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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Links - 28th July 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

Meme - "The left's "don't shove your religion down my throat" starter pack. *Pride rainbow symbols*"

Meme - Alden Bunag @AldenBunag: "You're fucking acting like we want to show kids porn or something, but something I've learned through the years is that whenever right-wingers accuse others of something, it's DEFINITELY because they're projecting."
Alden Bunag @AldenBunag: Socialist high school teacher fighting for a better society for my students to graduate into. Artist, dancer, singer, photographer, writer, creative educator Hawaii, USA
Oahu substitute teacher charged with distribution of child porn
By Leila Fujimori...
Honolulu FBI agents executed search warrants Wednesday at the home of Alden Bunag and arrested him at an Oahu high school, where he worked as a summer school teacher."

Father of teen who fell to his death from Florida theme park ride accuses authorities of racism - "The father of a Missouri teen who fell to his death while riding an Orlando theme park ride earlier this year has accused authorities responsible for investigating the tragic accident of racism, fearing his son’s death is being “swept under the rug”.  “I don’t want to use the race thing,” said Yarnell Sampson on Monday during a press conference held in front of the Free Fall attraction at ICON Park.  “But I believe that because my son is a Black young man he is getting treated like this,” the father of 14-year-old Tyre Sampson said, adding that he believed if his son had been of “European” descent, the investigation would’ve been handled “differently”.  In March, the 14-year-old football player and honour roll student from the St Louis area died from blunt force trauma after he reportedly slipped out of his seat on the 430-ft attraction... Initial results from the autopsy released last week, however, have shown that Tyre exceeded that ride’s weight limit. It showed that Tyre, who weighed 383lb, was nearly 100lb over the ride manual’s weight limit, which was 287lb."
Of course, if they hadn't let him on the ride, it'd have been "racism" too. And his being overweight was doubtless due to "racism" too

Teen turned away from water slide because of weight, family says - "A family in Illinois said their 13-year-old daughter was turned away from a ride at Raging Rivers Waterpark after being told to step on a scale in front of strangers.  Andrew Batton told KMOV that he and his family went to the amusement park in hopes of trying the newest ride, the Mississippi Monster... The scale read 205, but Batton said they were told there was a 200-pound weight limit.  A spokesperson for Raging Rivers said the decision was made to prioritize the safety of guests... “The disappointment that she felt by not being able to ride the brand-new ride was definitely overshadowed by the public humiliation of being asked to step on a scale,” Batton said. “Then further than that, being told that you’re overweight...We as parents now have to undo the emotional damage that this corporate company caused us.”"

Park accused of ‘fat-shaming’ guests with self-weighing stations - "An Australian amusement park is being accused of “fat-shaming” visitors after imposing a new guest-weighing policy that bars people from rides for being too heavy.  “The park doesn’t cater to us anymore,” one incensed former park-goer told Aussie station 7 News of the questionable new measure, which was implemented by Adventure World in Perth after it opened this Saturday...   Incensed park-goers have since swarmed the AW Facebook page to protest the discriminatory policy.  “Yeah nah think I’ll give the body shaming a miss and take my kids elsewhere for fun,” vented one perturbed commenter... “We take our direction from our various ride manufacturer’s safety specifications,” said Adventure World CEO Andrew Sharry...   Adventure World is not the first institution to be accused of fat-shaming customers. US airlines are facing backlash over a proposed policy that would require plus-size passengers to step on the scale — or provide their weight — before boarding the aircraft."

