When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, November 07, 2022

Links - 7th November 2022 (2 - General Wokeness [including Jeffrey Dahmer on Netflix, Swedish & Italian Elections)

Meme - "Lmao dude, "nationalism" is dumb, borders and ethnicities are just arbitrary constructs and it's racist to try and preserve your "people" and "homeland". The future is a global cosmopolitan society.
also free Palestine, save Tibet, biji Kurdistan, independence for Catalonia and Colonialism was bad because it destroyed native cultures."

Black attorney accuses ACLU of racist policies in lawsuit - Los Angeles Times - "A former staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California has sued the nonprofit civil rights organization, alleging that as a Black woman, she was subjected to retaliation and discrimination for repeatedly complaining about systemic racism in the workplace.  In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Los Angeles Superior Court, Sarah O. Clifton contends she was labeled as “angry” or “aggressive” for raising racial equity issues, endured an angry outburst from the ACLU’s executive director at a staff meeting, and that to compensate, she had to act “overly polite” in dealing with a boss who was seemingly afraid of her... She was terminated in February and offered a severance package that required arbitration to handle disputes.  “The hypocrisy is rich given that the ACLU at a national level has always taken a public stance against ‘forced arbitration’”"

Nicholas A. Christakis on Twitter - "Trigger warnings do not work, a new meta-analysis shows. They have no effect on affective responses to negative material nor on comprehension; and no effect on engagement with material. However, warnings reliably increase anticipatory affect."

ZUBY: on Twitter - "I've always felt more 'represented' by people who share my values and mindset, but not my skin colour, than by people who share my skin colour, but not my values nor mindset.   The modern interpretation of 'representation' is extremely shallow.
There are people who look nothing like me, but we share a lot in common. There are people who look similar to me, but we have little in common. All this stuff is basic and should be obvious. But we keep getting stuck on dumb and shallow interpretations of humanity."

ZUBY: on Twitter - "Stop calling disagreement 'hatred'."

ZUBY: on Twitter: "The most annoying thing about the 'modern West' is that stuff here is actually REALLY good and incredible progress has been made over the past century... But now there are a bunch of dorks and degenerates hellbent on ruining it. And they are accommodated instead of laughed at.
It's weird how once societies reach a level of prosperity, fairness, civility, and comfort, they apparently become suicidal and destroy themselves from within.   Humans need struggle. Real or imaginary."

Meme - "Jesus had brown skin and curly black hair! He wasn't white you racist!"
"Bruh, have you literally never even seen a Levantine person before?
"Queen of Jordan, Iraqi president, Hamas (Gaza Strip) leader, Lebanon president, Syrian PM and wife"

Meme - "What did Jesus really look like?
Jesus according to modern mainstream media *Brown*
Depictions of Jesus from Classical Antiquity *whitish*
Genetics of ancient Israel (Closest related modern populations)
Samaritan, Lebanese_christian
Modern Levantine peoples *white*
Rendition of Jesus by Italan-Lebanese facial reconstruction artist Alessandro Tomasi *white*"


Meme - ""It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy." - George Orwell"
"This Orwell quote pretty much sums up young college women in a nutshell."

Ultra Nuclear Dante 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Our founding fathers would be so proud. *Young child looking at twerking woman at Pride parade*"

Martin Daubney 🇬🇧 on Twitter - "Mohammed Rahman charged with the attempted murder of two police officers. Muhammad Khan charged with a Public Order Act after attempting to defile the Queen's coffin. Media: Nothing to see here... Now imagine if they'd been working class football fans? "RISE OF THE FAR RIGHT!""

