When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, November 11, 2022

Links - 11th November 2022 (1)

DJ who got radio station tattoo on arm laid off a week later - "Country-music jock Mason Schreader got a tattoo of his station WIL on his arm last month and less than a week later, was laid off...   To make matters worse, Schreader was hired as part of a duo with Hoesly in 2018 from a Chicago station — and Hoesly is keeping his job."
Don't love your job. Because your job doesn't love you back

Nurse facing backlash for making a TikTok about one of her patients dying - "In the since-deleted video, Olivia Tyler (@olivia_tylerr33) can be seen in her scrubs as she attempted to compose herself with hands resting on her forehead as she paced in what looks to be a hospital corridor.  "Lost a patient today," the tearful nurse wrote in the on-screen text caption, Olivia then leaned against the wall and removed her face mask and looked down at the floor as leaned her hands on her legs for support while she took in some deep breaths."
Medical Professionals' Cringey TikToks Are Getting Dragged
Meme - "Jesus to nurse in operating theatre: He's gone...make another Tik Tok video"
Too bad the media didn't care during covid when the supposedly overworked nurses in warzones were making TikTok videos

Women in scrubs gone wild.
"So from what nurses say, they don't even have time to go to the bathroom or eat, but they have time for this nonsense?"

CLIMB - "Mongolians are cool because they’ve merged their traditional and modern ways of life so rather than having poverty due to losing all their important skills they just live in their yurts with their cows and 827474874mbs internet"
"sure their GDP in dollars is low but when you can survive like your anscestors did it doesn’t mean anything, nothing wrong with adding a motorcycle and wifi into the mix"
"Everyone should live like their ancestors did 1000 years ago but with the addition of wifi tbh"
"Adapt. Survive."
*Mongol in armour with sword on motorcycle*...
*Mongols on horses in armour with drones*


Meme - "The problem is we start our day on CELLPHONES not on our KNEES."
"I'm not sucking dick first thing in the morning"

Meme - "Cameraman: I don't understa-
psychic kid: trust me this will be really funny someday *paper airplane and World Trade Center in New York*"

Meme - "medieval kings really were like thats my emotional support silly little guy *Jester*"

eigenrobot on Twitter - "i just dont feel right bringing children into the world to live in the richest country in history where food is so plentiful that our biggest nutritional problem is obesity and childhood mortality rates are near zero
even 10% worse economic conditions would be hell on earth and reproducing in this environment is irresponsible.  like i cant even imagine what the slightly poorer europeans are thinking every day. and our own parents? good god"
On liberal anti-natalism. And this is before we get into actively hating children, e.g. Fuck Them Kids | Facebook

Meme - "I choose you, Nietzsche-mon!"
"Existence is meaningless. We are pawns in an absurd contest of slavery and degradation.
If one cannot live with pride, one should die with pride"
"God is dead."

Meme - "I thought grandpa was on his freak shit for a second"

Archaeology News, Art & Ancient wonders - "800 years ago at All Saints Church in Hereford, England, a skillful carpenter carved this gentleman high up in the dark roof where nobody could see him. Five years ago they built an extra floor with bright lights for a restaurant. *Man exposing penis and butt*"

This USA Today graphic on hot weather : mildlypenis

"I do!"
*cowers on bed in dark room*
*cowers on bed in dark room*
*cowers on bed in dark room*"

Here's Why That Flower Is Actually Called A "Bird Of Paradise" - "The "bird" part of the flower isn't some goofy, cockatoo-esque thing. It's actually meant to resemble a bird in flight... "I'm 37 years old, and just today realized it's called bird of paradise because it looks like the left picture, not the right""

NY REALTOR Mary Shelsby Quiet Neighbors Sign Goes Viral - "The house, now also under contract, is conveniently located across from a cemetery.  The sign atop her “For Sale” sign simply reads “Quiet Neighbors Across the Street”"

Meme - "Someday i'll BE SomEone's FAVORITE DINoSaUR"
83.5 million years later: "The amazing Triceratops"

Meme - "A "community lock" where only one of the padlocks needs unlocking for the mechanism to open up. I'm honestly split on whether it's genius engineering or a terrible security design. Why not one lock with multiple keys (to ensure quality)?"

