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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Links - 26th April 2022 (1 - Covid-19)

Alex Thompson on Twitter - "This will probably get some pick up. Fauci on the repeal of the plane mask mandate "This is a CDC issue, it should not have been a court issue.""
Apparently the CDC is immune to judicial oversight. So much for rule of law

The Wall Street Journal on Twitter - "In discussing his recently publicized emails, Dr. Anthony Fauci said he never played down the possibility that Covid-19 could have leaked from a Chinese lab #WSJTechHealth"
Fauci: No scientific evidence the coronavirus was made in a Chinese lab - "he also doesn’t entertain an alternate theory—that someone found the coronavirus in the wild, brought it to a lab, and then it accidentally escaped."

Fauci allegedly misled Trump admin on gain-of-function research according to new book | The Post Millennial - "Australian investigative reporter Sharri Markson released her new book What Really Happened In Wuhan... senior White House officials were shocked to learn that Fauci had lifted the Obama-era ban on gain-of-function research back in 2017, and "they were even more astounded to discover he knew so much about the research in Wuhan, but never said a word as the pandemic unfolded."... Fauci, despite not telling Trump administration officials about the funding of gain-of-function research, stated in emails that he was worried about the NIH funding such research."

NIH Contradicts Fauci, Admits Funding Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab - "Molecular biologist Richard H. Ebright on Wednesday posted a letter from the National Institute of Health (NIH) showing that an NIH grant did fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, contrary to what Dr. Anthony Fauci had testified to the Senate."

Bombshell Project Veritas Exposé Poses Urgent Questions for Fauci and the Entire Pandemic Response - "The memo confirms the existence of a proposal from EcoHealth Alliance to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). A group that calls itself D.R.A.S.T.I.C. leaked the proposal in Sept. 2021. In 2018, EcoHealth and Dr. Peter Daszak pursued a grant from DARPA under the PREEMPT (PREventing, EMerging Pathogenic Threats) grant opportunity. Daszak and his team, including Dr. Ralph Baric from the University of North Carolina and Dr. Shi Zhengli from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, allegedly offered to develop a program to vaccinate bats and increase their immune response to coronaviruses. The goal was to reduce spillover by delivering these vaccines aerosolized into bat caves. To accomplish this, they would manipulate viruses collected in the Wuhan lab to make them infectious to humans and then weaken them to inoculate bats. DARPA had concerns about the safety of this research and denied the application. Eventually, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s division of the NIH funded the team’s work."

Dr. Fauci On GOP Criticism: ‘Attacks On Me, Quite Frankly, Are Attacks On Science’
Imagine equating yourself with "Science"

Dr. Manny Alvarez On Fauci: The Consensus Of Science Is Not Based On One Person

Inside Fauci's home office as doc is seen surrounded by pics of HIMSELF and his bobblehead - "Footage of Fauci's office is shown in the Disney+ feature documentary that premiered on October 6, 2021."

Rotten Tomatoes Reveals 'Fauci' Audience Score of Just 2 Percent After Breitbart News Report - "Rotten Tomatoes has revealed the audience score of National Geographic’s Fauci documentary after Breitbart News inquired on Monday why the site had so far failed to publish the information... The score stands in stark contrast to the movie’s 91 percent “Tomatometer” score, showing the vast majority of professional movie critics liked the movie... The disparity between the movie’s Tomatometer and audience scores is far greater than those of Star Wars: The Last Jedi and the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot — both of which were championed by elite critics but loathed by the moviegoing public. The movie has a 1.5 / 10 rating on IMDb, indicating an overwhelmingly negative audience reaction. Of the nearly 6,000 user votes, close to 90 percent of users gave Fauci a “1” rating, the lowest possible score. On YouTube, the official trailer for the documentary has received 102,000 thumbs-down votes, versus just 7,700 thumbs-up. Many Rotten Tomato users faulted the documentary for its one-sided, propagandistic portrayal of Dr. Anthony Fauci. The movie, which is streaming on Disney+, portrays Fauci as a saint with nary a flaw to speak of. The filmmakers trot out talking heads including former President George W. Bush, Biden administration official Susan Rice, U2’s Bono, and billionaire Bill Gates to sing his praises... Fauci, which was produced by Disney, also goes to considerable lengths to shield China from criticism for its role in the coronavirus pandemic. The movie implies that anyone who blames China is a bigot, comparing them to people who blamed gays for the AIDS crisis of the 80s and 90s."

