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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Links - 18th August 2022 (2 - Trans Mania)

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on Twitter - "EXCLUSIVE: I've obtained leaked video from Disney's upcoming show "Baymax," which promotes the transgender flag and the idea that men can have periods to children as young as two years old. It's all part of Disney's plan to re-engineer the discourse around kids and sexuality."
People were saying that just showing queer people wasn't grooming. Presumably this isn't either

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on Twitter - "SHOCK: Disney+ promoted a drag queen special for children, encouraging kids as young as kindergarten to join the gender identity and trans activist organization GLSEN."

BREAKING: U.S. Air Force Base Hosts Drag Queen Story Time - "The U.S. Air Force is hosting Drag Queen Story Time at Ramstein Air Base Library in Germany."

Detransitioned teens explain why they regret changing genders - "“I was failed by the system. I literally lost organs.”  When Chloe was 12 years old, she decided she was transgender. At 13, she came out to her parents. That same year, she was put on puberty blockers and prescribed testosterone. At 15, she underwent a double mastectomy. Less than a year later, she realized she’d made a mistake — all by the time she was 16 years old...   “I can’t stay quiet,” said Chloe. “I need to do something about this and to share my own cautionary tale.”... between 2009 and 2019, children being referred for transitioning treatment in the United Kingdom increased 1,000% among biological males and 4,400% among biological females. Meanwhile, the number of young people identifying as transgender in the US has almost doubled since 2017, according to a new Centers for Disease Control & Prevention report...   Helena Kerschner, a 23-year-old detransitioner from Cincinnati, Ohio, who was born a biological female, first felt gender dysphoric at age 14. She says Tumblr sites filled with transgender activist content spurred her transition... “My dysphoria was definitely triggered by this online community. I never thought about my gender or had a problem with being a girl before going on Tumblr.” She said she felt political pressure to transition, too. “The community was very social justice-y. There was a lot of negativity around being a cis, heterosexual, white girl, and I took those messages really, really personally.”   Chloe Cole, a 17-year-old student in California, had a similar experience when she joined Instagram at 11. “I started being exposed to a lot of LGBT content and activism,” she said. “I saw how trans people online got an overwhelming amount of support, and the amount of praise they were getting really spoke to me because, at the time, I didn’t really have a lot of friends of my own.”   Experts worry that many young people seeking to transition are doing so without a proper mental-health evaluation. Among them is Dr. Erica Anderson, a clinical psychologist specializing in gender, sexuality and identity. A transgender woman herself, Anderson has helped hundreds of young people navigate the transition journey over the past 30 years. Anderson supports the methodical, milestone-filled process lasting anywhere from a few months to several years to undergo transition. Today, however, she’s worried that some young people are being medicalized without the proper restraint or oversight.  “I’m concerned that the rise of detransitioners is reflective of some young people who have progressed through their gender journey very, very quickly,” she said. She worries that some doctors may be defaulting to medicalization as a remedy for other personal or mental-health factors. “When other issues important to a child are not fully addressed [before transition], then medical professionals are failing children.” According to an online survey of detransitioners conducted by Dr. Lisa Littman last year, 40% said their gender dysphoria was caused by a mental-health condition and 62% felt medical professionals did not investigate whether trauma was a factor in their transition decisions...    “I saw children being fast-tracked onto medical solutions for psychological problems, and when kids get on the medical conveyor belt, they don’t get off,” Evans said. “But the politicization of the issue was shutting down proper clinical rigor. That meant quite vulnerable kids were in danger of being put on a medical path for treatment that they may well regret.”  Indeed, transitions are getting younger and hastier. Puberty blockers are commonly administered at the first sign of development to children as young as 9, according to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. Testosterone and estrogen injections are frequently prescribed at age 13 or 14, despite the Endocrine Society’s recommendation of 16. And serious surgeries like mastectomies are sometimes performed on children as young as 13. Although medical intervention for minors requires parental consent, many mothers and fathers approve surgery and hormone therapy at the recommendation of affirming medical professionals or even out of fear their child might self-harm if denied treatment... detransitioners frequently report that getting prescriptions is a breeze. A total of 55% said their medical evaluations felt inadequate...   In Helena’s case, all it took to get a testosterone prescription was one trip to Planned Parenthood when she was 18. She said she was given four times the typical starting dose by a nurse practitioner in less than an hour, without ever seeing a doctor.  Chloe said she was fast-tracked through her entire transition — from blockers to a mastectomy — in just two years, with parental consent. The only pushback she said she encountered came from the first endocrinologist she saw, who agreed to prescribe her puberty blockers but not testosterone when she was 13. But she said she went to another doctor who gave her the prescription with no trouble. “Because all the therapists and specialists followed the affirmative care model, there wasn’t a lot of gate-keeping throughout the whole transition process,” she recalled. “The professionals all seemed to push medical transition, so I thought it was the only path for me to be happy.”...   A variety of studies suggest that as many as 80% of dysphoric children could ultimately experience “desistance”— or coming to terms with their biological gender without resorting to transition...   While in the hospital she came to the realization that her transition was a mistake. “I saw a montage of photos of me, and when I saw how much my face changed and how unhappy I looked, I realized this was all f****d up and I shouldn’t have done it. It was a really dark time.”...  “I want my voice to be heard,” said Chloe. “I don’t want history to repeat itself. I can’t let this happen to other kids.”"
TRAs will still gaslight us that no one does sex change surgery on teens
"This is not happening and it's good that it is"
Gun nuts get very upset about the CDC tracking gun deaths because they'ren ot diseases. But TRAs don't get upset about the CDC tracking trans people
Liberals still claim that the rise in trans youth is entirely the result of previous underdiagnosis being corrected. They are literally saying that detransitioners who say they were groomed into it don't exist
Sadly more parents will be forced to "consent" on pain of having their children taken away before society wakes up to the horror of trans mania

