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Sunday, December 04, 2022

Links - 4th December 2022 (1 - Trans Mania)

Sex Education : Gender & Orientation
Trans mania is well and truly in Singapore, and AWARE is championing it. Ironic. Of course, feminists keep pretending feminism isn't ushering in women losing their rights

Gender identity issues 'bitterly contested sources of division'; Singapore 'should not import these culture wars': Lawrence Wong - "Gender identity issues have become bitterly contested sources of division in some Western societies, and Singapore should not import these culture wars, said Minister for Education Lawrence Wong. Mr Wong was responding to a parliamentary question from Sengkang MP He Tingru of the Workers' Party about the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) policies and guidelines on students with gender dysphoria; how often the policies and approaches are reviewed; and the level of autonomy schools have over setting these policies and approaches. This comes after an 18-year-old student said in a Reddit post on Jan 14 that the Education Ministry had intervened with her treatment, preventing her from obtaining a doctor's referral letter to begin hormone therapy.   MOE denied these claims two days later, saying that it was "not true" that it interfered with the student’s hormonal treatment... For students with gender dysphoria, MOE’s “main focus” is providing them with a “conducive learning environment” and to support their overall well-being, he added.   “Recognising that the issues are complex, and that there are diverse opinions among students and their parents, we strive to deal with these situations sensitively and with compassion.”   School rules are a “particularly difficult” issue, said Mr Wong.   "They are in place to help students cultivate self-discipline and a sense of responsibility. But we recognise that students diagnosed with gender dysphoria and undergoing hormone therapy could face difficulties with certain school rules," he said.   "Where there are valid medical grounds, schools can exercise flexibility and work out practical arrangements for these students. The schools will consult and work closely with different stakeholders, including the relevant medical professionals, the students concerned and their parents, in putting in place these arrangements."... Ms He also suggested that MOE consider presenting a public report on these matters to Parliament on a regular basis.   In response, Mr Wong said that family members, especially parents of such students, are “very uncomfortable” with their situation being aired publicly. "
Fat hope. Grievance mongers will never stop
It looks like the WP is on the trans train too

Meme - Perfect Sweetie Pagliacci (Devilish!) @NeoPagliacci: "instagram vs. reality: professor at UC Berkeley edition *grace.lavery.pangolin*"

Meme - "Aquama'am"

Meme - "Congrats to Lia Thomas for winning the women's swimming title. Here she is with her teammates. *Borat in Mankini*"

UK nurses asked to stop using the term 'breast milk' - "UK health officials ordered nurses at two hospitals to substitute the term “breast milk” for “human milk” — part of a first-of-its-kind effort there to be more inclusive to trans and non-binary parents... health professionals were advised to use the phrases “breast/chest milk,” “milk from the feeding mother or parent” and “human milk”... Nurses were also urged to avoid the terms “mothers” and “women” on their own — unless called for in specific cases. They were instead asked to use gender-neutral terms such as “parents” and “people”"

Scarlett Johnson on Twitter - "📣Sexuality education curriculum (recently approved by Wisconsin DPI) for 5th grade students(10 yr olds) now includes a PowerPoint presentation on puberty blockers. Yeah, it's happening."

When Disagreement Becomes Trauma - "This conflation of disagreement with personal “trauma” takes equally lurid expression in the ongoing debate about whether self-declared gender identity should trump biological reality when it comes to the boundaries demarcating protected female spaces. Among many activists, it is now taken for granted not only that biological sex is a transphobic mirage, but also that arguing otherwise puts transgender people at mortal risk by “denying their very existence.” When feminist Meghan Murphy came to a Toronto library in 2019 to argue for protected spaces, a CBC radio host compared her event to an evening of—yup, you guessed it—holocaust denial. Just a few months ago, trans activist Grace Lavery abruptly pulled out of a debate with gender-critical book author Helen Joyce, on similarly spurious claims that the event would somehow “harm” transgender people. (For good measure, Lavery added that Joyce—a gentle and patient soul whom we’ve had the pleasure of working with here at Quillette—is a bigot and “fascist.”) At Oxford University Press, a group of staff took the campaign against gender dissent a step further last month, with a petition launched against one of OUP’s own books. That petition advanced the extraordinary claim that a gender-critical (i.e., biologically rooted) understanding of womanhood shouldn’t even qualify as a legitimate scholarly premise, being a mere “polemical intervention, unsubstantiated in the fields of gender, sexuality, queer, and trans studies, that promotes itself by the deliberate sowing of public controversy without being held accountable for very real and dangerous consequences.” There’s no indication that the petitioners had even read the book in question. But they had a duty to denounce it anyway, they insisted, in order to protect trans people from “terrorization.”"