The More You (Think You) Know? Maddening Covid-19 flip-flops keep population scared, obedient, & ignorant - "Everyone has the right to make mistakes, but with Covid-19, it’s become more than a little obvious that all the ‘fails’ err on the side of inflating the threat. Indeed, when good news comes out of any corner opposed to lockdowns or committing economic suicide, many outlets won’t even touch it. Nor do any of the self-appointed scolds ever admit that no matter how many masks a person wears over their nose and mouth, the virus could still get in through the eyes and ears. Fauci arguably kicked the whole mask drama off when he flip-flopped back in May from reassuring Americans that they didn’t need masks (though healthcare providers did) to insisting not wearing a mask was like personally throwing Grandma in a gas chamber. He went on to flip-flop about how many Americans would have to take the vaccine in order to achieve herd immunity, hiking the number from 70 percent to 85 percent, while admitting he didn’t want to spook the half of Americans who had at first said they didn’t want the jab. As usual, it was all supposed to be for Americans’ own good. Anyone not grateful for being lied to was clearly an ungrateful wretch that did not deserve Fauci’s benevolence... World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has publicly admitted that Covid-19 doesn’t “pose an existential threat” like “certain past epidemics,” or that the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists doesn’t consider the pandemic nearly as dangerous as rumors about the pandemic."

Dr. Fauci Uninvited From Board Game Night As He Keeps Changing The Rules As He Goes | The Babylon Bee

‘He Is Simply Out Of Control’: Fox’s Will Cain Says ‘Power Drunk’ Fauci Needs To Be Fired - "“So you have this sweeping vaccine mandate taking effect in New York City. Also on the Sunday shows, Dr. Fauci [said] he thinks that on flights people will be masked up forever. And also signaled his support for vaccine mandates in order to fly. No,” Shimkus began. “This is a massive overreach and it starts small with things that seemingly make sense like 15 days to slow the spread. You have to mask up during the height of the pandemic and now children are being forced to get vaccinated. You have vaccine mandates for small businesses and possibly a vaccine mandate in order to fly. It is outrageous.”... "Dr. Fauci told on himself. He said the reason why he wants this to continue on the airlines is because it’s going to squeeze people to get the vaccination. That’s the real objective is control, not science.”"

Meme - ""Religion is stupid, lol"
Same people: *Fauci cupcakes*"

‘He Lies All The Time’: Dr. Robert Malone Torches Fauci, Claims He ‘Has No Integrity’ - "Virologist and immunologist Dr. Robert Malone made it clear Monday that he was not shocked to see Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden’s chief medical advisor, making claims about the efficacy of cotton or surgical masks that he did not believe were true."

Fauci Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About Ending the Pandemic - "Unsurprisingly, Fauci refused to define a threshold... There have been pandemics in the past and they all ended at some point. So surely there must be some method for determining the end of a pandemic other than “it’s over when we say it’s over.” It seems like the only reason not to offer a clear endpoint is that Fauci doesn’t want a specific point at which the pandemic would be considered over. As long as it’s ambiguous, the government can continue to justify COVID restrictions. By refusing to commit to anything now, he not only avoids putting the government in a position where people will expect all restrictions to be loosened or lifted, but he also gives Democrats cover by not admitting that there won’t be an end."

