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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Links - 28th April 2022 (2 - George Floyd Unrest)

Rioters Are Wrong to Say: Don’t Worry, Insurance Will Bail Out Small Businesses - "Mike and Carolyn Deininger learned the hard way that insurance doesn’t usually make small business owners whole following politically inspired violence...   “We were truly in support of the [current] protests,” Carolyn said. “[I]n the scheme of things we were able to let it go because it feels feel like people are listening and talking and something positive might be coming out of this.”...   “A lot of small businesses either don’t have coverage or, particularly in the pandemic, some of these companies go bare, which is the term when they drop their coverage and decide not to renew”... The limitations of insurance, potential fights with insurers and the reality of trying to rebuild and reestablish operations have become major hardships. Financial pressures pushed some to drop coverage entirely.  People who assume insurance companies will make every business owner whole are wrong...   They see the same fallout as other business owners. No income for months. Existing expenses that can’t be ignored. Even with rent forbearance, landlords eventually expect their due.  Property owners look for ways to cut the bills and commercial insurance is one area as renewal prices have been trending more than 5% higher than the same time last year... Insurance coverage can fall short of what a business owner needs to resume operations. A policy that does not specifically offer “replacement cost” may leave an inadequate amount to rebuild and restock. With replacement coverage usually comes a coinsurance requirement to cover a specified percentage of that amount, like 80%. Fall below, and the amount covered starts to drop... Many small businesses opt for 30, 60, or 90 days of interruption insurance, Miller says. However, serious damage could push recovery times far past those limits.   An insurance company’s primary mission isn’t paying claims. If a building burnt down with all the receipts for inventory and fixtures, the owner won't have proof of his losses—which an insurer will insist on seeing.   Business interruption insurance also leaves open the question of how losses are valued.   “The way an income claim is established is to look at prior periods of the business to see what the lost business is,” said Daniel Struck, a partner in the Chicago office of law firm Culhane Meadows. “An insurance company might make the argument, ‘Let’s look at the last three months when you were closed.’ It’s harder for a small business to argue against an insurer if the insurer is taking an adverse coverage decision. It costs money to do so.” That’s money the business likely doesn’t have, especially if the Covid-19 pandemic shut it down for months...   Recovery is a slow process. Some areas hard hit by rioting in the past, like South Los Angeles in 1992 after police were acquitted in the Rodney King beating case, weren’t restored even after decades.  A small business in an area that has seen rioting not only faces rebuilding but waiting for customers to return."
When premiums go up in minority neighbourhoods, just accuse insurance companies of being racist and redlining. Brilliant!

George Floyd's brother utters three forbidden words after sentencing of Derek Chauvin - "Philonase Floyd, the brother of George Floyd, uttered a forbidden three-word phrase Friday after the sentencing of Derek Chauvin, the former officer who killed his brother.  Floyd was addressing the media after Chauvin was sentenced to 22 1/2 years in prison. He listed many other names of victims touted by the "Black Lives Matter" movement before saying that "all lives matter."  "I just want to reiterate: not just black lives matter, all lives matter!" he exclaimed... "Your skin color should not define who you are. It should never be a weapon"... Philonase Floyd had previously spoken the phrase when he testified before members of the House Judiciary Committee earlier in June"
Clearly a racist who hates black people

Watch – Ahmaud Arbery's Father Declares 'All Lives Matter' - "Speaking on the steps of the courthouse on Wednesday afternoon, Marcus Arbery said that his son’s murder should not happen to anyone, be they black or white. “For real, all lives matter,” Arbery said as the crowd, including Rev. Al Sharpton, nodded in agreement. “Not just black children, we don’t want to see nobody go through this.”... the family of Ahmaud Arbery has steered clear of divisive politics throughout the aftermath of his murder, having previously met with former President Trump and even granting interviews with Breitbart News.   “Though the trial became racially and politically charged, it was not so initially; the Arbery family’s attorney, Lee Merritt, spoke frequently with Breitbart News and acknowledged that then-President Donald Trump had been helpful in the case”...   “I was very, very emotional throughout the whole conference,” she told Fox News after Trump signed his executive order on police reform. “[Trump] was very compassionate. He showed major concern for all families. Not just one family, but for all families.”"
Another racist who has no heart and no empathy for blacks shot by whites

The Oregonian issued a tweet assuring readers that it was only a white guy who was killed by police so no need to riot and loot - "In fairness to the Oregonian, a crowd had turned out immediately but given this is Portland, the protest was less about social justice and more about primarily white people screaming incoherently."

