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Saturday, April 23, 2022

Links - 23rd April 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

Black Leadership Group Blasts LeBron for Wearing Logo from Vendor that Sells Confederate Merch - "Project 21, a project of the National Center for Public Policy Research that focuses on black leadership, is calling LeBron James a hypocrite for claiming America is a racist country while wearing the logo of an online retailer that sells Confederate merchandise."

Most college students think America invented slavery, professor finds - "For 11 years, Professor Duke Pesta gave quizzes to his students at the beginning of the school year to test their knowledge on basic facts about American history and Western culture.  The most surprising result from his 11-year experiment? Students’ overwhelming belief that slavery began in the United States and was almost exclusively an American phenomenon... “Most of my students could not tell me anything meaningful about slavery outside of America,” Pesta told The College Fix. “They are convinced that slavery was an American problem that more or less ended with the Civil War, and they are very fuzzy about the history of slavery prior to the Colonial era. Their entire education about slavery was confined to America.”   Pesta, currently an associate professor of English at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, has taught the gamut of Western literature—from the Classics to the modern—at seven different universities, ranging from large research institutions to small liberal arts colleges to branch campuses. He said he has given the quizzes to students at Purdue University, University of Tennessee Martin, Ursinus College, Oklahoma State University, and University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.  The origin of these quizzes, which Pesta calls “cultural literacy markers,” was his increasing discomfort with gaps in his students’ foundational knowledge.  “They came to college without the basic rudiments of American history or Western culture and their reading level was pretty low”...   Often, more students connected Thomas Jefferson to slavery than could identify him as president, according to Pesta. On one quiz, 29 out of 32 students responding knew that Jefferson owned slaves, but only three out of the 32 correctly identified him as president. Interestingly, more students— six of 32—actually believed Ben Franklin had been president.  Pesta said he believes these students were given an overwhelmingly negative view of American history in high school, perpetuated by scholars such as Howard Zinn in “A People’s History of the United States,” a frequently assigned textbook.   What’s more, he began to observe a shift in his students’ quiz responses in the early 2000s. Before that time, Pesta described his students as “often historically ignorant, but not politicized.” Since the early 2000s, Pesta has found that “many students come to college preprogrammed in certain ways.”  “They cannot tell you many historical facts or relate anything meaningful about historical biographies, but they are, however, stridently vocal about the corrupt nature of the Republic, about the wickedness of the founding fathers, and about the evils of free markets,” Pesta said. “Most alarmingly, they know nothing about the fraught history of Marxist ideology and communist governments over the last century, but often reductively define socialism as ‘fairness.’”   Pesta also noted that, early on, his students’ “blissful ignorance was accompanied by a basic humility about what they did not know.” But over time he said he increasingly saw “a sense of moral superiority in not knowing anything about our ‘racist and sexist’ history and our ‘biased’ institutions.”  “As we now see on campus,” Pesta said, “social justice warriors are arguing that even reading the great books of Western culture is at best a micro-aggression, and at worst an insidious form of cultural imperialism and indoctrination.”  Pesta, an outspoken critic of Common Core, said he believes that these attitudes will become more pronounced moving forward, due to Common Core architect David Coleman’s rewrite of Advanced Placement American and European history standards.  Pesta argues that Coleman, now president of the College Board, “has further politicized the teaching of history, reducing the story of Western culture to little more than a litany of crimes, exploitations, and genocides, while simultaneously whitewashing the history of ideologies like socialism and communism.”...   “We must absolutely teach those areas where Western culture has fallen short, but always with the recognition that such criticism is possible because of the freedoms and advantages offered by Western culture”"
So much for critical race theory teaching students accurate history