Fauci Was Duplicitous on the AIDS Epidemic Too - "In May 1983, amid the rapidly escalating AIDS crisis, a doctor at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) promoted a stunning theory about the newly encountered disease in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Noting that the same issue of the journal contained an article documenting one of the first cases of the immunodeficiency disease’s appearance in an infant, the author sounded an alarm about “the possibility that routine close contact, as within a family household, can spread the disease.”... Press accounts, noticing Fauci’s article, immediately sounded the alarm. “Household contacts can transmit AIDS,” read one nationally syndicated report on the UPI wire dated May 5, 1983. The Associated Press queried the next day “Does AIDS spread by Routine Contact?” and quoted Fauci as their lead authority. The New York Times raised the specter of household transmission between family members, invoking Fauci’s commentary as its main authority... Unfounded fears of transmission risk through simple contact, and accompanying social ostracization of the disease’s victims, became one of the most notorious and harmful missteps of the entire AIDS crisis... Immunologist Arye Rubinstein had already offered a more plausible explanation for the infant case, which even cursory examination would verify: the disease transmitted from the mother to the baby during pregnancy. As Shilts explains, “Upon investigation, Rubinstein learned that Anthony Fauci had not bothered to read his paper.” The NIH scientist instead relied on second-hand information from another researcher to indulge in open-ended speculation... Although his speculative commentary had triggered a national media frenzy over unfounded fears of AIDS transmission through routine contact, Fauci himself emerged relatively unscathed from the episode. He did so by deploying an all-too-familiar tactic from his Covid-19 commentary: the political pivot, executed in front of a fawning news media. On June 26, less than two months after his JAMA article appeared, Fauci publicly contradicted its most irresponsible claim – albeit without ever acknowledging his own central role in promoting that claim to begin with. As he told the Baltimore Sun, “It is absolutely preposterous to suggest that AIDS can be contracted through normal social contact like being in the same room with someone or sitting on a bus with them. The poor gays have received a very raw deal on this.” In short, Fauci flip-flopped with the political winds and the press barely even noticed... By mid-March 2020, less than two months after he disavowed the use of lockdowns in major US cities such as New York and Los Angeles, Fauci executed a flip-flop and repositioned himself as the U.S. government’s primary architect of our historically unprecedented lockdown response... “But the evidence on lockdowns changed!” comes the predictable cry of those who instinctively defend Fauci through every twist and turn in his messaging. Except it didn’t. Prior to March 2020, a substantial body of epidemiological literature strongly condemned lockdowns – both for their ineffectiveness and their extremely high social and economic costs. The only change that happened between January and March was political; namely that technocratic modelers such as Ferguson realized that fear and alarm over the coronavirus could be used to brush aside civil liberties and democratic norms in favor of a society-wide quarantine modeled on the Chinese response in Wuhan. Neil Ferguson openly boasted as much in a December 2020 interview, recalling the political sea change of those confused and panicked days from the previous March. Among those who embraced this rapid political shift toward lockdowns was none other than Fauci. Indeed on February 17, 2020 the infectious disease administrator told USA Today that the risk from the coronavirus in the United States was “just minuscule.” Barely three weeks later Fauci would call for a nationwide lockdown, albeit for only two weeks. For Fauci, that quickly became a month. Then two months. Then denunciations of states that reopened “too early.” Then testimony praising New York for remaining closed and providing a “model” Covid response despite boasting one of the highest per-capita death rates in the entire world. Then a push to reimpose stricter lockdowns in the fall. Per his latest prognostication, offered almost exactly 1 year to the day after he dismissed Covid-19 as a “minuscule” threat to the United States, we may return to normal by early 2022. And just like that, “two weeks to flatten the curve” became two years. In recounting this history, it is important to be mindful that high-uncertainty events such as a novel virus and pandemic are unavoidably difficult to predict. But that acknowledged challenge is no excuse for figures like Fauci, who not only offer their prognostications on the whim of the moment but often do so on an entirely speculative basis, fully knowing that it will see credulous repetition in the press as an authoritative pronouncement. Fauci’s greater fault is not that he errs, although he does err frequently, but rather the hubris of the moment through which he speaks even as he curiously shelters his pronouncements in caveats intended to permit a future pivot. Yet when that pivot occurs and Fauci adopts a completely different or even contradictory position in light of new political circumstances, he advances it with further hubristic pretensions before an obsequious gaggle of journalists, as if the new stance had always been his position. We’ve now seen such pivots on countless occasions, including some that entailed willful duplicity. Consider Fauci’s pronouncements against mask wearing in March 2020 on 60 Minutes. By July, Fauci had not only reversed to the opposite position – he essentially conceded that he deceived the public back in March in order to allegedly prevent a run on masks that might cause a hospital shortage. In effect, Fauci told what he considered to be a “noble lie” in the name of coaxing the public into a position he desired them to follow, rather than serving as a reliable source of scientific information. It’s a pattern he has repeated many times, most recently when he moved the target vaccination rate goalposts from 70% to 90% in a self-admitted deception intended to “nudge” the public toward his new position. That duplicity earned him praise though when he excused it as an effort to counter vaccine misinformation... Yet throughout, Fauci’s reputation as a steady and measured source of sage wisdom and medical authority remains largely intact before the public’s eye. Why? I’ll posit that it’s the product of a skilled political operative with four decades of honing his abilities to execute politically motivated pivots amid disease uncertainty."

