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Friday, October 14, 2022

Links - 14th October 2022 (1 - Feminism)

Meme - "The idea that 1950s housewives led happy, fulfilled lives is so thoroughly ahistorical it's almost shocking. By 1952, an estimated 50,000 mostly female patients in the United States and Canada had been lobotomized, and millions of women were prescribed "Mother's little helper"- barbiturates for anxiety and depression."
The history of barbiturates a century after their clinical introduction - "Barbiturate use in the pre-benzodiazepine period was such that, in the USA alone, production of these drugs reached, in 1955, the quantity necessary for the treatment of 10 million people throughout an entire year"
In 1955, the US female population was estimated at 83.2 million so there were enough barbiturates made for 12% of the female population (assuming no men took them). From 2015-2018, 17.7% of US adult women used antidepressants in the last 30 days. Clearly women are better off being housewives
Keywords: US women on antidepressants in the 1960s, US women on antidepressants in the 1950s, proportion US women, housewives on drugs 1950s, rates drug women 1950s

Twitter and the UN screeched obnoxiously at people to "stop interrupting women" and were rightly trolled into oblivion
Interruptions, gender, social media, and confirmation bias - "Interruptions are common in most conversations, but is there are general trend among those talking as to who interrupts whom? Recently David Schmitt tweeted about a paper called “Influence of Communication Partner’s Gender on Language” (Hancock & Rubin, 2014). It gained some traction as it featured a graph purporting to show women interrupt other women more than men. It implies there is an interaction between the gender of the speaker and the gender of the communication partner, with women interrupting other women a lot more than they do men and men interrupting either gender about as frequently. Given the generally widely held belief that men interrupt women more than other men, this stirred quite a bit of interest as it seemed to provide evidence against this idea. But what do the results show?"
At the very least, we have some evidence that men don't interrupt women more

Meme - "How the richest men in the world got their wealth:
Elon Musk: years of hard work
Jeff Bezos: years of hard work
Warren Buffett: years of hard work
How the richest women in the world got their wealth:
MacKenzie Scott: Divorce
Julia Koch: Husband (now deceased)
Francoise Bettencourt Meyers: inheritance from deceased grand-daddy"

Affinity Magazine on Twitter - "Amy Schumer has arrived and we’re hoping she leaves soon."

Tyler Todt on Twitter - "Feminists in 2022:
•I don’t cook
•I don’t clean.
•I don’t want kids.
Uhhhh where are all the good men?!?
They are:
At home with their wives that are cooking, cleaning & raising their kids being great moms.
I’m sorry you were lied to but it is what it is."

Meme - ""The family structure is the source of psychological, economic, and political oppression." ~ Feminist Shulamith Firestone
She died alone in her home at sixty-seven of starvation, with her body left undiscovered for days."

Stonetoss Comics on Twitter - "remembering that one time where a villain from the Powerpuff girls was literally just an annoying feminist. unthinkable today.
the message of the episode was still unambiguously feminist. however, you can't find even the modest critique the episode had anywhere else in mass media today"

Facebook - "American women and Hillary supporters? where is your jubilation for Lizz Truss becoming the UK's Prime Minister? After all, as Madeline Albright said, there's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women."
They can't even define a woman, so

‘Hilarious And Sad’: Hollywood A-Lister Mocked For Saying Tucker Carlson Haunts Her Nightmares - "Lawrence said that she had been “trying to heal” after feuding with her own family over politics, and said that recurring nightmares about Tucker Carlson had even been a topic of discussion between the actress and her therapist."
These are the people who go on about "white fragility"

Meme - "I have nightmares about Tucker Carlson" *Jennifer Lawrence being friendly with Harvey Weinstein on 4 occasions*

FC Dallas under-15 boys squad beat the U.S. Women's National Team in a scrimmage
Reactions as Arsenal U-15 team beat Women's team 5-0 in friendly fixture [Video] - "The result that has surfaced on social media revealed that it was a one-sided affair as the U-15 team completely dominated the Women's team from start to finish.  The 5-0 score-line according to several reports is not an indication of the game played as the U-15 team missed several chances to score more goals."
Australian women's national team lose 7-0 to team of 15-year-old boys
Athletic Club Youngsters Beat Women's Team 6-0 In Friendly - "Athletic Club youngsters played against the Basque outfit's women's side and it ended in a 6-0 win for the team of teenagers. The Cadete A team, made up of players who are 14,15 and 16 years of age, dominated the 90 minute friendly fixture in what was ultimately a resounding victory"
One cope I saw about the first was that the women's team let the boys win. Weird how women's teams across the world keep letting the boys' teams win
Should boys' teams be paid as much as women's teams?