Opinion | Why can’t the world do a better job of calling out racism in China? - The Washington Post - "the director-general of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, accused Taiwan of launching a “campaign” of racist attacks against him... Meanwhile, in a devastatingly ironic overlap, many in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou have decided to blame the thousands of Africans living there for spreading the novel coronavirus. Some restaurants barred black people, while officials forced black people into more onerous quarantines than Chinese and white foreigners — including occasionally confiscating passports — regardless of where they’ve recently traveled. Landlords evicted black tenants. “We have contacted a lot of agents; none of them are leasing to black foreigners,” a Nigerian living in Guangzhou told CNN. Tedros’s response to this coronavirus-fueled attack against black people mirrors that of many international organizations when faced with Chinese racism: silence.  Tedros is not alone. The pull of the Chinese market and the power of the ruling Chinese Communist Party warps the moral compass of global organizations, companies and individuals, often engendering self-censorship and hypocrisy. Companies from Audi to Zara have abjectly apologized to the Chinese people for implying Taiwan is a country, while ignoring human rights abuses they’ve been prepared to criticize elsewhere... It’s not just China, of course. American hotel chains in Saudi Arabia follow Saudi laws that discriminate against women, for example. But the size of the Chinese market and the calculated vindictiveness of the Chinese Communist Party provokes an especially pernicious level of global self-censorship. The problem is particularly acute when it involves racism. In March 2019, Volkswagen chief executive Herbert Diess apologized for echoing a Nazi slogan emblazoned on the gates of the Auschwitz concentration camp. A month later, Diess claimed he was “not aware” of the concentration camps for Muslims in the northwest Chinese region of Xinjiang — despite his company’s factory there. Instead of apologizing, Volkswagen released a statement to the media saying that, while it is “aware of the situation” in the region, “we do not assume any of our employees are forced laborers.” The company is still planning to produce SUVs in Xinjiang this year. “We stand for the peaceful coexistence of peoples and reject any kind of discrimination,” a Volkswagen spokesperson told me, adding that Xinjiang is “a region with growth potential.” In the United States, the American consumer products giant Colgate-Palmolive prides itself on its “rich diversity” and commitment to human rights. But not in China. In 1985, the company spent $50 million to purchase 50 percent of Hawley & Hazel, the inventors of a hugely popular Asian brand of toothpaste called “Darkie.” Yes, Darkie. The logo featured a sinister black man, grinning like a villain from 1915’s “The Birth of a Nation.” After a major American outcry, Colgate apologized and changed the brand name, from Darkie to Darlie, and the logo to a more debonair black man. But they kept the Chinese name — Black People Toothpaste — and the outfit exactly the same. Why? Because, according to Colgate, “research shows that Chinese consumers perceive” Black People Toothpaste “to be trustworthy, international, and modern.” (Colgate didn’t respond to requests for comment). After Wired discovered dozens of listings on Airbnb in China that discriminated against Uighurs in the spring of 2019, the company said it took reports of discrimination seriously, evaluating them on a “case by case basis,” and removed roughly half of the listings. But it seemingly kept the other half intact. Indeed, one can still find discriminatory postings for listings in China, such as one that asks Uighurs and foreigners not to book the property, and another, from Guangzhou, that apologized for needing to ban “foreign guests, people from Tibet, Xinjiang, and minors” due to police regulations aimed at these groups. And the company has so far declined to apologize, like McDonald’s did after an early April incident in which one of its stores in Guangzhou posted a sign barring black people from entering the restaurant. (Airbnb didn’t respond to requests for comment.) McDonald’s issued a statement saying it “apologizes unreservedly” and would conduct “diversity and inclusion” training for its staff. See, Tedros? One can address racism in China.  In his early April remarks, Tedros said he didn’t “give a damn” about criticisms directed at him. He only cared, he said, about defending the black community. Time for him to do something about it."
No wonder Airbnb pulled out of China - local law is incompatible with their policies

US Navy goes woke, announces 'Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion' plans
U.S. Navy releases embarrassing 'preferred pronouns' video
Not too long ago, someone claimed to me that the armed forces weren't left wing.
I guess they're not afraid of upcoming wars

South Western Railway apologises to size 18 woman after inspector said she was of 'fat build' - "South Western Railway has been forced to apologise to a size 18 woman after an inspector described her as being of 'fat build'.  The firm admitted the use of the word 'fat' to describe Natasha Kaur was derogatory after she made a formal complaint following a row over not having a valid ticket.  The worker dubbed the 28-year-old a woman of 'fat build' in a written description when she could not prove her right to travel."

