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Sunday, December 04, 2022

Links - 4th December 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

Tories unsettled over whether ends justify the means in ouster of Derek Sloan - "Conservatives were torn Tuesday over a decision by party leader Erin O'Toole to try to expel an MP from their ranks over a donation from a known white nationalist... the idea he should be booted from caucus specifically because of a donation he said he had not realized he'd received wasn't sitting well with some MPs and party supporters... The controversy over the $131 donated by Paul Fromm, a longtime political activist with links to neo-Nazi causes, erupted late Monday. O'Toole declared the donation -- made under the name "Frederick P. Fromm" -- meant Sloan could no longer be a Conservative MP, citing an intolerance for racism within the party... The party prides itself on collecting donations from hundreds of thousands of grassroots supporters. Vetting them all against an unclear standard would be challenging, if not outright impossible."
Derek Sloan on Twitter - "Guess who else took a donation from "Frederick P Fromm"? After conducting my own investigation, I realized @CPC_HQ took a 10% cut ($13.10) from the same donation I am now possibly being expelled from caucus over. It looks like they didn't know who this individual was either?"

The Racial Masochism Of The Left - "You hear of this sometimes in Europe: liberals and progressives hesitant to report physical violence committed against them by migrants, because they don't want to subject the person who raped, robbed, or beat them to a supposedly racist criminal justice system. For example, in 2016, a left-wing German politician was raped by migrants, but admitted later to lying to police about the identity of her rapists, because she didn't want to make life harder for migrants. What kind of sick ideology trains people like the politician, or the brutalized convenience store clerk above, to at some level accept that they deserve to be raped, beaten, and assaulted because their assailants are of a Sacred Minority? This is what the woke left wants. Don't believe me? On the first day of school this semester, a Denver high school showed this video to its students, a clip produced by scholar-activists at Barnard College in NYC, in which people are urged not to call the police if their attacker is a minority, because Justice. This is what drives me crazy about decent, well-meaning folks like David Brooks being appalled by the smashmouth racism of Los Angeles Hispanic politicians who were secretly recorded. This all-race-all-the-time thinking is fundamental to the woke (that is, the illiberal) Left today! They've been mainstreaming it for years. What do people think Critical Race Theory is, if not for establishing different standards of justice based on race? Where does the Left and all its institutional allies -- which is to say, every major institution in American life -- plan to go with this? Do they really believe that all whites, Asians, and Latinos can be trained to accept brutality from black criminals? Do they really think that America itself is Barnard College? So far, they haven't had any real pushback, so maybe they do. This is what happens when you abandon classically liberal concepts of justice. This is what happens when you Kendify and DiAngelize policy and discourse. When the backlash comes, it's going to be quite ugly. Understand right now that it will be 100 percent the fault of the Left."

Jeffrey Miller Jr. charged with attempted rape at Sanford convenience store - "Police say 28-year-old Jeffrey Miller Jr. walked into the store, went behind the counter, and started hitting the woman in the face and head multiple times before knocking her to the ground. Officers claim that once the woman was on the ground, Miller Jr. attempted to rape her."
Klaus Arminius on Twitter - "It seems the young victim fell prey to the ‘racial police brutality’ myth and The New York Time’s vindication of certain criminals. White Americans are being taught to endure pain and physical harm."
Aka "21-year-old victim of assault and attempted rape was hesitant to call police because the attacker was black…"

Was I Right to Call the Cops on a Black Man Breaking Into a Car?
Reg.G.: "I no longer call the police. Complicity with a fellow officer's wrongful conduct is conspiracy. I have been attacked on the street and I have seen neighbors in need, in neither event have I called police, because I do not trust them. Why call the police? Because it makes you feel better that you have done something, rather than sit by in silence? Unfortunately, the current criminal justice system does not work, and calling the police will not make the neighborhood any safer, nor would the prison system reform the perpetrator, were he caught. Why not accept the challenge of improving the system that time has proven does not work? The "feel good" sensation may not be as strong and immediate, as shooting the criminal or "calling the cops on him" but the effects on the generations that follow us will be more lasting.""

