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Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Links - 6th December 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

Kodi Burr on Twitter - "Let's play spot the ableism: Here's a slide from my first day of training at my new job.
10 Things That Require ZERO Talent
Being on time.
Work ethic.
Body language.
Being coachable.
Doing extra.
Being prepared."
"I have ADHD. Asking your employees to show up on time do good work is not ableist. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this slide. You know what I do to show up on time? I set multiple alarms at different stages throughout the morning so I always know what time it is.…"
Basically OP is saying that the disabled can never be good workers. But of course, paying them less or even not hiring them would be "discriminatory"

Trevor Noah slammed for saying Rishi Sunak faced ‘racist backlash’ after becoming UK’s new PM - "Noah, 38, claimed in his show monologue on Wednesday that Sunak, also the U.K.’s youngest elected prime minister in over 200 years, faced “racist backlash” and xenophobia – something that several people, including members of the U.K. government, denied... It was unclear what racist backlash Noah was specifically referring to in his monologue. However, a recent Twitter video about a “racist caller” that was posted by radio station “Leading Britain’s Conversation” went viral this week, garnering over 3.8 million views and 40,000 likes. The caller criticized Sunak and claimed he was not British enough for the position... a Downing Street spokesperson claimed that Sunak does not think the U.K. is a racist country. He also mentioned the House of Commons’ positive response to Sunak’s appointment... “This is very misunderstood misreporting from America, turning a one to three per cent online niche into a British social norm,” Sunder Katwala, director of think tank British Future, told The Telegraph... “A narrative catered to his audience, at a cost of being completely detached from reality,” Javid wrote. “Britain is the most successful multiracial democracy on earth and proud of this historic achievement.” Mike Galsworthy, the founder of Scientists for EU, pointed out that people in the U.K. have been celebrating Sunak’s appointment and that the only major backlash he has so far received was from the LBC caller."
When you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail
Ironically, one leftist was slamming Sunak for being rich, while claiming that the Tories didn't elect him at first because they were racist. I suggested that it might be the other way around and he got very upset

Amnesty International has become a woke joke - "When Amnesty International was founded in 1961, it quickly established itself as a global force for good. Its work on behalf of prisoners of conscience raised awareness of those imprisoned for their beliefs and their letter-writing campaigns could be surprisingly effective in pressuring tyrannical governments... It was apolitical, too, in being a genuine champion of freedom of thought and expression. There was no checklist of views that those it campaigned for had to hold; what mattered was that they had been imprisoned solely for having a view. But in recent decades, Amnesty has proved the immutable truth of Robert Conquest’s Second Law of Politics: “Any organisation not explicitly and constitutionally Right-wing will sooner or later become Left-wing.” Amnesty is now an archetypal Left-wing NGO, deeply partisan and concerned solely with advancing a set of drearily familiar ideas that make it no different from the likes of Stop the War, Extinction Rebellion and some of the more notorious Islamist groups. On Thursday, for example, it tweeted, “We’re running out of time” over a montage of so-called “climate activists” throwing paint, soup, jam and mashed potato over various iconic artworks. If you are wondering what daubing mashed potato on Monet’s Grainstacks has to do with freeing prisoners of conscience or stopping torture, the answer is, of course, nothing. That’s because, to many observers, Amnesty seems to have nothing much to do with freeing prisoners of conscience or stopping torture. In August, Amnesty highlighted numerous alleged breaches of international law in Ukraine. But the breaches were supposedly Ukraine’s, for daring to defend itself against Russia’s invasion. Unsurprisingly, the head of Amnesty’s own Ukraine office, Oksana Pokalchuk, resigned. But this inversion of reality, so typical of organisations on both the hard-Left and hard-Right, is Amnesty’s modus operandi. Thus, in 2015, it was revealed that Amnesty had been providing support to Cage, the advocacy organisation whose research director, Asim Qureshi, infamously described the Isis terrorist Mohammed Emwazi, known as “Jihadi John”, as a “beautiful young man”... “We are reviewing whether any future association with the group would now be appropriate.” That review clearly deepened their liking of Cage, because last year Amnesty again teamed up with it (and other similar groups) in a joint statement attacking a review into the Government’s Prevent scheme for tackling radicalisation. This is all par for the course for such NGOs, as is a fixation on the unique evil of the world’s only Jewish state. Amnesty has produced a series of increasingly deranged “reports” about Israel. Its latest, in February, was so riddled with errors of fact and law that Amnesty Israel’s executive director described it as a “punch in the gut”. As night follows day, so any group obsessed with Israel will attack those who fight anti-Semitism... This is today’s Amnesty: a hard-Left campaign organisation that stands with racists against the victims of racism, accuses the victims of an invasion of being international criminals for defending themselves, and allies with groups that lionise Islamist terrorists."

