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Sunday, August 14, 2022

Links - 14th August 2022 (1 - MCU)

In Hawkeye (2021) there's plenty of snow in New York in December. This references the fact half of humanity being gone for 5 years halted global warming : shittymoviedetails

Thor: Love and Thunder Is Now the Lowest-Rated Thor Movie on Rotten Tomatoes - "the Taika Waititi film has become the lowest-rated film in the Thor franchise and the second-lowest rated film in the entirety of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  As of this writing, the picture carries a 65-percent Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes with 140 critics on the aggregator filing "Rotten" reviews for the film. The only Marvel Studios flick with a worse rating is Eternals, which remains the studio's lone film to carry an overall Rotten rating. Thor: The Dark World was previously the lowest-rated Thor film with a 66-percent Fresh rating. That's now bumped into third place behind Thor: Ragnarok (93-percent) and Thor (77-percent)."

Meme - "It kills me that in his final moments Nick Fury's thoughts are wether his mom is gonna be ok..."
On Avengers: Infinity War

Meme - "There have now been three Marvel movies that have taken place since Eternals, and somehow no one has once mentioned how the Earth now has this dude sticking out of it"

brie larson getting offended for one minute straight - YouTube

Meme - Chadwick Boseman @chadwickb...: "WAKANDA FOREVER"
Piss Vortex @pissvortex: "disney logging into a dead guy's account to plug their new movie"

Meme - "In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022), Doctor Strange possesses his own corpse. This is a reference to Disney using the Twitter accounts of dead people to promote their movies."

Meme - "Marvel characters but their weapons are everyday items. .."

What are you doing Wanda : memes - "Please do not bang the machines"

‘Eternals’ Movie Review: Chloe Zhao’s Marvel Film - "It was supposed to be different, wasn’t it, with its commitment to real locations and imagery not wedded to the artificial?... But for all its bluster and its vastness of time, Eternals feels strangely vacuum-sealed... the film doesn’t spend the time to really dig in — to this relationship or any other between its ten or so main characters... as the film grows more convoluted (with references to Celestials and Avengers and even some DC characters, if you can believe it), the actors struggle to bring the world-weariness necessary for us to care about any of them. You would think this an impossibility, given how effective and charismatic they’ve been elsewhere. But even the best actors among them seem to strain to find a way to stand out and add the touching foibles that make a superheroic character memorable. Perhaps most notably, and despite Nanjiani’s strenuous effort, the comedy in the film doesn’t suit any cast member’s distinct talents. It’s a reminder that asking wildly different actors to do the same thing — deploy the kind of irreverent banter that’s come to define MCU dialogue — only serves to flatten the franchise’s supposedly expansive worlds. Zhao has neither the deftness nor the interest in elevating this homogenous speaking style, but the reliance on quippy humor speaks more to how Marvel and its stakeholders misunderstand the allure of stars in the first place. Here, they are interchangeable; the cutesy, digestible comedy presence of Nanjiani cranes toward the angled glamour of Jolie until there’s almost no distinction between them. Makkari (Lauren Ridloff), Marvel’s first deaf character, has some spunk when she’s given anything to do, but it’s not enough to distract from the banality around her.   The grander Eternals story, littered with MCU plot holes that get carelessly papered over as more and more heroes and villains make themselves known (where have they been?) and the most powerful figures in MCU’s known arsenal remain absent, doesn’t help to ground the stars or dialogue in their cosmic backdrop... For all the talk about Eternals standing on its own, Marvel still can’t help but tease out upcoming properties. Endless foreplay without climax — this is how Marvel has shaped audiences, to always be eager not about what you’re currently watching but the next thing... whether the Eternals are fighting in desert terrain or hurtling through space, no one character is permitted to stand out or evoke awe... Once again, Marvel has ensembled an undeniably gorgeous array of actors only to have the sexual chemistry between them be slim or nonexistent. Of course, a franchise obsessed with deities and aliens continues to fumble one of the greatest pleasures of being a human being.   Eternals is buoyed along by questions about the worth of humanity. Why do these superpowered aliens care at all about humans, beyond the fact that they were told to? Sure, Phastos has a husband and a young kid. But what about the rest? What drives them beyond a murky desire to do the right thing? There’s gristle to Druig’s (Barry Keoghan) slim portion of the story. He can control people’s minds and has been doing so with Indigenous folks in the Amazon for generations. It’s a queasy turn that the film never unpacks, shuffling it offscreen before we spend too long grappling with what it might mean. Marvel has grown so powerful in part because of how it treats diversity and identity as a checklist; the Eternals characters indeed range in ability, race, and sexuality. But what does it matter to have, say, a gay kiss onscreen, when there’s no heat behind it? What does it matter if the women are of various hues and ages if you don’t care about their interiority? With Eternals, Marvel proves itself to be nothing more than a staid, lumbering black hole. What’s the point in pulling in Hollywood stars if you’re just going to obliterate them?... despite the heft of Eternals, it’s marked by emptiness. In the end, Eternals is nobody’s film."

