First trans US army officer 'plotted to leak medical records to Russians' - "Jamie Lee Henry, a former major and doctor at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, and his wife, Dr Anna Gabrielian, were caught offering to disclose the conditions of patients at the army base during an FBI sting operation... Dr Gabrielian, 36, is on the staff of Johns Hopkins Hospital, a leading institution in Baltimore. The staff directory at the hospital notes that Dr Gabrielian speaks both English and Russian. She told an undercover agent that "she was motivated by patriotism toward Russia... even if it meant being fired or going to jail"... Dr Henry told an undercover agent that he was "committed" to assisting Russia after it began its conflict in Ukraine, according to the indictment, which noted President Joe Biden characterised the incursion as a “brutal assault". Dr Henry claimed that he had even contemplated volunteering to join the Russian army, but lacked the requisite “combat experience”. "The way I am viewing what is going on in Ukraine now, is that the United States is using Ukrainians as a proxy for their own hatred toward Russia""
Presumably dual loyalty is not racist and xenophobic when white people are involved
Ben Shapiro on Twitter - "This Lizzo-flute controversy is a perfect example of what I have termed Face Tattoo Phenomenon™: the phenomenon whereby someone does something deliberately controversial in an attempt to draw attention, and then acts offended when you notice. If all we had seen was the clip of Lizzo playing the flute in the halls of the Library of Congress while wearing a semi-modest outfit, everyone would have shrugged. But that's not the clip everyone championed as groundbreaking: it was the clip where she bragged about twerking."
Of course, liberals keep claiming that the right hate Lizzo because she's black, fat and female. Some even pretend just being a woman is enough. And as with the Little Mermaid gaslighting, there's much much more liberal outrage over supposed right wing outrage
Meme - "I hope lizzo digs up thomas jefferson and plays his ribs like a xylophone"
Meme - Black Women: "All Lizzo did was play dat flute. Whypple be so fragile"
*Blonde doing a braid* *Black Women upset*
“That’s racist”: Lizzo claims she is ‘not making music for White people’ and leaves netizens distraught
What would happen if you said you were not making anything for any other race?
Meme - "The Redhead Festival in Dublin, Ireland, an annual gathering for redheads.
NETFLIX REMAKE *Black people*"
Meme - Tudor architecture @Arc...: "Recreate The Looks Of Roman Emperors : Hadrian Augustus Aurelian Tiberius"
Lothrazar @lothrazar: "Why did you make them all SOOO white?"
Endek @endek_pl: "Because life is not Netflix."
Stranger Things' Caleb McLaughlin on feeling like the "least favourite" cast member due to racism - "Actor Caleb McLaughlin, 20, who stars as Lucas Sinclair in the Netflix hit series, Stranger Things, has spoken out about feeling like the "least favourite" at fan events due to racism – something he said began to "take a toll" on his mental health. Speaking at the Heroes Comic Con convention in Belgium recently, Caleb shared that at previous events, he noticed the queue for his meet and greets were a lot shorter than those for his co-stars', despite playing a main character."
Is this peak entitlement? If you don't like a black character, you're racist
So much for "white fragility"
Kim's Convenience star bashes show's 'overwhelmingly white' producers | Toronto Sun - "Toronto-raised Liu addressed the show’s abrupt cancellation earlier this year and hit out at the series’ “overwhelmingly white” producers. He also slammed the decision to give a spinoff to the show’s only white character, Shannon (played by Nicole Power)."
The woke are toxic
Comments: "He was hired to act, and not write the script. After this why would any show want to hire him in the future."
"I wonder if he was as upset with those “overwhelmingly white” producers when they hired him?"
"Burning bridges isn’t the way to create the change you want to see. Taking the high road would have been a much better route. Now creators will be apprehensive to work with him as they’ll be worried about being called racist if they don’t do what he wants."
Meme - "The marginalized should have a voice and not be demonized *happy crowd*
that includes alienated young men who feel out of place in society *upset crowd*"
A Simple Guide To The Complex Topic Of Gender-Neutral Pronouns - "This movement is hardly only occurring in English-speaking communities, and some languages also have their own newly established gender-neutral pronouns. They exist on a spectrum of mainstream acceptance in their respective societies, as well as on a spectrum of “experimental usage” to “fairly standardized.” They each come with a side dish of controversy, and almost all of them come with an asterisk for additional notes and context."