Childhood Sexual Abuse, Gender Dysphoria, and Transition Regret: Billy's Story - "Childhood sexual abuse is an experience common to many of those who write me with regret about changing genders

Meme - "Finding out my entire middle friend group has detransitioned is sooo indescribable
we'd get so upset at the "issa phase" comments too"

Man suing the NHS over trans surgery he regrets has bravely waived anonymity to share his ordeal - "For Ritchie Herron, a bright and articulate civil servant from Newcastle, life over the past four years has become almost unbearable. It takes him ten minutes to empty his bladder, a process as painful as it is slow. Any sex drive is long gone. In fact, he says, his crotch is numb, ‘shell-shocked’ from the damage done to him under the apparent care of the NHS... Battling mental health issues – and after decades of suppressing his homosexuality – Ritchie, 35, had thought the answer was to become a woman. But instead, he says, he was fast-tracked into making ‘the biggest mistake of his life’ and left infertile, incontinent and with ongoing pain.  Not only had the NHS clinic failed to take into account his spiralling mental health crisis, he claims, but it had also failed to properly counsel him about the risks... His account raises serious questions about the safeguards in place at NHS gender clinics, which have seen a 1,700 per cent rise in referrals over the past ten years, accounted for mainly by children and young adults.  The speed at which Ritchie – who had been living as a woman called Abby – was diagnosed and subsequently referred for irreversible surgery is disturbing in itself.  In fact, he says, he had repeatedly turned down the procedure and had voiced deep misgivings to the clinic’s staff about having it.  His case, he believes, could spark a wave of further claims. ‘This is an avalanche waiting to happen,’ he tells The Mail on Sunday. ‘Transition is now being sold to people on a mass scale. It’s like PPI, but more sinister.  ‘In a few years, I’m sure we’ll have law firms asking people if they transitioned and would like to claim compensation.’  According to Ritchie, not one professional explored whether mental health issues may have led him to believe he was trans.  Today, he is one of a growing number of ‘de-transitioners’, living once again as a man and grieving his ‘mistake’. Much of his confusion was around accepting he was gay, he now acknowledges... According to Ritchie, he was diagnosed with ‘transsexualism’ after just two 30-minute appointments... In 2017, he was given another referral for surgery, to be performed at the Nuffield Health hospital in Brighton but paid for by the NHS. Ritchie refused it again – but says he was told that if he did not accept the referral he would be discharged from the service.  This sent him into a ‘tailspin’, he recalls. He believed it meant his therapy would also be withdrawn, which had been a ‘lifeline’. He had recently admitted he felt suicidal... patients like Ritchie faced ‘a lifetime of medical care and consequences’ and ‘cannot be put back together again’.  He adds: ‘My concern is clinicians failed to identify red flags and change direction. Proper consideration needs to be given to issues such as OCD, internalised homophobia, depression, drug use, sexual abuse and childhood trauma as potential reasons for patients rejecting their sexed body.’"
It's weird that in the US, the land of lawsuits, we're not seeing many trans lawsuits caused by trans mania leading people to mutilate their bodies