Eternals - Cosmonaut Quickie - YouTube - "this movie is dull. this movie feels like it's three hours long and its biggest flaw is that it's trying to be too many things at once...  this movie's trying to be an epic about family and love but the characters kind of lack the emotion and depth necessary to tell a story like that. there are way way too many characters in this movie and most of them do not need to be in this story. if you cut about half of them out of this story it would actually be much better. makari and druig aren't really in the movie most of the time and they don't do that much in the grand scheme of things... i can't really say any of them had a satisfying story arc or journey. the characters that do have a stake in the plot are also very badly written. these do not feel like beings that have existed for thousands of years. they don't really feel like a family either but the movie keeps saying that they are and i hate so much when a script does that...   the fact that these people who are like 9 000 years old change their minds more often than i change my underwear. their motivations flip within minutes. their goals are flimsy and sometimes they really don't even make a lot of sense.  phastos doesn't want to help the group save the world when they meet up with him. his choices are to save the earth or just sit by and let it be disintegrated. he claims that he won't help because he has to take care of his human son and human husband. newsflash, pal, they live on the earth. this movie also tries to tell a love story but it forgets to establish why characters fall in love with each other. and it's not like this relationship is really important or anything. it's not like marvel was marketing that this movie has the first ever mcu sex scene. you guys did all that but you forgot to give the characters any reason to like each other... when there's virtually no difference between a character betraying everybody and a character just leaving the story then that means that there's something wrong with the story you're telling. hell there are two main villains in this movie and one of them doesn't have a name and is established at the very end of the story. and he's thrown in so awkwardly that he doesn't even have a place in the final battle. he just shows up late and starts fighting the eternals and the other bad guy...  cersei cares about the fate of the planet because, i don't know. she likes instagram. that's all i know about her. she has no other defining character traits even though she's the main character...  it becomes pretty difficult to enjoy what's happening unless you're perfectly fine with completely turning your brain off and looking at the pretty cgi...  this movie simply does not know what it wants to be. it wants to be an artsy introspective epic. it also wants to be a love story. it also wants to throw in dumb goofy jokes and references. and it also wants to be a fucking cgi superhero action slap fest. and it's not good enough at any one of these things for me to consider it a good movie... the story is not paced well at all because it's not sure what it's supposed to focus on. and a lot of people are saying: wey. you shouldn't be mad at this movie for being different and i think that's just a very small way to look at things. something being different doesn't automatically make it good. if i'm sick of eating chicken for dinner every day and you bring me a pile of shit to eat instead i'm not gonna chow down just because it's different...  if you had a gun to my head and asked me which movie's better: this or venom 2, i guess i'd say this is technically better. but the difference is i thought venom 2 was hilariously bad and i enjoyed it for that reason. in contrast this movie is just long and unengaging"