Neo colonialism is good when it helps the liberal agenda
Saint Louis University is threatening to expel a student for posting off campus flyers for a Matt Walsh event - "SLU officials informed a member of the university's College Republicans, student James Dowling, via Zoom call Thursday that he could face expulsion for alleged "failure to comply" and "inappropriate conduct" after he placed the lecture advertisements at an off-campus location on Dec. 1 before Walsh's appearance."
"Walsh is not some fringe personality or dangerous looney calling for violence. Though his takes are extra spicy (how some of us like it), his general views are held by at least half of the nation and he is one of the most popular commentators on the planet (not to mention a bestselling LGBT book author). By banning Walsh, the university affirms that it has ceased to be a place for learning and the debate of ideas, and is instead an indoctrination factory made to create little cultists. That would be bad enough if limited to the university's property, but when they demand censorship and conformity off campus, it's so far beyond the pale that I have no word for it."
Woke Teacher Pushes Teaching Social Justice Propaganda - ""Parents aren't always our adversaries. For every one parent who pushes back against social justice content or your pursuit for educational equity, there are several others that support you and are in your corner in your pursuit to achieve equity in education. And we're not in a right-to-work state, so we can't just be fired, just like that, for discussing social justice in the classroom"... though many states are, in fact, right-to-work states, this attitude is not relegated to places without right-to-work. Teachers do believe they are, on some level, untouchable. If they didn't, they wouldn't do many of the things they do."
Pete 🇬🇧 on Twitter - "The Nazi’s were the first to discover that cigarettes can cause cancer. This was unfortunate bc this knowledge became associated with them & for a while was easier to dismiss bc of this fact. But whether the Nazi’s discovered this or not was irrelevant, smoking DID cause cancer. Rather than learn from this mistake we make the same mistake when it comes to Cannabis. The historical figures who we associate as being anti-Cannabis, were often reactionaries & racists, & this makes anti-Cannabis messages easier for some to dismiss. But whether Henry Anslinger was racist or not is irrelevant to the question of whether Cannabis causes psychosis. You cant judge the harms of a drug by ticking off how many bad guys were against it while in another column ticking off how many good guys were for it. Its irrelevant. The Nazi’s were right about cigarettes, that doesnt mean that to be anti-cigarettes is to be a Nazi. Many a reactionary has been anti-Cannabis, that does not mean that to be anti-Cannabis is to be a reactionary. Whether Nazi’s & reactionaries were anti-cig’s & anti-Weed is completely & utterly irrelevant to the scientific question of whether these drugs causes various harms or not. Various peaceniks & progressive figures have been pro-Weed & many a reactionary has been anti-Cannabis. So what? Its as irrelevant as whether the Nazi’s were the first to realise that smoking cigarettes causes cancer. Smoking cigs DOES cause cancer. The Nazi thing is irrelevant. We dont seem to have fully absorbed this message yet. We will in time. Probably when its too late."
ZUBY: on Twitter - "People who genuinely embody and practice virtues rarely feel the need to virtue signal. They just live it. Those who constantly drone on about 'kindness', 'tolerance', and 'inclusivity' tend to be some of the least kind, least tolerant, and least inclusive people out there."
Wokal Distance on Twitter - ""jUsT sAy tHe n-wOrD" is the sort of thing you say when insinuating that someone is a racist is the only argument you have."
Meme - "Portland, OR. - Students at a Portland High School have petitioned to create an "LGBTQ+ ONLY" class and curriculum for the 2022 school year - @cbs6"
Jesse Ryan @imjesseryan: "Isn't this just called "Theatre class?""
Segregation is good
Meme - "Everything I don't like, must be banned."
"Everything I do like is a human right and must be paid for by others."
*Vote - voting*
Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on Twitter - "@kittypurrzog In a democracy, the voters who fund public institutions get to decide which values those institutions transmit to children. If a public library features Gender Queer (or Mein Kampf), it's an endorsement. And excluding those books is not a "ban"—they're widely available elsewhere."
