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Saturday, July 30, 2022

Links - 30th July 2022 (1 - Trans Mania)

Royal Academy pulls artist’s work from gift shop over ‘transphobic’ views - "The Royal Academy of Arts has pulled an artist’s work from its gift shop following claims she expressed “transphobic” views.  Jess de Wahls was found to be in “conflict” with the values of the institution over opinions expressed in a 2019 blog criticising “gender identity ideology” and the LGBT charity Stonewall... The artist wrote a blog in 2019 which said that a woman is “an adult human female” and “not an identity or feeling”, adding: “I can not accept people’s unsubstantiated assertions that they are in fact the opposite sex to when they were born.”  She argued that the “ideology” of gender politics placed people into reductive boxes, enforced censorship akin to that found in her birthplace of East Germany, and had a detrimental impact on the rights of women and girls...   The campaign groups Sex Matters has written to the director of the RA in a letter stating: “The Royal Academy is carrying out an egregious and blatant belief discrimination against textile artist Jess de Wahls.”  The letter claims the decision to pull the artist's work came after a “handful of coordinated complaints”, adding that the decision goes against “your values as a forum for artistic expression”."

Alaska Airlines flight attendant says uniform 'discriminates' - "A nonbinary Alaska Airlines flight attendant is alleging that the company’s uniform policy discriminates against workers “who do not conform to gender stereotypes,” according to the American Civil Liberties Union.  “When I am working as a flight-attendant instructor and allowed to wear regular business attire, I am not forced into Alaska Airlines’ ‘male’ or ‘female’ uniform policies — neither of which fit me because I am non-binary,” Seattle-based Justin Wetherell said in an ACLU news release.   “But when I work as a flight attendant, I am forced into one of two standards, often for up to four days at a time. I am willing to follow all of the elements of the uniform policy for professional attire, as I do when I work as an instructor, but I don’t want to be forced into a binary uniform that excludes me and leads to me being misgendered at work,” the seven-year employee added.   The ACLU wrote the letter on behalf of Wetherell, whose gender identity is not strictly male or female — and whose gender expression “is fluid” and can change over time.  It argues that the company’s uniform policy violates the Washington Law Against Discrimination and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964...   “The uniform policy has one set of ‘male’ dress and grooming requirements and another set of ‘female’ dress and grooming requirements,” the letter states.  “Although the uniform policy allows transgender men and transgender women to adhere to the uniform standards that match their gender identity, Alaska Airlines requires all employees to conform to either the ‘male’ or ‘female’ category”...   “Each uniform is made up of several pieces of clothing that flight attendants can choose from, but flight attendants cannot mix and match ‘male’ uniform pieces and ‘female’ uniform pieces.”"
I remember when liberals were complaining about gendered toys and saying that unless a toy is operated by your genitals, it cannot be for boys or girls (too bad, that's now transphobic). And I said you might as well say that clothes aren't gendered either
Clearly we either need to abolish uniforms or come up with one for each of the 192383289 genders, just so that people with mental illness don't feel discriminated against

Meme - "I was accidently transphobic to myself
So tomorrow I'm helping a student at the university I go to with ultrasounds, and I was asked to fill out a form. In this form, one of the rules was if I was found to be pregnant, the test will be canceled, and the student would have to find someone else... The thing is... When I saw this my mind instantly said "oh, thats fine, i can't get pregnant, I'm a trans woman, not a real woman"... And now I'm mentally bashing my head against a wall. anyone else has this accident? That one thing took a huge toll on my dysphoria"

My name is Taylor Silverman. female athlete. I have been skateboarding for eleven years and competing for several years. I have been in three different contests with trans women, two of which I placed second. At the last contest series I did for Redbull, I placed second. The trans competitor who won took $1000 dollars in qualifiers, $3000 in finals, and $1000 in best trick. This totaled to $5000 of the prize money meant for the female athletes. I took $1000 in qualifiers and $1750 for second place, so $2750 in total. The girl who took third received $750. The girl who deserved $1000 for best trick took nothing along with whoever would have placed third. I deserved to place first, be acknowledged for my win, and get paid. I reached out to Redbull and was ignored. I am sick of being bullied into silence."

Meme Kree_Darnor: "My 5 year old just told me I'll never be a real girl. I'm very upset. She also said she didn't want people to think she had two moms because that would be weird. So she refers to me as "her dad" to classmates. I'm really very upset"
Out of the mouth of babes...

