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Monday, April 25, 2022

Links - 25th April 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

Dunkin' worker who fatally punched 77-year-old customer sentenced to 2 years of house arrest - "A Tampa doughnut shop worker accused of punching and killing a customer for using a racial slur against him will spend two years on house arrest after pleading guilty to felony battery.  The judge on Monday also ordered former Dunkin' employee Corey Pujols, 27, to complete 200 hours of community service and attend an anger management course...   Court records show that Cook was a registered sex offender."
Apparently it's worse to use a racial slur than kill someone
I saw someone say it's always good to kill pedophiles. As if all sex offenders are pedophiles (if nothing else)

The Guardian’s hottest takes - "The Guardian has declared ‘the phallic necktie’ to be ‘an outdated symbol of white male rule’. This sensational headline referred to an incident in the New Zealand parliament, involving a Maori politician being ejected from parliament for not wearing a tie.  The story was not that interesting in itself (the mandatory tie policy has now been dropped). But it caught fire across the internet because of the Guardian’s reliably crackers take on it all.  For those less familiar with the woke world of Guardian headlines, here are five more of its hottest takes.
‘I dread the day my daughter’s poos get smaller’...
 ‘Is your home constantly set to a ‘sexist’ temperature?’...
 ‘“Upward-thrusting buildings ejaculating into the sky” – do cities have to be so sexist?’...
‘How can our future Mars colonies be free of sexism and racism?’...
 ‘I stopped going to the gym because of Trump. Now I can’t open jars’"
Since a "sexist" temperature is better for climate change (which, we are told, hurts minorities), what's the woke thing to do?

Licensed Memes: The Banterbury Tales - Posts | Facebook - "Weird how it overlaps with many places where grooming gangs were allowed to operate unchecked. Odd that."
"Places in England 'at risk' from rightwing extremism"

