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Saturday, November 12, 2022

Links - 12th November 2022 (Pitbulls etc)

Meme - "Pitbull owners when their dog eats an entire child: It's not his fault. It's not his fault. He's good. He's good."

Meme - Valerie Lynn Hampton: "March 12. This is so funny! This is exactly how it is with Maggie and Max vs my pit bull Kali. Pits aren't as scary as their rep!"
A FEW WEEKS LATER....Valerie Lynn Hampton: "Yesterday was a hard day on the farm, a day full of death and sadness. Had 8 dead baby bunnies, a dead baby chick that hens were fighting over, and Kali attacked Maggie. Maggie has pit bull puncture wounds on her neck and hind end with trouble walking. I tried to get Kali to release her from her jaws and Kali bit onto my arm for a Split second until She realized it was me then went back to attacking Maggie. I then had to use my foot to separate them. Needless to say, Dah*** and Josh said Kali MUST GO! I love that dog so much but she is way too possessive over me. She tried to attack Jaxson a couple weeks ago when I was hugging him. I hate to see her be put down so would love someone to offer her a new home. If your interested, contact me. She is about a year old, a blue nosed rescue pit, and is a very possessive and protective dog with a good heart, but some quirks. Thanks"

U.S. Statistics on Dog Bites 2021 (19 Breeds Compared) - "German Shepherds are regarded for their intelligence, Labradors for their sense of smell and St. Bernards for their size. One notorious breed known for its violent tendencies is the Pitbull... According to Canine Journal, an organization that collects and analyzes all dog bite attacks in the country, Pit Bulls accounted for 284 deaths in those years. That's a staggering 65% of all dog-related deaths, with 473 Americans killed between 2005 and 2017... Instead of arguing that Pit Bulls bite more, you could argue that they are more efficient once they attack. Whereas a bite from a smaller dog may not be fatal... German Shepards are the third most likely breed of dog to attack. However, their mortality statistics are more a result of helping humans then harming them. As mentioned above, Rottweilers and Pit Bulls are the second and first most dangerous breeds... Statistically speaking, there are two breeds of dogs that are known for their safety. Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are the breeds least likely to bite or inflict harm on a human. Keep in mind that these dogs are used for hunting. Their soft teeth are not intended to penetrate the birds they catch. By that logic, their teeth would barely penetrate human skin. Bird dogs understand that their bite is not to be fatal, so they almost never even try unless indicated by danger. Retrievers are also among the friendliest and most sociable breeds for human companionship and work-related associations...
Common Characteristics of Dangerous Breeds
Strong musculature, powerful appearance, robust, athletic configuration, agility, vigor and endurance.
Marked character and great courage.
Short hair
Thoracic perimeter between 60 and 80 centimeters, height and width between 50 and 70 centimeters and weight over 20 kg.
Voluminous head, cuboid, robust, with broad and large skull and muscular and bulging cheeks. Large and strong jaws, robust, wide and deep mouth.
Wide, muscular and short neck.
Chest solid, broad, large, deep, arched ribs and short muscular back.
Parallel, straight and robust forelegs and very muscular hindquarters, with relatively long legs forming a moderate angle...
It appears on the PPP (Perros Potencialmente Peligrosos i.e Potentially Dangerous Dogs) list... Pit Bulls account for 6% of dogs in the United States. What is most striking about their attacks is that they attack children and adults alike when, in general, attacks on children are more common because they do not know how to treat dogs or how to read the warning signs. Another striking feature of the attacks is that many of the attacks are unannounced, with no warning signs... German Shepherd... do not appear as PDD and have a very good reputation, especially because they are excellent police assistants. Their protective character often leads them to hurt, with serious consequences, but never with the intention of doing so. We must not forget that they are guard dogs, they need to have their “flock” under control and not knowing how to read their language can lead to unfortunate incidents... the Hybrid Wolfdog is hardly present in the United States. Even so, it ranks in the U.S. statistics on dog bites"

