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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Links - 31st March 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

Death by affirmative action: race quotas in medicine - "Affirmation action is used in admission to medical schools, i.e. they practice race quotas in favor of less intelligent races, in particular blacks and hispanics, and discriminate against whites and especially (East) Asians.
Affirmation action results in less intelligent people getting into schools.
Less intelligent people tend to drop out more, so we expect and do see higher drop out rates among blacks.
Even with differential drop-out rates by race, affirmative action results in less intelligent people graduating and eventually practicing medicine.
Less intelligent people have worse job performance in every job type. This is especially the case for highly complex jobs such as being a doctor which results ultimately in patient suffering including untimely death.
Thus, bringing it all together, affirmation action for race results in less intelligent blacks and hispanics being admitted to medical schools, and when they don’t drop out, they end up practicing medicine, and in doing so, they do a worse job than white and Asian people would have done, thereby killing people by incompetence...
Ample data exists about this... From a public health perspective, affirmative action probably mostly kills blacks and Hispanics. People prefer to befriend and date others who are the same race, and this ethno-centrism also applies to patient’s choice of physicians. As such, the incompetent black and Hispanic physicians are mostly treating and thus harming black and Hispanic patients, who would have been better off with a white or Asian doctor."

Medical School: Who gets in and why - "Harry* is a bright and social 18-year-old who was always passionate about becoming a doctor. He was brought up in a well-off home by professional parents but family issues meant life was no bed of roses.  He completed the first year health science course at the University of Otago last year with an A+ average grade and also managed a top score in the required University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT). He was “absolutely gutted” and so were his parents when he was not accepted into Otago Medical School.  Incredibly, his academic results were not good enough. His disappointment was not helped by students with far lower grades and poorer UCAT results being accepted under special categories including Māori and Pasifika, rural and low socioeconomic.  Harry, of European descent, was not alone in his disappointment. Other European and Asian students faced similar setbacks. At least one family has threatened legal action... In order to apply under the refugee sub-category, candidates for admission must have either been granted refugee status in New Zealand, or have parents/primary guardian(s) who have been granted refugee status...  During his first presidential campaign, Barack Obama, said his two daughters “who have had a pretty good deal” should not benefit from affirmative action, particularly when they were competing with poor white students.     Some claim the system is open to abuse by wealthy students with a distant relative who is Māori or Pasifika. .   "These kids are attending private schools and are being allowed into medical school without achieving like the others must. It is not achieving the aims of helping Māori,” says one parent.   Another parent asked if patients were better served by doctors who were "empathetic and more academic" regardless of ethnicity... Doctors who belong to a rural or ethnic minority are more likely to serve those communities and provide the care that is “not like the care provided by others”...  He doesn’t accept that students being admitted under the Māori or Pasifika sub-categories, who look European and have suffered none of the deprivations of low socioeconomic Māori or Pasifika, should not be allowed to take advantage of the easier route into medical school...  He finds the allegation that European-looking students from well-off homes with slight Māori or Pacific ancestry are rorting the system hard to get a handle on.  ‘You're conjuring up a phenomenon that encapsulates a world view that I would like to deconstruct.”  He says Māori and Pacific students have a different socio-economic profile to general entry students although it is true the research in 2016 showed little movement in admitting more students from lower decile schools"
If patients do better when the doctor is of their ethnicity, should white patients be allowed to ask for white doctors?

Black GP admits falsely accusing dead man's son of calling him the N-word - "A black GP who was struck off for failing to spot cancer in a patient has admitted to falsely accusing the man's son of racial abuse in an attempt to save his career.  Robert Jenyo, 53, falsely claimed he was called a 'f***ing n****r' and told to 'give way for white doctors to work' after he was sued for negligence and investigated by the General Medical Council in 2015... It later emerged that Jenyo had altered some of Patient A's medical notes following his death... Ceri Widdett, for the GMC, said Jenyo still has a 'limited understanding of what went wrong' and has shown 'limited remorse regarding his false allegations of racism.'"

