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Friday, July 29, 2022

Links - 29th July 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

People's Association withdraws offer to meet couple over wedding photo incident - "The People's Association (PA) has withdrawn its offer to meet a Malay/Muslim couple whose photo was used as a standee for Hari Raya Aidilfitri decorations without permission, citing disagreements with them over the purpose of the meeting and how they had characterised the incident.  Communications specialist Sarah Bagharib, 30, had posted on social media on May 28 about the inappropriate use of her wedding photograph at a Housing Board estate in Radin Mas constituency.  This drew a public apology from the PA and an offer from the government agency to meet her and her husband, Mr Razif Abdullah, to apologise in person for the distress caused by its mistakes... Ms Sarah had shared claims that the incident "perpetuate(s) the racist culture" and was "racist".  The agency rejected these claims, saying: "While the error was culturally insensitive, it was certainly not racist. It is not right to raise the allegation of racism, without basis, to stoke emotions and sentiments." It also noted that she had made a public call for messages and suggestions ahead of the meeting. "We find this odd. We do not see why our meeting should be appropriated as a platform for her to funnel the views and comments of persons unrelated to the incident," the PA added.  "All these lead us to believe her purpose in agreeing to meet us has gone far beyond the Radin Mas incident. We therefore see no point in proceeding with the meeting." The couple's wedding photo had been used by a vendor to create a standee alongside a decorative platform and banner depicting Radin Mas MP Melvin Yong and his Hari Raya Aidilfitri greetings to residents... User @jeanpsychologist thanked Ms Sarah for posting on the incident, and called for Chinese Singaporeans to "educate ourselves on our conditioned racism", saying this is "long overdue towards our friends in minority communities who have to put up with our ignorance - which continues to perpetuate the racist culture that hurts them".  In the second Instagram Story, Ms Sarah penned a series of reflections on the incident, and said she was thankful to those who had stood in solidarity with her and her husband as well as other ethnic minorities in the aftermath of "this incident (and other racist attacks and incidents that have been filmed)".  The PA also claimed Ms Sarah had insinuated in an online talk show on June 7 that PA's staff and volunteers did not find anything wrong with the standee as they might be "blind to racism"...   She also referred to someone's comment about internalised racism, and spoke about how some people are blind to racism, or feel there is nothing wrong with racism as it does not impact them."
We don't even know the race of the people involved, but SJWs in Singapore never miss an opportunity to bash Chinese people
Anyone who disagrees with a SJW - even a minority - must be racist himself

Suhaimi Yusof Explains The Differences Between Malay Costumes In Response To PA's Hari Raya Standee Blunder - "actor and The Noose star Suhaimi Yusof, who is of Javanese descent, waded into the conversation by posting his personal response to the incident on his socials.  “The recent error by PA when they used the wrong costume for the wrong occasion upset the community a bit. Well everyone makes mistakes. Look on the bright side, now we know each other better,” he wrote, sharing a collage of himself in various types of Malay traditional attire according to the corresponding occasion to show non-Malay folks the differences...  “There’s a Malay proverb that translates as, ‘Don’t draw charcoal on my face’, which means ‘Don’t embarrass me’ and has something to do with face value. So if you’ve done something embarrassing, it’s very hard to face others, so I symbolised that by using that huge songkok to cover my face.”   Brilliant meme aside, Suhaimi also saw the whole debacle as “a great opportunity to educate” the non-Malay community about his culture.  “If you fight fire with fire, you won’t come to a solution and will only make the fire bigger. So pour the water on it slowly, and people will tend to have a bit more respect and listen to you,” he said. “Of course, you can throw in a joke or two, not to trivialise the matter, but to loosen people up. This was clearly a misunderstanding, so the solution is to make people understand! And what better way to do that than to use humour?”...   Although Suhaimi clarified that he isn’t defending the PA for their mistake, he also doesn’t think they were being offensive on purpose...   He then got candid about one of his own cultural boo-boos.  “I once made the mistake of sending my friend a Chinese New Year greeting dressed up as what I thought was the God of Fortune, but he said it wasn’t! I’m so lucky it was a personal thing and wasn’t made public. (Laughs)” (From Suhaimi’s description, it sounded like he had channeled Justice Bao instead.)  “So it’s the same thing,” he continued. “If I sent the wrong costume for CNY and someone came up to slap me in the face, I wouldn’t even know what happened, right? So the best solution is to counter [ignorance] with education, and since everyone is paying attention to [the PA’s mistake], it’s a good opportunity to do it right now.”   So why was it inappropriate for the PA to use a photo of a bride and groom for their Hari Raya celebration? As Suhaimi explained, during a Malay wedding, the couple dresses up like royalty and is treated like a king and queen for the day. The groom will also carry a traditional dagger called a keris as a symbol of manhood and protection.  “Do you know what my wife would do to me if I wore that outfit for Hari Raya? She would slap me and ask if I’m getting married again!” Suhaimi laughed. “It communicates a totally different intention, like, are you visiting relatives or marrying another woman? So we don’t go out to celebrate Hari Raya like that. I won’t even be able to come home. (Guffaws)”...   At the end of the day, Suhaimi personally thinks that the PA crossed more of an “ethical line” than an “ethnical” one, that is to say, the bigger issue was stealing someone’s photo and cutting out their faces before using it as a prop."
Luckily he didn't try to literally depict "Don’t draw charcoal on my face", since that would be interpreted as blackface

