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Saturday, April 02, 2022

Links - 2nd April 2022 (2)

Georgia man arrested again over fight involving pork chop - "Terry Ball, 29, of Athens, was arrested last Wednesday for allegedly violating a family violence bond order after police say he became enraged because someone ate his pork chop, leaving him to eat noodles.  In late February, Ball was arrested for allegedly hurling a pork chop at his 60-year-old mother and physically assaulting her because she failed to buy him cigarettes."

‘There could be snakes’: planes mothballed by Covid prepare to fly again - "Earlier this year the European Union Aviation Safety Agency warned of an “alarming trend in the number of reports of unreliable speed and altitude indications during the first flight(s) following the aircraft leaving storage, caused by contaminated air data systems”.  Planes were forced to halt takeoffs or turn back because of “foreign objects” such as insect nests in pitot static systems, pressure-sensitive equipment which provides critical air data information such as airspeed."

San Francisco street plagued by lost self driving cars - "As many as 50 Waymo vehicles turn up at the end of 15th Avenue in the Richmond District each day, making multi-point turns to get out of the narrow street.  The vehicles. which each carry sophisticated computer equipment, appear confused by the abrupt end of the street, and neighbours say their continual presence is becoming a nuisance... Neighbours reported Waymo cars were turning up every five minutes on Tuesday, clogging the street as many residents work from home."

ADL on Twitter - "There is a distinct difference between criminal doxing, a common tactic of white supremacists & others to facilitate the stalking and terrorizing of targets, and the important reporting of extremists & hateful activity. Our laws must clearly reflect that." Basically doxing is good when the left approves of it, since anyone who disagrees with a leftist is a "white supremacist" and/or "extremist"

Milkman hailed as hero - "A milkman was hailed a hero last week after saving the lives of eight people by putting out a raging fire with 320 pints of milk.  35-year-old Steve Leech was named Hero Milkman of the Millennium after dousing the blaze in a shop in Cornwall, saving the lives of people in flats above... “It was hard work opening all those bottles as they have tamper-proof lids. It was even harder trying to explain to my boss where all the milk had gone.”"

Meme - Heather Flowers At H..: "been getting into defying god recently. i've been growing plants in my apartment without any dirt. this is my onion, baja blast"

$12,500 electric vehicle incentive survives Biden's updated 'Build Back Better' proposal
Some people claim that "Sounds like car lots are about to add $12,500 to sticker price on EV’s". By that logic tax cuts (which these people love) are bad and redundant too, since prices will just go up by the same amount

Meme - “Why Are Humans The Only Creatures That Drink Milk As Adults?”
Bear: "Well, it's easy for you. You have supermarkets and stuff."
Bear: "Hey Mary, can suck some milk from your titties?"
Mary: "Fuck off, pervert!"
"You see?"

marla cruz on Twitter - "One time a 70yo Iranian man came into the club for his birthday and told me that strippers go to heaven bc people who live to bring others joy are children of God."

Durham student union ‘training undergraduates in sex work’ - "The University of Durham has come under fire for supporting the provision of training for students working in the sex industry.  Universities minister Michelle Donelan said the Russell Group institution was ‘legitimising a dangerous industry’ after Durham’s student union offered two courses on the subject.  One Zoom session, which was fully booked and took place last night, was advertised as an ‘interactive course that explores the challenges student sex workers can face’.  A previous hour-long class took place on November 5."

Meme - "I love watching ladybugs. They're so calm and peaceful."
Save yourselves!
Run for your lives!"

Meme - Commie: "Capitalism is immoral because you have to work or you starve!"
"He who does not work shall not eat - Vladimir Lenin"
Commie: *stunned*

Understanding the evolution of nocturnal mammals by studying their extinct relatives - "Humans are diurnal. We sleep at night and are active during the day. (That isn’t to say that I feel particularly diurnal most mornings, given that my alarm has to make it through a few snooze cycles to wake me up and coffee is the only thing keeping me from napping under my desk at work.) Most mammals, though, don’t share our ostensible predilection for daylight; only 20% of mammal species are diurnal like us. Of our mammalian relatives, nearly 70% are nocturnal. The rest are crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk) or cathemeral (active during both day and night).