Facebook - "A year after the murder of George Floyd, Los Angeles and other American cities are facing a surge in violent crime, forcing cities whose leaders embraced the idea of police reform to reassess how far they are willing to go to reimagine public safety."
"This time last year I lost "friends", the studio we recorded TRIGGERnometry in and came under repeated attack for saying that BLM would make things worse, not better.  I hope the people who kneeled, gave money and went after those who told the truth are happy now.  You did this."
Some claim that even cities that didn't do police reform saw crime rise. But thugs across the US were emboldened

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "Minnesota AG Keith Ellison on Kim Potter conviction: "At this moment, I ask us all to reflect upon the life of Daunte Wright, and who he could've been had he had a chance to grow up.""
"Well he shot a kid in the face and robbed a girl at gunpoint so I think we have a pretty good idea about what he would’ve been"

Two Officers Indicted For Murder In 2016 Shooting Of Man Who Was Shooting At Them - "A federal grand jury indicted two members of a U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force on murder charges Tuesday for the shooting of 26-year-old Jamarion Robinson five years ago."
Self defence is racist

George Floyd Mural Struck By Lightning In Toledo, Ohio - "A mural honoring the memory of George Floyd in Toledo, Ohio has collapsed after being struck by lightning"

Devon.eth 〄 on Twitter - "LAPD identifies suspect in stabbing of UCLA grad student Brianna Kupfer"
"Please delete this and post without his photo. We don’t want racist comments #BlackLivesMatter"

Cathy Young on Twitter - "The federal government deliberately targeted BLM protesters via heavy-handed criminal prosecutions in an attempt to disrupt and discourage the movement in the wake of George Floyd's murder, a new report says."
"This is a report from a BLM-affiliated group. Why is NPR presenting it as if it was an objective study?"

McDonald’s CEO’s text to Chicago mayor sparks 'racism' protest - "McDonald’s head honcho Chris Kempczinski is under fire over a text message he sent to Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot about shootings in the city that critics say was “racist” and “ignorant.”  Protesters say the message — sent on April 19 but revealed Tuesday — appeared to blame parents who “failed” their children.  “p.s. tragic shootings in last week, both at our restaurant yesterday and with Adam Toldeo [sic]. With both, the parents failed those kids which I know is something you can’t say. Even harder to fix,” he said, according to WBEZ Chicago, which obtained the text through a Freedom of Information Act request."
Personal responsibility and good parenting are racist

Candace Owens on Twitter - "Nobody cared that George Floyd pressed a gun to a black woman. Nobody cares that Rashard Brooks beat a black woman. For defending those women, I’ve had black men threaten to assault me & call me a whore. Black culture is broken and it’s time we STOP blaming white people."

Rep. Jim Jordan on Twitter - "Why won’t Democrats denounce the violence in:
-New York City
-Washington, D.C.
Because they’re all run by Democrats."

BayCoalition on Twitter - "According to far right-wing extremists, "awful" people are those who *object* to having their city burned down by mobs of feral thugs, whereas the decent people are the looters and arsonists."

