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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Links - 28th July 2022 (1 - Trans Mania [including "What is a Woman?"])

Schrödinger’s (Wo)Manhood - "manhood and womanhood in our era are held to be simultaneously entirely in the brain and everywhere except the brain. In matters concerning gender equity in STEM, one must profess that the differences between men and women manifest solely in the pelvic and chest anatomy, not the brain. Consequently, if women constitute less than 50 percent of the people studying or working in a field, the only acceptable explanation is sexism, not a difference in the typical preferences of the two sexes. On the other hand, transgender activists maintain that the distinction between being a man or a woman is entirely in the mind, and a person’s reproductive anatomy is not what defines them as male or female. Whatever a person states about his or her gender identity reflects their authentic inner nature, and may not be challenged. Scholars who raise questions about transgender identity face not only criticism and counterarguments (fair game for anyone making a claim), but also demands that their published work be removed from the written record rather than rebutted in open debate. Increasingly, journal editorial board members and university administrators side with these demands for retractions of articles rather than encouraging reasoned rebuttal, as scholars like Lisa Littman of Brown University and Rebecca Tuvel of Rhodes College have learned... transgender women in particular desire recognition as women in professional settings, the arts, in literature, and so forth. Implicit in these requests is an insistence that their transition is as much a social change as a medical one, affecting many facets of their lives and interactions with other people. (Interestingly, transgender men make remarkably few demands concerning their status as men. One reason is surely that modern Western society has fewer spaces that are explicitly male-only, and those that remain mostly face pressure to admit women rather than expand their concept of manhood. Facing a dearth of explicitly men-only spaces to which they can demand access, some transgender men have actually demanded access to women-only spaces.) Another prospective way to reconcile these narratives is to say that there is no mental distinction between men and women, that all traits are equally distributed among the sexes, but some people accept social conditioning better than others. In this model, transgender people simply resist society’s pressures and exhibit preferences that sharply violate what is expected from people of their sex. They consequently seek to identify with the sex for whom society’s expectations fit more easily with their own natural preferences for appearance and behaviour. This second model might explain sex changes by gays and lesbians in Iran (where a sex change means that they are now attracted to the opposite sex, and hence compliant with religious rules), but it would not explain the growing demand for medical and surgical transitions in more liberal Western societies. On the contrary, if transgender people are simply atypical members of the gender that they were assigned at birth, one would expect that, as acceptance grows for people who eschew gender norms, atypical people would feel less need for acceptance as authentic members of the other gender. Moreover, if all sex/gender differences arise from social pressures to deviate from what people would be in the absence of sexist conditioning, then the only truly free people are non-binary and genderqueer people, who refuse to live solely within the strictures of either masculinity or femininity. However, unlike genderqueer or non-binary people, transgender people don’t hold “male” and “female” to be artificial categories. Rather, they whole-heartedly endorse the concept of distinct genders, and seek recognition as authentic members of one of those categories. Consequently, genderqueer or non-binary identities will not help us resolve the matter of transgender people who identify as authentic men or authentic women."

Meme - "I transitioned from the kid my classmates beat up to the woman that's out of their league"