A 25-Year-Old Bet Comes Due: Has Tech Destroyed Society? | WIRED - "On March 6, 1995, WIRED’s executive editor and resident techno-optimist Kevin Kelly went to the Greenwich Village apartment of the author Kirkpatrick Sale. Kelly had asked Sale for an interview. But he planned an ambush... Sale believed society was on the verge of collapse. That wasn’t entirely bad, he argued. He hoped the few surviving humans would band together in small, tribal-style clusters. They wouldn’t be just off the grid. There would be no grid. Which was dandy, as far as Sale was concerned... In the final pages of his Luddite book, Sale had predicted society would collapse “within not more than a few decades.” Kelly, who saw technology as an enriching force, believed the opposite—that society would flourish. Baiting his trap, Kelly asked just when Sale thought this might happen. Sale was a bit taken aback—he’d never put a date on it. Finally, he blurted out 2020. It seemed like a good round number. Kelly then asked how, in a quarter century, one might determine whether Sale was right. Sale extemporaneously cited three factors: an economic disaster that would render the dollar worthless, causing a depression worse than the one in 1930; a rebellion of the poor against the monied; and a significant number of environmental catastrophes. “Would you be willing to bet on your view?” Kelly asked. “Sure,” Sale said. Then Kelly sprung his trap. He had come to Sale’s apartment with a $1,000 check drawn on his joint account with his wife. Now he handed it to his startled interview subject. “I bet you $1,000 that in the year 2020, we’re not even close to the kind of disaster you describe,” he said. Sale barely had $1,000 in his bank account. But he figured that if he lost, a thousand bucks would be worth much less in 2020 anyway. He agreed. Kelly suggested they both send their checks for safekeeping to William Patrick, the editor who had handled both Sale’s Luddite book and Kelly’s recent tome on robots and artificial life; Sale agreed. “Oh, boy,” Kelly said after Sale wrote out the check. “This is easy money.”... Sales’ Collapse of 2020 book, which came out last January, includes an untimely concession. The very fact that his book exists, he wrote, is the equivalent of tossing his cards face down on the table: If society had in fact collapsed, there would be no books, self-published or not... Sale believes more than ever that society is basically crumbling—the process is just not far enough along to drive us from apartment blocks to huts. The collapse, he says, is “not like a building imploding and falling down, but like a slow avalanche that destroys and kills everything in its path, until it finally buries the whole village forever.” Kelly wrote to Sale on New Year’s Day, instructing him to direct the $1,000 to Heifer International, a nonprofit that gives away breeding pairs of animals. Sale puzzled him by replying, “I didn’t lose the bet.” Kelly assumed he hadn’t seen Patrick’s decision, and he had the editor resend it. But Sale had read it—and rejected it... Kelly is infuriated. “This was a gentleman’s bet, and he can only be classified as a cad,” he says. Kelly warns Sale that history will recall him as a man who doesn’t honor his word. But Sale doesn’t believe that there will be a history. For Kirkpatrick Sale, collapse is now, and all bets are off."

Meme - Average Dad @Average Dad1" "My wife teaches high school math and half of her time is spent just making sure that none of the math problems she gives to the kids end up with an answer of 69 or 420"

— pigcatapult - "Nobody ever explains why glancing at a solar eclipse is any different from glancing at the sun."
"the sun gets a critical multiplier on its damage when its hp is low"
"Your pupils contract in response to visible light, but not all of the sun’s light is visible. During an eclipse, your pupils widen because it’s dark, but there’s an outer layer around the sun that mostly only puts out light that’s not visible to us, but that can still damage your retinas. Thus, looking at an eclipse makes your pupils open up like it’s dark, which lets more of the invisible damage beams in.
The sun doesn’t get a critical multiplier on its damage when HP is low. Equipping the moon gives the sun a bonus to backstab."

