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Friday, August 19, 2022

Links - 19th August 2022 (2)

Why Renaissance Paintings Aren’t as Green as They Used to Be - " “Noli me tangere,” which hangs today in a gallery of the Louvre, is one of many Renaissance paintings that features a copper-based pigment called verdigris. When fresh, its shade of bluish green is rare and luminous. But like many pigments popular in the 15th through 17th centuries, verdigris is toxic and unstable... To anyone living in the 21st century, it might not be obvious that Renaissance paintings were once much more colorful than they look now... the charismatic green can be spotted in several works by Sandro Botticelli, such as the resplendently verdant “The Mystical Nativity,” which depicts—you guessed it—Christ and the Virgin Mary. DiFuria also suspects that Jan van Eyck’s green-sheened “Ghent Altarpiece” uses verdigris. The greens in these paintings are presumably less prismatic than they would have been several centuries ago, but they still, somehow, seem to glow."

Tokyo's 'oldest man' had been dead for 30 years - "He was thought to be the oldest man in Tokyo - but when officials went to congratulate Sogen Kato on his 111th birthday, they uncovered mummified skeletal remains lying in his bed.  Mr Kato may have been dead for 30 years according to Japanese authorities.  They grew suspicious when they went to honour Mr Kato at his address in Adachi ward, but his granddaughter told them he "doesn't want to see anybody".  Police are now investigating the family on possible fraud charges... Mr Kato's relatives told police that he had "confined himself in his room more than 30 years ago and became a living Buddha," according to a report by Jiji Press.  But the family had received 9.5 million yen ($109,000: £70,000) in widower's pension payments via Mr Kato's bank account since his wife died six years ago, and some of the money had recently been withdrawn."

Did We Mishear Neil Armstrong’s Famous First Words on the Moon? - "Armstrong insisted that he actually said, “That’s one small step for a man.” In fact, in the official transcript of the Moon landing mission, NASA transcribes the quote as “that’s one small step for (a) man.”... problems in speech perception can arise when those kinds of cues are missing, especially when pitch and rhythm are used for non-linguistic purposes, like in music. This is one reason why misheard song lyrics – called “ mondegreens” – are common. When singing or rapping, a lot of the speech cues we usually use are shifted to accommodate the song’s beat, which can end up jamming our default perception process...  Over the years, researchers have tried to comb the audio files of Armstrong’s famous words, with mixed results. Some have suggested that Armstrong definitely produced the infamous “a,” while others maintain that it’s unlikely or too difficult to tell. But the original sound file was recorded 50 years ago, and the quality is pretty poor"

Dual-flush toilets 'wasting more water than they save' - "Campaigners have warned for years that dual-flush toilets, introduced as more efficient alternatives that were expected to use less than half the amount of water per flush, are more prone to leaks."

Meme - Worker: "The plant I've worked all my life has shut down and my home town is dying"
Liberal: "Lmao learn to code"
Liberal: "I spent 4 years getting a useless degree and now I'm thousands of dollars in debt"
Worker: "Lmao learn to weld"

The shift in the American public’s political values - "The interactive chart below illustrates the shift in the American public’s political values over the past two decades, using a scale of 10 questions asked together on seven Pew Research Center surveys since 1994. The share of Americans with ideologically consistent values has increased over this time and these political values also have become more strongly associated with partisanship. These shifts are particularly pronounced among politically engaged Americans. Use the controls below to see more detail about ideological consistency in the American public since 1994"
This has a convenient median line that you can monitor as a measure of polarization.
In 2014, 2015 and 2017, the median Republican was equally conservative, though from 2004 to 2014 the median Republican became more conservative (from 1994 to 1999 then 2004, the median Republican became more liberal)
OTOH, the median Democrat became more liberal from 1994 to 1999, stayed constant through 2004 and 2011, became more liberal in 2014, stayed constant in 2015 and then became even more liberal in 2017
So despite the "fact checks" on Elon Musk's meme on the left self-radicalising, it is supported by the data

If you hate the culture wars, blame liberals
On individual issues too, Democrats have been radicalising, while Republicans have become less partisan, stayed more or less the same or become only slightly more partisan

