When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, December 05, 2022

Links - 5th December 2022 (1 - Women)

Meme - Mono-Poly Relationships Support: Jenni Ellis Azevedo: "So i need some advice. I cheated on my husband of 4 years for 2 years with a dom and he found out. And he found out by doing shit he shouldn't have done. understand that he is hurt and everything but instead of trying to fix us he now was to be poly. Please keep in mind I've been for years to be poly. I feel like I can love multiple people While I'm aware he hasn't had any experience outside of me I'm just not feeling ok with the idea that in less than a week he is already going to have sex with someone else. Like my feelings are hurt. I was already in the process of breaking up with my dom and just doesn't feel right that he loves me so much and he wants us to work so much but is quick to get his dick wet in less than a week. I just need some advice on how to navigate. Honestly I'd rather do therapy and fix us before he is out ripping his dick elsewhere. I said yeah we can be poly and I can help find you a girl but thought he was smart enough to think less than 4 days is not enough time to already be fucking someone else. I feel violated and hurt and angry."

Meme - "Me paying 270$ a month at equinox to dress in cute workout clothes and walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes so I can find a gym boyfriend... I've been going here for 7 months and nothing"
I thought women don't want to be hit on at the gym

Meme - Ayla Grey: ""Haha you can't unsuck my d" And I can't stop you from fantasizing about what you're no longer getting after admitting it was the best you've ever received considering the proof appeared in less than a minute after claiming no one ever made you finish that way. So who's the real loser in this situation my guy? My headgame goes with me. But your d is no longer graced by my esophagus while your balls simultaneously carassed by gentle tongue flicks. Btw I've already shat your kids out after digesting. What you are doing sir is grieving. Buh-bye (The random men mad at me, dude why does this experience of my life offended you so much. Touch some grass. Sorry I give good head you're not ever gonna get to review because eww. Check my OF if you don't believe me and stop projecting the skid marked underwear axe wearing mommy issues at me dog for real go to therapy. Yall know I can just block y'all right. You weirdos need so much attention then start paying me for my time.)"

Chief Himself on Twitter - "I finally told my female colleague that she has odour and should get perfumes and deodorants, she got mad and reported me that I insulted her and boss said he has been thinking of how to tell her too. I won the case, big win 😌"

Meme - Jo @JoJoFromJerz: "Is that your weight going up on a scale fatass?"
Jo @JoJoFromJerz: "Any man who thinks it's ok to fat shame a woman isn't a man at all."

Woman files for divorce because her husband is too kind - "A woman in the United Arab Emirates, UAE, is seeking a divorce from her husband of one year for being too kind and showing ‘extreme love’. This ‘extreme love’ according to her involves him helping with the housework and showering her with gifts... she told a Sharia court in Fujairah that her spouse never argued or yelled at her and was always kind. Despite his affection, the woman claimed her life was ‘hell’ due to his ‘cruel-free treatment’, according to the English language UAE newspaper, Khaleej Times... ‘I am choked by his extreme love and affection. He even assisted me in cleaning the house without me asking him.’ According to reports, the woman said the couple never had an argument and the husband did not shout at her during their year-long marriage. When she complained about his weight, the man even went on a strict regime of dieting and exercise which left him with a broken leg... ‘I am eagerly longing for a single day of dispute, but this seems impossible with my romantic husband who always forgave me and showered me with daily gifts. ‘I need a real discussion, even an argument, not this hassle-free life full of obedience.’"
Comment: "The most arab thing I've ever heard. I knew a lady who would bother her husband daily so he'd hit her. She said she won't feel like he's even a man otherwise 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️"
Women like drama after all

Meme - "Masturbation
Men: *Fist*
Women: *Finger, two fingers, fist, crossed fingers, Vulcan sign, open palm, eggplant, hotdog, hammer, flashlight, microphone, carrot, cucumber, wrench, banana*"
"I bet it burns women up that we can go from limp to blowing a righteous one in less than two minutes. Poor women need a spatula, hot dog, vibratory and about 30 minutes."