A VFX Artist Explains What It’s Like Working for Marvel - "It’s pretty well known and even darkly joked about across all the visual-effects houses that working on Marvel shows is really hard. When I worked on one movie, it was almost six months of overtime every day. I was working seven days a week, averaging 64 hours a week on a good week. Marvel genuinely works you really hard. I’ve had co-workers sit next to me, break down, and start crying. I’ve had people having anxiety attacks on the phone.  The studio has a lot of power over the effects houses, just because it has so many blockbuster movies coming out one after the other. If you upset Marvel in any way, there’s a very high chance you’re not going to get those projects in the future. So the effects houses are trying to bend over backward to keep Marvel happy.  To get work, the houses bid on a project; they are all trying to come in right under one another’s bids. With Marvel, the bids will typically come in quite a bit under, and Marvel is happy with that relationship, because it saves it money. But what ends up happening is that all Marvel projects tend to be understaffed...   The other thing with Marvel is it’s famous for asking for lots of changes throughout the process. So you’re already overworked, but then Marvel’s asking for regular changes way in excess of what any other client does. And some of those changes are really major. Maybe a month or two before a movie comes out, Marvel will have us change the entire third act...   Part of the problem comes from the MCU itself — just the sheer number of movies it has. It sets dates, and it’s very inflexible on those dates; yet it’s quite willing to do reshoots and big changes very close to the dates without shifting them up or down. This is not a new dynamic. I remember going to a presentation by one of the other VFX houses about an early MCU movie, and people were talking about how they were getting “pixel-fucked.” That’s a term we use in the industry when the client will nitpick over every little pixel. Even if you never notice it. A client might say, “This is not exactly what I want,” and you keep working at it. But they have no idea what they want. So they’ll be like, “Can you just try this? Can you just try that?” They’ll want you to change an entire setting, an entire environment, pretty late in a movie. The main problem is most of Marvel’s directors aren’t familiar with working with visual effects. A lot of them have just done little indies at the Sundance Film Festival and have never worked with VFX. They don’t know how to visualize something that’s not there yet, that’s not on set with them. So Marvel often starts asking for what we call “final renders.” As we’re working through a movie, we’ll send work-in-progress images that are not pretty but show where we’re at. Marvel often asks for them to be delivered at a much higher quality very early on, and that takes a lot of time. Marvel does that because its directors don’t know how to look at the rough images early on and make judgment calls. But that is the way the industry has to work. You can’t show something super pretty when the basics are still being fleshed out. The other issue is, when we’re in postproduction, we don’t have a director of photography involved. So we’re coming up with the shots a lot of the time. It causes a lot of incongruity. A good example of what happens in these scenarios is the battle scene at the end of Black Panther. The physics are completely off. Suddenly, the characters are jumping around, doing all these crazy moves like action figures in space. Suddenly, the camera is doing these motions that haven’t happened in the rest of the movie. It all looks a bit cartoony. It has broken the visual language of the film... Not every client has the bullying power of Marvel."

Meme - Taika Waititi: "I'll ruin your mythos in a minute, baby."
"Taika did exactly what he said he was gonna do."

Meme - "WHAT WE WANTED... *Hulk tearing stuff apart*
WHAT WE GOT... *Professor Hulk balancing on hands*"

Jessica Alba Says Marvel Movies are 'Still Quite Caucasian', Calls for Better Representation
Given that the US is ~70% caucasian...

Meme - Eternals: "All human mythologies are based on the stories told by a group of ancient aliens with no personality, these stories formed the basis of all folklore and religion throughout human history"

Meme - "BREAKING: Robert Downy jr returning to the MCU as the Black Panther"

Meme - "Since we're bringing back all the lives that were snapped, I thought of a cheer. Bring it on, everyone
Ok, "All lives matter" on three, guys. One, tw-"
"Ayo! What the fuck, Steve?!"

Meme - Jane Foster: "Before I die, there's something I've always wanted to tell you."
Thor: "And what's that?"
Loki: "Hello brother."