Facebook - "Say NO to further restrictions. Bad policy makes criminals out of good people. I think he needs to reflect on WHY people are tired after 2 YEARS of bad policy. WHY countries like Sweden said from DAY 1: this is a long haul virus and ANY policy needs to be sustainable. WHY Singapore pursued a medically ridiculous COVID Zero policy but didn't even have the guts to confirm it ("oh we are just flattening the curve" ) WHAT lockdown fatigue implies... if a further virus with higher mortality comes, we will have little reserve capacity and public tolerance for a further lockdown. WHY draconian TraceTogether contact tracing failed to control the spread of the virus (there's no plausible way it would have worked). WHY even the CDC doesn't recommend wearing a mask outdoors amongst vaccinated people. REMINDER: we were at 96% vaccination rate amongst adults (before Singapore changed the reporting to include children) If a 96% vaccinated nation cannot gather, even MASKED / partially masked, in an OUTDOOR location... everything said is essentially just delusional thinking. "we should engage in restrictions now, so that we can... not engage in restrictions later??" He has NO PLAN to return Singapore to NORMAL. Seriously? What else does the population have to do to become unmasked and stop Tracetogether? Has there ever been a set of fixed criteria for return to normal that can be debated?... call it what it is: A perpetual set of shifting goalposts that can never be questioned if right or wrong. Good policy can be debated with outcomes measured against the cost of enacting them. Bad policy is nebulous and relies on "trust us, it is good... for your sake". Temporary extension of public trust occurs in extraordinary crisis scenarios.... It allows broad powers to be utilised temporarily. In this case: it sacrificed the young to buy a bit of safety for the elderly. Don't think it came without costs beyond just financial. It has been 2 years into the pandemic with 300 million cases worldwide. It is no longer a "crisis" but a known population comorbidity."
On the Clarke Quay gathering in January.
Singapore still has the " Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act" from 1955. Hopefully Covid restrictions don't last as long

Facebook - "The continuation of groups of 5 over the Chinese New Year period, is overly conservative. With record-breaking daily cases, England’s government is holding their nerve and not putting in new restrictions. England has a high vaccination rate of old and vulnerable people. It is true that their National Health System is coming under stress, but still holding up. Perhaps our policy makers fear that our health system isn’t as good as the UK NHS. Or perhaps kiasu-ness is so hardwired into our DNA that we are always erring on the side of caution. Younger, healthier vaccinated people are getting tired of overly-conservative rules, and silly restrictions. The PAP must consider whether it’s failing to really lead us out of the pandemic. At the moment we are neither here nor there. Not pursuing Covid Zero like China (impossible for us), but having no nerve to treat the virus as endemic. More vaccinated healthy people must speak up against these rules that impose an economic and psychological toll on society."

