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Friday, August 19, 2022

Links - 19th August 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

Racist threats in White Bear Lake were a ‘hoax’ to call attention to racist incidents at high school, officials say - "The hateful messages received last week by Black students at White Bear Lake Area High School were a “hoax,” sent by a female student who was trying to raise awareness of problems at the school...   The anonymous messages, sent last week through Instagram’s group chat to several Black students, contained death threats and repeated use of the N-word. They appeared to target students who formed a group for Black students at the school.  Students walked out of school Friday morning to demonstrate against racism in the school. Kazmierczak wrote in his letter that the school community is “united in supporting our students in speaking against racism and in support of our students of color.”  In a separate letter Wednesday, the superintendent said he regretted using the word “hoax” and that he didn’t mean to “minimize the impact that racism or racist acts has on students and families who have been marginalized throughout history and in White Bear Lake Area Schools.”"
Presumably fake hate crimes can never be hoaxes because racism is real and bad

Are fake hate crimes still motivated by racism? - The Spectator World - "When racist graffiti appeared on the walls of a dormitory at Albion College in Michigan, the college heads and student body were outraged. The graffiti, which included racial slurs, anti-Semitic remarks and multiple references to the Ku Klux Klan, prompted college officials to put forward a $1,000 bounty for anyone with information as to the perpetrator. Albion College President Mathew Johnson warned that ‘if they are Albion College students, they will also immediately be subject to the student conduct process — including the potential for suspension or expulsion’. Criminal charges would follow. More than 450 Albion College students and staff members marched across town to boycott the injustices they believed were happening on campus. Students complained that the college administration wasn’t taking the problem seriously enough and that they would file a civil-rights discriminatory lawsuit, with the help of some Albion College Board of Trustees members if students of color continued to feel unsafe...   Then, the police investigation found that the perpetrator of the crime had in fact been a 21-year-old black student. The college responded by removing him from campus while they conducted a full investigation as part of the student judicial process.  Rather than expressing relief that white supremacists hadn’t in fact been running amok on campus — the graffiti included the phrases ‘KKK’, ‘KKK White Power’, and ‘Albion is racist we do exist KKK’ — college officials simply doubled down on their assertions, declaring that the issue of racism at the school extended beyond the graffiti incident... As to the actual wording of the graffiti, is the college insinuating that it doesn’t really count as proper racism because the guilty party happened to be black? Which leads us to the thorny issue of whether people of color can ever be found guilty of racism; it’s a murky area of course and one that anti-racist advocates tend to steer well clear of, unsurprisingly perhaps when you consider the preponderance of racial epithets in largely black art forms such as hip-hop and rap.  Some of the graffiti on that now infamous dorm wall had been of an anti-Semitic bent, so would that have counted as legitimate racism even though the guilty party had been black? More murk. And what about the man’s intentions when scrawling said graffiti, do they count for anything?   Shaun Parker, who sits on the executive committee of the Albion National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) — an organization that has itself come under attack for using the term ‘colored people’ — claimed that ‘when we have incidents like this it makes people feel upset. It makes people feel uncomfortable. It makes people feel scared’. But did those same people feel any less scared and uncomfortable when they discovered that the entire incident had been a hoax? Not according to local activist Harry Bonner who claimed, ‘the race of the person responsible for the graffiti does not change the impact it had on the community’.But surely words become meaningless without some sort of intent and if the intention of the graffiti artist had been to highlight the evils of racism then one could argue that his intentions were honorable. Yes I suppose there’s the slim possibility that the perpetrator had a genuine hatred for his own race but my hunch is that he wanted to stir up yet more racial tension within an institution already on tenterhooks.  With so many schools now signed up to BLM’s aggressively anti-racist agenda which asserts that all racism is institutional, perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised. College officials are desperate to keep the racial fires burning in order to justify all those diversity and inclusion officers and unconscious bias training courses. Who knows, perhaps the graffiti artist had been conspiring with the governors."