In defense of Prof. Saida Grundy: There’s a good chance she never learned black people owned slaves - "while some of her other Tweets declared her utter contempt for white college males – that’s the norm for most feminist professors. There’s nothing groundbreaking there.  The real problem is she is going to incorrectly teach our nation’s history to young people. If, as they say, “history is written by the victors” – then Ms. Grundy will have the last laugh.  The feminist sociologist of race and ethnicity is an incoming assistant professor of sociology and African-American studies at Boston University...   Don’t scratch your heads and wonder why so many college grads think America’s founders were racist scum – just look at Grundy and other scholars like her – they are teaching our young people America’s founders were racist scum!  But here’s a twist – does Grundy even know her comments are factually inaccurate? In response to her Tweets making national headlines, many have pointed out how Grundy’s statements are not at all an accurate representation of the history of slavery. Not even close.  Perhaps she doesn’t even realize she is wrong. She completed her doctorate at the University of Michigan this month, maybe we should blame its scholars for their poor job of teaching Grundy.  The bottom line is most scholars teach high schoolers and college students that slavery WAS a white people thing! That’s 100 percent the narrative, and unless enterprising minds actually go out and seek the truth, they will believe “deal with your white sh*t, white people. slavery is a *YALL* thing.”   Consider this: I had no clue freed black Americans pre-Civil War owned slaves until last week. Literally last week. I was sitting on my living room couch watching Dinesh D’Souza’s latest documentary “America” (before all this news about Grundy came to light) when he goes into how it really wasn’t uncommon for freed black people to own slaves in the south, and points out at least one very rich black slave owner who even helped fund the Civil War – for the Confederacy.   Feeling shocked, I asked my husband about this. He’d never heard of black slave owners, either. In fact he was incredulous, and Googled it and found it to be the case – including that the first legal slave owner, in what would eventually become the United States, was a black man.  I earned a high school diploma and college degree, and have a nearly two-decade career in journalism under my belt, but never learned this information until recently. And my husband, who took AP classes in high school, got a nearly perfect score on his SATs, and attended college on an academic scholarship, never had either.  It’s because it’s not being taught. It’s not even being mentioned. Doesn’t fit the narrative... D’Souza goes on to mention the 300,000 Union soldiers who died to free the slaves, and how the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence and Constitution in such a way for future statesmen to abolish slavery. Additional points rarely mentioned by modern scholars.  Instead students learn from the late historian Howard Zinn – a controversial Marxist whose infamous A People’s History of the United States is required reading at many colleges. Zinn openly admitted that the book is biased in what it includes and omits in order to paint an anti-American picture.  So can we blame Grundy for thinking slavery is a “white people thing”? She was taught that. She managed to get her PhD and still believe that – obviously enough to state it publicly and stake her career on the argument.  Can I throw a stone at Grundy when I only learned the truth a mere two weeks ago? The real culprits are administrators who turn a blind eye to the indoctrination going on in classrooms, and teachers who warp history for their own ideological gains.  If scholars just taught the truth, maybe race relations in America wouldn’t be in such a catastrophic mess."