Meme - Catherine Wooten: "If your profile pic is of you and some animals you just shot, don't friend request me. We won't get along!"
Catherine Wooten: "We are thrilled and flattered to be included in this upcoming event for American Hunter - Covington, La. On April 9th, we will set up a booth all day at this event. Y'all, no admission fee and they are boiling crawfish and a fish fry all day! We plan on closing the shop that day so all of our girls can be at the event the whole time with us. We would love nothing more than all of our people to roll through and come support us and American Hunter. Can't thank Ronnie and Laken enough for allowing us to be apart of the fun on this exciting day!"

Has Scarlett Johansson Had Cosmetic Surgery? - "Scarlett’s shapely figure and beautiful curves are just part of the reason the actress has made her way onto countless “Sexiest Women Alive” lists. For her role as the Black Widow, the star endured long hours of training to look the part in that skin-tight costume. Since then, her boobs appear to have reduced in size, leaving many questioning if her cleavage was ever natural or whether she’s had a breast implant removal. Did Scarlett have a change of heart and say goodbye to implants or is the reduction in size simply down to weight loss?"

QueenOfCups on Twitter - "I have a Portal between my legs that literally brings new souls into this world. So you can lower your MF voice when you speak to me. #PutSomeRespectOnIt #DivineFeminineEnergy #SoCalidad #EarthMagic"

Ugandan women gives birth to white twins and blame husband for drinking too much milk - "Despite the fact that her spouse was a Dinka man, a mother from the Twic Mayardit Community in South Sudan gave birth to white twins. Reports state that the woman, however, accuses her Dinka husband of consuming excessive amounts of milk. In a Facebook post, one Shadrack Kaletsana claimed that the husband had apologized to his wife and swore never to drink milk ever again."

Meme - Mrmum @Melsowethu: "If Married men choose to be faithful to their Wives.
1)70% Of Female Students Will Die Of Hunger
2)70% Of Single Women Will Be evicted
3)63% of cars owned by women will be repossessed
4)80% of Saloon business will fold
5)75% of Bottlestores will dry up"

'I'm a stay-at-home girlfriend and love having it easy – why work if I don't need to' - " Summer Erica moved from Bristol to stay with her boyfriend Biggs in Glasgow, Scotland last June after graduating university. She works as a freelance last technician and posts videos to her TikTok account @sumerica to show how she passes time at home... Summer spends most of her time in the house doing chores – doing the laundry, washing dishes, cleaning the house and also feeding the dog. With the lash business and the social media hustle, she earns roughly £500 a month and most of it is spent on clothes and makeup. 138329041097 138329469079 138329042216 "If anyone’s ever horrible to me I’d just tell them I’m so grateful for what I do. I know I have it easy, but I’m no pampered princess," she told the Sun. "I’d hate to give up this life. If I had to go back to work I would, but why would I when I don’t need to?""

I'm told my work clothes are 'inappropriate' because I wear bras with no shirt - "Laurie, 24, often posts videos of her outfits. She shows off her handmade crocheted tops with different looks, but this one might not be everyone’s go-to look for a day in a cubicle. The Gen Z style influencer shared a video of an “office outfit,” pairing high-waisted gray slacks with a matching blazer over one of her black crocheted bra tops and pointy black pumps... As Gen Z commutes into the office for the first time, many of the young employees are being questioned about their fashionable — but not always traditional — outfit choices. On TikTok, there are thousands of videos tagged #workoutfits that show Gen Zers and young millennials flaunting office attire — short skirts, sheer tops and sweats — that would have once merited a serious conversation with HR about looking either too casual or too provocative and, of course, many people have opinions"

Meme - "Why won't you date me instead of the jerks you complaing about? I'm a nice guy" - Dog
"Being nice doesn't entitle you to my body. I'm a person an object" - Dog being fucked
*Jerk who treats her like an object before dumping her* - Dog fucking second dog
"Why can't I find a decent guy to treat me right?" - Solo dog with 4 suckling puppies

