When you can't live without bananas

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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Links - 13th October 2022 (1 - Trans Mania: Pronouns)

Meme - "It's not that hard. It's called respecting people and who they truly are. I mean sometimes you slip, yes but if you truly believe they are who they were meant to be and you can respect that the pronouns aren't that hard to get right."
"avi / avis / aviself
ae / aes / aeself
ae / aer / aers / aerself
bu / buz / buzzself
bud / buds / budself
bun / bun / buns / bunself
che / chev / chevs / chevself
ce / cir / cirs / cirself
co / cos / cos / coself
ce / cel / cels / celself
ce / cer / cers / cerself
ce / cem / cer / cers / cemself
che / chim / chis / chis / chimself
cae / caer / caers / caerself
cae / caer/ chem / caeself
dae / daem / daeself
de / dim / dier / dierself
de / dem / deir / demself
dhey / dhem / dher / dhemself
e / em / eir / emself
ey / eim / eir/ eirself
ey / em / eir / emself
ey / em / eir / eirs / emself
e / em / eir / eirs / emself
eq / equ / equs / eqself
fey / feir / feyself
fey / fer / fers / ferself
fir / firs / firself
gem / gem / gems / gemself
ge / ger / gis / gis / gerself
ge / gem / gems / gemself
ge / gel/ gel / gels / gelself
hi / his / hiveself
hir / hir / hirs / hirself
hie / hir / hirs / hemself
hu / hus / hus  / huself
hye / hyer / hyers / hyenself
hu / hu / hume / humeself
hu / hull / hulls / hullself
it / it / its / itself
jee / jem / jeir / jemself
jhey / jhem / jheir / jheirself
jhe / jem / jeir / jeirs / jemself
je / jem / jer / jers / jhemself
kye / kyr / kyne / kyrself
ke / ker / kerself
ki / kir / kirs / kirself
ki / ker / kers / kerself
kei / keir / keirs / keirself
ke / kem / keir / kemself
ke / kem / kheir / kheirs / kemself
ne / nem / neir / neirs / nemself
ne / nem / nir / nemself
ne / nis / nimself
ne / nym / nis / nymself
neb / neb / nebself
nep / neps / nepself
ne / nem / nir
nov / novs / novself
ou / ou / ous / ouself
pnky / prky / wtf / ucnts
plu / plur / plurself
po / pon / pos / pons / poself
per / per / pers / perself
pix / pix / pixs / pixself
pi / pia / pair / pairself
pi / piscs / pisceself
per / pers / perself
qe / qer / qers / qem / qemself
re / rem / rheir / remself
rie / rhem / rer / rers / rerself
she / sheer / sheers / sheerself
sie / sier / siers / sierself
sie / hir/ hirself
sy / skyr / sky / skyself
tok / toks / tokself
ve / vir / virs / virself
ve / vis / vir / verself
ve / ver / vim / vimself
voi / void / voidself
ven / vens / venself
vae / vaer / vaers / vaerself
ve / vaer / vaers / vaerself
vi / vio / vios / viorself
vir / virgos / virgoself
ve / ver / vis / vis / verself
vae / vaer / vaem / vaerself
ve / ver / veir / verself
vie / vir / vem / verself
vie / ver / vers / verself
ve / vir / virs / virself
vi / vic / vics / vicself
wy / wir / wire / wirself
yre / yres / yreself
xe / hir / hirs / hirself
xe / xim / xis / ximself
xe / xir / xirs / xirself
xie / xem / xyr / xemself
xe / xem / xyr/ xyrself
ze / zyr / zyrs / zyrself
xe / xem / xyr / xyrs / xemself
xe / xim / xis / ximself"

Meme - normal catholic girl @marieprairiee: "the hot (woman), the mid (she/her), the ugly (they/them)"

Meme - Jameela Jamil she/her: "I accidentally misgendered someone who was rude to me on here because I did not know they were NB. I instantly corrected myself but NOBODY reads your bios people. *PLEASE* include your pronouns in your name on here to prevent if it's important to you.
OBVIOUSLY sorry for making this innocent mistake. But if we don't do more to prevent this mistake it will likely keep happening, which is bad for everyone. Put pronouns in your names. I've just done that with mine. It took two seconds."
The tyranny of "inclusivity"