Why Does Your Nose Get Stuffy One Nostril at a Time? - "your nostrils split their workload. Throughout the day, they each take breaks in a process of alternating congestion and decongestion called the nasal cycle. At a given moment, if you're breathing through your nose, the lion’s share of the air is going in and out of one nostril, with a much smaller amount passing through the other... There are at least two good reasons why nasal cycling happens.  One, it makes our sense of smell more complete. Different scent molecules degrade at different rates, and our scent receptors pick up on them accordingly. Some smells are easier to detect and process in a fast-moving airstream like the decongested nostril, while others are better detected in the slower airstream of the congested nostril. Nasal cycling also seems to keep the nose maintained for its function as an air filter and humidifier. The alternating congestion gives the mucous and cilia (the tiny hairs up in your nose) in each nostril a well-deserved break from the onslaught of air and prevents the insides of your nostrils from drying out, cracking and bleeding."

Pictured: Taxi driver 'who locked suicide bomber in his car' outside Liverpool hospital - "A hero taxi driver has been credited with saving many lives after locking an alleged suicide bomber inside his cab just moments before the vehicle blew up outside a hospital in what police and MI5 are now probing as a Poppy Day terror attack.  The explosion turned David Perry's cab into a fireball outside the Liverpool Women's Hospital, seconds before the 11am minute's silence was due to take place"
The Volkswagen ad was supposed to be a joke

“Potentially Hazardous” Asteroid The Width Of 2,000 Ferrets To Whizz Past Earth Tomorrow
Somehow superior Imperial measurements are never good enough for Americans

Meme - "Chocolate Easter bunnies are hollow to represent God's promises"

Meme - "Quran Says... "
"You can't understand Quran. you misquoted the verse."
"Islamic teaching says..."
"This is not true islam. You must learn Arabic to know islam."
"Believers do...."
"They are not true believers. You must speak to the people who are islamic scholars."
"A scholar says...."
"They don't represent Islam."
"A sahih Hadith says..."
"This hadith is weak & fake."

Meme - "Every time I have a programming question and I rly need help, I post it on Reddit and then log into another account and reply to it with an obscenely incorrect answer. Ppl don't care about helping others but they LOVE correcting others. Works 100% of the time"

Cat on a fast train roof holds up London to Manchester service - "The tabby was spotted curled up on top of an Avanti West Coast train about half an hour before it was due to depart for Manchester at 9pm and refused to move.  Passengers were transferred to a replacement train with only a slight delay and the train was taken out of service so staff could coax the cat down from its precarious perch, where it was perilously close to the 25,000 volt overhead lines.  After a two and a half hours, the standoff came to an end when a bin was pulled up beside the carriage, giving the animal a platform on which to disembark."

Meme - "In the UK right now a train is delayed as a Cat is sitting on the roof and refusing to come down."
"It says west coast on the front of the train. America"

Snowstorm leaves customers, employees at Denmark IKEA stranded inside - "A severe snowstorm forced customers and employees to spend the night together inside the showroom of a northern Denmark IKEA store.  After 12 inches of snow fell Wednesday night, 6 customers and nearly 2 dozen employees inside the Aalborg, Denmark furniture store were left trapped inside...  the employees all had a good time during the sleepover where they watched television and ate together... it was not the only store in the area to house employees overnight as a result of the storm.  A toy shop next door also housed employees overnight."

Colorado State Board Drops ‘Sex Offender’ Term, Calling It A Negative Label - "The way sex offenders are labeled is changing in Colorado. The board that sets state standards voted today to change the term “sex offenders” to reflect so-called “person-first” language...   “Client” is one of five options the board considered.  Supports of the change in terminology argue it will reduce recidivism. Opponents say it will only reduce accountability, noting victims and survivors live with their label for life.  In the end, the board voted 10-6 to go with “adults who commit sexual offenses.”...   Jessica Dotter with the Colorado District Attorneys’ Council worries the change won’t end with the Sex Offender Management Board, “I’m concerned that the use of person-first language generally is an intent to remove accountability from offenders and to diminish the experience of the victims”. Last year, lawmakers considered a bill that would have, among other things, eliminated the term “sexually violent predator” from statutes but they ended up pulling it. Meanwhile, a task force charged with sentencing reform is considering asking the legislature to change terms like “defendant,” “convict,” and “felon” to “justice-involved people.”  Ironically, the Sex Offender Management Board will not drop “sex offender” from its name because only the state Legislature can change the name of the board."
The "myth" of the slippery slope