The New Pike County Humane Society | Facebook - "It is with the heaviest of hearts, we must share the sad news that Sparta-Kisses was euthanized.  We want to thank everyone again that donated for his surgery, his foster during his initial recovery, and we whole heartedly thank you for always being supportive of Pike County Humane Society even during these sad times.  Most have followed Sparta’s' story, from severely injured stray, to recovering tripod. When Sparta returned to the shelter, he had one favorite person at the shelter but loved everyone else too. In his few weeks here, he slowly began showing extreme aggression, literally out of the blue, towards staff members. With each week that passed, it became evident that Sparta could not be handled by anyone except "his person" here at the shelter. Ok, so Sparta needs to be a one-person dog, we can find that person, right?  This past week, we received an email from someone that knew where Sparta came from. This email told a story of how Sparta had viciously attacked his previous owner, had him locked in a room and was aggressively trying to get into the room.  At first, we didn't believe this could be our Sparta. We asked for any further details, and when this person responded that the previous owner had to shoot the dog with his shotgun to stop the attack, it was then we knew that it was, in fact, our Sparta! If you remember, x-rays showed pellets in Sparta’s chest....  In the following days, Sparta's aggression towards everyone worsened. He had now turned on the only person who could handle him at the shelter. Now knowing his history, and seeing this same behavior with our own eyes, the decision was made that Sparta would be a danger to shelter staff, visitors, the public, and especially to any adopter who potentially wanted to take a chance on him. We could not, with a clear conscience, send this dog into any household, knowing that he is capable of turning in an instant, and even though he only had 3 legs, Sparta was capable of doing a lot of damage, even causing death to any person.  The decision was made to euthanize. Sparta was surrounded by staff members that truly loved him. After being sedated, he was hugged, kissed, and pet until his last breath. Tears streamed, hearts broke, Sparta went over the Rainbow Bridge in peace and love.  💔💔 RIP SPARTA-KISSES 💔💔"
Imagine this level of angst over euthanising a vicious dog. Naturally it's the previous dog owner's fault

KFC Victoria Wilcher: Why Do So Many Pit Bulls Maul Children? (aka The Problem With Pit Bulls) - "Pit bulls make up only 6% of the dog population, but they’re responsible for 68% of dog attacks and 52% of dog-related deaths since 1982, according to research compiled by Merritt Clifton, editor of Animals 24-7, an animal-news organization that focuses on humane work and animal-cruelty prevention.  Clifton himself has been twice attacked by dogs (one pit bull), and part of his work involves logging fatal and disfiguring attacks. Clifton says that for the 32 years he’s been recording, there has never been a year when pit bulls have accounted for less than half of all attacks. A CDC report on dog-bite fatalities from 1978 to 1998 confirms that pit bulls are responsible for more deaths than any other breed, but the CDC no longer collects breed-specific information. Another report published in the April 2011 issue of Annals of Surgery found that one person is killed by a pit bull every 14 days, two people are injured by a pit bull every day, and young children are especially at risk. The report concludes that “these breeds should be regulated in the same way in which other dangerous species, such as leopards, are regulated.” That report was shared with TIME by PETA, the world’s largest animal-rights organization...   As pit-bull attacks become more and more common, they’re getting increasing attention on social media, but not always in support of the wounded children. In March, a Facebook petition to save Mickey, a dangerous pit bull in Phoenix, got over 70,000 likes. Mickey was facing euthanasia for mauling 4-year-old Kevin Vincente so badly that he cracked his jaw, eye socket and cheekbone. Kevin is facing months of reconstructive surgery, but more people were concerned with saving the dog than helping the boy. Mickey’s Facebook page has now become a social-media landing page to save other dogs that are considered dangerous. Clifton says he’s seen an unprecedented rise in dog maulings in recent years, as more pit bulls enter the shelter system. Between 1858 and 2000, there are only two recorded instances of shelter dogs killing humans. From 2000 to 2009, there were three fatal attacks involving shelter dogs (one pit bull, one breed similar to a pit bull, and one Doberman). But from 2010 to 2014, there have been 35 shelter dogs who fatally attacked humans. All but 11 were pit bulls... critics say that pit bulls are inherently dangerous no matter how they’re treated, because violence is in their DNA. “Why do herding dogs herd? Why do pointing dogs point? They don’t learn that behavior, that’s selective behavior,” says Colleen Lynn, president and founder of DogsBite.org, a national dog-bite-victims group dedicated to reducing dog attacks. “Pit bulls were specifically bred to go into that pit with incredible aggression and fight.”  “Every kind of dog is neglected and abused,” Clifton agrees. “And not every kind of dog responds to the neglect and abuse by killing and injuring people.”...   Even PETA, the largest animal-rights organization in the world, supports breed-specific sterilization for pit bulls"

Pit bull tears off 4-year-old Oklahoma boy Axel Foster's arm - "A 4-year-old Oklahoma boy had an arm completely ripped off by a pit bull while trying to pet some puppies at his grandparents’ home...   “When officers and animal control attempted to retrieve the arm, the dog became aggressive to them”...   Foster’s mom, Destiny McDow, said they “raced to the hospital,” but surgery to reattach her son’s arm was unsuccessful. She’d earlier said in an online fundraiser that the boy was “fighting not only to keep his arm but his life.”"