White male football fans: the scum it's great to hate - "  There have now been 35 articles on the Guardian website micro-analysing the incident, underpinned by thousands of outraged comments, that has earned not just the Chelsea racists but white, working-class, male football fans in general the label “vermin”. Such “thugs” bring “shame to our entire nation” – and all on a website where any slight criticism of Muslims, women, people of colour, gays or transgenders is moderated out of existence.  Just as previously the Dapper Laughs and Julien Blanc incidents were “proof” that all white, working-class “lads” are misogynistic rape apologists, the Chelsea racism incident perfectly fitted another of their pre-ordained, quasi-feminist narratives: “Britain is going to hell – and white, working-class men are to blame!” From the same quarter that has opined itself dry on the mantra “ISIS is in no way representative of Islam” a typically misguided Guardian comment was that “this virluent hatred, spite and vicious antagonism seems to be the norm for football crowds”. The commenter then added, hilariously, “although I’ve never been to a game”.   This was football being used as a political football: white Britons are intrinsically racist; men are the root of most evils; the working class are to be pitied, feared and kept in their place by tougher rules... The Chelsea racist incident didn’t just expose racism. It shone a light on something equally ugly, too: a class snobbery from a self-appointed intelligentsia who have a deep-rooted hatred of white, working-class men."

Eli 🤠 on Twitter - "Muslims in the US: “Actually the Quran is accepting of same sex couples”
Muslims in England: “Are we allowed to make eye contact with the kafirs?”"

Long-time Oklahoma football coach resigns from team for uttering an unspeakable word while reading aloud from a player's iPad - "Cale Gundy, an assistant football coach at the Oklahoma University Sooners and the longest-tenured football coach in the Big 12, just resigned from his dream job because he got in trouble for uttering a single word out loud that is completely forbidden. Although the word itself is never mentioned by the coach in his resignation, it's pretty obvious what the word was... Gundy was upset at a player who was messing around on his iPad, and like many teachers back in the day, decided to read whatever was distracting the player out loud for the room. Unfortunately, either what the player was reading or texting included the N-word. And because Gundy is white, once he uttered those syllables aloud and that ended his entire career.  The player Gundy was disciplining likely used this as a way to get rid of the coach in an act of revenge... Gundy, according to his story, didn't call anyone any name. He simply read the unspeakable word. A word that the player is allowed to read on his iPad, use with his friends, and throw around with impunity."

Meme - "THE SON of Megan Fox
THE SON of Gwen Stefani
THE DAUGHTER; of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
THE SON of Adele
THE SON of Charlize Theron
THE SON of Naomi Watts"


Meme - aureleo sans @aureleos: "At least two award-nominated books this year are about v poor protagonists but are written by authors who were never poor. appropriating poverty for accolades is disgusting & don't know why we don't talk about this more."
Raven D. - Author (in the making) @BooksByRavenD: "I never had an alien from outer space stretch my anus wide enough to intake a watermelon and implant all sorts of their own research equipment deep into my ass. Does that mean I can't write it in any of my fictions since it never happened to me in real life?"

Meme - Natalie Wynn @ContraPoints: "Gen Z queer people are hard to figure out, they're like, "I'm an asexual slut who loves sex! You don't have to be trans to be trans. Casual reminder that
heterosexuality doesn't make your gayness any less valid!"
When you just want attention

Meme - "Occupy Democrats 12h:
Kurt Vonnegut said it ALL...
Occup Democrats 1h:
Ann-Marie Kennedy: This book is apparently being given out at trump's rallies. Yes, it's a real book. Here's the description from Amazon: During the presidency of President Donald Trump, i...
President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man - The Christ. Helgard Müller"

Meme - Auron Macintyre @AuronMacintyre: "For the American left there are only three historical events: slavery, WW2 and the Civil Rights movement. These are their only points of reference" Joe Scarborough: "From Segregationists to DeSantis, the ugly rhyming of history. We are better than this."