I saw leftists raging about this alleged hypocrisy. "If a public library doesn't feature pornography, it's anti free speech". What a spicy take
Meme - "Good reminder that "live and let live' was always a lie. It was a lie used to beat you into submission by people who never intended to abide by it themselves" "A Colorado baker who won a partial Supreme Court victory after refusing on religious grounds to make a wedding cake for a gay couple a decade ago is facing complaints he refused to make a birthday cake celebrating a gender transition."
Meme - BLUE in Florida @SteelerGirl7777: "Casey DeSantis and Serena Joy Waterford. Dog whistles are everywhere. The Handmaid's Tale and Gilead are the GQP's wet dream utupia"
Liberals are the only ones who see these dog whistles everywhere. Just like conspiracy theorists who see signs everywhere
Meme - Kelvin York: "This is exactly what I'm dealing with on twitter."
"I'm not oppressed" - Black man in suit
"You ARE A DISGRACE To Your PEOPLE!" - White guy with bandana, che guevera t-shirt and scarf
Facebook - "Trent University has a lounge where white ppl aren't welcome and everyone's speech is controlled. They call it "Freedom Lounge". And they do not tolerate discrimination there. Peak woke yet? Time to reign in the leftist authoritarians yet? IN THIS SPACE WE DO NOT DEBATE OTHERS' LIFE EXPERIENCES OR THE DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES OF OPPRESSION 🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤡"
Meme - "#BREAKING Carjacking suspect is teen who received a heart transplant after controversy two years ago, details at 11." *topless black guy*
"that's the best pictyre yall had of him?'
"Typical white media trying to make us look bad. Fucking racists ass white people misrepresentin us."
"I'm tired of the media making us look like stereotypes. This is so fucking racist. Why not post a good picture of him?"
"Those are his Facebook profile pictures"
"he has Facebook pictures with clothes on too, you stupid bitch"
"Here he is with clothes on - this is his current Facebook profile picture. *wearing hoodie and pointing gun*"
Keywords: pointing gun at the camera, pointing a gun at the camera, pointing gun at camera, pointing a gun at camera
Troubled Ga. teen who received controversial heart transplant dead after crime spree ends in fatal wreck: cops - "He promised to change his misguided ways if he got a new heart, but evidently troubled Anthony Stokes was unable to make good on those vows. The Georgia teen died Tuesday after a botched home invasion, crashing a stolen car and ending the troubled life that was extended back in 2013, when he got a controversial heart transplant. Stokes, 17, wrecked the carjacked sedan into a pole as he tried to flee police, authorities said, and the 33-year-old Roswell woman he hit with a car while fleeing from a botched robbery was hospitalized in stable condition. The young man failed to make good on the promise he made to turn his life around in 2013, when he was denied a needed heart transplant because of behavioral issues and disobeying doctor's orders. At the time, Stokes was given six to nine months to live and the banishment by doctors at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta was essentially a "death sentence," said activists who came to his defense. The story sparked national outrage and the hospital eventually relented... The family and his supporters said Stokes was being punished "because he was poor, black and had trouble with the law, which his mother said was for fighting"... Photos from his Facebook page show selfies in which Stokes points a gun and clutches wads of cash. Several pictures feature Stokes smoking marijuana... Stokes spent about three weeks in the DeKalb County Jail after an arrest for criminal attempt and possession of a tool for the commission of a crime"
‘Elderly’ and ‘pensioner’ are ageist words, says university - "University of Manchester staff have been asked to refer to the over-60s as “mature individuals”, “older people” or simply “learners” in order to “actively avoid ageist terms”. The advice, published in the university’s guide to inclusive language last year, says: “Only include age if it is relevant, for example with initiatives that are only available for a particular age group. “Don’t use age as a means to describe an individual or group where it is not relevant, such as ‘mature workforce’ or ‘young and vibrant team’. “We actively avoid ageist terms such as ‘elderly’, ‘OAPs’, ‘pensioners’ or ‘youngsters’, instead using terms that are objective.”"