Sex workers say incel campaign to report them to IRS won’t work
Weird. Liberals are always very keen for people to pay taxes. But making sex workers do so is wrong, apparently

Federal judge calls on faculty to fight back against the ‘new alliance of activists and administrators’ - "José Cabranes has never let his service on the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals stop him from warning the public about alarming trends in higher education.  Five years ago the former trustee and general counsel at Yale University signed a letter demanding that the nation’s trustees tackle political correctness run amok on campus, saying it undermines “the free exchange of ideas.”  Two years ago he wrote in The Washington Post that progressives were bringing Cold War-style censorship to higher education with their administrative demands on faculty to put social justice over free inquiry."

Higher Education’s Enemy Within - WSJ - "American higher education seems to be in a permanent state of crisis. Almost monthly, a federal court has occasion to reprimand some college or university for improperly chilling speech, even as some students continue to complain that campuses are too friendly to the wrong kind of speakers. Many institutions have cut back on faculty hiring, even as the cost of tuition grows. Two basic, and mutually reinforcing, phenomena are behind the chaos on campus.  First, colleges and universities have subordinated their historic mission of free inquiry to a new pursuit of social justice. Consider the remarkable evolution of Yale’s mission statement. For decades the university said its purpose was “to create, preserve, and disseminate knowledge.” The language was banal enough, but nevertheless on the money. In 2016, however, Yale’s president announced a new mission statement, which no longer mentions knowledge. Instead, Yale is now officially “committed to improving the world” and educating “aspiring leaders”—not only through research, but also through “practice.”   Second, American colleges and universities have been overwhelmed by a dangerous alliance of academic bureaucrats and student activists committed to imposing the latest social-justice diktats. This alliance has displaced the traditional governors of the university—the faculty. Indeed, nonfaculty administrators and activists are driving some of the most dangerous developments in university life, including the erosion of the due-process rights of faculty and students, efforts to regulate the “permissible limits” of classroom discussion, and the condemnation of unwelcome ideas as “hate speech.”... Too many in higher education are unwilling or unable to maintain a distinction that lies at the core of the liberal democratic project, and at the center of the West’s intellectual tradition: the distinction between inquiry and action, speech and conduct.  At one time, not so long ago, it was obvious that colleges and universities were the embodiment of this distinction, dedicated above all to serious reflection. Their purpose was to instruct students in methods and habits of free inquiry. It was equally clear what universities were not. They were not places to absorb and enforce “correct” answers to our unsettled social, cultural, moral or economic debates.   Maintaining that distinction between inquiry and action has always been crucial to academic freedom. It is difficult, after all, to obtain the truth while you are being bludgeoned into submission.  But today that distinction has been blurred, with nonfaculty administrators doing the blurring. Gone is the approach that I took for granted when I was one such administrator. As the legal adviser to three Yale presidents, I was pleased to think that my job was largely to protect our faculty from undue risks, so that the university could fulfill its core mission as a place of inquiry.  But now the ambitions of university staff are much greater. They seek to achieve diversity, inclusion and equity—defined, ever vaguely, on their terms. And so the nonfaculty staff—who, unlike the faculty, are dedicated to doing rather than deliberating—set the tone on campus. A similar conceptual confusion has facilitated the rise of today’s student activists.  It may surprise you to learn that the faculty plays almost no role in the admissions process at most universities. Instead, that process has been handed to specialized “admissions departments.”... Admissions “professionals” are less interested in traditional academic criteria, such as scholastic talent and intellectual openness, than they are in flashier virtues such as “activism,” “leadership” or “overcoming adversity.” Students now arrive on campus having been instructed to promote themselves as “social entrepreneurs” or “change makers.” It has become common for applicants to claim to have “founded,” at 17, some shiny-sounding nonprofit devoted to beneficent acts.  The contemporary admissions process thus reflects and advances a transformation of the university from a place of thought to an instrument of social action. Is it any wonder that students go searching for windmills at which to tilt?   As the new species of bureaucrats and student activists have come to dominate the university, they have reshaped it in their image. Wherever possible, they have sought to muddle the distinction between intellectual deliberation and political action—thus making certain thoughts, like certain deeds, into crimes.  What can be done to counteract these baleful developments? We must look to the faculty itself, which can still exercise substantial influence, even if only in self-defense. The faculty, besieged though it is, must reassert its historic centrality in the university and stand ready to protect the search for truth. If it fails to do so, faculty members have only themselves to blame for their disempowerment.  But the faculty needs help. Trustees and alumni have a role to play. Trustees can start by recalling their considerable legal authority... Alumni must also become wiser in their philanthropy. At big-name institutions, bureaucratic bloat is made possible by immense endowments and endless fundraising campaigns. For too long, the exchange has been simple: Donors provide funds and, in return, they receive recognition—but little influence.  This should come to an end. Donors should decline to provide single-lump gifts. Instead, donors should provide annual support for specific programs—but only as long as certain criteria are met."