Filipino-Norwegian restaurateur draws backlash after saying Filipino food is ‘very bad’ on national TV - "Jonathan Romano, a sushi chef and MasterChef Norway judge, said quite bluntly on the TV show "4-stjerners middag" that Filipino food is “very bad” when he was asked about the Filipino food tradition.   “It’s very bad food. In the eyes of a chef, there is no food art in my eyes, unfortunately. Lots of deep-fried, lots of fried-to-death stuff like casserole dishes if you can put it that way,” he said (as translated by online show NordicPinoy). “They do not have the same taste composition as Thai food. Filipino food is more on the sour side.”... His searing remarks garnered different reactions from Filipino netizens, chefs, and foodies online. Food historian Ige Ramos, for one, found it “insensitive, offensive, and humiliating to the people you left behind.” The team handling a Facebook page dedicated to the late Doreen Gamboa-Fernandez—who was a food anthropologist and considered as the dean of Philippine food writing —said, “Let us help Chef Jonathan out of his bind. Perhaps he lacks sufficient material to deepen his understanding of Philippine culture, history, and the diversity of our cuisines.”"
Even lived experience and being a minority did not save him. Clearly no non-white cuisines are bad and it's racist to say so. Apparently even a professional chef who's Filipino doesn't understand Filipino food

America’s ‘techwokery’ is infecting its allies - The Spectator World - "America’s racial angst is transforming the politics of the West. The world is watching as Biden’s ambitious “whole-of-government equity agenda” actively repudiates key elements of the American creed. The “equity” agenda conflates equal outcomes with equal opportunities. “Justice” is thus imposed by technocratic elites who, like the apparatchiks of the empire the US defeated in the Cold War, are a class with special privileges. As Vice President Kamala Harris explains, under the new “equity” regime, all Americans will “end up in the same place.”  An unholy alliance of technocratic management and the woke sacralization of historically oppressed groups is creating a new form of American governance: call it “techwokery.” Though it describes itself as a rational movement to address injustice, it more closely resembles a secular theology. Its catechism is equality, inclusivity, diversity: the imposition of equal outcomes, ideological homogeneity and the primacy of group characteristics over individual character.   Techwokery was incubated in the Petri dishes of the social science and humanities departments of the Ivy League, but the virus has now escaped the lab. The high priests of the new dispensation are feeding the boardrooms of woke capital with formulae for banal, Pilate-like virtue-signaling. They are deconstructing the very foundations of the American republic by taking over the curricula of the public schools. They are the official voice of our departments of government and our diplomats. The “original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles,” Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US ambassador to the United Nations, tells the world... the US military’s reprogramming gathers pace. The US Navy’s new fealty pledge commits service personnel to “invest the time, attention and empathy required to analyze and evaluate Navywide issues related to racism, sexism, ableism and other structural and interpersonal biases.” The chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Mark Milley, has defended the teaching of Critical Race Theory to the US military and the use of How to Be an Antiracist, Ibram X. Kendi’s CRT “bible”, as a foundational text for service personnel. As our abandoned Afghan allies are hunted by Taliban death squads and Afghanistan’s women are locked up again, perhaps they will draw succor from the hope that the American military now has more time for empathy and evaluating their interpersonal biases. America’s ideals are often compromised by the grinding realities of international politics, but the democratic world owes an enormous debt for the sacrifices Americans have made in defending freedom. I am increasingly confused about where America is now headed as a country, and what this portends for my country, the UK, and other countries who have tied their fate to America’s.  The United States is becoming a threat to the cohesiveness of the West, and its cultural sneeze has become Britain’s cultural cold. British institutions already show the dangerous effects of the re-racialization of the West, with British progressives as the new “running dogs” of a pernicious form of cultural imperialism. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the UK’s hallowed halls of learning... The effects of this chilling turn are now being felt across the sector. As in America, our most prestigious institutions are not immune; often they lead the way. At Cambridge University, the vice-chancellor helped initiate an anonymous online portal for students to report staff for alleged racial microaggressions. Examples? A professor who raises an eyebrow when talking to a student or inadvertently turns her back while in conversation.  This takes place in the context of a long-running crisis in British universities. White pupils from the UK’s underfunded state school system are the least likely to go to university... At Cambridge, just over 34 percent of new undergraduates starting in 2020 were drawn from ethnic minorities that constitute only 15 percent of the UK’s population. How can this be evidence of “white domination” that is “normalized and therefore seen as natural?” But why trifle with facts when usinge evidence and data facts are part of the structure of oppression?   The Anglophone world has seen off the racist horror of Nazism, resisted the spread of authoritarian communism and championed multi-ethnic democracies under the rule of law. How has it become so infected with techwokery?  First, there is ethnic corralling. The “old”, pre-Sixties left had a labor politics of class and redistribution. Deindustrialization, the spread of university education and the refusal of the working class to embrace revolutionary Marxism produced the middle-class, moralizing coalitions of the New Left, which corralled new electoral alliances by emphasizing identity and a politics of grievance.  Second, there are the changes in the Anglophone economies. A new moral hierarchy, closely related to the winners and losers of globalization, has appeared in our politics. For the winners, class solidarity means transcending the gauche boundedness of your own nation and joining your economic peers in an amorphous “open borders” supranationalism. As Christopher Lasch spelled out masterfully in The Revolt of the Elites, our new moral “betters” live vicariously through the real or perceived oppression of others. The uplift of historically oppressed groups reasserts the elites’ decaying moral authority: the elites assume responsibility for “fixing” issues of allegedly burning injustice while abrogating any responsibility for the despised deplorable (often poor white) “other.” The politics of race thus allows for the erasure of class and national solidarity while keeping the corralled “victims” in an infantile state of dependence on their mostly white “saviors.”... Beyond this new moral economy of permanent culture war, there is a more serious threat. The post-1945 peace of the West was underpinned by American leadership and arms. We are now in an interregnum that rests on an institutional order in deep flux and, in many areas, obvious decay. Anti-western states and social forces are on the rise. Though they have their historic rivalries, they share a strategic goal: to deconstruct the American-led liberal order."