Amrin Amin - "There’s a lesson here. It’s wrong to use someone’s photo without permission. And of course, wedding does not equal Hari Raya - but that’s not ‘racist’. As we call out racism, we must be careful not to label every error as borne out of racism or ‘racist culture’.  It’s important to point out shortcomings, but we must not be too quick to cancel and always be on the lookout for opportunists eager to score points in their desire to gain mileage at any cost, without regard to sincere ongoing ground efforts.  Grace is important in building harmony in a diverse society. No one is perfect. It’s a work-in-progress. Not every slip is Armageddon."
Minority voices only matter when they push the liberal agenda. Of course, if you want to create division and strife, anyone who stands in your way is evil

Woman 'of Malay ethnicity' under police probe for allegedly promoting enmity between different races, after posting offensive tweets against Malays - "The police are investigating a 27-year-old Singaporean woman "of Malay ethnicity" for allegedly promoting enmity between different racial groups.  In a news release on Thursday (Sept 2), the police said that they were doing so after a report was lodged on Sunday relating to offensive content allegedly posted against the Malay community on Twitter by a user who goes by the moniker “Matilda Lee”... 35-year-old Zainal Abidin Shaiful Bahari was sentenced to three weeks' jail after posting multiple racially insensitive tweets under the pseudonym “Sharon Liew”."
When a Malay woman pretends to be Chinese to insult Malays, this is the fault of Chinese men

Supreme Court rules for former coach in public school prayer case - "The Supreme Court ruled Monday that a former Washington state high school football coach had a right to pray on the field immediately after games.   The 6-3 ruling was a victory for Joseph Kennedy, who claimed that the Bremerton School District violated his religious freedom by telling him he couldn’t pray so publicly after the games. The district said it was trying to avoid the appearance that the school was endorsing a religious point of view... One issue in the case was whether the coach’s decision to pray in such a prominent place, on the 50-yard line, amounted to a private moment of giving thanks or a public demonstration of his religious faith that his players may have felt compelled to join."
Of course, liberals are upset, since what they dislike is not state-sanctioned religion, but Christianity (you can see this from how they keep demanding that churches pay taxes, even if that would mean charities - as non-profits too - would need to pay taxes). And they claimed *criticising* Kaepernick for protesting on the job was racist, so their current protests are rich

Football Coach Fired for Praying Hopes Supreme Court Allows Him to Thank God - "in 2015, the Bremerton School District learned about the prayers and told Kennedy he no longer could pray with students.    “It was really simple for me to agree with them and say, ‘That’s not a problem.’ I never prayed with the kids ever again,” Kennedy recalls.    Kennedy continued to pray by himself after games, he says, but soon “school lawyers got involved, and they kind of kept moving the goal post.”    Supervisors told Kennedy that he could “no longer pray even by myself if people could see me,” he says. “And that’s where I just had to draw a line.”"
A lot of liberals are claiming Christian teachers are now allowed to lead students in or invite students to prayer. I wonder if they have believed the fake news from other liberals are they are deliberately misunderstanding what happened

How the Woke Virus Infects Academia and our Covid-19 Response - "How to Insert Wokeness into Any Field of Study in Three Straightforward Steps
A Genome Map of the Critical Social Justice Virus in Academia and Beyond
Step 1: Turn the field of study at hand into the sociology and cultural anthropology of that field, including in the education of that field
Step 2: Claim that the systemic problems in the field manifest from the nature of the field itself
Step 3: Call to remake the field itself as a critical theory...
       And note: Not a single expert in the field is needed to do any of this, and the most likely people to do it reside among the ranks of failed experts in the field."