Meme - "I don't want to be a "strong independent woman" anymore... I WANT LOVE!!! I knew from a very young age that I'd always wanted to settle and have a family to call my own but instead, I threw myself so deep into my "career life" which has kept me quite busy and happy but lately it's been really hitting me how lonesome I am. I feel like I'm just going through the motions and I'm so desperate for affection that I constantly find myself seeking closeness through my interactions with others and lately, it's gotten worse At night, I can only fantasise and dream of being held and cuddling my child but then reality hits and the pain replays itself again. I'm going crazy out of my mind because I feel like I have to upkeep this facade of being a "strong independent woman" because I'm so afraid that the other persons intentions aren't the same as mine. Nowadays, it's so difficult to find people who genuinely want the same thing. I just really hope this year I will be strong and ok enough to allow myself to be vulnerable with someone so that I can finally experience what I've always wanted. I'm a hot mess, and there's a lot more to my story but who has the time for that?"

Jennifer Lawrence Says She'll Always Make Less Than Male Co-stars
Jennifer Lawrence to be paid $8m more than Chris Pratt for Passengers
Hilariously, I saw women try to justify her being paid more than Pratt while still pretending that she was a victim of sexism for being paid less than diCaprio

Meme - Rachel Sennott: "Going on a date tonight with $11 in my bank account let's hope he's not a feminist lol
Hahahahaha he said in the first 3 minutes of the date "I follow u on twitter don't worry I've got u covered""

Meme - John Tremain @johnntremain: "No comment"
Danish ship collides with U.S. Navy ship Sunday in Inner Harbor" - Sep 12, 2022
"There's some sort of Danish Government sailing ship in harbor for fleet week that appears to be crewed entirely by women" - 4 days ago
Christian Schaffer on Twitter - "NEW: Video shows the Danish ship Danmark colliding with the USS Minneapolis-St. Paul, as the Danmark was being tugged out of the Inner Harbor #fleetweekfail"

ZUBY: on Twitter - "Saying women are generally better than men at some things is called 'facts', but saying men are generally better than women at some things is called 'misogyny'. 😂"

Meme - *Man and Woman racing*
Woman: *imagines barriers in her way when there are none, and the man has 2 hurdles*
Man: "What's the matter? It's the same distance!"

No Charges for Biker Who Fatally Shot Woman After She Hit Him With Car - "Andrew Derr, a 40-year-old motorcyclist, was cleared of any wrongdoing in the fatal shooting of Sara Morales, a 35-year-old library assistant who allegedly intentionally hit him with her car.  In November, Morales hit Derr with her blue Kia and fled the scene, according to the Orange City, Florida, Police Department. After failing to get her to pull over, Derr and other motorists followed her home, where she allegedly obtained a gun and pointed it at Derr. The 40-year-old then took out his own firearm and fired multiple rounds, fatally wounding Morales."
Of course there were SJWs bitching about "misogyny". Men have no right to self-defence against women, and women can do hit-and-runs on men with impunity

Meme - "Poor guy tries to break the ice. She responds by posting paragraphs on the internet."
Kari Byron: "A man just stopped me to ask if I'm a car mechanic. My first thought was "oh no does he need jumper cables?". Then I realized it's because I'm wearing my coveralls. I said, "No, these are my eatin' pants, can't fit in my skinny jeans no more". He laughs without detecting any sarcasm. I'm pretty sure this is the same guy that wants you to name three songs of the band shirt you're wearing, from the concert you went to, but as a girl you clearly couldn't have loved. Just another day being a woman justifying your existence. #mansplaining"
He didn't even try to explain anything to her. Once again, mansplaining is when a man says something a woman doesn't like
"I was a member of Mansplain me harder, daddy. My favorite thing to do was take screenshots of women "mansplaining" block out the name, post it to the page, let the rage build, then share the unredacted version of the screenshot to show the women was the perpetrator. It ended in me getting banned by the admins 🤣 "