Woke Teacher Asks Student His Pronouns, and the Exchange Results in Hilarious Confusion - "When the subject of pronouns came up in the class, one boy raised his hand and told the teacher that she hadn’t asked his pronouns. So she did. The kid replied that his pronouns were “banana” and “rock.”  Naturally, this triggered confusion in the woke teacher, and at one point in her TikTok, she even tries to correct herself and refer to the kid as “banana.” Then she wonders — and asks the woke people on a social media outlet — if the kid was serious in telling her his pronouns are “banana” and “rock.”"
The liberal cope is that only sincere pronouns should be respected. But if you can't tell who is sincere (as with "trans" inclusion in women's spaces), that exposes the problem

Vast majority of Canadians do not use gender pronouns in their email signatures: poll - "The vast majority of Canadians do not add their gender pronouns to emails or share them at meetings, nor do they believe that adding pronouns should be compulsory... The act of sharing gender pronouns — in email signatures, at meetings, and on social media, for example — has become more commonplace across government, businesses and civil society... 84.9 per cent say they do not add gender pronouns to emails or share at meetings... the majority of Canadians (85.4 per cent) do not believe adding pronouns should be compulsory.  Canadians who do add their pronouns to emails and share in meetings think it should be required to do so: 58.8 per cent of those that share said it should be compulsory... the term “racialized” does not resonate amongst Canadians...   What the polling suggests, Jedwab said, is there is a disconnect between what terms academics and policymakers want Canadians to be using and what terms resonate with them. It may be that “racialized” is better, but the polling suggests it’s not the one people currently use.  Additionally, “racialized” can be a confusing word, Jedwab explained, because if race is a social construct, meaning it was created by people in society rather than a cause of something, then why is it embedded in the word?...   “Perhaps the real question for academics and policymakers employing these terms is the extent to which they feel it is important for the public to understand what they mean,” he said. “Because right now, there is a disconnect between those that have a common vision of how issues of identity should be articulated and the broader public.”"
I'm old enough to remember when liberals thought pronouns should be voluntary. So much for the "myth" of the slippery slope

THEY/THEM *Siamese twins*

Douglas Murray on Twitter - "Joan of Arc will be portrayed as gender-neutral in a new play at Shakespeare's Globe theatre in London.   Audiences will hear Joan use the pronouns "they" and "them" in what critics say is a re-writing of history.  Why do you think producers chose to do this?"
"Now they’re erasing women from history too…"

Iranian Christian dad tells school board if they pass trans pronoun rule, he'll make them call his kids 'king' and 'queen' — and him 'master' - "The father issued the remarks during an explosive speech before the Loudoun County Public School Board... "I grew up in Iran as a Christian. And when we went to school, as much as the government wanted to indoctrinate us, the teachers didn't allow it," he said. "They didn't try to shove propaganda down our throats like the Ayatollahs did."... "These are our children, not yours," he added defiantly. "Their job is not to raise my child or my neighbor's child. Their job is to teach our kids math, science, biology, literature, and that's it. Not ideology. Now you want to push garbage crap like 'pronouns.'"

Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "TIME spoke to "Gender Queer" author and illustrator Maia Kobabe on about eir work, the efforts to restrict access to eir writing, and what ey make of the current cultural moment"
"Ok the pronoun thing has got to be a troll at this point right?"
Matt Walsh on Twitter - "My pronouns are kwioaljfnaueakjnfkak/ealjnuaepasnfjnweounaljsnflajnelfnakjaf/ajnfoenfoiefnkjnfiuouenafef03910394 Please refer to me accordingly"

Trans non-binary Sims streamer petitions for EA to add inclusive pronouns - "Twitch streamer Momo Misfortune has been tweeting the publisher for 51 days requesting the addition... “The Sims markets itself on ‘playing with life,’ yet is lacking in such an important part in representation. Adding things like pronoun options, disability representation, mobility devices, etc. would be so impactful to folx who are constantly put down in their personal lives”"
How big does a group have to be to deserve "representation"? Can a group of one demand "representation"?

Meme - "You wouldn't put pressure on a gay kid to out themselves before they were ready, would you? Please don't put pronouns in your bios. It forces trans people to out themselves when they might not be ready, or worse, it forces them to misgender themselves"

A teacher says he was fired for refusing to use male pronouns for a transgender student - "A Virginia teacher has filed a lawsuit saying he was wrongfully fired for refusing to use male pronouns for a transgender student.  In 2018, a student at West Point High School began identifying as male. He and his mother asked for him to be referred to with his preferred name and pronouns: he, him, his.  French teacher Peter Vlaming said he couldn’t “in good conscience” comply, citing his religious beliefs, according to the complaint. He consistently used the student’s preferred male name and attempted to avoid the use of any pronouns at all, his lawsuit says.   The school, according to the lawsuit, gave the teacher an ultimatum: Use the student’s preferred pronouns or lose your job."
To the trans mafia, even using their preferred names is not enough - they will force you to use their pronouns or they will ruin you
I was accused of making this up. Apparently the idea that a trans person could be so unreasonable as to refuse to accept its name being used and insisted on forcing others to use its pronouns was inconceivable
Addendum: More details (including the issue of compelled speech)