Meme - "Me: "It sure is tragic that young white men are losing their station in society "
Them: "Boohoo poor men IoI"
No. You don't understand. There is an entire generation of fighting- aged men who are enraged and feel they have nothing to live for. You are in danger."
And then one day, for absolutely no reason, the "far right" came to power
Of course, when it's "minorities" who are losing out we are told that this is dangerous because it creates a volatile underclass

Meme - Zhang Yong @zhang_yong1: "you live America,. what wrong with brain ? in china we fly china flag. go get job , get off twitter . your brain warp delusion"
HAPPY @happyroadkill: "I also have my fight or flight senses activated when I see way too many American flags. thats how you know fucked up people are nearby"
We are still told liberals don't hate their countries

🖤 HOEING 747 🖤 on Twitter - "The families have already said that the Netflix Dahmer series has retraumatized them, so I think we need to acknowledge that you watching it goes away beyond "I like true crime cause it's informative". Admit that the trauma of others is entertainment for you and go."
upsetting the setup on Twitter - "white perversion at its fucking finest: @DahmerMonster! like why the fuck make yet another awful thing to watch about this white monster jeffrey dahmer, who raped, murdered, and ate the corpses of gay black and brown boys and men?! why not tell this hero’s story on @netflix?!:"
Alaska on Twitter - "This. That serial killers exist at all is mainly a function of patriarchal white supremacy. Victims are almost exclusively marginalized people whose murders cops don’t investigate. Then white-controlled media sells it as “entertainment.”"
So if some descendants of slaves find productions about slavery traumatising, it means we can't have any more of them?

Netflix removes 'LGBTQ' tag from Jeffrey Dahmer biopic following backlash: Report - "Netflix has reportedly accommodated the demands of social media users who recently became enraged after the streaming service giant tagged a biopic about serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer as "LGBTQ" content... One TikTok user called @lizthelezbo also asked "why the f***" Netflix would tag the series as "LGBTQ" since "this is not the representation we’re looking for," even if it is "technically true" that Dahmer was gay."
So much for art having a duty to portray the world as it is. That's just code for a liberal view of reality
"Representation" is basically a selectively curated narrative that does not reflect reality

Meme - *Tons of shows* "Wow queer characters"
*Dahmer* "Ok, first, why does it matter if he's gay"

Meme - "This is how they change history. Right in front of our eyes."
"Was Jeffrey Dahmer gay? It looks like the results below are changing quickly. If this topic is new, it can sometimes take time for reliable sources to publish information. Check the source. Are they trusted on this topic? Come back later. Other sources might have more information on this topic in a few hours or days"

Meme - "Alphabet Mafia: "WE WANT REPRESENTATION!"
Netflix: "Here's a true story about one of your peeps!"
Alphabet Mafia: "NOOOOOOOO!! Not like that!!""