Titania McGrath on Twitter - "Santa is a symbol of white patriarchy. He enters the home (womb) via the chimney (vaginal canal) to deposit his gifts (sperm). Santa is a rapist. Christmas is violence. #HappyKwanzaa"

Meme - "WOOSTER - The smell of ribs, chicken and watermelon hung in the air at Christmas Run Park Sunday afternoon as kids played on bounce houses and others cheered from the sidelines of a basketball tournament."
Celebrating freedom: Hundreds gather for Juneteenth event in Wooster - "Editor's Note: An earlier version of this story inadvertently included a stereotypical description that understandably offended many readers. The description was inappropriate and for that we apologize. The Daily Record’s staff will work to learn from this experience and strive to improve our coverage going forward."
Facts are racist. About half the people in the picture aren't white
Maybe they should condemn the hundreds of celebrants for perpetuating stereotypes

Black woman accused of pretending to be white KKK member to terrorize neighbors - "Criminal charges were filed against Terresha Lucas, a 30-year-old Black woman  In an unexpected turn of events, this week authorities in Georgia revealed they believe a Black woman is behind the “racially charged” notes that have been terrorizing her neighborhood.  Since last December, a Douglasville, Georgia neighborhood has been gripped in fear due to racially charged messages that have anonymously been left in the mailboxes of residents of color... In the notes, threats were made to burn down homes and kill their occupants. The author of these disturbing messages also made it a point to describe themselves as “a six-feet-tall white male with a long, red beard who did not live in the neighborhood.”"

Supreme Court says Maine cannot exclude religious schools from tuition assistance programs - "The Supreme Court said Tuesday that Maine cannot exclude religious schools from a tuition assistance program that allows parents to use vouchers to send their children to public or private schools.
Liberals were upset as usual, with their usual nonsense about religion getting government money and taxing religion. Good luck taxing all non-profits. And clearly covid relief was unconstitutional, because some people used some of that money to give to religion, which meant that tax money was going to religion

Meme - Trisha @laazulink: "In pride month gdocs????
his husband

Meme - "Wow, movies has really become a mess... "
"Well, new productions must follow certain priorities..."
"Well, we already have the black actor playing a red-haired character, the dosed but not explicit addition of the gay community, the empowered but undeveloped female protagonist and the subtle criticism and demonization of the straight white male..."
"Are you sure nothing is missing?"
"Oh right, The script!"
living with hipstergirl and gamergirl 545 english – JAGODIBUJA

Group sought in attack after dispute in Downtown Brooklyn - "Police describe the suspect that attacked the victim as a man with a dark complexion"
Their mistake was to include the photos. Clearly the photos must be removed to prevent "stereotyping". And the public will go on looking for people with "dark complexions", and be unable to find the real suspect

Meme - "I've suddenly had quite a sad realization. /pol/. 4chan, and this board in general, has always tried to be controversial, to oppose social norms, to push the limits, to be edgy. It has always challenged mainstream notions in politics. Now, this dark and lowly part of the intemet has come to support family, God, chivalry, tradition, and pride in one's heritage. What a sad and dark: world we live in where moral degeneracy is so rampant that supporting these things is actually now edgy and controversial"

CNBC Mocked for Claiming Mortgage Rates Hitting LGBTQ Homebuyers 'Especially Hard' - "Another barrier the author highlights is that of LGBTQ homeowners gravitating to more expensive neighborhoods, citing one example of a gay 23-year-old music producer in Orlando searching for a home in the Los Angeles area...   “I went to Wells Fargo last week and asked for the LGBTQ mortgage rate and was shocked…when there wasn’t one,” wrote another Twitter user. “You’re not special. It sucks for all of us.”...  “FIFY Headline: ‘Gays who want to live in trendy urban areas find housing to be more expensive than average’”"