Do orgasms give women feedback about mate choice? - "The current study represents a preliminary investigation of the extent to which female orgasm functions to promote good mate choices. Based on a survey of heterosexual female college students in committed relationships, how often women experienced orgasm as a result of sexual intercourse was related to their partner's family income, his self-confidence, and how attractive he was. Orgasm intensity was also related to how attracted they were to their partners, how many times they had sex per week, and ratings of sexual satisfaction. Those with partners who their friends rated as more attractive also tended to have more intense orgasms. Orgasm frequency was highly correlated (r = .82) with orgasm intensity, and orgasm intensity was a marginally better predictor of sexual satisfaction than orgasm frequency. Sexual satisfaction was related to how physically attracted women were to their partner and the breadth of his shoulders. Women who began having sexual intercourse at earlier ages had more sex partners, experienced more orgasms, and were more sexually satisfied with their partners. We also identified an ensemble of partner psychological traits (motivation, intelligence, focus, and determination) that predicted how often women initiated sexual intercourse. Their partner's sense of humor not only predicted his self-confidence and family income, but it also predicted women's propensity to initiate sex, how often they had sex, and it enhanced their orgasm frequency in comparison with other partners."

Meme - latke @latkedelrey: ""i have a PhD" ok? i have a tight pussy
all i have to say is that nobody with a tight pussy would get mad at this post
"i have both" that's nice but mine's tighter and juicier sorry"

My husband is gay but we’re married with two kids and have great sex - "It doesn’t bother 35-year-old Brynn Embley though and she and Matthew Neilson, 33, still have great sex and chemistry. In fact, the pair are happily married and keep their relationship on track with weekly sex feedback sessions. The mom-of-two describes herself as straight while her husband Matthew identifies as gay or pansexual, admitting he is “more attracted to men than women”... Brynn admits she sometimes feels insecure but said she feels the relationship is stronger because it’s not focused on physical chemistry. The pair are members of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints – a faith which doesn’t condone same-sex relationships – and Matthew admits a strong motivation for dating women was so he didn’t have to be single and celibate forever... “I had never had sex before, with a man or a woman.”"
He's a married bachelor too


OnlyFans star wrapped up naked step-mum in box as threesome present for boyfriend - "Stella Andrews is a YouTuber and adult content creator on OnlyFans, and also features in porn films with huge production companies. But, unlike many adult stars, Stella has one unique selling point in her videos: she often films saucy scenes with her step-mum... “We have done so many threesomes this past year,” she explained. “In our first one, I wrapped her up in a big Christmas box and then she jumped out naked in front of my man at the time. “It was like, ‘surprise! I surprised you with my step-mum. So that was my first viral video of us.” Delving into how the partnership had come about, Stella explained how her step-mum had started dating her dad when she was younger, and described how she had no idea that her new family member had done porn before. But, this soon changed when Stella had discovered her videos on an X-rated site after her dad and step-mum had broken up. “After college, I looked at MILF porn on Pornhub, and I found her. So I got back in contact with her, and I was like, ‘show me the way’”... "we really look alike… She has a very natural body like me". This comes as a number of mums in the UK turned to OnlyFans to support their families through the cost of living crisis putting a squeeze on people’s wallets. Alex Le Tissier, the daughter of footballer Matt Le Tissier, revealed that she had joined the site after she had even considered using food banks to feed her children."