Owen Jones’ hunt for broody lesbians - "To my mind, despite the lack of manbun or beard, Guardian journalist Owen Jones exemplifies the woke bro. Much to my disappointment Jones has blocked me on Twitter – presumably this is so he can stay safe from any of my offensive opinions. Nonetheless, when on 1 April he tweeted that he was ‘hunting for broody lesbian couples’ the response was so explosive that even the legions of social-media users he has blocked saw screenshots of it. Jones’ tweet was in response to a friend of his, who is co-parenting with a lesbian couple, announcing joy in being a father. The conversation between the pair seemed to suggest that Jones, who is gay and wants children, ought to ejaculate into a pot and then find a woman who also wants children. Jones is a proponent of the idea that ‘trans women are women’, and that, as such, some lesbians have penises. Given this, Twitter wits were quick to point out that he seemed to be able to distinguish between the sexes when he needed to make use of female biology. By neglecting to add the prefix ‘cis’ (ie, ‘not trans’) to the word lesbian, Jones arguably invalidated and dismissed the many lesbians with penises who may now be in mental anguish as a result of his thoughtless comments. Presumably a full and fawning apology will follow. While families should and do come in all shapes and sizes, many liberals and, in particular, some prominent gay men, seem to believe they have a right to have their own biological children... Perhaps it is controversial, but to my mind no one is owed a baby by the state, regardless of his or her sexual orientation. Furthermore, the idea that women can be used like broodmares is a grotesque and dehumanising abuse in the name of ‘equality.’ As writer and bioethics consultant Gary Powell outlines in an essay for Lesbian and Gay News: ‘So-called “fertility equality” comes at the cost of the rights and equality of women and children. Not only does surrogacy instrumentalise women and babies in a dehumanising way: it is also a physically dangerous process that can lead to serious illness, psychological trauma and death.’ That some lesbians might find his suggestion of ‘hunting’ for a suitable candidate to carry his child predatory, not to mention dehumanising, was not addressed by Jones. Instead, he opted to accuse his critics of transphobia and homophobia. Interestingly, this is the same tactic used by Benjamin Cohen, who tweeted in response to criticism of his intended ‘surrogacy journey’: ‘When you crack open a transphobe, you find homophobes and anti-Semites too.’... Jones is the epitome of the enlightened, lefty bloke. He has penned such pieces as: ‘To end the harm inflicted by aggressive masculinity men must embrace feminism – without stealing it.’ And yet when feminists have asked him to listen, he cowers behind blocks on social media and accuses them of whichever ‘phobia’ or ‘ism’ takes his fancy. He will vociferously make pronouncements about human rights so long as they cost him nothing. As with so many other right-on lefty men, Jones defends politicians caught using pornography and critiques capitalism while staying notably tight-lipped on the trade in women’s bodies. We should recall the observation made by the radical feminist Andrea Dworkin in Right-Wing Women: ‘The difference between left-wing and right-wing when it comes to women is only about where exactly on our necks their boots should be placed. To right-wing men, we are private property. To left-wing men, we are public property.’"

Girl Dick, the Cotton Ceiling and the Cultural War on Lesbians and Women - "It should come as no surprise to anyone that ‘cotton ceiling’ was coined by a transgender porn actor, Drew DeVeaux in 2012, and itself alludes to the systemic power structure that has been used to keep women in their place, ‘the glass ceiling’. It should also be of no surprise, as of course porn is an industry run by and for men, that other trans porn actors have berated lesbian colleagues for not wishing to ‘perform’ with a male-bodied individual with a functioning male reproductive system... because of the way our use of language is now being imposed, with Facebook and Twitter suspending and even terminating those of us who refuse to submit to the dogma of transgender ideology, and Automattic redacting information on WordPress-hosted blog posts, we are finding ourselves in a dystopian world where we are unable to talk about biological sex, sexual orientation or even name the reality of these in relation to the small number of perpetrators of harassment and sexual and other violence against women and girls. Just think what it means for all of us, should our sources of news and information and our discussion channels make it impossible for us to have real conversations about these things. Where will this end?... organizations have for years been infiltrating our schools and youth organizations and culture, to directly attack sex-based safeguarding of young people and inculcate that our sex is something that exists in our head rather than a physical reality."
It's telling the trans men aren't demanding access to men's bodies. Doubtless TRAs have some tortured way to justify this as being due to "(trans)misogyny"