Meme - "Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me from such films as "You Will Never Be A Woman", "Your Skin Is Thicker and Rougher Than That Of Woman", "Your Pores And Connective Tissue Are Arranged Differently From Those Of A Woman", "Your Bone Structure, Including Jaw, Brow Ridge, And Hips, Is Obviously Male", "You Have A Man's Hairline", "Your Ring Finger Is Longer Than Your Index Finger", "Your Navel Is Above Your Waist", "Your Body Stores Fat Differently Than A Woman's Does", "Your Saliva, Sweat and Urine Contain Male Pheromones", "You Are Biologically Incapable Of Menstruation and Pregnancy", "Every Somatic Cell In Your Body Contains The Y Chromosome", "Children Are Confused When They See You", and who can forget: "Your Parents Will Use Your Real Name When They Bury You"."

Behind Closed Doors: American School Counselor Association Conference Exposed - "The group Courage is a Habit is making waves. Alvin Lui, founder of the movement to educate parents on the threats to children from woke cultists, bought a ticket to the American School Counselor Association conference this year and recorded the whole thing... What he uncovered is a boiling cauldron of dangerous ideologies that are causing racial division and hatred, a gender crisis, anxiety disorders, increased suicidality, and an unbelievable admission that school counselors have taken children to get birth control against the wishes of their parents...   “She explained that she had just taken a child to get contraceptives at a clinic because her mother wouldn’t let her have them. She said, ‘what do I do?'” Then Stone asked the crowd of school counselors to tell her what to do in that situation. “Solve this for me. Do you, one, do you tell her to go back and convince the student to tell her parent, or do you tell her, two, call the girl’s mother and confess, or do you tell her, three, ‘hold your breath and pray’? Turn to your neighbor and tell them what you’re going to tell her.”  The entire crowd of school counselors shouted out, “Three!” Dr. Stone approvingly replied, “See? You’re all ready to be a part of the ethics committee! Sign up!”... Stone insisted that she wants parents to read ASCA materials, but shortly after that material was posted online, Lui received a notice from his website hosting company that ASCA had sent them a cease-and-desist order based on a copyright violation, and they removed the Google Drive link from Courage Is a Habit’s website... The claim that the material Lui republished was copyrighted is thin. Fair use laws demand that journalists be able to publish documents like this for informational and educational purposes. These materials are being used on students in public schools. They should therefore be in the public domain. And if the ASCA isn’t doing anything wrong, why are they trying to scrub their own training materials from the internet? During her interview with PJ Media, Stone pleaded with people to read ASCA materials so we understand what it is they actually do. But now ASCA is frantically trying to get rid of those materials so you can’t read them. Here are some of the worst things Lui found that ASCA doesn’t want you to see.  The conference, ironically named “No Limits,” put a heavy focus on the controversial gender theory that is leading to the mutilation of healthy kids by money-hungry surgeons... The agenda for the “No Limits” conference was full of far-left programming, including “anti-racism” (which is code for encouraging racism against whites and instituting a hierarchy based on skin color), becoming an “LGBTQ-inclusive school,” “equity in action through systemic change,” “support [for] transgender and gender-expansive students,” and more... Could a counselor decide to be an ally to Catholic students by being visibly pro-Catholic with statues of Mary in her office and signs on the door that say “safe space for Catholics” and repeatedly attempt to normalize the use of rosaries? Obviously, that’s a ridiculous supposition. No one would allow that in a public school. But why do they allow the counselors to be “visible allies” to LGBTQ+ students? Why are they “normalizing pronoun use” and pushing these fringe beliefs on all students? These are cult beliefs that only a small minority of people believe (and almost all of them are on TikTok). Most people do not believe that there is an infinite number of genders or that humans can change their sex. So why is this allowed to be treated as if it is universally accepted?"