Doctors Have Failed Them, Say Those Who Regret Transitioning - "the first meeting in 2021 was held because "too many people were dismissing the stories of the detransitioners." O'Malley is a psychotherapist, a clinical advisor to the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine, and a founding member of the International Association of Therapists for Desisters and Detransitioners.  "It's become blindingly obvious over the last year that...'detrans' is a huge part of the trans phenomenon," said O'Malley, adding that detransitioners have been "undermined and dismissed."  Laura Edwards-Leeper, PhD (@DrLauraEL), a prominent gender therapist who has recently expressed concern regarding adequate gatekeeping when treating youth with gender dysphoria, agreed.  She tweeted: "You simply can't call yourself a legit gender provider if you don't believe that detransitioners exist. As part of the informed consent process for transitioning, it is unethical to not discuss this possibility with young people." Edwards-Leeper is professor emeritus in the School of Graduate Psychology at Pacific University in Hillsboro, Oregon.  Speakers in the forum largely offered experiences, not data. They pointed out that there has been little to no study of detransition, but all testified that it was less rare than it has been portrayed by the transgender community.... the most common reasons for detransitioning were realizing that gender dysphoria was due to other issues; internal homophobia; and the unbearable nature of transphobia. Watson said the hardest part of detransitioning was admitting to herself that her transition had been a mistake. "It's embarrassing and you feel ashamed and guilty," she said, adding that it may mean losing friends who now regard you as a "bigot, while you're also dealing with transition regret."  "It's a living hell, especially when none of your therapists or counselors will listen to you," she said. "Detransitioning isn't fun."... Michelle Alleva, who stopped identifying as transgender in 2020 but had ceased testosterone 4 years earlier because of side effects, cited what she called a lack of evidence base for the effectiveness and safety of medical transitions.  "You need to have a really, really good evidence base in place if you're going straight to an invasive treatment that is going to cause permanent changes to your body," she said.  Access to medical transition used to involve more "gatekeeping," through mental health evaluations and other interventions, she said, but there has been a shift from treating what was considered a psychiatric issue to essentially affirming an identity.  "This shift was activist-driven, not evidence-based"... Most studies showing satisfaction with transition only involve a few years of follow-up, she said, adding that the longest follow-up study of transition, published in 2011, spanning 30 years, showed that the suicide rate 10-15 years post-surgery was 20 times higher than the general population.  Studies of regret were primarily conducted before the rapid increase in the number of trans-identifying individuals, she said, which makes it hard to draw conclusions about pediatric transition. Getting estimates on this population are difficult because so many who detransition do not tell their clinicians, and many studies have short follow-up times or a high loss to follow-up... "We need professionals that are prepared for detransitioners," said Alleva. "Some of us have lost trust in health care professionals as a result of our experience," she said.  "It's a huge feeling of institutional betrayal""
Disagree with any part of the trans agenda and you're supposedly denying that they exist. Yet they deny that detransitioners exist

Meme - Paul Embery @PaulEmbery: "Daughter tells me her class has been discussing LGBT issues. One friend has since defined as "non- another has since declared she is bisexual and has "known it for ages". The first is 12 years old; the second is 11. Genuinely wonder what is happening in our schools."
Sir John Robert Seeley @NxlAnglo: "Schools are problem but a bigger problem is culture in general. Kids are learning this stuff from Netflix just as much as teachers"

Meme - "LGBTQ+ after society won't play pretend with them:
*Daffy Duck shooting self*"

Meme - Man: "Wanna go on a date?"
Woman: "Sure"
Transwoman at window: "NOOO! You have to date transwomen! We're valid, we exist! WE ARE INDISTINGUISHABLE!"

Meme - Houston_IIluminati @HTX_illuminati: "There is a dating app called 'Her' which is specifically for lesbians -, women who like women... lesbians are complaining that "trans" profiles are now outnumbering the lesbians. This is what self-ID brings with it. Mentally ill predators."