One-third of Americans believe trans acceptance has gone too far, NBC polling says - "The latest numbers from NBC also show a quarter (25%) of respondents to its questioning on trans acceptance said the country has “reached a reasonable balance,” while 35% said the country has not gone far enough in promoting it. NBC’s polling has tracked Americans’ thoughts on trans acceptance since 2015. That year, the number of survey respondents who believed the country had gone too far in relation to trans acceptance was 24%."

British transgender couple say a nurse did not let them see their newborn baby - "A transgender couple who went into hospital to visit their newborn baby said a nurse did not let them see their daughter because they were “not the legal parents”.  Jake and Hannah Graf, from south London, said that they were both “nearly in tears” in the hospital car park after the nurse said that they would not be allowed to meet the baby girl... A surrogate is the legal parent in the UK unless she signs a parental order transferring her rights, or the baby is legally adopted, as a surrogacy agreement is not enforceable by law. It is also illegal to pay a woman to carry and birth a baby, except for medical expenses."
Being trans means the law doesn't apply to you

No One Is Born in ‘The Wrong Body’ - "The idea that all people have an innate “gender identity” recently has been endorsed by many health-care professionals and mainstream medical organizations. This term commonly is defined to mean the “internal, deeply held” sense of whether one is a man or a woman (or, in the case of children, a boy or a girl), both, or neither. It also has become common to claim that this sense of identity may be reliably articulated by children as young as three years old... Developmental studies show that young children have only a superficial understanding of sex and gender (at best). For instance, up until age seven, many children often believe that if a boy puts on a dress, he becomes a girl. This gives us reason to doubt whether a coherent concept of gender identity exists at all in young children. To such extent as any such identity may exist, the concept relies on stereotypes that encourage the conflation of gender with sex. However, starting at a young age, children do tend to exhibit preferences and behaviors that we associate with sex (as distinct from gender). For example, male children display more aggressive behavior than female children. In addition, “cross-sex” behavior—or, more accurately, cross-sex stereotypical behavior—often is predictive of later same-sex attraction... It comes as no surprise then that population-based studies have demonstrated sex-related differences in personality and preferences that are independent of social influences. When social influences are weakened (in more egalitarian societies such as the Nordic countries of Europe), the sex-related differences in personality and preferences actually increase (the opposite of what one would expect if men and women were wired in an identical fashion). This suggests that as environmental pressures become relaxed, innate sex-specific preferences surface. A closer look at personality traits shows that when data is analyzed in aggregate, there is a roughly 30% overlap between sexes, as schematized in the accompanying figure. The consequence of this overlap is that adolescent males who fall on the left end of the male (blue “masculine”) curve, and adolescent females who fall on the right end of the female (pink “feminine”) curve, will exhibit personality traits that diverge from the majority of other members of their own sex. In fact, due to the overlap of personality traits between males and females, the personality traits of some females will be more “male-like” than those exhibited by some, or even most males’ and vice versa.  In the case of an adolescent female whose behavior, personality traits and preferences are more “masculine” than most girls and most boys, she could be led to incorrectly conclude that she is really a male, born in the wrong body. That child’s parents could become confused as well, noticing how “different” their child’s behavior is from their own, or from that of their peers. In reality, that child simply exists at the end of a behavioral spectrum, and “sex-atypical” behavior is part of the natural variation exhibited both within and between the sexes. Personality and behavior do not define one’s sex... The broad, but normal distribution of personality traits also explains studies showing a 28% concordance of transgender identity in twins. Twins have identical chromosomes, and so likely will have similar sex-related behaviors, as well as experience similar environmental influences in regard to those behaviors. Using twin adolescent males as an example: If their behaviors are at the “feminine” end of the male-typical distribution, they could both become confused as to what their behaviors and preferences mean about their sex... Historical data suggests that about 0.5% of children develop gender dysphoria—distress caused by a perceived incongruence between one’s biological sex and gender presentation. Reinforcing studies in the medical literature show that, as children get older, childhood-onset gender dysphoria resolves (i.e. ends) in most cases. As two authors put it in a 2016 International Review of Psychiatry article, “the conclusion from these studies is that childhood GD [gender dysphoria] is strongly associated with a lesbian, gay or bisexual outcome and that for the majority of the children (85.2%; 270 out of 317 [studied individuals]) the gender dysphoric feelings remitted around or after puberty.” Yet instead of offering counseling, medical professionals now are commonly telling children that they may have been “born in the wrong body.” This new approach, called “gender affirmation,” makes gender dysphoria less likely to resolve, pushing children down the path toward irreversible medical and surgical interventions. If aggressive transition options are pursued early in puberty, the combination of puberty-blocking drugs, followed by cross sex hormones, will result in permanent infertility.  The growing population of transgender-identifying high school students now is estimated to comprise about 2% of all students—a three-fold increase over the baseline 0.5% figure cited above. Many adolescents now are presenting to gender clinics, with some clinics seeing a 10-fold increase in new cases. Many of these adolescents have no history of childhood gender dysphoria. Higher rates of autism-spectrum conditions have been described in many of these adolescents, and the controversial “affirmation model” is being applied to this unstudied cohort as well. Not surprisingly, reports of transition regret, and de-transition, are growing in number."
An alternate explanation for why twins often both are "trans". Of course, the fact that the twin trans concordance isn't 100% must be due to suppression of transgender identity by an oppressive, transphobic society

