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Friday, October 14, 2022

Links - 14th October 2022 (2 - Women)

Meme - "Dear men, Please moan. We like it. I like it. Do it."
"Why is there always dirty dishes in the sink when I get home?"

Meme - Blaze: "Hello @Eva , I noticed you have a profile picture of a very beautiful (but also intelligent looking!) female, and I am under the presumption that this goddess is you? It is quite astonishing to see a female here in the Pummel Party Official discord. I am quite popular around here in this server, so if you require and guidance, please, throw me a mention. I will assist you at any hour, day or night. And, before you are mistaken, I do not seek your hand ina romantic way; although, I am not opposed in the event you are interested in me, as many women often are. I am a man of standard, and I do not bow to just any female that comes my way, unlike my peers... So rest assured that I will not be in the way of your gaming and socializing experience. Consider me a Player 2..a companion, a partner, and perhaps we can enjoy some video games together some time. I see you play pummel party, and are you good at mini games? I am a mini-game aficionado, so I would be happy to assist you in games. Platonically of course, unless you (like many others) change your mind on that. I look forward to our future together (as friends of course.)"

Meme - "Jennifer Lopez Says Men Are 'Useless' Until They Turn 33
Ric Adkins: By all means, let's give a damn about relationship advice from a woman that collects engagement rings like she's Thanos"

Meme - "Photo update on my bbl 1.5 years later. I went to Dr. Omar Jimenez private practice in Culiacan. I am 5'2 120 lbs. I feel so confident now, if you're hesitating about getting a bbl, it's so worth it! My confidence has changed, my love life has changed, the way value myself has changed. I used to date broke drug dealers and now I'm dating (two) millionaires in New York City!! We will see when I get that diamond ring haha. First they see my body and confidence, and because of that they get to know me and see my heart which is what truly matters."
bbl = Brazillian Butt Lift

Meme - Dani Aylsworth: "Hi friends! Happy July 3rd! Today is a memorable day for me. Last year, on this day, my divorce was finalized. Yes, I am 34, and have been married 3 times. (If anyone needs a good example of how childhood trauma can present itself in your adult life... 3 marriages by 33 is a var..."

Meme - "Alexa 33
Pansexual Woman
Lives in Livermore
49 miles away
About Me
Here is the situation... I need someone to come over, discreet as shit... And cum in a bowl for me so can make fried chicken and test a theory... No you don't have to eat it and no it's not a sexual thing but I'll jack you off if that's what you need. Cum is protein right? And protein can bind shit... So... Instead of eggs... Cum... Makes sense to me but will it work."

Meme - "A dog and a cat are having an argument on who is the favorite of humans. The dog says, "Humans like us more. They have even named a tooth (canine) after us. Naming such an important body part after us shows that they like us more." The cat smiles and says, "You are really not going to win this one you know.""

Meme - aleeeechay @Goldchinaa: "65% of woman cheat but 85% of the time it is the mans fault. Eg. Women tend to cheat Bcos they feel lonely for long periods of time in a relationship and so might lean on another male for support and accidentally have sex with them."

Meme - "Girls after being called 'pretty' several times in one day
Boys remembering that one time someone called them 'handsome' years ago and it was not their mom"

Meme - Tykreeshrina Jaxon @MzTyJaxon: "Be careful who u call ugly in middle sckool *ugly girl, ugly woman*"

Meme - "I have good news and bad news"
"Bad news first"
"Our son made a mess in the toilet"
"We don't have a son"
"*Miscarriage* Meet Baxter"
The original was a dog

Meme - "Hey how are u doing today"
"i'm genuinely really sad and lonely
but here's my butthole"

Meme - "Porn is degrading for all women involved
That's why Hentai is more ethical because it doesn't involve human trafficking or "Real" Women"

Meme - "Hi"
"U like big dicks?"
"Yeah ;) why?"
Sorry for wasting your time"