Sunbathing Woman Run Over At The Beach By Florida Deputy's SUV - "Deputy Todd Brien’s marked Chevrolet Tahoe SUV was parked as he spoke to pedestrians on the beach before being dispatched to investigate a 911 hang-up call at a different location... Brian “made a right turn” as he took off and drove over a 23-year-old woman “while she was lying on her back in the sand,” the sheriff’s office said. She was identified as Robin Diffenderfer.  “The front driver side tire of the Tahoe drove over Diffenderfer’s right side and mid to upper back area,” the sheriff’s office said. She sustained “non-life threatening injuries” and was transported to the hospital"

Irish girl sunbathing... No not her : funny

BBC Radio 4 - Moral Maze, The Moral Authority of Organised Religion - "‘I think the problem that the church has goes beyond the scandals over sexual abuse and its behavior as an institution, I think it's lost moral authority more generally. And that's because it's largely stopped talking about personal responsibility, which is the essence of moral behavior. And instead it has fallen in far too much with the ideologies promoting hyper individualism’...
‘I suppose you seem to share this this view of humanity that Rousseau had that we're kind of we're all innately good but you know, I used to be a teacher. I understand how inherently evil children can be, they can be little demons’...
‘About 50 years ago, there was a culture of deference towards the clergy and perhaps even less than that, and that's the sort of thing that you know, priests would be believed over other people. That's absolutely not the case now. I mean, it happens to me sometimes. I wear a collar, I walk down the street, people wind their window down and abuse me because I wear a collar, people will shout pedo in the street to me, if I wear a dog collar... the idea that you know that people are doffing their caps to the local Vicar. That's not what's causing this’"

Meme - "THIS IS NOT OUR TRADITIONAL DRESS *full face veils*

Meme - "Wildly overstating the practical value of paid test prep
Test prep company marketing
Leftist weirdos"

Meme - "Yummy fruit *dies*"
"correlation does not equal causation *all die*"

Book excerpt: The Canada I fell in love with is gone - "Canada, with its declared agnosticism about blood and belonging — agnosticism that came through the front door officially with Pierre Elliott Trudeau but had many earlier traces — is of the Enlightenment, although by birthday of its confederation she is rather Victorian. The person writing these lines also understood herself to be a child of the Enlightenment, intent on proving with her own life that we can abandon blind obedience to traditions and re-examine our life and everything we’ve known, and become part of a new society — community even — based on shared ideals and the conscious choice to belong. Now she is not sure anymore that that’s how things work.  Something’s been happening with the we. I am beginning to suspect that there are fewer and fewer of us believing in the “great solidarity” across ethnicity, class, and time. My adoptive country and my city are becoming unrecognizable. Conversations in the public sphere are changing, as are those in the media and the culture. Public speech increasingly must be premised with a recitation of pronouns — this is now even required of lawyers before B.C. courts and their clients — and land acknowledgements. What should those who do not share those religious and ideological beliefs do? Are we always already letting the side down even before we’ve said anything? The internet speaks American and so, increasingly, do we, importing wholesale the culture wars as they happen in the U.S., adopting the diagnoses of American problems as universally relevant. There is this elaborate vocabulary of political contestation all around us, why not use it? the thinking goes. We apply the American framework of irreconcilable ‘black’ and ‘white’ difference to Canada and harden the settler and Indigenous split. Where this paradigm is not available, the cleaving is along the lines of ‘white’ and ‘BIPOC,’ a strange acronym unifying all Black, Indigenous and people of colour, as if they all have something in common, as if not being ‘white’ automatically groups them into the same category. Over the last five years in particular, people running Canadian cultural institutions and media have put all of their chips on irreconcilable differences. There is no Canada for all, no political cause for all, and no arts for all. There is no individual outside ethnic determinism: there are bits and bobs of inter-regional and inter-ethnic resentment. What happens to class analysis under those circumstances? What happens to arts? Art criticism? The possibility of “great solidarity”? Freedom of expression?  Free speech used to be a liberal-left cause when The Body Politic magazine existed, Little Sister’s bookstore had its literature stopped at the Canada-U.S. border, NDP MP Svend Robinson questioned the need to refer to a God in the Canadian Constitution, and further back, when Manitoba’s United College fired Prof. Harry Crowe over an expressed political opinion, the NDP opposed the War Measures Act, Doris Anderson edited Chatelaine, and further back still, when William Lyon Mackenzie was publishing the Colonial Advocate. Freedom of speech is not a top-drawer value for the left and liberal centre in Canada any longer. It’s not just that Canada has forgotten it used to think of itself as a liberal democracy. Illiberalism in the chattering classes is one thing. Sometimes liberalism leaves the society open to illiberal developments by its own constitution. It shies away from questions about a good, fulfilled life worth living, and limits itself to offering one type of freedom — freedom from interference  —  and not giving enough space to positive freedom, the capacity building and real options for its citizens. I live in a city, and a country, where car drivers and house owners decide what living in the city and country is going to be like for everybody. Where only those who are upper-middle class (and up) can give a career in the arts, literature, or journalism a go. Where only citizens with that kind of solvency can count on having consistent access to psychotherapy. Toronto 2022 is a hybrid of Dubai (endless luxury condominium towers) and Vancouver (extreme housing costs). It’s also a place of people who are compelled to work and hustle more than ever, who have stopped reading books, are screen-bound, and increasingly lonely. If a certain liberal and democratic mettle is necessary for liberal democracy to be accomplished and carried over into the future, do we have enough of it? Can that political ideal survive without the kind of citizens who can be relied on to have a degree of independence of spirit, curiosity, capacity for deep concentration, and freedom from fear and penury?"