Colin Wright (@SwipeWright) - "The notion that someone can be "born in the wrong body" is as scientifically absurd as the notion that someone can be possessed by demons. These are both supernatural religious explanations for observed phenomena. Some people may *feel* as though they were born in the wrong body, and as adults they may choose to medically transition to help ameliorate their discomfort. That's 100% fine.  But let's not wade into the realm of pseudoscience by interpreting "born in the wrong body" literally."
Replies: "At least the explicitly religious explanation is straightforward about what it claims to be"
"old religions die and a new faith is born"

Meme - "And what progressive parents are allowing to happen to their daughters. So sad They don't look too happy either."
"This doesn't look like a society that's "evolving" to me."

Meme - Eva Kurilova @eva kurilova: "Anyone else get ridiculously excited about finding good bra?"
Katy Montgomerie @KatyMont..: "Sounds pretty AGP"
Eva Kurilova @eva_xurilova Replying lo @KalyMontgomerie: "Sounds pretty AGP to be unable to imagine that not all excitement is sexual"
Autogynephilia strikes again
Aka Colin


Normal people: "Uh, ok...."

Meme - "So felt a little on my inside. And as soon as I get like maybe 3? Cm in. The inside Is literally just covered in hair.
I haven't really touched myself very much on the inside. I didn't notice It until now, And its just covered in hair. You can't even feel the skin. They sald they would remove the hair follicles an my penile skin. But I don't think they removed any of it? I as of right now regret the surgery so hard. I feel so ugly and disgusting. My inside is just covered with hair. I know this post will be spread over the internet among with my other posts that has been seen by millions of people by now. But is that even a bad thing? That people just spread the "truth". It's just so disgusting. I am so disgusting. They said I wouldn't have hair on the Inside. And they can't even remove it now. Because you can't do laser or diathermy on the inside of the vagina because you can't get the tools Inside. And Its just so deep in. All the way in, and I can't even remove it with a tweezer or anything. Is my only option getting another surgery to have my current vaginal canal removed and replaced with a piece of my colon? Right now honestly I feel like killing myself. This surgery has had so many negative effects on my life. And the only positive and thing left about the surgery is I can wear tight clothes. But all of this have not been worth it. I obviously don't pass naked. It doesn't look cis at all. I don't want to have sex anymore because I'm so disgusting. And I'm actually starting to really miss being a dick girl. I lost all of my value on the dating and sex market. I know some people say it's a good thing that chasers are no longer into me. But it actually really sucks that no one is interested"

Meme - Janet @twambammaam: "If you need a certificate to prove to you're a woman, you know you're not a woman. You're just a man with a certificate."

Meme - Melonie Mac: "Tomboy who wished I was a boy when I was a kid but grew out of it and love being a female w/ "boy hobbies" after puberty hit. Live and let live as an adult, but let kids be kids and don't put irreversible life choices on them that they're too young to consent to"

Meme - "PLAYING 'GUESS WHO' IN 2018"

Meme - "Sweet baby Jeebus!! Bugs Bunny is Satan!! I cannot believe the Woke Left exposed children to Drag in 1952. *Elmer Fudd*"
"The joke was that the people Bugs Bunny was against were too stupid to not see through an obvious disguise. It was a punchline, not an expression of identity that you were a bigot for not acknowledging."

Meme - Josh Gardner: "Can anyone in this group define the word woman?"
Violet Turner: "Josh Gardner congratulations, here's your participation trophy
Achievement unlocked: Former member of Hey, I'm banned from that group!"
When you're in a cult, you're not allowed to question the ideology
How ironic that a group about getting banned is so happy to ban others. Presumably it's because it's full of intolerant liberals who got banned by other intolerant liberals, but are still intolerant and so are happy to ban others

Meme - ">be me, grow up a tomboy
>all my friends are guys
>in HS, hang out with nerdy jock guys, raging lesbian
>scissor with lots of confused girls in HS
>super cash
>find out what trans is in Junior year
>end up transpilling myself and transitioning in college
>everyone at school says I'm so brave
>still scissoring all day er day
>start to really look man like right around when I graduate
>move to san fran for a job after I graduate, live as a man
>women won't give me a second look now
>get literally laughed at in bars
>no matches on the swipe apps
mfw when I went from being a cute lesbian to a 5'3" manlet incel"