Open Letter: Grooming Gang Survivor Accuses UK Government of Institutional Racism - "This practice of ignoring 'grooming gangs' hate crimes has put survivors at a disadvantage, by treating us less favourably than victims of racially and religiously-aggravated crimes, from other protected groups. This is racial and religious discrimination, as set out under the Equality Act 2010. The Home Office have not had "due regard to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation" of girls in Rotherham. We feel like we're being unfairly discriminated against twice: Firstly by our perpetrators, and then again, by Government authorities. And on top of that we are being bullied whenever we complain about the double discrimination. Outrageously, Home Office advisor, Dr Ella Cockbain, a 'human trafficking' researcher, who is cited several times in the Home Office Grooming Gang Review, victim-blames by accusing us of "racialising" our own abuse. She says that our "fixation with 'Asian sex gangs'" is "thinly veiled racism." In her publications she completely omits the fact that it's actually our rapists who are the racists. This is deliberate 'racism-blindness'. We have gone out of our way not to be 'racist', so it is extremely distressing and frightening when people like Dr Cockbain falsely accuse us of racism, which makes us even more vulnerable to attacks from the far-left. Unfortunately this ignorant narrative has been adopted by the Home Office...
- Last year there were 91,345 anti-White hate crimes reported, compared to only 11,043 hate crimes against all other ethnicities. That means there were 8 times as many hate crimes against Whites as against anyone else.
- And last year even though 3,089 anti-Muslim hate crimes were recorded, there were zero hate crimes recorded against 'unbelievers' perceived to have a 'lack of Islamic religion'. Note: The current hate crime category of 'no religion' is incorrect. The correct legal term is, 'lack of religion'...
The Home Office's discriminatory practice has put me at a personal disadvantage, because as a direct result of Home Office practice I have faced Institutional racism at least fifteen times:
1. South Yorkshire Police failed to record the attacks against me as racially and religiously aggravated, which meant they weren't 'flagged' as hate crimes, as they should have been, and that meant my case wasn't investigated or prosecuted as it should have been...
3.  Group-based CSE Review, Dec 2020, discriminated by omitting 'anti-White' and 'anti-lack of religion', and 'hostility to race and religion' in sexual crimes, unlike other hate crime reviews.
4.  Muslims and Jews are actively encouraged to report hate crime, but groups referred to as 'kafir' or 'non-Muslim' are actively discouraged from reporting our religious hate crimes.
5.  Anti-extremism teams are not trained to recognise or de-radicalise far-left anti-white extremists, so my reports to them have gone unheeded.
6. My case was less likely to lead to a charge or conviction than other hate crimes, because hate crime cases are usually handled with enhanced hate crime services. A Muslim girl who gets her headscarf pulled off on a bus is more likely to get justice than a white girl who gets raped over 100 times by Muslim men. This cannot be right or fair.
7.  I didn't have the opportunity to get 'racism' recovery counselling, as I should have done. My NHS Rape counsellor unfairly told me, "race and religion are irrelevant".
8.  I was treated less favourably because of my race and my 'perceived' religion, because Police and Home Office 'hate crime' videos always portray BAME people as victims, and White people as perpetrators.
9.  The mainstream media routinely implies that I am "racialising" my own abuse, by referring to all grooming gangs victims and our family members at protests as 'far-right'.
10.  Dr Jessica Taylor, Senior Lecturer in Forensic and Criminal Psychology at University of Derby, with a PhD in Victim-blaming, when I told her that she was wrong to dismiss our experiences of racist and religious abuse, told me, "Oh f*** off will you, I've been working with those victims for years."
11.  Professor of Contemporary Theatre at the Royal Holloway University - "Oh fuck off with your bullshit... You’re either a racist or an idiot or both... Oh what a load of f***ing b*llocks. White people are the real victims of racism? Do me a f***ing favour." - When I told him that there have been anti-White racist attacks going on in Rotherham for the past 30 years.
12. Alarmingly, social media refuses to remove any anti-White messages, including one that says, "There is a virus that is a thousand times more deadly than #COVID19: The White Virus. Carriers tend to be hideously ugly (within and without), hideously selfish, hideously inferior and hideously white. Never underestimate the malice and ugliness of these "people"." ...And a tweet from a Black girl that says, "I say we shove big black c***s into the throats of white women across the nation. Make their husbands record it. Make the kids watch. We had to be traumatised. It's y'all turn."... 14.  Last year my local 'Hate Crime Support Service' counsellor told me, "I don't think there is any such thing as anti-white hate crime.""

Grooming gang review kept secret as Home Office claims releasing findings ‘not in public interest’
Grooming gangs come from ‘diverse backgrounds’, says Home Office as review finally published - “Based on the existing evidence, and our understanding of the flaws in the existing data, it seems most likely that the ethnicity of group-based CSE offenders is in line with child sexual abuse more generally and with the general population, with the majority of offenders being white.”
Given that the majority of the population is white, this isn't helpful
Weird how the majority of people shot by the police in the US are white, but liberals dismiss that even though whites are a lower proportion of the US than UK population