Meme - Mayim: "I see you're another wicked dog that needs to be cursed. So be it. May all the land you touch turn to sulfur like from whence you came. May all the water you ingest become bitter in you bowels. May your skin become so hot with death that you pray it comes to you. So be it
This person is unavailable on Messenger."

Meme - "My wife changed the name to our front door. She's a 40yo woman."
"There is motion at your Anus"
"Someone is at your Anus"

MC Kevin: Rapper dies after jumping from window during threesome - "popular rapper Kevin Nascimento Bueno, 23, also known by his stage name MC Kevin, was having a threesome with his friend, Victor Fontenelle, also 23, and model Bianca Domingues, 26, in a Rio de Janeiro hotel room...   When a friend knocked on the hotel room door, Bueno assumed it was his wife, Deolane Bezerra, 33, a criminal lawyer who he had been married to for just three weeks. Bezerra had reportedly been texting and calling her new husband, and searching for him on the grounds of the resort.  The rapper, not wanting to be caught in the act, rushed to the balcony and attempted to jump onto a terrace below.  He missed, and fell five floors to his death, making impact twice before landing on the patio by the hotel’s swimming pool... The hotel room was found littered with condoms, alcohol bottles and underwear"
Model told cops married Brazilian singer MC Kevin promised to pay about $380 for sex before he died - "Bianca Domingues, 26, said she met the 23-year-old singer and his artist friend Victor Fontenelle on Sunday afternoon and drank alcohol and smoked marijuana with them... She said she initially refused to have sex with Fontanelle before she charged each of them $1,000 Brazilian reais, about $188, which was to be transferred to her bank account after they were done. Domingues added that she first had sex with Fontanelle.  MC Kevin’s friend Jhonatas da Cruz, 26, told the police he went to the room and was asked by MC Kevin to get a condom for Fontanelle, who at the moment was having sex with Domingues. Da Cruz then returned to the room and expressed interested in sleeping with Domingues before he was rebuffed... Fontanelle then received a message on WhatsApp from Gabriel. Seeking to protect his friend from being busted by his wife, Fontanelle told MC Kevin that they had to leave the room, but the three continued to have sex... MC Kevin's songs were part of a genre of music created in Sao Paulo in 2008, known as funk paulista. Lyrics often revolve around cars, motorbikes, alcohol, women and achieving life goals."

Singaporean households grew richer by S$444B during the pandemic - "So, where is all of this wealth, most of which we can’t even see?  Official data divides it between financial and residential property assets, which total close to S$2.8 trillion against liabilities of just S$360 billion...   Those news reports of S$1 million HDB apartments are only going to grow more common but it is, of course, a double-edged sword.  Those who bought theirs before the pandemic can certainly be happy they don’t have to shell out more for their new home, although growing selling prices also mean growing buying prices. As a result, as long as you simply move from one place to another, appreciating prices largely cancel each other out.   Paradoxically, perhaps, the best-off are those who bought their real estate using borrowed cash, since inflation in asset prices (and overall high inflation in the economy) is eroding the value of their liabilities to the bank. They get the best of both worlds — not having had to put up their own cash for the purchase, and are now only having to pay a relatively lower amount than when they applied for the mortgage..  Of course, those who are in the market for their first apartments are feeling the pinch, especially in the private market, where prices have long been outpacing HDB apartments.  Someone’s gain is often somebody else’s loss. Timing is everything, after all."

Chess robot grabs and breaks finger of seven-year-old opponent - "A chess-playing robot grabbed and broke the finger of a seven-year-old boy during a match at the Moscow Open last week, Russian media sources have reported.  “The robot broke the child’s finger,” Sergey Lazarev, president of the Moscow Chess Federation, told the TASS news agency after the incident, adding that the machine had played many previous exhibitions without upset. “This is of course bad.”... Sergey Smagin, vice-president of the Russian Chess Federation, told Baza that the robot appeared to pounce after it took one of the boy’s pieces in the game. However, instead of waiting for the machine to complete its move, the boy responded quickly"

Defeated Chess Champ Garry Kasparov Has Made Peace With AI - "Deep Blue followed hand-coded rules for playing chess. By contrast, AlphaZero, a program revealed by the Alphabet subsidiary DeepMind in 2017, taught itself to play the game at a grandmaster level simply by practicing over and over. Most remarkably, AlphaZero uncovered new approaches to the game that dazzled chess experts... I always say I was the first knowledge worker whose job was threatened by a machine. But that helps me to communicate a message back to the public. Because, you know, nobody can suspect me of being pro-computers."