Stop calling people ‘toxic’. Here’s why - "Over the past few years I’ve noticed a rise in the label “toxic” as a response to difficult or destructive behavior. Media outlets from Psychology Today to Harvard Business Review run articles on how to identify or avoid toxic people. Politicians like Mitch McConnell use the term to describe their adversaries. Even academic psychologists have begun to take up the language... Now clinicians and laypeople proliferate endless self-help and pop psychology content about how in every job interview, family of in-laws, or pool of prospective dates lurk so-called toxic people. Like many colloquial terms characterizing psychological phenomena, toxicity is unspecific. Toxic people are bullies or victims, overly involved or overly removed, too negative or too positive. While seductive, this kind of blanket labeling comes with a lot of problems. The entire premise is based on dubious science and elicits unhelpful and fatalistic behavior from people on both sides of conflict... Personality pathology, though treated as legitimate in mainstream discourse, is hotly debated by actual clinicians.  For example, narcissistic personality disorder is so contested that it was almost removed from a 2013 edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the official US psychiatric disorders reference), partly because clinicians couldn’t agree what exactly it is. References to psychopathy, like toxicity, pervade pop culture despite the fact that there is no such diagnosis in official psychiatric manuals. The clinical tools for assessing psychopathy are fishy, yet this clinical flimsiness hasn’t diminished the concept’s prevalence.  Psychiatrist and historian Jonathan Metzl has extensively documented the ways that clinical categories develop and morph as culture changes. If YouTube self-help gurus and TV crime dramas tell stories about narcissism, psychopathy, or toxicity, we start to recognize the categories in real courtrooms, clinics, cubicles, and in our own lives. So if narcissist and psychopath aren’t necessarily stable scientific categories, what do we know about people with difficult personalities? In general, people are malleable, and variations in context and experience can elicit highly varied behavior. Research suggests that even difficult personality styles can change over time, rather than being fixed and immovable. Intractable conflict experts don’t focus much on bad actors in part because they know that dynamics and situations are toxic, not people... So if the science is dubious, why call each other toxic? Partly because it’s emotionally satisfying to blame other people for our distress; people actually get addicted to the feeling of grievance."
I notice the ones who call everyone else "toxic" are the toxic ones

Meme - ANISA @aaaanisaxx: "when I was 19 I had to apply for a job and couldn't be arsed writing a cover letter so I made a fake job ad for the job I was applying for on gumtree and like 200 people applied and I picked the best cover letter as my own"

Nasa to send nude photos to space to ‘attract aliens’ - "This won’t be the first time that we have sent nude depictions and messages into space. In the 1970s, the Pioneer 10 and 11 missions included plaques that had drawings of naked humans.  Many critics have been concerned about the dangers of reaching out to intelligent civilisations in the cosmos."