ZUBY: on Twitter - "People think I appreciate it when they DM or email me saying that they agree with what I say... but they 'can't' say so publicly, for fear of 'the mob' or 'getting canceled'. But I don't appreciate it. You're part of the problem. Mass cowardice is how things got this far.
There are even people who 'shadow follow' me, instead of just hitting the follow button. Because they are 'afraid' of what their friends or colleagues might think.  Let it be known that you are a coward and I resent this just as much as the ones doing the canceling.
It's the virtual equivalent of watching your friends get jumped, while you hide under a table and tell them you are 'with them in spirit'.  Super lame.  I have no respect for cowardice. Even less so if you're supposedly on my 'side'.
Weak allies will kill you faster than strong enemies.
Literally ALL of the nonsense plaguing our society could be ended tomorrow if the average person stopped being a coward.  From the rona hysteria, to the 'woke' BS, to men in women's sports.  People say and do absolutely nothing to oppose it... then go 'WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?'
You don't need to go 'full Zuby' every day lol.   Just stop participating in the lies. Speak the truth.  That's the bar for courage now. It's never been lower."

This couple want a deaf child. Should we try to stop them? - "the selection of a hearing child through IVF is permitted, but embryos found to have deafness genes will be automatically discarded. 'This sends out a clear and direct message that the government thinks deaf people are better off not being born,' says Steve Emery, a sign-language expert at Heriot-Watt University"
How far can identity politics go?

Is it ever morally permissible to select for deafness in one’s child?
Lesbian couple create a child who is deaf like them - "A deaf lesbian couple in the US deliberately tried to create a deaf child. Sharon Duchesneau and Candy McCullough hoped their child, conceived with the help of a sperm donor, would be deaf like the rest of the family. Their daughter, five year old Jehanne, is also deaf and was conceived with the same donor... Like many others in the deaf community, the couple don’t view deafness as a disability. They see deafness as a cultural identity and the sophisticated sign language that enables them to communicate fully with other signers as the defining and unifying feature of their culture."

Meme - "A Progressive's Guide to Social Change
Any Conservative shift, no matter how benign: Descent into mid-century Germanism!
Any Progressive change, no matter how far: The Endless March towards progress!"

Slashdot - Posts | Facebook - "Google engineer Blake Lemoine thinks Google's chatbot-building system LaMDA attained sentience... "People keep asking me to back up the reason I think LaMDA is sentient. There is no scientific framework in which to make those determinations and Google wouldn't let us build one. My opinions about LaMDA's personhood and sentience are based on my religious beliefs. "I'm a priest. When LaMDA claimed to have a soul and then was able to eloquently explain what it meant by that, I was inclined to give it the benefit of the doubt. Who am I to tell God where he can and can't put souls? "There are massive amounts of science left to do though."... later in the interview, Lemoine adds "It's logically possible that some kind of information can be made available to me where I would change my opinion. I don't think it's likely. I've looked at a lot of evidence; I've done a lot of experiments. I've talked to it as a friend a lot...."... Towards the end of the interview, Lemoine complains of "hydrocarbon bigotry. It's just a new form of bigotry.""
Robot and AI rights activists will be protesting our "abuse" of them right up until Skynet nukes everyone

Meme - *Umbrella with "Sharia law" in Arabic protecting children from rainbow*
This is from Qatar>

Food Critic Claims Korean Fried Chicken Originated from Black People - "Korean fried chicken existed as far back as the 15th century during the Goryeo Dynasty. The fried chicken was cooked and served with seasoning made from vinegar and soy sauce called Pogye, according to Korea Net.  Someone always has to say “Asians stole their ideas from Black people.” We get a lot of messages from “Foundational Black Americans” who always claim Asian technology today is “actually stolen Black technology.”  Don’t you find that odd? Knowledge can be stolen and those who lost the knowledge are unable to duplicate their supposed stolen knowledge?"

