Halloween killer Michael Myers is branded 'homophobic' for murdering gay couple in new movie - "Outraged horror fans pointed out that Myers kills everyone he comes across — with the exception of children... Others argued that it would be homophobic if Myers didn't kill the gay couple because then he wouldn't be treating them equally."
Why does every other room rental/roommate listing have "Indian female only" or "Punjabi students prefer" or "vegetarian girl only" as a requirement. : ontario
Some people are defending this. Of course, if you're not a white male, anything is okay
*Nice painting by António Gómez*
*Ugly image* Proud to be indigenous"
Facebook - "“When white people demand the privilege to sit comfortably in restaurants and theaters…without having to consider the violence that pervades their society…they invoke a consumer-capitalist tradition that stretches back to colonial times.” Last month my therapist recommended Andre Henry’s book to me as homework. It hit a lot of feels but also made me think about our relationships with whiteness— with others and ourselves. I read it in one sitting. It was medicine. I recommend it for burnt out organizers working in a lot of white spaces or spaces where white supremacy is upheld."
"All the White Friends I Couldn't Keep"
The hate and stigmatisation continue
When you burn yourself out with your racism and hatred
Meme - "2010: "No one is coming for your children. We just want to get married.'
2022: Children's section at the public library:"
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again
Meme - "Singapore Ballet's triple bill is beautiful but misses the mark Masterpiece In Motion feels overpowered by the voices of white men... This triple bill, unaltered from its original plan, appears unfortunately backward as it is overpowered by the voices of white men - figures who have traditionally held power in the world of ballet. This lack of diversity is an issue being addressed in ballet companies internationally, with more attention and opportunities given to female voices in choreography and leadership inthe past decade. As Singapore Ballet seeks to cement its new identity as a force in professional ballet, it is important that it makes strides forward into this new world" Ironic. Ballet is already a western art form. Plus, ballet is all about the women
Meme - Steve King @SteveKinglA: "I just learned Merrick Garland is a Jew. Therefore, I withdraw all my previous criticism of him. I cannot withstand another wave of charges of anti-Semitism like I received for criticizing Soros. BTW, that's how I learned Soros is a Jew."
Focus on the Family defends relationship workshop, says most students rated it well - "More than 85 per cent of the students polled had rated it as "Very Good/Good" while 89 per cent of students gave the overall presentation of our facilitators as "Very Good/Good"... Focus on the Family Singapore's relationship workshop had come under scrutiny this week, after Hwa Chong Institution student Agatha Tan criticised it for being sexist and perpetuating gender stereotypes in a letter that has since gone viral on social media... Agatha had taken issue with a booklet given out to all students, which had lines such as "guys are all out for one thing", and girls "need to feel loved". Said Mrs Koh-Hoe: "It's unfortunate that what was meant to be a light-hearted workshop to engage students was taken out of context and misinterpreted." She added that the particular section of the booklet Agatha had taken issue with was meant to "help participants understand more about the opposite sex, so they are better equipped to communicate and interact with them." Hwa Chong students had also rated that part as the most helpful section of the workshop... While Focus on the Family Singapore is a pro-family Christian charity, Mrs Koh-Hoe said the relationship workshop was developed to "ensure it carries no religious content"."
From 2014. The perils of listening to a small, unrepresentative woke minority
Science must respect the dignity and rights of all humans | Nature Human Behaviour - "people can be harmed indirectly. For example, research may — inadvertently — stigmatize individuals or human groups. It may be discriminatory, racist, sexist, ableist or homophobic. It may provide justification for undermining the human rights of specific groups, simply because of their social characteristics. Along with other Springer Nature colleagues, we led the development of new guidance that addresses these potential harms and is incorporated in our research ethics guidance"
Lysenko would be proud
If you don't "follow the science" you are ignorant and a "denier"
PoliMath on Twitter - "Nature: Science must respect the dignity & rights of all humans
Me: Yes! And that human dignity originates from the imago Dei and extends to all humans, regardless of their status in or out of the womb, right?"
The Black Horse on Twitter - "Nature saying the quite part out loud: "Reality is racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe, so we won't publish reality""
Thiago Marzagão on Twitter - "Disgraceful @Nature editorial calling for research to be censored when it doesn't adhere to woketard guidelines"
Dr S Maitra on Twitter - "Nature Journal, now in favour of religious tests on scientific inquiry. Bet Dawkins, Pinker, Hitch and Harris never thought they'd be flanked like this from the left."