Black Leaders Once Championed the Strict Drug Laws They Now Seek to Dismantle - "This notion that strict drug laws have done more harm than good in black America is widely-accepted. Black elected officials have been instrumental in reforming strict sentencing laws in recent years.  What's less well-known is that early on, many African-American leaders championed those mandatory minimum sentences and other tough-on-crime policies. These efforts could be seen at the federal and state levels, as well as across black communities such as Harlem.   "African-Americans are portrayed as passive victims to this, as the prison boom just washed over their communities, as if they were just completely victimized," said Vanessa Barker, author of 'The Politics of Imprisonment.' "I find that stance dehumanizing, I also find that stance empirically, historically inaccurate."  Barker and others argue that in the 1960s, residents of black neighborhoods felt constantly under threat from addicts and others associated with the drug trade, and their calls for increased safety measures resonated at community meetings, in the pages of black newspapers like 'The Amsterdam News,' and in churches.  Reverend George McMurray was lead pastor at the Mother A.M.E. Zion Church in Harlem in the 1970s when the city faced a major heroin epidemic. He wanted convicted drug dealers to spend the rest of their lives behind bars.  "When you send a few men to prison for life, someone's going to pass the word down, 'It's not too good over here,'" McMurray said. "So instead of robbery and selling dope, [they'll think] ‘I want to go to school and live a good life...’"  Black support for the drug war didn't just grow in New York. At the federal level, members of the newly-formed Congressional Black Caucus met with President Richard Nixon, urging him to ramp up the drug war as fast as possible. But the drug epidemic was especially bad in New York, and especially in black neighborhoods.  "The silent black majority of Harlem and New York City felt constantly accosted by drug addicts, by pushers, by crime," said Michael Javen Fortner, a political scientist and historian from Rutgers University... But the notion that black leaders played a pivotal role in the drug war is controversial. Some black historians, including Michelle Alexander, author of the bestselling book "The New Jim Crow," have downplayed the role of black America in promoting and sustaining the drug war. Alexander declined to be interviewed for this story, but in public comments she has portrayed the drug war as the creation of white politicians, deliberately targeting black Americans... Fortner disagrees, and said his research on the prominent role black leaders played in fostering the drug war is unpopular among those who subscribe to the backlash theory.  "If you think that everything can be explained by white backlash, if you think the white racial order is somehow omni-present and all-powerful, and is always trying to re-establish itself, then you hate what I do”...   The debate leading up to passage of the laws in 1973 was fierce, exposing rifts within the community. Some black lawmakers dismissed Gov. Nelson Rockefeller's black allies as "palace pets." Others, like Brooklyn’s Vander L. Beatty, one of the top black legislators at the time, said the Rockefeller laws didn’t go far enough. He wanted the death penalty."
Damn racism and white supremacy! Blacks have no agency
Critical race theory would blame the internalised white supremacy of these black leaders making them promote structural racism

Our Intersectional Health Service - "The NHS is at risk of being overwhelmed… by wokeness. At the weekend, its ‘Glossary A-Z’ of words and phrases related to ‘equality, diversity and inclusion’ came to light... You might have thought that healthcare was the No1 priority of the National Health Service. But diversity managers at NHS trusts can earn considerably more than junior doctors and nurses. Last year, on the cusp of the second wave of the pandemic, NHS bosses were sounding the alarm about white privilege. At one point, volunteers were reportedly barred from taking part in the NHS’s Covid vaccine programe until they had completed diversity training."

WATCH: Mexican Fans Chant Anti-Gay Slurs, Throw Bottles at US Men's Team - "The United States Men’s National Soccer Team (USMNT) game against Mexico was briefly shut down Sunday in Denver over waves of chants comprised of a gay slur and objects thrown on the field... fans rained cups full of drink and bottles of water down onto the field. At one point, U.S. midfielder Giovanni Reyna was struck the face with an object as fans continued to throw things on the field."
Lucky they're not "white"

Marvel Studios Promotes Executive Who Believes The X-Men Name Is "Outdated" - "“I don’t know where the future is going. It’s funny that people call it the X-Men, there’s a lot of female superheroes in that X-Men group, so I think it’s outdated.”...   Alonso has also declared that she wants the Marvel Cinematic Universe to be “diverse and inclusive.”... she claimed that the studio was leaving money on the table by not representing."
This is why Eternals was such a big box office hit

Rod on Twitter - "We have our first openly gay superhero who has a husband & a child. It’s a wonderful milestone that is barely getting talked about… If Phastos was white & “skinny” the internet would STILL be raving about this.. Loki’s one bisexual hint got more attention than this.. #Eternals"
So SJWs are racist?