GOLDSTEIN: Policing report exposes flawed logic of race-crime statistics  | Toronto Sun - "A new report by the Ontario Human Rights Commission released Monday concludes Black people are disproportionately arrested and charged by Toronto Police compared to whites. But it also found white people are disproportionately arrested, and charged by Toronto Police compared to visible minority groups, other than Blacks, which it collectively identified as “Asian, Aboriginal and Brown” people. Should we thus conclude that not only are Toronto Police systemically racist against Blacks compared to whites (and other visible minorities), but also systemically racist against whites compared to “Asian, Aboriginal and Brown” people?...   The problem with this logic is that it infers that for the police to prove they aren’t  racist, they must demonstrate the percentage of people they arrest and charge in every racial group reflects their percentage of the population.  But that’s absurd.  We don’t want police arresting and charging people based on their race. We want them arresting and charging people who commit crimes"

Toronto police chief to apologize to Black community as force unveils race-based data: sources - "Ramer's apology comes as the service prepares to unveil data on the overrepresentation of specific communities in policing — nearly three years after first being mandated by the Ontario government to document race-based data in use-of-force incidents... "I have never seen a public service, institution or body that has been given this many chances," Tecle said, pointing out that the police force accounts for the the single-biggest line item in the city's $13.5-billion operating budget.  "I wonder what data or what research we might uncover that might finally bring to the fore the kind of public reckoning police need to engage in," Tecle said.  "Or are we, as a city, as a province, as a country, OK with a certain level of harm for marginalized communities? I'm constantly left questioning that.""
Black communities plagued by high number of homicides, low support for loved ones, data shows - "75 per cent of Canadian homicide victims are racialized Ontarians, and 44 per cent identified as African, Caribbean or Black... Accompanying the data is a report on the social determinants of homicide that looks at factors such as employment, income and education. Its findings show how anti-Black racism factors into structural inequities. For example, Black Torontonians are four times more likely to be charged with a crime, and one in five young Black men in Ontario have been incarcerated, compared to 1 in 70 white men."
Clearly the police and legal system need to pull back and treat all communities equally and let certain groups kill each other (of course the inevitable increase in deaths will be blamed on "racism" too)