Jordan Peterson: ‘Gay kids are being convinced they’re transsexual. That’s not so good for gay people, is it?’ - "What is most striking about the rapidly increasing numbers of teenagers and young adults self-identifying as trans, ‘non-binary’ or ‘queer’ is that whereas it was once young men who were in the majority, it is now increasingly female adolescents. ‘I knew when all this nonsense started back in 2016 with C-16, you dumb bastards are going to start a psychogenic epidemic,’ Peterson says heatedly. (Psychogenic meaning mental or emotional conflict). ‘And that’s exactly what happened with this rapid onset of gender dysphoria. For every kid you save, you will doom a hundred.’ One argument holds that in an earlier age the small number of people exhibiting gender dysphoria were inhibited by social or cultural constraints, but now feel more free to fully express themselves... ‘There’s a lot of confused people, and there’s certainly a lot of confused adolescents who could be enticed into narcissistic abnormality as a consequence of attention-seeking. No problem, man. Ten per cent of adolescents will line up for that, especially girls because they’re prone to psychogenic epidemics. But what’s happening now is that gay kids are being convinced they’re transsexual. Well that’s not so good for gay people, is it? ‘I’ve had people come to me who have uncertainty about their sexual identities. The right way to handle that therapeutically is to say, “OK, I don’t know what the hell is best for you, and clearly you don’t either because you’re confused. So let’s evaluate the whole range of possibilities before we do anything precipitous, let alone surgical.” It’s like sacrificing children to Moloch. It’s horrible, what’s happening.’... As a result of the growing controversy over his pronouncements on the question of C-16, his university job was under threat. He was under fire from The College of Psychologists, accused of ‘not keeping email contact with clients in proper order’ in the few months following his emergence into notoriety, and being investigated by the tax authorities. ‘They admitted they made a mistake, which was real nice of them,’ he says drily."

Bill Maher: At This Rate 'We Will All Be Gay by 2054' - ""According to a recent Gallup poll, less than 1% of Americans born before 1946 — that's Joe Biden's generation — identify that way: 2.6% of boomers do, 4.2% of Gen X, 10.5% of millennials, and 20.8% of Gen Z," Maher said Friday on HBO's "Real Time." "Which means if we follow this trajectory we will all be gay in 2054." Maher noted the transformational changes beg the question, "when things change this much, this fast, people are allowed to ask: 'What's up with that?' "All the babies are in the wrong bodies?" "It wasn't that long ago that when adults asked a kid 'what do you want to be when you grow up,' they meant 'what profession'"... "Someone needs to say it: Not everything's about you," Maher continued. "And it's OK to ask questions about something that's very new and involves children. "The answer can't always be that someone from a marginalized community is automatically right — trump card, mic drop, end of discussion." "Because we're literally experimenting on children," he added, pointing to gender transition medicine and puberty blockers. "Maybe that's why Sweden and Finland have stopped giving puberty blockers to kids, because we just don't know much about the long-term effects," Maher said. "Although common sense should tell you that when you reverse the course of raging hormones, there's going to be problems. Maher pointed to the reported side affects of limiting bone density – which he said, "is kind of important if you like having a skeleton" – and also "fertility and the ability to have an orgasm." Maher was aware of the likely criticism of his comments, saying "weighing trade-offs is not bigotry." Maher also denounced gender dysphoria unwinding "gay pride," saying America's younger generation is drawn to "trendy" things like LGBTQ issues as a social conditioning. Maher lamented we are now at a point "gay men aren't hip enough for the gay pride parade."... Maher also noted liberal locales seem to have a higher rate of transgenderism. "If this spike in trans children is all natural, why is it regional?" Maher asked. "Either Ohio is shaming them or California is creating them."... "It's a blow being struck in culture wars, using children as cannon fodder," he warned. "And never forget: Children are impressionable and very, very stupid," Maher said. "Kids don't know why mom drinks every day or why dad has two cell phones. Maybe the boy who thinks he's a girl is just gay. Maher stressed kids always go through "phases." "They're kids; it's all phases!" Maher concluded. "Gender fluid? Kids are fluid about everything. If kids knew what they wanted to be at age 8, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses. "I wanted to be a pirate. Thank God no one took me seriously and scheduled me for eye removal and peg-leg surgery.""

Pantene made a commercial with 2 lesbian moms celebrating their "super gender creative" child - ""You shouldn't care what adults do in the bedroom" has now changed to
"what do you care what we do to our kids?" But the slippery slope isn't real ... OK."