LNER slammed for apologising after staff said 'good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls' - "A train operator has come under fire after it apologised over a complaint from a non-binary passenger because the conductor greeted customers by saying 'good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.'  London North Eastern Railway said in response to the complaint on Twitter that 'train managers should not be using language like this' before promising to take action.   The non-binary passenger, who goes by the Twitter name Laurence and uses the pronouns they and them, also states they represent the Rail, Maritime and Transport trade union... 'I was sat with Laurence when this tweet was sent. Both of us are non-binary and we were both alarmed and uncomfortable by the lack of inclusion.'"
Next up, the furries will complain that they're not being addressed when a greeting is directed at humans or people

Does the word 'ladies' make you feel unsafe? - "It clearly doesn’t take much for these students to feel unsafe, and they are far from alone in this. Indeed, references to feeling unsafe have increased significantly over recent decades across society. This can be seen by looking at the Nexis database of news publications. The phrase ‘feels unsafe’ rose from 341 uses between 1970 and 1980 to 44,440 uses between 1990 and 2000. In January 2021 alone there were 9,698 references to feeling unsafe.   The declaration of feeling unsafe has an important performative dimension. It justifies a demand that something must be done. In the case of the Wolfson students, it justified their demand for an apology from the photographer and it allowed them to dictate what language is and is not acceptable on campus.  As I explain in my book, How Fear Works: Culture of Fear in the Twenty-First Century, safety is more highly valued than almost anything else in the Anglo-American world today. Safety has acquired the status of a moral good that trumps other values, especially freedom... The official advice issued by universities explicitly assumes that young people lack the moral or emotional resources to cope with life. Instead, it treats them like confused children. Take Cardiff University’s ‘Personal Safety Guide’. ‘Alcohol can severely affect your decision-making skills’, it says, ‘and so it is really important to put safety measures in place before heading out’. Here nightclubs and bars are treated as a menacing, perilous landscape to be navigated only by those who have ‘put safety measures in place’... In effect, this culture invites members of the campus community to feel unsafe. Young people have been encouraged to regard themselves as vulnerable. They are warned against dealing with challenges on their own. At the same time, declaring you feel ‘unsafe’ has become a means to get attention, assistance and action taken against something or someone you dislike."
When life is too good, people invent bullshit to get upset about
Safetyism explains covid hysteria very well too

Ditch ‘ladies and gentlemen’ and you lose values - "British Airways is dropping “ladies and gentlemen” from its announcements in a bid for inclusion, which is a pity because one of the reasons I’m a loyal BA customer is that even as flights have become over-packed and uncomfortable, I always appreciated their veneer of old world charm. For those of us terrified of flying, this stuff matters... “Ladies and gentlemen” also denotes respect (there’s a reason why they don’t say “fasten your seat belts, lads and lasses”). Refined language – words chosen carefully – implies that rather than bodies in seats, packed in like sardines for the sake of profit, we are individuals with personalities whose sex has been noted and, yes, flattered. As I argue in my new book, Whatever Happened to Tradition?, out this Thursday (and I advise you to buy it before the reviews), traditional approaches to the genders assign them dignity and moral qualities. We speak of feminine grace, for instance, or masculine courage. The title of lady or gentlemen is not just shorthand but aspirational... things have moved to a dangerous stage when corporations seek to improve their customers rather than the other way around (I’m not saying BA are there yet but other brands definitely are), and the goal of serving a community switches to reshaping it.  Control language and you control meaning. Ditch ladies and gentlemen and the attendant values go with them: we become selfish, rude passengers pushing to get off the plane first, quite happy to shove an old lady out of the way to do it."