I slept with my beloved pit bull until he tried to eat me alive - "A woman who slept with her dog was almost eaten alive when the canine snapped and devoured “half her arm.”  Tya Lucas, 41, was at home in Lewisville, Texas, introducing her new puppy, Roo, to her friend Peter, 33, on May 16 when her nearly 100-pound pit bull, Hercules, violently turned on her...   The dog tore off two-thirds of Tya’s right arm, ate her bicep and sank its teeth into her leg and foot... “The police said if I’d passed out in the house, he would have eaten me from my insides,” Tya said. “They said they’d seen stabbings, gunshot wounds and they’ve never seen what they saw that day.”  “They put a tourniquet on my arm and the doctor said if he hadn’t been there to do that at that exact moment, then I wouldn’t have made it until the ambulance got there.”   Tana and Harley had found Hercules abandoned at the side of the road, covered in cigarette burns, two years earlier.  But Tya says Hercules had never shown signs of aggression before and even slept in bed with her the night before the attack...   Tya and Tana surrendered Hercules to police at the scene and he was put down soon after. They have no idea what triggered the aggression but Tya has been left terrified of dogs...   Pit bulls make up only 6% of the dog population, but they’re responsible for 68% of dog attacks and 52% of dog-related deaths since 1982"
Obviously her fault. She must have abused it for only a puppy to turn on her
Even if the pitmummies want to blame this on prior abuse, apparently the conclusion is that all abused pitbulls need to be put down

Addendum: Clearly she was abusive. I bet sleeping with it was a euphemism for abusing it

Dog sitter, 46, is mauled to death by two pit bulls she was looking after at her home - "Mom of five from North Carolina, 46, was mauled to death in a brutal attack at her own home by a pair of pit bulls she was dog sitting.  Trena Peed, who recently lost two sons in car crashes two years apart, was letting her dogs out early on Thursday at 2am when they dragged her out with them into the backyard.  The neighbors reported hearing screams that same night.  'It’s dark. All I hear is her yelling and her dogs over there attacking her'
Clearly this means nothing, since chihuahuas are more aggressive than pits (weird how breed doesn't mean anything, yet pitmummies always make that claim)

Meme - "Pitbulls aren't "dangerous", in reality, it's all about how they are raised."
"So Pitbulls are the only breed that have bad owners?"

Meme - "Pit Bull bingo
Put a token over each statement when you hear it - see how fast you can get a BINGO!
Bonus: You get a second token if any of the phrases below complete a sentence like "I am so sorry your toddler/grandma/innocent pet was killed/maimed BUT..."

You can't separate pit bull prejudice from racial prejudice - "Those who speak of innate pit bull violence are thus showing a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of all domesticated dogs, any of which can turn violent under the right (or in this case, wrong) circumstances.  But it also shows something else. In Baltimore, like many other places, pit bulls are associated with dog fighting and black, urban violence. To say otherwise is dishonest, and the fact that pit bulls are singled out when bigger more powerful dogs like Rottweilers are not to me is clear evidences that some sort of bias is in play. Using the well documented notion of institutional racial bias in the legal system, this implicates the court's claim that pit bulls are "inherently violent." Empirical data shows the race of the defendant has an impact on judicial rulings, creating harsher judgments and sentences, and if the owner of the pit bull is black, as overwhelming anecdotal evidence would indicate, then the legal system would view the nature of the pit bull attacks quite differently than they view other incidents. Over time, it seems that "pit bull' has becomes a synonym for "black" and thus a similar bias seems to be at play here. As a black person raised in Baltimore, pit bulls were a central part of the social fabric of my life. The best dog I ever had was a pit bull, and he was the sweetest thing I have ever met. I am confident that if you were to ask the vast majority of pit bull owners in this city, they will tell you the same thing. For black folks like me who grew up with them, we love them because when we were born into a violent world not of our choosing, they protected us, with violence when necessary, but more often they showed the love that let us know they would only use that so called "innate" potential for violence in extreme circumstances... Even if the court saw pit bull attacks caused more damage and happened at a higher rate than other breeds, this a correlation/causation logical fallacy. People who experience violence and poverty disproportionately fight/abuse dogs, and the dogs those people have access to are pit bulls, so of course this correlation would be observed, but that does not mean there is some hidden "mean gene" that caused these outcomes."
Of course. How could one forget the race card?
I like how empirical data about how overrepresented pit bulls are in attacks mean nothing
If we can't even blame owners ("it's all in how you train them"), we move to the next level of cope where we pretend that pit bulls are only overrepresented in attacks because of "stigma"

