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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

When is a war not a war?

B: "Report: Jewish CEO of ‘Russia’s Google’ leaves country for Israel over war
‘I cannot work in a country that is at war with its neighbors,’ Yandex’s Bunina is said to have written before moving"

"Someone make this make sense pls"


A: Ah... she doesn't recognise Palestine as a neighbour... yah... that's the only way I can see to reconcile that statement.

Me: The ceasefire with g a z a has lasted almost a year so they're not at war

2021 Israel–Palestine crisis - Wikipedia

A: Israel-Palestine conflict: Israeli fighter jets attack Gaza I AJ #shorts - YouTube
So the Israelis are entertaining the Palestinians to fireworks, right?
Dated 21 Apr 2022.
Fireworks with a dash of shrapnel.

Perhaps you might say the ceasefire is being upheld because the Israelis haven't leveled the whole place with artillery and are being restrained and merciful.
I think that's what Putler said recently too!

Me: Ah I see the terrorists attacked Judah land again


Oh well, that's what happens when you have terrorists for neighbours

A:just keep your words and eat it Gabriel.
"The ceasefire with g a z a has lasted almost a year"
Eat it.

Me: I'm glad to you May to April isn't almost a year

Twisting words is so fun

A:I know... You really haven't been watching this conflict.
Israel hits Hamas positions in Gaza after rocket attacks | Gaza News | Al Jazeera

Me: See what you can do when you actually try to make proper points?

Anyway I believe the ceasefire is still in effect so it's still not war

A: no, you do not make proper points. You engage in sophistry and you are just a troll who is a sore loser: not at all interested in the truth, simply interested in propping up your mistaken statements for the sake of your ego.

I just realised that your talent in denialism is best put to use as a propaganda writer! Have you considered working for Putin? I think you'll find him quite agreeable!

Me: I see you are still butthurt about me debunking your covid hysteria

A: you don't understand Gabriel... I don't really bother with ego. I know you are wrong, and I leave it at that. You have the right to your own mistaken beliefs.
You cherry pick lines from papers Gabriel... You don‘t bother reading deep or understanding the science. That's why I just leave you to be. I can't do any proper debate or discussion with you.

over something so trivial as acknowledging the broken state of the "ceasefire", you admit that "Twisting words is so fun", and boast of making "proper points".

What are you other than a sore loser?

I don't expect you to acknowledge your mistakes, or give more regard to the truth rather than your ego. Humans can't change easily. I respect your right to be what you are, as long as you respect my right to call you out repeatedly. I leave it at that.

Me: Ironic coming from the person who claimed I was wrong about the ceasefire lasting almost a year because may to April wasn't almost a year

A: hey... you didn't see that 2nd link??

It was about the attack in Sept 2021!

*Screenshot*: "Israeli aircraft have hit several targets in the besieged Gaza Strip after rocket launches towards Israel, marking the third consecutive night of hostilities.

now can you just close this out and understand the ceasefire was utterly useless and broken????
So it's totally as I had said, you don't bother to read carefully, and you're a sore loser.

Israel hits Hamas targets in Gaza as hostilities escalate | Gaza News | Al Jazeera

Just in case, here it is again.

Me: Amazing double think.

Accusing me of being flexible with what a ceasefire means at the same time as claiming I didn't get that there had been violence in between, when the two claims are contradictory.

Feel free to make more stuff up to hate on me.


Me: If anyone interested in facts is reading

ceasefire collocations with examples | Macmillan Dictionary

"an agreement to stop fighting temporarily"

So clearly this is very different from putin land's invasion of Kiev land

Clearly the poor folks at the BBC are all m e n t a l l y deficient according to A since they think a ceasefire is not negated by violence

Israel-Gaza ceasefire holds despite Jerusalem clash - BBC News

"Israel-Gaza ceasefire holds despite Jerusalem clash"

A: sigh... what does a ceasefire mean to you then Gabriel.... you tell me what your fantastical definition is.
I don't hate you. It is wrong to hate people who have a mental deficit and can't help themselves.

what...not replying? Let me lay it out to you again since you bring up nonsense like doublethinking and contradiction.

Gabriel claims:

Palestinian-Israeli ceasefire in effect since May 2021 for almost a year now.

[The ceasefire with g a z a has lasted almost a year so they're not at war]

There have been attacks against Gaza in Sept 2021 and Apr 2022. May to Sept cannot, by any reasonable leap of logic, be considered to be "almost a year". 