Kansas teacher who was suspended after she refused to use student's preferred pronouns awarded $95,000 in suit - "A Kansas teacher who sued the school district that suspended her for refusing to use a student's preferred pronouns reached a settlement with the district Wednesday and will be awarded $95,000... Pamela Ricard sued Geary County Schools in March, saying she was reprimanded and suspended for three days last year "for addressing a biologically female student by the student's legal and enrolled last name."... A week after Ricard returned from her suspension, the district implemented a policy that "employees should be aware and make an effort to utilize the pronouns an individual requests to be identified by." The district also told staff members that they should not disclose students' preferred names and pronouns to their parents unless the students give permission... a federal court ruled that Ricard was "free to speak without violating her conscience by communicating with parents in a manner consistent with how she is required to address the students at school," her attorneys said.  The court also ruled that, instead of using students' preferred pronouns, Ricard could continue "avoiding pronouns for students who have requested pronouns inconsistent with their biological sex." The court instructed the district to stop the policy in which staff members could not disclose students' preferred names and pronouns to their parents as the lawsuit proceeded."
It's not just one case where you're not allowed to address students by their official names but are forced to use their preferred pronouns/names

Why I will never declare my pronouns - "Why does Joe Biden declare his pronouns? He’s obviously a bloke. He’s 79, making it highly unlikely that he identifies as non-binary or as an agender demisexual or as a ze / zir / zirself... declaring one’s pronouns, plastering ‘he’ and ‘her’ all over Twitter bios and email signatures, has nothing whatsoever to do with clearing up confusion. It isn’t about providing people with useful information for how they should address you. The vast majority of people’s pronouns are exactly the pronouns you’d expect them to have. Like Kamala Harris, for example, who’s another ostentatious pronoun proclaimer, with ‘she / her’ embedded in her Twitter bio as if anyone was going to mistake this vanilla married lady for a ‘they’ or a ‘xe’. No, pronoun pronouncements are an ideological statement. They’re a loyalty oath to the ideology of woke. They’re a very publicly tugged forelock to the cultural elite and its belief system. And this is why no worker, whoever they work for, should be pressured to declare their pronouns – because no one should ever be compelled to bow down to doctrine, to genuflect to other people’s beliefs. Everyone’s at the pronoun thing. In 2020, half of the Democratic Party’s presidential hopefuls had their pronouns in their Twitter bios. ‘Every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and that starts with using correct pronouns’, said Elizabeth Warren (she / her / hers). Really? The starting point for dignity is pronoun-use? Not gainful employment, decent housing, autonomy?... Celebrities love to holler their pronouns too, naturally. Woe is often visited on those who refuse to do so. Actress Sarah Paulson is about as woke as it gets – she’s a vocal ally of gay and trans people and she’s joined in some of the unhinged mass trashings of the blasphemer JK Rowling. And yet Paulson got devoured by the children of her own identitarian revolution when she neglected to put her pronouns in her social-media bios. This led to the publication of this actual headline in Pride magazine: ‘Sarah Paulson Ignites Twitter War Over Absence of Pronouns in Bio.’ ‘So your pronouns are dumb / whore’, said one of her online critics. It was a chilling insight into the compulsion that lurks behind the pronoun performance... a Twitter user ignited a furious debate when he said his wife’s employer has given her until the end of April to add her pronouns to her email signature... Today’s tsunami of pronouns in work, politics and online is not evidence of widening ‘inclusivity’ but rather of the conformism and compulsion that lie at the root of the woke ideology. Heretics, step up – dare never to declare your pronouns."