‘Systemic racism’ is a conspiracy theory - "The narrative behind movements like Black Lives Matter contends that hundreds – if not thousands – of black Americans are murdered by the state on an annual basis, that harassment and abuse of blacks by whites is constant, and that virtually all gaps in performance between racial groups must reflect hidden racism. These claims are almost universally false. But they have been accepted as conventional wisdom. The pervasiveness of these ideas – despite the fact they are presented as ‘radical’ and ‘rebellious’ – is truly striking. The infamous (and entirely false) claim that an unarmed black male is ‘murdered’ by US police roughly once a day has been repeated by numerous BLM activists. A book called Open Season: the Legalised Genocide of Coloured People has become a bestseller... Thirty years ago, economist June O’Neill unpacked a well-known ratio of 82:100 for the earnings of black vs white men. Less technically put, black guys made about 80 cents for each dollar that white guys earned. This gap was – then as now – almost universally attributed to racism. But O’Neill pointed out that simply adjusting for variables like median age, where someone lives and years of education closed the gap substantially. The most common age for a black person in the US is 27, while the most common age for a white person is 58, and blacks are far more likely than whites to live in the south – where wages are lower for everyone.  Adding tested IQ to the equation closed the ratio to 95.5:100, and adjusting for years of work experience (which is closely related to age) closed it to 99.1:100. O’Neill followed up this research in 2005, finding similar results. Controversial as it sounds in our hyper-politicised society, people of different races with the same qualifications succeed to roughly the same degree today... The body of further evidence supporting the conclusion that group performance is not largely a result of racism is truly massive. Perhaps most obviously, most of the highest-performing groups in the United States are not white. As per the 2019 American Community Survey, the wealthiest group of Americans is not Anglo-Saxon ‘WASPs’ – or Jews as is often claimed – but Indian Americans, with a median household income of $135,816. Taiwanese Americans come in second place, at $102,405. All in all, seven of the 10 highest-earning groups – Indians, Taiwanese, Filipinos, Indonesians, Pakistanis, Iranians and Lebanese Americans – are not ‘white’ as this term is generally conceptualised. Another Top 10 group – South Africans, with $98,212 – consists of white and black immigrants, who both seem to do quite well away from their homeland’s quarrels.   In fact, quite a few black or majority-black groups are ahead of the average income for US whites ($65,902). Ghanaian Americans bring home a healthy $69,021 annually, Nigerians earn $68,658 and Guyanese Americans make $67,772 on average. A number of black groups, while not high earners, earn more than some large and mostly (if not entirely) white groups like Cajuns ($52,866)...   The figure for Cajuns illustrates another critical point that the conspiracy theorists seem to avoid actively: incomes vary by up to 300 per cent just among white groups. In 2019, the highest-earning white group (perhaps surprisingly) was Australian Americans, who made $100,856 per household per year. In contrast, the poorest – with Scots-Irish ‘Appalachians’ not separated out – was the sizable but insular population of Pennsylvania Dutch Americans, who averaged roughly $49,000. The low incomes of Dutchmen is down to their isolation, faith tradition, educational performance, and so on – and those things matter for all people, regardless of race. Wonky data aside, a second problem with the ‘hidden evil’ narrative is how incredibly insulting it is to most Americans. The complaint that ‘microaggressions’ and ‘implicit bias’ contribute to racial oppression implies that many or most of my fellow citizens are extraordinarily bigoted, and are either lying to me about this while pretending to be my friends or are completely lacking in self-awareness. But, aside from the self-serving, worthless results of implicit-bias tests, there is very little evidence that this is actually the case.   Social scientists have been designing good surveys on this for decades now, and we have a very solid idea of how prevalent racism actually is. At the most basic level, a good way to find this out is to ask people anonymously about their views. One fairly typical result comes from a well-known 2015 Gallup poll, which asked people whether they were put off voting for election candidates based on their race. In response, eight per cent of Americans said they would never vote for a qualified black candidate for president, even if he or she represented their favoured party. That’s awful, to be sure. But seven per cent would not vote for a Roman Catholic, eight per cent would not vote for any woman, nine per cent would not vote for a Latino or a Jew, and 19 per cent would never vote for a well-qualified Mormon. This discrimination cuts across racial boundaries. Another obvious point (though it is taboo to say it) is that we have massive, society-wide programmes of positive discrimination to compensate for even residual racism of this kind. For all of today’s incessant talk about ‘white privilege’, institutional campaigns of affirmative action, designed to counter the lingering effects of discrimination, have been in place in the US since 1967’s Philadelphia Plan... when we put the wilder speculations of the left and the hard right aside and look at the data, it really does seem that most people in America are rewarded for how well they perform.  Crazy conspiracy theory, I know."
It's only a conspiracy theory if it threatens the left. Just look at Russiagate and all the Trump hoaxes