How the humble 'cai fan' is now all the rage in epicurean Hong Kong - "In a city pummelled by two years of political upheaval, economic downturn and seemingly endless pandemic controls – a ban on dining in after 6 pm. just lifted late last month – two-dishes-and-rice places have become a lifeline...   There are now at least 353 businesses selling two dishes and rice across the city, according to a crowdsourced map. No census exists of how many existed before, but Hong Kong food scholars and diners agreed there were far fewer before the pandemic...   Two dishes and rice had long been overlooked, or dismissed as the realm of broke students or the working class. In both format and quality, it recalls Panda Express in the United States. In Hong Kong, some jokingly referred to it as “cursory rice,” to reflect their low expectations.  “It was seen as food for commoners, people with low incomes,” said Siu Yan Ho, a lecturer who studies the city’s food culture at Hong Kong Baptist University... Many Hong Kongers also do not cook, in a city where groceries are expensive and tiny apartments may not have kitchens...   Chefs at ailing cha chaan tengs — traditional Hong Kong sit-down eateries — quit to open two-dishes-and-rice shops. A popular local hot dog chain started its own two-dishes-and-rice offshoot. Seafood banquet halls wheeled out a few pans of ready-made dishes at night as takeout options when the dine-in ban kicked in. So did coffee shops better known for their latte artistry... To distinguish themselves among all the competition, some shops offer whole steamed fish or lobster for a few additional dollars. Others throw in free soup. One spot in the Yau Ma Tei neighbourhood includes truffle chicken, red rice and quinoa to lure younger customers...   Like all food trends, this one is likely to end. It may already be in its sunset days: On the day the 6 p.m. dining-in ban was lifted, Andrew Wong, the Facebook fan group’s founder, posted, “The All-Hong Kong Two Dishes and Rice Thanksgiving Festival has officially ended.” Many members wrote how excited they were to sit down at dim sum parlours with friends again.  Still, many said there would always be an appetite for the rice boxes – both among the converted, and those who had long depended on them.   That includes Lo Siu-ying, 64. Peering at the day’s selection at Kai Kee, Lo, dressed in a pair of rubber work boots, said she’d been eating there for years. It was the easiest option for herself and her husband, both of whom left home at 8am for their job as building cleaners and returned past midnight."

Granny wields stick to fend off vulgar wedding pranks for grandson and his bride - "The incident, which went viral, happened in Guizhou province in southwest China and was recorded by the groom’s father, who thought the memory would be worth capturing... “Many of our local young adults like wedding horseplay, which our family despises,” said the father, the older Jiang. “After seeing some people attempt to play tricks on my son, his grandmother became enraged and picked up a stick to escort the couple all the way from the bride’s home to our home,” he added.  As seen in the father’s video, the grandmother told the crowd, “If anyone dares to touch my grandson, I will hit them with the stick!” as she walked ahead of the couple... “She said, ‘you are still young, and you cannot offend people by forbidding them from the tradition, but I am over 70 years old, and no longer care.”... In 2018, a groom, surnamed Xia, became disabled after losing his balance and falling with his arms and legs tied up, the consequence of a wedding prank that went a bit too far.  Last year, a groom was repeatedly whipped after being tied to a tree by his guests. And the harder he screamed, the more excited the people lashing him became, as it was considered to be a blessing for the newlyweds.  Local governments in Zunyi, Guizhou, where the couple live, issued notices at the beginning of this year to encourage people to report vulgar wedding practices to curb the custom."

Meme - "You could do anything on 2007-2012 twitter. I showed ppl how to cook crack in da microwave and nothin happened. Now I can't even call a fat bitch fat"

Frustrated Beekeeper Tricks Pesky Bear Into Doing Market Research - "  When life gives you bears, trick them into doing market research.  A bear named "Big Boy" was raiding honey production facilities near Turkey' Trabzon-Surmene province.  They tried everything to keep the bears from destroying the hives, including cages for the hives and leaving out treats for the bears, but nothing seemed to work.  So, agriculture engineer Ibrahim Sedef came up with a brilliant idea... In multiple double blind trials, Big Boy always preferred the rare, expensive Anzer honey, followed closely by Chestnut, Flower, and Pine Wood. Big Boy noticeably steered away from the low quality supermarket Cherry Jam made with corn syrup."