Reuters Asia on Twitter - "WATCH: Noella McMaher, a ten-year-old transgender model and activist, opened and closed Renacio's #NYFW show"
These are the same people who claim religion (i.e. Christianity) is child abuse

Elderly Gay Activist Assaulted by Trans Protesters at Vermont Pride Parade - "A prominent gay rights leader who helped organize New York City’s first gay pride march in 1970 claims he was attacked by radical transgender activists over the weekend while he protested their movement during a gay pride parade in Vermont.  Fred Sargeant, 74, an early advocate for gay rights in the U.S. who participated in the 1969 Stonewall riots, said trans activists at Sunday’s parade in Burlington grabbed his signs, shoved him, poured coffee on his head, smacked him, knocked him to the ground, and stole his property because he held a sign and handed out pamphlets critical of the trans movement... Sargeant has become an outspoken critic of the gender identity movement that he believes has taken over the gay rights movement. On Sunday, he said, he attended the Burlington  Pride parade to protest what he believes has become “an exclusionary parade and a venue for groups dedicated to discrimination within the same-sex community.”  “The concern I have is that the movement that I knew, the gay liberation movement, has metamorphosized into a gender identity movement that is quite misogynistic, homophobic – values that I can’t share,” he told National Review. “I don’t recognize it any longer.”... he was at the parade holding a sign that compared people presenting as the opposite gender to people in black face. “For some reason in society today, while no one would dare go in black face and expect to be taken seriously in the future, drag is celebrated, and I think that’s wrong,” Sargeant said. “I think it’s disrespectful for women.”   Sargeant said he positioned himself facing the oncoming parade, and stood silently with his sign, which read “Gay, Not Queer” on the reverse side. A trans woman in the parade, peeled off, approached him, and took his sign, he said.  “As best I could on a cane, but with a little adrenaline going, I kind of hobbled after him down the street, got my sign back,” Sargeant said.  But when Sargeant returned to his position on the parade route, he said, he was surrounded by more angry trans activists who confronted him. Video posted to Sargeant’s Facebook page shows a woman fighting with him, trying to take his sign. “Somebody dumped coffee on my head. A number of people were smacking me on the back of the head,” said Sargeant, who has been kicked off Twitter for allegedly misgendering trans people. “Eventually, toward the end of the march they knocked me to the ground.” Sargeant said he had about $600 worth of items – including a folding chair, an umbrella, a box of leaflets, and a new L.L. Bean shirt – stolen from the side of the road... Sargeant denies that the activists who tussled with him are victims. “When they’re claiming they’re the victim of an elderly man, you know that they’re a bankrupt group”"

Top surgery drastically improves quality of life for young transgender people, study finds - "The quality of life of young transmasculine people dramatically improves after receiving top surgery — a mastectomy procedure that removes breast tissue — according to a study by Northwestern Medicine.  The study, published in peer-reviewed journal JAMA Pediatrics on Monday, is the first to show that top surgery is "associated with significant improvement in chest dysphoria, gender congruence, and body image in transmasculine and nonbinary teens and young adults," Northwestern Medicine said in a press release.   The study compared two groups of patients ranging in ages from 14 to 24... Three months after surgery, the patients who had the procedure experienced significantly less chest dysphoria than they had prior to surgery... "In the 2022 state legislative year, about 60% of all proposed LGBTQ-health related bills aimed to ban or limit transgender-related health care," and the stakes are high. Access to gender-affirming surgical care can be a life or death issue for trans youth. A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that nearly 51% of female-to-male respondents had attempted suicide, while the average youth suicide rate in the U.S. is 9%"
"This is not happening, and it's good that it is"
TRAs keep claiming this doesn't happen. And they will continue to gaslight about that
Are boob jobs also "healthcare" since they give recipients temporary euphoria?
So much for 41%- for trans people who attempt suicide being an inaccurate number

BLAIRE WHITE on Twitter - "Recently a lady came up to me and talked about “how sad” it was that kids in Texas can’t get trans surgeries anymore. She expected me to agree. Assuming that I support sex changes for kids just because I’m trans is more insulting than any “transphobic” thing you could say to me."
"This is not happening, and it's good that it is"

John McGuirk on Twitter - "I do enjoy the seamless major media coverage shift from "teenagers getting double mastectomies is a far right myth and it's not happening" to "teenagers getting double mastectomies is happening, and it's a good thing that only bigots could oppose"."