WARMINGTON: Opposition silent on PM's hatred of the unvaccinated | Toronto Sun - "“They are extremists who don’t believe in science, they’re often misogynists, also often racists,” said Trudeau. “It’s a small group that muscles in, and we have to make a choice in terms of leaders, in terms of the country. Do we tolerate these people?” He has to tolerate them. All people are equal. There is no law that requires anyone to be forced to take a medical treatment. There are hate speech laws to protect marginalized Canadians... There is nothing normal about any leader treating fellow citizens this way. History has frowned upon eras when the majority gangs up on a minority. Whether it’s wearing blackface or firing female colleagues in cabinet or various scandals involving business and charity, Trudeau skates on most things and, likely, will on this as well. But it’s still wrong. Just as wrong is the elected opposition giving him a pass. For some reason, Conservatives Leader Erin O’Toole and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh have been silent. Only Conservative MP for Haldimand Norfolk Leslyn Lewis challenged Trudeau in his recent creepy messaging on the unvaccinated. “It seems that the PM’s motto, ‘diversity is our strength’ only applies to those who are diverse in the ways he supports,” Lewis tweeted. “Instead of his hateful and divisive language toward fellow Canadians, he should treat others with dignity and respect and work to heal and unite our country.”"

‘Flurona’ Cases Raise Concerns Of Severe Double-Infections
So much for that fear mongering

Woman forced to isolate with Tinder date after both test positive for Covid-19 - "in Australia, Covid-19 positive patients must isolate at home for at least seven days from the day they have a PCR test"

Liz Wheeler on Twitter - "Do not say one word about hospital staffing crises when the Mayo Clinic just fired 700 workers for being unvaxxed."

Commentary: Will easing COVID-19 restrictions bring tourists back to Singapore? - "the biggest easing of restrictions announced by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Thursday (Mar 24), seemed a long time coming for most. We rejoiced at “small big things”: From Mar 29, we can be outdoors without masks, gather and dine in groups of 10 people, enjoy live music and drink past 10.30pm at our favourite haunts. And simplified travel rules are generating real excitement in the air about the prospect of hassle-free travelling once more. But the news seemed somewhat anti-climactic to Singapore's travel industry. “This is hardly a bold move,” Mr Arthur Kiong, CEO of Far East Hospitality Management told me. There’s a sense that Singapore could afford to do so much more, especially when neighbouring Cambodia has led the way in removing all travel restrictions. Domestic restrictions have also been removed, according to Phnom Penh-based tour operator, Jacques Guichandut, who is also the managing director of All Dreams Cambodia. Australia is lifting the pre-departure test on Apr 18, although some states may insist on on-arrival testing. Farther away, since early February, several European and Nordic countries have followed Denmark's lead in scrapping most travel and other domestic restrictions, such as mandatory masks and vaccine certificates to enter restaurants. “If we were to expect inbound leisure travellers, restrictions here cannot be stricter than those of other countries which have eased them”, said Mr Kiong. After all, who would want to go on a holiday with more restrictions than at home? The bold move would be to remove all local restrictions. It's what Switzerland is doing, despite cases soaring by an average of about 17,000 new infections a day. Its Interior Minister Alain Berset said that such hikes were to be expected but there was no cause for alarm as hospitals could cope. The country lifted most measures on Feb 17, save for two – masks in public transport and five-day isolation for COVID-19 patients. These, too, will go at the end of March. The conditions are ripe for this in Singapore: The Omicron wave is “subsiding”. There is strong immunity in the population, with an “overwhelming majority” fully vaccinated or have received their booster, and those who have recovered after infection. "Crucially, the healthcare system remains resilient", said Mr Lee when announcing the changes. Remaining restrictions – such as a pre-departure test (although under review), mandatory masks indoors and safe distancing in mask-off settings – may take away Singapore’s opportunity to overtake Thailand and Hong Kong as Asia’s tourism and financial hub. Take the HSBC Singapore Rugby Sevens, for example. On Mar 26, barely two weeks to the event, tickets still had not gone on sale, leaving thousands of fans on tenterhooks. Its official Facebook page says that it is “working with the authorities to deliver the best experience come April”. But fans aren’t sure if they will get the most out of this typically rumbustious event. One fan commented that the Sevens was one of their favourite events of the year, with “lots of drinking, cheering along with our friend, dressing up and having a great time”, but questioned how the new rules would apply, wondering if it will be “mask on, no food or drink, seated far away from friends”... Mr Henry Widler, is an F1 aficionado who aims to visit 15 F1 races this year. Singapore is on his list but he’s watching restrictions closely. “Restrictions could be a factor for me to skip the Singapore event. I attended the races in France and Italy in 2021, where the only requirement was to show an antigen test. This was when the COVID-19 situation was much more serious. Masks were not compulsory and I'm not aware of any outbreak after the races”... ideally, F1 conditions should be clear “a couple of months ahead” for visitors from Europe and the Americas who want to secure air tickets and hotel bookings well in advance, instead of shelling out more for last-minute bookings. “I cannot understand how a progressive nation like Singapore could be one of the last ones to lift restrictions”... As for indoor events, Mr Robert Hecker, managing director Pacific Asia, Horwath HTL, a hotel consultancy, believes that indoor mask requirements will remain through the year unless COVID-19 cases drop to low levels. It is the “main deterrent” for networking-focused events like HICAP, he said, referring to the Hotel Investment Conference Asia-Pacific... For events and leisure tourists to return, it's not just a matter of ease of entry. Life must return to normal... Will governments be quick to bring back restrictions whenever a new variant emerges, as they did with Omicron? Mr Kiong thinks not. “We need to live with COVID-19 and move forward. If not, the economic consequence of prevention is worse than the disease itself”, he said. Andrew Tran Nam Hung, senior project manager at Bullish, a digital exchange, summed up the feeling most people probably have. “There may be a spike in cases, but who cares. We are too tired already. Hopefully, with this move, Singapore will be the shining jewel in the East once again.""
The paradox of covid "success"