Marshall Herskovitz on Twitter - "This new policy by Nature is insane. Wherever you are on the political spectrum, poisoning of science with ideology spells the death of the scientific method, and thus of the Enlightenment itself."
John A. Boudet on Twitter - "Nature warns potential blasphemers: “academic freedom is not unbounded.”"
Mixy Pisa on Twitter - "And if it does not? If the truth offend thee, cast it out? This statement from Nature is a greater offence to human dignity than anything science could ever cause."
Tako Fall on Twitter - "Scientific American is publishing more and more partisan garbage dressed up as science It is embarrassing to watch the scientific community debase themselves at the altar of their political gods" "A once serious scientific magazine falling is one thing. The loss of Nature to this BS is another."
Analysis: Minneapolis schools racial layoff policy will have trouble withstanding legal challenges - "A new Minneapolis Public Schools policy that would protect teachers of color from layoffs despite seniority is being challenged in court. That policy was part of the new teacher's union contract and has sparked national interest. Constitutional experts tell KARE 11 news that this policy, which explicitly involves race-based decisions made by a government entity, will have trouble standing up in court. But it might not be the lawsuit that overturns it. After striking for three weeks in March, when Minneapolis teachers and the district reached a new contract agreement, they announced protections for teachers of color. During district-wide layoffs, the new contract says "teachers who are members of underrepresented populations" are "exempted" from the last-hired, first-fired approach. That means a white teacher with more seniority would be laid off instead... Now a lawsuit claims the provision violates the state's Equal Protection Guarantee — Minnesota's version of the U.S. Constitution's racial discrimination clause in the 14th Amendment — and asks a Hennepin County judge to stop Minneapolis schools from implementing it... The teacher contract included language anticipating legal challenges. It states the purpose of the policy is to "remedy the continuing effects of past discrimination by the District." But Hasday says the courts would need actual legal claims of past racial discrimination."
Merseyside Police apologise over incorrect 'offensive' claim - "Merseyside Police has apologised for claiming "being offensive is an offence" as part of a campaign to encourage people to report hate crime... It was widely condemned on social media, with one person describing it as "chilling" while another called it a "horrible look"."
Drew Barrymore is marked as racist for posting innocent video of herself frolicking in the rain - "Drew Barrymore was branded racist over a TikTok clip of herself enjoying a rainstorm - after woke killjoys claimed she'd copied a trend dubbed 'black men frolicking.' The accusation comes from an angry fellow TikTok user with the handle @amushroomblackly. She said Barrymore was an example of a colonizer 'who disrespect and dismiss the boundaries that black creators have set' because the video resembled a 'frolicking' trend started by black TikTokers earlier this year... She went even further and said Barrymore 'cosigned people who just go out of their way to disrespect and dismiss the boundaries that black creators have set'"
Apparently black TikTok has never heard of Singin' in the Rain. Presumably becuase they're so narcissistic they think all culture comes from black people, so they never care to expand their horizons
Meme - "Arachnophobic huh
you must secretly want to fuck spiders"
Meme - BlackSageD Sony Steam Cen... @Black: "Remember when people made kids cartoons, to entertain children, instead of validating grown adults insecurities?"
musicalinspication @musicalinspira: "LGBTQ+ REPRESENTATION IN BIG NATE! #BigNate"
"Thank god for anime. Holy shit..."
"They're coming for that next."
Meme - "Stop using animal examples to justify your fetishes"
"But but patagonian yellowbirds rape and eat their young, therefore-"
Meme - "What show is this"
"Game of thrones"
"Something about a white women saying this to a black women just don't sit right with me."
Young Turks changing its name to avoid links to Armenian genocide - "A record label home to artists such as Arlo Parks and The XX has changed its name, over its potential links to Armenian genocide"
Butt taps of 16-year-old Sara Bejlek prompt US Open outrage - "A teenage tennis player’s Grand Slam debut at the 2022 US Open is being overshadowed by lewd chatter on social media. Sara Bejlek, a 16-year-old athlete who hails from Czechia, made headlines after a close greeting with her father and coach went viral following a qualifying match victory. After she defeated Heather Watson of the UK on Friday, the Twitterverse lost its collective mind over footage of Bejlek celebrating with her father, Jaroslav Bejlek, and her coach, Jakub Kahoun, in which the athlete’s backside appeared to be patted repeatedly... “It is pretty common in Czechia,” another person tweeted, per Daily Mail. “Not something I would do, but many men just don’t think about it in a sexual way. Google our Easter traditions, you might be shocked.” Another added that the embrace is “perfectly normal in some cultures and households. One sees what they want to see.”"
Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "More people need to be talking about Jackson, Mississippi. The city ran out of bottled water to give residents yesterday. It’s the largest city in Mississippi. It’s 80% Black. Their water system is failing because of years of neglect. This is environmental racism."
"Democrat control since 1989.
That's where this conversation ends btw, just like police malfeasance in Minneapolis. We can't hold the party in power accountable, so the entire country must be structurally racist instead.
"It's structural environmental racism and definitely not Democrat mayors and legislatures appropriating funds meant to keep up the water filtration system and slushing it through public union delegates and social justice advocates instead.""
Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "The reprehensible and morally contemptible racial slurs and threats aimed at Rachel Richardson and her Duke Volleyball teammates last Friday at BYU were beyond unacceptable."
"Turns out this didn't happen. Will ESPN issue a retraction now that you've brought their network into it?"
Jamie Foxx says his new film might not see the light of day because he had Robert Downey, Jr. play a Mexican guy and the woke mob would go nuts - "The funny thing is, Foxx specifically hired Downey, Jr. because of the Tropic Thunder role"
Meme - "The Maori arrived in New Zealand around 1250 AD (184 years after the Norman conquest of England) & are considered the indigenous people of New Zealand. The English peoples have been in England for 10,000 years but aren't considered indigenous to England"
Though that's the Celts
People of color at 'New York Times' get lower ratings in job reviews, union says - "An analysis of comprehensive data for roughly 1,000 The New York Times employees conducted by members of the union that represents its newsroom found that Black and Latino staffers are far less likely than their white peers to receive strong job ratings. There are financial consequences to job ratings because they influence the size of employee bonuses, the NewsGuild union says. But staffers tell NPR the differential is even more important because it indicates an underlying systemic problem that the paper is failing to address. It is demoralizing, they say, and contributes to the premature departure of some colleagues... white workers were consistently assessed as outperforming their peers.
Clearly, even woke bastions are extremely racist. This cannot possibly have anything to do with real performance
Column: Why do Mexican Americans defend Speedy Gonzales? - Los Angeles Times - "Speedy turned into a pariah in the decades after his heyday, placed by Hollywood executives and pundits in the same racist purgatory of Old Hollywood as Stepin Fetchit, “We don’t need no steenkin’ badges,” and Charlie Chan. ABC banned him from its airwaves during the 1980s “because the title character presents a stereotypical image that is not offset by any other Latino television characters,” according to a 1981 Los Angeles Times story. The Cartoon Network did the same in the late 1990s. Recently, New York Times columnist Charles Blow said Speedy cartoons “helped popularize the corrosive stereotype of the drunk and lethargic Mexicans.” And yet time and time again, Mexicans — the very group you’d think would hate Speedy the most — rose to defend his honor. During the 1990s, college students cast Speedy as a proto-Zapatista who fought against American imperialism before it was cool to do so. In 2002, the League of United Latin American Citizens asked the Cartoon Network to free Speedy from his jail — a spokesperson told Fox News, “How far do you push political correctness before you can’t say anything about anything anymore?” In the wake of Blow’s columns, Mexicans famous and not spoke out on social media against those who dared decry their man. “U can’t catch me cancel culture. I’m the fastest mouse in all of Mexico,” tweeted comedian Gabriel Iglesias, who’s voicing Speedy in the upcoming “Space Jam” reboot. “We LOVE Speedy because he’s smart and fast,” wrote Eugenio Derbez, another comic who will voice him in his upcoming Speedy feature... He danced our dances and dressed like a jarocho (a native of Veracruz) and sounded like my country cousins, to be honest. He was the only Mexican in Hollywood I knew who never lost — well, him and Cheech and Chong. I love Speedy so much, I keep a large painting of him in my home office. His kind smile and brown skin takes me back to my childhood — and reminds me of where we as Mexicans exist today... Mexican American animators worked on nearly half of the 47 Speedy Gonzales shorts, at a time where they were a rarity in Hollywood. In Latin America, audiences continue to love Speedy with little compunction because they accept him at face value — a Mexican mouse who makes a mockery out of Yankee pussygatos again and again. “That’s not an excuse or a justification for ‘Oh, well if a Mexican American did something problematic, it, it’s all fine”"
Minorities have no voice and need white liberals to speak for them
Cancel Speedy Gonzales? Not so fast, Latinos say - "In 1999, Speedy Gonzales was banned from the Cartoon Network after it decided the cartoon was too offensive and reinforced negative Mexican stereotypes like speaking in a heavy accent and wearing a sombrero. The network reinstated him three years later after fan outrage. The League of United Latin American Citizens, a Latino anti-discrimination organization, helped get Speedy back on the air after Cartoon Network shelved him. “In Mexico we grew up watching Speedy Gonzales,” Eugenio Derbez, told Deadline at the time. “He was like a superhero to us, or maybe more like a revolucionario like Simón Bolívar or Pancho Villa.”... Speedy Gonzales was always the underdog hero, zooming around helping hungry Mexican mice get to cheese guarded by Sylvester, the gringo cat. Sylvester is constantly outsmarted and humiliated by the clever, funny, little mouse."