78% of Non-Cisgender College Students Report Mental Health Symptoms - "transmasculine students (assigned female sex at birth) were a particularly vulnerable group compared with cisgender men... 49% of transgender students, 66% of genderqueer respondents, and 54% of individuals with another self-identified gender reported depressive symptoms. Comparatively, 28% of cisgender respondents did."
Of course, anyone who even entertains the possibility that discrimination doesn't entirely explain this is a transphobic bigot
Weird how since "discrimination" against transwomen is always in the news, but never that against transmen, transwomen aren't the most vulnerable

Meme - "Hey transphobes, if my asshole isn't a pussy then why does it bleed"
""Sir, you have colon cancer""

Meme - "Amelia Is Dipping Her Toe Back In @autogynamelia: "someone put a baby in me. I don't care that I don't have a uterus we can sort out the details later. I'm pumped full of hormones and willing to keep getting barebacked and bred for as long ass it takes"
If the username weren't enough of a red flag

FDA: Thousands of Deaths Linked to Puberty Blockers - "Between 2013 and June 2019, FDA recorded 41,213 adverse events, including 6,379 deaths and 25,645 “serious” reactions in patients who took the hormone blocker known as Lupron — the same drug given to children who say their gender identity is not consistent with their biological sex... Gender-transitioning hormone treatments have been successful for pharmaceutical companies. In 2017, AbbVie, which produces Lupron, observed sales of the drug were $669 million just in the United States alone. California-based endocrinologist and specialist on childhood gender dysphoria Dr. Michael Laidlaw has noted the medical industry is looking at a “windfall” as a result of patients seeking out treatment for gender dysphoria. “Big pharma, big hospital systems, surgical centers and doctors seek to gain huge profits,” Laidlaw said. “Lupron … monthly is $775 alone. That’s a $27,000 ‘pause button’ at 5 years [of age]. Multiply this together with the huge rise in cases documented or observed in Western nations and a major windfall is to be had.”... once puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are injected into children, an “endocrine condition” in these children will develop."

Catholic father files lawsuit after daughter attempts suicide over gender identity - "A Florida father is suing the local school district after his 12-year-old daughter attempted suicide by 'hanging herself in one of the bathrooms' at her Clay County elementary school. The federal lawsuit, obtained by DailyMail.com, was filed in court on Monday by the Child & Parental Rights Campaign against several school district members including Superintendent Davis Broskie, Paterson Elementary School Principal John O'Brian, Assistant Principal Courtney Schumacher and school counselor Destiney Washington. The complaint alleges that Washington held secret weekly meetings with Wendell Perez's daughter about her alleged 'gender identity crisis' but neglected to alert her parents... It also claims school leaders encouraged other students and staff to refer to the young girl as a boy and even gave her a new name."
Liberal cope is that this is really homophobia and/or the Daily Mail is lying

zara ♀ on Twitter - "If someone is asking you to muddy reality, to obscure your ability to advocate for yourself, to obfuscate your ability to express yourself—all in the name of *their* inclusion, they’re not asking for allyship. They’re asking for power over you."

Meme - "When People Call You Mentally Ill So You Cut Off Your Schlong and Get Breast Implants to Prove Them Wrong"

Facebook - ""What is a Woman?" premiered last night and The Daily Wire received a record number of users streaming the film. However, our site experienced heavy technical difficulties and many were unable to watch. We have since determined that we were hit with a significant and sustained DDoS cyber-attack aimed at preventing you from seeing Matt Walsh’s shocking new documentary. So what’s the big deal about this documentary? Why are there forces that don’t want it to see the light of day? Matt Walsh went to every public intellectual on the Left he could find — from Harvard professors to feminist activists at the women’s march — and asked simple questions, the main one being: What is a woman? We cannot have a society together if you can’t do something as simple as define the word ‘woman’. The answers he got will horrify you — they reveal just how dangerous and destructive radical gender ideology is and the impact it’s having on women and children in our society. "What is a Woman?" is one of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen and I couldn’t be more proud that we produced it here at The Daily Wire. It’s funny, shocking, insightful, and incredibly important."