Feminists Freak Out After Discovering Men Don’t Want To Date ‘Woke’ Women - "The problem all started with British drama star, Laurence Fox, who declared, on the BBC, that he does not believe criticism of Duchess Meghan stems from racism, and then followed up his transgression against social justice by insisting in the pages of one of the United Kingdom’s top newspapers that he does not date woke women.  That is all just too much for feminists, it seems, who, despite swearing off men so often it’s practically their pledge of allegiance, want desperately to have the pick of men to partner with — and to deny them such a variety is, apparently, oppressive, sexist, and, for good measure, very “Donald Trump.”... Fox’s lack of woke bona fides is actually causing an entire generation of woke women mental harm... The author says she could go to great lengths to prove just how wrong Fox is — that “white privilege” exists, and that “institutionalized racism” is effectively eliminated by, say, including a single Sikh soldier in a movie about World War I, but she won’t, because Fox is clearly mentally ill (he does, after all, like arguing with feminists on Twitter, so she may not be wrong). And she could joke about Fox’s lack of wokeness, but in perhaps the most feminist line in the entire article, she insists that there’s nothing about his behavior that’s funny.  She simply says he should be deplatformed before his ideas creep into the psyches of other males, who then start refusing to date feminists, too. But unfortunately for her, it’s already happening. To illustrate her point, she writes, in what can only be “hushed tones,” about the men she and her friends have matched with on dating apps who say “openly sexist and misogynistic things” in their Tindr bios (like “I hate big eyebrows” or “no psychos,” two terms the author unintentionally reveals to be effective at weeding her out of the dating pool), and who hold “right-wing views” even if they consider themselves liberal.  There’s even a rash of men, she writes in horror, who have read Jordan Peterson, who has suggested that “white privilege” is a lie and that pursuing “social justice” is a pointless and toxic endeavor. These men, she says, then have a tendency to group together which, she posits, is how humanity got “incels” and online white supremacist chat rooms, though without any evidentiary support. Men who don’t like feminists should not be allowed to associate with anyone else, she seems to suggest, lest they share wrong ideas... The good news is, these men who refuse to date woke women are responsible for everything from the murder of a Labour MP several years ago before Brexit, to the rise of Donald Trump, to the continued oppression of the entire female gender (to the extent that gender still exists), to “Megxit” — Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s decision to leave the UK to find a new life in Canada — to the rise of right-wing media. But if this all sounds as though the author is demonizing these men who simply wouldn’t consider her for a date, rest assured, she is. After all, despite devoting thousands of words to the subject of being these men’s sworn enemy, she is not, in fact, an enemy at all, except in their imaginations."

Mothers’ low productivity hurts overall pay for women - "Policymakers should pay heed to the gender gap’s complexity and the interplay of factors that impact how much men and women are paid before deciding how best to proceed...   The backbone of the equal pay movement — equal pay for equal work — assumes that men and women are equally productive in the same job. But the evidence does not support this claim.  Using Danish data, I studied the relative output of firms employing more men compared to firms employing more women and found that productivity differences explain about two-thirds of the gender pay gap. On average, women are 8-percent less productive than men, so we would expect them to be paid 8-percent less... Put simply, firms don’t seem to be making tons of money by hiring women to do as much work as men but then underpaying them. This means that if equal pay legislation really forced firms to change the pay of women, we may expect many firms to stop hiring women or to change the way they classify the jobs women do...   I find that motherhood alone drives the gender productivity gap: Mothers are substantially less productive than men, and their lower productivity completely explains their pay gap.   Where does this lower productivity come from? I could tell you a few personal stories (and had to keep myself from sharing these with potential employers when they asked the same question), but they all come back to hours worked...   In contrast to mothers, women without children are as productive as men, but they are also paid less than men. For these women, the gap between pay and productivity is concentrated in their prime childbearing years.  Why are these women underpaid? A natural explanation is that employers pay young, childless women less than young, childless men because they expect these women will soon have children and reduce their hours.  To avoid reducing a female employee’s pay as soon as she has children (which would be an unattractive HR decision for a variety of reasons) firms may pay women less in anticipation of childbirth.  Consistent with this hypothesis, the gap between pay and productivity is larger for women who will have children within the next three years compared to other women."
The author is a woman, so that means feminists can't dismiss the facts and arguments with their usual sexism