If you want nothing to do with these crazy trans videos, please listen to this woman explain how her girlfriend convinced her she was male and her warning for kids today - "Nearly everyone reading these words has sympathy for the small number of people who genuinely suffer from gender dysphoria. No one wants to deny they exist or keep them from getting compassionate care. We merely disagree on what said care looks like.  But there's a horrible monster out there that's grabbing kids and twisting their minds and bodies to feed the power of a delusional cult that, like medieval alchemists, wants to achieve some gender-bending influence over the fabric of reality itself in pursuit of political and societal power."

The Big Questions Of LGBTQ History | HistoryExtra Podcast - HistoryExtra - "‘You know, part of what complicates this question for me is the role of homophobia and transphobia. Because while we are immersed in this material and care so much about uplifting, you know, queer and trans pasts, and we want to do it respectfully, and in, you know, as so many of you have already said, contextually, and in a rich way, there are homophobic and transphobic people who just want to silence and suppress these pasts and say, well, no, you know, if you there's a burden of proof demand, in terms of evidence about queer and trans lives, and that if you can't provide the document, you know, then you, how dare you, you know, reference this person as a part of the queer community or queer past, you're imposing your activist agenda on history. And, you know, that's a really powerful, destructive force that has, kept, you know, queer history marginalized. And I would say, out of schools, in many ways, you know, for decades, and it's something that we have to fight against’"
This is basically an admission that "queer history" is about making stuff up for a political agenda and that they want to indoctrinate kids in school

Nick Freitas on Twitter - "Any male owned small business not immediately re-certifying as “woman owned” with the SBA right now is missing out on contracts and set asides. And if anyone on the Left gives you grief about it, ask them exactly why you don’t qualify."

Kevin Sorbo on Twitter - "So 19 year olds shouldn’t have to pay student debt because they can’t understand the student loans they sign. But 4-year-olds can change gender whenever they feel like it. Got it"

Netflix Under Fire—Again—Over Trans Jokes, This Time By Ricky Gervais - "Describing how Kevin Hart lost his Oscars hosting gig in 2018 due to resurfaced tweets, Gervais again brings up trans women, saying “the worst thing you can say today is, ‘Women don’t have penises,’ right? ….There are no 10-year-old tweets saying [that]. You know why? We didn’t think we fucking had to!”    In another part of the special, Gervais says he “support[s] trans rights. I support all human rights, and trans rights are human rights,” and urges his audience to “live your best life” and “use your preferred pronouns,” before joking “but meet me halfway, ladies. Lose the cock.”  In a statement to Variety, LGBTQ advocacy group GLAAD called SuperNatural “graphic, dangerous [and] anti-trans” and questioned Netflix’s policy against content “designed to incite hate or violence,” saying, “we all know that anti-LGBTQ content does exactly that.”...   Gervais is no stranger to controversy surrounding the trans community. In a 2018 Netflix special Humanity, Gervais made remarks about Caitlyn Jenner, who is transgender. In 2019 he came under fire for a series of tweets some critics called transphobic. Speaking on The Daily Beast’s The Last Laugh podcast in 2020, Gervais defended his jokes, saying “most offense comes from people who mistake the subject of a joke with the actual target. And they’re not necessarily the same… you know, ‘He’s making fun of a trans person, therefore he’s transphobic,’ which is very odd. That would suggest that you can never make fun of a trans person for any reason. Even if it had nothing to do with their trans-ness.” When his critics add “-phobic” to the end of a word, Gervais said he believes it means “they want you to shut up.”"