The rise of hate-crime hoaxes on American campuses - "As political science professor Wilfred Reilly has shown, hate-crime hoaxes have become common, particularly on college campuses...   Along with outright intentional hoaxes, there are also false reports and cases of mistaken assumptions. Nooses that turned out not to be nooses, KKK visitations that turned out not to be, bags of dog excrement said to have been left as an insult — all have been mistakenly reported.  In one particularly ridiculous example, Oberlin College cancelled a day of classes in response to a report that a KKK member had been spotted in regalia on campus. It turned out to be a pedestrian wrapped in a blanket. While such reports may have been made in good faith, they raise questions of why ugly conclusions are so hastily arrived at and so quickly seized upon by campus officials and the media. Hoaxes and false reports typically receive a great deal of media attention during the accusation stage. Later, corrections and retractions may be picked up by the news, but the coverage is always quieter and briefer. In short, the accusations are treated as big news, the revelations of hoaxing typically are not.  The Albion hoax presents a characteristic case. Step by step, it followed a now familiar pattern. In the first place, the college immediately declared that racist acts had been perpetrated rather than declaring that it would begin an investigation. This lack of circumspection occurred despite the fact that numerous similar graffiti incidents have been revealed as hoaxes. Oberlin and St Olaf College provide two recent examples of smaller, Midwestern colleges being targeted by graffiti hoaxing...
Step #1: Declare the graffiti authentic before investigating. The university issues a boilerplate statement deploring the acts as authentic, stating that it is more committed than ever to diversity and inclusion and stands firmly with its students of colour. Nowadays, a certain amount of anti-racist activist jargon is blended into these statements.
Step #2: Distraction, disruption, uproar. Speeches are made, student groups draft lists of demands and issue declarations; marches, rallies, and demonstrations are organised; classes are cancelled, boycotted or disrupted; teach-ins, town halls, ‘listening’ hours and healing sessions are scheduled.
Step #3: The investigation is launched. In the case of Albion, its president Mathew Johnson assured the public that the FBI had been called in and the perpetrator, once found, would be prosecuted.
Step #4: The investigation concludes that the incident was a hoax. Except in extraordinary cases such as the Duke lacrosse-team fiasco, media coverage will now tail off. No more local-news videos. The facts may be reported, the investigation’s findings may find their way into one brief news cycle, but follow-up stories or extensive analyses are not to be expected. In the case of Albion, the Detroit Free Press, picking up the story from the Battle Creek Enquirer, reported that the student vandal had been caught. However, the paper of record in the state of Michigan did not report that the student was black, so that there was no way for readers of the story to know the event was a hoax. Perhaps the reporter filing the story was taking her cues from Albion itself, which also chose not to reveal the student’s race in its Twitter announcement.
Step #5: Announce the findings. This step is apt to produce some astonishing rhetoric. Privacy rules are cited and the perpetrator’s name is withheld. Talk of severe punishment for criminal acts suddenly disappears. Indeed, official expressions of sympathy for the perpetrator are not uncommon, and may be echoed in the media. The university statement quickly shifts attention to the institution, reclaiming guilt in some vague and generalised manner. Attention is turned away from the perpetrator and the costs of the crime are not enumerated.
The costs of such hoaxes are little reckoned with. In the first place there is the literal cost in money and time exacted by the investigations and demands on college employees. The days of protesting may have given students some practice in risk-free street theatre, but undoubtedly this came at the cost of their academic pursuits.  The psychic cost, the cost in misplaced emotional energy — these ought to be taken into account, too. As should the reputation of the college, which administrators seem surprisingly unwilling to defend. While it is a sure bet that some minority students hear racist words and some experience overtly racist acts during their college years, it is also true that American colleges and universities are among the most racially welcoming institutions on the planet... Those who perpetrate racial hoaxes are not interested in bettering the colleges that have admitted them. Particular motivations undoubtedly vary, and some hoaxers may well be suffering from mental illness. But it is reasonable to speculate that some, perhaps most, are purposely inventing something that they have not been able to find on campus: vulgar racism and serious expressions of white supremacy. What is crystal clear is this: hate-crime hoaxers seek to divide the races. Colleges should report on them openly, honestly and fully. Colleges should not be in the business of apologising for things that have not occurred."