Black Power Naps Is Addressing Systemic Racism in Sleep - "Black Power Naps is an artistic initiative with components including physical installations, zines, an opera, and more. But it's also a recognition of the hundreds of years of sleep deprivation that Black people and people of color have experienced as a result of systemic racism, a way to pushback against the false stereotype that Black people are lazy, and an investigation of the inequitable distribution of rest. That lack of sleep has serious consequences... Acosta explained that sleep deprivation was used as a means of control over enslaved people, meaning Black people haven't been getting the sleep they need for generations... To help resolve this chronic lack of sleep, Acosta and Sosa are calling for rest as reparations."
Everything is linked to slavery
Maybe they'd get more sleep if they didn't obsess about "racism" all the time

Meme - "iVirtue

‘I am not suicidal’: Jussie Smollett shouts in courtroom as he is jailed for 150 days over hate crime hoax - "“You’re just a charlatan pretending to be the victim of a hate crime, and that’s shameful,” Judge James Linn said, adding the actor had “thrown a national pity party for himself”.  He said Smollett was earning $2m a year when he staged the fake hate crime, and the only reason he could find for it was that Smollett “craved the attention”.  “You were so invested in social justice... [that] you took some scabs off some healing wounds... and it worked,” he said.  “You have done some real damage.” Smollett has always maintained his innocence of staging the crime, but was found guilty at trial in December of five out of six felony counts of disorderly conduct... Smollett raises his fist as he’s led out of court following his sentencing... Smollett had tried to blame the media, Covid-19, the judge, the jury, and “the entire Cook County judicial system” while ignoring the “plethora of evidence” against him... “The city is a victim of Mr Smollett’s crime, because his false report cost CPD to expend scarce resources that could have been devoted to solving actual crimes, increasing public safety,” Mr Mendenhall said.  Prosecutors called for Smollett to pay back $130,106 the city had spent thousands of hours on investigating the hoax during an extremely cold weather event described as a “polar vortex”."
Why would white supremacy do this?

Jussie Smollett sentenced to jail for staging hate crime - "prompting the actor to scream out in protest: “I’m innocent!”...   “I did not do this and I am not suicidal and if anything happens to me when I go there, I did not do it to myself and you must all know that.”... Smollett started shouting to the court when he learned he’d be going to jail, appearing to imply there was some kind of conspiracy against him.   “I am not suicidal. I am innocent and I’m not suicidal. If I did this, then it means that I shoved my fist in the fears of black Americans in this country for over 400 years and the fears of the LGBTQ community,” Smollett shouted...   “Your performance on the witness stand, this can only be described as pure perjury. You got on the witness stand … you committed hour upon hour upon hour of pure perjury."

Jussie Smollett on Twitter - "What liars don't realize is that they are the most obvious people. bullshit isn't that hard to smell. Just open ya nose and breathe. Aaahh!"

Taraji P. Henson, More Criticize Jussie Smollett Punishment - "Taraji P. Henson... referenced Emmett Till, noting that no one went to jail when the Black teenager was lynched after being falsely accused of whistling at a woman...
Jurnee Smollett
The Lovecraft Country actress previously stated that she believes her brother is not guilty, and she has clearly not changed her mind. In her Instagram post calling for Smollett’s release, she shared a statistic about the disproportionate incarceration rate of Black Americans. “you don’t have to believe in his innocence to believe he should be free”...
Indya Moore...
“I believe you and I believe in you to salvage life saving, spiritual wisdoms of abundance, power and truth- out of this bafflingly unjust, and detrimental challenge. You should not be in Jail.” In a follow-up post, the Pose star added, “I dont have a weird feeling in my tummy about him, i have a weird feeling in my tummy about this case.”
Kendrick Sampson...
“Breonna Taylor’s murderer, and an endless list of other cops, can’t be held accountable…but Jussie is locked in a CAGE for allegedly lying to police?” Sampson wrote. “How many Karens have lied to the police UNDER OATH a la Emmett Till with no accountability?”"
Lovely. He's still a victim