For UN, A Single Mosque Attack Outweighs Countless Church Massacres - "The United Nations recently named March 15 as "international day to combat Islamophobia." That date was chosen because it witnessed one of the worst terror attacks on Muslims: on March 15, 2019, an armed Australian, Brenton Tarrant, entered two mosques in New Zealand and opened fire on unarmed and helpless Muslim worshippers; 51 were killed and 40 wounded.  Not only has this incident been widely condemned throughout the West — and rightfully so. It has also caused the UN to single out Islam as needing special protection.  This response, however, raises a critically important question: if one non-Muslim attack on a mosque is enough for the UN to institutionalize a special day for Islam, what about the countless, often worse, Muslim attacks on non-Muslim places of worship? Why have they not elicited a similar response from the UN?   Consider some of the fatal Muslim attacks on Christian churches — many, to underscore the religious animosity, occurring just on Easter or Christmas — in recent years"

Rebecca Wragg Sykes On The Movie Ammonite | HistoryExtra Podcast - HistoryExtra - "'The choice to give a lesbian context to this in the film has, you know, ruffled a lot of people's feathers. And there's many reasons for that. But in terms of who Charlotte Murchison really was to Mary Anning, she was one of a network of women who Mary, you know, knew, corresponded with, shared her collections and discoveries with and that included, you know, women from the region who will also collectors and women like Charlotte Murchison, who were richer, who lived in London, who were much more involved with the, you know, the scientific, I guess, intelligentsia of the day, they were right in there having salons, you know, with with all the people who were publishing the big papers and books. So, Charlotte Murchison was sort of, in that upper echelon of women that Mary knew and did interact with. And so, the reality is different to the film. But what the film does reflect is that Mary did have, you know, friendships with many different sorts of women.'"
So since men were involved with many other men, they were gay? "Queer history" is about making things up, once again

Black woman's first-time car buying experience turns sour with 'racist' dealership Facebook post - "A North Carolina woman said her first car-buying experience was tainted because of an offensive Facebook post made by the dealership.  Trinity Bethune told our sister station WTVD that she purchased her first car at Lumberton Honda, about 30 miles south of Fayetteville... "Congratulations to Bon Quisha on her 2016 Toyota Camry.""
All jokes involving black people are racist

Thread by @MsMelChen on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Asian American Twitter (which I just discovered is a thing) is very angry about @AndrewYang's latest op-ed saying the best way for AAs to tackle discrimination is to dig in to "American-ness" and fight for a cure.  Unsurprisingly, he got "Cathy Newmanned."... He underscores that racism is immoral, but highlights that simply yelling "don't be racist" to someone who is actually being racist is not effective.  He's a solutions guy. He calls for a pragmatic approach to "improve the encounter" he described.  People are mad, I think, because he doesn't immediately take a victimhood posture, and rather, looks inward and asks, what can *I* or *we* do differently?  Perhaps he didn't show sufficient anger about the depravity of racism.  This is anathema to modern social justice activism. Here's where he gets Cathy Newmanned. The reading is that Andrew thinks Asian Americans have to prove their loyalty to Americanness.  That's not what he's saying.  He's saying that it *helps* change the circumstances in which racism flourishes. His essay is a call from within the community (not imposed from outside) to be aware that our identities are pawns in a larger geopolitical game. After all, national solidarity matters most at times like this. He's asking: is there anything we can do to reinforce it?"
SJWs don't want solutions, since if there's no more problem they need to look for new things to bitch about

Facebook - "I’m not really bothered by whatever anyone’s sexual identity is, that’s your business…. but I feel like history has taught us this is not a great look 😂😂"
This is allegedly a photoshopped image of London during the Platinum Jubilee - a street full of draped Pride flags (the latest version representing intersexed people). But I've seen other photos from other angles