Are hate crime hoaxes on the rise along with real hate crimes? - The Washington Post - "No serious researcher believes the majority of hate crime reports are false. Even Wilfred Reilly, a political scientist at Kentucky State University and author of “Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War,” believes that fewer than 2 out of 10 reported hate crimes are fabricated. Where academics disagree is on just how many hoaxes take place.  Reilly estimates that as much as 15 percent of the hate crimes reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation are falsified. Another researcher who has closely examined the subject — Brian Levin of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University at San Bernardino — puts the hoax rate much lower, at less than half of 1 percent... Levin’s criteria exclude some incidents that others might classify as hoaxes. For instance, he does not count a wave of telephoned threats to Jewish community centers and institutions in the United States in 2017 that were later found to be the work of a Jewish, Israeli American man. Levin argued that case is not a hoax, noting that the victims were selected because of their religion — and because most bomb threats, even if they never materialize, still terrorize people."
The problem is that not all cases are resolved, so using all reported hate crimes as the denominator underestimates the prevalence of hoaxes

Hate Crime Hoaxes Are More Common Than You Think - WSJ - "Mr. Reilly eventually compiled a database of 346 hate-crime allegations and determined that less than a third were genuine. Turning his attention to the hoaxes, he put together a data set of more than 400 confirmed cases of fake allegations that were reported to authorities between 2010 and 2017. He allows that the exact number of false reports is probably unknowable, but what can be said “with absolute confidence is that the actual number of hate crime hoaxes is indisputably large,” he writes. “We are not speaking here of just a few bad apples.”... The Smollett case isn’t an outlier. Increasingly, it’s the norm. And the media’s relative lack of interest in exposing hoaxes that don’t involve famous figures is a big part of the problem."

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "In the past decade, hate crimes against Black Americans, who are 12% of the population, have far exceeded those reported against any other group, federal data shows. In 2020, more than half of the victims of hate crimes based on race were Black people."
"Lot of data games here, as re the focus on HATE crimes "based on race." Of 600-700K inter-racial violent crimes annually, 70-90% are B-on-W. Of 7,314 hate crimes in 2019, 1,930 did target Blacks, but 953 targeted the far smaller Jewish community, and 746 targeted open gays."

Priti Patel and the rise of left-wing racism - "Social media lit up with condemnation of the immigration raid. Howard Beckett, the assistant general secretary of Unite the Union, posted a tweet arguing that Indian-heritage home secretary Priti Patel should have been deported instead. After deleting the tweet, Beckett dug himself an even deeper hole. He tried to justify his response by saying he was angry that the Home Office was deporting Muslim refugees on the morning of Eid-ul-Fitr – the end of Ramadan – even though the two individuals detained were Sikhs.  Beckett has now been suspended from the Labour Party. His outburst is emblematic of a number of troubling features of the modern left. The racial abuse of non-white people who don’t hold left-wing beliefs has now been normalised. Often this is then justified on supposedly anti-racist grounds. The tepid reaction of the Twitterati to Beckett’s statement illustrated this perfectly. For instance, Guardian contributor Jason Okundaye limply described Beckett’s tweets as ‘misguided’. According to Okundaye, Beckett’s apparent confusion was ‘more a consequence of the inherent contradiction of an ethnic minority operating over a white-supremacist border regime’. Of course, one of the Indian-origin home secretary’s flagship policies has been the creation of a bespoke immigration route for Hongkongers escaping Chinese state oppression. This does not strike me as a particularly ‘white supremacist’ regime. The reality is that the hysterical use of terms such as ‘white supremacy’ and ‘white nationalism’ have drained them of their historical weight and significance.   The other problem Beckett’s statement revealed is the left’s tendency to conflate all non-white groups. Beckett’s attempt to exploit an Islamic religious holiday to excuse his abuse towards a British Hindu woman is a case in point. Similarly, both SNP first minister Nicola Sturgeon and justice secretary Humza Yousaf referred to Eid-ul-Fitr to justify the release of the two non-Muslim migrants.   The anti-racist credentials of the left and the trade-union movement have been seriously undermined in recent years, particularly given Labour’s anti-Semitism scandal. Less commented on is the growth of anti-Indian bigotry on the left.  Economically successful and socially integrated British Indian communities are an inconvenience for identitarian leftists. They demonstrate that stable family structures and a belief in self-reliance are integral to success in modern-day Britain. Indians are also the most pro-Brexit non-white ethnic group in the UK. Many are patriotic and have a strong attachment to British identity. That Indians are outperforming whites in the job market and in education undercuts the nonsense narrative of ‘white privilege’, which blames most inequality on racism.Finally, it is worth noting that a London-born home secretary is under no obligation to create a liberal immigration and asylum system simply because of her own family’s migration history. Such an expectation is rooted in identitarian bigotry."