Explaining male predominance in chess - "The male predominance in chess parallels that in domains such as mathematics, physics and engineering, which may tap some similar abilities and propensities. Carrying out research in high-level, competitive areas of physics and mathematics or playing a grandmaster-level game can greatly tax physical stamina and ability to concentrate and can strain the processing limits of our monkey brains, which evolved to carry out much simpler tasks. These areas also all rely partly on spatial ability, the power to visualize objects in space and to mentally manipulate the images. This ability is important in chess calculation, for instance. In the endgame, players may calculate variations 20 moves deep, relying on spatial ability to visualize the changes. Players may picture a position some moves down the line, analyse it extensively, and then work out how to reach it...   In 2005, I published a study which aimed to quantify the male/female FIDE rating difference at the top and to see if the gap had diminished with all the societal changes in the role of women over the period and with the increasing number of female grandmasters (31 in January, 2014)... The sex difference averages nearly 250 rating points (about a hefty one standard deviation for the statistically minded) and has remained roughly constant over the four decades... With differences in games played thus controlled for and with players near their performance limits, the male distribution still shows a higher mean and more variability, exactly as with spatial ability and height... a study by a team led by Merim Bilalic, then of Oxford University, looked at the April 2007 German Chess Federation rating list, on which only 5.82% of the players were female. The team argued that the percentage of top-rated females on this list was about what would be expected statistically from this tiny percentage of 5.82... it is difficult to determine cause and effect. We tend to like and persist at activities we are good at and avoid those that we are poor at. If I wanted to be a champion boxer and kept getting knocked out in the first round despite extensive training, soon I would abandon boxing. If women do have less talent for chess on average, their under-representation may simply reflect this tendency to drop out due to early lack of success. Second, Michael Knapp of the University of Bonn argued that their statistical approach was inappropriate and only accounted for about two thirds of the claimed extent of female under-representation at the top.   Third, there was no evident control for number of rated games and the women in the German rating list may have played many fewer games, as in the international domain. Also, the assumption is that males and females are randomly drawn from or at least are drawn from the same parts of their respective talent distributions. But the few women who play chess may come from a different part of the female talent distribution. Perhaps these 5.82% were the cream of the female talent distribution while the males came from the whole spread of male talent.  Finally, the study used just one data point and it is risky to generalize from only one data point... If the participation rate hypothesis is correct, the rating sex difference should decline as the percentage of females in a group of nations increases. But numerically we find just the opposite trend... I also tackled the participation rate hypothesis by replicating a variety of studies with players from Georgia, where women are strongly encouraged to play chess and the female FIDE participation rate is high at over 30%. The overall results were much the same as with the entire FIDE list, but sometimes not quite as pronounced."

‘The elites don’t understand those they lord over’ - "The gap is not about how you vote – it is about how you think about the world. The elites – what I call the front row – are not really defined by class, although there is overlap. They are more defined by education and a very materialistic worldview: they generally see themselves as mobile, global, secular and morally right. And they view the back row as being lesser, stuck in provincial and outdated views about the world and themselves.  The front row is detached and completely clueless about the people it rules. Its members run the political system and business and define our cultural and economic capital. Therefore, they have an obligation to understand the people they lord over... One of the frustrations I have is that when a lot of people on the left and in my party – the Democrats – talk about minorities, they do so in an almost infantilising way. They see minorities as people without agency and without their own views of the world. They think these people want to run off to college and build a résumé like they did. But not everybody wants to do that and nor should we ask them to do it... Language policing and the use of academic language to talk about these issues are simply methods for eliminating people’s voices from the discussion. They are not allowed to speak up because if they do so and use the wrong words, they are going to be ‘cancelled’ or yelled at. It is just a way to ignore what they have to say. "