Frustrated by the Odds, Single Women Over 30 Seek Answers in Therapy - Los Angeles Times - "“If this is another single woman over 30 wanting to get married,” the second psychotherapist railed, “don’t even think about it.” The description was a precise fit, and Goldman’s colleague made it entirely clear she did not need to add another husband-seeker to her client roster. It was an epidemic of sorts, they agreed, this seeking to make sense of the single status. Never married or long divorced, a growing number of single women are taking their turmoil to psychologists and psychiatrists. “It is a phenomenon of this era, it really is,” Los Angeles psychologist Annette Baran said. “I would suspect that the great majority of any psychotherapist’s practice--maybe two-thirds of anybody’s practice--is single women who have relationship problems.” To help explain the trend, mental health professionals cite media reports spotlighting a so-called man shortage and dwelling on the purportedly dismal odds of marriage for women over 30. A widely publicized study earlier this year by two Yale sociologists and a Harvard economist, for example, asserted that only 20% of white, college-educated women who reach age 30 without marrying can be expected to do so. After age 35, the figure dropped to 5%. For those over 40, the researchers said “perhaps 1%" would marry... Those in the mental health field point to certain common elements among these women clients: highly successful careers, high incomes and, often, family backgrounds that are almost baroque in their complexity... Mornell, a member of the clinical faculty at UC San Francisco and author of “Thank God It’s Monday” (Bantam, 1985) and “Passive Men, Wild Women” (Simon & Schuster, 1979), said single women in therapy often express the need for family, for children... Particularly among women patients, Mornell often encounters a series of symptoms: poor concentration; eating or drinking too much; sleep disruption; a general blue view of the world. Taken together, the symptomatology points to depression. “When you start taking a history,” said Mornell, “men or the lack of men are one aspect of that history.”
From 1986


Woman Goes To The Dominican Republic For A Brazilian Butt Lift, Leaves Missing A Kidney - "The Brazilian butt lift (BBL) surgery gives women a flat stomach, hips, and a plump butt. To achieve this ‘coke bottle’ body that celebrities and ‘Instagram models‘ show off, women are finding surgeons overseas for a cheaper price. In many cases, paying less is a guaranteed win because dangerous consequences that arise... her friend has been trying to reach the surgeon to no avail. The doctor has mysteriously disappeared and the woman on Instagram who referred her is allegedly a fake. Luckily, her friend is still alive and has been able to get the help she needs, but that hasn’t been the case for many women post-surgery. It’s been said that about 3% of the 692 surgeons surveyed (about 21) shared they have experienced a patient’s death following a BBL."

b ✧⡱ on Twitter - "amber heard literally has a scratch on her forehead right now in court that she couldn't cover with makeup but she wants us to believe she covered black eyes, a broken nose, split lips, bruises on the regular? alright then #deppvsheard"

Amber Heard Received $10M To Make An Adult Movie, She Accepts the Offer? - "Amber Heard reportedly received a $10 million offer from Zen Models, an adult entertainment company, to play the lead role in an X-rated adult film... This information was disclosed in a letter from Veronica Madjarian, president of Zen Models, to Elaine Bredehoft, Heard’s attorney."

Whitney Henriquez Allegedly Confessed to Amber Cutting Off Johnny's Finger - "there's a deposition transcript included in the material that didn't make it to trial, detailing the Australia fingertip incident ... as told by Amber's sister's former boss, who claims Whitney admitted her sister was responsible. The woman's name is Jennifer Howell -- an art curator Whitney Henriquez worked for during this period"

Court docs reveal Amber was a stripper, Depp had erectile dysfunction | Toronto Sun - "the actress’ lawyers wanted to expose Depp’s medications to prove he allegedly suffers from erectile dysfunction. They wanted to do this as a way to explain why he assaulted her with a bottle, which he repeatedly maintained was a lie... Depp’s team also wanted to reveal embarrassing parts of Heard’s personal life, including her short-lived time as a stripper and an alleged escort."

Meme - Girls on a first date: "I hope he's marriage material"
"I hope our star signs match"
Guys on a first date: "I hope she shows up"
"I hope she's not a man."

Meme - "Chad (left) is trying to bang both Miranda (middle) and Claire (right) but they've both determined that he is a poser."