Kai Peter Chang's answer to What is it like to date a stripper/dancer? - Quora - "Some men may think that fashion models/actresses are the apex of female beauty. They are wrong. Having dated actresses and fashion models in my past, I have observed firsthand how hard the battallion of makeup artists, hair stylists and post-camera photoshop specialists work to bring her face and figure to perfection for the final cut.  A dancer at a strip club is the beneficiary of none of these things, yet she is judged by exactly those same harsh beauty standards, and her earnings are directly influenced by how well she can conform to those expectations. This is a vocation where every extra pound of excess fat can literally costs you thousands of dollars a week in forgone earnings... dancers who can successfully earn a living at it for 6+ months are, for the most part, unusually beautiful, command incredible core strength (every dancer I've been with had better abs than me and can easily beat me in a situp competition) with above-average sexual charisma.   Does this stamina translate into the bedroom? If you ask me this question in person, I will reply with a wicked smile and a half-shrug and say "what do you think?"...   On the topic of other men, one of the major downsides of dating a dancer is that her beauty draws a lot of attention. This goes double as an Asian guy with a beautiful White woman, which is something that is so infrequently seen, that it draws an unbelievable amount of curiosity. Many guys will subtly "test" you - see how you react to mildly flirty behavior. Do you nervously grab her hand or engage in other weak mate-guarding behavior, or are you confident and relaxed? One of those will lose the girl. The other will make her cling tighter to your side.   I liken the experience to parking a nice sports car on the street in a mixed-urban setting - it's inevitable that random people will try your car door to see if it is unlocked (and if so, they will ransack your glove compartment) but few are brazen enough to shatter your window on the off chance there may be something worth stealing in your vehicle... This may be politically-incorrect to say, but in my observation, Black guys tend to be the most brazen in straight-up attempts to hit on her directly/extract her from me...   If you wish to date a dancer, you must be like the eye of a hurricane - a calm center around the swirling chaos of sexual energy that surrounds her. The moment you get insecure or defensive/jealous, the spell is broken."

Meme - "Unmatched, she found my Facebook and sent me this."
"You unmatched me? Lol. You're a little bitch. Your loss."

Meme - "My husband likes that I have gotten fit and toned after losing 50lbs, but I want to be single and focus on enjoying life now. Should stay married or file for divorce so we both don't waste each other's time?"
"Get a divorce. He stuck with you through thick and thin (pun intended). He's earned a lifetime of fidelity and respect. He's not going to get that from you. The fact that now that times are good you are bailing speaks tons to your character. Don't worry about wasting his time...you already did, and it is too late now. If vows mean nothing to you, and his sacrifice for you means nothing, no amount of him begging you to stay will change that. You should leave. Just don't take the high road...you haven't earned it. You're not being selfless by staying with him or offering to leave. You want to enjoy life? Go ahead. But the honorable thing is to build a life of enjoyment with him, because he stood by your side. I'd wish you the best, but it sounds like you have it and don't want it. Good luck."

Meme - "Me getting ready for work when there's a chick selling her farts in jars for 50k a week"

Meme - "Woman calls out long list of male celebrities she claims rejected her on exclusive dating app Raya"
"I always find it hilarious how flabbergasted women are when someone doesn't want them. It doesn't even occur to them that it's possible."

Meme - "Do u have your own spot? Car? And job?
Sorry for the interrogation lol I'm Just not into dating losers I'm sure you can understand"
"I definitely understand and absolutely i bought a house a while back my dad helped me out alot, but yeah have a house, I have a full time job and 2 cars lol one for strictly work one for pleasure"
"Sounds like you got it going for you"
"thanks love
So how about you?"
"How about me what?"
"Car? Crib? Job"
"Why would I need one?
That's why I'm looking for a man to take care of me and my kids men are providers didn't your mom ever teach you?
I live with my mom I get child support and no car yet

Meme - "This is Sally and her flatmate"

Meme - "Bread
Garlic bread"

Meme - "Girls: OMG why isn’t he texting me back?
Boys trying to figure out how to reply to "lol""

Meme - "Being a single guy over 30: FAT GIRLS. STEP DAD. SINGLE FOREVER"
One solution is to go for girls under 30

The Booty Slapping Championships - Introducing Russia's brand spanking new sport - "Thought you'd seen the weirdest, most wonderful new sport in Russia with the Male Slapping Championships? Meet the 'Booty Slapping Championships' - a competition where women strike each other on the backside until one falls over... The winner is the first to administer a slap hard enough to the other's behind to knock them off balance, causing them to fall over or step forward, avoiding any serious harm, which is in stark contrast to the men's version."