Marvel’s Eternals Trailer Gets Close to the Problematic 'Ancient Aliens' Theory
Nothing will ever be enough for grievance mongers

‘Eternals’ Banned in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait - "Sources suggest the decision was likely made over the inclusion of a same-gender couple in the film and the MCU’s first gay superhero. In one scene, the character, Phastos (played by Brian Tyree Henry), and his on-screen husband, Ben (Haaz Sleiman), share a kiss.  Homosexuality is still officially illegal across the Gulf, and films containing anything related to LGBTQ issues are frequently pulled from release. Last year, the Pixar title Onward was banned across Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia over a single line referencing a lesbian relationship."
They'll probably lose China too, and will have to decide if the virtue signalling makes up for losing those markets

Irish Caliphate on Twitter - "It is December 17th, 2018. Tumblr has just banned porn, cascading a mass exodus of the worst of their users onto Twitter. It is October 12th 2021. I am racist for not wanting to watch Eternals."

Marvel actor says Eternals' LGBT+ representation will save lives - "Phastos’ husband is played by Haaz Sleiman, who fans might recognise from the Amazon series Jack Ryan. Sleiman, himself an openly gay man, has recently spoken about what it means for him to play one of the first major gay characters in Marvel Studios history, describing the experience to Variety as “beyond a dream come true”."
Given how saturated popular culture is with gay stuff, why would one more movie make a difference? Except for an excuse to blackmail people

Eternals: Angelina Jolie criticises ‘ignorant’ attitudes over decision to ban Marvel movie in Saudi Arabia and more - "Angelina Jolie has criticised “ignorant” attitudes which led to some countries’ decision to ban her Marvel movie, Eternals... It’s not unusual for Hollywood studios to make cuts to movies for release in countries with different censorship rules. Bohemian Rhapsody famously removed references to Freddie Mercury’s sexuality to appease censors in China."

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "Oh no.... How dare those terrible bigots and toxic fans mass negative reviewbomb this movie before it even came out and anyone could watch it?!
Wait, the reviewbombs were mostly positive...despite not even watching the movie, the journo said? Were the journos...lying again?"

University Professor Argues White Evangelicals 'May End Up Killing Us All' During Racism Panel - "A university professor argued during a recent webinar at the University of Virginia that white evangelical Christians "may end up killing us all," accusing the religious demographic of supporting racism, sexism and homophobia.  The remarks came from Anthea Butler, an associate professor of religious and Africana studies at the University of Pennsylvania, during an April 6 webinar entitled White Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America hosted by the University of Virginia."
Imagine demonising any other group

Why can’t historical dramas learn to be honest about the past? - "Foisting modern relevance on period dramas is a bugbear of the age, and it can take many forms, including scolding the past for misdeeds which we now find unpalatable... These liberally minded dramas are made with the best intentions. However, the danger is that they end up looking as if they are peddling a lie, creating a false narrative."

Meme - "what sexuality is that behind you?"
Green haired person: "that's the german flag"

Kingsley Cortes on Twitter - "Happy Kwanzaa"
"The creator of Kwanzaa was a militant black nationalist who tortured women. Great work, GOP!"

dylan matthews on Twitter - "“Is it cultural appropriation for my gentile family to order Chinese food on Christmas” - the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate,"

SJW Paradox anti-sjw - Posts | Facebook - *9 black people flashing OK sign, aka a white supremacy symbol*

Meme - "*Christopher Columbus*
Today We Need to Reject an Evil Man. Who Was a Murderer, a Rapist, a Racist, and an Enslaver. Who is Glorified in Popular culture Based on Lies of Heroism and Being a Pioneer When He Only Pioneered Death and the Oppression of Innocents
Burn in Hell, Che Guevara
Died 1967 October 9th
Background Picture Is Unrelated"