Environment Canada changes tune after insensitive Toronto Diwali air pollution statement - "A weather warning issued for Toronto via Environment Canada has been reissued following widespread back-lash. Earlier today, the government agency released a special air quality statement citing the potential for increased air pollution in Toronto and surrounding areas due to Diwali fireworks."

Diwali 2022: Ban on fireworks to green crackers, here are some restrictions across India - "Ahead of Diwali 2022, several states such as Delhi, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Haryana, and Punjab among others have imposed a ban or restricted the use of fireworks to control pollution."
Damn racism in India!

The “Light Vs. Dark” Story Of Diwali Really Needs An Update - "This binary is oversimplified at best, and our children deserve better... I grew up in a polytheistic Hindu household and this stock phrase makes me uncomfortable on many levels — first and foremost because of the reiteration of that insidious dynamic: lightness and whiteness symbolize “good” and darkness and blackness symbolize “bad.” The narrative is oversimplified at best, and dangerous at worst"

After FIVE YEARS, a Christian baker won her California court case for refusing to make a cake for a lesbian wedding - "In 2017, Cathy Miller, a Christian baker from Bakersfield, California, was sued for refusing to bake a cake for a lesbian "wedding" under a 1959 California civil rights law... The state of California seriously went with the uninformed, pumpkin-level IQ Bible quizzing to try to trap Miller. They seriously asked, "You're against gay marriage? dO YoU eAt sHriMp?" This is how much the state of California knows about Christianity"
So much for "how will someone else's gay marriage hurt you?" The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again!

Outrage as Labour MP says Rishi Sunak as PM ‘isn’t a win for Asian representation’ - "A Labour MP has claimed Rishi Sunak’s election as prime minister is not “a win for Asian representation” because he is a multi-millionaire who oversaw a fall in UK living standards. Nadia Whittome, a Nottingham MP who is a member of the Left-wing Socialist Campaign Group, caused outrage after she said Mr Sunak was “not on your side” as Britain’s first prime minister of Asian heritage... Zarah Sultana, another Left-wing Labour MP, called Mr Sunak a “complete, utter fraud” because he supported the Government’s policy to process asylum seekers in Rwanda... Rupa Huq, the Labour MP for Ealing, had the Labour whip suspended after she told an audience at the party’s annual conference in Liverpool last month that Kwasi Kwarteng was “superficially” black and “you wouldn't know he's black” by listening to him on the radio."
Minorities only count when they're on the left

Meme - Marcella Arguello @marcellacomedy: "They're saying Rihanna had a boy Hope he's gay otherwise he's just gonna be another handsome loser male."
Heterophobia is a myth

Big 'Enry VIII on Twitter - ">On train
>Pride event or something happening in Glasgow, train full of pride attendees
>Random girl handing out pride flags
>Offers me one
>Cant refuse because might be a hate crime
>Can't throw it away because might be a hate crime
>Had to hold it
>Literally 1984"

'This is ridiculous': Student claims professor insisted on having class despite Deepavali holiday - "Kalyani posted some screenshots of her professor's email and a snippet of herself attending the lecture on Monday morning. She also hashtagged NTU in the video's accompanying caption. "When your prof keeps lessons on Deepavali because 'there's no other common time to meet to reschedule'"... "Deepavali is the most [overlooked] holiday in Singapore...please do not let him get away with this," urged one netizen... other netizens pointed out that the professor did offer an alternative option for students unable to attend the class during Deepavali in his email, that he could schedule them to go for his Wednesday afternoon lecture instead."
Clearly, the lecturer, by offering 2 choices (Deepavali and another day) instead of 1 (not Deepavali) and having to work twice instead of once, is racist and needs to be fired

"Being Black in Singapore is Very Mentally Healing ..." (Black in Singapore) | MFiles - YouTube
"There is a youtube video of an African American who came to Singapore and started a business, saying the lack of identity politics here (for now) is refreshing. Cue a bunch of African Americans showing up in the comments section accusing him of "white-washing" himself."

