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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Links - 26th July 2022 (2 - Trans Mania)

Student Voices: Why we need to teach kids about gender identity - "By the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s estimate, roughly one in thirty of Washington’s students is trans... Most transphobia stems from a lack of understanding of what it means to be trans or genderqueer. Providing comprehensive education on gender identity to all students can help to change that"
When your club has been growing and you want to recruit more people into it
Does anyone actually believe that 3% of the population is trans?

Meme - Amy Eileen Hamm @preta_6: "Who else is on TEAMTERF and heading to see @DaveChappelle in Vancouver tonight?"
keffals @keffals: "btw your fit is garbage i guess trans people have a biological advantage in having taste"
Amy Eileen Hamm @preta_6: "Hmm so what you're saying is that there are biological differences between women and transwomen - congrats, you are now a terf"

Federal Health Minister caves in to gender clinics’ demands - "In a shocking move, Liberal Party MP Greg Hunt, the Federal Health Minister, has succumbed to the radical gender agenda.  Lobbied by hundreds of doctors and specialists to hold an inquiry into the alarming rise of gender dysphoric youth, he has outright rejected the possibility of such an inquiry...   It is important to note that the gender clinic has been granted $6 million by the Andrews government in Victoria which has seen an increase of just 73 referrals between 2010-2014 to a staggering 758 in the four years afterwards!"

The Feminists™️ on Twitter - "The vagina is not the primary female reproductive organ, it’s the canal that leads to those organs. If you turn your penis inside out, congratulations, you now have a canal that leads nowhere. Your penis is now an arrow pointing directly to why you’re not a woman."

Meme - ""Transphobe" now has the same impact on me as "sinner". I don't subscribe to your belief system. Neither have any content or meaning."
The difference is that you can go to jail or lose your job for being a "transphobe"

Meme - "1ST WAVE FEMINISM: "We want to be equal to men'
2ND WAVE FEMINISM: "We don't need men"
3RD WAVE FEMINISM: "We are men"
4TH WAVE FEMINISM: "We are women""

Meme - Blaire White @MsBlaireWhite: "Your sex is not "assigned" or "guessed" at birth. It is observed and recorded. Anything said to the contrary is stupid, crazy, or both."

Meme - "I'm trans. I want to be pregnant and have a kid. I'm worried about worsening gender dysphoria during pregnancy. The option of abortion brings me comfort that I can escape gender dysphoria hell if I need to. I'm not a woman and abortion could save my life."

No, dating nonbinary rapper G Flip does not make Selling Sunset’s Chrishell Stause a lesbian. Here’s why - "“If strawberries were girls and blueberries were boys and you put them in a blender, you’d get a gender smoothie. I am a gender smoothie,” G Flip elaborated last week, seeming to indicate that their gender experience is multifaceted and complex, encompassing elements of masculinity, femininity, and possibly even neutrality. And though it may confuse some, their largely femme appearance doesn’t nullify their non-binary identity or make them a cisgender woman any more than wearing a skirt to the Met Gala makes Jared Leto transgender... Ultimately, Stause is the only one qualified to define her own sexuality, and speculation could be considered homophobic."
The "trust the science" crowd is at it again
Since we are also told that homosexual means liking your own gender, a normal person dating a "non-binary" person presumably is heterosexual
If Stause is not a lesbian, how can pointing out the problems with her claim be homophobic? Homosexuality predated non-binary nonsense, and a lot of homosexuals reject trans mania (and so would reject non-binary nonsense too)

Teachers federation conducts 'LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP' training - "The Canadian Elementary Teachers Federation (ETFO) of Ontario hosted a LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP inclusiveness training session on June 6.  The acronym stands for Lesbian, Gay, Genderqueer, Bisexual, Demisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Twospirit, Intersex, Queer, Questioning, Asexual, Allies, Pansexual and Polyamorous."