Meme - Microsoft: "Inspired by the public's response to our 2022 Pride flag, we're expanding our design to represent 40 LGBTQIA+ communities- and making it available for everyone to use and build on"
"This looks like my TV when dad punched it"

The New York Times - Posts | Facebook - "Pennsylvania State University canceled a planned comedy event that was to be co-hosted by the founder of the Proud Boys after a demonstration against the speakers turned violent."
The comments were full of people cheering, advocating violence against those the left disapproves of, accusing them of fascism etc. Ironic

WARMINGTON: Asking for a cop who is 'Black' upsets DRPS members | Toronto Sun - "An online poster advertising the event describes it as a “COVID-19 Community Vaccination Pfizer Pop-Up Clinic for Black, African and Caribbean Communities” for a “first dose only — open to individuals 12 plus.”... “It is the position of the DRPA that to select a member for a pay duty based on one of the prohibited grounds contained in the Ontario Human Rights Code would result in a grievance.”"

The Critical Drinker on Twitter - "'Grand Theft Auto VI' to have female hero, scale back racist, sexist jokes: report"
"Naturally. Because if there's one thing you absolutely want to avoid while stealing cars, blowing up buildings and indiscriminately murdering innocent civilians, its making offensive jokes."

Mercer U. Theology Prof's Prayer: 'Dear God, Please Help Me to Hate White People' - "Mercer University theology professor Chanequa Walker-Barnes wrote a prayer in which she asks God to help her “hate white people,” specifically, “the nice ones,” such as “the Fox News-loving, Trump-supporting voters” who “don’t see color.” She published the “Prayer of a Weary Black Woman” in the book A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal... “Grant me a Get Out of Judgement Free card if I make White people the exception to your commandment to love our neighbors as we love ourselves”"

Meme - "Clay, 30 Communist, anti-imperialist. Nonbinary & bi. I work with teens at a mental hospital and I'm in grad school to be a therapist. Not a terrible person. Mentally ill, in a hot way. Your dog will love me...." Meme - "Reasoning Progressively
How Dress Codes Harm Students of Color
Many dress codes place bans on styles commonly worn by Black females, such as hair wraps. According to reports, women of color are disproportionately represented among those who are coded and formally disciplined. Males of color are also targeted for wearing hoods or do-rags. Studies show that male students of color are more likely to be dress coded than white students. This further promotes the criminalization of males of color."
Isn't it racist to say minorities are unable to follow dress codes?

Meme - "This Halloween, please remember: our culture is not your costume."
"Why are you speaking English, using electricity, cars, planes, and computers? That's our culture."

Too Woke for College: SUNY Binghamton Prof Resigns After School Rebukes Her Anti-White ‘Progressive Stacking’ - "A SUNY Binghamton professor, who included “progressive stacking” in her syllabus that specified she would be calling on non-white and female students first, has resigned. Former professor Ana Maria Candela wrote that continuing at the university would be a “profound lack of self-love and self-respect.”... Professor Candela was rebuked earlier this year by university administrators, who said the professor’s “progressive stacking” policy “clearly violates” the school’s principles. In the “Class Discussion Guidelines” for her sociology class, Candela wrote, “We practice progressive stacking when calling on people to participate in class discussion. This means that we try to give priority to non-white folks, to women, and to shy and quiet people who rarely raise their hands.” In an email, Candela claimed that she was the subject of a “targeted political attack and public spectacle.”... Sean Harrigan, one of Candela’s white male students, had filed a Title IX complaint about her “progressive stacking,” saying “How am I supposed to get a full participation grade if I’m not called on because of the way I was born?”... former provost and academic vice president for academic affairs Donald Nieman noted in a letter that Candela’s policy had breached Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and Title IX of the 1972 Amendments to the Education Act."
Being criticised for your illegal racism and sexism is being subject to a “targeted political attack and public spectacle.”