Ricky Gervais has broken the spell of wokeness - "the genius of Gervais’ trans gags is that they largely just relay the actual, insane situation that the trans ideology has ushered in. He captures perfectly how the world is being reshaped around the demands of ‘women with penises’, while the ‘old-fashioned’ women who object to this are being told to shut up and disappear.  As you’d expect, for telling the truth about trans ideology, Gervais has been denounced as ‘dangerous’, ‘bigoted’ and ‘hateful’. The trans movement relies on these slurs to shame its critics into silence. But Gervais has made it abundantly clear that he will not be silenced or shamed merely for telling jokes. Plus, he does not stand alone. Gervais has officially, in the words of one LGBT outfit, joined the ranks of those ‘so-called comedians who spew hate in place of humour’ (translated, that means comedians who are brave enough to mock and scrutinise gender lunacy).  Most infamously, this group includes Dave Chappelle... there is also Bill Maher, whose warning against the trans movement’s medicalisation of children went viral last week. Challenging trans ideas is still risky, but the pushback is clearly gathering pace. That Gervais has added his voice to the cause of reason can only be a good thing. By joking about trans ideology, without fear or favour, Ricky Gervais has shown how easily the spell can be broken. He is like the small child who has told the crowd the empress has a penis. And now no one can pretend not to see it."

Remove Sex From Public Birth Certificates, AMA Says - "Requiring it can lead to discrimination and unnecessary burden on individuals whose current gender identity does not align with their designation at birth, namely when they register for school or sports, adopt, get married, or request personal records... 48 states (Tennessee and Ohio are the exceptions) and the District of Columbia allow people to amend their sex designation on their birth certificate to reflect their gender identities, but only 10 states allow for a gender-neutral designation, usually "X," on birth certificates...   "Assigning sex using binary variables in the public portion of the birth certificate fails to recognize the medical spectrum of gender identity," Underwood said, and can be used to discriminate."
Brilliant. Clearly sex has no medical use. And the increase in numbers of trans people receiving substandard care (like that transman who lost a baby) can only be due to more "transphobia"
Weird. I thought sex and gender were supposed to be distinct concepts and only the ignorant thought that gender activists were claiming that sex and gender were the same. As if "assigned male at birth" and "assigned female at birth" weren't referring to sex

Giggle App Uses AI to Exclude Trans Women, CEO Says - "An app marketed towards "females" has faced a barrage of online criticism for excluding transgender women with its use of artificial intelligence... "The way the app works is when you install it, you have to take a picture of yourself and it uses AI to analyze your face," said Jenny, a 23-year-old trans woman from California. "And if it decides you're a woman, it will let you in. If it decides you're a man, it will reject you. But if it rejects you, you can just submit another picture."... Grover, who has embraced being called a "TERF" — trans-exclusionary radical feminist — told Insider that she decided to exclude trans women from the platform once trans activists began using it.  According to Giggle's website, the app sends a new user's selfie to the facial-recognition AI company Kairos, which analyzes the photo... If the Kairos AI is 95% certain the person is female, the person is allowed to create an account"
So much for sex and gender being different

Meme - "Gender identity is a pseudo scientific hoax like flat earth teory but it is so popular because it allows mediocre people to customize their identity in the cheapest and most effortless way, that is, through self proclaiming identity"

"U sexy as fuck for a schizophrenic"
"why on earth would you say schizophrenic"
"Oh my bad i dont know what agender means. And i thought because u said that u thought u were more than 1 person
My bad i dont understand alll the terminology
I just got out of a 6 year relationship im new to this"

TERF is a slur | Documenting the abuse, harassment and misogyny of transgender identity politics

Meme - "Can't tell if this is bait or not."
"Cis womanhood is violence. Cis women's attachment to genitalia is violence. Cishet women's pandering to patriarchy is violence. Cis women's notions femininity are violent. Womanhood is a construct that is not exclusive to cis women."

Former Virginia Tech player, 19, CLEARED of beating Tinder date to death - "A former Virginia Tech football player was acquitted of beating his male Tinder date to death after claiming the hook-up had lied about being a woman then performed oral sex on him.   Isimemen Etute, 19, was found not guilty of a charge of second-degree murder in the 2021 death of Jerry Smith, 40, of Blacksburg, Virginia.  Etute says he visited the victim last year to engage in oral sex with a woman he believed to be named 'Angie,' but who was actually Smith. Etute told police Smith was hiding his face during the intercourse, and paid him $50 at the end.  The athlete also said he stopped messaging Smith after the interaction because he wasn't sure 'Angie' was telling the truth about their identity  But a month later, Smith reached out to him again and invited him over, telling him to bring some friends... Etute had testified that Smith reached for what Etute thought was a gun. Smith did not own a gun, but police reported finding a knife between the man's mattress and box spring... The former Virginia tech player also testified that he felt 'violated' after Smith lied to him... Smith was 'controlling the entire environment and the entire episode.' He added that Smith had 'demanded that it be dark' and had hidden a knife under his mattress 'in case there was something awry.'"
Of course, if a man tricked a lesbian into sex by pretending that he was a woman, the feminists would be very upset at him
It helps that the accused is black and the date was probably white, naturally