Thread by @MattWalshBlog on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "BREAKING: My team and I have been investigating the transgender clinic at Vanderbilt here in Nashville. Vanderbilt drugs, chemically castrates, and performs double mastectomies on minors. But it gets worse. Here is what we found. Let's start at the beginning. Vanderbilt opened its trans clinic in 2018. During a lecture the same year, Dr. Shayne Taylor explained how she convinced Nashville to get into the gender transition game. She emphasized that it's a "big money maker," especially because the surgeries require a lot of "follow ups" Vanderbilt was apparently concerned that not all of its staff would be on board. Dr. Ellen Clayton warned that "conscientious objections" are "problematic." Anyone who decides not to be involved in transition surgeries due to "religious beliefs" will face "consequences" In case the objectors hadn't gotten the memo, Vanderbilt unveiled a program called "Trans Buddies." The "buddies" are trans activists from the community who attend appointments with trans patients, monitoring the doctors to guard against "unsafe" behavior such as misgendering. Vanderbilt makes their Trans Buddies available to children, too. They make lots of "services" available to children, including chemical castration. Though at some point in the last month they removed explicit admission of this fact from their site... But they must have forgot to delete a video from Vanderbilt Psychiatry’s Youtube channel back in 2020 which admits explicitly that they will give and have given irreversible hormone drugs to children as young as 13. After they have drugged and sterilized the kids, Vanderbilt — as explained in this video presentation by plastic surgeon Julien Winocour and Physician’s Assistant Shalyn Vanderbloemen — will happily perform double mastectomies on adolescent girls.  So, let’s review. Vanderbilt got into the gender transition game admittedly in large part because it is very financially profitable. They then threatened any staff members who objected, and enlisted a gang of trans activists to act as surveillance in order to force compliance. They now castrate, sterilize, and mutilate minors as well as adults, while apparently taking steps to hide this activity from the public view.  This is what "health care" has become in modern America."
Even euthanasia is "healthcare", so

Vanderbilt pauses gender affirmation surgery for minors, letter states

Raychelle Burks on Twitter - "20 years ago, I got some advice from a biology professor. "Never trust a man that refers to women as females." Beloveds, it has held up. Really and truly."
Once again, inclusive terms are only good when that helps the liberal agenda. So much for making a distinction between gender and sex. We're still going to be gaslit that there's a distinction between the two and only ignorant people don't know that

Students walk out after professor says there are only two sexes - "students at the University of Southern Maine walked out and demanded that their professor Christy Hammer be replaced after making the comment.

Meme - "Block and report @Men_Follower they follow exclusively trans women."

Oakville teacher shocks students by wearing huge prosthetic breasts to shop class - "Video footage and photos of a Toronto-area high school teacher are blowing up online today, sparking a raucous debate about what educators should and shouldn't wear to work.  It appears as though many social media users first became aware of the teacher in question (and, more specifically, the sizeable prosthetic bust she wears,) when an American radio host tweeted a series of images said to have been captured at Oakville Trafalgar High School.  In the clips, we see a woman with long blonde hair wearing what appear to be bicycle shorts with various incredibly tight tops — tight on account of the fact that the teacher's breasts appear to be at least twice the size of her head. Each... the instructor in question is a tech teacher.  The teacher is reported to be a transgender individual who previously went by a different name.  In some photos shared by students on Snapchat and later recirculated by adults on Twitter, the teacher's name can be seen written on the blackboard as "Ms. Lemieux."  It is apparent in many photos, based simply on human physiology (and in some cases sheer clothing,) that the teacher is wearing a prosthetic chest piece of some kind...   "The Halton District School Board is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable and welcoming learning and working environment for all students and staff."  Noting that they "strive to promote and support a positive learning environment in schools," the HDSB did tell blogTO that it "recognizes the rights of students, staff, parents/guardians and community members to equitable treatment without discrimination based upon gender identity and gender expression."   "Gender identity and gender expression are protected grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code," said the HDSB staffer... At least one student from Oakville Trafalgar is reported to have confirmed in a now-deleted tweet that the images are real, as opposed to part of a hoax, as some originally believed them to be."
Absolutely not a fetish
I like how blogTO is defending this individual. I saw others doing the same. One said "mind your own business and body" and another even claimed "She has rights, if you have a problem with it maybe you should go somewhere people don't have equal rights........"