Commentary: How is Cambodia last to lock down yet among first few to reopen in Southeast Asia?
Basically covid restrictions are political in nature

COVID-19 fight has relied too much on uncertain math modelling, some scientists say - "“When you put out a model that is not credible and it turns out to be ridiculed, you’ve threatened the integrity of the whole health-care system,” argues Ed Mills, a Vancouver-based epidemiologist and part-time McMaster University professor. “So don’t be surprised if people start not believing what the public health agencies say... COVID-related hospitalizations didn’t peak in Ontario until last month during the pandemic’s second wave, when ICUs cared for up to about 400 people daily. It was a serious strain on the system and weary health professionals, but less than a tenth of what that initial model had predicted. Modeling early in the pandemic also suggested schools could be a major vector for the virus, leading to widespread closures in the spring. More recent projections have reached a different conclusion, though the role of schools as a possible accelerator of the pandemic continues to be hotly debated. Beyond this continent, models by Imperial College predicted a huge death rate in south Asia, more than 2.5 million fatalities in Pakistan alone by last November, noted Dr. Zulfiqar Bhutta, co-director of the Centre for Global Child Health at Toronto’s SickKids Hospital. Others projected a smaller, but also hugely inaccurate toll, he noted. Pakistan has had about 12,000 deaths and, as it turns out, politicians largely ignored the foreign modeling... Perhaps in response to such prognostications, though, India imposed lockdowns last spring that caused widespread hunger among migrant workers. Its COVID death rate has also remained low, one of the mysteries of the pandemic. “The kind of lockdowns that we have seen here in the West are just an impossibility in many geographies … they would lead to mass starvation,” said Bhutta. “These models have real consequences if they are applied haphazardly.”... What, if anything, went wrong? Especially early on, models likely erred by treating populations as homogenous, though some people were more or less resistant to the SARS-CoV-2 virus because of pre-existing immunity or other reasons, said Jha. Mills argues that mathematicians often have failed to validate their models by running past data through them to see if they could accurately predict what has already happened. Or such data was simply unavailable. And much is unusual or unknown about the virus... Jha worries that governments have placed too much emphasis on modeling and not enough on empirical study of the pandemic as it unfolds. He said he and academic colleagues, for instance, had to take the initiative to conduct a large “sero-prevalence” study to examine what percentage of Canadians have antibodies to the new virus — hard evidence of how widely it has spread... If there is one thing that critics and champions of modeling seem to agree on, it is the need to communicate the field’s limitations, something health officials, politicians and the media sometimes ignore. Failing to explain fully the basis for projections and the fact they could well be wrong, risks fueling conspiracy theories and COVID denialism, undermining the whole effort”
Just shout "trust the science", cancel anyone who disagrees as a "denier", then memory hole failed predictions and start again

The Flawed COVID-19 Model That Locked Down Canada - "This MEI publication provides a critique of Professor Neil Ferguson’s epidemiological model, which led to lockdown in this country."