Drop the ‘woke’ posing and stick to your day job, companies told - "Businesses should avoid wading in on political and social issues, almost half of Britons believe, according to major research which dismisses “wokeism” as a “fringe” movement.  A survey found that 45 per cent of people think businesses should avoid taking political positions or expressing political views on controversial topics.  Offered a selection of 10 possible ways that businesses could be “good corporate citizens”, only 9 per cent of respondents said that the most important was to “speak out on important social issues that matter in Britain today”.  The research, conducted for the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) think tank, amounts to one of the most comprehensive surveys to date of issues that underlie wokeism and “cancel culture” in Britain... 28 per cent of respondents overall, including 53 per cent of 18-29 year olds, had stopped talking to someone, whether in person or online, because of something political that they had said... Only 10 per cent said that firms should take political positions or clearly express their political or social views on controversial topics, while a further 45 per cent said that they should “sometimes” and on other occasions should not... The issue selected by the fewest people as an issue on which companies should take a lead was LGBTQ rights, which was chosen by 8 per cent of people, including 11 per cent of Labour voters and 5 per cent of Conservative voters... “I think that the combination of populism and wokeism will lead you to a winter of discontent as bad as what we saw in 1979.”"

A Third Grader Drew a Rocket That Looked Like a Penis. She Was Handcuffed and Removed From School. - "After a Florida teacher mistook a third grader’s drawing of a person hugging a rocket for male genitalia, police seized the child for an involuntary psychiatric examination and threw her into the back of a squad car... At least 1,216 kids were “Baker Acted” in the Palm Beach County School District between the 2016 school year and 2020 school year, according to the lawsuit. As a result, hundreds were removed from their classrooms each year, handcuffed, and driven away by police employed by the school district."
What happens when you have zero tolerance policies to avoid charges of "racism"

Rod Dreher on Twitter - "In Finland, @PaiviRasanen, a physician, MP, and Lutheran, is about to go on trial for hate crimes? Her offense? Posting a Bible verse critical of homosexuality. Learn more about her case, and crucially, *donate* to her defense"

LGBTQ history curriculum will now be taught in Illinois schools - "The organization said some topics that will be added to the new curriculum include the nation’s first gay rights organization, the Society for Human Rights, being formed in 1924 in Chicago, and Sally Ride, the first US woman in space, who was a lesbian.  “One of the best ways to overcome intolerance is through education and exposure to different people and viewpoints,” State Sen. Heather Steans, who also sponsored the bill, said in a statement on her website earlier this year. “An inclusive curriculum will not only teach an accurate version of history but also promote acceptance of the LGBTQ community.”...   “It is my hope that teaching students about the valuable contributions LGBTQ individuals have made throughout history will create a safer environment with fewer incidents of harassment,” Steans said. “LGBTQ children and teenagers will also be able to gain new role models who share life experiences with them.”"
This is a pretty naked acknowledgement that they're not teaching objective history, but are politicising the subject. As the saying goes, learning history shouldn't always make you feel proud. But then, this only applies to "straight cis white male" history - if learning "minority" history makes you feel bad, that's oppression

New York City Council Candidate Quinn Mootz Claims Upper West Side "Too White, Too Jewish" - "Quinn Mootz, the Campaign Manager for an Upper West Side candidate for the City Council is causing outrage for saying the neighborhood is too white — and Jewish... “Jews are not POC [People of Color] for just being jewish. sorry,” Mootz tweeted, using the handle “Quinn Mootz says Hot Girls Hate The Filibuster.”... Mootz also also lambasted “sh–ty people” who refer to “homeless people as zombies and think anyone to the left of you is too woke. You f–king moron.” Neighborhood critics slammed Mootz — who happens to be white and Jewish — for what they saw as a swipe at Jews.  Her remarks also drew unfavorable coverage in the Jewish Press."
The left only cares about anti-semitism when they can use that to shit on white people