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "Why would any person of color ever comply with a police officer when there is a 50/50 shot of getting “accidentally” shot?"
"A serious issue for the debate right now is that people genuinely, ethically, believe dangerous nonsense like this. Your ACTUAL risk of being shot by a cop as an unarmed Black man, using WaPo data over the rough annual number of in-group stops, is 18/6,000,000...or 1/333,333."
Other replies: "Where did you get this 50/50 statistic from? I mean I know you pulled it out of thin air because you're trying to get more young black men killed, because you're a lying soulless hack, but I just want to hear you acknowledge it."
"Lol twitter fact checks got nothing to say about this one, huh?"
Addendum: This is still up as of 24 Jul 2022. So much for "disinformation" - that's just stuff liberals don't like

Memphis BLM founder Pamela Moses sentenced for illegally voting - "The founder of the Black Lives Matter chapter in Memphis has been sentenced to prison for six years for illegally registering to vote in Tennessee"

Black Americans Sue NYC for Giving Voting Rights to Foreign Nationals - "Black Americans in New York City, New York, have filed a lawsuit against the city for giving municipal voting rights to nearly a million foreign nationals.  As Breitbart News has chronicled, Democrats on the 51-member New York City Council approved a plan last month that allows more than 800,000 foreign nationals with green cards, visas, and work permits the opportunity to vote in citywide elections so long as they have resided in the city for at least 30 consecutive days. Now, four black Americans and New York City residents — Phyllis Coachman, Deroy Murdock, Katherine James, and Anthony Gilhuys — have filed suit with the help of the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF).  Their lawsuit accuses the city’s Board of Elections of violating the 15th Amendment by imposing a “racially discriminatory” policy that is set to drastically dilute the voting power of American citizens in New York City, and specifically of black Americans...   This is the second lawsuit to drop against the policy. Last month, the New York State Republican Party, naturalized American citizens, and a Democrat city councilman filed a lawsuit against New York City, alleging the policy is in violation of the state’s constitution. The case is Coachman v. New York City Board of Elections in the Supreme Court of Richmond County, New York."

BLM really showed up to a fundraiser for childhood cancer and caused a scene while people were trying to donate money to cancer research - "Yup, black lives matter...  Even more than children who have cancer, apparently. Here's a video of Black Lives Matter marching through Candy Cane Lane in Milwaukee, disturbing hundreds of people who were just out trying to enjoy themselves, get into the Christmas spirit, and donate to the MACC Fund (Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer Inc.)"
Weird. We're told that "black lives matter" doesn't mean "only black lives matter"

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "Shaun King sinks to a new low. He’s now threatening to dox police officers and falsely say they were involved in a police shooting.  And, yes. Doxxing and threats violate Twitter’s terms of agreement but King’s account and pinned tweet still remain up."
Shaun King threatens to name innocent cops as Jacob Blake shooter - "  “If you do not name the officer who brutally shot Jacob Blake on Sunday, we will simply begin naming officers from your department who may or may not be him,” the anti-police Black Lives Matter activist threatened online.  “F–k it. Your protection of his identity is unethical. What’s his name?” King wrote in a message “to the Kenosha Police Department” that he pinned to the top of his Twitter thread.  The Brooklyn-based King later tweeted the names of two Kenosha officers."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "The MIT Catholic Chaplin was fired for this email to Catholics calling for mutual support instead of division over individuals different justice concerns. In a moral panic everybody must conform."
If you don't support leftist riots, you are a bad person

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "CHOP/CHAZ is ending it’s two week takeover of six blocks in Seattle. A few hours ago they announced on Twitter that the area was becoming too unsafe and their shrinking numbers no longer allow them to maintain their blockades.  Their announcement ended with a call to support their revolution by voting for Joe Biden along with the existing Governor and Mayor.  It’s safe to say that CHOP’s authoritarian policing was an absolute failure on every level. It violated individual liberties, it led to a sharp increase in violence, and it lost support from the revolutionaries. Their final act was to support long-standing mainstream politicians."