Meme - "Careful, man. Pitbull"
*Black man*

The Black Man's Dog: The Social Context of Breed Specific Legislation - "Strong cultural ties exist between pit bull dogs and the Black community. The same is true of the Latino community. Research undertaken here to investigate this claim suggests that people of color are perceived to be the most likely owner of this breed of dog... Under new law, breed-specific legislation could be challenged under the Fair Housing Act if it can be shown that these laws are disproportionately excluding minority groups."

2022 Double Dog Bite Fatality: Pair of Family Pit Bulls Kill Two Children, Seriously Injure Mother in Tennessee - "On October 5, a pair of pit bulls a young family had owned for eight years fatally attacked their two children in the home, 5-month old Hollace Bennard and 2-year old Lilly Bennard. The mother, Kirstie Bennard, 30, was critically injured from trying to save her children. She remains hospitalized. Both pit bulls, a male and female pair, Cheech and Mia respectively, were confiscated by Memphis Animal Services and euthanized a day after killing the children... On Perry's 2013 thread advertising puppies from the breeding of RGB Jefe Son RGB Mulatto AKA Chunk to RGB King Lion Daughter RGB Circe, Perry speaks directly to the father of the children, Colby Bennard... The horrific tragedy of two innocent children killed by a pair of designer pit bulls, known interchangeably as XL pit bulls or XL bullies, is further marred by their parents who purchased dogs advertised as #LionsOnLeashes, #Monster or worse"
Meme - "Colby Bennard:
September 28, 2016
I can assure you, nobody will take Cheech and Mia from myself and Kirstie Jane Satterfield. Ignorance is no excuse to take so many "best friends" out of this world, #bullybreedforlife"
Addendum: Obviously expressing love for pitbulls means he was a shitty owner

Pit bulls who mauled baby boy and his two year-old sister to death had NEVER been aggressive - "Kelsey Canfield, Bennard's best friend, told Fox News that the dogs had never shown any signs of violence and if they had, 'she would have never had those dogs near her kids.'... Jeff Gibson, the uncle to Bennard's husband, Colby, revealed the mother-of-two has an 'uncountable amount of stitches and bite marks over her entire body, including her face' and that both her 'arms and legs are bandaged/wrapped up completely.'... Pit bulls are known for having one of the strongest bites, alongside Mastiffs and Rottweilers, according to the Canine Journal.   The breed is also on the journal's list of dogs that bite the most, alongside Chihuahuas, German Shepherds and Cocker Spaniels."
Some pit bull lover claimed that all stories of pit bull attacks revealed that the owners were abusers, and when I said I had read many stories to the contrary, he sarcastically agreed and then blocked me, so I wouldn't be able to provide any examples to falsify his ridiculous claim

Pit Bull Described as 'Mild-Mannered' Brutally Kills Female Owner During a Walk in the Province of Nova Scotia - "a commenter left a link showing when Megan Milner purchased her two pit bulls -- less than four years later, one brutally kills her while she was taking it for a walk... Martin also claimed that people should, "Challenge the conversation with facts." In this case, the facts are clear. Milner was killed by one of her pit bulls, while taking the dog for a walk. Milner was a conscientious owner who would only walk her dogs one at a time outside of the village, and while armed with a sturdy muzzle. On June 9, one of her pit bulls brutally attacked her and left her dead in a ditch. Those are the grim facts, according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.  Like the attractive female pit bull advocates before Milner, who were killed by their own pit bulls (Darla Napora, Bethany Stephens and more), gross speculation and conspiracy theories fueled by pit bull advocates has followed. Claims like, Milner must have been "struck by a car" or "she was killed by a bear." There is a reason why jurisdictions in 53 countries regulate this dog breed. The routine horrific injuries pit bulls inflict, including deglovings, have no place in a civilized society."