DISNEY ENDS SHOWS AFTER HAWK ATTACKS - "Call it the circle of life -- hungry hawks swooping in and devouring the pigeons released in a flourish at shows and weddings throughout Disney World. The pigeons, used in shows such as Cinderella's Surprise Celebration at the Magic Kingdom and Beauty and the Beast at Disney-MGM Studios, became sitting ducks when red-tailed hawks figured out they could count on an easy meal at the same time every day. Disturbed by the thought of sending the birds to almost certain death, Disney this week stopped releasing the homing pigeons -- ending a tradition that began about 30 years ago."

Militant from Seattle's 'autonomous zone' sentenced for attempted attack on Trump supporters in Florida | The Post Millennial - "Daniel Alan Baker, a US Army veteran turned Syrian militia member, who attempted to rally far-left activists to surround pro-Trump protesters with guns at the Florida state Capitol in January, was sentenced last week to 44 months in jail followed by three years of federal supervision."

Signal >> Blog >> The Instagram ads Facebook won't show you - "Facebook’s own tools have the potential to divulge what is otherwise unseen. It’s already possible to catch fragments of these truths in the ads you’re shown; they are glimmers that reflect the world of a surveilling stranger who knows you. We wanted to use those same tools to directly highlight how most technology works. We wanted to buy some Instagram ads. We created a multi-variant targeted ad designed to show you the personal data that Facebook collects about you and sells access to. The ad would simply display some of the information collected about the viewer which the advertising platform uses. Facebook was not into that idea. Facebook is more than willing to sell visibility into people’s lives, unless it’s to tell people about how their data is being used. Being transparent about how ads use people’s data is apparently enough to get banned; in Facebook’s world, the only acceptable usage is to hide what you’re doing from your audience."

Teachers' grades biased to more 'agreeable' pupils, claim psychologists - "An international study found a 10% advantage in teachers' grades for those seen as being likeable, compared with results in anonymous exams... those with personality traits seen as more positive - such as more sociable, well-behaved and "agreeable" - received a boost in teachers' grades, which were not then borne out by performance in anonymous exams. Teachers also seemed to be more sympathetic in grading towards students who were stressed or anxious, showing more "leniency" in grades for those seen as more "emotionally fragile". This pattern worked against those who were perceived as having more negative, anti-social or annoying traits... The study, also involving academics in Russia and Italy, found no clear pattern between personality types and actual performance in exams. But the evidence suggested "teacher ratings might reflect some conscious or unconscious biases", said the psychologist Dr Papageorgiou. This is a higher profile issue in the UK this summer - with teachers' grades playing an important part, along with other assessments, in deciding results for exams cancelled by the pandemic."

Meme - "Jennifer Goodwin Rand: If you're involved in PragerU l've lost all respect for you
Mike Rowe: The part that fascinates me, Jennifer, is the part where you assume your respect is something I might be craving. What happened exactly, to give you the impression that people you've never met might care about having your respect?"

Belgium is looking for 5,000 lorry drivers to prevent empty shelves
It's all the fault of Brexit! Belgium should not have left the EU

The picture that shows why Brexit is not to blame for Britain's shortages - "Standing on the Pacific coast in California, a casual observer might find themselves thinking America had just severed close ties with its biggest trading partners. Outside Los Angeles and Long Beach - the country's two biggest ports - a queue of container ships stretches to the horizon, waiting to dock and offload their wares. But this clear evidence of a supply chain crisis has nothing to do with any Brexit-style rupture. Instead, it has been caused by global chaos as ports struggle to recover from Covid shutdowns and the world struggles with a massive shortage of lorry drivers. The turmoil in America is linked directly to disruption in Britain which critics here are keen to blame on our departure from the European Union - despite clear evidence of the same issues not just in LA, but across the Continent as well."
Of course, the shortages in the US are Trump's fault

Dr. Eli David on Twitter - "2% of Elon Musk's wealth could solve world hunger, says director of UN food scarcity organization "
"Fact check:
🔹 2% of @elonmusk's wealth is $6B
🔹 In 2020 the UN World Food Program (WFP) raised $8.4B. How come it didn't "solve world hunger"?"