Meme - "Ladies who wants a laugh so just got back from Turkey, go on this crazy boat watersport get photos back pmsl at the cracking photo, then zoom in and my fucking tampon is hanging never laughed so much"

Meme - "Mans decided to pop the question and I said yes! *ring*"
"how does if feel knowing u lost ur chances with kim ? she's finally getting the husband she deserves."
"I seriously don't care. It's been like six years since we broke up. Why do you all even keep doing this"
"dude she just tells me to send u this stuff"

Meme - "my ex when he came to drop my stuff off, apologized to my guinea pig for being mean to him (but not to me for talking to other girls behind my back) and then doing 30 push ups before leaving"

Meme - *Cake with leaking penis: "to have and to hold", "best is yet to come"*

Meme - "How women see yoga
How men see yoga *butts*"

Meme - "How men see yoga *sex positions*"

Meme - "OnlyFans Girls Posting Their L's:  
going back to retail after making only $3k in *spicy* content in 2.5 years."

Meme - "Today my ex celebrates his 1 year anniversary with his new girlfriend. We broke up 10 months ago. LMAOOOOOOOOO."
"You don't buy shoes barefoot"

TikToker Whose Tattoo Looks Rude Shares What It Should Have Looked Like - "The woman who was told her 'guardian angel' back tattoo looked like a 'girl eating a$s'' has revealed what the design was supposed to look like in a new TikTok video. Bekah Milly (@bekah.milly) recently showed off her new ink in a video, writing in the caption: "When someone says your new tattoo looks like a girl eating a$s." She later clarified the art was supposed to depict her innocently hugging her guardian angels, but unfortunately many have said it looks more like a woman in a rather compromising position - and as a result 'can't unsee' the X-rated perspective... Bekah is also now running a 'tattoo contest' through social media, encouraging people to put forward their best ideas for how she can improve the artwork."

Moemudi 🇳🇬🇺🇸 on Twitter - "In 2017 I dated this girl for a year. One night she added me to a random WhatsApp group & said "all of you are the guys I didnt want & its over because I'm getting married next weekend." She immediately exited & left us getting to know each other."

Meme - "Female Fantasy Characters designed to appeal to:
Female Audience
- Boobs exist
- Fancy detailed costume
- Long detailed hairstyle
- Elf probably
- More subtle makeup
Male Audience
- Boobs are love, boobs are life
- Longer feminine hairstyle but not as complex
- Notable makeup
- Skimpy clothes
SJW Audience
- Boobs are evil and forbidden (only possible exception is for obese character)
- Bean mouth
- *Gender nonconforming* hair
- Overweight
- Circle eyes
- Sausage limbs
- Lack of detail/shading"

Groom dumps bride on wedding day after discovering she has 4 kids - "The incident happened on a busy road in Nigeria that left passersby in shock"

Meme - "Waiter: what else can I get for the lovely couple?
Girl: oh gosh no, haha were just friends
Guy: you can get us two checks.
Girl: excuse me?
Guy: also please don't forget she had 3 soda refills, I know u guys charge extra."

Meme - "Hey this is Tiffany ur dasher I'm at Jefferson's picking up ur order
If you could tip a little more I'll be so grateful if not it's okay I'm going through a divorce and raising 2 kids by myself and I'm doing this as a extra job to help with expenses I have cashapp if that works for you $*** thx so much!!"
"Wow lol actually cancel the order. I'm a single mother as well !"
"I can not cancel the ordee
I already on my way with ur food"

Meme - "I strongly doubt you ever could disappoint"
"In the words of Daffy Duck "I haven't gotten any complaints from the ladies""
"Do you know how to use that thing"
"I haven't gotten any complaints from the ladies"
"There's no way that's a fucking Daffy Duck quote"
"he smashed"