Facebook - "Finished watching the miniseries “Dopesick.” Really good depiction of the opioid crisis that was started by pharmaceutical companies using unethical and illegal sales tactics, corruption of government officials, shutting down investigations and queries, etc. Give it a watch and tell me you don’t see any similarities at all between the marketing and sales tactics then versus now regarding a certain pharmaceutical product currently getting alot of airtime. I defy you not to see even one slight parallel - they even used a concept called “breakthrough pain” to encourage and pressure doctors to prescribe higher doses of OxyContin. I seem to remember within the last few months hearing another form of “breakthrough something” that required a further dose of something else"

Richard Hanania on Twitter - "Of 24 medical fields, data from 2016 shows the most Democratic are infectious disease, psychiatrists and paediatricians. Explains why we’ve been torturing kids during COVID. Those who should speak on their behalf and epidemiologists share same ideology."

Meme - "What's the similarity between vaccinated and anti vaxers? They will never be fully vaccinated"

Saw this on LinkedIn... If GovTech is hiring, it means it's here to stay for....ever? : singapore - "Senior Product Manager (TraceTogether / SafeEntry)"
Trace Forever / TraceForever

COVID-19 Shuts Doors to Flu but Keeps Them Open to Rhinoviruses - " Ten years have passed since the beginning of the H1N1pdm09 flu pandemic. No sooner had humanity recovered from its consequences than a new attack came—the COVID-19 pandemic. What happens to other respiratory infectious diseases during a global disaster such as the COVID-19 pandemic? The pandemic brought about by the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus has disrupted many well-established epidemiological and pathogenetic relationships, as well as mechanisms affecting infections with other respiratory viruses. The level of circulation of many respiratory pathogens has changed significantly. For instance, global influenza activity is at much lower levels than expected. In many regions, the influenza season has not started. Intriguingly, the COVID-19 pandemic did not substantially affect the spread of human rhinoviruses. In this review, the main properties of epidemiologically significant respiratory viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, influenza virus, and human rhinovirus are described. It is well known that rhinoviruses are distributed across the globe and are the most common cause of the common cold in all age groups. Rhinoviruses are widely considered to be harmless because they are generally perceived as respiratory viruses only capable of causing mild disease. However, they may also infect the lower respiratory tract, inducing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and exacerbations of asthma, bronchiolitis, etc. The role of rhinoviruses in pathogenesis and the epidemiological process is underestimated, and they need to be intensively studied. In the light of recent data, it is now known that rhinoviruses could be one of the key epidemiological barriers that may influence the spread of influenza and novel coronaviruses. It has been reported that endemic human rhinoviruses delayed the development of the H1N1pdm09 influenza pandemic through viral interference. Moreover, human rhinoviruses have been suggested to block SARS-CoV-2 replication in the airways by triggering an interferon response. In this review, we summarized the main biological characteristics of genetically distinct viruses such as rhinoviruses, influenza viruses, and SARS-CoV-2 in an attempt to illuminate their main discrepancies and similarities. We hope that this comparative analysis will help us to better understand in which direction research in this area should move."
An alternative reason for why covid means the flu disappeared (i.e. it's not masks, social distancing and handwashing): covid displaced the flu

COVID hospitalizations top summer surge in L.A. - Los Angeles Times - "Roughly two-thirds of patients who have tested positive at hospitals run by the L.A. County Department of Health Services were admitted for something other than the coronavirus... many “may have not known they were COVID-positive ... but they’re in the hospital for something else”... During last winter’s surge, more than 80% of COVID-19 patients were in the hospital because they were experiencing severe illness associated with the disease, according to the Department of Health Services."

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