UN to Elon Musk: Here's that $6 billion plan to fight world hunger - "The director of the United Nations' World Food Programme laid out a plan to spend $6.6 billion to combat world hunger — a direct response to a back-and-forth with Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who claimed he would sell Tesla stock to fund a plan if the WFP could describe "exactly how" it would work."
Cheeky slippage from "solve" to "fight". It's easy to "fight" anything since you don't need to win

Facebook - "Relook need to hand GEP results to pupils in class"
"Very soon, we won’t even give out book prizes etc because some kids will feel bad. Shouldn’t it be up to us to teach children to rejoice in the success of other people?"

Meme - "*2 Joker cosplayers* You want to know the difference? I'm a classically trained performer with 20 years of theater experience, who understands lighting and makeup and costuming. Also I'm wearing a $100 purple suit and a $70 purple trench coat and this guy is wearing something from Spirit Halloween.
It's really sad that some of you are so stupid you can't put two and two together and figure out which one's me, either that or you're just being facetious which is a waste of my time and blocking you is a way better option than giving you a monologue about why you're a ***"

Meme - Socialist: "There seems to be a mistake. I planned on being a neuro-queer video game streamer for the cause!"
Gulag Guard: "Dig the fucking hole!"

Out-of-work Aussies turn down roles on island paradise with free rent - "The dream jobs are being offered by Discovery Parks in some of Australia's most sought-after locations. Destinations include Byron Bay and Forster in northern New South Wales, Rottnest Island in Western Australia, and Lake Bonney in South Australia... The company has even offered to pay for interstate applicants to quarantine in hotels. 'I've been running this business for 17 years and I've never seen a shortage like this,'... 'Usually we have people from overseas filling these roles, but with the pandemic, Australians just aren't applying.' Mr Wilckens explained that while he believes the JobSeeker and JobKeeper welfare benefits were a 'fantastic' way to help people during business closures, but added 'we need to be encouraging people back into the work force'. 'We've got free accommodation across most of our network, and some are in regional places like Byron and Rottnest, subsidies on food, and then subsidies on ferries and transport as well.'"

Carjacking victims told to pay DC tickets racked up by the criminals who took their car - "Carjackers put a gun to 73-year-old Doug Nelson’s head as he arrived home a little after midnight... The criminals went on a dangerous joyride, often exceeding 70 mph in 30 mph zones, triggering speed cameras half a dozen times... Because of the outstanding tickets, the Nelsons can't get tags, which means they haven't been able to drive their car for six months, complicating everything for these two front-line workers from getting to work, to the grocery store, and to their grandkids."

Chinatown's Mid-Autumn Light-Up Had Awkward Phrases, 10 Ornaments Taken Down - "Chinatown’s Mid-Autumn Festival Light-Up Has Non-Traditional Words, Accused Of Polluting Chinese Culture... this sign carries the words “亮亮堂堂”, which translates roughly to “bright and dignified” – apparently not traditionally used for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Below, there’s a sign reading “国家欢乐”, which means “joy for the country” – a nice sentiment, but perhaps more appropriate for National Day? Then there’s this sign, which reads “皓月闪烁”. That translates nonsensically into “the bright moon twinkles”... the correct phrase is “皓月当空,星光闪烁” (Bright moon is in the sky, stars are twinkling). Another questionable sign is this one, which says “月到是秋分外明”, or “the moon is especially bright in autumn”. According to an outraged netizen, it’s actually part of a couplet, which should read: “人逢喜事精神爽,月到中秋分外明”."

Medicinal maggots make comeback amid mounting superbug threat - "The use of live maggots to clean wounds is undergoing a renaissance in the NHS amid mounting concerns about the threat of antibiotic resistance... The maggots eat away the rotten flesh, containing and killing off the infection. “Maggots are viewed as an agent of decay, when in fact they’re brilliant little creatures… and work incredibly well in wounds with resistant infections”... The maggots don’t have teeth, but instead excrete enzymes which break down dead tissue and turn it into a “soup that they then drink” through the polyester pouch, said Prof Nigam. The larvae’s saliva then acts as a natural disinfectant, but mounting evidence has shown it also aids the healing process... experts believe free range larval therapy has “immense potential” to transform treatment of wounds in lower resource settings – especially war zones and humanitarian crises, where access to medical supplies is more limited and it is common to die or lose a limb from a secondary infection after even a simple procedure."