It’s time to take down the Pride flag - "London feels like a city under occupation. Cycling through town yesterday I saw a foreign flag fluttering from every major building... Honestly, I have never seen anything like it. The entire boulevard was festooned with the new standard. Scores of them hung above the street, from building to building, in perfect militaristic formation, as far as the eye could see. It felt chilling... Quite why I must be reminded with every corner I take that a few unfortunate babies are born each year with malformed testes or ovaries is a mystery to me. The Pride flag has become an eyesore. Not only because of the addition of yet more garish shades and now a triangle and a circle too – it’s a wonder I didn’t come off my bike gawping at this kaleidoscopic monstrosity – but also because it is so clearly an ideological flag. It might not be the flag of a conquering foreign army, but it is the flag of a conquering elite. It’s the flag of a new identitarian establishment that is determined to let the little people know whose ideas rule in the 21st century.   I’m old enough to remember when the Pride flag was just a gay symbol that you’d see at gay events and gay establishments... Aside from a few blue-rinse traditionalists, no one really had a problem with the rainbow stuff back then. Tolerance of homosexuality has sky-rocketed in the UK in recent decades. A 2019 Pew poll found that 86 per cent of Brits think homosexuality should be accepted by society. A few years ago the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association gave the UK the highest score of any country in Europe for achievements in gay equality... The rainbow standard is no longer the flag of choice of a voluntaristic movement for equality. Rather, it has become the prime emblem of our intolerant woke rulers. There is a palpable compulsion now to wave the Pride flag. Pity the business, bank or government building that fails to display this symbol, especially during Pride month. Indeed, Ockbrook and Borrowash Parish Council in Derbyshire landed itself in hot water when it refused to fly the flag. ‘Anger as Pride Month flag snubbed by Derbyshire council’, said a BBC News report last year. That’s right – these days you’ll make the news if you fail to raise the rainbow. One observer said the absence of a Pride flag in Ockbrook and Borrowash meant some people would not ‘feel safe to come to the village’. In short, Pride-less towns are suspect. They’re heathen territory. Venture there at your peril.   Clearly the Pride flag means something more than ‘I support gay equality’. It has now become the means through which individuals and institutions advertise their virtue. More importantly, it’s how they demonstrate their devotion to the politics of identity, to the woke worldview. Fundamentally, waving the Pride flag is an oath of allegiance to the new ideologies of the ruling class... Clearly rattled that ‘their’ flag has been so feverishly embraced by the boss class and the military industrial complex, woke leftists say: ‘They’re only doing it to distract attention from how awful they are!’ No, that’s not it. Rather, the Pride flag really has become the rallying symbol of the new elites. This strange, fragmentary and globalist flag really does represent their post-national, hyper-individuated belief system. It’s their flag now, whether you like it or not. The hectoring, ideological element of the Pride flag is even clearer in this current Pride month. For now, the trans colours have been added. And the trans ideology is something that many people feel uncomfortable with... Perhaps it is fitting that the trans colours in the new Progress Pride flag seem to stab angrily at the gay colours of the old Pride flag. And yet people’s discomfort with the trans ideology – or with the identitarian ideology more broadly – counts for nought in the eyes of the new elites. And in this sense, the Pride flag really has become a hostile flag. It is an elite-designed flag that is hostile to us and our apparently old-fashioned preference for sex over gender, science over feeling, and solidarity over the Balkanising dynamic of identity politics. This is why traversing London under the watchful glare of this arrogant new standard feels so discomfiting... They call us flag-shaggers if we wave the national flag or the English flag, because in their eyes the only flag that matters today is the one that emphasises our differences and which elevates personal identity over national identity. This is now an arrogant, divisive and fundamentally foreign flag – take it down."
What starts off as a gesture for "inclusion" ends up being mandated, and you cannot refuse to take part. How "inclusive"