Ontario school board is now reviewing dress code after busty teacher controversy - "After more than a week of international attention due to the oversized prosthetic bust of one of its teachers, the Halton District School Board is now apparently in the process of re-assessing its dress code... While many expressed concern over the very visible nipples of the tech instructor, who is trans, in the workplace, the school board stood by their employee, stating that "gender identity and gender expression are protected grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code" and that it was a confidential personnel matter... the board is now reviewing its dress code, which many pointed out forbids students from wearing "clothing that exposes or makes visible genitals and nipples" — a rule the teacher is clearly in violation of."
But nowadays these people consider dress codes sexist and inappropriate anyway, so maybe the dress code will be abolished

Meme - *Lara Croft* "Eww women don't look like this"
*Oakville Teacher with prosthetic breasts* *Excited*

Is Kerry Luc Lemieux transitioning into a woman – or is he pranking the HDSB? - "This just in regarding Mr. Kerry Luc Lemieux, a.k.a., Ms. Kayla Lemieux, that teacher at Oakville Trafalgar High School who is now conducting shop classes while sporting enormous fake breasts: could it be that Mr. Lemieux is not truly transitioning into a woman, but rather, is exacting a measure of revenge against the uber-woke educrats employed at the Halton District School Board?  Consider this recent post on social media sent along to me by my west coast colleague Alex – which may or may not be true: “This dude is gaming the system. An anon here yesterday was in this dude’s class. This teacher was almost fired for ‘toxic’ masculinity last year, as well as not embracing woke culture. He’d drop red pills to his class, such as how silly gender-neutral bathrooms are. The school board hate him. He’s now upping the ante to exploit the very clown world the school and society itself created. His long game is most likely to get fired and then sue for discrimination. There is no other explanation… no better way to troll clown world than to be an over-the-top caricature of a woman.”...   Secondly, Mr. Lemieux is a shop teacher. He works with his hands, he builds things. He’s not some artsy-fartsy useless gender studies professor. It just strikes me that someone who is part of the blue-collar demographic might not necessarily be down with the revolution vis-a-vis radical transgenderism and toxic masculinity.  Third, consider how he is routinely breaching workshop safety etiquette – i.e., those pendulous breasts protruding so close to circular saws, the wearing of long sleeves, the hair flowing freely, etc. He knows this is offside; so it’s almost as if he wants to have a showdown with his school board masters given that they have no issue when it comes to his freakish costumes and enormous fake boobs.  Finally, if Lemieux was transitioning in a genuine fashion, why would he (or anyone else for that matter) make such a grotesque spectacle of it? I imagine most trans people simply want to blend in with the other gender and not draw an inordinate amount of attention to themselves by dressing up as an over-the-top drag queen – which is what Mr. Lemieux is doing."
According to TRAs all trans people are genuine and cannot be questioned, which is why they must be allowed into all women's spaces like prisons and toilets without question

What if the Trans Shop Teacher Is Actually the Hero We Need? - "Is Lemieux actually an undercover conservative activist engaging in the Alinskyite tactic, “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules”? Is he exposing the utter folly of the transgender craze with his “gender identity expression”?"

Joel Berry on Twitter - "Saying “God loves trans kids” to justify transing kids is the same as saying “God loves abused kids” to justify abusing them."