Why they hate Priti Patel - "Everyone should be angry about racism, the left says. Unless the racism is being aimed at the home secretary Priti Patel. Then it’s fine. Or at least it is not something we should dwell on for too long. That is the creepy, disturbing and very revealing implication of the pushback against Patel yesterday by certain Labourites and identitarians after she emotionally spoke in the House of Commons about the racist abuse she has experienced in her life. The response to Patel’s revelation that she was frequently called a Paki was extraordinary. Patel talked about her experiences in response to Labour MP Florence Eshalomi, who had asked a question about Black Lives Matter and what the government intended to do to tackle racism. Eshalomi implied that the government – which was being represented in this discussion by Patel – did not understand racial inequality. And then Patel let rip.... The Labour MP Nadia Whittome shamefully stirred up racial antagonism by accusing Patel of using ‘her identity as an Asian person to silence Flo Eshalomi as a black person’. So when Eshalomi speaks about racism it is genuine and important, but when Patel does it, it is opportunistic and distracting. Whittome is getting very close to saying that Asian people’s experience of racism matters less than black people’s experience of it... Hindus (and others) contradict the racial myopia of left-wingers who insist that Britain is a hostile place for non-white people, and they will never be forgiven for that. This is why Patel gets so much abuse from the left and the chattering classes more broadly, far more than any other member of the Cabinet: because she is a successful daughter of immigrants who believes Britain is a generally good country. Non-white people are not meant to think like this... She’s an Uncle Tom, a coconut. She’s just one of those ‘ministers with brown skin wearing Tory masks’, as a Guardian writer put it. Patel mentioned this new, insidious woke racism in her comments in the Commons yesterday. She talked about the flak received by ‘those who don’t necessarily conform to preconceived views or ideas about how ethnic minorities should behave or think’. ‘This’, she said, ‘is racist in itself’. She is completely right. The woke lobby’s expectation that entire ethnic and racial groups should think in one way is explicitly racist. It reduces individuals to racial creatures, mere cogs in a racial mass, who must think and act in a way that leftists – very often white leftists – expect them to. It’s a contemptuous idea of political ownership, where the left sees ethnic minorities as theirs, as their political property. That many Indian-heritage people back the Tories makes them race traitors in the eyes of the contemporary left. In recent years we have seen very clearly that the supposedly anti-racist left has a serious problem with both Jews and Indians. It isn’t hard to see why."


Meme - "Your risk of getting Monkeypox 0 No risk-10 High risk
*0 - Donald Trump*
*5 - ???*
*10 - Buttigieg"

San Francisco Calls For State Of Emergency Because Of Surging Monkeypox - "“If there were any other community that was disproportionately impacted by monkeypox the way the gay community has been impacted, this whole country would be up in arms,” Breed pontificated... Tyler TerMeer, chief executive officer of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, ripped the federal government as he referenced the AIDS issue in the 1990s, saying, “We are once again in a moment of federal public health failure to cisgender and transgender men as well as nonbinary folks who have similar social and sexual networks.”"
Weird. I thought "stigma" was bad

Is It 'Stigmatizing' to Convey Accurate Information About Monkeypox? - "The vaccines are effective but scarce, with several hotspots limiting doses to gay and bisexual men ('men who have sex with men') with certain sexual habits.  As long as vaccines are hard to come by, that's...entirely appropriate, given that the risk pool for this disease overwhelming falls within those parameters.  So why are some people complaining about 'stigma'?... In certain LGBT circles, good medical advice is almost being treated as a hate crime... given their identity politics fixation, I don't think the Biden administration is dragging its feet out of callousness toward the LGBT community.  I think it's just their signature incompetence at work.  But there's no doubt that if the partisanship were reversed, every misstep and possible example of a lack of urgency would be loudly attributable by malice -- and LGBT activists would be loudly up in arms."