Jussie Smollett’s Instagram Account Starts Posting Messages: ‘You Don’t Have To Believe In His Innocence To Believe He Should Be Free’ - "    The Chicago Police Department wants you to believe that Jussie Smollett paid two big Black a** Nigerians $1750 each to play white and attack him in the freezing f***ing cold in front of the surveillance camera outside his residence.      They want you to believe that although Jussie is half Jewish and a brilliant actor, writer, producer and director who has been in the entertainment industry his entire f***ing life and has access to all type of white people that he was still dumb or ”arrogant” enough to choose to cast two f***ing bodybuilding a** Africans to play the white MAGA supporting assailants in his fake hate crime attack video that he wanted to go viral and bring him more attention and celebrity because being on Empire wasn’t doing enough for him, his ego and his career.      They want you to believe that the two Nigerian brothers heard this plan and were like ”yeah of course we believe our Black a**es can pass for white just by yelling out racist homophobic s**t and that we’ll get away with attacking one of the biggest television stars in the nation in front of the surveillance camera outside his home in the white bougie a** neighborhood he lives in and no one will ever suspect it was us. Yeah that makes perfect sense to us.”      They need you to believe that it didn’t matter that the Osundairo brothers were criminalized, intimidated and starved during interrogation for 47 f***ing hours before they signed their confessions agreeing to the police’s narrative of what happened to Jussie. They need you to forget that this is the false confession and wrongful conviction capital of America. They need you to forget how plea deals work and that people confess to s**t they didn’t do all the time under stress and duress. They need you to not think too long about the fact that one of the brothers was a convicted felon and when police raided their home they found guns and drugs but no one was charged with anything.      They’re relying on you to disregard the neighbor who reported a suspicious white man with a rope hanging from his coat outside Jussie’s home. They’re counting on you to not give too much weight to the testimony of the security guard who was working nearby and said he saw Jussie getting up from the ground and a white man in a ski mask running away from the scene of the attack right after it happened. They’re counting on you being dumb and gullible as hell and believing whatever bulls**t they tell you to believe. But I’m counting on you not to.      Jussie Smollett was attacked by white Trump supporters like he f***ing said he was then he was further victimized and framed by the Chicago Police Department. He is not safe inside Cook County Jail, and quite frankly no one is. #FreeJussie and #FreeThemAll[.]"

Jussie Smollett Ordered Released From Jail Pending Appeal

Meme - "People of Chicago please be careful, Jussie Smollett's attacker is on the loose again."

Meme - "Me leaving my chemistry lab after getting a 12,000% percent error and blaming it on a poorly calibrated scale"
jordanspecht1122: "How do you even manage to do that"
il0vem1lfs Creator: "If you think women don't belong in STEM careers just say that !!"

Meme - Tiffany Roxanne Barrett: "Stolen Black Breastmilk Built This Nation #bbfw2021"

Karen Swallow Prior (Notorious KSP) on Twitter - “Throughout the pregnancy, Felix faced intense pressure from her sponsor. After she opted to keep her baby, Nike, her corporate sponsor, pushed a new deal that included a 70 percent pay cut to her previous contract, with no maternity exceptions.”
"Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything”

Police stop fewer black drivers at night when a 'veil of darkness' obscures their race: Study also finds that when drivers were pulled over, officers searched the cars of blacks and Hispanics more often than whites
Will they be cancelled for the phrase?

Meme - Hbomberguy @Hbomberguy: "These aren't anti-homeless architecture. They're... *sweating* W...Wheelchair chairs"
Clodagh Higgins @CioHiggins: "I have requested @GalwayCityCo to introduce a number of these wheelchair accessible seats around Galway. We must do better and we can do better. #inclusion #disability #BetterGalway"

Families sue Universal Orlando after mascot uses white power gesture - "The suit alleges that the incidents left the girls suffering from mental anguish, loss of dignity, humiliation, embarrassment and other emotional distress — and their families are seeking $30,000 in damages"
Liberal hysteria lets grifters grift and/or results in a self-fulfilling prophecy. I wonder if the family has disowned their white supremacist son