The People vs Shamima Begum - "In an explosive decision that has outraged the government and thrilled the weird Shamima sympathisers in the chattering classes in equal measure, the court ruled that Britain’s most notorious ‘ISIS bride’ has the right to return to the UK to mount a legal fight against the government’s rescinding of her British citizenship... she left London with two friends in 2015 to join the sworn enemies of the United Kingdom: the supremacist, racist, misogynistic cowboy caliphate of the Islamic State. That crime was treason. Begum is a traitor to this country. And if she is coming back that is what she must be put on trial for – one of the worst crimes a person can commit against their nation and their fellow citizens... All the talk right now is of Begum getting justice... Among the commentariat, and in certain sections of the political establishment, there has been an unsettling, morally warped pity for Begum ever since a journalist found her in a camp. She has been talked about as a victim of ‘grooming’, allegedly having been brainwashed at the age of 15 by the online maestros of Islamic radicalism. Begum was a ‘grooming victim’, said a headline in the Mirror. What was most staggering about the grooming script is that much of it was promoted by people who for a long time raised barely a peep of concern about the real grooming of mostly white working-class girls by mostly Pakistani gangs in the north of England. Although Diane Abbott, in February 2019, then shadow home secretary, revealed just how far the moral rot on the left had gone when she compared Begum ‘the grooming victim’ to the grooming victims in Rotherham. That Begum ran away to join a fanatical Islamic cult that was beheading Christians and crucifying homosexuals while the girls in Rotherham did nothing wrong whatsoever didn’t seem to matter to Abbott or any of the others determined to depict Begum as a victim.   Elsewhere, commentators insisted that Begum should receive a fair trial – fine, but these were often the same commentators who laughed in the face of concepts like the presumption of innocence and due process when it came to male celebrities accused of sexual assault during the #MeToo moral panic.  Times columnist Caitlin Moran depicted Begum as a fairly normal teenage girl who had ‘massively screw[ed] up’. Someone should tell Ms Moran that teens normally screw up by dabbling with drugs or getting into a fight, not by travelling 3,000 miles to join a death cult that drives through the desert in trucks with the heads of infidels attached to the back. Corbynista commentator Ash Sarkar even said she felt like crying out of sympathy for Shamima – whether she felt similarly moved by the plight of the Yazidi women massacred or enslaved by Shamima’s movement is not known. The bizarre sympathy for Shamima in the British middle classes confirmed just what a warping impact the politics of identity has had on some people’s moral compass. Would these people have written teary-eyed columns if a young white British male had run off to join a neo-fascistic movement that slaughtered thousands and thousands of people from ‘bad’ races and groups? Of course not. But because Begum is a Muslim, and thus oppressed, she must be defended and felt sorry for and wept over. Identitarianism has blinded people to deeper moral and philosophical questions and left them capable only of parroting the correct line on oppressed groups, hierarchies of victimhood, woke posturing, and so on.   The sympathy for Shamima also downplayed the gravity of her offence. Hers was no normal crime. She appears to have committed treason and we should not be afraid to say so. This isn’t like robbery or assault or even murder – it is of an order greater than all of those. Most crimes are against the individual; hers was against the nation. If Begum is coming back, then let’s prepare the case against her. It is reported that she was part of the Islamic State’s morality police, and that she assisted suicide bombers."