Meme - "I'm fat and disgusting need to starve myself more to be pretty"
Doctor: "Uh no you're anorexic and need to eat a healthy diet"
"I feel it in my bones that the CIA replaced my arm with a tracking device I need you to cut it off right now"
Doctor: "No, you're just schizophrenic, here's some lithium"
"I feel it deep in my bones that am actually a girl who was born in the body of a man, so you need to cut my dick off"
Doctor: "Sure, that'll be $25,000"

Brave cat stopped the LGBT as it entered the home *rainbow*"

It definitely looks like the Associated Press is trying to quietly move away from its embrace of transgender ideology - "At a time when most major institutions in the United States simply cannot get on board with transgender ideology fast enough, the AP is in effect rebuking a significant portion of it: They're basically admitting that they're only going to use the incoherent, incorrect language of transgender ideology only in stories that deal with that ideology directly."

Prevalence of the Wish to be of the Opposite Gender in Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder - "Several studies have suggested an overrepresentation of (symptoms of) autism spectrum disorder (ASD) among individuals with gender dysphoria. Three studies have taken the inverse approach in children with ASD and showed increased parent report of the wish to be of the opposite gender in this group. This study compared the self-reported wish to be of the opposite gender (one item of the Youth Self-Report [YSR] and the Adult Self-Report [ASR]) of 573 adolescents (469 assigned boys and 104 assigned girls) and 807 adults (616 assigned males and 191 assigned females) with ASD to 1016 adolescents and 846 adults from the general population. Emotional and behavioral problems were measured by the DSM-oriented scales of the YSR and ASR. In addition, the Children’s Social Behavior Questionnaire and the Adult Social Behavior Questionnaire were used to measure specific subdomains of the ASD spectrum to test whether specific subdomains of ASD were particularly involved. Significantly more adolescents (6.5%) and adults (11.4%) with ASD endorsed this item as compared to the general population (3–5%). In adolescents, assigned girls endorsed this item more than assigned boys. No significant gender differences were found in the adults with ASD. In addition, on all DSM-oriented scales of both the YSR and ASR, adolescents and adults with ASD who endorsed the gender item had significantly higher scores compared to those without. There were no significant associations between endorsement of the gender item and any specific subdomain of ASD, providing no evidence for a sole role of one of the ASD subdomains and endorsement of the wish to be the opposite gender."
Does "conversion therapy" apply to autistic kids too?

Pansexual Teacher Fired From School In Florida After Discussing Her Sexuality With Students: Report - "Cape Coral middle school art teacher Casey Scott claims that students were curious about her sexual orientation and that she had the conversation with them back in March, which she followed by telling the students to draw pictures showing their sexual orientations... The Lee County School District said that Scott was fired from Trafalgar Middle School because she did not follow the mandated curriculum."

Lehi teacher on leave after video describing conversations with students about sexuality - "A teacher at a Lehi charter school has reportedly been placed on administrative leave after she posted a video describing her elation over a recent game of "Guess Who?" her students played. She preempted her story by declaring that she was queer, and students who also identify as queer have found a "safe space" in her classroom. "My kids from last year are now in fifth grade, and they come visit me almost everyday after school," said teacher Jenna Hall in the video. "And a lot of them are queer, because I am queer, and they figured it out, so I’ve become their safe space." Hall, who teaches at Renaissance Academy, said in the video that her students were playing "Guess Who?" in what wouldn't be considered a normal way. Instead, they were using descriptions of the characters that included sexual orientation... "man, I could never imagine being in fifth-grade saying these things out loud"... "Our teachers are expected to comport themselves with the highest degree of professionalism,” he said in the statement. “Behavior that is unprofessional, in violation of state code, or that violates the trust placed in us by the families of Renaissance Academy will not be tolerated." “We outline in great detail what we consider to be the boundaries and what's professional, what's not, to the point of breaking down specific types of behavior, saying this is okay, this is not okay”."
"This never happens, and it's good that it does"
Of course, if the students later no longer identify as queer, this will not be proof that grooming occured - only that society is suppressing their true sexuality

Meme - Sharon: "The most vulnerable should lead the rest of us in civil relationships & organization."
Annie: "And who is to decide who the 'most vulnerable' is?"
Sharon: "black trans women who have disabilities."