Gabriel should reconsider his mistaken statement, although he has every right to engage in denial and embrace his mistaken beliefs. That's all. Can we close this out now?

Me: Ah, the usual demand for people to respond immediately and the declaration of victory when an immediate response is not forthcoming

The petty need their little triumphs

A: yes. To stop fighting temporarily.

They stopped fighting from May to Sept. That is not anywhere close to a year, hence your statement is mistaken.

I'm just calling you out repeatedly because you engage in sophistry and you are as slippery as an eel. Hell bent on wrangling a victory from defeat. Like the Black knight of Monty Python! Now what are you going to do? Bleed on me?

Me: Ah so much projection. Ignoring all the evidence then accusing me of sophistry and being as slippery as an eel

Apparently you have psychological issues that you deal with by accusing others of having them

Besides the bbc, here are other journalists who are m e n t a l l y deficient according to you

Feel free to continue to ignore contradictory evidence

Ceasefire continues in Syria despite isolated violence | World News,The Indian Express

"The Observatory reported other minor violations, including the firing of a single missile by regime forces in southern Daraa province, but said the truce was largely holding."

Ceasefire holds as Olmert admits tactical deficiencies | World news | The Guardian

"Ceasefire holds... A few skirmishes broke out between Israeli troops and Hizbullah fighters left in close proximity when the truce began yesterday morning."

A: wait... what's Syria got to do with Gaza????

"The ceasefire with g a z a has lasted almost a year so they're not at war'
you said

Me: Lol

So a ceasefire in g a z a is invalidated by violence even if a ceasefire in assad land isn't

The cope gets ever more ridiculous

A: go find a proper article that DIRECTLY argues for the validitity of the Gaza ceasefire. You will likely only find very dubious opinion pieces.

even if you are an internet "expert" in Middle eastern affairs, you claims still don't hold. Find me some sane person who would say the ceasefire works.

UN pushes for lasting ceasefire, more humanitarian deliveries in Gaza | | UN News

even the UN bemoans the brokeness of these ceasefires! It's always been this demented cycle of ceasefire-attack-ceasefire-attack... it doesn't end

Me: A has just declared multiple media outlets to be fake news

Good job

Progress reported in Gaza ceasefire talks as senior Hamas, Egypt officials meet | The Times of Israel

"Hamas and Egypt have advanced agreements to strengthen the ceasefire between Israel and the Gaza-ruling terror group... Israel and Hamas have been holding indirect negotiations, moderated by Egypt, on stabilizing the fragile ceasefire since the 11-day battle between the two sides in May"

Egypt pushes for calm after flare-up in Gaza hostilities | AP News

"Egyptian officials Sunday pushed for Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip to rein in hostilities and adhere to a cease-fire in place since the war in May."

Israel hits Hamas positions in Gaza after rocket attacks | Gaza News | Al Jazeera

"a ceasefire ended an 11-day war between Israel and Hamas in May. The ceasefire, brokered by Egypt and other mediators, has been fragile."

A also has contempt for the United Nations

Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt): Response to the escalation in the oPt - Situation Report No. 10 (September 2021) - occupied Palestinian territory | ReliefWeb

"The May 2021 ceasefire continues to largely hold"

Without Prospect of End to Occupation, Middle East Region Faces Irreversible, Dangerous Collapse, Special Coordinator Tells Security Council | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases

"Eight months after a fragile ceasefire ended full-scale fighting in the Gaza Strip"

Well done

Looking forward to the next cope

A: yes, agree. These political takes on the situation acknowledges that the ceasefire is holding and there is still plenty of violence in the meantime.
I don't consider this at all sane, but that's me. This is no ceasefire. If anything, it just means they haven't broken down the doors and launched another full scale invasion.

Me: Lol he blocked me when I proved him wrong yet again

Guess that saves me from having to read his bs anyway

So much for his pretending to care about my mental health

And I see he responded properly before blocking me, to pretend that he had the last word and I was "unable" to respond



Someone else: he sounds like a pain in the ass...

I think you both are irritating but he's much more invested in proving you wrong than vice versa
And more obnoxious about personally attacking you

Hmm I'm trying to figure out why he comes across as so much more unlikeable

I think it's because he's mean and uses emotionally charged language

Like calling people mentally deficient is mean and unnecessary and that defo started from him

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