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "Pete Buttigieg’s husband leads kids in a pledge of allegiance to the gay pride rainbow"

Gay Singapore: our guide to the best gay bars, clubs, hotels & activities • Nomadic Boys - "there is a large thriving LGBTQ community here, with lots of gay bars, clubs and events taking place throughout the year... We found Singapore to be super gay. Put it this way, when we were hanging out in Kuala Lumpur's gay scene, the drag queens we met told us that Singapore is one of the places in Asia they aspire to perform in, citing it as one of the continent's gay meccas…kinda like Dubai is for the Arab world."
Weird. Singaporean liberals are obsessed with 377A and claim it makes Singapore intolerable for gays

Surveying the REACH Survey on LGBT+ Attitudes and Section 377A - "There have been suggestions that the survey was not meant to gain widespread publicity.  First, the survey could not be found on the REACH website during the time it was open. There was also no clear start and end date unlike the other recent surveys on their website... Statements from multiple sources suggest that the survey was initially released to, or picked up by a few groups only. These groups had only called for circulation in closed networks, and not on social media.  On Wake Up Singapore’s post calling for participation in the survey, Instagram user “upperchewngi” commented: “can you please take this down? the people who received the survey were advised not to spread it on social media so that conservatives don’t take over the form and skew the answers”. Another Instagram user “_popickdra_” said, “I was strictly following the message not to spread,” and alluded to efforts to keep the survey “internalised.” This further implies that there was an “out group,” such as conservative group “We Are Against PinkDot.”... It is unclear where the survey was first publicised and whom it was first given to.  This lack of publicity limits the quality and representation of the survey. Had it continued on closed networks, it might be arguable that despite REACH being open to public participation, the respondents would have been self-selecting. If the survey had not gone beyond these closed networks (which seem to view ‘conservatives’ as an enemy) that had both knowledge of the survey and incentive to participate, ‘conservatives’ or the ‘silent majority’ had no such access and would have continued to be silent.  The counterfactual is also interesting. Had conservatives been the one trying to keep it “internalised,” what would the reaction be?...  the most obvious basic issue was that the survey repeatedly used abbreviations like “LGBT+” without specifically spelling out what this means. Inevitably, only those people who know what “LGBT+” stands for, or are able and willing to find out what the term refers to, would have been able to answer the survey in a meaningful manner. Digital natives may have taken this for granted, but for a survey that purports to be open to “everyone”, it wasn’t particularly accommodating... Apart from the difficulties with terms, the survey was only available online and in English. This means that the ones who will be able to answer the survey must both have sufficient knowledge of the English language and a certain degree of ability to use the e-listening post.  These tend to exclude those who are not proficient in English, as well as the less tech-savvy in Singapore, such as the elderly, persons with disabilities and less privileged groups... One can indeed be “neutral” or “positive” towards LGBT persons and their community, but unfavourable toward their causes. Unfortunately again, the question does not make that distinction."

Nearly 70% of IPS survey respondents disapprove of same-sex relations - "Nearly 70 percent of 1,800 Singaporean residents disapprove of same-sex relationships, according to a survey carried out by the Institute of Policy Studies.  Titled "Religion in Singapore: The Private and Public Spheres", the survey asked 1,800 Singaporeans their views on issues relating to religious beliefs, religiosity and the role of religion in the private and public sphere... The survey added that nearly 85 per cent of Muslims, followed by 78.3 per cent of Christians and 78 per cent of Hindus saw sexual relations between two adults of the same sex as always wrong. Buddhists and Taoists stood at 63 per cent and 64.8 per cent respectively."