Meme - "Kris Jenner: I 'never paid a bill' while married to Robert Kardashian"
No1ahDem @SkeeAlii: "And she still cheated. What did we learn?"

Meme - "When your coochie game is so strong, it scares the devil"

Teen mum who couldn't find a babysitter for prom night takes toddler as her date - "Melissa Mccabe fell pregnant at 14 and gave birth to one-year-old Arthur in November 2020."

Meme - "My boyfriend's 19yo daughter moved in my house w/us. She's disrespectful and promiscuous; I caught her w/a boy and she begged me not to tell her dad. I did. He raged. She revealed she's his sidechick, NOT his child. They sleep in MY bed and refuse to move out. HELP. #SBCCHAT"

Meme - *Obese Black Woman*
Liberal Woman: "YOU'RE GONNA DIE ALONE MR. 5'8"

Meme - "Lmao. Guys we found her. *Trad Girl / Tradwife*"
Eva Vlaardingerbroek on Tucker Carlson Today

Meme - ">scrolling through fap material
>find photo of a particularly average goth girl
>not ugly, just overall plain, no curves, small tits
>just a painfully normal girl like you'd find at the supermarket
>this sparks my curiosity
>reverse search the pic
>find her reddit account
>hundreds of posts
>she tried to pander to a million communities and fetishes
>goth, cosplay of dozen of characters, weed, feet, monstergirls, giantess, everything under the sun, you name it
>despite this, almost none of her pics can get past 10 upvotes
>no one ever leaves a comment, even the most simp-filled communities totally ignore her
>sometimes she comments herself, always 0 replies
>find her twitter
>endless posts, almost no interactions
>find out she has an onlyfans
>she's selling a pack with hundreds of photos for a mere 3$
This made me inexplicably sad. This random girl tried everything to whore herself out but literally nobody in the planet gives a fuck. Something in her life led her to sell her dignity for possible fame (or at least a bit of money), and she got absolutely nothing in return."

Meme - "Q1. Dated an older man, (6mos) his wife passed last year. He had her pics in the house & it made me feel uncomfortable, so I left. I came by again unannounced, and the wife was there, ALIVE. Huge fight. He says he has Alzheimer's & don't remember me. I'm pregnant. Help."

Meme - "When I was graduated from college, I started an online lingerie store and all my friends laughed at me. Later I am married to one of my buyers, who buys G-Cup bras"

Men Marry Women with the Hope They Will Never Change. Women Marry Men with the Hope They Will Change – Quote Investigator - "The earliest solid match to the statement known to QI occurred in the play “Cynara” by H. M. Harwood and R. Gore-Browne which was performed in London in 1930. The drama moved to Broadway in 1931, and it was included in a compilation of “The Best Plays of 1931-32”. The character John Tring offered the following insight about marriage. The phrasing differed from the quotation under examination, but the underlying idea was the same... “Women marry men hoping they will change, and men marry women hoping they won’t. And each is inevitably disappointed.”"