'What is a woman?': the trans film that makes for harrowing viewing | The Spectator - "we live in unusual times when primary school children can answer a question our leading politicians struggle to get to grips with. Matt Walsh's film shows that ordinary people are often baffled too. His interviewees responded with confusion, obfuscation and prevarication when asked to define the word 'woman'. A professor of women, gender and sexuality studies at the University of Tennessee was stunned into silence by the slightly harder task: 'Can you define the word woman without using the word woman?'. Walsh’s wife at least knew the correct answer. 'An adult human female', she replied – as she worked in the kitchen – adding, 'who needs help opening this (jar)?'... Walsh’s documentary has gone down badly. His demolition of gender identity ideology – the idea that we all have an innate gender identity – has upset the usual suspects. Rolling Stone magazine quoted the founder of the grandly sounding Trans Student Educational Resources organisation who suggested that 'to believe what’s in (the film) requires a fantastical hatred of trans people.' I watched it and I can’t say I agree with the hyperbole. Walsh’s interlocutors might not have been able to answer his question – perhaps because they feared being seen as unkind – but surely trans people like me deserve to be challenged like anyone else? It’s not kind to ignore the contradictions in gender identity ideology if it encourages trans people to build our lives on fantasy. And there was much fantasy in the first half of the film. A gender affirming therapist told Walsh that: 'We now know that sex and gender are so much more than just this binary; some women have penises, some men have vaginas.' She explained that she had learned that from transgender people, as if we are a priestly class with special knowledge about the human condition. Spoiler: we aren’t and we don’t. Disappointingly, Walsh didn’t consult the British and Irish writers and speakers who know more than most about what it means to be a woman, or indeed what it means to be a man... The naivety of the gender identity brigade is breathtaking. 'When someone tells you who they are, you should believe them,' the gender studies prof told us before claiming that a woman is a person who identifies as a woman. His reasoning may have been circular but his body language spoke volumes as he squirmed in his chair; he had been poleaxed by a simple question and he knew it. I wonder how much his students pay to attend his classes?... Transman Scott Nugent didn’t fudge and responded with brutal honesty, 'I am a biological woman that medically transitioned to appear like a male (but) I will never be a man.' Nugent spoke passionately about the complications of surgery; 'six inches of hair on the inside of my urethra for seventeen months'. But Nugent’s main concern was youngsters. 'We are butchering a generation of children because nobody is willing to talk about anything,' Nugent warned. Walsh spoke next to Dr Marci Bowers, a transwoman who has performed over 2000 vaginoplasties (male-to-female sex change operations). 'What is the youngest patient you’ve operated on?' Walsh asked? 'Sixteen', Bowers replied. Let’s be clear what this means: a child too young to have a tattoo had their testes removed and their penis filleted and turned inside out. We look back now with horror on some of what was seen as suitable medical treatment in years gone by, but what will future generations make of our time? Walsh didn't mince his words: 'By imposing this vile nonsense on students to the point even of forcing young girls to share locker rooms with boys, you deprive these kids of safety and privacy, and something more fundamental too, which is truth.'... while Walsh is critical of gender identity ideology, he did not explain why such a bizarre idea has captivated society. Why are so many people – particularly the young – identifying as transgender or non binary? If we explain that, we might well return society to the truth, and restore the safeguarding of children"

This activist tried to derail Matt Walsh by asking if a woman who can't have kids is still a woman. Well, duh. Obviously. Here's why. - "Daily Wire writer and podcaster Matt Walsh appeared on Dr. Phil this week to debate the merits of transgender ideology... Yes, a woman—an adult human female—is scientifically defined by the role she plays in human reproduction, and yes, even a woman who can't reproduce is still a woman. Why do we say this? Simply because these terms—man, woman, male, female, human—are contingent not upon individual idiosyncrasies but on the universal ends to which an individual is ordered... We can illustrate this basic, common principle with an easy example: Consider human bipedalism, the human trait of walking upright on two legs that is used by secular science to separate hominids from apes. Would you hold that a human being who is incapable of walking upright—due to spina bifida, say, or congenital amputation in which a baby is born without legs—is somehow not a human? That would be desperately silly and anti-scientific."

Sean Fitzgerald (Actual Justice Warrior) on Twitter - "You know @MattWalshBlog Killed his debate on Dr. Phil because they unlisted it today"

Hulu Appears To Remove Matt Walsh’s Dr. Phil Episode - "Hulu did not respond to repeated requests for comment... “You stood up here and said, ‘Trans women are women.’ Tell me what you mean. What is a woman?” “Womanhood is something that … I cannot define,” Addison admitted. Addison responds that “womanhood” is an “umbrella term” that describes “people who identify as a woman.” “Identify as what?” Walsh shot back. “As a woman,” Addison repeated. “What is that?” said Walsh... “The other guests on the ‘Dr. Phil’ panel are complaining that I gave them nightmares,” Walsh tweeted. “I attacked them by asking them to define the words they were using.”... Walsh was called everything from “a literal self proclaimed fascist” to “a terrible human being who’s narcissistically proud of his bigotry & hatred.”"

