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Saturday, March 05, 2022

Observations - 5th March 2022

Some people got upset when I asked if a guy fucking a FTM is gay

It looks like they think that it is gay for a man to fuck both a MTF and a FTM. Presumably that would apply the other way around too - it is gay for a woman to fuck both a MTF and a FTM

So straightness is presumably defined as fucking someone of the other sex who also identifies as the other sex

But then, I'm sure if the FTM stops identifying as a guy, they will still think it's gay to fuck it

So gender norms almost surely come into it too

As a friend commented, don't fuck flat girls unless they are very pretty, or you'll feel gay


Since many Americans love Imperial units so much and claim units divisible by 12 or 16 are superior to those divisible by 10 (i.e. metric), they should abandon base 10 for all their numbers and move to base 12 or 16

"In the end, I think the terrorists have won.They have driven Americans so mad with fear that they have effectively destroyed themselves. The US of 2001 has long ago ceased to exist. It is not recognisable today."

Whoever came up with the date format YYYY-DD-MM needs to be spanked

I drove around Northern Upstate New York for a few hours. The roads were Malaysian quality. Actually, Penang had better roads. Their excuse will be that harsh weather destroys the roads, but Canadian roads are of much better quality, and Californian roads are bad too

China-related topics probably make many ethnic Chinese emotional in a way that other political topics don't, because it touches on their identity. A deeper complication might be why the Chinese Communist Party is identified with, rather than a more abstract notion of Chineseness and/or China. This might have something to do with the conflation between Party, State and Nation (which has parallels in Singapore) and says something about the lack of modernity in Chinese political thought (or at least not modernity in the Western sense)

If you pay politicians poorly, most politicians will be rich people

With traditional religions you know there's little or no point arguing with people, and people have been socialised to backoff when it comes to the touchy topic of religion (with politics and sex, the issue is just of them being contentious - in principle one is thought to be able to change one's mind about the former, and in the latter discomfort or offence doesn't typically result from disagreement but being obscene). But with secular religions it's harder to realise you're bumping up against faith positions and threatening people's identities, so things can get a lot more fraught


"Hitler wasn't a white supremacist. He was a Nordic supremacist who believed that white Slavic peoples were subhuman"

"Many of the most enthusiastic opponents of Jews are leftist Jews, especially those seeking attention by trashing Jews “as a Jew.” Gilad Atzmon, Norm Finkelstein, Peter Beinart, the list goes on and on...
The biggest misconception that alt-right has about Jews is that they want borders “for thee but not for me (israel)”. What they simply don’t understand is that leftist Jews also oppose Israel, and many want a one-state solution turning Israel into the 24th ar*b m*slim country in the ME."

"They say liberals love humanity but hate humans. Conservatives hate humanity but love humans." 


"Some of our leaders and the media (looking at you, Vox) have peddled this notion that fear of Islamic terrorism is akin to fear of shark attacks - highly irrational and just an exercise in hysterics.

President Barack Obama has said that "terrorism takes far fewer lives in America than handguns, car accidents and falls in bathtubs," which is an attempt at rationalizing and calming the fears and anxiety of the nation. This game of statistical equivalence smacks of denial and is particularly concerning to me because of the failure to distinguish intent."

"I honestly think it will take a nuclear attack before these people take the threat seriously"

"Eventually a group of true believers will get a hold of a nuclear device, and such people will finally understand the world they live in and promptly shut the fuck up."

"I really don't think they will shut up; they will just mention Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I wish I was completely joking."

"the Nazis did everything they could to wipe Poland from the map as a political entity.

They didn't do this in Norway or Belgium, for example, where the Nazis at least maintained the basic machinery of a coherent state.

Poland on the other hand wasn't occupied so much as erased. And it's worth noting the Jews propotionately fared far worse in Eastern Europe, where the Nazis sought to eradicate those states, than they did in Western Europe.

A Belgian or French Jew was still nominally Belgian or French. A Polish Jew was literally an unperson."


Me: Well I guess A imagines that blocking me after grossly mischaracterising what I said proves that he won the argument

It's telling that his "mental health" is so fragile that someone pointing out his bad logic hurts it

B: It's always a sure sign your burn was sick. lol

Me: as [C] says, nowadays blocking a person says more about the blocker than the blockee 

"Indians are very good at complaining"

"i find tt they are very quick to pull out the "oppressed minority" card. i worked as a promoter, selling beer at a booth. some indians asked for extra free gifts while buying fewer products. when i refused, wat happened? im a racist, apparently  
i worked as a credit card promoter. one indian woman asked me the requirements so i just rattled off the list of documents. she was so offended she threatened to call the police on me. why? according to her, i had displeased her by not immediately assuming tt she alr held multiple credit cards   i noticed tt no other race wld ask for special treatment, not the chinese, not the angmohs, just the indians
and when they dun get special treatment, YOU are the racist  

they like to say "why? is it because im indian?"
idk how to reply"

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