David Mack on Twitter - "just read the comments on this story i wrote and wheewwwwww. absolutely wild to be accused, as a gay reporter, of being anti-gay for reporting on *practical* health advice for a virus that is currently affecting MSM in 98% of known cases, including half a dozen of my own friends"

The WHO wants to give monkeypox a new name - "Monkeypox is poised to get a new name, the World Health Organization says, after scientists recently criticized the current name as "discriminatory and stigmatizing." The researchers say it's also inaccurate to name versions of the virus after parts of Africa...   As for what the virus should be called, the scientists suggest starting with hMPXV, to denote the human version of the monkeypox virus"
Apparently monkeys are discriminated against and face stigma

The Monkeypox pix reveal Western media’s double standards - "From the BBC to the New York Times, the Guardian to Reuters, coverage of the outbreak came with pictures of people of African descent, their exposed skin pocked with festering blisters. Crucially, the pictures were all old file photos, with some being from as far back as the 1990s. The only major news sites that didn’t use these photos were those not based in the West, like Qatari Al Jazeera... It’s hard to find other reasons for the tendency of Western media to gravitate to the lens of disaster porn in their treatment of Africa. Not even in their Covid-19 coverage, when they were ostentatious about being respectful everywhere else, could they shake it off.   Instead, they were overly enthusiastic every time it seemed as though Africa was about to take a turn for the worse, and palpably disappointed with every implosion of that expectation"
Privacy laws should be violated and photos of current patients used to prevent "stigma". Or there should be no photos so people won't know what monkeypox looks like and more people will be infected, because "racism" is bad
Apparently the media didn't breathlessly report about covid cases in the US or UK

Study finds 95% of monkeypox cases transmitted through sexual activity - "our work suggests that most transmissions so far have been related to sexual activity - mainly, but not exclusively, amongst men who have sex with men... Overall, 98 per cent of infected people were gay or bisexual men, 41 percent had HIV and the median age was 38.  Their median number of sex partners in the prior three months was five, and around a third were known to have visited sex-on-site venues such as sex parties or saunas within the previous month."
Liberal logic: 5% of monkeypox cases aren't spread through sexual activity, so we can't talk about preventing sexual transmission of monkeypox because of "stigma"

Two children test positive for monkeypox in the US, CDC confirms - "Dr Rochelle Walensky said the children both had contact with gay or bisexual men — the community where most cases are being detected in the current outbreak."

Meme = "When you ask the LGBT community how Monkeypox spread from adult homosexual men to underage boys
Love is love us
You're a homophobe
Stop calling us groomers"

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - "One of the directors for George Soros' Open Society Foundations who specializes in public health, Sebastian Köhn, shares in the Guardian how he had sex with multiple men in a weekend for NYC Pride & contracted both #monkeypox & gonorrhea. He blames the system for failing him."
Replies: "How did society or the “the system” fail him? His own bio says he has focused on sexual health for the last decade. He knows about STIs and how to prevent them. He knows how to buy and use condoms. He knows about the risks of non-monogamous, non-exclusive sexual relationships."

Cracker Jack Changes Name To More Politically Correct Caucasian Jack | Babylon Bee

Actor Chris O'Dowd says religion is 'unacceptable' - "Actor Chris O'Dowd thinks following a religion will eventually become as offensive and unacceptable as racism."
Of course, he only means one religion

The withering email that got an ethical AI researcher fired at Google - "Jeff Dean, the head of Google research, emailed employees with his account of what happened. Dean said Gebru had issued ultimatum and would resign unless certain conditions were met/...
'Timnit co-authored a paper with four fellow Googlers as well as some external collaborators that needed to go through our review process (as is the case with all externally submitted papers). We’ve approved dozens of papers that Timnit and/or the other Googlers have authored and then published, but as you know, papers often require changes during the internal review process (or are even deemed unsuitable for submission). Unfortunately, this particular paper was only shared with a day’s notice before its deadline — we require two weeks for this sort of review — and then instead of awaiting reviewer feedback, it was approved for submission and submitted.  A cross functional team then reviewed the paper as part of our regular process and the authors were informed that it didn’t meet our bar for publication and were given feedback about why. It ignored too much relevant research — for example, it talked about the environmental impact of large models, but disregarded subsequent research showing much greater efficiencies.  Similarly, it raised concerns about bias in language models, but didn’t take into account recent research to mitigate these issues. We acknowledge that the authors were extremely disappointed with the decision that Megan and I ultimately made, especially as they’d already submitted the paper.   Timnit responded with an email requiring that a number of conditions be met in order for her to continue working at Google, including revealing the identities of every person who Megan and I had spoken to and consulted as part of the review of the paper and the exact feedback. Timnit wrote that if we didn’t meet these demands, she would leave Google and work on an end date. We accept and respect her decision to resign from Google.'"
When you hire grievance mongers