Meme - "Wakanda: Shuri's Lab
Norway: Magic Hammer
Jane Foster: Scientist trying to beat cancer"

Meme - "Phase 1: Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it"
Phase 2: "The price of freedern is high, it always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if l'm the only one, then be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not."
Phase 3: "When you can do the things that I can but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you"
Phase 4: "EAT. MY. HAMMER!"

Meme - "I saw this today... and it haunted me so y'all can see this to lol it is only fair. *Thanos in thong*"

Are These 'Avengers' Toys Sexist For Replacing Black Widow With Captain America? - "Look, the fact of the matter is that these companies are trying to sell toys, not force products on demographics that don't want them. LEGO has lots of cool superhero girl toys. X-Men sets with Storm and Jean Grey. Batman sets with Poison Ivy. But I'd bet they sell more of their LEGO Friends and LEGO Disney Princess sets to girls---and not because LEGO is sexist.  Are most of these fantasy and comic book sets geared toward boys? Of course. That's because boys are more likely to want them. It's why there are far fewer Kristoff toys than there are Anna and Elsa toys. And why He-Man was more popular with boys than She-Ra back when I was a kid...   Are there girls who want to play with comic book LEGOs? Of course there are. And they're going to have a harder time finding girl-centric comic book LEGOs. Boys who want to play with Barbie dolls face a similarly grim consumer experience (probably worse, since boys discovered to be playing with Barbie dolls face much harsher social repercussions than girls playing with Avengers toys.)...   Still, it seems more and more apparent that what we really need to do is just define Black Widow by how sexist everyone is to her, from toy companies to director Joss Whedon himself. Because what a female super-hero really ought to be is a symbol for a political cause and nothing more. She needs to be a victim of social backwardness first, in order to become a hero.  Or how about, let's not do that. Black Widow is a great character. She's morally complex. She's grappling with her femininity in a world of violence and masculinity. She's not content to fit inside some politically driven box, and kudos to her for that, and kudos to Joss Whedon and Marvel for including such an interesting character, even if she is rather lonely surrounded by all that testosterone. At least she's not a caricature."

Meme - "Kirsten Dunst Says Pay Gap Between Her and Spider-Man Costar Tobey Maguire Was 'Extreme'"
"I missed the part where the movie is called "Mary Jane""

Meme - "When the couple buying you drinks and trick arrows on vacation give you this look"

Kate Bishop Hawkeye GIF - Tenor GIF Keyboard - Bring Personality To Your Conversations | Say more with Tenor (Mirror)
Kate Bishop riding

Sam Raimi Updates on Twitter - "The impact of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3."

Facebook - "it’s mind boggling how nat portman is such an amazing actress but seems to lack all sense of character in marvel movies. her comic pacing doesn’t jive at all with hemsworth’s well-established surfer bro schtick and waititi’s preferences for the offbeat.
and the cancer scenes just felt rather… unempathetic? that’s probably as much waititi and scriptwriters as it is her, but it was a bit jarring to see a purportedly stage 4 patient portrayed with no sense of interiority. one can be brittle without being plastic. just rang a bit false.
for the previous few movies she also had a lot more of darcy’s quirks to bounce off. unfortunately i guess that seems to be the default tone for marvel movies - quippy / quirky wisecrackers. not her strongest suit."
Maybe that's why Ragnarok was good