The effect of maternity leave extensions on firms and coworkers - "While a large literature is devoted to understanding the impact of maternity leave on children's outcomes and the careers of women, less is known about the consequences of maternity leave at the workplace. This paper studies the effects of maternity leave on firms and coworkers by examining a 2002 Danish reform which increased the length of parental leave by 22 weeks. The timing of the policy change gives random variation in the length of leave available to women who gave birth around the time of the reform. I find no detectable effect of the reform on the earnings or promotions of coworkers in any of the five years after the reform (point estimates are about $100) and can reject differences in yearly earnings larger than $425 overall and differences larger than $280 for female coworkers. While there are some costs for coworkers in the same occupation as women who give birth in the sample period, these costs are 1-1.5 percent of earnings. I also find evidence that the reform increases the probability of firm shut-down by about two percentage points five years after the reform, concentrated among relatively small firms. Conditional on survival, I find no impact of the reform on firm value added."
You can't legislate productivity. Someone has to pay the piper. Of course, according to liberals, the system is rigged in favour of big companies

The Long-Run Effects of Wage Replacement and Job Protection: Evidence from Two Maternity Leave Reforms in Great Britain - "This paper examines the effects of maternity leave coverage on women’s employment and career trajectories in Great Britain using data from the British Household Panel Survey. Using a difference-in-differences identification strategy and two changes to the national maternity leave policy, I distinguish between the effects of expanding access to wage replacement benefits and the additional effects of providing job protection benefits. Access to paid maternity leave increases the probability of returning to work after childbirth in the short run, but has no effect on long-run employment. Expanding the amount of job protection available to new mothers results in substantial increases in maternal employment rates and job tenure more than five years later. However, job protected leave expansions lead to fewer women holding management positions and other jobs with the potential for promotion. Although these maternity leave policies have large employment effects on the extensive margin, there is little evidence of effects on average earnings."

Meme - Wei Wu @WuWei113: "in class, professor tell me im "oppressed" because i'm women and asian. I say who cares. Teach Engineering. I pay much money to learn good education. stop wasting time to be stupid. I pay money to learn math, not penis this, vagina that, oppressed this, victim that"

Meme - Rangermonk: "They killed a woman in Iran because her hair wasn't fully covered. This trick hasn't had a pumpkin spice latte yet this month."
rosanna arquette: "I stand in solidarity with the women of lran ..we are not that far away from them in the fight for freedom"

Not him, too | The Spectator - "Over a drink recently I sat next to a man who announced, barely before he’d taken his first sip, that he was a feminist. ‘Like you,’ he added ingratiatingly.  Like me?!?  Poor sap. Did he imagine that this creepy statement would actually endear me to him? That I admired his courageous stand and was prepared to hang on his every word? Not a bit of it. From that moment, I despised him.  Firstly, I’m no feminist and never have been. Like Mary Wollstonecraft, I’m an equal-but-differentist, or would be if such a thing existed. And I have no desire to get my own back on women’s oppressors, if indeed, today, in western society, they are oppressors. I’ve never experienced them as such. I come from a family of women who endlessly smashed their way through the glass ceiling. My mother was completely self-sufficient — a professor — as were my not-over--privileged great-aunts, one a surgeon in Delhi in the early 1900s, with her sisters variously a doctor, a headmistress and a mathematician.  Of course there are women all over the world who have been and still are being cruelly oppressed. Young girls are forced into prostitution by male sex gangs (but there again, so are young boys). In the Middle East there is an entirely patriarchal society, criticism of which frequently prompts defensive references to ‘cultural differences’ — an excuse that’s never wheeled out for the benefit of white working-class men... there are men who have been completely cowed and often terrified by their womenfolk. Data from the Crime Survey for England and Wales show that men make up about 35 per cent of domestic abuse victims each year... There are three reasons men declare themselves feminists. Firstly, they’re frightened... There’s another category of men who simply hate themselves. Little do they know how unattractive this is to women as they announce, thinking they’re being honest, that they’re actually loathsome, vile human beings, horrible people who can’t help thinking about sex all the time, slimy abusive toads, worthless fantasists who, if it weren’t illegal, would, at the drop of a hat, love to be popping out from behind bushes to assault passing women. They go along with the idea that men are the oppressor class, attributing collective guilt to an entire category of human beings. And we all know where that kind of thinking leads. And finally, there are the ones who declare themselves feminists in order to establish male superiority. They know we’re weak and vulnerable, and they want to take care of us and protect — all of this with the deeply patronising assumption we need protecting... Speaking personally, from my youth onwards, I, like many of my contemporaries, felt extremely pleased to be wolf-whistled in the street and I’ve always walked even taller after the merest mutter of appreciation. Rather than stop men wolf-whistling at women, what about encouraging women to wolf-whistle at men?... Of course we want to be loved for our hearts and minds. But to be appreciated as a sexual object — why not? Admiration is always welcome. The more the merrier.  We women are quite powerful enough not to need men to protect us, like princesses in fairy tales. The reason some men have taken up the feminist cause is precisely because latter-day feminists actually espouse an anti-feminist movement, because in defining women as ‘victims’ or ‘vulnerable’, they infantilise them, making them out to be like characters in a Victorian novel.  No wonder some men want to join them."