Psy says he initially did not want to upload 'Gangnam Style' on YouTube - ""I didn't even know what YouTube was back then," began Psy. "Some friends of mine told me to upload the MV, but I said that it would be a humiliation if the views were too low, since I didn't have any international fans. So, I told them 'Let's not upload this'.""

20-year-old Swiss man hospitalised after tearing his lung from masturbating - "Pneumomediastinum can be caused by physical trauma to the lungs or oesophagus. It can also spontaneously arise when a sudden increase in pressure within the chest cavity causes a tear in certain lung membranes, allowing air to leak out."

Goodbye, 5BX: Army’s new strength-training exercises look to halve soldier injuries, improve form
There was so much salt. It's clear that to many people the point of NS is to suffer rather than to effectively defend the country

Andrew Cuomo ordered to return pandemic book profits to state - "New York’s top ethics panel on Tuesday ordered disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo to pay the state $5.1 million in book profits he made on the backs of taxpayers amid the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic."

Anti-5G necklaces found to be radioactive - "there have been attacks on transmitters by people who believe they are harmful."

Imeimei - "“If he writes her a few sonnets, he loves her. If he writes her 300 sonnets, he loves sonnets” - my english professor"

Covering up your camera could damage your laptop: Apple - "Don’t cover your camera, Apple has warned MacBook users — it could break your display."
Superior Apple engineering!

Luck saved Cantor CEO Howard Lutnick on 9/11, then he saved the company - "On the morning of September 11, 2001, Howard Lutnick of Cantor Fitzegerald tweaked his schedule to drop his son off at school. It saved his life. His 658 colleagues, who were in office when the first plane hit, were not so lucky... Cantor Fitzgerald was making a million dollars a day. After 9/11, it started losing the same amount in a day. Lutnick took an unpopular decision to stop the salary of those who had perished. Instead, he paid their families a 25 per cent share of the company’s earnings and took care of their healthcare for ten years.  But for a while, Lutnick was a reviled man... Lutnick also decided to keep the company going, despite the daily 7-figure losses, and the fear and pessimism in the air.  “We have two choices,” he told Pix 11. “We can close the firm and go to our friends’ funerals. Or, we’d have to work harder than we’ve ever worked before so that we could help the families of those who we’d lost.”  In about five years, Cantor Fitzgerald paid bereaved families approximately $180 million in all. It also hired the children of some of the victims.  “We got 60 children of people who died working here”"

Meme - "I love the new sacrifice to the sun god emoji *Facebook care*"

Confrontation in Chile - The New York Times - "Chile is mired in its worst political and economic crisis since Salvador Allende's Marxist‐dominated Popular Unity coalition came to power two years ago, backed by only 36 per cent of the voters. If President Allende persists in his attempt to impose a pervasive socialism, now clearly opposed by a majority of Chileans, he will risk provoking civil war or a military coup. Either would be disastrous.  Dr. Allende blames “fascists” for his mushrooming difficulties at home, and he accuses the United States waging international economic warfare against Chile. Fascist‐type organizations do exist in Chile; both Washington and private American businesses have blundered in ways that have bolstered, rather than weakened, the Allende Government. But Dr. Allende's troubles derive mostly from his efforts to plunge ahead with a drastic socialist revolution for which he has no clear mandate. These efforts have accomplished a near‐miracle uniting all major opposition parties in a Federation Democracy, which will present a single slate of candidates for Congress in elections next March. Chile's largest party, the Christian Democrats, tried initially to cooperate with Dr. Allende, but was driven by his extremist policies to link up with the conservative National party and factions of the radicals in the anti‐Government Federation. In the prevailing climate, the anti‐Marxist coalition would be certain to win the elections, possibly with a majority large enough to remove Dr. Allende's Government legally. It is undoubtedly the fear of such a result that provoked the Government's repressive actions of recent weeks: the imposition of a state of emergency on seventeen of the 25 provinces, a 24‐hour seizure of all radio stations, the jailing of hundreds of striking truckers and threats of seizure against small businesses closed down in sympathy with the strikers."
Comment (elsewhere): "Learning a bit about Allende's time in office in Chile. After a year, when the food started to run out thanks to Marxist economics, apparently the truckers went on strike. What did Allende call these truckers? Fascist strikers lollollol Radical leftist scum calling anyone they don't like "fascists." Golly that sounds familiar, don't it fellow Canucks?"
Damn US sanctions, forcing Pinochet to execute a coup!

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