‘Dr. Phil’ Aftermath: LGBT Activists Complain Matt Walsh Gave Them ‘Nightmares.’ Walsh Responds. - "Just before the episode aired, “nonbinary” activist Addison posted a lengthy Instagram story accusing the “Dr. Phil” team of tricking Addison and fellow “nonbinary” activist Ethan to do the show under false pretenses. The post also claims Walsh’s pushback, which included asking Addison and Ethan to define the word woman, gave them “nightmares” and triggered anxiety... Walsh stumped the two gender activists, who were unable to define the term woman, though they declared, “transgender women are women.” In another segment, Walsh quieted the left-wing audience after he was mocked for apparently caring “so much” about the Left’s radical gender agenda. “Part of me wants to ask why you care so much, because it’s really not that big of a deal,” a guest mocked Walsh. “I’d love to answer that question,” the author interjected. “I care about the truth,” Walsh said. “So, basic truth matters. I wanna live in a society where people care about the truth and we’re grounded in truth. … I care about children, and these insane ideas about gender are being [foisted] on kids, and that bothers me quite a bit. I care about the women who are having their opportunities stolen from them.”"

‘Reduced To Babbling Nonsense’: Social Media Erupts After Matt Walsh Schools LGBT Activists On ‘Dr. Phil’ - "“The trans movement seems to hold that the word ‘woman’ is extremely meaningful — so it’s very wrong to deny someone is a woman — while at the same time saying the word is meaningless such that anyone can say he or she is a woman,” wrote conservative Frank J. Fleming... “This is what happens to Western civilization at the far end of abandoning metaphysical realism.”"

Watch | Facebook - "Matt Walsh spoke to an African tribe about transgenderism. The Left claims that traditional cultures have fluid notions of gender. That’s not exactly what he found..."

'What Is A Woman?' Documentary Displays Chilling Hostility To Truth - "What makes a question taboo? In a culture that champions dialogue and scientific inquiry, it would seem that anything is fair game. According to the documentary “What is a Woman?” that’s not the case. Produced by conservative news outlet The Daily Wire, the 1-hour and 35-minute film — this month rated number one for “Movies at Home” on Rotten Tomatoes — follows author, speaker, and podcast host Matt Walsh as he travels across the country and overseas, seeking an answer to the title question... The dramatized ignorance gives the film a touch of humor as well as objectivity. To each one of his interviewees (conservative or progressive), Walsh never argues for a viewpoint but only asks questions... After repeating his question at the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., the marchers accuse him of harassment and start chanting “-ssh-le” as he walks by. In the one-on-one interviews with doctors, researchers, and a congressman, several of them abruptly call to end the interview. The congressman lasts the shortest. Why is the question so unsettling? Perhaps because it seeks a definite answer. One particular interview makes this clear. When Walsh tells a professor that he’s asking the question because he wants to find the truth, the professor bristles and asks that he stop using terms that are transphobic and rude. In all likelihood, this professor and other interviewees would have jumped to answer the more open-ended question, “What does womanhood mean to you?” But the basic inquiry “What is a woman?” full-stop ruffles feathers because it asks for something universal. That’s a problem for our culture, since there is nothing universal about the people who identify as women, either biologically or temperamentally. Apparently, an athletic lesbian is just as much a woman as someone “assigned” male at birth who grew up liking Barbie dolls, and both are as much a woman as an hourglass-shaped pop star. What do these people have in common? The world’s answer: they don’t need to have anything in common, because womanhood is whatever anyone wants it to be. It’s all personal, it’s all relative — so it’s all meaningless. It’s unsettling enough to confront moral relativism as an abstract idea, but it’s downright chilling to see it in real people who let it dictate their lives — and would have it dictate others’ too. Throughout the film, everyone who supports gender ideology cannot make any firm claim about reality. “What if my truth is that I’m a black man?” Walsh (who is very white) asks the professor, who pauses and then responds, “Are you?” “What if my truth is that you don’t exist?” Walsh asks one woman. “Fine, then to you I don’t exist,” she shrugs. In order for gender to be fluid, reality itself must be relative. To seek “the truth” is offensive because it might step on the toes of “my truth.” This brings us back to the easily triggered interviewees. Driven by feelings, moral relativism is all niceness and tolerance until someone pokes at it with an appeal to truth, and then it can only lash out like a child. We might read about such responses in anecdotes or articles, but seeing them happen in real conversations on screen makes it starkly clear: Our culture has murdered truth, and as a result, it is a weak and insecure creature. What’s more, it can only destroy itself, because when someone declares that “my truth” is hatred, violence, or terrorism, relativism has no moral power to call it wrong. Walsh’s documentary doesn’t offer much in terms of healing mainstream culture, but for anyone who wants to try, examining that culture up close is a key first step. For that, “What is a Woman?” is a must-watch."