A deadly bodega row and the shocking video that may help shopkeeper walk free - "It all started over a $3 bag of potato chips.  It ended with a 37-year-old man lying dead in a pool of blood on the floor of a bodega and a 62-year-old shopkeeper charged with his murder... The fatal incident was captured on shocking surveillance footage revealing 37-year-old Austin Simon attacking 62-year-old Jose Alba before Mr Alba pulled a knife and stabbed him to death.  A criminal attorney tells The Independent that the graphic video is likely the key to the bodega worker’s release from prison as she described the decision to charge him in the first place as “unfathomable” under New York’s self-defence laws... The girlfriend, who has not been publicly named, wanted to buy a bag of chips for her daughter but she didn’t have enough money to pay for them, said police.  At that point, she allegedly ran out of the store to get her boyfriend.  What happens next was captured on surveillance footage inside the store.  In it, Mr Simon is seen suddenly entering the space behind the counter where Mr Alba is serving customers.  He confronts Mr Alba and violently shoves the 62-year-old against the shelves.  Mr Alba falls back and lands in a chair by the wall.  A hand is seen reaching over the counter during the incident.  Mr Simon continues to square up in the shop worker’s face shouting at him the person in front of the counter. There is no sound in the footage.  The 37-year-old then grabs Mr Alba by the back of his shirt and pulls him up out of his chair out of the counter area. At that point, the bodega worker grabs a knife from some shelves and begins to stab Mr Simon... Mr Simon’s girlfriend also produced her own knife and stabbed Mr Alba in the arm... Mr Alba was arrested on the scene and was charged with second-degree murder and criminal possession of a weapon.  He was sent to the notorious Rikers Island jail and a judge ordered him to be held on $250,000 bond – less than half the $500,000 prosecutors asked for... The case – as well as the unusually high bond in the city – sparked uproar from Mr Alba’s family as well as members of the community who say the well-loved store worker with no criminal record had no choice when he came under attack... records show that Mr Simon has had multiple brushes with the law and was on parole at the time for allegedly attacking a police officer... Katherine Fernandez, criminal defense attorney at the Law Offices of Julie Rendelman in New York, tells The Independent that – having watched the surveillance video she believes it was a matter of self-defence.  Under New York law, a person is justified in using physical force against another in self-defence when they have a reasonable belief that deadly or imminent physical force is going to be used against them; when the defendant is not the initial aggressor; and when the defendant has made an attempt to retreat if it is safe to do so.  Ms Fernandez says that the footage shows Mr Alba can argue all of those things. “Looking at the video, it is very important to note that Jose Alba is in a very confined work area and the man comes into the area behind the cash register where he is not supposed to be,” she says.  “This guy comes in, he immediately gets up close to him in his face…. The deceased is clearly the initial aggressor.”  She adds: “Clearly the deceased is extremely aggressive. He pushes him down and literally stops Alba from leaving.  “And as Alba tries to get up – and this is important as he has a duty to try to retreat – the guy grabs him… that’s when he pulls out the knife.”... Mr Alba allegedly took the bag of chips from the woman’s daughter but that moment is not seen in the footage.  “You can’t touch my daughter. Don’t snatch that out of my daughter, you f***ing piece of shit,” she shouts.  “I’m gonna bring my n**** down here and he gonna f*** you up. My n**** is gonna come down here right now and f*** you up!”"
Lucky the store owner isn't white
What happens when you glorify thugs and demonise innocents: even the state is captured

Slain NYC bodega attacker threatened anyone messing with 'my girls' in video - "The ex-con killed after he attacked a Manhattan bodega worker posted an online video weeks earlier that threatened anyone who messed with “my girls”"