Super-sperm: Indonesian child protection official says women can get pregnant from swimming in a pool with men - "Indonesians are calling for the resignation of an official who made quite a splash in the country by saying that women can get pregnant by swimming in a pool with men. Yes. Let that sink in. She’s a commissioner for KPAI (The Commission for the Protection of Indonesian Children) and a college professor, by the way... Sitti also went on to say that, in the US, women who killed people but were going through PMS were acquitted of their crimes"
Too bad liberals won't be able to make sexist comments about her ignorance. Actually, since she's brown and presumably Muslim...

How a lenient NYC judge left a reputed gangbanger free to allegedly kill an innocent dad - "A reputed teenage gang member with three gun busts in four months had his bail reduced by a Bronx judge — allowing him to get out of jail and allegedly fire a random shot that killed an innocent father of two... Alberto Ramirez, 16, was arrested Monday in the slaying of Eric Velasquez, 34, who was struck by a stray bullet that the teen allegedly shot blindly into a crowd while on a rival gang’s turf, law enforcement sources said. He has pleaded not guilty. Ramirez was locked up on $75,000 bail when acting Supreme Court Justice Denis Boyle lowered the amount to $10,000 cash or $25,000 bond over prosecution objections... His family bailed him out a few weeks later, a spokeswoman for DA Darcel Clark said — putting him back on the streets... “How many bites of the apple does someone get before someone gets killed? In this case, it was three”... Boyle is no stranger to rulings that led to disastrous results. Last year, the jurist came under fire for his decision to release Jordon Benjamin, a 16-year-old boy charged with manslaughter who allegedly went on to slash a young woman across her abdomen — only to be released by Boyle again. And in 1999, Boyle signed off on a deal that let a homeless man live in a shelter and attend therapy sessions while awaiting sentencing in an attempted sex attack in the Bronx — during which time, authorities later said, he went on a spree of sex attacks in Manhattan."

A dirty secret: you can only be a writer if you can afford it - "I’m not sure how or if I’d still be a writer without the help of other people’s money. I have zero undergrad debt. Of my three years of grad school, two of them were funded through a teaching fellowship; my parents helped pay for the first. The last two years my stipend barely covered the childcare I needed to travel uptown three days a week to teach and go to class and my husband’s job is what kept us afloat... Other versions of this story that I know from other people: a down payment from a grandpa on a brownstone; monthly parental stipends; a partner who works at a startup; a partner who’s a corporate lawyer; a wealthy former boss who got attached and agreed to pay their grad school off... On Instagram and Twitter there are writers who “write full time” also. They post pictures of their desk or their pens and talk about “process”. Maybe, two years ago, they sold a quiet literary novel to an independent press. For my students, for all the people I see out there, trying to break in or through and watching, envious, I want to attach to these statements and these Instagram posts, a caveat that says the writing isn’t what is keeping this person safe and clothed and fed. According to a 2018 Author’s Guild Study the median income of all published authors for all writing related activity was $6,080 in 2017, down from $10,500 in 2009; while the median income for all published authors based solely on book-related activities went from $3,900 to $3,100, down 21%. Roughly 25% of authors earned $0 in income in 2017. I would argue that there is nothing more sustaining to long-term creative work than time and space – these things cost money – and the fact that some people have access to it for reasons that are often outside of their control continues to create an ecosystem in which the tenor of the voices that we hear from most often remains similar. It is no wonder, I say often to students, that so much of the canon is about rich white people. Who else, after all, has the time and space to finish a book. Who else, after all, as the book is coming out, has the time and space and money to promote and publicize that book? There are ramifications, I think, of no one mentioning the source of this freedom when they have it. There is the perpetuation of an illusion that makes an unsustainable life choice appear sustainable, that makes the specific achievements of particular individuals seem more remunerative than they actually are... When students ask me for advice with regard to how to “make it as a writer”, I tell them to get a job that also gives them time and space somehow to write; I tell them find a job that, if they still have it 10 years from now, it wouldn’t make them sad... To be a writer is a choice, after all, and I continue to make it. But perpetuating the delusion that the choice is not impossibly risky, precarity-inducing, only hurts the participants’ ability to reconsider the various shapes their lives might take in service of sustaining it and them. It allows a system that cannot sustain most of the producers of its products to continue to pretend it can."