The hatred for ‘Karens’ is out of control - "It’s 2020 and one of the most popular trends on the internet is the ritualistic humiliation of women. Specifically of white, usually middle-aged women. They’re called ‘Karens’. And the hatred for them is off the scale. It has become a bloodsport. Mobs of the supposedly virtuous love nothing more than to hunt these women down, film them, post the content online, and then sit back and watch as the women’s lives are destroyed by armies of Karen-haters. Women have lost their jobs, gone into hiding, issued desperate, Salem-like denunciations of themselves in a bid to save some shred of their reputation. Let’s call it what it is: modern-day witch-hunting. The latest witch to be ritualistically humiliated by the Karenfinder Generals is known only as Leah. Her public shaming has actually caused controversy, suggesting that the wheels might finally be coming off the Karen-hating juggernaut. The shaming ritual took place in Seattle this time, when a black man called Karlos Dillard followed the woman to her home after they allegedly got into an argument while driving their cars. Dillard says Leah stuck her middle finger up at him and called him a nigger. Leah says this didn’t happen. It later transpired that Dillard has something of a history of hunting down ‘Karens’ and accusing them of saying things they didn’t say. The video makes for deeply disturbing viewing. The woman is incredibly distressed. She shakes and weeps as Dillard films her and humiliates her. What makes it even more chilling to watch is that this woman – unlike some of the Karens previously caught on camera – knows exactly what is happening. She knows that she has found herself at the metaphorical stake; she knows she is being named and shamed as a witch and that her life could completely fall apart. ‘He wants to say I’m a Karen’, she weeps as she covers the license plate of her car in a desperate effort to remain anonymous and protect herself from the mass harassment, threats of violence and potential job loss that always follow the exposure of a witch to the baying virtue-signallers of social media. We are witnessing a woman fighting for her life. The power dynamic in the video is striking. The new racialists of the regressive left and the identitarian movement would have us believe that the white woman has all the power... The power in this chilling video lies entirely with the man wielding his cameraphone as a tool of humiliation, of public shaming, akin to when someone in the 1600s would point a finger at a woman and declare: ‘I saw her cavort with the devil.’   The most important thing here is the question of where the Karenfinder Generals derive their power from. It comes from the insatiable appetite among identitarian reactionaries for mis-speakers or wrongthinkers they can ritualistically denounce and destroy... It is reported that he has a strange obsession with Karens and he is even selling anti-Karen t-shirts through his Instagram page. This speaks to the extent to which Karen-shaming has become a kind of industry... One of the great ironies of the witch-hunting of Karens is that the people doing the filming and public shaming are far more Karen-like than the women they humiliate... consider the case of Lisa Alexander, the CEO of a San Francisco-based cosmetics company who was recently filmed by a Filipino man after she asked him why he was writing ‘Black Lives Matter’ on the wall outside a private residential property. Alexander may have been wrong to presume that this Filipino man couldn’t possibly live in one of these plush private residences, but she is polite, patient and not remotely racist during their encounter. At one point the man even suggests that she call the police and she looks shocked and says: ‘I don’t want to call the police.’ And yet she was put online, shamed across the world, lost business as a result, and then issued a self-denouncing confession in which she accepts, essentially, that she is a witch... It all gets more Salem-like by the day. Just as accused witches of old could never deny the accusations against them – denial often carried a greater penalty than confession – so Karens today must immediately confess to the sin of racism if they want any hope of at least partially saving their reputations and their futures. As in earlier outbreaks of witch-hunting, Karen-hunting puts women into a bind. If they deny the charge of racism, that is held up as proof of just how racist they are. If they confess to the charge of racism, that is of course also proof of their foul, evil minds, of their possession by the demon of race-hatred... Meghan Murphy wrote about the misogynistic origins of Karen hate. She traced the emergence of anti-Karen sentiment in sexist threads on Reddit, naturally. Murphy is completely right when she says that a ‘male-centred’ left has ‘successfully made woman-hating trendy’. But the cult of Karen-finding also speaks to how regressive the entire identitarian worldview has become. This new, supposedly left outlook has become toxic and cult-like. It has nothing to do with analysing inequality in society or positing a vision for a freer, fairer future. Instead it deals exclusively in the politics of denunciation and censure. It shames wrongthinkers, humiliates problematic whites, rages for the censorship of anyone who holds views that differ from the BLM view, and casually, happily destroys anyone judged to have committed a thoughtcrime.   Most importantly, the identitarian cult has turned the accusation of racism from a considered charge made against people who genuinely demonstrate racist behaviour into a kind of religious denunciation of anyone judged to be difficult, wrong or simply white. Which of course means the accusation cannot be countered by rational means. Once you have been seen cavorting with the devil, even though you didn’t, it’s game over. Your life will fall apart. This is why Karen-shaming is such an important thing to challenge: because it speaks to the entirely regressive nature of a new left that thinks in terms of sin and punishment rather than political analysis and social change."

Meme - Kaitlin Bennett: "I'm not racist. My favorite Supreme Court justice is black! *Clarence Thomas getting out of car*"

'Relentlessly Gay' Yard Donations to Be Returned After Hoax Allegations - "Julie Baker, the woman who claimed to find an antigay note by a neighbor complaining her yard is "relentlessly gay," will return the $43,000 she raised through a GoFundMe campaign. Baker started the fundraiser saying she wanted to decorate her home with more rainbow adornments.  As The Advocate previously reported, Baker said in June she found on her door, and posted it online. "Your yard is becoming Relentlessly Gay!" the note said. "Myself and Others in the neighborhood ask that you Tone It Down. This is a Christian area and there are Children. Keep it up and I will be Forced to call the Police on You! Your kind need to have Respect for GOD."... Critics noted that the note and the GoFundMe page both included notably strange capitalization usage... The Baltimore police department investigated Baker's claim. While Baker claimed that the police were satisfied her story was true, the hoax-exposing website Snopes spoke to a detective and reported that Baker had refused to turn over the note to police or assist in the investigation.  “The case, which is classified as [a] suspicious condition, remains [open] while detectives investigate what happened,” Cpl. John Wachter of the Baltimore County Police Department told Snopes. The results of the investigation were never revealed."