Liz Truss to appoint cabinet featuring no white men in four great offices of state - "The new Prime Minister’s likely top team is also being described as the most right-wing government in a century. Ms Truss is expected to make long-term ally, neighbour and Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng her Chancellor. If that happens, he would be the fourth non-white occupant of that office in a row, following Sajid Javid, Rishi Sunak and Nadhim Zahawi. Attorney General Suella Braverman is poised to move to the Home Office and James Cleverly to the Foreign Office – the two other traditional great offices of state. Ms Braverman would become the third ethnic minority Home Secretary, after Priti Patel, who quit last night, and Mr Javid."
Clearly evidence of the power of white patriarchy. Of course this won't stop the grievance mongers
Atlanta: Police arrest suspect after swastikas found painted on Atlanta's Rainbow Crosswalks
Atlanta homicide rate climbs in 2022
Meme - "Off-campus UC Berkeley student housing bans YT people from common areas
Berkeley co-op Person of Color Theme House bans white guests from common spaces - "Students move into the POC house ‘to be able to avoid white violence and presence,’ rules state White guests are banned from the common spaces at the Person of Color House... Under a section labeled “Guests in Common Spaces,” it states: “Guests are allowed in common spaces but please be mindful if there are house members in the room beforehand. White guests are not allowed in common spaces (see intro).” The POC House intro states in part that many members moved in “to be able to avoid white violence and presence.” When students do bring a guest, the rules direct them to announce it in the house guest chat and note “if they are white.” But it’s not just white guests who are unwelcome. “Avoid bringing parents/family members that express bigotry,” the rules continue. “Queer, Black, and Indigenous members should not have to avoid common spaces because of homophobic or racist parents/family members.” The Person of Color Theme House, a five-story, 30-room home that can accommodate up to 56 students, exists to serve “low-income, first generation, immigrant and marginalized students of color.” It’s part of the Berkeley Student Cooperative, a nonprofit housing cooperative established to provide affordable housing to Bay-area college students. Since it was established in 2016, the POC house has faced its share of internal problems. One former member wrote in a Medium article that the house has become known for its “call-out culture” perpetuated by “the lack of intersectionality.” “Several members have been criticized for being white/white passing, aligning themselves with whiteness, or allowing white violence in the house”... The official BSC anti-discrimination policy states that access to residential facilities may not be restricted on the basis of “age, color, disability, gender, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or weight.”"
The circular firing squad of the left means that though they see the "far right" and "fascists" everywhere, nowhere is truly safe - even their own echo chambers are forever rife with infighting
Professor blocked for tweeting ‘all men are created equal’ files First Amendment lawsuit - " A professor who was blocked on Twitter by a University of Oregon account after he tweeted “all men are created equal” at the account has filed a First Amendment lawsuit. Portland State University Professor Bruce Gilley’s lawsuit names the campus administrator who blocked him as the defendant in the federal lawsuit"
To the left, humans are not created equal, and white men are the lowest of the lower
Facebook - "Nigeria wants to keep its attention on its homegrown talent as far as TV commercials are concerned, which is why they are said to be banning foreign models from appearing in televised adverts and voiceover work. The decision was made after a previous study revealed how foreign talent had quite literally dominated the advertising market — but the country is now hoping to rectify this by only allowing its own kind to front upcoming commercial projects.