Sathnam Sanghera On How Modern Britain Is Shaped By Empire | HistoryExtra Podcast - HistoryExtra - "‘You describe British attitudes towards the Empire today, a term you used to describe that is selective amnesia. What do you mean by that?’
‘I guess we see Empire in a combination of nostalgia and selective amnesia. So nostalgia is evident through things like there's tourist companies out there that offer colonial tours of India and Africa, the East India Company has come back, it’s a retail outlet in London and other parts of the country. There was a recent poll which found that 59% of Britons are proud of British Empire. And also any suggestion in public life that Empire was not all great, is seen as unpatriotic. I mean, there was an illustration recently with the rule, Britannia controversy, when Nigel Farage tweeted saying, The woke agenda is to make us ashamed of who we are, kind of British Empire history is seen as an extension of nationalism or patriotism. And you don't have that attitude, say in Germany, where they can talk about the Holocaust, and still, and still be patriotic, you don't see in Japan where you can talk about kamikaze pilots and still be patriotic. But over here, it's seen as kind of a betrayal to dwell on any of the negativity 'of British Empire. But I think the ultimate illustration of the nostalgia is the Indian railways. I mean, it's very hard to put on the TV nowadays at 6pm and not see a middle aged white presenter telling us that the railways were this great gift that the British gave the Indians. The actual story is very different. I mean, if you read Christian Wolmar who's this amazing railway historian, you'll find that actually, the British built the railways, you know, for themselves, it was for military and commercial reasons, and actually held India back...
There's some clearly Imperial events that have shaped post war politics… I think Coronavirus, the way our obsession with being world beating when actually we just need to be average, that would be great. You know, I actually found, I think, almost 20 examples of politicians talking about ourselves as world beating in this pandemic. And I think that goes back to an imperial psychology...
Often Brexiteers talk about us being a colony of the EU. I think that goes back to the fact that we see the world through imperial eyes. You're either a colony, or you're the Empire, you know. There's been this obsession with global Britain, which I think goes back to Empire, I would argue it all goes back to Empire...
There's this idea that if we started giving things back, the British Museum would be empty. Actually, this is just not going to happen. According to some recent research, the British Museum only has 1% of its collection on display. Even if it gave back 2 or 3%, it would still have a lot. And I think giving things back would result in incredible scholarship. And also it would mend relations at a time where Britain really needs good relations with the international community...
I think other countries provide an example. I mean, New Zealand has recently totally revised, you know, its education, and it seems to be having quite a healthy debate. France, President Macron has said some very powerful things about colonialism. And he's getting French museums to repatriate certain items. In Germany provides a great example of how to confront difficult history in that it has an art scene that confronts the Holocaust and Nazi history. Police trainees are made to study Nazi history when they train as police officers, they have some sort of so called stumble stones, it's outside certain building the Berlin, which tell you where Jews were kidnapped and taken to their death. It has a very proactive relationship with its past. And I think there's inspiration to be found in what they do.'"
Ironically, he also has selective amnesia in ignoring (at least in the interview) all the positive aspects of Empire (though he claims he doesn't think it was all bad and it's hard to find nuance). He also ignores that just because you do not engage in one-sided condemnation of history doesn't mean you think nothing bad happened
The poll actually found that 59% thought the Empire was something to be more proud of than ashamed of, but he does a good job at pretending that 59% don't see anything wrong with Empire at all. Of course the same poll also found that more would rather the Empire not exist today than wanted it to still exist, but he ignores that to push his agenda
Weird how the railways held India back, but they still use them today. Of course he conflates the fact of the railways being a boon for India and so colonialism wasn't all bad with the claim that the British built them as a act of charity
Weird. Trying to manage covid well is "imperial" and being "average" on covid is a good thing. Truly, the left reveres mediocrity. Ironic, given their obsession with covid
Not wanting to be ruled by another entity is an "Imperial" mentality. Presumably anti-colonialism is itself evidence of an "Imperial" mindset. Freedom is bad
Of course he doesn't want to admit that museums giving things "back" will just increase the calls to return even more things, since he makes the simplistic assumption that people don't respond to incentives, and he naively claims to believe that grievance mongers will ever be satisfied when they will just be emboldened to complain even more.
Apparently New Zealand enshrining indigenous "knowledge" in the science curriculum is healthy, as if German self-flagellation. But if you want Western civilisation to destroy itself...

Parents furious after students told NOT to call them 'mum' and 'dad' - and use 'grown-ups' instead - "Headteachers at four state primary schools in Brighton said the phrase should be used to avoid discriminating against “non-traditional” families... Parents though reacted angrily to the decision, saying their children had become confused."
To end "discrimination" you need to discriminate against the majority

Israel Boycott: Sally Rooney won’t let novel be published in Hebrew - "Bestselling author Sally Rooney won’t allow her recently published novel, “Beautiful World, Where Are You?” to be published in Hebrew because she supports a cultural boycott of Israel... Rooney’s characters generally have leftist politics, and her books invoke Israel in that context... Ireland has a history of pro-Palestinian sentiment, owing to what many Irish citizens see as a cultural link to their struggles against the British. This summer, the country passed a motion condemning “de facto annexation” of Palestinian land. In 2018, Dublin’s city council passed resolutions endorsing a boycott of Israel and calling for the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador to Ireland."
Apparently all Hebrew speakers in the world live in Israel

Sally Rooney’s hit novel Normal People printed by state-owned Chinese publishing house - "a Chinese translation of Normal People has been available to purchase on Amazon since July after it was published by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) approved Shanghai Translation Publishing House. Four of the company’s senior executives are CCP members."