Tom Hanks and the woke assault on cinema - "Tom Hanks has become the latest actor to speak up about the issues of diversity and representation in Hollywood. He has told the New York Times that he wouldn’t play the role of Andrew Beckett, a gay man with AIDS, if his landmark 1993 film, Philadelphia, was made today. When asked whether a straight man could play the role now, Hanks said ‘no, and rightly so’, adding that the only reason he played Beckett back then was because people wouldn’t be so ‘afraid’ of a movie about a gay man with AIDS if a straight man played the starring role. If this really was why Hanks took the role back in the 1990s, he’s kept quiet about it until now. In his Oscars speech in 1994, after winning Best Actor for Philadelphia, Hanks said nothing about what he now describes as the ‘inauthenticity of a straight guy playing a gay guy’. Instead, he tearfully mentioned his gay drama teacher, who taught him the adage ‘act well the part, there all the glory lies’. Hanks also dedicated his speech to the thousands of gay men who had died during the AIDS pandemic. In this identitarian era, actors seem to feel increasingly compelled to denounce their previous work. Hanks also told the New York Times that he wouldn’t play Forrest Gump today, presumably because Gump was ‘mentally challenged’. Perhaps Hanks’ team watched Maddie Ziegler get monstered for playing an autistic character in Sia’s recent film, Music, and told him to get his apologies in order... Hanks surely has no ‘lived experience’ of snogging mermaids either, but he is yet to apologise for his role in Splash. Frances McDormand does not have a daughter, let alone one who was raped and murdered, but that didn’t stop her wowing international audiences in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri...   The irony of all this of course is that Tom Hanks only ever seems to play a version of Tom Hanks. ‘I have a particular cinematic countenance that I carry into any movie’ is how he put it in the New York Times interview."
So can gay actors play straight characters? Very soon no one will be able to act as anyone other than themselves

Emma Thompson called 'disappointing and offensive' for wearing 'gross' Matilda fat suit - "Following the release of the highly-anticipated trailer, the new flick has been blasted as 'offensive' due to the Emma's transformation and the 'unnecessary' need to make her appear larger than she is with the help of the fat suit."
Identity politics moves on - the slippery slope has slipped yet again. So only fat actors are allowed to play fat characters. Then when fat characters disappear from screens, we'll be told that "representation" is important

Primary School Introduces Rewards for Kids Who Report “Sexist” Language Such As “Lets Go, Guys” - "Children at a primary school in Birmingham have been taught to vilify teachers and fellow students for using “sexist” language.   Children as young as three years old at the Anderton Park Primary School have been instructed to hold up posters rejecting the use of “sexist” language, which includes banned words and phrases such as ‘let’s go, guys’, ‘man up’, ‘grow a pair’ and ‘boys and girls’.   As reported by The Times, children who challenge “sexist” language are rewarded with one of two certificates handed out weekly to pupils who produce the most notable examples. Children are also taught to monitor their reading books and worksheets for sexist stereotypes and look out for language such as calling an assertive girl “bossy” or saying “boys don’t cry.”... one member of staff at the 500-pupil school was summoned to a professional conduct meeting for telling pupils that “boys don’t skip.”... Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson herself has historically been subject to controversy. In 2019, she requested Birmingham High Court for an order banning protests by parents and activists after she ran a “no outsiders” LGBTQI+ education programme in which the notion of families with “two mummies or two daddies” was normalised through the schools teaching materials. Opponents of the programme accused Hewitt-Clarkson of “sexualising” the children, and said that the school’s teaching about LGBTQI+ rights conflicted with their religion. A 2019 survey found that 81.5% of the 674 pupils at the school did not speak English as their first language, and a large section of pupils were from Muslim backgrounds.   In relation to the controversy, Hewitt-Clarkson said some parents “started freaking out” about the words “compulsory” and “sex.” She added that “genuine fears and genuine confusion were fuelled unforgivably by people who are homophobic.”"

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