The Challenge of Marxism - "For a generation after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, most Americans and Europeans regarded Marxism as an enemy that had been defeated once and for all. But they were wrong. A mere 30 years later, Marxism is back, and making an astonishingly successful bid to seize control of the most important American media companies, universities and schools, major corporations and philanthropic organizations, and even the courts, the government bureaucracy, and some churches. As American cities succumb to rioting, arson, and looting, it appears as though the liberal custodians of many of these institutions—from the New York Times to Princeton University—have despaired of regaining control of them, and are instead adopting a policy of accommodation. That is, they are attempting to appease their Marxist employees by giving in to some of their demands in the hope of not being swept away entirely. We don’t know what will happen for certain. But based on the experience of recent years, we can venture a pretty good guess. Institutional liberalism lacks the resources to contend with this threat. Liberalism is being expelled from its former strongholds, and the hegemony of liberal ideas, as we have known it since the 1960s, will end. Anti-Marxist liberals are about to find themselves in much the same situation that has characterized conservatives, nationalists, and Christians for some time now: They are about to find themselves in the opposition. This means that some brave liberals will soon be waging war on the very institutions they so recently controlled. They will try to build up alternative educational and media platforms in the shadow of the prestigious, wealthy, powerful institutions they have lost. Meanwhile, others will continue to work in the mainstream media, universities, tech companies, philanthropies, and government bureaucracy, learning to keep their liberalism to themselves and to let their colleagues believe that they too are Marxists—just as many conservatives learned long ago how to keep their conservatism to themselves and let their colleagues believe they are liberals. This is the new reality that is emerging. There is blood in the water and the new Marxists will not rest content with their recent victories. In America, they will press their advantage and try to seize the Democratic Party. They will seek to reduce the Republican Party to a weak imitation of their own new ideology, or to ban it outright as a racist organization. And in other democratic countries, they will attempt to imitate their successes in America. No free nation will be spared this trial. So let us not avert our eyes and tell ourselves that this curse isn’t coming for us. Because it is coming for us... The new Marxists do not use the technical jargon that was devised by 19th-century Communists. They don’t talk about the bourgeoisie, proletariat, class struggle, alienation of labor, commodity fetishism, and the rest, and in fact they have developed their own jargon tailored to present circumstances in America, Britain, and elsewhere. Nevertheless, their politics are based on Marx’s framework for critiquing liberalism (what Marx calls the “ideology of the bourgeoisie”) and overthrowing it...
1. Oppressor and oppressed
2. False consciousness
3. Revolutionary reconstitution of society
4. Total disappearance of class antagonisms...
The story of how “neo-Marxism” emerged after the First World War in the writings of the Frankfurt School and Antonio Gramsci has been frequently told, and academics will have their hands full for many years to come arguing over how much influence was exerted on various successor movements by Michel Foucault, post-modernism, and more... If Marxism is nothing but a great lie, why are liberal societies so vulnerable to it? We must understand the enduring attraction and strength of Marxism. And we will never understand it unless we recognize that Marxism captures certain aspects of the truth that are missing from Enlightenment liberalism... In every society, there will always be plenty of people who have reason to feel they’ve been oppressed or exploited. Some of these claims will be worthy of remedy and some less so. But virtually all of them are susceptible to a Marxist interpretation... in most cases, hierarchical relationships are not enslavement... Much more common are mixed relationships, in which both the stronger and the weaker receive certain benefits, and in which both can also point to hardships that must be endured in order to maintain it.

‘We Remember a United States That Fought the Nazis’: A German Scholar of Fascism Weighs in on Christian Nationalism in the U.S. - "Brockschmidt lists several signals, structures and characteristics of American Christian Nationalism that overlap in worrying ways with fascism. The “myth of a golden past,” is a big one. “[Calling for a return to] how the country used to be when in fact it’s a version that never was. It’s used to divide the country into us and them.” I found this particularly interesting because it goes to the heart of Christian Nationalism—attempting to return America to a Christian nation that never existed. As I’ve written elsewhere, America can never be a Christian nation because the moment it becomes a Christian nation it will cease to be America. Alongside this myth is the tendency to paint outgroups as “not real Americans.” A third marker is the veneration of “law and order, which really just means being tough on a certain portion of the population, not on crime.” Brockschmidt also mentions other “dog whistles used to stoke fear, resentment, and anger against outgroups [in order] to strengthen the feeling of togetherness of [the] ingroup.” Another marker of incipient fascism is “anti-intellectualism,” which can be seen in the “crusade in universities against wokeness and against critical race theory,” and, more broadly, against science, vaccines, and the pandemic itself... “The belief that America is inherently good. That’s problematic framing.”"
Amazing. You need to be pro-crime and promote racism, sexism etc to not be "fascist". Of course, it is good to view the US as always bad