Caitlin Jenner provokes outrage with post mocking appearance of Biden’s trans health secretary
So if a woman mocks the appearance of another woman, that must mean she is misogynistic

Darren Till's Instagram posts about transgender people reported to police - "After being approached for comment, Till posted a video on Instagram, he said: "As everyone knows I'm always posting very controversial things right, I'm never going to change ever, ever, ever.  "So the other day I posted this transgender meme, I thought it was funny and I knew it was going to get a backlash.  "I've actually got transgender friends, they thought it was hilarious.  "You can't cancel someone who doesn't give a s*** and I don't give a s***. But at the same time as well it's obviously the offended brigade.""
Darren Till reveals Instagram has deleted his account

*shrink wrapped banana*"
"How fucking transphobic can you be? Educate yourself incel"
"lol really? Peasant its a joke about your shorts"

Meme - "Tranny Bingo AGP Edition"
Girls smile w/their eyes like this, right?
5 oclock
Punk/goth/alt aesthetic
Disgusting and/or illegal fetish
Male fat distribution
Rape threats
~*Unique Names*~
AT LEAST ONE *hammer and sickle*, *pentagram*, *antifa flag*, *Nazi swastika*

Does Mrs Starmer have a cervix? ... and other questions I have about Labour’s woman problem - "Never mind that, after a trip away, I got stuck in passport control at the airport for bloody hours or that the cab driver explained that, yes, it was actually true about petrol shortages – no, what amazed me most upon my return was that somehow ‘cervixgate’ was still going on.    The ways the Labour Party finds to sabotage itself are truly fantastic. To win back the huge number of constituencies they need to get a majority of one means, according to new report from The Fabian Society, that the party must speak not only to itself, or to the Red Wall seats it has lost, but to “recast its appeal to focus on towns in the country’s demographic middle”. This means the small towns and villages outside the cities. The places, I imagine, where people still use the quaint word “women” instead of “bodies with vaginas” as The Lancet categorised 51 per cent of the population this week.   Still, Labour, like every major institution, is so afraid of gender cultists that it can scarcely speak at all. How you speak to people matters in politics. A lot.    What we are seeing now is that in the name of “trans rights”, Labour literally clams up... Andrew Marr asked if it was transphobic to say that only women have a cervix – the heresy for which Rosie Duffield has come under such attack that she can’t attend this week’s party conference.  From there it went from bad to worse. Rachel Reeves, a bright woman with ideas on taxing the wealthy and investing £28 billion in green technologies, could not come up with a coherent response, either, on LBC. “I don’t even know how to start answering these questions,” she burbled on. She has two kids. Who knows from where?   Stating facts is not transphobic, but most of this is now policed by what I shall henceforth call penis people, as reducing people to body parts surely cuts both ways. Watching prostate owners Marr and Starmer was weird enough. Then another testicled individual, John McDonnell, told us that we could only speak about biological differences between men and women “in a certain context”. Wow! This is exactly what I mean about the erasure of women via prescribed language in which we cannot speak for ourselves.    Starmer mentioned the word women four times in his zillion-word screed defining his vision for the party which, given the current situation, must be excessive. All this madness is so as not to upset a tiny number of people. We don’t know how many trans people there are, possibly 1 per cent of the population, though that figure may rise as trans folk become more visible. But the trans men I know who do have a cervix are much better informed about their own biology than the average man, because they have to be. The need for shorter waiting lists and better healthcare for trans people is not in doubt, but it is really only distressed teenagers that need help with the fundamentals of anatomy...   Cervical cancer caught early is not a problem, but if it isn’t – well, remember poor Jade Goody. So, yes, we must be able to speak clearly and without fear about our bodies.  Labour is sending the opposite message. Worse, the real issues for women – from social care to cuts to universal credit to unaffordable childcare – are being overshadowed by continual pandering to those we are told are the most oppressed group in Britain. This is just not true. Thankfully, no trans person has been murdered this year but 108 women have... Yet if our sex-based rights in law cannot even be protected at the Labour Party conference, then where can they? Labour women tell me they are ignored when they try to bring this up at local meetings.    The evasiveness, the stuttering, the weasel words – does this enhance the lives of trans people? No, unwittingly they are simply subjects for a proxy war inside the party.   Meanwhile, women’s experience is denied and the ways in which we speak about it is policed by prostate owners. As they sit discussing the correct terminology in which to dismiss women’s rights, I am afraid they are losing more than just our votes."

