recipe starts by telling you to boil an egg you google how to boil an egg it tells you to boil a pot of water how much water? which pot? what temperature? give up and order a pizza.
WHAT YOU SEE AS OBVIOUS, IS NOT OBVIOUS IF NO ONE EVER TAUGHT THEM. This is an example. I know how to boil water. But also "set the stove dial to the highest temperature" isn't some intuitive thing a person knows? It's not an instinct."

Pilot Pretending to Be Blind Walked Around Chicago Midway Airport for Halloween - "It turns out this is a very old gag."

Meme - "Strange how we have a country named after Chad, but not a single geographic location named after gamers"
"Counterpoint: The Virgin Islands"

Meme - "That license plate sounds like one hell of a good date.

The Gym Pub
"I'm going to The Gym"

Wealthiest Man In Illinois Moves His Business From Chicago To Miami Amid Feud With Democratic Leadership - "Ken Griffin of Citadel, a multibillion-dollar hedge fund, announced that he would move his company from Chicago, Illinois, to Miami, Florida... Griffin — whose $29 billion net worth makes him the richest man in Illinois and places him within the 50 richest men on the planet, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index — has already moved to Florida. He hinted to The Wall Street Journal earlier this year that crime rates may have prompted his decision... Under the leadership of Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D-IL), the city of Chicago recorded 797 homicides in 2021 — the highest of any American city... Citadel is the third major company to move its headquarters out of Chicago in the past two months, following earlier decisions from construction machinery maker Caterpillar and airplane manufacturer Boeing. The former planned a move to Irving, Texas, while the latter will relocate to Arlington, Virginia... As with employees at Citadel, investment bankers in New York City — which also struggles with rising crime — overwhelmed recruiters’ offices last summer with requests for moves to Florida... As with employees at Citadel, investment bankers in New York City — which also struggles with rising crime — overwhelmed recruiters’ offices last summer with requests for moves to Florida"

Elon Musk Takes on a Beleaguered Icon - "The famous universal and multilingual encyclopedia, created by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger in 2001, has been the focus of criticism for several days.  What is the reason?   The word "recession."... The White House has just published a blog post that gives an extensive definition of recession... The encyclopedia has changed, according to several screenshots circulating on social media, its definition of recession following the post of the White House.  Until July 11, the encyclopedia included this in its definition of recession: "two negative consecutive quarters of growth." Users could continue to amend the page.  As of July 25, the page dedicated to recession reads this: "Although the definition of a recession varies between different countries and scholars, two consecutive quarters of decline in a country's real gross domestic product is commonly used as a practical definition of a recession," Wikipedia says... users cannot make additions or modifications to the page... "Wikipedia changed the definition of recession to favor the Biden regime, and then locked the page""

Meme - "Apparently this is how Canadians are portrayed in a Japanese textbook:
Hello Everyone. I'm Kate Wood. This is some BC bud, one of my country's biggest exports. I'm from Canada. It's not America. I have a maple leaf flag on my bag. I pour maple syrup on everything. Thank you."

Meme - "My brother got arrested on his vacation because he didn't know that other countries had different laws. For domestic travel my brother has never been outside of our state but he has traveled internationally on vacation several times. He was on vacation when he did something that is legal here but not in the country he was in. Nothing major or violent but he got arrested and the consulate helped him get released and on a flight home. His explanation to the consulate and my parents was that he thought other countries followed US law and he didn't know the laws were different in other countries. He believed whatever laws are made here were also applied everywhere else in the world and other countries had to follow them. It had to be explained to him more than once that every country has its own laws before he understood. My entire childhood and teenage years him and his friends always called me stupid and other names since I am dyslexic and have a hard time at school. It only stopped when I got to be the same height as him and moved out for college. I have not said anything to my brother because it was hellish for and I am not a jerk. Only me and my parents and our brother who was with him know what happened. But I wanted to say anonymously how hilarious I find it. Because my brother always acted like he is smarter and I'm stupid. That is what I wanted to say."

Meme - ""your" and "you're" + "there" and "their"
Me, a non native speaker after learning English for more than 10 years, only to see native speakers confuse with "to," "too," and "two""

Meme - "Blatant Hill: Arab living room + Japanese bedroom + Romanian kitchen + French bathroom = the ultimate in peak comfy aesthetic. Change my mind"

Meme - "Bus:
Bus, India:
*cow trying to get on bus*"

Paintballs to be shot at Dutch wolves in bid to make them less tame - "There are fears that wolves are becoming so unafraid of humans that they could become a serious danger... Paintballs have been chosen so that rangers can see which have been hit... A spokesperson for the province told DutchNews that one of the wolves in particular appeared to be looking for people.  Environmental organisation Faunabescherming has accused park officials of feeding the wolves because if they become too tame they can be classed as "problem animals" and culled."