Ben Rhodes on Twitter - "The new illegitimate 5-4 SCOTUS majority overturning a policy to put more lives in danger."
If liberals disagree with it, it's illegitimate

Meme - "Life expectancy, 1961 to 2019
Fall of Communism: 1990 - Rapid Increase
Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria"
"Capitalism has failed"

Erika Slover's answer to Was Elsa really supposed to be the villain of Frozen? - Quora - "Yes—and they were fairly far along with this concept as well. Here’s some of Disney’s concept art of evil Elsa... the character Hans was never meant to be the “villain.” He was the prince charming character that was intended to be everything a prince charming is supposed to be. Handsome, gentle, has an animated horse pet—a genuinely likable guy. The twist was that, despite Anna’s affection for him, he turns out not to be “the one.” After all, sometimes—just like in reality—the seemingly perfect person isn’t a good match for you. This would have allowed Anna to make a decision between Hans and Kristoff which would have shown personal growth as she chooses between what she “THINKS” she wants, and what she “REALLY” wants in a relationship. However, there was a drastic change that caused the whole movie to be re-arranged practically last-minute. This caused a bit of a delay in the movie’s release as well. They chose to make Elsa a non-villain and (terrified at the idea of not having an evil villain) threw together Hans as the villain instead. The problem with this? Whether because of budget or time restraints (or both), they chose to recycle clips of Hans from before he was a villain and put them in the movie. This created some curious plot-holes that made the story not entirely up to Disney’s usual standard. That’s why Hans has such an innocent feel toward the beginning of the movie. That’s also why his friendly, loyal horse only appears in the one scene with the boat. This also likely explains the puzzling fact as to why in the world the BEST and most PROFOUND quote from the entire movie is actually uttered by Hans—the new “villain.” He tells Elsa something that actually saves her from making a terrible, irreversible mistake: “Don’t be the monster they fear you are!”... So what caused this hasty change in villains? This song… Yep. “Let it Go” was the song that re-wrote the entire Frozen movie. The song was written for villain Elsa at first (you can almost see traces of it in lyrics like: “No right, no wrong, no rules for me!”). But, upon recording it and hearing what it sounded like, they felt that the song was too empowering to be given to a villain character. So, they quickly began re-working the script... he’s a very flat villain and, because he was introduced so close to the climax as the bad guy, there’s little to no room for development. He goes from good to evil in a flash, and his motives are cliche and breezed over at best. The Hans at the beginning of the movie is so drastically different from the one at the end that even fans online try and rationalize it with dreaded fan-theories like: “does he have multiple personalities? Is he under a curse? Was he framed?” etc. It’s easy for Anna to say she “chooses” Kristoff when the other guy is an attempted murderer... Just saying… Not much of a choice."

willwilkinson.eth 🌐 on Twitter - "Why is it "kill baby Hitler" rather than "make Hitler's mom fall in love with YOU" or "kidnap Hitler's grandpa and strand him in Nepal just before he meets Hitler's grandma"? People lacking in imagination should not have time machines."

The 'XKCD' Science-Paper Meme Nails Academic Publishing - The Atlantic - ""Many papers serve no purpose, advance no agenda, may not be correct, make no sense, and are poorly read. But they are required for promotion"... The results from one experiment get sliced up into a dozen papers, statistics are massaged to produce more interesting results, and conclusions become exaggerated. The most prolific authors have found a way to publish more than one scientific paper a week. Those who can’t keep up might hire a paper mill to do (or fake) the work on their behalf... “COVID publications appear to be representative of the literature at large: a few really important papers and a whole bunch of stuff that isn’t or shouldn’t be read”"

Job Vacancies Is At A Record High While Job Vacancy To Unemployed Ratio Has Increased From 0.75 To 0.96. Here’s What The Statistics Is Telling Us About Singapore’s Employment Market - "Foreign Labour Has Come To A Standstill And Some Industries Cannot Find Workers"

Reintroduction of Tasmanian devils to Australian island wipes out entire population of little penguins - "The carnivorous mammals, which are endangered, were put on Maria Island, in 2012 in an effort to boost their numbers. But their arrival has wreaked havoc among the bird population and wiped out little penguins, according to BirdLife Tasmania... A group of at least 28 Tasmanian devils was sent to the island, east of Tasmania, in 2012 and 2013 and the animals have been thriving ever since. A paper published in the Biological Conservation journal last year said the devils “eliminated” colonies of shearwater, a medium-sized sea bird in the petrel family."