PayPerView: Comparison of Vaginal Shapes in Afro-American, Caucasian and Hispanic Women as Seen with Vinyl Polysiloxane Casting
Comparing black, white and hispanic women, among those who had had one child, hispanics had the widest vaginas, followed by blacks, then whites. Among those who had not had children, blacks were very slightly smaller than whites (there were no hispanic women who had not had children). In black women their vaginas became wider with more children, in whites they became narrower (?!). In hispanics they may have gotten narrower

Meme - "What kind of ABG are you?
Asian Baby Girl @vickibaybeee
Asian Boba Girl @brokeandcooking
Asian Bible Girl
Asian Basic Girl @leendadavenue"

Meme - "When you weren't in a good place to be in a relationship so he moves on and doesn't want you back when you're ready"

Meme - "Nikki 31
SEN classroom assistant
I'm 51" so you're all tall to me.
Just looking for a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist who enjoys makine metal suits in his spare time"

Meme - "Gjorja 20
I teach special Ed so you know I have patience and I don't mind being spit on"

Meme - "Penny
hey girl I should be able to make it tomorrow but may need you to pick me up from dance rehearsals. Do you still have that shirt I left there last time, that's pretty much my sex shirt for every time we are with your dog. Max scratches too much when he mounts me lol"
"Wtf who are you"
"OMG I am so sorry!!
Wrong Hayley"
"I dont even know what I've just seen"
"please delete it, I am so sorry"
"Just please hit the block button i do not want to know what you do in regards to your friends animals"

Meme - "There's nothing more satisfying than being prettier than your ex boyfriend's new girlfriend"
"Fact that he's not going for just looks anymore means you taught him a valuable lesson."

Meme - "You think you can hurt me? When I was 22 my husband woke me up in the early morning to make sure I knew he was ending his life, running to him as he pulled the trigger"

Meme - "I love to fantasize about a group of white men coming into my village and raping me in front of my tribe using my tight red pussy for their own enjoyment while my elders watch me get filled up with white cum"

Meme - Nadine Dorries @NadineDorries: "Wow, amazed to discover The Four Streets still #1 Bestseller on Amazon, must be weeks now - around 120,000 copies E + P sold in six weeks"
Gerry Hassan @GerryHassan: "Think u have misread bestsellers. Is no 1 in sagas. Listed as no. 3,931 on Amazon!"
@NadineDorriesMP: "shall I wait for your apology Gerry?"
Gerry Hassan: "You said ur book was #1 bestseller. It isnt. It is no. 3,931. Maybe a little less self-promotion/deception."
Nadine Dorries: "blocked because you are obviously some kind of cyber bullying misogynist"
Telling a woman she is wrong (when she is) is "cyber bullying". This puts the alleged numbers on women being harassed online in perspective

The biggest vagina in the world belonged to Anna Swan(1846-1888) Canadian women and it measured a circumference of 19inch which is approximately 48cm. She is also recorded to have the biggest newborn in the whole world. : lastpodcastontheleft

Meme - Michelle @fatnutritionist: "If you ever wondered, "Are diet and wellness culture rooted in eugenics and white supremacy?" the answer is YES"
"Dietitian, will write books for money. Contact: Suzanne Brandreth, The Cooke Agency"

Meme - "I dated a Chinese guy, a French guy, and an American guy. Broke all of their hearts That's for Vietnam"

Meme - Kate Livingston @gr8kate: "My husband once said if he got cat called, he'd take it as a compliment instead of being offended. To teach him a lesson, I got some women from work to catcall him during his jog today and he came home so happy and confident that now I can never tell him the truth"

Elon Musk says paparazzi pic of his pale belly has motivated him to work out and sunbathe - "Musk was recently pictured on vacation in Mykonos, Greece on a luxury yacht with a small group of friends... The billionaire has been praised for his attitude and his ability to poke fun at himself when he faces being bullied online."
Meme - "The perfect use of the golden ratio doesn't exis..."
Men vs women on "body shaming"

Wisconsin Sass on Twitter - "Once, a guy fucked the crease between my thigh and labia, thinking he was in my vagina, and when he finished he asked if I got off. I had to break it to him that he just fucked my leg. This is what I think of when men act like they’re equipped to make laws about women’s bodies."
Women demonstrating their excellent communication skills again. What would happen if someone suggested that this one anecdote of dodgy provenance was why women should not be allowed to make laws?