Exclusive: Trans charity Mermaids giving breast binders to children behind parents’ backs - "A transgender children’s charity is giving potentially dangerous chest-flattening devices to 14-year-olds against their parents’ wishes... Mermaids, which receives funding from the taxpayer and runs training for schools and the NHS, offered to send a breast binder discreetly to a girl they believed was only 14, even after they were told that she was not allowed to use one by her mother.   Evidence obtained by The Telegraph shows that the charity’s staff have offered binders to children as young as 13 who say that their parents oppose the practice.  Chest-binding has been described by parent groups as a form of “self-harm” and it can cause breathing difficulties, chronic back pain, changes to the spine and broken ribs. Dr Hilary Cass, the former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics, who is leading a review of trans children’s services for the NHS, describes it as “painful and potentially harmful”.  Campaigners and MPs said on Sunday night that there were “massive safeguarding red flags” over Mermaids and called for an immediate investigation by the Charity Commission.   The Telegraph has uncovered evidence of the Mermaids online help centre offering advice to users who present themselves as young as 13 that controversial hormone-blocking drugs are safe and “totally reversible”.  In the last month alone, this newspaper has seen discussions in the charity’s moderated forum for 12 to 15-year-olds on how to raise money to start taking drugs and the best way to take testosterone.  A moderator also publicly congratulated a teenage user for deciding that they were transgender by the age of 13 and deciding that they wanted drugs and “all the surgeries”. Parents believe that the advice from the charity and the forum has “pushed” their children into believing that they were transgender and led them to want irreversible medical treatment to “cure” their issues... Mermaids has been running a free “binder scheme” since at least 2019 and has offered it to users who say that they are 13 and their parents will not buy them one.  The most comprehensive study of the impact of binders to date has found that more than 97 per cent of people who use them suffer health problems as a result. The study did not look at the impact on under 18s...
  Mermaids holds a privileged position in public life. The controversial charity is paid to train teachers, police forces, NHS staff and social services on dealing with transgender issues.  In recent years, it has received more than £20,000 in taxpayer’s money from grants and more than £500,000 from the National Lottery.  Staff have met government officials, given advice to the NHS and were identified as influential at the soon-to-be closed Tavistock Clinic as it was dolling out drugs to children. But while councils, medical professionals and schools continue to send young people to the charity, an investigation by The Telegraph has raised serious questions over safeguarding and the advice it gives to children as young as 12...   Conversations on the moderated forums include teenagers giving advice on lying to medical professionals in order to be prescriped puberty-blocking drugs and on the best way to take testosterone or raise money to go abroad to start hormone treatment...   At no point did staff raise questions about any underlying illnesses, mental health conditions, or question whether any responsible adult would be informed that the person they thought was 14 was using a binder...   A charity worker tells another user that puberty blockers “simply suppress the onset of puberty until you are ready to make a decision how to go forward. They are totally reversible”.  The advice was given despite the fact that the medical community has long raised concern about the impact of puberty blockers... This is not the first time concerns have been raised about the actions of the charity, including by whistleblowers at the Tavistock... Services include a forum that Mermaids says is a “safe space” and those joining have “undergone rigorous security checks”, which the adult posing as “Kai” was able to pass... One mother sent a complaint to the Charity Commission in 2020 warning that the forum was a “free for all” which “fails the most basic of safeguarding standards” and that she was “horrified by what young adolescents are exposed to behind their parents’ backs”.  In a separate complaint, another mother says she was “hugely concerned that the conversations with homophobic content allowed within the Mermaids Peer to Peer group might have pushed my son to make the decision that he now feels that being bisexual or gay is unacceptable.  “I am worried that these conversations have led him to believe that he needs to be medically transitioned for him to be accepted.”  She raised concern “at the speed” with which her son, who has autism spectrum disorder, “travelled into a world of transition” because of the conversation in which children were “instantly affirmed and encouraged by other service users to change their names behind their parents’ backs”...   Joanna Cherry KC, an SNP MP, said: “Mermaids are currently trying to have another charity, the LGB Alliance, removed from the register of charities, but I think it’s high time their own activities were put under the spotlight...  it is not simply the charity’s reputation that is on the line.  “Those who have a training relationship with the charity would also be well advised to consider the extent to which following their advice might expose them to legal risk”"
Grooming is definitely not a thing and denying teens breast binders is transphobic!