Thread by @KnowlandKnows on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Over 1,500 societies have existed.  Here's what feminism has got wrong about all of them:
’Defining matriarchy as the mirror image of patriarchy, I would conclude that no matriarchal society has ever existed.'  - Gerda Lerner, 'The Creation of Patriarchy' (OUP, 1986), p.31
This is because patriarchy serves women and children best... In no society has the role of caring for small infants been mainly male... women are the limiting factor in reproduction, giving them POWER.
Everywhere sex is something that females have that males want.’  - Symons, 'The Evolution of Human Sexuality' (OUP, 1979), p.253.
Female prostitution is ubiquitous.  Male prostitutes usually end up servicing homosexuals. As Darwin said, ‘males are almost always the wooers’.  Hence nuptial gifts are common in nature.  Males have to give something.  But the female IS the gift.
Women are much less likely than men to engage in
- 'sex' with animals
- 'sex' with inanimate objects
- homosexuality...
 Monogamy isn't about men oppressing women.  Being the limiting factor in reproduction lets women choose their preferred mating strategy.  And it’s always monogamy. The idea that oppressive males at the top of ‘the patriarchy’ would suppress female sexuality makes no sense.  They would be the ones women would be likely to cheat on their partners with. FGM, veiling and foot-binding are mainly inflicted on women by women.  By suppressing female sexuality, women maintain a chronic shortage and hence high prices. The more a society attempts to drift away from patriarchy, ironically the less control of men women have... The more radical feminism seeks freedom from family for women, the more they free men from the provider role... s Betty Friedan pointed out, feminists *underestimated* the power of the women’s sphere.  Ultimately, feminism is misogyny because the only power it values is male power.  It tells little girls to follow their dreams - UNLESS that involves being a housewife."

Gender Gaps at the Academies - "Historically, a large majority of the newly elected members of the National Academy of Science (NAS) and the American Academy of Arts and Science (AAAS) were men. Within the past two decades, however, that situation has changed, and in the last 3 years women made up about 40 percent of the new members in both academies. We build lists of active scholars from publications in the top journals in three fields – Psychology, Mathematics and Economics – and develop a series of models to compare changes in the probability of selection of women as members of the NAS and AAAS from the 1960s to today, controlling for publications and citations. In the early years of our sample, women were less likely to be selected as members than men with similar records. By the 1990s, the selection process at both academies was approximately gender-neutral, conditional on publications and citations. In the past 20 years, however, a positive preference for female members has emerged and strengthened in all three fields. Currently, women are 3-15 times more likely to be selected as members of the AAAS and NAS than men with similar publication and citation records."
Paul Hünermund on Twitter - "I teach in my causal inference class that you shouldn't condition on post-treatment variables (here: publications and citations) to determine gender gaps. But 3–15 times seems high to be explained purely by differences in ability (endogenous sorting)."
One cope I saw was that women are discriminated against in publication and citation, so this doesn't mean there is a bias against men