‘What Is A Woman?’ Dominates As Number 1 Most Watched Movie At Home, 97% Fresh Audience Score On Rotten Tomatoes - "“Finally, someone questioning the madness that we’ve all see[n] unfolding before our eyes over the last 10 years. Walsh asks one simple question and it brings gender ideology down like a house of cards,” one reviewer wrote. “This is one of the best documentaries to come out in years; I say this as a former liberal,” another said. “The Emperor has no clothes and this documentary exposes that the current obsession with gender is based on lies and half-truths.” “A really deep and thoughtful approach to the ever complicating topic of gender identity in today’s society, with sprinkles and dashes of humor throughout. It is a must watch for Left leaning individuals who apparently cant seem to take their blinds off from their eyes,” said a third reviewer. Mainstream reviewers aren’t just taking issue with the content of Walsh’s project, but are rather refusing to engage with or attempt to debunk his claims at all. They replied to email queries with profanity and revulsion, calling the content “transphobic” before even seeing it."

Melissa Chen on Twitter - "Finally saw the Matt Walsh doc, What is a Woman? It has that feel of what Sasha Baron Cohen’s early movies were to the zeitgeist. It felt subversive. Fresh. Dangerous. Funny. That the debate on sex/gender has been ceded to the TradCons is going to be liberalism’s undoing."

Facebook - "A lot of feminists have gotten angry at me that I didn't include them in "What is a Woman?". Interestingly enough, none of them have ever tried to include me in any of their projects. Funny how this is a one-way street. Also, the very idea of getting offended because you're not in a documentary is just narcissistic in the extreme. It would never occur to me to get mad at someone I don't know for not including me in a project that I had nothing to do with. Another thing that these feminists will have to explain: which person in our film should have been removed to make room for you? It's a 90-minute feature. We made use of every minute. So how should it have been rearranged to accommodate you? Please explain."

J🦎 on Twitter - "Hello, my name is Jaden. I’m a 22 year old detrans male and former puberty blocked individual who socially, hormonally, and surgically transitioned as a teenager. Recently, I had the pleasure of watching the documentary ‘What Is A Woman?’ and I wanted to share my thoughts. 🧵
The interview that particularly caught my attention was when political commentator, Matt Walsh interviewed Dr. Michelle Forcier, a physician who routinely treats trans youth. Forcier is a big proponent for “affirmative” healthcare and pubertal blockers.
Forcier admits affirmation therapy begins “whenever the patient is ready for it” - it’s no secret trans care is handled anecdotally but it’s unnerving to hear a medical professional talk about something so intimate & serious as transitioning in an inconsistent, nonchalant manner.
Though, what I took issue with was the fact she claims puberty blockers are “completely reversible and don’t have permanent effects.” This ever increasingly common narrative is a fallacy, with medical data, lawsuits, and personal reported experiences directly contradicting it.
As someone who took these medications as a teenager, I’ve contended with many of the effects reported. At age 16, I was prescribed spironolactone (a common T blocker). For nearly a year, I’d struggle as I’d continue to take the medication but have consistently high T levels.
Stumped by my labs, my PCP referred me to his colleague, an OBGYN who within the first few months of treating me swapped my T blockers for a GnRH agonist implant known as Histrelin. In the coming years, I’d experience physical, mental, and sexual changes I never could imagine.
In my anecdotal experience, blockers were more intense than when I was only taking anti androgens. Having T rapidly and permanently blocked for the first time led me to developing muscular atrophy, metabolic issues, & bone density concerns. Physical issues that still affect me.
The lack of physical development and sexual maturation I experienced is irreversible, even when taking testosterone replacement therapy. The fetility issues, and eventual decimation of my fertility altogether, will never be rebounded - in fact the Mayo Clinic even warns of this."