'Gays Against Groomers' vows to push back against radical LGBTQ activists who target children - "A new coalition, "Gays Against Groomers," aims to push back against those who have hijacked their community to target and sexualize children. Through social media, the group is raising awareness of the fact that most people who fall under the LGBTQ umbrella are not on board with the ideas espoused by radical activists... "Our community that once preached love and acceptance of others has been hijacked by radical activists who are now pushing extreme concepts onto society, specifically targeting children in recent years"... The group pointed out that the overwhelming majority of gay people do not accept the radical movement being pushed by activists in their name, accusing school boards, governments, the "woke media," and corporations of being complicit in spreading the ideas the activists espouse.  "Gays Against Groomers directly opposes the sexualization of children," they reiterated. "This includes drag queen story hours, drag shows involving children, the transitioning and medicalization of minors, and gender theory being taught in the classroom." They went on to lament the fact that their community, which once had a simple goal of integrating into society, has now been overrun by those who want to "restructure it entirely in order to accommodate a fringe minority, as well as seek to indoctrinate children into it their ideology."... The group highlighted the fact that the gay community "is not a monolith," and suggested that activists and their proxies in the media, schools, and governments are perpetrating "mass scale child abuse ... on an entire generation." Gays Against Groomers was founded in early June, marking f Month, by Jaimee Michell, who goes by @thegaywhostrayd... Jaimee said that Gays Against Groomers has amassed over 50,000 followers across Twitter and Instagram since it went live three weeks ago, and has received hundreds of messages from other gay people around the country and world wishing to start chapters in their area."

Pennsylvania gay pride event features shirtless instructor teaching children to pole dance
"This is not happening, and it's good that it is"
One cope was that this wasn't sexual. I wonder why it was at Pride, then