'A renaissance is coming': Can a revolution in the food court save the shopping mall? - "“Other than the odd one … nobody has built a mall in 25 years. There’s a reason,” said Ed Sonshine, chief executive at RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust, whose shopping mall business makes up less than 10 per cent of its portfolio.  “You need huge sales per square foot … They’re very expensive. You’ve got to air condition them. The taxes are extremely high and they take up an awful lot of space,” he told the Financial Post last week, explaining the decades-long shift in retail real estate toward open air shopping centres...   “The truth is, anything other than those top 20 have been struggling for the last 10, 15 years,” he said, but he added that “once this pandemic is gone, people will like hanging around malls. People love food courts.”  The common food court, however, is “a tired and broken model,” according to the Deloitte report.  Historically, fashion retailers were the main attraction for malls, while food courts were just a place to get a snack in between store visits. But the shift to e-commerce, which has sped up considerably in the pandemic, has made clothes a less effective traffic driver for malls...   Malls have already started experimenting with new models to feed the masses, such as food halls that feature more local food merchants and restaurant groups, rather than national fast food chains.  Deloitte also noted that some malls have clusters of restaurant tenants, outside the typical food court area, all using a common kitchen... landlords will have to rethink the traditional mall lease if they want to rely on local chefs, artisans and restaurateurs, since restaurants operate on notoriously thin margins and won’t be able to afford the kind of premium rent that fashion tenants pay."

'Feeding Kids Meat Is Child Abuse,' Warns PETA Billboard

Why Do Low-Income Parents Buy Junk Food for Their Kids? - "Feeding a child is about more than just nutrition; it’s also a means of communicating love. Yet, for low-income parents, meals tend to involve fast food and processed snacks. It’s not that they lack knowledge on healthy eating, or that they don’t care about their child’s health. Rather, junk food is an affordable way to satisfy their child’s needs — and their wants... Parents of all socioeconomic statuses reported that their children made frequent requests for packaged snacks and fast food. And for good reason — those foods are scientifically engineered to be delicious and addicting... what separates low-income parents from those with higher incomes is the different means they have available to show their children that they are loved and cared for. Having disposable income affords wealthy parents frequent opportunities to say, “yes,” to their children. One of the high-income families Fielding-Singh interviewed had their children enrolled in private school, dance classes, sports camps and volunteer organizations. But when it came to requests for junk food, which her kids made frequently, the mother would proudly say, “no,” viewing these as opportunities to instill values about restraint and delayed gratification. But parental priorities change in the context of scarcity — as does food’s symbolic value"

Permissive parental feeding behavior is associated with an increase in intake of low-nutrient-dense foods among American children living in rural communities
Clearly poor kids are fat because of structural racism

Jogger screams for help as otters chase after her at West Coast Park - "They heard her screams for help, but those who visited West Coast Park last Friday (July 22) evening could only watch on helplessly while a woman was chased by a bevy of angry otters...   Although there were more than 10 people who heard the woman's screams for help, Lu pointed out that they were too afraid to go near the otters.  "I did not see the otters biting the woman, but they started running towards us so we had to flee"...   There have been several reports of otter attacks in recent months.  In April, a man jogging at Kallang Riverside Park was bitten on the leg while taking videos of the animals... a man racked up $1,200 in medical bills after he was bitten "26 times in 10 seconds" by otters at the Singapore Botanic Gardens.  Graham George Spencer told Today that the animals went from "being quiet to going crazy like dogs" after a runner had cut into their path."
Too bad otters are cute. So if you defend yourself, it'll be "animal abuse" and you'll be cancelled. It'll take a baby being injured or killed for action to be taken