If Keir Starmer cannot say what a woman is then he’s not fit to be PM - "Asked on LBC radio whether a woman can have a penis, the Labour leader got into a right old fluster. “I don’t think we can conduct this debate ... in this way,” he told interviewer Nick Ferrari. “I don’t think discussing this issue in this way helps anyone. I want to have a discussion [with]... anyone who genuinely wants to find a way through this.”  What on earth is he talking about? To find a way through what, exactly – how to say something that is true without being denounced by a handful of very vocal campaigners? Labour spokesmen have evidently decided to run away whenever they are asked a question that just a few years ago would not even have occurred to anyone.   When Yvette Cooper, the shadow home secretary, was asked recently to define what a woman is, she said she didn’t want to go down that “rabbit hole”. Anneliese Dodds, who speaks for Labour on women’s issues, got into an even bigger tangle when the same question was put to her. “It does depend on the context surely. There are people who have decided that they have to make that transition... because they live as a woman they want to be defined as a woman.”   Her comments prompted the author JK Rowling to suggest Ms Dodds might be in need of both a dictionary and a backbone. And therein lies the point. This is no longer a debate about gender but free speech.   Rowling, the country’s most successful living writer, has been excoriated for seeking to defend the rights of women from the trans lobby’s encroachment on their hard-won advances over the decades. She is a big enough international figure to withstand the brickbats. According to her publishers Bloomsbury, the sales of her Harry Potter books remain unaffected by the stand she has taken.   The same cannot be said for Graham Linehan. Few people have made me laugh as much over the years as Linehan, whose Father Ted and The IT Crowd are masterpieces of the surreal comedy genre. Yet because he has fallen foul of trans activists by standing up for women’s rights, his entire career has been trashed. He broke down during a TV interview at the weekend as he described how he had lost his commissions and his marriage had collapsed. A stage musical version of Father Ted has been axed just as it was in rehearsals, while media companies and showbusiness friends have turned their backs on him. “They took everything from me,” he said.  But who are “they”? At least with the Inquisition you knew who was behind it and what the consequences were for challenging theological orthodoxy decreed by the medieval Church. But who are today’s Torquemadas metaphorically dragging heretics to the stake?  This is being perpetrated by pusillanimous politicians, craven corporate bosses and spineless luvvies who lack the guts to stand up to the new fanaticism, even if it means trampling on the rights of those who are prepared to confront it. They fear that they will be targeted and yet it is in their hands to end the madness by not “cancelling” those deemed by a tiny minority to have uttered something they don’t like. Unless politicians like Sir Keir call this nonsense out, the lunatic fringe will prevail and the voters will take note of who stood where, not least women who see their rights being so carelessly set aside."
More proof that SJWs talk a lot online but their threats of boycotts don't change anything - because they are a tiny minority and/or because they never bought the products they threaten to boycott anyway