Right-wing women are sexier | The Spectator - "I envy men of the right — their sexual lives are not constrained by the rules of sexual correctness we lefties are expected to live by. For us, playful S&M can pose all sorts of perplexing questions about class, power and gender that they never have to worry about. The left-wing drama critic Ken Tynan once had a conflict between his commitment to bottom-spanking and his commitment to civil rights when the woman he paid to indulge his passion for S&M turned out to be black. Tynan, like a good champagne socialist, chose pleasure over principle. We good, caring lefty pro-feminists can’t ask — or pay — a women to dominate us; to tie us up or spank us. But we can get a right-wing woman who will indulge us in a verbal lashing should we dare to utter any of our core progressive beliefs. Take that you multicultural-loving cretin, WHACK! Further European integration? You euro-loving toad! WHACK! Fifty shades of Milton Friedman, anyone? Right-wing women have always had a bad press when it comes to sex... That may have been true in the 1970s, but nowadays it’s more likely to be women of the left who are uptight and repressed — and that’s due to a sexual correctness that has come in the wake of third-wave feminism... Women of the right will not tolerate sexism; but nor do they have that tendency of some left-wing women always to play the victim of sexism. They have a robust, get-on-with-it attitude to life that makes them less prone to the neurotic, whiney, oh-poor-me melodrama that has infected so much thinking of left-leaning feminists... I have slept with women who write for the New Statesman and women who write for the Daily Telegraph and I can’t honestly claim that one lot is better than the other. But there are certain post-coital benefits that come with women of the right. They never subject a man to the music of Nick Drake or Nina Simone. As good libertarians, they don’t mind if you smoke in bed or pick up a newspaper or roll over and go to sleep — come to think of it, that’s what they are more likely to do. Nor do you ever have to lie in bed and watch some mawkish film about Nelson Mandela or one made by Michael Moore. (They don’t think you’re demented because you’d rather watch Die Hard.) And right-wing women never think that leaving the toilet seat up is a passive-aggressive act of patriarchy."

Meme - "When woman say single AF, the "AF" means "And Fucking" stay woke"

Ex-SGAG influencer Maddy told to snip off eyelash extensions for Malaysian passport renewal - "One local influencer, Maddy Breteche-Lo, however not only had to go with a minimalist no-makeup look, she was even forced to cut off her eyelash extensions when renewing her Malaysian passport... Either come back another day or snip off the lashes yourself, to which Breteche-Lo chose the latter as she had to fly off the next day... While they did give her the green light for her lashes, they had another issue and this time it was with her wearing contact lenses. An officer wanted her to remove them but Breteche-Lo said she will not as her myopia is about 1,200 degrees... According to the Immigration Department of Malaysia, applicants are not allowed to wear eyeglasses or glasses when having their photo taken. They should also wear dark-coloured clothing which covers the shoulders and chest. However, there was no mention of contact lenses or eyelash extensions"

LOCAL ONLYFANS CREATOR IS HIRING A PERSONAL ASSISTANT FOR $5800/MONTH, TRAVEL OVERSEAS & TAKE PHOTOS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA! - "We spotted this hiring ad on local OnlyFans (OF) creator, Gracie Hartie’s twitter page... The local OF creator is looking to hire a Personal Assistant (PA) for a whopping $5800 a month! Before you ask—no this job doesn’t require you to actually be on OnlyFans... Being Gracie Hartie’s PA entails tagging along during all her travels, meeting other OF creators, posting on her social media accounts and of course, being her personal photographer"

I'm an OnlyFans model and the site has 'ruined' my dating life - "A British OnlyFans model claims that being on the site has “ruined” her dating life as men presume she is “easy.” “I love what I do but the success has come at a price — it’s ruined my dating life,” Fenella Fox, from Worcester, told NudePR.com. Fox has 118,000 followers on Instagram and tons on OnlyFans and said she makes $200,000 a year off the site, according to Jam Press. The 28-year-old said she has a strict rule of not having sex until the third date, but most men she goes out with seem “impatient” to get to the bedroom. “I would love to have sex — in fact, I’m desperate for it — but I’ve been pretty much celibate for five years because men just can’t seem to wait until the third date … they just assume I’m up for it straightaway because of my job.” Fox revealed that she doesn’t tell men about her rule because she would like to see how they act without knowing about it... Fox noted one instance when she and a date went back to her apartment and when he was told they would not be having sex, the man got up and left. “He looked me straight in the eyes and said: ‘I’m not attracted to you anymore’”"

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