500-Year-Old Village Only Costs One Dollar Per Year To Live In, But It Comes With Some Strange Rules - "To live in the Fuggerei, the applicant must be of Catholic faith, low income, zero debt, and be “upstanding” in the community (whatever that meant). Besides these requirements, you had to promise to say three daily prayers for the Fugger family. Then there was the matter of the curfew. If you were caught outside of the walls after 10 p.m., you had to pay admission to reenter the Fuggerei... The people of the Fuggerei must still say the Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, and the Nicene Creed for the Fuggers, and now, they also have to work a part-time job for the complex. Some residents are landscapers or a part of the night watch crew... While some of the rules are restrictive, this kind of society seems to work for the people living in the Fuggerei. The complex is willing to make some timely changes too: they’ve lifted the 10 p.m. curfew, for instance"

Brass Against Singer Pees on Fan's Face During Festival Set - "The members of Brass Against were just as shocked as festival goers when singer Sophia Urista peed on the face of a fan during their set at Welcome to Rockville. The band issued an apology on Twitter following the incident...   After reportedly making several comments about how much she had to pee, the vocalist invited a volunteer onstage to be her human toilet. “Get my man with the can on his head ready, ’cause we’re going to bring him onstage and I’ma piss in this motherfucker’s mouth,” she declared.  “I gotta pee,” she continued. “And I can’t make it to the bathroom. So we might as well make a show out of it.” The willing participant made his way onstage, and as promised Urista dropped her pants and pissed all over his face without pausing the song."

Meme - Neil deGrasse Tyson: "You are not a planet"
Pluto: "You are not Carl Sagan"
*middle finger pointing*

Meme - "Trinity College Library Dublin. University of Dublin.
*No mobile phones, no wine, no burger and drink in cup [i.e. no eating and drinking], no smoking*
*Mobile phone, wine, burger and drink in cup, smoking*"

Meme - DaddySoong69 "I'm a bit of a DIY audio enthusiast and had an eureka moment one day when I was testing airflow from from the port on a subwoofer. I noticed that the sub moved A LOT of air out of the port and saw an opportunity. So I used expanding foam to install a fleshlight in the port on my sub. The sub creates a sucking and blowing sensation along with some very pleasant vibrations. I added silicon breast forms to enhance the experience. I've just been playing bass heavy test tracks off YouTube but was wondering if /b/ has any advice on what music would work best with the fleshlight sub. I'm thinking that playing test tones and try different frequencies to see what performs the best."

Meme - "When you're one rotation away from completing the Rubik's cube"

I "bone" my dog? : CrappyDesign

Meme - "Diamonds are formed under pressure"
And bread dough rises when you let it rest We're all our own things. What's motivating to you may be crippling to others."
"There's an old saying (I think it's Russian): the same boiling water that softens the potato will harden the egg"
The joy of motivational bullshit

Man with 'world's longest penis' exposed as 'a fake' after claiming it measured 18.9 inches - "Roberto Esquivel Cabrera claims to have the world's longest penis .  The 55-year-old has even registered himself as disabled because he claims his giant penis, which he measures at 18.9 inches, makes it impossible for him to work.  But now a leading doctor claims Cabrera, from Mexico, is a fake after he examined him.  Radiologist Dr Jesus Pablo Gil Muro carried out a CT scan , but Cabrera refused to remove the bandages he wears on his penis or show the doctor any skin.  Dr Muro told the Metro : "What the CT scan showed me was there was a very large foreskin. It goes just below the knee. "But the penis itself is about 16cm to 18cm from the pubis so it doesn't go all the way through the foreskin."   Doubt had already been cast on Cabrera's claims by the man with the world's second longest penis, Jonah Falcon.  The 47-year-old says Cabrera stretches his manhood using weights and and that his penis is "normal underneath". Mr Falcon, who once caused a security alert at a US airport due to the bulge in his trousers, claims his own penis is a whopping 13.5 inches when erect. He was previously declared to be the man with the world's largest penis - but Mr Cabrera, 55, has since said he is in fact the non-official record holder.  However, Mr Falcon claimed: "His penis isn't 19 inches."  Speaking to The Sun Online , he added: "Doctors have acknowledged this and said he could have a normal sex life if he is essentially circumcised."    But Cabrera stands by his claims that he has the world's longest penis.  He also claims that he is unable to work because he can't kneel down and, can't wear a uniform because of its massive size.  But while he says he now gets some funding as a result of his disability, the money is not enough, and he relies on food banks on an almost daily basis.  Roberto made the headlines in 2015 after a video went viral showing him weighing his member to prove its authenticity."