Church of England: There is ‘no official definition’ of a woman - "The Church of England has said that there is “no official definition” of a woman.  In a written reply to a question submitted to General Synod, a senior Bishop said that although the meaning of the word woman was previously "thought to be self-evident", "additional care" was now needed...   Rev Angela Berners-Wilson, England’s first woman priest, said that she is “not totally happy” with the answer, but added that the issue is “sensitive”...   The issue of defining what a woman is emerged in written questions to the General Synod, the Church’s legislative body, in which Adam Kendry, a lay member of the Synod and a representative of the Royal Navy, asked: “What is the Church of England’s definition of a woman?”... Jayne Ozanne, synod member and founder of the Ozanne Foundation in 2017 - which works with religious organisations around the world to tackle prejudice and discrimination of LGBTQI people - described the question as “passive aggressive”.   She said: “Mr Kendy's question is sadly a prime example of a passive aggressive question that is designed to upset the LGBT+ community and particularly the trans members in our midst.   “It's time these anti-LGBT attacks stopped and that we learnt to acknowledge that life is not quite as black and white as some appear to think it should be.”"
Cult ideologies cannot be questioned

Church of England says it has 'no official definition' of a woman - "The Church of England’s official website has 176 search results for the word “woman,” including the 2014 announcement of Rev. Libby Lane as the “the first woman bishop in the Church of England.”"

Meme - "How the hell do you identify as "neither?""
"... I just do."
"PFF! OK. I'm gonna identify as a helicopter!"
"I identify as a toaster! LMAOOO!"
"Youre gonna identify as "deceased" if you dont leave my friend alone."
TRAs can only get their way through force

Man: *indifferent*
Woman: *holds breath and flailing on ground*
Other Woman: "Stop it! You're KILLING her!"

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas nominated for ‘Woman of the Year’ award - "Four months after becoming the first transgender athlete to win a Division I swimming title, University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas is in the running for the NCAA’s “Woman of the Year” award... Fifty-eight percent of U.S. adults support rules requiring trans athletes “to compete on teams that match the sex they were assigned at birth,” while just 17% oppose them."

BBC ‘altered gender in trans rape claim’ | News | The Times - "The BBC changed the testimony of a rape victim after a debate over the pronouns of her transgender attacker... The woman referred to her alleged rapist as “him” but insiders said that her words were changed to avoid “misgendering” the abuser in an article on the corporation’s website... Some journalists argued that the quote should remain intact, while others said it should reflect the trans woman’s preferred she/her pronouns. It comes amid growing concern among BBC staff that an internal diversity team is influencing what journalists can report, preventing them from covering gender identity issues accurately and impartially... The article, which was the subject of thousands of complaints, cited a self-selecting social media study by Get The L Out, a lesbian campaign group, which questioned gay women about their sexual experiences with trans women. An anonymous participant told researchers: “I was too young to argue and had been brainwashed by queer theory so he was a ‘woman’ even if every fibre of my being was screaming throughout, so I agreed to go home with him. He used physical force when I changed my mind upon seeing his penis and raped me.” “They were originally all male references but the woke bros at the news website wanted to make them female because of misgendering,” said a person with knowledge of the matter. “It’s quite shocking. I can’t think of any other situation where we would change the words of an alleged rape victim.”... Diversity executives have long maintained that the department has no involvement in the BBC’s journalism. The style guide — in-house rules governing the use of language in BBC reporting — was updated in November 2020 with the diktat: “Where possible, use the term/s and pronoun/s preferred by people themselves, when they have made their preferences clear.” An internal document, seen by The Times, goes further in stating that the BBC should “normalise” the use of pronouns both “explicitly and implicitly” through programming. Angela Wild, co-founder of Get The L Out, said the BBC was wrong to change the quote in her study. “It’s really unethical and disrespectful to the victim,” she said. “It’s a form of gaslighting for a woman who has already been through sexual violence.”"