Meme - "When netlfix devalues your story and commits gay erasure by removing your lgtbq status"

Andrew Sullivan on Twitter - "Italy’s election will likely bring the far right to power. Here’s why."
"Just amazing that immigration goes unmentioned here. The MSM really is gaslighting you - just as they are about Sweden."

Why immigration has the potential to upend the Italian election - "in the five years since the last general election, immigration has gone from a non-issue in Italian politics to the second most important. In May 2013 a mere 4% of Italians saw immigration as one of the two most important issues affecting their country; by November 2017 the figure was 33%"
From 2018 but it's the most recent data on the issue I could find

Greg Price on Twitter - "This is Italy’s new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. I’ve never heard any politician so perfectly explain what we’re up against and why we fight. When you watch this video, you’ll quickly realize why the establishment is afraid of her."
"Why is the family an enemy? Why is the family so frightening? There is a single answer to all these questions. Because it defines us. Because it is our identity. Because everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity and to simply be perfect consumer slaves. And so they attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity."
Of course the Washington Post correspondent tries to deny everything that is happening
"A political movement that is dominating everywhere is, by definition, mainstream.They still call it "far right" though. The Overton has shifted massively to the right and they don't know how to handle it or cover it honestly."

Styxhexenhammer666 on Twitter - "If Meloni were a liberal every headline would be gushing over Italy becoming more modern and tolerant by having its first female PM. Instead it's all about Mussolini lol."

It is absurd to call Giorgia Meloni 'far right' - "The world's media – whether right or left wing – invariably call Giorgia Meloni, Italy's new prime minister, "far right". It's the modern way of saying "fascist" (without actually saying it). She and her party, Brothers of Italy, keep telling us, are "the heirs to Mussolini".  It is incredible how herd mentality builds up, like herd immunity: you get to a point where if enough people are saying something then it must be true. Yet to describe Meloni who identifies as conservative as far right is dishonest. There is nothing in her political programme that is remotely fascist.  A famous left-wing Italian historian of fascism Emilio Gentile once drew up a 10 point list to check whether someone is, or is not a fascist. While Vladimir Putin would unquestionably be regarded as a fascist on nearly all of the 10 points, Meloni and her party unquestionably fail on every single one...   Yes, as a teenager in the early 1990s Meloni, now 45, was a member of the Movimento Sociale Italiano, Italy's long defunct neo-fascist party, and its successor, Alleanza Nazionale, likewise now disbanded, whose leader said that fascism is "il male assoluto" (absolute evil) – a sentiment with which Meloni once again said she agreed during this election campaign.  In 2011, she co-founded Brothers of Italy as a centre-right party and identifies as a conservative who is inspired, not by Benito Mussolini, the revolutionary socialist who founded fascism, but especially by English conservatives such as Sir Roger Scruton and JRR Tolkien...   Her critics have a tough time indeed finding evidence to support their definition of her as "far right". Frankly, they are scraping the barrel.  Their so-called evidence includes her calls for a naval blockade of Libya to stop migrants crossing to Italy (750,000 have done since 2015). Yet the Libyan coastguard already operates such a blockade, equipped and trained by successive Italian governments in which the left was a major partner.   They say that she wants to install a dictatorship because to sort out Italy's sclerotic parliamentary system, dogged by short-lived impotent governments, she has talked about introducing a French-style presidency to replace the current situation in which the president's powers are largely ceremonial. It would mean the president would be elected by the people and not by parliament – yet that's apparently the road to dictatorship. It cannot happen anyway without a two thirds majority in parliament, or a referendum.  They say that she wants to restrict abortion rights. This is not true. She has not said she will attempt to change Italy’s abortion laws. She has simply proposed pro-life and family policies to encourage motherhood, including free child-care services.   Regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine, she is an unequivocal supporter of sending arms to Ukraine and much more committed to doing so than either Emanuel Macron or Olaf Scholz.   The only charge that is remotely convincing in my view is that she refuses to banish the fiamma tricolore (tricolour flame) from her party logo. Critics say that this proves that she cannot bring herself to abandon fascism because the flame was the logo of the neo-fascist MSI and the post-fascist AN. But she says – and she repeated it to me – the flame is not a fascist symbol but the symbol of the Italian right which existed before fascism and has "got nothing to do with fascism".  In fact, Meloni's victory is a triumph for democracy. She will be Italy's first elected prime minister since Berlusconi in 2008. None of the six prime ministers since 2011 when Berlusconi was forced to resign during the euro crisis was the leader of a party or coalition that won the mot votes in a general election. Four were not even elected parliamentarians.   Her use of the slogan "God, Fatherland, Family" as a rallying call encapsulates precisely why she is like a red rag to a bull as far as the liberal left is concerned, most of whom do not believe in God because they are atheists, the fatherland because they are globalists, and the family because they are woke.   That Italy is on the verge of getting its first democratically elected government for 14 years ought to be seen as a welcome sign that democracy is at last returning to what is often called "the beating heart of Europe"."
They called Trump fascist too, after all