Jews Wonder About Response To Antisemitism Following Israel-Gaza Conflict - "As usual, he was wearing his yarmulke, or skullcap. When he turned a corner, he realized that a couple of teenagers had started to follow him, spewing antisemitic insults. "It took me about halfway down the block to realize that the thing that they were commenting on was they kept saying, 'Yarmulke': 'I want to take that yarmulke. I want to hit him in his head and take that yarmulke. That Jewish baby killer,' " Zeldin recalled. Zeldin's harassers ultimately peeled off, but the fact that they used the term "baby killer" gave him a jolt. "Calling Jews 'baby killers'? That's the blood libel. That's a thing that was happening in medieval Europe," he said, referring to the age-old, antisemitic lie that accused Jews of murdering Christian children to use their blood in rituals. Zeldin, who writes a column for The Forward, a Jewish publication devoted to news and progressive thought, notes that "baby killer" invective has gained traction — propagated widely on social media — in response to last month's military conflict between Israel and Hamas, which left dozens of Palestinian children among the dead. During nearly two weeks of fighting, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) tracked a 75% spike in antisemitic incidents in the U.S., including brazen assaults, vandalism, harassment and hate speech... Zeldin has heard from many Jews who feel they've been abandoned by people whom they would expect to be their allies. "It's definitely a moment of frustration," he said. "A lot of the messaging that Jews have gotten over the last four years ... is you've got to show up. You have to be an ally. You have to speak up for others. And I think a lot of Jews, myself included, very much took that to heart," marching in support of women's and immigrant rights, as well as the Black Lives Matter movement. But recently, he said, reciprocity has been hard to find. "I don't think that the general population, and progressives included among that, have a good understanding of what they're looking at when antisemitic violence doesn't have a swastika attached to it"... people find it easier to see and condemn antisemitism when it involves white supremacists... when anti-Jewish hate is less glaring or gets twisted up with Middle East geopolitics, "folks struggle to identify it and to understand that it is a severe problem."... So, what explains the reluctance? The British writer and comedian David Baddiel, who is Jewish, offers an answer in a recently published book titled Jews Don't Count. It's aimed specifically at the progressive left. "I think progressives find it very hard to see Jews as victims"... He attributes this aversion to the myth that Jews are rich, powerful and privileged — an antisemitic trope in itself that has also come down through history. "And the problem is that if you have any trace of that in your consciousness," he said, "and trust me, a lot of people on the left do, then it's hard to think of Jews as being inside that circle of people you need to protect, because the Jews are not in need of protection." Or, as he put it in his book, Jews find themselves pushed outside of the "sacred circle" that the "progressive modern left [is] prepared to go into battle for." The key, Baddiel argues, is that antisemitism has to be understood as racism. It has very little to do with religion. "Because no racist asks whether you keep kosher before they set light to your house," he said. "I am an atheist. It would not have given me a free pass out of Auschwitz. It would also be irrelevant to any white supremacist wanting to kill me.""
Clearly just Anti-Zionism. Presumably liberals will just blame Israel for this
Is it a myth and anti-white to say that white people are rich, powerful and privileged?

Ontario program to help train women, other groups for trucking jobs - "The Ontario government is investing $600,000 in a skills training project in the Waterloo region to prepare 30 women and individuals from underrepresented groups for careers in the trucking industry"
Too bad it's more important to have certain groups do the job than to really get people to do the job

College Student Aces Final By Just Answering 'Racism!' To Every Question | The Babylon Bee - "In addition to accepting "racist!" as the answer to every question on every test, the professor said she will offer extra credit for sending threatening letters or doxxing conservatives.  "We have to do this so our students will feel safe""

Jazz Monè 🤎✨ on Twitter - "A black woman is speaking. Listen and learn"
"It’s costs $0.00 to retweet & support a Black woman owned brand! ✊🏾✨"
There used to be words to describe those who thought certain races and a certain sex were smarter

Meme - "Dark Skin Women: Dariel Nelson: "Beautiful dark chocolate Gorgeous Goddess Kween . in beauty . much love .cute fine pretty . extermely sexyyy . know matter what ."
Brittany Marie McDaniel: "stop comparing Black women to food. They are women. Not snacks to satisfy your appetite. Settle the fuck down."
Jonathan Ostrander: "shut up, cupcake."