Leftists Viciously Attack Cerebral Palsy Victim, 58; Video Shows Victim's Flowers Left Littering Street - "In a series of social media postings, the Columbus Division of Police with information about the rioters who attacked Eldon Hawkins on May 31 to come forward... According to WSYX-TV, rioters also attacked those who were trying to help...   Hawkins said he’s protested before — his father was a union man and he marched with him at the Ohio Statehouse in solidarity with first responders unions.  “We did not break one window, and we did not spray-paint foul language, because this is our city,” Hawkins said. “If troublemakers don’t like it, they can leave.” Well, that’s not how it works nowadays. Troublemakers are encouraged.  Remember, damage to property really isn’t violence... There’s also the sick irony here. The protests-turned-riots that week were all supposed to be about police brutality.  I don’t think attacking anyone like this is called for, much less someone with cerebral palsy, a sentiment with which most sane people would likely agree. Only a few were actually willing to do something about it, however — and they were apparently attacked."
They don't hate police brutality. They hate the police

Put George Floyd on the $20 Bill | Facebook

Nancy Pelosi faces backlash after thanking George Floyd for ‘sacrificing’ his life - The Washington Post - "In comments made after Tuesday’s murder conviction of ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi thanked George Floyd for “sacrificing your life for justice.”
It's funny how both sides attacked her for that

N.J. Teacher Howard Zlotkin Suspended After Calling George Floyd a ‘Criminal’ - The New York Times
The left hates facts again. St Floyd cannot be blasphemed against

Louisville diner pulls gun on armed BLM protesters in shocking video

NJ cop fired for post berating BLM protesters as 'terrorists' - "A New Jersey police officer who wrote on Facebook that Black Lives Matter protesters are “terrorists” who couldn’t care less if she dies has been fired — a move ripped by her attorney as “pandering to the far left.”...  Erwin said her children were crying for her not to go to work on June 8 — two weeks after George Floyd’s police-custody death in Minneapolis sparked heated protests nationwide...   “I’ve seen so many black lives matter hashtags in these posts,” the post continued. “Just to let you know – they are terrorists. They hate me. They hate my uniform. They don’t care if I die.”"
You're only allowed to support BLM, not criticise it

Banning whites from Black Lives Matters meeting feels exclusionary and wrong - "Khalif, whose adopted father is white, had to spend a portion of his morning calming down the 80-year-old he affectionately refers to as "Mama." She was afraid that his social activism had changed him for the worse after reading the article that initially had mentioned him.  "I told her I'm still the same grandson who requests Spam sandwiches when he comes to visit," he said.  When I caught up with him Wednesday afternoon outside Philadelphia's City Hall, Khalif was still upset that she'd happened across the Breitbart piece about BLM's closed-meeting practice, something he describes as "very common in the movement."  "It's a space particularly for black people to heal, to cry, to vent, to organize, to be empowered, to be uplifted," Khalif said about the black-only gatherings. "We deal with anti-blackness every day, just being black in our work spaces and so on. That's why it's a safe space for us. White allies and other allies who stand with us understand that." Even though the Breitbart piece made it look like a Philly thing, it's standard practice to admit only African-Americans and others from the black diaspora to Black Lives Matter meetings.  Who knew?... BLM Philly isn't the least bit shy about its closed-door policy. Its Facebook page clearly states that the next meeting, on April 15, will be a "black only space."  I find this shocking and appalling, especially considering how many non-black faces I see participating in Black Lives Matter demonstrations here and nationwide... I can't imagine how hurtful it must feel for non-blacks who happen upon a BLM meeting to be turned away because of skin color.  Khalif said his grandmother asked him: "Am I welcome in your space?"  The question caused the 34-year-old activist to choke up."
He's upset that his segregation is exposed because he thinks segregation is a good thing

Black Lives Matter leader to Biden and Harris: 'We want something for our vote' - ""We are requesting a meeting with you both to discuss the expectations that we have for your administration and the commitments that must be made to Black people," Cullors wrote, declaring, "We want something for our vote.""