Have we gone from Marvel fatigue to Marvel exhaustion? - "Has the Marvel Cinematic Universe entered its flop era? From a box office perspective, certainly not: the mounds of money amassed by Thor: Love and Thunder this past weekend – and the records shattered by multiple generations of Spider-Men last Christmas – prove that the public hasn’t lost its appetite for these quippy, interconnected spandex spectacles. Yet the reviews and even the reactions of opening-night audiences tell a different story: the tale of a franchise too big to fail skidding into its roughest creative patch. Over the last year, Disney has released a whopping six new Marvel movies. Each has been plagued by its own problems, familiar to the MCU but amplified: perfunctory CGI climaxes (Black Widow and Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings), boring ensembles (Eternals), convoluted homework plots (Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness) and complete tonal incoherence (Thor: Love and Thunder). The best and most popular of the bunch, Spider-Man: No Way Home, has the novelty of an exchange program, pulling fan favorites from other continuities to provoke standing ovations. But it also has muddy green-screen action and an overstuffed, MacGuffin-heavy story... they reinforce the limitations put on their directors, whose much-vaunted location shooting or stray flashes of zombie slapstick can’t disguise the rigidity of the overarching modus operandi.  In theory, it’s not such a bad thing that Marvel appears to be operating, for once, without an explicit, giant event on the horizon. After all, didn’t these films once seem a little too chained to the architecture of their grand design, at times feeling like glorified trailers for some exciting movie you’d have to wait until next summer to see? Yet it’s not as though Marvel is suddenly investing in standalone, self-contained adventures. It’s still tying up plot threads (including ones left hanging on television) and teasing future ones via post-credit stingers. The films remain fundamentally serialized in nature, but without the urgency of a, well, endgame. And that has only underscored the impression of a content mill, churning out stories without much in the way of a purpose or plan... The very thing that’s made Marvel movies so successful is also what’s prevented them from rising above a certain ceiling of proficient fun: they’re designed to be familiar and digestible, to offer tweaked variations on a model audiences already love and have come to expect... If Marvel is in a rut, the simple solution would be to slow down the production schedule. A little more development time couldn’t hurt the movies, too many of which lately have felt like placeholders on a calendar, created only to fill the content void. And absence might make the heart grow fonder... But why would Disney take a breather? With opening weekends like the one Love and Thunder just logged, there’s little incentive for the studio to slow down its assembly line, or even to pay much attention to the individual quality of the entries dropping off it. Maybe these movies are a little worse than they once were because they can be; the brand is so strong, with such an iron grip on the public’s imagination and wallets, that the basic quality assurance that used to characterize it is no longer strictly necessary. If Marvel builds it, people will come. Until they don’t, we can probably expect the creative entropy to continue."

Meme - "Girls: oh no, I don't have anything to wear
Boys: *Tobey Maguire in 2002, 2004, 2007 and 2022 in the same dark grey tee*"

Meme - "Heh, imagine glorifying your nation's folk "heroes". Who cares?"
*MCU photo* "WAOW!"

Meme - "Mordo, aren't you coming? We need all the help we can get to stop Wanda"
"Are you nuts?! Witches be crazy man
Haven't you seen a horror movie? Black man always dies first. I'm staying down here!"

Meme - "So I've been hooking up with Banner. Especially when he's Hulked out. It's this big, Kate Bishop. Natasha was so right. I've not walked straight for days, Kate Bishop."

Tilda Swinton Talks Doctor Strange Whitewashing, Kevin Feige Regrets - "Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige went on record in May saying he regrets whitewashing the role of The Ancient One in “Doctor Strange” by casting Tilda Swinton. In a new interview with Variety, Swinton said she is “very, very grateful” that Feige came forward to denounce her casting. Feige added at the time, “We thought we were being so smart, and so cutting-edge. We’re not going to do the cliché of the wizened, old, wise Asian man. But it was a wake-up call to say, ‘Well, wait a minute, is there any other way to figure it out? Is there any other way to both not fall into the cliché and cast an Asian actor?’ And the answer to that, of course, is yes.”"
How do you escape a Kobayashi Maru situation? Even rewriting the story to erase the Ancient One and change the setting would get bitching about "erasure"

Dafaq did i just watch, funny GIFs - *Iron Man cosplay with butt as helmet*

Meme - "Wanda, I have children of my own. I understand your pain."
"Is their mother still alive?"
"Then I'll be their new mommy."
"Fantastic 4 in the MULTIVERSE of STEPMOM"

Meme - "You gave us a Muslim Pakistani character on Disney+. But you didn't give us Disney+ to watch it at home! It doesn't seem fair"

The MCU Will Reportedly Have Almost No White Male Heroes Soon
From 2020. It's been remarkably accurate

Meme - "Girls when they're wearing the same outfit
*Captain America vs Captain America*
Boys when they're wearing the same outfit:
Kang variants: I love your shoes.
I love your hat."