Opinion | The Far Right and Far Left Agree on One Thing: Women Don’t Count - The New York Times - "The right’s position here is the better known, the movement having aggressively dedicated itself to stripping women of fundamental rights for decades. Thanks in part to two Supreme Court justices who have been credibly accused of abusive behavior toward women, Roe v. Wade, nearly 50 years a target, has been ruthlessly overturned. Far more bewildering has been the fringe left jumping in with its own perhaps unintentionally but effectively misogynist agenda. There was a time when campus groups and activist organizations advocated strenuously on behalf of women. Women’s rights were human rights and something to fight for. Though the Equal Rights Amendment was never ratified, legal scholars and advocacy groups spent years working to otherwise establish women as a protected class. But today, a number of academics, uber-progressives, transgender activists, civil liberties organizations and medical organizations are working toward an opposite end: to deny women their humanity, reducing them to a mix of body parts and gender stereotypes. As reported by my colleague Michael Powell, even the word “women” has become verboten... Planned Parenthood, once a stalwart defender of women’s rights, omits the word “women” from its home page. NARAL Pro-Choice America has used “birthing people” in lieu of “women.” The American Civil Liberties Union, a longtime defender of women’s rights, last month tweeted its outrage over the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade as a threat to several groups: “Black, Indigenous and other people of color, the L.G.B.T.Q. community, immigrants, young people.” It left out those threatened most of all: women. Talk about a bitter way to mark the 50th anniversary of Title IX... If there are other marginalized people to fight for, it’s assumed women will be the ones to serve other people’s agendas rather than promote their own... what kind of message we are sending to young girls about feeling good in their bodies, pride in their sex and the prospects of womanhood? For essentially ceding to another backlash? Women didn’t fight this long and this hard only to be told we couldn’t call ourselves women anymore. This isn’t just a semantic issue; it’s also a question of moral harm, an affront to our very sense of ourselves. It wasn’t so long ago — and in some places the belief persists — that women were considered a mere rib to Adam’s whole. Seeing women as their own complete entities, not just a collection of derivative parts, was an important part of the struggle for sexual equality. But here we go again, parsing women into organs... Those women who do publicly express mixed emotions or opposing views are often brutally denounced for asserting themselves... in a world of chosen gender identities, women as a biological category don’t exist. Some might even call this kind of thing erasure... the supposed progressives on the fringe left. In accordance with a newly embraced gender theory, they now propose that girls — gay or straight — who do not self-identify as feminine are somehow not fully girls. Gender identity workbooks created by transgender advocacy groups for use in schools offer children helpful diagrams suggesting that certain styles or behaviors are “masculine” and others “feminine.” Didn’t we ditch those straitened categories in the ’70s?... Those on the right who are threatened by women’s equality have always fought fiercely to put women back in their place. What has been disheartening is that some on the fringe left have been equally dismissive, resorting to bullying, threats of violence, public shaming and other scare tactics when women try to reassert that right. The effect is to curtail discussion of women’s issues in the public sphere. But women are not the enemy here. Consider that in the real world, most violence against trans men and women is committed by men but, in the online world and in the academy, most of the ire at those who balk at this new gender ideology seems to be directed at women."
Of course, one liberal "solution" is for "woman" to have no meaning - anyone can be a "woman", and it doesn't mean anything to be a "woman" (one way Matt Walsh's "What is a woman" was so brilliant).
Of course, the writer has to pretend that "trans women" are not a threat to women

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