Israel rebukes Poland PM for 'Jewish perpetrators' remark - "Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has sharply rebuked his Polish counterpart for saying that Jews were among the perpetrators of the Holocaust. He said the remarks by Mateusz Morawiecki at the Munich Security Conference were "outrageous". Mr Netanyahu said they showed "an inability to understand history"... He was responding to an Israeli journalist who asked if anyone who said there were Polish collaborators in the Holocaust would be considered a criminal in Poland under the new law."
Why school shootings don’t happen in Israel (& the Polish government’s outrageous lies) - "Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki gave what Bergman called a “hollow and blood-curdling look” at him and then claimed that the Holocaust had also been perpetrated by Jews. Israelis from across the political spectrum vehemently denounced the Polish prime minister, one calling his remarks the “most disgusting and evil lie told by the leader of any European country since the Holocaust itself”. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu called Morawiecki’s words “outrageous” and said they display a “lack of sensitivity to the tragedy of our people.” Netanyahu has since spoken with the Polish prime minister and again told him that his remarks are “unacceptable.”"
What Israel Did With Jewish Concentration-Camp Collaborators - "When Allied forces broke open the gates of concentration camps in 1945, they discovered not only piles of corpses and dozens of gravely ill inmates but also survivors who were seeking revenge. Many of those who were liberated sought retribution not just against the Germans but against former Jewish functionaries in the camps and ghettos as well. Freed inmates lynched and beat Jews who, as ghetto policemen, had surrendered them and their family members to the Nazis or who, as kapos in concentration camps, had harassed or abused them... The Nazis and Nazi Collaborators Punishment Law, passed by the Knesset in 1950, inaugurated what became known as the kapo trials, which would go on for the next 22 years... One witness described how, in 1942, the commander of the Jewish police entered the town orphanage, climbed to the attic, found dozens of pale children, dragged them down the stairs, and handed them over to the Nazis to be transported to Auschwitz"
So much for accurate history. Anyone who questions the official narrative, even when backed up by Israeli archive documents, is a "Holocaust Denier".

Meme - Deshun Parish: "My ancestors would be so proud of me rn....My White Slave *white woman*"

Meme - The Other 98%: "FUN FACT: Kids who read Maus don't grow into adults who constantly compare minor inconveniences to the Holocaust."
The Other 98%: "Can I compare this to the Holocaust? Is it the Holocaust? Yes: Yes. No: No."
"Trump's camp. Hitler's camp
I've seen several tweets comparing this to Nazis / The Holocaust and saying things like "this is how it begins." I teach Holocaust Literature so let me be clear - this ISN'T how it began. This is already several stages along the way. Aviva Dautch"
Of course, you can only compare things to the Holocaust if it helps liberals

Suella Braverman's critics ignore an uncomfortable truth | The Spectator - "Suella Braverman is in the firing line. But when she took to her feet in the Commons yesterday, she showed exactly why there is so much pressure on Rishi Sunak to get rid of her: Braverman actually wants to reduce illegal immigration. The Home Secretary’s critics have condemned her for using the word ‘invasion’. ‘No responsible person should ever use language that risks inciting hostility and hate,’ says Amnesty International. The problem is that Braverman’s statement is essentially correct. When she asks MPs to ‘stop pretending they are all refugees in distress, the whole country knows that is not true’, she is not engaging in ‘far-right and inflammatory rhetoric’, as one SNP MP claimed. She is highlighting the failures of twenty years and counting of British government policy... When we look at who is making these journeys, images of infants in wicker baskets fleeing the wicked pharaoh quickly dissolve. Nearly nine in ten of those arriving are male; 75 per cent are between the ages of 18 and 39. When we look at where they’re coming from, we find that some 1-2 per cent of all the men in Albania have made the journey. You would have to be mad to believe that these men are so persecuted that each and every one deserves to claim asylum in the UK. To the best of my knowledge, Albania is not currently committing Pogroms against ethnic Albanians. It opened negotiations for EU membership just a few months ago... we are told by some of those currently calling for Braverman’s head the real crisis is that when these people arrive, they are not permitted to immediately begin working. What Britain needs, in their view, is another incentive for young men across the world to try crossing the Channel. And once that right to work was granted, and applications still failed from time to time, it’s not hard to guess what the next step would be: ‘the government is trying to deport your friends and colleagues’... Remember, if your application fails, you still have a better than 50 per cent chance of just slipping away into the underground economy to earn more than you would at home."
Telling "minorities" that they need to respect immigration rules is racist