Meme - The internet
@hashtagyungriri: "Because even words, like "picnic" was reduced from the phrase "pick-a-nigger" when they would PICK a random black man to lynch for family meal entertainment and I always new that word didn't sit right with me"
The Great Negro @jiggyjayy2: "Yall: "not everything is about race*
Also y'all: cant name anything in american society that does not have racist or anti-black origins*"
Why do Americans make up this sort of nonsense?

Meme - Asymptomatic Andromeda Strain @mea_maxima: "The PsyOps is so Ninja they've got 18-28 year olds thinking they're all hipster radicals, while literally doing whatever the government, media and corporations tell them."

TV Personality in Korea Sparks Debate Over Using Blackface, Doing 'Slant-eye' - "Television personality Sam Okyere’s criticism of South Korean students dressed as the dancing pallbearers in Ghana backfired after social media users pointed out that he did a slant-eye gesture on TV in 2015.  The 29-year-old Ghanaian TV personality expressed outrage last week after a picture of students from Uijeongbu High School dressed up as the Ghana Dancing Pallbearers surfaced online... he did a slant-eye gesture in an episode of JTBC’s “Abnormal Summit” in 2015 when he participated in the Ugly Face Competition."

Meme - Todd Shannon: ""Elevating black voices" is a scam and a lie. They only want to elevate progressive black voices."
"Shouldn't media be all over a black woman who immigrated from Jamaica. served in the Marines, has a Masters degree, ran a homeless women's shelter, raised 3 kids, and is now running to be the highest ranking minority woman gov't official in Virginia history? Winsome Sears:"

Meme - Jemele Hill @jemele...: "It's not the messaging, folks. This country simply loves white supremacy."
Foster @foster type: "Two of the three winners in Virginia are replacing white guys who wore blackface. The third winner is a black woman."

Twitter Users Mock 'White Supremacy' Take Over VA Election - "Winsome Sears became the first woman of color to win the race for lieutenant governor, while Jason Miyares was elected the first Latino attorney general. Both are Republicans.  The criticism from liberals of the results in Virginia is no doubt a response to a central theme of Youngkin’s campaign: education, especially amid a backlash from parents against schools over critical race theory.  Atlantic writer Jemele Hill had a similar takeaway from election night. “It’s not the messaging, folks. This country simply loves white supremacy”... “Racism still works in Virginia,” tweeted former Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean."
White supremacy is anything opposing the liberal agenda

Randi Marshall on Twitter - "I can't put into words the stunning turn of politics happening on Long Island tonight. Republicans are leading in all major races. County Exec, District Atty, County Clerk, County Comptroller, N. Hempstead, Oyster Bay and Hempstead town supervisors, and several key leg races..."

Ethio-American Development Council (EADC) on Twitter - "Congratulations, Governor Elect @GlennYoungkin! There's no doubt the 100K Ethiopian & Eritreans in Virginia helped deliver an unexpected win for the GOP. For many, they've voted Red for the 1st time. Unless Dems change course, they could lose the Ethiopian vote for a generation."

Parents horrified by controversial book ‘Gender Queer’ - ‘it’s child pornography’ - "Maia Kobabe, author of the book, is a cartoonist who identifies as queer, nonbinary, and asexual. Kobabe uses the pronouns e/em/eir and is a graduate of California College of the Arts. Amid the controversy, Kobabe maintains that “queer kids need queer stories.” The “Gender Queer” publisher has also spoken out in support of Kobabe’s works."

Andrew Follett on Twitter - "That's also not the worst scene in dispute here. The graphic novel “Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe and the novel “Lawn Boy” by Jonathan Evison were kept in schools by Terry. They explictly describe pedophilia with a 4th grader positively."
Kelsey Bolar (Harkness) on Twitter - "Here are three more images from “Gender Queer,” a book that’s available to young teenagers in Virginia school libraries, but deemed too “explicit” to show via an ad on Virginia TV."
Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Here is the full spread of the “beloved” and “award winning” books that “racist” Virginia parents want out of their kids schools. Vote McAuliffe if you want more of this. Vote Youngkin if you don’t. It’s as simple as that."
Ian Prior on Twitter - "This book is in the library at my kids' elementary school in #LoudounCounty ELEMENTARY. SCHOOL. School board? Superintendent? Buckle. Up. Get ready for another gear." (Twitter isn't letting this tweet be shown when quoted)
Damn Republicans trying to "ban books"!