Some move to change ‘breast’ milk to ‘chest’ or ‘human’ milk in effort to be more inclusive - "There is a new push by some health care professionals to change the term “breast milk” to “chest milk.”   In the United Kingdom, one hospital made international headlines for changing the term “breast milk” to “human milk.” It’s an effort to be more inclusive to transgender and non-binary parents"
But when you have prostate milking...

Meme - ">be me
>eating breakfast with my 16 blue-haured year old daughter
>starts talking about cultural appropriation and other bullshit to me
>whatever jpg
>she starts going off about trannies and pronouns
>can't help it, i start to laugh
>she asks why
>tell her trans people don't get to dictate my language
>daughter literally starts crying
>tries to argue, but can only stutter
>runs off to her room
>wife just shakes her head at me
>daughter locks herself in her room for 3 fucking hours
>when she finally comes back, her eyes are still bloodshat from crying
>has a shit eating grin on her face
>starts referring to me with pronouns
>whatever2bigigloo jpg
>follows me around all day going out of her way to misgender me
>right before I lose my patience, i get an idea
>i just roll with it
>tell her to not refer to me as 'dad', but 'mom'
>she looks confused
>tell my wife to start calling me Davina instead of David
">daughter is visibly uncomfortable
>i start talking in an obnoxious effeminate voice
>daughter waddles back into her room in tears again
>wife is still unamused
>stop off at party city on the way back home from work the next day
>buy a cheap ass blonde wig
>start wearing it around the house
>daughter can't take it anymore Stop it dad, this isn't funny!
> tell her to stop being a bigoted transphobe
>she is trapped, doesn't know what to do or say
>wife tries to keep a straight face
>might just have her teach me how to put on makeup
>this is not over yet"

Meme - "Stop calling us females, you're reducing us to our genitals" - To man
"Hiiiiii Vagina-Haver" - Transwomen
"OMG that's me Hiii"

Meme - UN Women: "Auto-reply inspiration."
"From: Working Parent
Sent: Any day of the week
To: Co-worker
Thank you for your message. Due to the patriarchy. I'm currently unable to respond immediately. Like many women, I'm working full-time while taking care of my children and household, Please note that women do times as much unpaid care and domestic work as men. Feel free to forward this email to help recognize and redistribute unpaid care work once and for all"
"What about men who menstruate and get pregnant?"

"This is a nightmare": Female Inmate Speaks Out Against Trans-Identifying Male Transfers - "incarcerated woman Miseka Diggs explained that the female inmates in EMCFW are “scared to death” of the men. Under the current policy, the men do not need to undergo any surgery, and Diggs asserts that most of the men are not on hormone replacement therapy. She stated that a majority of women incarcerated at EMCFW have past trauma, with many being victims of male violence, and the presence of men in the facility is causing them severe distress. According to a 2016 report from the Vera Institute of Justice, 86% of incarcerated women have a history of abuse and 77% have a history of experiencing intimate partner violence. Women’s rights advocates have described this situation as a “sexual abuse-to-prison pipeline.”... Diggs described her anxiety at having to share a shower with one of the male transfers, whom she identified as Nikita Selket. Selket, formerly Neil LaBranche, is a 6′ 7″ man serving a thirty-year sentence for the murder of his roommate in 1995. The New Jersey Department of Corrections has recorded LaBranche as “female.” He is one of 27 men who have been transferred into the women’s facility since last year. The decision was the result of a legal settlement between state officials and ACLU New Jersey.  “When [LaBranche] came in and got into the shower next to me I felt violated in every form possible! I couldn’t believe that I was showering with a person with genetic male parts,” Diggs said. LaBranche is allegedly also watching women as they shower, with a “smile, as if [he] liked what was happening.”   The first male inmate transferred to EMCFW was Perry Cerf, who uses the name “Michelle Hel-loki Angelina.” As previously reported by Reduxx, Cerf is serving a 50-year sentence for the murder of Ecuadorian immigrant Flor Andrade. He accepted a longer sentence to have his rape conviction removed from his record.  “Going to prison on a sex charge would be a safety concern for me,” Cerf said at the time. He boasted of drinking the woman’s blood after killing her. Cerf was later found wearing her clothing, driving her car, and had placed his own photograph over hers on the victim’s identification.   Diggs told Reduxx that the day Cerf was transferred into the facility, she witnessed him being escorted by approximately 15 guards. As he was being moved down the corridors, she saw him attempting to kick down doors to women’s cells. While incarcerated in the men’s facility at New Jersey State Prison, Cerf assaulted other male inmates and at one point was placed in solitary confinement for 23 hours each day...   Diggs went on to say that during altercations with the women, several trans-identifying transfers have reminded them that they are men in order to threaten them.  “This is a behavior and [statement made] by most of the transgenders. ‘I am a man and I will knock you out'”... Moreover, some men have identified into the prison, only to identify out again. “I know of two transfers that went back to the male prison on their own. They identified as trans, came here for whatever reason, and then decided they wanted to go back to the men’s facility. They were sent back. That is exactly where the problem lies: they come and go as they please.”...   Speaking on the settlement between state officials and the ACLU, Diggs remarked that she believed women’s rights were being “tossed out the window” in order to secure votes and political careers...   “The women that were sentenced to the only female prison in the State of New Jersey didn’t get sentenced to be housed with people that prey upon them and manipulate them, and [serve as] triggers of the trauma that put them here.”"
It is interesting that women are always victims - even if they are convicted criminals