California threatens to hold BLM's leaders personally liable over missing financial records - "The leaders of Black Lives Matter could be held personally liable if they fail to disclose financial records about the charity's $60 million in donations within the next 60 days.   In a letter issued to BLM on Monday, the California Department of Justice accused the charity of failing to submit its annual financial reports and alleged it was in delinquent status... The notice comes just days after it was revealed that BLM has not had anyone in charge of its finances since co-founder Patrisse Cullors resigned last May.  It is not clear who is currently in charge of the activist group after all three of its founding members - Cullors, Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi  - left the organization... The scrutiny into BLMGN's also finances comes after it was reported that the group transferred $6.3 million to Cullors spouse, Janaya Khan, and other Canadian activists to purchase a mansion in Toronto in 2001. California's warning follows an order from Washington state instructing BLM to 'immediately cease' fundraising in the state due to its 'lack of financial transparency'.  However, the Washington Examiner alleges BLM continues to solicit and receive contributions from Washington state residents despite the order... The most recent tax filing for the charity, from 2019, gives an address in Los Angeles that does not exist, and the two remaining BLM directors identified by The Washington Examiner were not able to assist - with one even scrubbing BLM associations from his social media after he was contacted by the paper.   They are yet to file a 2020 return, a Form 990, as required - which could see BLM fined by the IRS... Cullors owned four properties - three in the Los Angeles area and one outside of Atlanta - the researchers found.  Many within BLM turned against Cullors, questioning where she had accumulated the money. Cullors has written two books, has a deal with YouTube, and signed a production deal with Warner Bros. in 2020 to develop programming 'for children, young adults and families.'   However, amid the furor she stood down and announced that two people were taking over as executive directors - Makani Themba and Monifa Bandele.  Yet Themba and Bandele in September said that they had never taken up the roles, following disagreements with leadership... Cullors has been tied to even more charities whose finances raise 'red flags' after the organization donated hundreds of thousands to the nonprofits which then made payments to Cullors and her business partners, according to a new report on the organization's spending. "

BLM Co-Founder Explains Why Owning Multiple Extravagant Homes Doesn’t Betray Her Marxist Principles

Black Lives Matter shuts down fundraising days after liberal states threatened legal action

Amazon Kicks Black Lives Matter Off Its Charity Platform, AmazonSmile - "The Black Lives Matter movement, it has been reported, had received upwards of $10 billion from across the globe... “no one seems to know how most of that money has been spent.”"