The woke monster has come for Obama! Activists label him an "oppressor" in their quest to rename Jefferson school - "The board suggested naming the school named for Jefferson as "Barack and Michelle Obama Elementary." For those who don't understand how wokism works, this probably seemed like a good idea. "Latinx" activists, however, shot that idea down faster than Obama shot down the U.S. economy: '"I will not be part of renaming a school after someone who did not and does not represent the undocumented community," said one school board member.'... The super-woke see Obama's record as problematic because he had an immigration policy that generally prosecuted criminals and deported them to protect the nation he was elected to serve. (Wait til they hear he used to only support marriage between a man and a woman.) In addition to labelling him an oppressor, activists held a protest outside the board meeting last week, calling him "Deporter in Chief.""

Meme - Geetha @fallenvirgo (Sangeetha Thanapal): "That you feel the need to go to India & Indonesia & whatever world country makes u feel superior means you're there for ur own purposes. The fact is there are poor pple, especially poor minorities, in Singapore. If you really wanted to help start with ur own backdoor. Or maybe they're just not poor enough for you to get mileage & media attention out of. This requirement of destitution 4 help is disgusting. I don't understand Chinese Singaporeans who have to go to India to 'help' people. What, there aren't poor Indian in Sg? It's amazing how neocolonial charity & other organizations can be, even ones tt aren't led by White people. The language is creepily similar"
When it comes to grievance mongering, charity begins at home and must stay at home

Meme - "Sphynx 24
Pansexual Enby
Lives in Toronto
1 kilometer away
Looking for: Short-term, open to long
About Me
*Trans, black, Filipino flas* No Canadian flag because Canada's not a country. I study dance (Contemporary, street dance, hip-hop, basket) and teach martial arts {Brazilian jiu-jitsu). I'm interested in politics and philosophy. Integrity. Kindness. Curiosity. Optimism. Not really looking for anything monogamous. Trans peoples and POC get priority"
The "be kind" crowd strikes again

Meme - ""Borders are just imaginary lines that don't exist in nature." Nature:"
"GPS tracking on six wolf packs shows how much they avoid and respect each other's territory."

If another Holocaust, 'I hope Ben Shapiro gets gassed first' - YouTuber - ""If there's another Holocaust and people start rounding up the Jews again I hope Ben [Shapiro] gets gassed first. Or last," YouTuber Ethan Klein said on his H3TV podcast on Monday during a discussion on Kanye West's recent antisemitic rants and other political controversies. Klein's employees and co-hosts looked visibly disturbed by the comment. Klein had hesitated before making the joke, remarking prior that it would be controversial. "Can I not say that?" Klein, who is also Jewish, said to his podcast staff. "I'm not doing anything. I'm getting gassed too. Do you think it would be more justice if he got first or last?"... Shapiro responded to Klein's comments in a tweet on Thursday, saying that "If there were another Holocaust, I would hope that Ethan and his family escaped. But maybe that's just me."... Five months ago Klein said on a podcast episode that "someone should bomb" the building hosting an NRA convention in Florida. H3TV had been reviewing Kanye West's recent appearance on the Drink Champs Podcast, in which West blamed "Jewish Zionists" for the reports that his ex-wife Kim Kardashian and her then-boyfriend Pete Davidson had sexual intercourse next to a fireplace, claimed that "Jewish people have owned the Black voice," and described Disney as a Jewish platform. "It's super antisemitic, obviously Jewish people are not a monolith and there's not a conspiracy," commented Klein. "Just referring things to Jewish industries, it plays into the trope that there's a cabal of Jewish people that controls the world, which is what Hitler said — and you know it comes before violence.""
Apparently wishing your opponents get killed is not related to violence, but saying some industries are Jewish is

Many Online Have Never Seen A Black Fetus Illustrated, And Now Express Their Surprise After Finding One
8 Surprising Facts About Your Baby's Skin Color, Complexion and More - "No matter your ethnicity or race, your baby’s skin will be reddish purple for the first few days, thanks to a circulation system that’s just getting up to speed. (In fact, some babies can take up to six months to develop their permanent skin tone.)"
"Trust the science"