Meme - Madame President @queer_anthology: "Friendly reminder that if you're not Mexican you shouldn't be doing Sugar Skulls (katrinas) for Halloween. Just be a skeleton. Remember dia de los muertes has cultural and religious significance."
Jorge R. Gutierrez: "No. Día de los Muertos is for everyone everywhere."
"Director of The Book of Life, Son of Jaguar VR and creator (with muse Sandra Equihua) of El Tigre. Cooking a Netfflx epic called Maya And The Three! and more..."

Rex Murphy: Bravo to Ricky Gervais for standing up to wokeism - "Up to now it has had a pretty free flow, with the exception of a few brave souls on university campuses or in our schools taking lonely stands, and in most cases being harassed, called ugly names, or even pushed out of their professions. There’s no surprise in that, because it was in the universities that this woke nonsense was birthed — all those classes on the deadening influence of “western culture” or “decolonizing” curriculum and the various other orbits of lunacy that have cuckoo-like taken up residence in our institutes of “higher” learning. It migrated from the universities to the schools — I mean the many school boards and teachers’ unions that have been flushing its doctrines and dogmas through the educational system. There is more preaching going on with some school boards than there is teaching. The preaching is social activism. The teaching — once upon a time — was concerned with guiding young minds into such outdated skills as literacy, numeracy, and some actual knowledge of times past. We called the latter history. History now is a catalogue of the sins of any western nation... “Should I take my kids out of school?” And then, almost in automatic flow, they ask the second question: “But then what can I do, where can I, or they — the children, go?” Any educational system that has parents asking the first question and sorrowing over the second, is a system that needs radical review. The obtrusion of woke politics and social justice obsessions into the classroom and part of the curriculum, is a disaster."

‘Chinese privilege’ as shortcut in Singapore: a rejoinder - "We disagree with Humairah Zainal and Walid Jumblatt Abdullah that Chinese privilege exists in Singapore politics and that it is perpetuated by the political hegemony of the long-ruling People’s Action Party (PAP). Consequentially, we disagree that ‘Chinese privilege’ is thus a useful concept for understanding politics in Singapore. Our rejoinder argues that ‘Chinese privilege’ is under-specified and decontextualized by the authors, used uncritically as a shortcut for the consequences of the long-ruling party’s political hegemony for ethnic relations, and is therefore a polarizing distraction to the critical analysis required to advance anti-racism discourse and understanding in Singapore. We show that the authors have mistook incumbent political privilege for Chinese privilege. We argue that ethnic majority and minority Members of Parliament from both governing and opposition parties have had to simultaneously serve as community leaders and transcend ethnic affiliations to represent national interests."