JK Rowling says Keir Starmer misrepresents law over ‘woman’ definition - "JK Rowling has accused Keir Starmer of publicly misrepresenting equalities law, in what she says is “yet another indication that the Labour party can no longer be counted on to defend women’s rights”.  The Harry Potter author was responding to comments the Labour leader gave to the Times when asked to define a woman.  Starmer, formerly the director of public prosecutions, the most senior prosecutor in England and Wales, said: “A woman is a female adult, and in addition to that trans women are women, and that is not just my view, that is actually the law. It has been the law through the combined effects of the 2004 [Gender Recognition] Act and the 2010 [Equality] Act.”  He called for reforms to the Gender Recognition Act, under which people diagnosed with gender dysphoria who have lived in their acquired gender for at least two years can apply to be legally recognised... “I don’t think our politicians have the slightest idea how much anger is building among women from all walks of life at the attempts to threaten and intimidate them out of speaking publicly about their own rights, their own bodies and their own lives.  “Among the thousands of letters and emails I’ve received are disillusioned members of Labour, the Greens, the Lib Dems and the SNP. Women are scared, outraged and angry at the deaf ear turned to their well-founded concerns. But women are organising.  “Now @Keir_Starmer publicly misrepresents equalities law, in yet another indication that the Labour party can no longer be counted on to defend women’s rights. But I repeat: women are organising across party lines, and their resolve and their anger are growing.”  Rowling said “innumerable gay people” had written to her saying they felt “under attack”. She said: “Like women, they – especially lesbians – are under attack for not wishing to be redefined and for refusing to use ideological language they find offensive.” Under the 2004 Gender Recognition Act in England and Wales, a transgender person is legally recognised as their acquired gender only after they have received a gender recognition certificate (GRC). But the Equality Act 2010 provides protection for trans people who have not yet transitioned or obtained a GRC. Section 7 of the act gives protection to anyone with the protected characteristic of “gender reassignment”, defined as anyone who “is proposing to undergo, is undergoing or has undergone a process (or part of a process) for the purpose of reassigning the person’s sex by changing physiological or other attributes of sex.”  The Equality Act also allows providers of separate or single-sex services to provide a different service to, or exclude, someone who has the protected characteristic of gender reassignment, including those with or without a GRC, provided that the service providers can prove it is “a proportionate means of achieving legitimate aim”."

Fantastic Beasts: The Secret Of Dumbledore Trailer Breakdown: Problematic World Gets A New Chapter - "Well, that's the trailer breakdown for you. I think I've made my point. If I haven't, feel free to look up some comments on Twitter. Maybe check on your trans friends today and make sure they're okay. Maybe donate to a place that supports trans women and girls. Put some good into the world. That is real magic."

Meme - "Every now and then, think I might go back to Harry Potter, maybe ten years from now or longer. But every time she does this adds more time to that. But more to your point, I feel uneasy seeing anyone wearing HP merch, or seeing so many HP ads online."
So much for "white fragility"

Exclusive: If JK Rowling Isn't Involved, Emma Watson Will Return To Harry Potter - "JK Rowling was the target of Emma Watson’s remark at the BAFTAs earlier this year. Watson was about to deliver an award when Rebel Wilson, a fellow performer, made the somewhat dubious jest that the actress who plays Hermione Granger “claims herself a feminist, but we all know she’s a witch.” Emma Watson responded, “I’m here for all the witches”"
The nerve. And given that "TERF" is the modern-day "witch"...

Meme - "Jk rowling: *talking about rapists*
every single trans activist on twitter: "...and I took that personally""

Meme - Richard Colletta: "Lol, Steve Revis here is a grown man crying over Quidditch. He doesn't actually give a crap about Rowling and Quidditch, he's just angry because he believes his favorite celebrity turned anti-LGBTQ bigot and white supremacist supporter is being seemingly spurned."
That was fast. She's now a "white supremacist supporter"