Stop this moral rehabilitation of Shamima Begum - "Where’s the outrage over a mainstream broadcaster giving a platform to a former follower of a fascistic death cult? That happened today, on Good Morning Britain, when Susanna Reid and Richard Madeley had an early morning chat with Shamima Begum... The No Platform lobby has been strangely silent. No writing to Ofcom, no Twitterstorm, no cries of ‘How dare you give this vile supremacist the oxygen of publicity!?’. An actual one-time extremist hits our TV screens and it’s tumbleweed from the self-styled protectors of the public from the toxins of dangerous ideologies. This is odd, to say the least, because these people normally never pipe down about ‘bad’ people being ‘platformed’. Sunetra Gupta only has to utter the words ‘Good morning’ during an appearance on the Today programme and instantly an online mob forms, chastising the Beeb for giving airtime to the woman who was wrong about the IFR of Covid. If a climate-change sceptic wonders out loud if we might, in fact, have a little more than 10 years to save the planet, there will be ceaseless online petitioning demanding that his foul views never be allowed to sully the airwaves again. As for feminists who think only men have penises – apparently having these heretics, these witches, on TV is tantamount to genocide against trans people. Cast them out...  ‘We don’t have to like Begum or her cynical glow-up, but we must try to understand her’, said the headline to a column by a leftish writer for the Evening Standard. Imagine if a right-wing newspaper published a piece like that about a former Neo-Nazi. ‘We don’t have to like this skinhead who loathes black people and Jews, but we should try to understand him.’ Just picture the furore... I can envision a situation where it won’t be Shamima who’s No Platformed, but her critics. A process of rehabilitation is clearly taking place. I don’t know who’s advising Shamima, but they’re doing a good job. The clothing choices, the waving around of the painted nails, the criticisms of Boris (‘You clearly don’t know what you’re doing’ in relation to terrorism, Shamima said of the PM on GMB) – it all seems expressly targeted at the Shamima-sympathising sections of the British chattering classes... It really isn’t commented on enough that the woke elites feel more emotional attachment to an ISIS adherent than they do to ISIS’s victims... That her decision to join a movement that thought nothing of making slaves of women and exterminating girls whose only crime was to enjoy Ariana Grande’s pop music was not a ‘teenage mistake’ – like smoking or having sex before you’re ready – but rather spoke to an evil decision to abandon free, democratic life in the UK in preference for the fascistic lure of the barbaric Islamic State... if Begum and her backers are serious about her facing justice, why not let the Syrian Kurds put her on trial? They are far better placed to gather evidence of what she did, and to make her pay for her sick decision to join the most barbaric movement of modern times."

If you’re starting to feel sorry for Shamima Begum, here’s why you shouldn’t - "she declares that she is “willing to go to court and face the people who made these claims and refute these claims, because I know I did nothing in IS but be a mother and a wife”. It’s then you wonder if she has learned a part, and learned it well.  When she was first interviewed as an IS widow in the al-Hawl refugee camp in 2019, she was very different; she hadn’t yet been groomed by unseen advisors about what to say and how to say it. She showed little remorse for joining the extremists. At one point, she even appeared to suggest the 2017 Manchester Arena attack, which left 23 men, women and children dead, was justified. And while we do change as we get older, we’re moral agents even in our teens. My daughter is 14, a year younger than Begum when she left for Syria. She knows the difference between right and wrong – in fact, she is, like many 14-year-olds, quite categoric about her judgments, agonisedly woke, terrifically keen on social justice and startlingly alert to developments on social media. You do idiotic, quixotic things when you’re a teenager; but you’re not a child. I asked her whether someone of her age could know what she was doing in joining an organisation like IS; she rolled her eyes: “Are you dumb?” she replied. In going to Syria, even the 15-year-old Begum knew she was joining a terrorist group; that was probably what made it attractive. But it’s what she did later, during her years with IS, that should also concern us.   The rumours about her record in Syria are very different from the portrait she paints now, of a simple wife and mother. There are reports that she worked as one of the morality police for IS, enforcing a Draconian code of dress and behaviour. Claims that she had sewn IS volunteers into suicide belts. All suggesting she was more than merely passively compliant with the project; she was one of the activists... The age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is 10; she was 16 and older when she was active within IS. In fact, I think that she should be, as she suggests, brought back to Britain and put on trial. Syria has problems enough of its own without playing host to radicalised foreigners who were, according to many of those who encountered IS, worse than the native Islamists"

Shamima Begum tells UK: ‘I could help you fight terrorism because you clearly don’t know what you’re doing’ - "“I want them [the British public] to see me as an asset rather than a threat to them.”... Sajid Javid, who was home secretary when he took the decision to revoke Begum’s citizenship in 2019, hit back at her claims that she played no part in IS terrorism, hinting at evidence in intelligence reports that made her a threat to national security."