What Do a Full Moon, the Super Bowl, and Tax Day Have in Common? - Freakonomics - "REDELMEIER: Just lifting your eye off the roadway for a split second could make all the difference in the world when you were motorcycling, unlike when you’re driving in a sedan or a truck and so forth. And so, the full moon was just one way of examining that because the full moon is just so beautiful. Plus, it illuminates everything else in the environment. We found a significant increase in fatal motor vehicle crashes on full moon nights compared to the exact same night, exactly one week earlier and one week later. It’s not a huge effect, but again, it was one example of a distractor that can be studied in an objective manner."

Yuval Noah Harari Thinks Life Is Meaningless and Amazing - Freakonomics - "HARARI: Most people, don’t have the ability to disconnect for two months, for one month. But even for a few hours, it’s extremely important. I get to meet a lot of politicians and business leaders, and they often ask me for advice, and one thing I tell them is to take time off to disconnect. One of the worst problems of leaders today in many fields is that previously, they had built, into the schedule, some time off because of the limitations of communication technology in the old world. Now, there is none. You are always connected. There is immense pressure on you. And it’s extremely dangerous. I think that the people at the top, they have a commitment, to the public to take good care of their minds. And part of this is to disconnect and detoxify their mind.  And also, they need a private life. Again, one of the frightening things I see now, especially in democracies, is the way that the people at the top, especially politicians, are denied a private life. That anything they say at any moment can and will be used against them. And, as a public speaker, I know that when I speak in public, I have to make a very big effort to concentrate and to be very aware of what I’m saying. But then when I’m off record, I can let my mind rest. And part of resting is saying stupid things. Saying things you don’t think about carefully. The mind of every person is full of garbage. And I think this is a basic human right. You have a right to say stupid things in private. As a gay man, if a politician, tells a homophobic joke in private to some friends, and somebody records it, and it’s now on YouTube and Twitter and whatever, I don’t care.  I care what this leader says in public. If in public, he or she tell a homophobic joke, this is very bad because this is inciting hatred among millions. I care about their policies. But what they say in private, it’s not my business. Some people think the opposite. That, finally, we get to hear what they really think. This is their authentic self. What they say on stage, this is something that some spin doctor told them to say. What they really think, this comes out in private. And that’s a very dangerous direction because I don’t want authentic leaders. I want responsible leaders. Politics is not psychoanalysis. I don’t want somebody who stands there and just gives me his stream of consciousness. Anything that comes up in the mind immediately comes out of the mouth. That’s authentic, and that’s bad. We need people who have a barrier, a wall, between the mind and the mouth and think very carefully about what they say, because it’s a big responsibility. And then they should have the privacy to go somewhere and just say stupid and terrible things. That’s, you know, just being human. "

Public transport fare elasticities from smartcard data: Evidence from a natural experiment - "This paper develops a method for analysing the elasticity of travel demand to public transport fares. The methodology utilizes public transport smartcard data for collecting disaggregate full population data about passengers’ travel behaviour. The study extends previous work by deriving specific fare elasticities for distinct socioeconomic (e.g., car ownership and income) groups and public transport modes (metro, trains and buses), and by considering the directionality of the fare change. The case study involves a public transport fare policy introduced by the regional administration of Stockholm County in January 2017, where the zonal fare system for single-trip tickets was replaced by a flat-fare policy. The overall fare elasticity of travel funds is found to be −0.46. User sensitivity grows along with the journey distance. Metro users demonstrate the lowest sensitivity, followed by bus and commuter train riders. Low socioeconomic groups, in particular with respect to car ownership, tend to be less sensitive than the high-factor groups. In addition to the direct effect of changed fares, simplification and unification of the fare scheme appears to have substantially contributed to its attractiveness. The flat fare may allow the geographic disparity of public transport travel to be reduced and new users to be attracted from remote areas who are more prone to own cars."

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