J.K. Rowling on Twitter - "In case you wondered why some tweets were missing from the previous retweeted thread, they were mass reported. Here’s the entire 🧵"
TullipR 🦎🌈♂ on Twitter - "I want to tell everyone what they took from us, what irreversible really means, and what that reality looks like for us. No one told me any of what I’m going to tell you now. 🧵
I have no sensation in my crotch region at all.   You could stab me with a knife and I wouldn't know. The entire area is numb, like it's shell shocked and unable to comprehend what happened, even 4 years on.
I tore a sutra 4 days post recovery, they promised to address it, i begged them in emails to fix it, they scorned me instead.  Years later, I have what looks like a chunk of missing flesh next to my neo-vagina, it literally looks like someone hacked at me.  They still wont fix it
No one told me that the base area of your penis is left, it can't be removed - meaning you're left with a literal stump inside that twitches. When you take Testosterone and your libido returns, you wake up with morning wood, without the tree. I wish this was a joke
And if you do take testosterone after being post op, you run the risk of internal hair in the neo-vagina. Imagine dealing with internal hair growth after everything?  What a choice... be healthy on Testosterone and a freak, or remain a sexless eunuch.
And thats something that will never come back and one of the reason why i got surgery.   My sex drive died about 6 months on HRT and at the time I was glad to be rid of it, but now 10 years later, Im realising what im missing out on and what I won't get back.
Because even if i had a sex drive, my neo vagina is so narrow and small, i wouldn't even be able to have sex if i wanted too.  And when I do use a small dilator, I have random pockets of sensation that only seem to pick up pain, rather than pleasure.
Any pleasure I do get comes from the Prostate that was moved forward and wrapped in glands from the penis, meaning anal sex isnt possible and can risk further damage.
Then theres the dreams. I dream often, that I have both sets of genitals, in the dream I'm distressed I have both, why both I think? I tell myself to wake up because I know its just a dream.  And I awaken into a living nightmare.
In those moments of amnesia as I would wake, I would reach down to my crotch area expecting something that was there for 3 decades, and it's not.   My heart skips a beat, every single damn time.
Then theres the act of going to the toilet. It takes me about 10 minutes to empty my bladder, it's extremely slow, painful and because it dribbles no matter how much i relax, it will then just go all over that entire area, leaving me soaken.
So after cleaning myself up, I will find moments later that my underwear is wet - no matter how much I wiped, it slowly drips out for the best part of an hour.   I never knew at 35 I ran the risk like smelling like piss everywhere I went.
Now i get to the point where im detransitioned and the realisation that this is permanent is catching up with me.  During transition, I was obsessive and deeply unwell, I cannot believe they were allowed to do this to me, even after all the red flags."
TullipR 🦎🌈♂ on Twitter - "I wasn't even asked if I wanted to freeze sperm or want kids. In my obsessive, deeply unwell state they just nodded along and didnt tell me the realities, what life would be like.
And finally, theres dilation, which is like some sort of demonic ceremony where you impale yourself for 20 agonising minutes to remind you of your own stupidity.
This isn't even the half of it. And this isn't regret either, this is grief and anger.   Fuck everyone who let this happen."

‘Surgery can’t make you a woman,’ multiple celebs in trans row say - "Actress Bette Midler and singer Macy Gray have both landed themselves in trouble with transgender activists for arguing that men can’t become women through surgery, and that transgender-friendly language strips women of their rights. Amid the outcry, ‘Harry Potter’ author JK Rowling came to Gray’s defense... Bette Midler, usually an outspoken liberal, declared on Twitter that women are “being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even our name.” Midler argued that so-called inclusive terms like “birthing people” and “menstruators” – which have been adopted by some healthcare providers and top medical journals – threaten to “erase” women. Both women were hounded for their statements. Gray was called “bigoted, transphobic, dated and thoroughly uneducated,” while Midler was accused of “white supremacy” and “oppressing” transgender people. The actress was told that she is “becoming part of the problem,” and urged to “do better.”"
You either die a liberal or live long enough to see yourself become a bigot

Alabama Law Banning Child Gender Transition Surgeries Goes Into Effect - "Alabama Republican Gov. Kay Ivey signed the law that made providing hormone treatments, transition surgery, or puberty blockers to anyone under 19 years old in the state punishable by up to 10 years in prison... Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott ordered state agencies in February to investigate reports of transgender children who have received gender change surgery."

A secret trial that transformed transgender rights | History Extra - "‘For decades, trans people had been categorized as a variation of sex development and intersex condition. But in the United States, a group of psychiatrists were creating a new pseudoscience. These people notably John Money, Richard Green, and Robert Stoller were busy claiming that being trans was a mental illness caused by inadequate parenting probably the fault of the mother of course, and that they could cure it.’"
The irony of talking about trans issues and condemning others as "pseudoscience" (especially given Money's role in creating the idea of gender, which modern trans mania relies on in the dishonest bait and switch and equivocation between sex and gender)

🏳️‍🌈✘ Æon ✘🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - "I’ll never forgive the LGBT community for allowing the slippery slope argument I grew up hearing from Christian conservatives to actually come true."
"I feel like if someone just said "Fine, asshole, I'll get my wedding cake somewhere else" that we'd be in a slightly better place today."

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