Meme - ciara tobin: "men honestly are something else"
"Do u have a paper clip"
"On the floor by my file cabinet"

Meme - "Difficulty coping with passing For the first time in my life I'm being seen as a man, something I've dreamed about ever since I realised I wasn't a tomboy, but a trans guy. Part of me feels great, the relief after years of treatment etc, finally feeling like my true self. The other part is swimming in a sea of emotions, trying to cope with my new reality. I feel invisible, like I died and came back as a ghost. It seems like everywhere I go, there's this dramatic shift in how people treat me, even my closest friends have become distant. Im bi (mostly attracted to women) but right now I feel sexless. Previously I had people approach me, send me messages, now nothing, like a light switch. I eventually worked up the courage to ask out a girl I know (with some help from my guy friend) and her reaction was something like disgust mixed with pity. I walked away from that in tears, questioning everything, feeling like just a cog in a machine instead of a human being. used to look in the mirror and envision myself as this confident, strong man who can just live his life. Now I see a short, effeminate, weak boy, who can't stop himself breaking down at least once a day. Does anyone know what I can do? I just feel so crushed."
Male privilege!

Meme - "YouTube: 15 minutes of riding the NYC subway"
"I wish I was a man"
"Excuse me, where's grand street?"
"Chad, this manlet just breathed in my direction"
Tinder: "Hi!"
"Fuck off. Thx"
*blows brains out*

Meme "I'm FTM, I often feel like de-transitioning because my life was much easier when I was a woman. Heightism and the Male Experience.
I'm a 5'3 ftm transgender man. At first I was happy when I transitioned, but I never knew how bad the male experience would be in society. One example is heightism. When I lived my life as a woman, I wasn't really aware of heightism men face to be honest. When I was a woman, I felt uncomfortable in my own body. Now that I've transitioned, it's society who makes me feel uncomfortable of my body. Sure now they see a man, but in their minds, they see a man who's not a real man. From feeling powerless and smaller compared to others of my gender, to some people wanting to treat me as a punching bag of a friend group. People who I barely just met will make rude comments or jokes about my size, and I know if I respond with a similar comment about their weight (which I would never do anyways because I don't like body shaming of any kind) I know I would be considered an asshole, but yet it's ok for people to make fun of mens height. Dating was going to be hard for me anyways since I'm a man with no penis, but when I used to be a lesbian I had more dating options, but now that I'm a guy, plenty of women will reject me just for my height alone, before I even get a chance to tell them I'm trans. The worst past is that height body shaming, or the hurdles I have to face for my height just simply isn't taken as seriously, so it feels I'm battling something all alone, when I try to be confident some people hate short guys with confidence for whatever reason. They see it as a person who doesn't know their rightful place. In general it just seems being a man is a colder world. I get accused of privileged and on top of that I don't even benefit from the privileges the average man gets since I don't even meet the standard of the average man. Even studies will show you how height really affects men, they get paid less, suicide rate goes up, more likely victims of crimes, seen as less attractive, and so on. don't know what to do. Is it worth feeling more comfortable in my body if society is going out of it's way to tell me I'm not a real man for my size? At least when I was living in my past body, society didn't treat me like shit. They respected me more as a tom boy woman, than me now as a fully transitioned man. I'm just venting. I just feel alone. often feel like de-transitioning, just to not be treated like shit."

Meme - "Girls socializing: *Fake Compliment* *Another fake compliment*
Boys socializing: *Fake insult* *Another fake insult*"

Meme - "$160 - Original Nintendo bundle"
"I can't take 100, but thank you for the offer"
"It's ok I'm A single mom"
"That's why I offered that"
"What does that have to do with my Nintendo?"
"Money is super tight for me"
"Ok, me too, why do you think I'm selling my Nintendo"

Meme - "guys will say "male privilege doesn't exist" and then go on a walk at midnight"
"And then get robbed like kings"
"Girls will say female privilege doesn't exist" and then pay their rent with pictures of their butthole."

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