Opinion: It’s Not That Asian Students Perform Better On The SAT Than Black Students Because They Are Better. The SAT Is Just A Racist Test - "Why Asian students particularly outperform all other racial groups actually has to do with test prep courses and materials being marketed to them more than anyone else. While test prep alone doesn’t guarantee high scores, test prep combined with attending well-resourced schools manifests the gaps we see... Making these tests central to gauging Black student intelligence does not aid understanding because intelligence is displayed various ways. In order to properly ascertain Black student performance, assessments must be culturally responsive and connected to a tangible display of skill that provides young people the opportunity to offer solutions to problems. Sadly, making Black students critical thinkers isn’t a priority. If it were, then America would have a problem. I guess that’s why all these books are being banned"
What an incoherent article. Clearly if the writer scores low on the SAT, this will be due to racism, not because he's an idiot

Meme - ""This is a banned book in the US"
It got removed from a couple of grade school libraries in the deep south or some shit"

Woman Says All White People Are Racist Demons - "Ashleigh Shackelford addressed a room full of self-loathing white liberals and proceed to unload a boatload of racial sentiments in efforts to “educate” them about their whiteness. First, she said that whites are born into a life that is not human, and they are taught to be DEMONS. She then says ALL white people are racists.\"

Facebook - "As Asian American white-collar workers return to the office amid a disturbing surge in anti-Asian hate crimes, some have a simple request: They want their colleagues to bother to learn their names"
"The NYT piece is headlined “The Costs of Being an Interchangeable Asian.” Yes I am sure this is unique to Asians, who have never mistook the identities of two black people or two whiten people. Please. I loathe how the narcissism and entitlement of those who think like this get platformed in the NYT. And besides, if the sum total of your racial/cultural identity is an incoherent census category (AAPI/Asian) with which to extract concessions from the diversity racket, then how can you possibly complain when people treat you as such? There’s a real and unacknowledged tension in complaints about the illegibility of distinct national and cultural identities (let alone personal ones) coming on the heels of an incoherent “AAPI” hate-crime victimization narrative and concomitant “heritage month.”"

The unstoppable march of state censorship - "In Finland, a long-standing member of parliament and former government minister, Dr Päivi Räsänen, is facing jail time for three counts of ‘hate speech’. Her crime was sharing her deeply held beliefs over the past two decades on topics such as marriage, sexual ethics and her Christian faith. The criminal charges relate to a 2019 tweet containing a picture of a Bible passage, a church pamphlet she wrote in 2004 on marriage and sexual ethics, and approximately two minutes of conversation extracted from a one-hour discussion on a 2019 radio show, which was broadcast on the Finnish equivalent of the BBC. Each offence carries a maximum two-year prison sentence. Päivi Räsänen is officially being prosecuted for the crime of ‘ethnic agitation’. As if all this wasn’t shocking enough, this falls under the section of ‘war crimes and crimes against humanity’ in the Finnish criminal code. What on earth is going on? The case of Päivi Räsänen is an extreme example of what is playing out across Europe. Over the past two decades, a tried and tested three-step formula for censorship has emerged, and it goes something like this. Firstly, governments make a case in public for more restrictions on speech, citing extreme examples of the sort of threats they want to prevent (threats which apparently cannot be addressed with the already far-reaching laws at their disposal). Warnings of the threat to free speech are often dismissed as scaremongering. Secondly, vaguely worded laws are rushed through parliaments that end up going well beyond their publicly stated aim. Thirdly, these laws are amended or interpreted over time to broaden the scope of what is caught by the law and lower the threshold for what is considered illegal. As a result, the restrictions apply to a much wider range of behaviour than originally advertised. Those who were accused of scaremongering are vindicated, which counts for very little. Incidentally, the EU is planning to follow this exact formula. It is currently launching a roadmap to make ‘hate speech’ an EU-wide crime"
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Black people are more likely to die in traffic accidents. Covid made it worse. - "there are three major reasons Black people bear the brunt of roadway injuries: infrastructure, design and racism"
Racist Technology in Action: “Race-neutral” traffic cameras have a racially disparate impact - "Traffic cameras that are used to automatically hand out speeding tickets don’t look at the colour of the person driving the speeding car. Yet, ProPublica has convincingly shown how cameras that don’t have a racial bias can still have a disparate racial impact... This is a clear example of why debiasing technology will never be a sufficient measure when trying to create a more just world: the use of technology without bias can clearly still increase the structural inequalities that already exist in society."
What red light cameras may reveal about racial profiling – Chicago Tribune - "62 percent of the red light violators were white, which was less than the population numbers, and 30 percent of the violators were black, a percentage far higher than the population numbers... When people take a superficial look at the information from the cameras, they see race because that's what we've been programmed to see. Skin color stands out. But when we delve deeper, when we look closer at this issue and many others, we see so much more — that households matter and environments matter and not the color of the person."
Anything that disadvantages a "minority" is racist. Correcting for race is only important if it makes "minorities" look better