University of Kentucky Is Sued Over Mural With Slavery Scene - The New York Times - "For years, there has been a simmering debate over what to do with a New Deal-era mural at the University of Kentucky that students have denounced as a racist sanitizing of history and a painful reminder of slavery in a public setting.  The wall-length mural, a 1934 fresco by Ann Rice O’Hanlon, is covered with vignettes that are intended to illustrate Kentucky’s history. At the center of the mural is an image of enslaved people tending to tobacco plants, and at the bottom, there is a Native American man holding a tomahawk and peering out from behind a tree at a white woman as if poised for attack.  Since 2015, university administrators have tried to find a resolution that doesn’t involve removing the mural. But last month, as many predominantly white institutions in the United States were being forced to answer for their history of racism in the wake of George Floyd’s killing, the University of Kentucky, in Lexington, decided that it was time for the mural to come down... Wendell Berry — the writer, farmer and longtime Kentuckian — is suing the university over its decision to remove the mural, arguing that because it was created through a government program, it is owned by the people of Kentucky and cannot be removed by the university. (Mr. Berry knew the artist of the mural through his wife, who is a niece of Ms. O’Hanlon. Mr. Berry’s wife, Tanya Berry, is also a plaintiff in the lawsuit.)  Mr. Berry said that they are also trying to prevent the potential removal of another work, one by a Black artist, Karyn Olivier, that was commissioned by the university and installed in the same campus building in 2018 in response to the mural. Ms. Olivier’s work, called “Witness,” reproduces the likenesses of the Black and Native American people in the mural and positions them on a dome covered with gold leaf so they appear to be floating like celestial beings. The dome is in the vestibule of the building just in front of the room where the mural covers the wall.  But if the university follows through with removing the mural, Ms. Olivier said, she would like her work to come down too.  “My work is dependent on that history,” Ms. Olivier said in an interview. She said the decision to “censor” the 1934 mural would amount to censorship of her own work. At the center of the Berrys’ lawsuit is the argument that the mural is held in trust by the university, on behalf of the public, and that university officials are not allowed to take an action that is counter to the original intent of the work. Anti-censorship advocates are playing close attention and say that what happens here could influence conversations in cities around the country about contested murals... The controversy in Lexington, Ky., is similar to one at a San Francisco high school, where a series of murals depicting the life of George Washington upset students and parents because they showed scenes of slaves at work in the fields and barns of Washington’s Mount Vernon and, in one, Washington pointing westward over the dead body of a Native American man. In 2019, the San Francisco Board of Education voted to conceal, but not destroy, the Depression-era murals; the high school’s alumni association later sued, and there has not yet been a final conclusion in the legal battle... In 2016, the university announced that it would uncover the mural but would surround it “with other works of art from a variety of perspectives that provide a larger narrative of our history.” The university selected a proposal from Ms. Olivier, and the artwork was installed in 2018, covering the inside of the dome at the entry of Memorial Hall. It puts the Black and Native figures from Ms. O’Hanlon’s mural in a different context: the people at the train station, the musicians, the people working the field, all floating in the dome’s sparkling gold background, which Ms. Olivier chose as a gesture to the gold leaf seen in churches and sacred paintings. Ms. Olivier’s work also includes portraits of figures from Kentucky’s history, including Georgia Davis Powers, the first Black person to serve in the State Senate, and Charlotte Dupuy, an enslaved woman who filed a lawsuit against her master, Henry Clay, who was then the secretary of state, seeking freedom. And around the dome’s base, there’s a quotation from Frederick Douglass: “There is not a man beneath the canopy of heaven, that does not know that slavery is wrong for him.”  Still, students continued to object to the 1934 mural, and last year, students with the Black Student Advisory Council staged a sit-in at a campus building, demanding that the mural be taken down... Ms. Douglas, who was also the president of the Black Student Union, argued in an op-ed in the newspaper last year that the mural still needed to go. She wrote, “Taking down and completely removing the mural is not with the purpose of destroying art or covering up necessary conversations, but with the intent of giving Black students room to heal.”"
So much for liberals claiming they want to teach history, and that they don't want to destroy anything, just contextualise it
Having a mural stops Black students from "healing" - so much for "white fragility"

Officials Remove Tile Viewed as Offensive from Detroit Museum-Sponsored Mural - The New York Times - "Officials of a Detroit suburb where a new mural has been called too “pro-police” have removed an accompanying tile that depicted a skull logo that critics view as a rebuke to the racial justice movement.  The tile featured the skull imagery associated with a violent vigilante character in Marvel Comics called the Punisher, and a depiction of the “Thin Blue Line” flag, a combination that some police officers say is a show of solidarity for law enforcement but has also become associated with far-right extremism... The artist behind the 20-foot by 30-foot mural, Nicole Macdonald, then disavowed the painting and called for its removal, saying she no longer believed it was appropriate and that she felt used by the museum, which paid for the work as part of an initiative bringing cultural programs to the surrounding counties whose tax dollars support its operations."
Meanwhile BLM is associated with antifa, but that is a good thing

Activists Reenact Communist ‘Struggle Sessions’ for the Insufficiently Woke - "Silence is violence.  That’s the attitude of radical “woke” activists, who increasingly demand that fellow Americans not only agree with them, but publicly demonstrate their support at all times.  Several viral videos from Washington, D.C., on Monday show groups marching around the city, shouting slogans, and yelling things like “white silence is violence.”  In the videos, a mob appears to be harassing diners and other random white people, demanding they raise their fists or otherwise support the Black Lives Matter movement... Lauren B. Victor... said that she was actually a supporter of Black Lives Matter and had participated in protests, but felt like she was under attack by the crowd and didn’t want to be coerced... The crowd appeared to be mostly white, though one of the leaders was a black woman...   One of the protesters, Chuck Modiano, is a self-described “justice journalist” for Deadspin, a sports news and commentary website.  This falls right in line with the idea that “wokeness” in America is being generated by an increasingly activist and stridently left-wing media.  After Victor refused to stand, Modiano said derisively, “Good for you—you stood your ground.”  The incident was so bad that even Washington’s mayor, Muriel Bowser, who has been a supporter of the Black Lives Matter protests, called it “highly inappropriate.”  She suggested businesses call law enforcement if they are subjected to this in the future. Of course, that might be a little rough if activists get their demand to “defund the police.”"