Dr. Jane Clare Jones 🦕 on Twitter - "FFS - I am reading one of the foundational sex denialists texts and they are actually arguing that humans can't be distinguishing between men and women on the basis of secondary sexual characteristics because they are "far from being dichotomous, at least when compared to those markers in other species (e.g., plumage in birds)." (Kessler and McKenna)  So because peacocks are REALLY different from peahens humans couldn't have evolved to very easily distinguish between the sexes OF THEIR OWN SPECIES.  U-huh. Here it is: 'Everyone must pretend sex doesn't exist or we wont be able to get rid of gender oppression because we cannot conceive of a difference that doesn't produce a hierarchy." YOU DANGEROUS FUCKING IDIOTS."
Neil Garratt AM on Twitter - "My experience as a parent is that children can tell men from women from an incredibly young age. Eg the classic extension of "mummy" to mean "woman" and "daddy" to mean "man", among their very first words c. 1 year old. No one really teaches children this distinction, not at that age, it appears to be intuitive. I wonder if there's any research to identify at what age and with what accuracy children distinguish? I feel it's "before 2 and high"."

Meme - Flexghost @flexghost1: "Dear angry, preachy, judgey, butthurt conservative men who can't find a woman willing to date you: The free market has spoken."
The Dangerous Rise Of Anti Woke Men
Also, from her Twitter, she is angry, preachy, judgey & butthurt

Meme - "My wife made a point the other day that all of these devices with assistants (Alexa, Siri, etc.) all come as women by default so we're training a whole new generation to see women as "staff" and I can't stop thinking about that."
"If the voices were male by default, feminists would bitch about underrepresentation. There is no winning. This is a zero sum game."

Why computer voices are mostly female - "Scientific studies have shown that people generally find women’s voices more pleasing than men’s.  “It’s much easier to find a female voice that everyone likes than a male voice that everyone likes,” said Stanford University Professor Clifford Nass, author of “The Man Who Lied to His Laptop: What Machines Teach Us About Human Relationships.” “It’s a well-established phenomenon that the human brain is developed to like female voices.” Research suggests this preference starts as early as the womb, Nass said. He cites a study in which fetuses were found to react to the sound of their mother’s voice but not to other female voices. The fetuses showed no distinct reaction to their father’s voice, however...   When automakers were first installing automated voice prompts in cars (“your door is ajar”) decades ago, their consumer research found that people overwhelmingly preferred female voices to male ones, said Tim Bajarin, a Silicon Valley analyst and president of Creative Strategies Inc.  This may explain why in almost all GPS navigation systems on the market, the default voice is female. One notable exception has been Germany, where BMW was forced to recall a female-voiced navigation system on its 5 Series cars in the late 1990s after being flooded with calls from German men saying they refused to take directions from a woman...   Look no further than examples of automated or artificial-intelligence voices in sci-fi movies and TV shows. Voices of authority or menace tend to be male: the homicidal HAL 9000 computer in “2001: A Space Odyssey,” the computer program in “WarGames,” or Auto, the spaceship’s autopilot function in “Wall-E.” More subservient talking machines, such as the onboard computer from the “Star Trek” TV series, skew female... transit systems such as the San Francisco Area’s BART often use higher-pitched voices because they are easier to hear over the clatter of the train cars."
The power of "patriarchy"!

6 Reasons Most People Trust a Female Voice Over Male Voices - "Female voices were deemed the most trustworthy...
Pitch: The higher pitch of the female voice instilled more confidence in listeners than the lower-pitched male. One super-low-pitched male voice was overwhelming voted the least trustworthy of all.
Inflection: Female voices that dropped at the end of a word or phrase indicated a degree of certainty, something that made people automatically trust them.
A recent Harris Interactive poll found 46 percent of participants ranked female voices more soothing than male voices...   The clear, melodic nature of the female voice can also play a role in the trust it instills, as can the fact that female and male voices are processed in different parts of the brain... People are more inclined to trust, and follow, women CEOs over male CEOs. They are also more inclined to buy from those they trust, and they trust women sales people over their male colleagues"

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