Banana Left at Door Pushes Teacher to Sue Student Over Racism
No one watched Saturday morning cartoons

Why make university students allergic to ideas? - "I see a parallel between the ­hygiene hypothesis and what is occurring on university campuses: students are developing allergies to ideas. This could be understood by the safe space hypothesis: a lack of exposure to challenging ideas and hurt feelings is causing idea allergies by suppressing the natural development of critical reasoning skills."
From 2017

Think Republicans are disconnected from reality? It's even worse among liberals - "the wilder a person’s guess as to what the other party is thinking, the more likely they are to also personally disparage members of the opposite party as mean, selfish or bad. Not only do the two parties diverge on a great many issues, they also disagree on what they disagree on... higher education does not improve a person’s perceptions – and sometimes even hurts it. In their survey answers, highly educated Republicans were no more accurate in their ideas about Democratic opinion than poorly educated Republicans. For Democrats, the education effect was even worse: the more educated a Democrat is, according to the study, the less he or she understands the Republican worldview. “This effect,” the report says, “is so strong that Democrats without a high school diploma are three times more accurate than those with a postgraduate degree.” And the more politically engaged a person is, the greater the distortion. What could be going on? Bubble-ism, the report suggests. Even more than their Republican counterparts, highly educated Democrats tend to live in exclusively Democratic enclaves. The more they report “almost all my friends hold the same political views”, the worse their guesses on what Republicans think. So do they believe in sticking with their own? No. When asked in a Pew survey whether it’s important to live in a place “where most people share my political views”, half of conservatives and only a third of liberals agreed. Although in principle more tolerant of political diversity, highly educated – and mostly urban – Democrats live, ironically, with less of it."

Vancouverites say city election was about communities making their voices heard, not Left versus Right - The Hub - "When given a choice between an incumbent mayor declaring Vancouver safe or a challenger asserting the opposite, Vancouverites chose the latter in a landslide this month. It was the first sign of a growing trend that voters may be turning their minds to public safety and casting ballots for politicians who reflect those concerns... One of ABC’s biggest promises during the election was hiring 100 new officers for the Vancouver Police Department (VPD), and 100 new mental health nurses. Violent crime in Vancouver has spiked considerably compared to 2019, with a 35 percent rise in serious assaults, while robberies and assaults against police officers were both up by over 20 percent... Lorraine Lowe is the executive director of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, located in Vancouver’s historic Chinatown neighbourhood. She says the Chinatown community felt unheard during the tenure of Stewart, who insisted Vancouver was a safe city even as violent crime rose in the neighbourhood... Stewart is a drug decriminalization advocate who supports “safe supply”, which entails providing addicts with toxic-free narcotics, or narcotic replacements. During Stewart’s mayoralty, he called on lawmakers to abolish street checks by police officers, while the school board voted to end the VPD’s school liaison officer program. Anti-Asian hate crimes and random assaults became frequent in Vancouver’s Chinatown during the pandemic, with seniors often being the victims... Random assaults, such as an 87-year-old in Chinatown being attacked with bear spray, occurred as the homeless encampment, located at the nearby intersection of Main and Hastings, exploded in size over the last two and a half years. The sale and open use of narcotics like heroin, meth, and crack cocaine are commonplace there... Other cities in Canada are also confronting these trends. On Oct. 19, the Ottawa Police Association publicly criticized Catherine McKenney, a mayoral candidate in Monday’s municipal election. McKenney has publicly voiced support for defunding or diverting funding from the Ottawa Police Service and ultimately lost to Mark Sutcliffe, the centrist candidate, by 13 percentage points. Violent crime rates in other cities across Canada are rising as well, and Lowe says concerned residents should look at Vancouver as an example of what happens when governments are soft on crime."