Number of non-binary students in Maryland district soars by 582%, data shows - "The largest public school system in Maryland saw a 582% increase in the number of students identifying as non-binary over two years"

Thread by @wil_da_beast630 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "There are some major and obvious logical problems with the John Oliver/anti-Littman argument that the recent 4,000% increase in "trans kids" is due simply to increased social acceptance and has nothing to do with 'ROGD.'... a core talking point on the left is that societal acceptance of "LGBTQIAA2S" people is NOT on the rise - that there has been a back-lash since ~2016, and that hate crimes and other metrics used to track tolerance are up... Even if you argue that's^ not true - which I mostly do - the patterns of trans identification we see don't track at all with growing general acceptance.  The phenomenon is almost totally concentrated among kids, mostly upper-middle class and white... There also are numerical problems that make the "always were this many trans people" argument ~impossible. If NON-affirmed people with gender dysphoria kill themselves - a core claim in this debate - why do we see rising rates of youth suicide alongside the 4,000% growth? The alternative explanation seems to make a lot more sense: years of "Gender-Bread Man" lessons in schools, sex-flex influencers on YouTube, Gender Studies as a top-30 major, etc. have made specifically YOUNG people without classic GD more likely to claim a flex identity. The obvious response question here is: "Who cares? Why is it an issue if kids want to flex genders?" But, there is a brutally real answer - millions of people are likely about to be processed into the MEDICAL pipeline of hormones, surgeries, etc used to treat trad/real GD."
Bo Winegard on Twitter - "I'm also baffled that progressives, who generally argue for the omnipotence of the environment, not only reject the idea of environmental influence here, but also attack those who promote as hateful bigots. Sex and group differences are all cultural, but this is definitely not."
Slobar Un MaDiq on Twitter - "It's especially baffling here because gender as differentiated from sex is arguably *the* most socially constructed thing imaginable. Likewise that this position is advocated by people who, in the same breath, will posit that media representations give girls eating disorders."
Luz on Twitter - "Oh yeah, gender is a social construct, totally environmental,but gender identity is biological, innate, and independent of the sexed body. A kind of gendered soul emanating from the brain, nothing to do with the sex of the body. I mean, these beliefs are being taken seriously!!!"
Liberal doublethink is nothing new, of course

TennesseeConservative on Twitter - "I conclude that ROGD is triggered by radiation from late model iPhones which is blocked by melanin."
Sarah fan NZ♀️🤡🌏 on Twitter - "Ask why adult transioners are nearly all heterosexual men and rarely heterosexual women. It is in these AGP men's interest to assert the 'trans child'. It deflects from their fetish"
ReadingIsFreedom on Twitter - "Ask someone capable of objective thought and observation who works around LGBTQ youth, a teacher at a performing arts magnet school for example, what happened after Obergefell and this is what you will learn: being gay became passé, and most of the gay kids soon became trans."
CorrienteCanta on Twitter - "Obergfell helped, but the trans movement goes very heavily on language and rhetoric that demeans “vanilla sex” and “cis” people. Most trans-identified males appear to be intact straight men with paraphilias, which they use “queer identity” to mask and validate."
maria on Twitter - "Gender ideology = where opposing or contradictory claims are often made in the same breath. When these are pointed out, the person is labeled a fascist transphobe QAnon freak."

Thread by @NoRedText on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The whole "ROGD isn't real" thing is often the product of equivocation between the observation (a huge increase in natal females declaring trans identities) and the hypothesis (social contagion explains the increase). even if social contagion is false (it isn't) the ROGD etiology is a new one.  The traditional presentation, both male/female for youth gender dysphoria is cross-sex preferences expressed throughout childhood. These kids are very obvious and inevitably spotted by peers/parents. they are inevitably identified as "sissy boys" and "tomboys". They effectively "out" themselves simply by being who they are.  The ROGD cohort does not have this presentation. So, regardless of the explanation it is a new etiology. Though in males increased social acceptance x AGP really could be explanatory, as most boys do not share their erotic fixations with their parents if they can help it."

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