Apparently collecting a pension is not objective
NPR - Posts | Facebook - ""The Great British Bake Off" is being called out for its latest "Mexico Week" episode after its two hosts told a stereotypical joke while wearing sombreros and sarapes."
As usual, almost all the offended people are white people. Almost all the Mexicans commenting said they weren't offended (I only found one who was). The cultural imperialism of wokery strikes again
Some were pointing out they treat white cultures the same way. But of course liberals love double standards for white people and "minorities"
Meme - Nina Turner @ninaturner: "The descendants of enslaved Americans deserve reparations. Period."
Tim Young @TimRunsHisMouth: "From the people who sold them to America... so take that bill to Africa."
Don Lemon is stunned into silence when royal commentator says African kings should pay reparations - "CNN anchor Don Lemon was at a loss for words after a royal commentator told him slavery reparations are necessary - but said they should be paid by the descendants of 'African kings' who sold their own people into slavery... A stunned Lemon responded that it was an 'interesting discussion' and quickly concluded the interview... 'Well, I think you're right about reparations in terms of if people want it though. What they need to do - is you always need to go back to the beginning of a supply chain, where was the beginning of the supply chain? 'That was in Africa, and when it crossed the entire world, when slavery was taking place. Which was the first nation in the world that abolished slavery? The first nation in the world to abolish it, it was started by William Wilberforce, was the British'... In fact, Haiti was the first country to legally abolish slavery, which was banned there from the country's foundation in 1804, following a revolt against the French colonial government. But despite the legal prohibition, slavery and human trafficking by criminal organizations remain prevalent in Haiti today, with an estimate 59,000 people there still living in modern slavery, according to the Global Slavery Index. Britain in 1833 passed the Abolition of Slavery Act, ordering gradual abolition of slavery in all British colonies. Fordwich continued: 'In Great Britain, they abolished slavery. Two thousand Naval men died on the high seas trying to stop slavery. Why? Because the African kings were rounding up their own people, they had them on cages waiting in the beaches, no one was running into Africa to get them. 'And I think you’re totally right. If reparations needs to be paid, we need to go right back to the beginning of that supply chain and say, ‘who was rounding up their own people and having them handcuffed in cages? Absolutely. That’s where they should start. 'And maybe, I don’t know, the descendants of those families where they died at the in the high seas trying to stop the slavery, that those families should receive something too I think at the same time.'... Historians say that many of enslaved victims were captured during warfare between rival African groups, though some of them were kidnapped and sold purely for profit, according to an article from the College of Charleston. In 2019, Nigerian novelist Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani wrote a thought-provoking guest essay in the Wall Street Journal about the issue of African complicity in the slave trade. 'Europeans oversaw this brutal traffic in human cargo, but they had many local collaborators,' she wrote. 'The anguished debate over slavery in the U.S. is often silent on the role that Africans played,' the author added. 'That silence is echoed in many African countries, where there is hardly any national discussion or acknowledgment of the issue.'"
Democrat Operatives Caught Dressing Up As White Supremacists in Desperate Last-Ditch Virginia Election Stunt. - "In what quickly became a political stunt gone wrong, Democratic strategists have been accused on social media of posing as white supremacists while standing next to Virginia Republican Glenn Youngkin’s campaign bus. Social media sleuths were quick to notice that the only people interacting with images promoted by an NBC reporter were Democratic Party political operatives. The photos were retweeted by far-left activist Adam Parkhomenko, as the public began to notice that one of the men posing as a fake Republican white supremacist bore a striking resemblance to Virginia Youth Democrats’ Finance Director, Camden Layton. Another woman in the same series of photographs was fingered as potentially being Colleen Wachenfeld, who boasts about having flipped Arizona “blue” on her Twitter profile. Wachenfeld quickly changed her LinkedIn handle to “C W” shortly after the photos started to be questioned by users on Twitter."