Weaponizing Social Justice to Protect School Administrators and Discredit Whistle-blowers: A Canadian Case Study - "These were senior administrators at a medium-sized Canadian university—including the school’s provost and its director of human rights and equity—strategizing for a full hour on the best way to take down an anonymous social-media account that had already gone off-line... no one in that February 22nd meeting presented any proof that @BrockCivis had engaged in anything resembling “hate speech” (as several speakers described it). Bourgeois’s colleagues simply took her word that @BrockCivis had said “criminal” things—evidence of which, they seemed to assume, might be found in some remote corner of the web... I was sent an archive file containing @BrockCivis’s tweets— from the account’s inaugural message on October 19th, 2017 to its final entry on February 17th, 2021, comprising 537 tweets in total. I’ve combed through all of them, searching for the explosive hate speech that apparently has the potential to spark a violent political insurrection on Brock’s campus and beyond. Alas, my search came up empty. Far from being a hatemonger, it turns out, @BrockCivis’s creator appears to be an ordinary liberal who’s simply become exasperated with what he or she regards as the hypocrisy and incompetence of Brock’s administration... None of these controversies centered on any identifiable act of actual racism per se. In most cases, rather, the mobs targeted fellow students, professors, or staff based on what those people said about racism... Brock denounced one of its own professors, Tomáš Hudlický, after he’d spoken out against affirmative action in a journal article. At Mount Allison University in New Brunswick, likewise, social-justice purists recently erupted in fury at an Arab-Canadian female professor because she’d expressed exasperation concerning Black Lives Matter and other post-liberal political movements that divide people into rigidly defined groups based on their identity (a practice that, as she’s noted online, has left a long trail of bloodshed in her native Lebanon). At CUNY School of Law, the dean self-canceled in mid-March after using a problematic metaphor in a faculty discussion of race-based hiring. In none of these cases is there even a pretense that anything substantively racist occurred—only that the accused individual had exhibited wrongthink or wrongspeak in regard to the appropriate way that racism should be discussed or suppressed. It’s basically meta-racism, in other words. In the case of Smith College (which the New York Times eventually got around to covering, albeit three months after Quillette broke the story), the initial 2019 furor centered on a black student’s claim that she’d been racially profiled by campus dining staff. But an extensive third-party investigation determined that the student had made up key facts, and that no racist incident is known to have taken place. By the time the university received the investigators’ report, however, college president Kathleen McCartney was already highly invested in the myriad anti-racism programs she’d zealously promoted in response to the fictional incident. When a clerical staffer named Jodi Shaw then blew the whistle on the college’s absurd overreaction to the faux-racist 2019 incident, it was Shaw, not the false accuser or McCartney, who ended up being villainized by the college community. Not only does this kind of meta-racist social panic not require any underlying evidence of racism: It also doesn’t require the presence of anyone who isn’t white—since the mobs are primarily interested in prosecuting ideological campaigns that are waged most fiercely among privileged, status-seeking white subcultures. Nor does it require the presence of any kind of central authority figure: In many cases, students have shown themselves fully capable of crowdsourcing these social panics all on their own... the progressive stigma against criticizing affirmative action has now apparently metastasized into a taboo on criticizing government (or university) policy in this area. But of course, truth is never a defence when the mob comes for you. (Just the opposite)... Yes, it’s ludicrous to imagine that a single joke could make students feel “unsafe.” But indulging this absurd conceit doesn’t cost the school anything in a material sense—only the dignity of the people who run it... The professional dynamic I’m describing here helps explain why, for all their self-glorifying rhetoric about upsetting “power structures” and “privilege hierarchies,” many campus social-justice activists now have a surprisingly cozy relationship with the administrators to whom they direct their petitions—since the interests of these two classes, as the University of Ottawa case study shows, typically fit like hand in glove... a highly respected investigator named Andi MacKay concluded there was “no evidence” that racial profiling had been a factor in the incident. And yet when these conclusions were published on March 9th, SFU President Joy Johnson responded by declaring—I am not making this up—that the underlying incident had actually reinforced her “concerns about racism on our campuses,” not to mention her conviction that SFU needs further measures “to address systemic anti-Black racism and increase inclusion of Black and Indigenous people and people of colour.” Johnson also declared that these events were “traumatic for many in our community,” and then offered “counseling and other supports” to distraught “students, faculty and staff.”... it seems clear that SFU administrators would have been quite happy for MacKay to come back with a finding of racism—as this would have opened the door for the usual suite of anti-racism announcements, events, and trainings that serve to propel otherwise obscure administrative functionaries into the public spotlight as social-justice protagonists. In the BLM era, moreover, school administrators now continuously insist that their own campuses are suffused with powerful forms of systemic racism that, to everyone’s frustration, are undetectable to any of the five human senses. And so it is understandable that they’d get positively giddy at the prospect of a real live, honest-to-goodness racist incident that they can all bravely denounce. Anti-racism at places such as SFU has basically become a high-status scavenger hunt for some of the most privileged people in our society. What a shame that the prizes are so difficult to find."

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