Marvel's next wave of heroes will tear up tradition in the name of progress - "If there was anything guaranteed to rile the anti-woke brigade, it ought to be the news that Superman could soon be black on the big screen, just as a woman takes on the mantle of Thor. And yet, what’s that we hear rumbling through the cosmos like space tumbleweed, but the sound of (relative) silence? Apart from a few minor Twitter grumbles when it was announced at Comic-Con 2019 that Natalie Portman was to take on the role of Marvel’s thunder god, there has been very little in the way of backlash – certainly nothing like the horrible behaviour dished out to Kelly Marie Tran for daring to sign up to Star Wars, or to Leslie Jones for appearing in the all-female Ghostbusters remake. Nor have the trolls really begun to target reports that acclaimed essayist and novelist Ta-Nehisi Coates will pen a new film about the man of steel for Warner Bros that is expected to feature a black version of Kal-El... The fact that movies like these are being met with enthusiasm should not signal that the dark side of the internet is dwindling. After all, we don’t have to look too far back to find a time when blatant racism was something to be brushed under the carpet, rather than publicly called out. Only this week, Harry Potter star Katie Leung revealed that she faced online abuse after her role as Cho Chang was announced over a decade ago, even stumbling upon a “hate site” directed at her. Leung told the Chinese Chippy Girl podcast she was told by publicists to deny the attacks were happening."
Of course, the question of why the racist and sexist fans are not upset is never explored, even when the writer takes pains to claim that "racism" is as bad as ever

Meme - Vision: "It says here that pregnancy occurs when the man's sperm fertilizes the woman's egg."
Wanda: "Yeah. I already know that, Vis. Why are you telling me?"
Vision: "Because androids don't produce sperm. So whose is it, bitch?"

I reluctantly finished Moon Knight — and I’m torn - "At this point, I’ve made my feeling about Moon Knight fairly clear. The first half of the six-episode series seriously dented my enthusiasm for Marvel TV shows. Then, I came away even more underwhelmed when I returned to give Moon Knight a second chance. As noted in last time, I had every intention of dropping the series after four episodes and not even finishing Moon Knight. However, the reaction to my critical opinion of the show from Marvel fans was passionate, to put it rather mildly.  Many readers argued that it was unfair to judge the show without having finished it first. So, after much reflection, I decided the only course of action was to solider on through the Disney Plus series, and see this journey through to the bitter end...  After watching Moon Knight to the end, I do still maintain an overall muted opinion of the entire series as a whole. That said? I was pleasantly surprised by several aspects of Moon Knight’s final two hours.  The biggest twist in Moon Knight episode 5 is not Marc/Steven waking up in a psychiatric hospital and being greeted by a hippopotamus-headed woman. Instead, I was surprised by how the up-to-this-point lackluster show suddenly gets quite good.  Episode 5, titled "Asylum," explores the backstory of both Marc Spector and Steven Grant. And for the first time in the series, I actually felt engaged by the show’s protagonist...  This stronger, laser-sharp focus also helps the episode and stands in stark contrast to much of Moon Knight, which squandered any potential with frequently uneven pacing and screentime dedicated to Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke) and Layla El-Faouly (May Calamawy), who came across as rather dull...  Unfortunately, Moon Knight episode 6, "Gods and Monsters," veers closer in quality to the first four episodes of the show. Although I will say, it’s still an improvement and kept me entertained throughout, which is certainly more than the sleepy middle chunk of the show did...  However, all this extravagantly expensive CGI can't quite make up for how rushed Moon Knight’s conclusion feels. This final episode attempts to cover quite significant ground at almost warp speed. If someone like me, who is hardly the most invested viewer, found this frustrating, I can imagine the rush to tie things up greatly disappointing someone more engaged with the show...  My biggest takeaway from enjoying the final two Moon Knight episodes more than I expected, was that I wish Moon Knight had been given his own movie instead of a Disney Plus series.  While I’ve seen some fans express gratitude that a slightly more high-concept hero was given additional time to be introduced to the Marvel audience, from my perspective the six-episode series had about two hours of pretty solid material, and then an awful lot of filler.  Episodes three and four are the most egregious example of this...  I can’t say I’m particularly interested in a possible Moon Knight season 2, but if Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley pops up in some other Marvel show or movie, I’d be curious to see how the character interacts with others. That may not sound like high praise, but after four episodes of Moon Knight my enthusiasm for the hero was pretty much zero so it’s definitely a pleasant surprise to end up here...  It’s a cut above the likes of Falcon and Winter Soldier and Hawkeye, but not by a great distance"