From 2021
Southern Poverty Law Center is a scam, not an arbiter of justice - "I wrote and edited for the Family Research Council, a public advocacy organization that promoted the principles I have cared about since childhood: protecting the family, promoting the dignity of every human life and advocating for religious liberty... I never expected that everyone would celebrate or share my beliefs. But I did expect to be able to discuss and debate these differences without becoming a political target in an act of terrorism, the first conviction under Washington, D.C.’s 2002 Anti-Terrorism Act. It was the type of violent incident that one could expect a group that purportedly monitors “hate,” like the Southern Poverty Law Center, to notice, research and decry. In fact, we were on the center’s radar but for all the wrong reasons. The assailant acknowledged later in FBI testimony that he had selected our office precisely because the SPLC had labeled my employer a “hate group.” It has always been easier to smear people rather than wrestle with their ideas. It’s a bully who calls names and spreads lies rather than thoroughly reading a brief’s legal arguments or challenging the rationale underlying a policy proposal. The SPLC has chosen to take the easy path — to intimidate and mislead for raw political power and financial benefit. For years, former employees revealed, local journalists reported and commentators have lamented: The Southern Poverty Law Center is not what it claims to be. Not a pure-hearted, clear-headed legal advocate for the vulnerable, but rather an obscenely wealthy marketing scheme. For years, the left-wing interest group has used its “hate group” list to promote the fiction that violent neo-Nazis and Christian nonprofits peacefully promoting orthodox beliefs about marriage and sex are indistinguishable. Sometimes, it has apologized to public figures it has smeared, and it recently paid out millions to settle a threatened defamation lawsuit. These shameful secrets are no longer hidden in shadows. The New York Times, Politico, NPR and a host of other mainstream publications are reporting on the corruption and widening credibility gap... The SPLC is hollow, rotten and failing at the very virtues it pretends to celebrate... perhaps most damning of all are the indictments leveled by former employee Bob Moser in The New Yorker. He remembers being welcomed to the “Poverty Palace” and recounts the heart-sinking reality of it all — being “pawns” in a “highly profitable scam.” Jobs and years have passed, and I work now for Alliance Defending Freedom. ADF ranks among “the top performing firm(s)" litigating First Amendment cases, according to the Empirical SCOTUS blog, and is the “Christian legal powerhouse that keeps winning at the Supreme Court,” according to The Washington Post. And yes, my new employer has also attracted one of the SPLC’s spurious hate labels."
Of course, only the right can inspire violence. Anyone who thinks he is inspired by the left just misunderstands it
For Southern Poverty Law Center, lessons on combating hate - "“Nearly everyone I run into says that the SPLC is a hate group itself,” he says. “So when a hate group is calling other groups hate groups, it may have lost all credibility.” Even as the SPLC, based in Montgomery, Alabama, has become a heavy-hitting counterweight against rising white nationalism in the U.S., it is in the midst of its own reckoning. In the past month, three key leaders have either been fired or resigned amid allegations of racism and misogyny in the workplace – an irony for an organization founded to fight those impulses. But for a lot of Americans, the scandal is much bigger than a tale of workplace hypocrisy. It is about how to police debate in an era when tribalism and name-calling seems to dominate the public square. “If [the SPLC] needs to clean house, good, because their work is absolutely essential,” says Catherine McNicol Stock, author of “Rural Radicals: Righteous Rage in the American Grain.” “But this is also a reminder that people on the left have to be careful not to equate the ideas of conservatism [with extremism].” Hints of a moral crisis in an organization founded to uphold civil rights may extend beyond the office. Critics have raised concerns that its efforts to root out extremism are, in some part, based on “selling the idea of Southern intolerance to a do-gooder Yankee donor base” that supports a $741 million trust fund, as a former SPLC staffer wrote in The New Yorker magazine... the Intelligence Project has apologized to Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson for listing him on an extremist watch. It also paid out millions in a libel settlement to a man it misidentified as an anti-Muslim extremist. And critics have blamed the SPLC’s labeling as extremists mainstream figures like author Charles Murray – who posited in the “Bell Curve” the widely debunked theory that there may be genetic differences between the races – as contributing to hostility toward free speech on college campuses. And then two weeks ago, a bombshell: The center suddenly announced the firing of co-founder Morris Dees. Late last month, president Richard Cohen and several other principals resigned. The center has been relatively mum about the details, but the shake-up came after a prominent black female attorney resigned, causing employees to write a letter saying that “allegations of mistreatment, sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and racism threaten the moral authority of this organization and our integrity along with it.”