Ethnic minority Britons live longer than their white counterparts, study finds - "Britons from ethnic minorities live longer than their white counterparts and are less likely to die from cancer, government data suggests.  The Office of National Statistics (ONS) published data which show that white and mixed-race Britons had a lower life expectancy at birth than all other ethnic groups, and members of the Asian, Bangladeshi and black African communities generally lived the longest."
The power of white supremacy

'Gone With the Wind' Hits No. 1 on Amazon Best-Sellers Chart After HBO Max Drops Movie

Student receives praise for bogus paper on how milk is a ‘colonizer’ of coffee - "A college student in Sweden recently decided to take a class on critical race theory as a joke, and then added to the fun by turning in a hoax paper.  Arvid Haag signed up for “Critical Whiteness Perspectives on Nordic Culture” at Stockholm University because, he said, “local pandemic grant rules had equipped him and other students with an unexpected financial aid windfall.”  Haag thought he’d “get something fun” out of the “harmless” and “absurd” class, but he soon realized many of his peers took the “American-born ideology” seriously. Arvid bided his time, occasionally offering some “critical” comments here and there, but saved the best for last: an essay titled “Black and White Drinks,” described as “an account of what had happened from the early 20th century in the struggle between coffee and milk.”  According to Fria Tider, Haag related “how the marketing of the coffee has been characterized by highlighting ‘black and exotic elements’ of the drink. When it comes to milk, it has instead been ‘the local and white’ that has been emphasized.”... Haag (left) admitted he did not read “most of the books or blog posts he cited,” nor even knew what “critical whiteness perspectives” meant. Nevertheless, the instructor gave him a “B” for the paper, noting it was an “exciting topic” with “creative thinking.” He even suggested Haag expand upon his thoughts in a longer essay.  The instructor’s only criticism was that the paper “did not have exact source references [for the] photos.”  “[The joke] must have gone over his head”"

Short-Shaming - "Why is discrimination against the short considered not only tolerable, but also amusing? In an era constantly on the lookout for prejudices to denounce, this obvious one gets a pass.  The main reason our culture doesn’t denounce short-shaming is highly revealing about the essential nature of wokeness...   Dukakis was widely made fun of during the 1988 campaign for driving a tank while short, even though armored personnel tend to be small men so that they’ll fit in their cramped cockpits...   It’s striking that height prejudice isn’t demonized today, even though it has disparate impact on immigrant ethnicities. The federal government conducts the ongoing NHANES study of the sizes of Americans for the use of the apparel industry. In 2016, the average white man was almost 5’10” tall, compared with a little under 5’7″ for Hispanic and Asian men. So height discrimination benefits whites.  However, most concerns in the U.S. about racial inequality focus upon blacks versus whites, and black men, at a little over 5’9″, are almost as tall as white men. (There may even be more very tall black men due to greater height variation among blacks, although black domination of the NBA is less due to height than to longer arms and greater leaping ability on average.)   Height varies for reasons of nature (genes) and nurture (such as childhood nutrition). But the implications of that tautological statement haven’t always been thought through...   An awareness of heightism first emerged in the early 1970s. The word “sexism” first appeared in print in 1968, and “heightism” naturally followed in 1971.  On the other hand, enthusiasm for deploring heightism has largely faded.  Why is heightism barely a term in 2019? Because it is more often women discriminating against men over height than men discriminating against women...   Our culture has increasingly lost interest in general principles and instead thinks, like Stalin, in terms of “Who? Whom?” Punching down at short men is fine these days because they are men, and thus are assumed to deserve to be whomed."

Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "ANALYSIS: Despite 50 years of federal oversight under the landmark Fair Housing Act of 1968, housing segregation persists in America's largest cities and urban centers."
"Who has been in charge of most of those cities since the late 60s? Buddy you're in for a surprise."

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