Indonesia charges bar employees with blasphemy for offering free drinks to ‘Mohammads and Marias’ - "Twelve outlets of popular Indonesian bar chain Holywings were sealed in the capital Jakarta on Tuesday after authorities stripped the chain of its operating permit.  In a social media post that has been now deleted, the chain advertised a promotional offer to give a free bottle of gin to men named Mohammad and women named Maria every Thursday.  The drinks promotion prompted outrage among religious groups in the world’s biggest Muslim-majority country, leading to complaints that prompted an investigation of the bar... The country has so far jailed more than 150 people, mostly from religious minorities, since the law was passed in 1965"
From the home of "moderate Islam"

Meme - *Effectively topless woman with strap-on, Nude man in fishnet stockings and heels*
*Pride flag and June 1st calendar*

Joker 2 Announced By Todd Phillips During Pride Month, of All Times - "The leader of the incels, Monsieur Todd Phillips himself, has crashed Pride Month this year. What a shame. Can’t we celebrate in peace? Is nothing sacred?... Did Todd Phillips realize the harm he was causing when he announced this news?... The timing of this news was seen, by some, as an unwelcome affront during what should be a hallowed time"
January is Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. February is Black History Month. March is Women's History Month. April is Arab American Heritage Month. May is Jewish American History Month. September and October are National Hispanic Heritage Month. November is Native American Heritage Month. So they only get a third of the year to do announcements. SJWs just need to designate a few more months to their pet causes, then nothing they dislike can ever get announced
It's telling that Pride is seen as sacred - literally

Yes, kink belongs at Pride. And I want my kids to see it. - The Washington Post - "Those hoping to oust kinksters often cite the presence of children as their top concern. That was pointedly the case this year when Twitter users argued that kink at Pride is a highly sexualized experience that children should be shielded from. Thousands of users supported these posts, claiming that kink at Pride crosses a line because minors also attend events. I agree that Pride should be a welcoming space for children and teens, but policing how others show up doesn’t protect or uplift young people. Instead, homogenizing self-expression at Pride will do more harm to our children than good. When my own children caught glimpses of kink culture, they got to see that the queer community encompasses so many more nontraditional ways of being, living, and loving... many of the latest objections are coming from self-identified queer people, but that shouldn’t necessarily be surprising. Respectability politics demand that queer people assimilate as much as possible into cis- and heteronormativity, hewing to mainstream cultural standards. Members of the queer community have internalized those norms to the point that we judge ourselves by them, and then criticize and ostracize others if they don’t uphold them, too. This is the same oppressive message that prevented my wife from transitioning for 30 years, and the same message that still keeps marginalized children from coming to terms with their own experiences with desire and embodiment."
Weird. I thought sexualising kids was a pernicious right wing myth
Minority voices only count if they toe the liberal line

Ad agency apologises over Burger King 'top and bottom' Pride whoppers
"Inclusiveness" is a losing strategy, because you're just giving grievance mongers more angles to attack you by

Azealia Banks Tosses Mic, Storms Out of Miami Pride Performance - "  "For the last good, like, month and a half, I've just been being f—ed with. I've been being f—ed around with, you know? Set time's been move and like, 'Oh, you're headlining. No, you're not headlining. Now you're not this.' I'm really not happy to be here"... Although she has identified as bisexual, Banks has come under fire on several occasions for homophobic and transphobic language."


Meme - "Nobody: Companies on July 1st: *non homo milk, Straight Tea*"

New York City Pride bans NYPD presence to 'create safer spaces for the LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities'
Man Threatened NYC Pride Attack to Make Pulse Shooting ‘Look Like a Cakewalk’: Feds - "A Long Island man was arrested after allegedly threatening to launch an attack at the New York City Pride march so devastating that it would make the 2016 attack at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando "look like a cakewalk""
It's ok. They'll just blame the police for making it unsafe anyway
This sort of news exposes how inane the calls for "safety" (i.e. not saying anything you don't like) are

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