... The news led to eye-opening shellackings from news organizations that routinely use the SPLC’s findings to fuel stories. The Los Angeles Times and The New Yorker were among those that published tough critiques. But a gentler charge, says Professor Stock, who teaches American studies at Connecticut College in New London, is that the SPLC applies what moral philosophers call a “hero standard” to group membership – the idea, for example, that those not actively trying to rescue Jews during the Holocaust were bad people. That high bar of virtue means that the SPLC’s brush sometimes splatters non-extremist Americans... For Mr. Buckles, at least, it’s like he woke up one day to find his reputation at stake for simply holding what he sees as traditional American views. “The growing rise of left-wing politics means that stuff that used to be center of the road is now right-wing,” says Mr. Buckles. “Bill Clinton’s policies are not that different from Trump, but Trump is a Nazi and Clinton was a Democrat hero. It’s a very, very left shift. We thought this was healed, but now we have seen that it is not healed.” Painting Americans like Mr. Buckles and Mr. Mulch as nationalist revolutionaries underscores the lack of a hard definition of extremism, complicated by the difficulty of a majority-white nation to address a surge of white nationalism, argues Mr. Berger, author of “Jihad Joe,” in an email. In many ways, he says, the Supreme Court’s definition of pornography – “I know it when I see it” – has become the mainstream standard for extremism. “And it’s not a healthy one.” In his view, the extremism label should only be applied to groups that base their existence on the promotion of hostile action against another group. “If ‘extremist’ is just a label for someone you disagree with, then it’s a pretty useless label”"
Meme - "your rap name is "lil" + the last reason you were in the hospital"
"Don't think white people should be doing this :/"
WATCH: Buccaneers coach implores reporters to 'stop making a big deal' about race - "Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Todd Bowles brushed off questions about race within the NFL... One reporter asked Bowles to comment on the significance of two black head coaches, namely himself and Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin, coming head-to-head in a game... "We don't look at what color we are when we coach against each other, we just know each other," Bowles responded. "I have a lot of very good white friends that coach in this league as well. I don't think it's a big deal as far as us being — coaching against each other." "We coach ball, we don't look at color"... Another reporter followed up with a similar question, asking Bowles to comment on how representation matters in the league... "Well when you say 'see you guys' and 'look like them' and 'grow up like them' means that we're oddballs to begin with," Bowles said. "I think the minute that you guys stop making a big deal about it everybody else will as well.""
The media profit off anger and division, so fat hope
Integrated Analysis of Genetic Ancestry and Genomic Alterations across Cancers - "Disparities in cancer care have been a long-standing challenge. We estimated the genetic ancestry of The Cancer Genome Atlas patients, and performed a pan-cancer analysis on the influence of genetic ancestry on genomic alterations. Compared with European Americans, African Americans (AA) with breast, head and neck, and endometrial cancers exhibit a higher level of chromosomal instability, while a lower level of chromosomal instability was observed in AAs with kidney cancers. The frequencies of TP53 mutations and amplification of CCNE1 were increased in AAs in the cancer types showing higher levels of chromosomal instability. We observed lower frequencies of genomic alterations affecting genes in the PI3K pathway in AA patients across cancers. Our result provides insight into genomic contribution to cancer disparities."
Clear proof that race is such a powerful social construct that we must be even more vigilant in saying it does not exist
Race: A Social Destruction of a Biological Concept - "It is nowadays a dominant opinion in a number of disciplines (anthropology, genetics, psychology, philosophy of science) that the taxonomy of human races does not make much biological sense. My aim is to challenge the arguments that are usually thought to invalidate the biological concept of race. I will try to show that the way “race” was defined by biologists several decades ago (by Dobzhansky and others) is in no way discredited by conceptual criticisms that are now fashionable and widely regarded as cogent. These criticisms often arbitrarily burden the biological category of race with some implausible connotations, which then opens the path for a quick eliminative move. However, when properly understood, the biological notion of race proves remarkably resistant to these deconstructive attempts. Moreover, by analyzing statements of some leading contemporary scholars who support social constructivism about race, I hope to demonstrate that their eliminativist views are actually in conflict with what the best contemporary science tells us about human genetic variation."