What if women ruled the world? | Performance art | The Guardian - "An end to abuse, a law against mansplaining, and reparations for two millennia of injustice … as a new sci-fi art show imagines a female-led future, we ask comedians, writers, politicians and CEOs for their vision"
So much for that. Turns out "There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women" was really "There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other Hillary Clinton"

Let’s ignore online petitions - The Spectator World - "Trader Joe’s rebrands a product line after fewer than 2,000 complaints... Trader Joe’s, which stands accused of wrapping its products in ‘racist’ packaging based on culinary origins — Trader Giotto’s for Italian fare, Trader Ming’s for Chinese provisions, Arabian Joe’s for Near East delicacies, Trader Jacques for French cosmetics, and Trader José’s for Mexican offerings. No longer. The company faced a Change.org petition launched by a San Francisco-based high school senior that at the time of their announcement had collected just 1,700 signatures. At the time of writing, 3,500 have signed; that is very little in online terms.   In the petition description, the white 17-year-old girl claims that the various cultural permutations of Trader Joe’s name exploit ‘a narrative of exoticism that perpetuates harmful stereotypes’. She concludes with a demand that the ‘racist branding and packaging’ be removed from the store. And so it was... the moral transgression is apparently various playful, lighthearted labels that conjure up the romanticism of embarking on culinary adventures to far-flung places. It’s as if the kitschy world pavilions at Epcot all collapsed into a friendly neighborhood supermarket; you kind of have to admire their commitment to the theme. Plus, the characters are all really cute... You can sense the harmless fun the Trader Joe’s design and labelling guys must have had...   Like the Indian-Americans baffled by Apu’s cancellation from the Simpsons, many Latinos expressed disappointment when Trader Joe’s announced the phasing out of the Trader José line. A counter-petition has been launched by a Mexican psychologist desperate to save the label. For people like him, Trader José isn’t a racial caricature — he’s funny, a warm symbol of acknowledgement and appreciation of one culture to another’s. Appropriation is, it seems, in the eye of the beholder: one person’s othering stereotype is another’s sign of recognition and inclusion. The petitioner also denounced ‘White Shadows in the South Seas’ for peddling the ‘white savior’ trope, while failing to recognize how she came to embody that exact same idea the moment she launched a document claiming offense on behalf of Italians, Chinese and Mexicans.   So just how does a teenage girl and the internet get a national company with over 500 stores to yield, with just 1,000 signatures at the time?  With the help of a compliant media, hyper-woke capitalism transforms the market into an arms race of virtue-signaling exercises where increasingly, every act of consumption in the market has political bearings. Worse, social media has transformed every online petition into a corporate heckler’s veto; the outrage of a few can steer the course of a much larger behemoth. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, as they say. Social media generates a lot of smoke with minimal effort. Companies eager to minimize reputational damage and brand risk would much rather bend the knee than see a fire start... Gone are the mainstays of the American breakfast and dinner table: Aunt Jemima, Mrs Butterworth, the Cream of Wheat chef and Uncle Ben. We’ve basically lost America’s culinary Mount Rushmore...   Let’s stop paying attention to these online petitions. If we erase the ‘exotic,’ and target businesses like Trader Joe because of instant social media outrage, the consumption landscape will start to look kind of bland. All we’re left with is regular Joe. Joe Schmoe. Average Joe. Hopefully, we’ll never stop trading – products, names, or ideas."