Inside the Woke Meltdown at One Domestic Violence Organization - "Women Against Abuse, brought in several diversity consultants to conduct a racial-equity audit. The goal of the audit, Women Against Abuse told staffers, was to become "a fully inclusive, multicultural, and antiracist institution."  By November 2020, the organization, which is ostensibly devoted to "serving all survivors," was offering to pay "BIPOC" employees more than their white counterparts and discouraging black abuse victims from calling the police. Its employees were also at war with each other, bickering over whether Jews are a persecuted minority group and whether there is such a thing as a non-racist white person. Those events prompted Nicole Levitt, an attorney with the group’s legal center, to file a discrimination complaint against her employer with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleging that it "berated, humiliated, and subjected" her to "mandatory thought reform efforts." "Women Against Abuse used to be liberal," Levitt told the Washington Free Beacon. "Now it’s illiberal."... the leading domestic violence nonprofit in Philadelphia descended into dogmatism and infighting, obsessing over identity as domestic homicides in the city reached an all-time high of 43 in 2021—more than double the previous year. That obsession manifested in avant garde policies that led the group far astray from its core mission. The policies weren’t just the product of employee activism, but of outside consultants—including Ragina Arrington, now the chief executive officer of the Clinton Foundation’s Global Initiative University, who since July 2020 has been helping Women Against Abuse conduct its equity audit.  Arrington began this work as a senior officer at Philanthropy Unbound, one of two diversity consultancies retained by Women Against Abuse in the wake of George Floyd’s death. The consultants soon injected race into every crevice of the organization, transforming it from the inside out... activist employees bring in well-heeled diversity consultants who in turn empower the activists... Women Against Abuse provides a panoply of services to abuse victims, from housing and legal representation to child care, case management, and crisis counseling. It is also the primary domestic violence shelter in Philadelphia, according to materials from the audit reviewed by the Free Beacon, and helps the city government coordinate efforts to address domestic violence, which surged across the country amid the pandemic.  After the consultants got involved, however, Women Against Abuse began hosting presentations on defunding the police, whom it discouraged non-white victims of domestic violence from calling. "It is often unsafe for Black victims, victims of color and immigrant victims to reach out to police for help," the group posted on its website in the summer of 2020, given the "inherent racism" of law enforcement.  "The police have never been the solution to violence against women," asserted one PowerPoint presentation, which staffers were required to attend in May 2021. The presentation—"Defund the Police: Safety Planning"—counseled a "restorative justice" approach to domestic violence that used "community-based organizations."  Women Against Abuse did not respond to a request for comment about whom victims should call instead of police. The group also jettisoned its membership in the Sanctuary Institute—effectively an accrediting body for domestic violence nonprofits—which outlines best practices for working with trauma victims. The audit found early on that those practices were a "safe harbor from confronting white supremacy," according to a July 2022 PowerPoint presentation summarizing the audit’s progress, because they focused on comforting people—not on holding them "accountable to things like micro-aggressions and white supremacy behaviors."... her employer had created a "racially hostile work environment"—in part by asking white staffers to sign a statement affirming that "all white people are racist and that I am not the exception." "In the name of ‘equity’ and ‘anti-racism,’" the complaint reads, Women Against Abuse "instituted race-focused programming under which employees are discriminated against, segregated, and barraged with negative racial stereotypes."... a member of the legal center circulated an article about anti-Semitism in the Black Lives Matter movement. Levitt chimed in to endorse the article, writing that, with anti-Semitic violence on the rise, "I hope as an organization we would stand against this as well."  Her email elicited a torrent of vitriol from her colleagues, one of whom called it "a slap in the face of every brown and black person."... Women Against Abuse solicited applications for a "Racial Equity Audit Task Force" to help Arrington and Crossroads "eradicate" bias. True equality, the group made clear, would require white members of the task force to earn less than others.  "All task force members will receive a small stipend every pay period," Women Against Abuse told staffers in a November 10 email. "Due to the nature of this process and the additional emotional labor of unearthing many biases that negatively affect individuals with their shared identity, Black, Brown, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) staffers will receive a larger stipend."  "I was astounded they would do something so blatantly illegal," said Levitt, who included the incident in her discrimination complaint. Multiple civil rights laws, including Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, prohibit pay discrimination on the basis of race. Responding to the complaint, Women Against Abuse told the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that it would be ending the race-based stipend scheme."

Facebook - "A President who is implicated in war crimes against his own people, a Head of State who looted his own country, should never be allowed into Singapore. There are many Singaporeans and Singapore families with roots in Sri Lanka. We risk stirring emotions unnecessarily if we let #GotabayaRajapaksha into our country."
I thought talking about dual loyalty was racist

Meme - Preme Taylorr" "A white girl w braids the same thing as a black girl w blonde wigs"
We knew "cultural appropriation" wouldn't stop at dreadlocks

Popular Video Game Is Getting An INSANE Politically Correct Makeover... - "Super Mario Brothers – the decades-old Italian video game characters – are coming under attack because one of the characters is wearing a sombrero. That’s right. A video game icon that is stereotypically culturally Italian is being attacked for appropriating Mexican culture by wearing a sombrero.  It got so bad that Nintendo – owners of the characters and the game Super Mario Odyssey – actually changed the artwork on the cover of the game to remove the evil headwear... Mexican gamers thought her complaints were idiotic and said they had no problem with the content and appreciated the recognition from Nintendo... One continues to wonder how nobody complains that Mario is an Italian stereotype and that’s not cultural appropriation …  Maybe Italians have better things to do than complain about how their culture is “appropriated” by a video game."
Meme - Rebecca C-Palacios @rebheartsyou: "Hey, it would be nice if we used this stereotype less"
Jass @Jassbec: "Mexican here, chinga tu madre. Don't try to speak for us, we Mexicans love this stuff and like seeing our culture in media. Pendeja."

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