How the Trans Movement Hurts Victims of Sexual Assault – PJ Media - "Remember when the radical left was trying to convince us that “rape culture” was a thing in the United States? It wasn’t all that long ago. Though the theory originated in the 1970s, the #MeToo movement really brought it back into the public consciousness for a while...   Imagine being so brainwashed by the trans movement that you’d be okay with a male rapist being incarcerated with female inmates. Is that not enabling a rapist?  When a ninth-grade girl was raped in the girls’ restroom in Virginia’s Loudoun County last May, the school board actively tried to cover it up. The school did not report the assault to the police, choosing instead to handle the case in-house. Why? Because the assault was committed by a gender-fluid boy wearing a skirt. The girl’s father, Scott Smith, was furious, and the school called the police on him for “making a scene” over it.  Smith later told his daughter’s story during a Loudoun County School Board meeting to protest their plan to implement pro-transgender policies. But the school claimed to have no record of the assault, and a local leftist activist who also attended the meeting told Smith she didn’t believe his daughter’s story.  So much for believing victims, right?   It is a well-known fact that the vast majority of sexual assaults are committed by men. Yet, the moment a male rapist claims to identify as female or nonbinary, any skepticism is immediately dubbed transphobic. One could argue that the transgender movement is protecting rapists by denying their status as males.  Ezra Miller, who plays The Flash in the DC Extended Universe, has been accused of child trafficking and sexual abuse of a minor. Miller identifies as non-binary, so the media, apparently unwilling to acknowledge these crimes were perpetrated by a man, went to extraordinary lengths not to “misgender” him in its reporting. Variety even altered testimony from one of his victims, replacing male pronouns with they/them.   This is happening all over, not just in America. Last month, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) changed a rape victim’s statement. The BBC was concerned about backlash if they published the victim’s testimony verbatim, because she “misgendered” her rapist by using male pronouns."

Scottish civil servants warned of ‘farts’ in the workplace - "Women who question transgender ideology have been branded “farts” as part of equalities training offered to civil servants in Nicola Sturgeon’s Government, it has emerged.  Workers who attended a workplace “trans 101” course were told the term was an acronym for “feminism appropriating ridiculous transphobe” and that women who oppose inclusivity measures were part of a “trans hate group”.   Staff who attended the training session, run by the Scottish Government’s taxpayer-funded LGBTI+ internal staff network, were also urged to study claims that biological sex is a “falsehood” invented by the medical profession to “reinforce white supremacy and gender oppression”...   Civil servants were directed to claims that so-called “gender critical” women or “terfs” (trans exclusionary radical feminists) “hate all trans people” and have “an unhealthy fascination with trans kids”...   Other claims set out in the document are that “all research” shows there is “virtually no difference” between sporting performance of transgender women and natural women, which is inaccurate.  It goes on to state the idea that men and women have “inherent, unique and natural” distinct attributes based in biology is an “outdated understanding of sex”.   It calls on non-trans people to acknowledge their “cisgender privilege”, asserts that trans people’s biology and genetics match their gender identity, and says people should ask for a person’s pronouns in “everyday conversations” as it is “impossible to know a person’s gender just by looking at them”...   The Scottish Government has faced repeated accusations that it is unduly influenced by radical transgender ideology, and is currently pushing legislation through Holyrood which would allow Scots to self-declare their own legal sex.  The UK Government has ruled out a similar system for England and Wales and ministers are understood to be considering refusing to recognise Scottish gender recognition certificates issued under the new SNP approach.  The email directing staff members to the trans language dictionary was leaked to an online Scottish nationalist blog which was once supportive of the SNP, but is now hostile to the party under Ms Sturgeon’s leadership.   Other claims in the dictionary are that it is possible to be “polygender”, meaning a person can have multiple gender identities at once, and that colonialism has “erased or destroyed” the “indigenous understandings of gender and attraction”.  It is stated that “gender non-conforming people”, especially children, can be described as “gender gifted” to reflect “how amazing it can be to have a unique and/or non-normative gender”."
"Follow the science"

Mr Kipling maker to offer ‘trans inclusivity’ training in workplace shake up - "Mr Kipling maker Premier Foods is to offer 'trans inclusivity' training to all staff, in a further shake-up of workplace policies.  Premier Foods, which also makes Bisto and Batchelors brands, is launching "new modern workplace policies" which include providing online training for all 4,000 staff on menopause and how to cope with it, as well as practical tips for those working with colleagues going through menopause.   Menopause champions are set to host regular "menopause cafes" for colleagues to discuss their experiences, it said.   Premier Foods will also now provide paid time off for workers who are either going through menopause or having medical treatment relating to gender reassignment surgery. This leave will not be capped."
Of course, if you pay women who take long menopause leave less, that's sexist

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