Meme - "Expectation:
White guy: Get on the boat
Black guy: Make me
Black guy to black slaves: You lost the war so l am going to trade you guys for more european muskets so that I can keep expanding my kindgom and be wealthier"

🇮🇶🇵🇸 on Twitter - "We need to talk about how orientalist it is to assume that progressivism in the Middle East is some CIA op as if we’re incapable of social progress without being agents of imperialism. I get it when Islamists do it, they're supposed to be braindead. But when a so-called "leftist" does it, you really have to question if they're actually socialists or they just picked the ideology that fit their anti-imperialist aesthetic, its embarassing."

Georgia lawmaker comes out as nonmonogamous: 'I'm in love with two wonderful people' - "When Atlanta City Council member Liliana Bakhtiari won the 5th District seat last November, it represented two major firsts: Bakhtiari was the first queer Muslim person elected in the state of Georgia and the first nonbinary councilmember of a major U.S. city.  But Bakhtiari, who uses they and she pronouns, wasn’t entirely out of the closet at the time. While they had been with their partner, Kris Brown, for 10 years, the duo kept quiet about what they’ve both described as one of the best parts of their lives: They are nonmonogamous, and are in a relationship with a third person, Sarah Al-Khayyal... Bakhtiari is likely the first elected official in the U.S. to come out as being in a nonmonogamous relationship, according to the Victory Institute, which researches LGBTQ political representation and trains queer candidates running for office."
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

New York judge questions legal basis for limiting marriage to two people - "In the latest vindication of conservative concerns about the legal precedent set by forced recognition of same-sex “marriage,” a New York judge ruled that polyamorous relationships are entitled to the same legal protections as two-person unions... New York Civil Court Judge Karen May Bacdayan handed down her decision in West 49th St., LLC v. O’Neill, which concerned roommates Markyus O’Neill, Scott Anderson, and Anderson’s “husband” Robert Romano. When Anderson died, the apartment company forbade O’Neill from renewing his lease because his name was not on it, and they did not recognize the two as any more than roommates.  The court determined that deciding the case would require determining whether or not they were truly in a polyamorous relationship. In Bacdayan’s opinion, she questioned at length the basis for limiting such recognized relationships to two people, citing support for her position in Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that forced all 50 states to recognize same-sex “marriage.”  “Why then, except for the very real possibility of implicit majoritarian animus, is the limitation of two persons inserted into the definition of a family-like relationship for the purposes of receiving the same protections from eviction accorded to legally formalized or blood relationships?” the judge asked. “Is ‘two’ a ‘code word’ for monogamy? Why does a person have to be committed to one other person in only certain prescribed ways in order to enjoy stability in housing after the departure of a loved one? Why does the relationship have to be characterized by ‘exclusivity?’ Why is holding each other out to the community as a family a factor?”  “Perhaps, as in the instant case, the triad has chosen to closet their relationship from others?” she continued. “Perhaps the would-be successor is not ‘out.’ Maybe they do not believe their ‘real’ family is open to alternative kinds of relationships. ‘Holding out’ discounts the existence of prejudice and misunderstanding about communities and people that are not ‘normie.’ Do all nontraditional relationships have to comprise or include only two primary persons?”  Bacdayan lamented that Obergefell “still adhered to the majoritarian, societal view that only two people can have a family-like relationship,” but noted that it still “open[ed] the door for consideration of other relational constructs; and, perhaps, the time has arrived.” For support, she cited Chief Justice John Roberts’ dissenting opinion, which noted that the Obergefell majority “offers no reason at all why the two-person element of the core definition of marriage may be preserved while the man-woman element may not.”"

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