Muhammad Ali's son says he would've hated Black Lives Matters - "On the fourth anniversary of his death, Muhammad Ali’s only biological son says that his father would be against Black Lives Matter, calling the movement “racist” and the protesters “devils.”  The legendary boxer and activist stood up against racism throughout his life, but Muhammad Ali Jr. says his dad would have been sickened by how the protests have turned to violence and looting after the death of George Floyd.  “Don’t bust up s–t, don’t trash the place,” he told The Post. “You can peacefully protest.  ‘‘My father would have said, ‘They ain’t nothing but devils.’ My father said, ‘All lives matter.’ I don’t think he’d agree.”  Of the BLM movement, Ali Jr., a Muslim like his father, said: “I think it’s racist.”  “It’s not just black lives matter, white lives matter, Chinese lives matter, all lives matter, everybody’s life matters. God loves everyone — he never singled anyone out. Killing is wrong no matter who it is”...   On police brutality, Ali defended law enforcement in general.  “Police don’t wake up and think, ‘I’m going to kill a n—-r today or kill a white man,'” he said. “They’re just trying to make it back home to their family in one piece.   Speaking of Floyd’s killing at the hands of a white Minneapolis police officer, Ali said, “The officer was wrong with killing that person, but people don’t realize there was more footage than what they showed. The guy resisted arrest, the officer was doing his job, but he used the wrong tactic.”  He agrees with President Trump that Antifa fomented violence during the Floyd protests and should be labeled a terrorist organization.   “They’re no different from Muslim terrorists. They should all get what they deserve. They’re f–king up businesses, beating up innocent people in the neighborhood, smashing up police stations and shops. They’re terrorists — they’re terrorizing the community. I agree with the peaceful protests, but the Antifa, they need to kill everyone in that thing.  “Black Lives Matter is not a peaceful protest. Antifa never wanted it peaceful. I would take them all out.”...   Despite strong tensions between the black community and the Chicago PD — especially after 17-year-old Laquan McDonald was shot dead in 2014 by a cop later convicted of murder — Ali says he was never singled out by cops for his skin color, and defends them against charges of institutional racism.   “Not all the police are bad, there’s just a few. There’s a handful of police that are crooked, they should be locked up,” he said. “I never had a bad scene with a cop. They’ve always been nice and protect me. I don’t have a problem with them.”  This despite twice being held and questioned by the TSA under Trump’s travel ban on seven Muslim-majority nations. Ali was released both times.  Instead, Ali goes a step further, calling out Black Lives Matter as a divisive movement.  “It’s a racial statement,” he said. “It’s pitting black people against everyone else. It starts racial things to happen; I hate that.”  Ali said he supports Trump and that his father — who went to jail for refusing to be drafted during the Vietnam War on the basis of his religious beliefs — would have too...  Muhammad Ali and Muhammad Ali Jr.     Muhammad Ali and Muhammad Ali Jr. Coleman-Rayner Muhammad Ali Jr. with his father at the MGM Grand in 2009.     Muhammad Ali Jr. with his father at the MGM Grand in 2009. Ken Carl/Coleman-Rayner  “I think Trump’s a good president. My father would have supported him. Trump’s not a racist, he’s for all the people. Democrats are the ones who are racist and not for everybody.  “These [Democrat politicians] saying Black Lives Matter, who the hell are you to say that? You’re not even black.  “Democrats don’t give a s–t about anybody. Hillary Clinton doesn’t give a s–t; she’s trying not to get locked up.  “Trump is much better than Clinton and Obama. … The only one to do what he said he would do is Donald Trump.”"

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