Before He Passed Away, Anthony Bourdain Shared Golden Rule For Ordering At A Restaurant - "Skip The Fish... if the restaurant's main focus isn't seafood, the fish has likely been refrigerated poorly, as chefs constantly open and close fridges during the weekend rush...
“In almost every restaurant worth patronizing," Bourdain said, "sauces are enriched with mellowing, emulsifying butter."... Any good meal will have a stick of butter in it. "That’s why restaurant food tastes better than home food," he said. "Of course most things have butter because butter makes things taste better... It mellows sauces, it gives it that restaurant sheen and emulsified consistency that we love, and it’s classic."
When diners can't decide what to eat, they often err on the side of chicken: “It occupies its ubiquitous place on menus as an option for customers who can’t decide what they want to eat," Bourdain said, and " it bores the hell out of chefs.” But really, pork should be the "safety option."...
"The reuse of bread has been an open secret — and a fairly standard practice — in the industry for years"... All it takes to make stale bread fresh again is 20 seconds in a hot oven...
Avoid the mussels (not the kind it takes to lift your heavy plate of food, but the food itself)! “More often than not," chef Bourdain revealed in Kitchen Confidential, "mussels are allowed to wallow in their own foul-smelling piss in the bottom of a reach-in."...
"Chefs prefer to cook for weekday customers rather than for weekenders," Anthony Bourdain wrote in "Don't Eat Before Reading This," "and they like to start the new week with their most creative dishes. In New York, locals dine during the week. Weekends are considered amateur nights — for tourists, rubes, and the well-done-ordering pretheatre hordes."...
"Look at your waiter’s face. He knows” about all about what's going on in the kitchen behind closed doors, Bourdain wrote in Kitchen Confidential. “If he likes you, maybe he’ll stop you from ordering a piece of fish he knows is going to hurt you.”...
"Bacteria love hollandaise"... "Nobody I know has ever made hollandaise to order," he continued. Most likely, the stuff on your eggs was made hours ago and held on station. Equally disturbing is the likelihood that the butter used in the hollandaise is melted table butter, heated, clarified, and strained to get out all the breadcrumbs and cigarette butts."
“I can’t imagine a better example of Things To Be Wary Of in the food department than bargain sushi,” said Chef Bourdain. He continued: “Most people don’t understand Sushi, they go to a Sushi bar and say: I had the best Sushi last night, the fish was so fresh! It was right out of the ocean." For sushi, "it’s not about the freshness, it’s at the perfect state at its decomposition that it’s served."...
"People who order their meat well-done perform a valuable service for those of us in the business who are cost-conscious," Anthony Bourdain wrote in the New Yorker. "They pay for the privilege of eating our garbage."...
chefs get sick of eating "fancy" food, too - and believe it or not, they all have their favorite fast food splurges."

Michel Foucault and the Glamour of Evil - The American Spectator - "News that Michel Foucault molested children recalls revelations that Hulk Hogan used steroids. The surprise comes only in response to surprise.  “Young children were running after Foucault saying, ‘What about me? Take me, take me,’ ” French Legion of Honor officer Guy Sorman told the Times of London about an Easter weekend trip to Tunisia during the late 1960s. “They were eight, nine, ten years old, he was throwing money at them and would say, ‘Let’s meet at 10 p.m. at the usual place.’ ”...   The French philosopher particularly interested himself in institutions that suppressed deviancy — prisons, mental hospitals, conventional morality — and sought to erode their power. As the “Down with the University” chant at a late-1960s campus uprising he participated in suggested, he sought a similar fate for academia. One student takeover he joined witnessed him throwing bricks at cops from a rooftop. As department head he hired a professor, also openly inclined to the destruction of higher education, who subsequently granted course credit to strangers she encountered on the bus. When the caliber of his Vincennes University students waned, and the activist Frankenstein he helped create began disrupting his lectures, he bolted to leave others to clean up or lie down in the mess. This pattern followed in his delusional promotion of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and championing of the cause of convict–poet cause célèbre Roger Knobelspiess, who, after securing a release, went on a robbery spree and engaged in a shootout with the police...   Beyond Tunisia, his travels included San Francisco, where he immersed himself in S&M clubs and bathhouses despite the specter of a new disease unconcerned with notions of power’s ability to produce truth. He dismissed AIDS as a figment of the imagination of “American Puritanism.” Foucault’s longtime partner believed he knew he carried the disease even as he partook in rounds of anonymous sex. Not all of his sex partners seemed bothered. “I die happy,” one remarked, “because I was infected by Michel Foucault.” Years after claiming, “I hope I’ll die of an overdose of pleasure of any kind,” Foucault fulfilled this ambition... He also, in openly contending that children can too consent and lobbying for the abolition of French age of consent laws, talked his walk."

Can We Criticize Foucault? - "in a provocative new book published in Belgium last month, a team of scholars led by sociologist Daniel Zamora raises probing questions about Foucault’s relationship with the neoliberal revolution that was just getting started in his last years."
To the left, Foucault should be criticised for not being left enough. Excellent.

Robin DiAngelo’s Misreading of Michel Foucault - "Robin DiAngelo’s academic papers have consistently shown a tendency for indoctrination over debate. This tendency reflects a distrust of objectivity that stems from the influence of philosophers such as Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida. While this is not the place for a deep dive into philosophy, the basic idea for DiAngelo is that power and knowledge are so profoundly connected that it is virtually, if not entirely, impossible to make an objective claim about what we know, because knowledge is never neutral. This view conflates objectivity and neutrality. It is also wrong...   It should not be controversial to say that knowledge can be exploited by dominant vested interests. But to say that knowledge is not neutral is not to say that it is not objective. Neutrality and objectivity are not the same thing."

Senator and "Reverend" Raphael Warnock decided to reach new levels of heresy this Easter - "Uber-commie Senator and "Reverend" Raphael Warnock decided to go full-blown heretic this Easter in a now-deleted tweet, saying the day is "more transcendent than the resurrection of Jesus Christ" and that "we are able to save ourselves"... Warnock is a super far-left ideologue. As an example, the former church he pastored invited Fidel-freaking-Castro to speak in 1995 (and he praised Castro as "complex" after his death)."

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