Two women at N.J. prison are pregnant after consensual sex between inmates, DOC says - "Two women incarcerated at Edna Mahan Correctional Facility — the state’s only female prison — have become pregnant after having sex with a transgender inmate... The developments follow a settlement agreement with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New Jersey last year, which stipulates that transgender prisoners should be housed in line with their gender identity.  That settlement stemmed from a lawsuit by a transgender woman who was sent to a men’s prison, where she alleged she received inadequate medical care and was abused by male inmates and staff.  Advocates hailed the agreement as necessary reform that moved New Jersey to the forefront of trans rights along with states like California and Massachusetts that have implemented policies on how transgender prisoners should be housed and medically treated... two Edna Mahan prisoners filed a class-action lawsuit seeking to immediately remove “any and all male pre-operative transgender inmates,” alleging that some had harassed them and engaged in sexual contact with other women.  In an affidavit filed in support of the lawsuit, one transgender prisoner who had gender-conforming surgery before she was incarcerated said the DOC’s current policy is “very questionable.”  “I believe it is highly inappropriate for the NJDOC to place pre-operative male-to-female allegedly transgender inmates in a women’s prison,” said the woman, who has been locked up for more than 20 years."

'Transphobic' Harvard professor slammed for not using the term 'pregnant people' - "A Harvard professor is facing blowback from her department’s head of diversity for using the words “male” and “female,” and declining to use the term “pregnant people” in her classes on hormones, sex, and human behavior... professor Carole Hooven said being mindful and respectful of other people’s choices and teaching scientifically accurate biology courses are not mutually exclusive. “Understanding the facts about biology doesn’t prevent us from treating people with respect”... The Ivy League school discourages the use of words like “male” and “female,” labeling them as transphobic, but Hooven, who has taught at Harvard for 20 years, strongly believes in scientific accuracy taking precedence in the classroom.  She said in the interview that infusing the current standards of political correctness into course material is “incredibly confusing for science educators and for students trying to learn about the world and learn the tools of science and critical thinking.”... While Hooven encourages other teachers and professors along with the media to “start backing away from using certain terms that they are afraid people will find offensive,” she acknowledges that the consequences of doing so are certainly real, and include social and employment repercussions.  A Harvard student identified only as “Lauren” agrees. She said that there have been multiple petitions just in the span of the last few months which sought to crucify various instructors for “wrongspeak” by publicly identifying and shaming them.   “I think there’s a small percentage of instructors who are true believers [in woke ideology], but most of them are probably just scared of their students”... Hooven stated that teaching anything other than accurate biology is “doing students and the public a great disservice.”  She continued, “Part of that science is teaching the facts. And the facts are that there are in fact two sexes – there are male and female – and those sexes are designated by the kind of gametes we produce. Do we make eggs, big sex cells, or little sex cells, sperm? And that’s how we know whether someone is male or female.”  She feels that in the current “woke” political climate, “the ideology seems to be that biology really isn’t as important as how somebody feels about themselves, or feels their sex to be.”"
The side of "science" strikes again

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