Vancouver’s centrist pivot puts city halls across Canada on notice - The Hub - "Among Canadian cities, Vancouver has always been something of an anomaly; more closely resembling the hippy-dippy locales along America’s Left Coast than our other major urban centres... This alternative ethos has long been reflected in the city’s municipal politics, a landscape dominated by left-wing groups like the openly socialist Committee of Progressive Electors (COPE) and the “green liberal” Vision Vancouver, formerly an electoral vehicle for ex-NDP MLA Gregor Robertson (Vancouver’s mayor from 2008 to 2018). It’s a city where there is precious little real estate on the Right (or, frankly, anywhere else in town). Politicians of every municipal stripe make appearances at drag brunches, do yoga in public, and ride their bicycles to city hall. Vancouver’s politics skew so far to the left that a modest proposal to remove one bike lane for every new bike lane created earned mayoral candidate Wai Young the sort of press coverage usually reserved for puppy killers back in 2018... The headline from Vancouver’s municipal election is that even one of Canada’s most progressive electorates has finally grown impatient with the failed left-wing orthodoxy on urban challenges like crime, homelessness, and drug addiction. A cursory glance at the raw data makes one wonder what took them so long to do so. Fatalities linked to illicit drug use have grown each year of Stewart’s term and are on pace to hit another all-time high this year. Each day, four Vancouverites are violently attacked by strangers (serious assaults are up by more than a third since the late 2010s). Catch-and-release policing has kept even the city’s most prolific offenders on the streets. A recent government report even admits that official crime statistics don’t tell the full story when it comes to increasing crime rates in the province. A failure to report crime or arrest and charge those responsible does not mean that actual crime is not increasing. Even before the recent announcement from the federal and BC governments that they would effectively decriminalize the possession of hard drugs for three years, it was widely known that law enforcement of drug-related offences in the province was lax for decades. Irrespective of what one thinks about drug policy, it’s hard to argue that these choices don’t have consequences for the crime rate... Just under a year ago, New York City’s electorate soundly rejected the grassroots “defund the police” movement by making ex-police captain Eric Adams the city’s new mayor. In June, San Franciscans voted to remove reformist district attorney Chesa Boudin from office. Boudin, a vocal proponent of alternatives to criminal prosecution, was blamed for an uptick in multiple crimes, including muggings and car break-ins, and criticized for his failure to rein in drug-related deaths. The result also hints that new Conservative Party of Canada leader Pierre Poilievre’s messaging is having a downstream effect on municipal politics. During his leadership campaign, Poilievre placed an innovative focus on issues that have historically been the domain of city halls, notably promising to make federal infrastructure spending contingent on the approval of high-density zoning (Vancouver is one of the world’s least affordable housing markets). His incursions onto municipal turf appeared to play well in key urban centres like Vancouver; Poilievre swept B.C. in the Conservative leadership vote. His campaign exceeded internal targets for membership sales and saw thousands of new Conservative members attend his meet & greets in East Vancouver, hardly a right-of-centre stronghold. Not missing a beat, Poilievre referenced Vancouver’s municipal election in last Monday’s Question Period, calling the result a repudiation of the “radical policies” of Justin Trudeau and the city’s NDP-affiliated mayor Kennedy Stewart. He went on to laud Vancouverites for voting to “bring in commonsense laws to restore safe streets.” These remarks indicate that Poilievre will continue to speak on municipal issues as opposition leader, potentially generating a rising tide for centrist and right-leaning municipal politicians across Canada. The election results from Vancouver, arguably Canada’s most reliably left-leaning major city, should put every city hall in the country on notice. Vancouverites have communicated, in the strongest possible terms, that they will no longer tolerate a new-age progressive dogma that places the rights of criminals above public safety; an approach to urban governance that has demonstrably failed. Municipal governments that fail to give their residents a restored sense of security may see their days numbered."

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