Tide turning against the woke-liberal Blob that misrules us - "Late-night comics are usually reliable parroters of the message of the day. So it says something that last week, Bill Maher launched an impassioned critique of “woke” culture, while this week, Jon Stewart went on Stephen Colbert’s show to say in no uncertain terms that it looks like the Wuhan coronavirus came from … the Wuhan lab.  Using a term from Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker, Maher accused liberals of “progressophobia” — “a brain disorder that strikes liberals and makes them incapable of recognizing progress.”   That is, they’re unwilling to admit that things have gotten better. To hear them talk about race, you’d think we were still in the era of Selma and Bull Connor. (My dad marched with Freedom Riders and at Selma; trust me, things have changed.) To hear them talk about women’s rights, you’d think it was still 1958. And gay activists, despite “Pride Month” being celebrated by pretty much every corporation, are still somehow stuck in the pre-Stonewall era...   The death of George Floyd has been used to push a vast array of unrelated racial policies, including the defunding of police and the teaching of left-wing critical race theory that blames every ill in society — even violence by blacks against other minorities — on “white supremacy.”  In Baltimore, defunding police has led to an outright tax revolt among businesses, which see no reason to pay good money to a city that doesn’t consider them worthy of protection. Businesses in the historic Fells Point district have written the city, demanding the return of basic services like law enforcement and trash pickup before they pay any more taxes.   Meanwhile, at famed Thomas Jefferson High in Fairfax County, Va., a slate of parents opposed to critical race theory won election to the board. One of those candidates, Harry Jackson, the first black man elected to the board, denounced how CRT is “teaching that white people are inherently racist.” Yes. Fight the power. It’s easier than you think."

YK Hong on Twitter - "Happy pride. As in, defund the police honor Indigenous land and people dismantle white supremacy and end capitalism. #pride #lgbtq #queer #enby #gnc #genderqueer #intersex"
Does this mean you can oppose Pride without being "homophobic"?

Meme - "Pride flag raised at California's Capitol for first time in history"
"We should probably also raise the African American flag, or the woman flag, or every other flag of every other minority or group that has experienced oppression. Man, if only we had one flag that stood for freedom, liberty, and justice for all..."

Selective Honesty - "I’ve gotten mixed signals as to whether I should or not because I’m a white person. Some say that my opinion is irrelevant because I’m not of color. But I’ve also seen many a protest sign reading, “White Silence is Violence.” I understand the difference is a matter of content. I’m supposed to keep my thoughts to myself unless the only thing I proclaim is that dirty white cops shouldn’t kill innocent black people. I have no problem whatsoever proclaiming that. But I’ll be damned if the same movement using so generous an interpretation of the First Amendment that it covers brutal violence and outright theft as acceptable forms of political expression thinks it can dictate which other parts of this conversation I’m allowed to have."

Family of woman who portrayed Aunt Jemima opposes move to change brand - "Vera Harris is the family historian for the Richard family of Hawkins, and could hardly believe a big part of their family legacy, the “Aunt Jemima” brand, was about to be erased from supermarket shelves... Harris said she and the Richards family are also against the renaming of military bases because many of their relatives are veterans."
Clearly they're white supremacists

The Fight To Commemorate Nancy Green, The Woman Who Played The Original 'Aunt Jemima' - "one Chicago historian worries that removing the Aunt Jemima image could erase Green's legacy — and the legacies of many Black women who worked as caretakers and cooks for both white families and their own. "Black mothers are not irrelevant," said Bronzeville Historical Society President Sherry Williams. "I look at Nancy Green as a Black mother figure, and Black women are the lifelines for generations, both Black and white...   Williams said beyond the caricature, Green's portrayal of Aunt Jemima reminds her of other powerful, Black women in her family, who she believes should be celebrated...   Williams said she wishes Quaker Oats would invest more money into preserving the legacy of women like Green and Black women caretakers, rather than erase the logo altogether.   "Instead of spending the money on new packaging, put some narrative about the role of Black women in taking care and feeding this nation from enslavement to now," she said. "And educate [consumers] about Nancy Green herself, whose likeness was used for this package."  She said these women were exceptional in their contributions to both Black and white society."

White official fired for refusing to use black woman's doctoral title - "Hightower later told her colleagues that Collins was using his “white privilege” by refusing Rosario’s request"
If a white person does or says something a black person doesn't like, it's white supremacy

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