Russia didn’t get the memo about pronouns | The Spectator Australia - "Russian officials are openly mocking America’s embrace of transgenderism – taunting America to ‘keep going’.  The ridicule came after a photo of transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine and non-binary Deputy Assistant Nuclear Energy Secretary Sam Brinton went viral... The queer duo were pictured visiting the French ambassador’s home to celebrate Bastille Day...   It remains a mystery why President Biden chose Levine and Brinton to represent America in France last week rather than with him in Saudi Arabia.  Sam Brinton, the son of Baptist missionaries, describes himself as a gender-fluid LGBTQ+ activist. He is also a drag queen and a ‘pup’ fetishist. This is from a biography Brinton supplied to LGBTQ+ Religious Archives Network website: ‘Sam has worn stilettos to Congress to advise legislators about nuclear policy.’...  
And that goes to the key objection many people have about Brinton and Levine representing America internationally. They seem more intent on representing transgenderism than America. It is about them, not US...        The Russians drew a different message from Brinton’s 6-inch stilettos.  Instead of being inspired by Brinton to believe they too can be princesses, the Russians have decided that they are battling a nation of princesses...   It’s one thing to insist Levine and Brinton have the right to live as they please (which of course they do), but it’s another for America to prioritise activism instead of security abroad when the world titters on the edge of a third world war."

libby emmons on Twitter - "The pronoun contingent is cool w losing so long as their preferred pronouns are respected. WaPo changes Fareed Zakaria's headline telling Dems to 'forget pronouns' after leftist freakout"
WaPo changes Fareed Zakaria's headline telling Dems to 'forget pronouns' after leftist freakout - "The Washington Post has changed the headline of an opinion piece by Fareed Zakaria suggesting Democrats should "forget pronouns," after facing  Twitter condemnation. "Forget Pronouns: Democrats need to become the party of building things," was the headline of the piece posted Thursday. The "forget pronouns" was later dropped from the headline. Zakaria shared the article on Twitter, saying "getting stuff done" is "a lot more important to most Americans than using the right pronouns." This was in response to a New York Times poll that showed President Biden as intensely unpopular, especially among young people. Yet the backlash against Zakaria was swift."

Calvin Robinson: The Left and Right are both wrong on pronouns - and it's distracting us from the real battle that’s going on - "When writing emails to someone, when do we ever refer to that person as he/him or she/her, anyway? Third-person pronouns rarely come up in conversation around a person in real life unless one is being rude. My grandmother would always say, “Who is she, the cat’s mother?” if I referred to someone by their pronoun instead of their name – but using the third person pronoun in an email is even rarer. The absence of body language to point out who you might be referring to makes it difficult. The whole pronoun situation is such a non-issue; it’s surprising to see how rapidly it has been taken up by the metropolitan elite: civil servants, academics and the mainstream media.  The Scottish government is now jumping on the bandwagon, pushing a “pronoun pledge” to encourage civil servants to include their pronouns in their email signatures. However, a consultation poll resulted in a vast majority (60 per cent) of respondents expressing their discomfort with the idea of having to declare their pronouns.  Could it be that an approach to appear inclusive to the minority is exclusive to the majority? Less than one per cent of the UK population identifies as trans, and while it’s important to ensure minority groups feel welcome, that should not come at the expense of the majority. Coercing people to display their pronouns could be tantamount to gender discrimination – a protected characteristic in the Equality Act 2010.  Then there’s the issue of made-up pronouns such as zie/zirself, ze/zem, xe/xem, which nobody outside of the exclusive trans-community knows what they mean. Is that the purpose? To design a community that is so exclusive that by default, everyone else is written off as bigoted and backward in their views?"

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "Jordan Peterson rose to prominence opposing Canadian bill C16. His argument was that the bill would lead to the government requiring the use of pronouns to match a persons gender identity which would be a compelled speech. He opposed government enforced speech codes. His opponents, as well as media fact checkers said that Peterson’s statements were false and that C16 would not lead to government mandated use of preferred pronouns. It’s now been four years since C16 passed and Jordan Peterson have proved to be prescient. In March a British Columbia man was jailed for using female pronouns to describe his teenage biological female/trans male. Last week a Canadian tribunal ruled that a business must implement a preferred pronoun policy and that not using preferred pronouns was a “human rights offense”. Jordan Peterson was right after all."
"This is not happening, and it's good that it is"

Would you ding a kid for having their pronouns on their LinkedIn | Wall Street Oasis - "Would you ding a kid for having their pronouns on their LinkedIn. How about in their email signature There's been a common trend in every Summer Analyst I've worked with where they list She/Her in their name, they've been an annoying bitch to work with. Always expecting special treatment and other bs"
"The reason why people have a problem with it is 1) it makes you look like virtue signaling idiot who will chase after anything that gives your social points 2) it signals to me that you care about things that add zero value to your performance. The first thing says much about you publicly, the second says to me you will likely go complain to HR over me screaming at an analyst who fucked some shit up and deserves to have his keyboard shoved up his ass."
"Having pronouns in someone's LinkedIn profile obviously isn't hurting anyone in and of itself, it's more that it's a massive red flag indicating that someone is very likely to be a problem child."

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