A ‘Thrilling’ Mission to Get the Swedish to Change Overnight - "“Thrilling” is the word repeatedly used by Jan Ramqvist to describe how he felt about participating in a nationwide mission to get all Swedish motorists and cyclists to change the habits of a lifetime and begin driving on the right-hand side of the road for the first time... The day was officially known as Högertrafikomläggningen (right-hand traffic diversion) or simply Dagen H (H-Day). Its mission was to put Sweden on the same path as the rest of its continental European neighbours, most of which had long followed the global trend to drive cars on the right. As well as hoping to boost the country’s international reputation, the Swedish government had grown increasingly concerned about safety, with the number of registered vehicles on the roads shooting up from 862,992 a decade earlier to a figure of 1,976,248 recorded by Statistics Sweden at the time of H-Day. Sweden’s population was around 7.8 million. Despite driving on the left, many Swedes already owned cars with the steering wheel on the left-hand side of the vehicle, since many bought from abroad and major Swedish car manufacturers such as Volvo had chosen to follow the trend. However, there were concerns that this was a factor in rising numbers of fatal road traffic accidents, up from 595 in 1950 to 1,313 in 1966, alongside an increased frequency of collisions around Sweden’s borders with Denmark, Norway and Finland... All but essential traffic was banned from the roads... On paper, it didn’t look easy: in a public referendum in 1955, 83 percent of voters had actually been against the switch."

Why I Switched to Mozilla Firefox From Chrome and You Should Too - "The biggest draw for me was, of course, the fact that Mozilla Firefox can finally go toe-to-toe with Google Chrome on the performance front, and often manages to edge it out as well... in addition to being fast, Firefox is resource-efficient, unlike most of its peers. I don’t have to think twice before firing up yet another tab. It’s rare that I’m forced to close an existing tab to make room for a new one. On Firefox, my 2015 MacBook Pro’s fans don’t blast past my noise-canceling headphones, which happened fairly regularly on Chrome as it pushed my laptop’s fans to their helicopter-like limits to keep things running... Privacy is the centerpiece of most of Mozilla’s efforts and the Firefox browser is no different. Its Enhanced Tracking Protection framework keeps your identity safe by blocking trackers and cookies that otherwise follow you around the internet and collect sensitive information you probably didn’t even know you were giving up. On top of that, Firefox can warn if a website is covertly mining cryptocurrency in the background... What really clinched the switch to Mozilla Firefox was the fact that it’s the only cross-platform browser that’s not running Google’s open-source Chromium platform. Microsoft’s Edge, Brave, Opera, Vivaldi — each of these browsers run on Chromium, accelerating Google’s dominance over the web even when you’re not directly using a Chrome user. Firefox, on the other hand, is powered by Mozilla’s in-house Gecko engine that’s not dependent on Chromium in any way."

Meme - "A sinkhole roughly the size of six to seven washing machines has closed the northbound lanes of State Line Road near100th Street in Kansas City, Missouri."
"Americans will measure with anything but the metric system"
Weird how Americans claim that Imperial is so intuitive and practical compared to metric but keep using weird units of measurement, while in other countries they just use the actual measurements

Does Head Start work? The debate over the Head Start Impact Study, explained - "Decades-spanning longitudinal studies of experimental preschool programs like HighScope/Perry Preschool and Abecedarian find those who participated in these early childhood educational interventions persist in education, have higher earnings and commit fewer crimes than the control group... Natural experiments of the effects of Head Start show that Head Start causes better health, educational, and economic outcomes over the long term as a consequence of participation... New research by Chloe Gibbs and Andrew Barr find intergenerational effects of Head Start"
Someone claimed that the head start impact assessment showed that nurture had 0 effect

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