Shamima Begum: I was ‘just a dumb kid’ when I joined Islamic State - "“People need to understand the situation I was in at the time I was doing all those interviews,” the 21-year-old told Andrew Drury, a self-described “adventure tourist” who featured on the Netflix show Dark Tourist.  “I had just come out of a war zone. I had just lost two kids, I was pregnant. And I was afraid of all the women in the camp because I’d heard stories about them killing people."   Since she was first interviewed by a Times journalist in 2019, Ms Begum has remained an object of intense media scrutiny, with reports focusing on her dress and the fact that she no longer wears a veil.  While commentators have speculated on whether her dress could offer any indication of her mindset or religious beliefs, Ms Begum said her clothing choices were about making herself feel better.   “I wear these clothes, and I don't wear a hijab, because it makes me happy. And anything in this camp that makes me happy is like a lifesaver”"

No, Ollie Robinson is not just like Shamima Begum - "The perma-outraged denizens of Twitter have had another spectacular meltdown – this time about cricketer Ollie Robinson and ISIS bride Shamima Begum. Robinson, as we all know, has been suspended from international cricket over racist and sexist tweets he posted as a teenager... According to anti-Tory tweeters, Dowden and Boris are hypocrites for saying we should forgive Robinson’s teenage indiscretions, given the government stripped Begum of her citizenship for her teenage indiscretions. This is Tory racism in action, they insisted."

Keith Olbermann on Twitter - "Appears that the @Braves “Tomahawk Chop” just received a Complete and Total Endorsement from President Donald J. Trump."
"Well it IS a cousin of the Nazi salute so"

Meme - Auron Macintyre @AuronMacin...: "In the total state horror movie villains parrot regime propaganda"

Meme - BrooklynDad_Defiant! @mmpadellan: "Stacey Abrams belongs in the office currently being ruined by election cheater Brian Kemp."
@mmpadellan: "The new game plan for Republicans in elections, before a single vote is even counted, is to declare that they are going to lose because cheating. Larry Elder is already doing this. PATHETIC."

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - "A violent woman wearing a racist gorilla mask throws a projectile at @larryelder’s head (& misses) in Los Angeles. She then punches someone in his crew. Other left-wing protesters join in on the attack."

Paul Feig Calls Out Sony for Not Including His Ghostbusters in Box Set - "Paul Feig wants to know who he needs to call after his 2016 Ghostbusters film was not included in a new box set celebrating the Sony franchise.  In honor of the planned Feb. 1 home release of Ghostbusters: Afterlife, the studio is releasing an eight-disc Ghostbusters Ultimate Collection to Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD on the same day. Included in the gift set are 1984’s Ghostbusters and 1989’s Ghostbusters II, along with director Jason Reitman’s 2021 film, which was a direct sequel to the initial classic.   Notably absent is the Feig-directed film that starred Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones and Chris Hemsworth"
He didn't want his movie to be in the same universe anyway, so why complain?

Meme - ""Ghostbusters: Afterlife" trailer:
-No father
-Likely interracial relationship between male protagonist and the girl he talks to
-Young girl is most likely the main protagonist
People who hated Ghostbusters (2016): "Looks ok. I'll give it a shot"
SJW: "This is the anti-female alt-right fantasy all the toxic man babies have been fighting for!!!"

Facebook - ""15 years ago, a professor of mine, fresh from giving a talk at Yale, turned to me during a departmental meeting and said:
-I‘m so bored with identity, are you bored with identity?
-Yes, so bored with identity.
-Don’t worry, I’m sure it’s about to run its course."
- Ashley Passmore -"
From 2019

Meme - "When someone says "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas", remember, they're not doing it because of political correctness. They do it out of respect. Because from the 20th of November to January 24th, there's at least 14 different religious holidays. So, when someone says Happy Holidays to you, thank them. Because they don't know what you believe in. It's called respect. Not a war on Christmas."
The next time someone says Happy Diwali/Deepavali, I'm going to counter with Happy Holidays, because Halloween, Columbus Day, Indigenous People's Day, Dia de Los Muertos etc are all around the same time

When a black man called me a sl*t, a ho, etc, why did it only get mild reactions from the people around us but they blew up when I called him the N word in response? : TooAfraidToAsk

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