'Captain Marvel': How “Digital Plastic Surgeons” De-Aged Samuel L. Jackson

Meme - "You don't want your daughter to participate in AvengerCon because it might be haram... but meanwhile you walk around in public without wearing hijab.
That doesn't seem fair."
On Ms Marvel

Ms. Marvel Viewership the Lowest of Any MCU Disney+ Series - "The 775,000 is a surprising drop from other titles, with the previous low being Hawkeye, which still saw 1.5 million users tune in across the first five days of the series... Ms. Marvel drew in a more diverse audience, with Black, Hispanic, and Asian households tuning into the series at a higher rate."
Diversity is not a winning strategy after all

'Ms. Marvel' praised by fans but flooded with bad reviews. Critics think they know why. - "Many felt the criticism was unwarranted and said that not every show was made for every demographic"
I'm amazed this article didn't pull the race or religion card
I saw one liberal crowing that "The new Proud Family reboot is about as "woke" as it gets and Ms. Marvel is also starting off the same, yet there's been zero complaints from the people who've been crying everytime something "goes woke"" and that "it's obvious why the anti-woke crowd hasn't said anything about these two shows...", which was an example of liberals unintentionally reaching the point: liberals see fans upset over hypocritical one-way race/gender swapping and conclude that fans are upset because they hate women and minorities, and that just having women and minorities in a show is woke. But in reality what fans are upset at is lazy race/gender swapping where existing characters are cannibalised because new characters can't stand on their own. So of course they're not upset at Ms Marvel for featuring women/minorities. Plus fans also don't like forced wokeness, and Ms Marvel doesn't really have that (it even subtly critiques Islam).
Of course, other liberals are still claiming that fans hate it because it features a minority girl - when the complaints are really about cringe writing etc
Meanwhile on a Pakistani Facebook Page (Express Tribune Life & Style) many people were blaming Indians for review-bombing it. Best comment: "This show is like Aziz Ansari, a brown product made for white Christian people"

The MCU Is Repeating Netflix Marvel Show Issues - "The old Marvel Netflix shows were tremendously popular, but they weren't without their critics - notably for their pacing. The best TV series vary their pacing subtly, with gripping action sequences interspersed with slower character moments, drawing viewers into its world and ensuring they connect with the characters. Every series must find its own balance, based on its own unique identity, but Marvel Netflix shows became synonymous with pacing problems. It led to the popular view they simply had too many episodes per season, with Marvel's writers struggling to fill them... Ironically, Marvel would be wise to take a look at comic books for inspiration. Comic book writers have always understood that every issue is both the latest for an old fan and a potential jumping-on point for a new one. Thus every individual issue has to have enough of a hook to draw a new reader in, to make them decide to pick up back issues and buy the next one, even as it continues the overarching narrative. There's nothing wrong with "filler" issues or ones that are focused on characters, but those have to feel compelling enough to ensure people sense their value. Right now, Marvel Studios isn't striking that balance on Disney+."

Meme - Kang: "you took everything from me"
Scarlet Witch: "i don't even know who you are"
Kang: "you will *Reed Richards ripped to ribbons*"

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