Customers Angry Over $1.75 Dipping Sauces Allegedly Caused $25K in Damages at LES Fries Shop - "The three patrons responsible for a violent attack at Bel-Fries in the Lower East Side now face criminal assault charges, reports the New York Post. Bowery Boogie initially reported that at around 4 a.m. on July 4, staff allegedly asked three customers to pay $1.75 for extra dipping sauce. That set off a bashing that, according to owner Annalee Schlossberg, caused $25,000 dollars in damages to the property and led to an injured employee who needed a staple in her head after being struck by a tablet cash register."
Bel Fries shop owner dismayed no one came to her staff's rescue - "Just as bad were the more than 20 people who celebrated the mayhem and did nothing to stop it, said Bel Fries proprietor Annalee Schlossberg.  “Not only were [the women] crazy, destructive animals, but everyone just stood by and watched,” the 23-year-old entrepreneur said. “Everyone outside was recording and laughing and cheering on the girls, which is the most disgusting part.”...   “I’m thinking I’ll need a bouncer and protective glass across the entire counter so no one can get through”...   The furious French fry fiasco unfolded July 3, when Pearl Ozoria, 27, Chitara Plasencia, 25, and Tatiyanna Johnson, 23, were asked to pay $1.75 for extra dipping sauce"
Damn racism and anti-blackness!
Protective glass will mean no one can cross over and attack staff who are behind the counter too

Guys Have only Four Ways out Of Depression - "Guys Have Only Four Ways Out Of Depression refers to an exploitable image macro that uses Wojak characters, specifically the Doomer Wojak, to demonstrate four ways men overcome depression in a humorous manner... enlisting in a Balkan war, becoming physically fit, finding a Doomer Girl to date or hanging oneself."

Venice to charge tourists €10 to enter the city in world first - "Venice is to become the first city in the world to introduce a booking system whereby tourists will have to pay up to 10 euros each to enter.  The controversial ticketing initiative, announced on Friday, comes after years of rancorous debate over the suffocating effects of over-tourism on the city long known as “La Serenissima”.  The authorities say the booking system is essential to combat overcrowding, but critics say it edges the World Heritage city closer to being a warped brand of cultural Disneyland.   From January 16, tourists planning to visit will have to make a booking online and pay an entrance fee – or a “contribution to access” as the city prefers to call it. The amount will vary according to how busy the season is – during Easter, the summer holidays, historic regattas and festivals, the fee will be 10 euros per person. During quieter periods of the year, it will be just three euros a head.  The booking system will apply only to day-trippers on the basis that they make little economic contribution to the city... It could offer an example to other destinations that risk being smothered by legions of selfie-snapping visitors, from Dubrovnik in Croatia to the island of Santorini in the Aegean.  As crowds return post-pandemic, Maui in Hawaii has introduced a tourist tax and Amsterdam has banned the opening of new hotels in the city centre...   Some Venetians believe the system should go a step further and impose a maximum number of visitors who can enter the lagoon city.   Jane da Mosto, the head of a pressure group called We Are Here Venice, thinks the number of tourists should be set at around 50,000 – the same as the number of inhabitants."

Charges dropped against man who nailed Putin doll to sacred tree in Japan as part of death curse - "Mitsunobu Hino, 72, was arrested last month on suspicion of property damage and trespassing in the area of Matsudo’s Mikazuki Shrine.  Hino was accused of hammering two holes measuring 1.6 inches deep into the sacred castanopsis tree by nailing the straw doll to it. The “wara ningyo” doll, which is used in Japan as a part of a supernatural ritual to wish death or harm to a person, also came with a note that read, “Vladimir Putin, born 7 October 1952. Pray for his extermination.”"

Microsoft Shuts Down Internet Explorer Today, Sparking Small Panic (MSFT) - Bloomberg - "Japan may be the country most affected by the move, as a survey in March found that 49% of companies in the Asian nation still use IE. Among them, the most common use was for in-house management, data exchange and accounting systems. All of those should have been updated or transitioned to different software in the time since Microsoft announced its IE retirement plans a year ago, but the Nikkei reports that many procrastinated... “Japanese love safety. The larger the organization or government, the more hesitant they are to move,” said Tetsutaro Uehara, professor at Ritsumeikan University. “The biggest issue is that, when it comes to government websites, there are only a limited number of vendors who can implement such large systems.”"

Astronauts should not masturbate in zero gravity, NASA scientist says - "Astronauts have been warned against masturbating in space over fears female astronauts could get impregnated by stray fluids... Sex and masturbation in space is a logistical nightmare, with problems ranging from floating fluids to shrinking manhoods, according to astronomer Dr. John Millis. He compared sex in space to having intercourse while “skydiving”, but added that it was “not impossible”. Presumably cosmonauts had this in mind when Kremlin sperm scientists came knocking. Russian scientist Dr. Irina Ogneva’s asked male cosmonauts to provide sperm samples back in 2019. “There are no cosmonauts who want to”"

Singapore courts local tech giants over ‘national duty’ to relist | Financial Times

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