Steve Babaeko, who is Nigeria’s President of the Association of Advertising Agencies, expressed to The Sunday Times, “Britons accounted for about half of models and voiceover artists in Nigerian commercials a couple of decades ago.” British accents, in particular, had led most of the market up until recent years where more Nigerian locals were hired to front TV commercials.
But starting this October, as part of the “policy of developing local talent,” foreign models and voiceover artists will no longer be featured in TV ads. Furthermore, Babaeko believes that there has been “some kind of renaissance” in the country that has seen a lot of rising talent emerge, particularly among young people. With that in mind, Babeko added, “There are about 200 million of us. Are you telling me you could not find indigenous models for this commercial?”"
Third world xenophobia is good
Meme - Parenting Decolonized @prntgdcolonized: "Hating/disliking children is s form of ableism. So many of the reasons adults dislike kids are things they can't control becauseof their bodies and brains. They're new humans learning how to navigate the world and instead of understanding they get disdain."
Facebook - "I'm so disappointed in LeBron for allowing his son Bronny to take that girl to the prom. The girl is stunning, she is gorgeous. However, I'm sick of seeing our sisters and daughters not put in position of elevation when it is possible from our own that have access to generational wealth. This is an unspoken message to our young black kings that our daughters are not good enough."
Being against miscegenation is good when you're "pro-black women"
The ‘World’s Largest Bookstore’ Gets Into the Censorship Business - "Just a week ago, I received an email from Ryan Anderson, who was recently tapped to lead the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., and who wrote When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment for me at Encounter Books back in 2018. A reader who had tried to order his book from Amazon reported he was unable to find the book listed on the site. I looked myself and, yes, that reader was correct. Other books by Anderson are listed, as are various books on the “transgender” phenomenon, including a now out-of-print title that purports to rebut When Harry Became Sally. But the book itself is nowhere to be found... It was not just that a book that had been listed and sold by Amazon for the last three years was “out of stock” or “unavailable.” It had disappeared without a trace, more or less like Nikolai Yezhov standing next to Josef Stalin in that notorious photo by the Moscow Canal. One day he is seen smiling next to the great leader. The next day he is gone, airbrushed from history... We’ve heard a lot about “cancel culture” recently. Here was the latest example. The delisting, without any sort of warning, notice, or explanation of a serious, well-regarded book because . . . because, why? After multiple inquiries, we were informed that the book was removed because it violated Amazon’s new “content guidelines” against “offensive” material or “hate speech.” Not for the first time, I was reminded that the wokerati of Big Tech and Big Media have become drunk with power and, emboldened by the Democratic sweep of the levers of power, have begun to regard Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four as a how-to manual instead of what it is, a scarifying warning about the dangers of totalitarianism. Amazon, which presides over more than 80 percent of the book sales in the United States, decides to erase a book, ostensibly because it violates a nebulous policy regarding offensive content but really because it violates today’s standard of political correctness. After all, Amazon has no problem selling Mein Kampf, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or the lunatic, anti-Semitic ravings of Louis Farrakhan. I very much doubt that whoever made the decision to remove When Harry Became Sally from Amazon is a secret admirer of the book, but I did wonder. The immediate effect of the ban was to spark a run on the book. We instantly sold out of the 2,000 copies we had in stock and, as of this writing, we have orders for some 3,000 more. If Amazon hoped to bury the book, they made a big mistake... At times, it seems surreal. February is Black History Month, but Amazon nevertheless decided to cancel Michael Pack’s award-winning documentary about Justice Clarence Thomas because Thomas, although black, is apparently not the right sort of black... I will end with another observation from George Orwell. “If liberty means anything at all,” he wrote, “it means the right to tell people things they do not want to hear.”"
These are the same people who claim removing books from curricula or school libraries is "banning" them
Ian Miles Cheong on Twitter - "Manchester Police have released video footage of a Sikh priest being brutally attacked and left for dead on the street and are asking for the public to help identify the attacker. They blurred out the attacker's appearance."
Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - Robert Reich: "From Flint, Michigan to Jackson, Mississippi to West Baltimore, a combination of poor infrastructure, the climate crisis, and racism have contributed to a lack of clean drinking water in some of America’s most predominantly Black cities. This is by design."
"What do all those places have in common? I'll hold. It will come to you."
Ironically someone replied to Reich: "vote blue". The lack of awareness is astounding